Unofficial High-Speed Tour of Saumur

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well you never guess who I am now it's time for another installment of a non-official high-speed tour of a museum and we have made it to France for some reason can't imagine what I'm doing here ignore the microphone on my lapel and then I'll begin to quickly run through the museum earlier set off with a cut open Chaffee and what I presume is an amx-10rc curve [Music] they have a reasonable collection of working armor although they only have three mechanics so it's like they work the entire year just for the carousel get out of the way of people and of course it is the hundredth anniversary of the first French tank battles and both the Schneider and the soshim all are looking good and see the size of the tracks on the eater I like the doors serious amount of overhang wonderful shape she is our honor as this Snyder huh and look the backs open now that is what you call a ball man that is basically the world war 1 Hall the largest oddly enough the largest hall in the entire building that I found is the German World War 2 so we have our converted half-track look at the DISA spending system there's always a horseman it looks very reminiscent of the British ones out of my club of course the famous the one the only working king tiger so Barrington eat your heart out something I've never really understood Goliath was a vehicle that was designed to self-destruct yet every single the museum seems to have one so with the very good fakes or they weren't very good at their job shrim bagging and something much bigger than the shrimp bagging a tipple wagon okay ah look Panzer to any cute okay so relatively early three next to it is relatively late for fact now what I'll make Oh as far as sales @j without looking at the front plus by the WESH wire mesh shirt them and I have to admit the Hudson is a little bit the mesh is wider than I expected it to be again it was determined the reason I went with this was they discovered that you could get the same protective effect whilst reducing the weight because you ain't got so much air but I mean I can know you well I guess if you're shooting at us from an angle with a 14 5 you can you know your liquor che off something and of course he trans bazooka rounds will have that effect but this rather hit or miss going from straight from the front let me say what version they do have a tiger it doesn't run to my knowledge and won several Panthers they have around here so this one in German marking and they have another one across the way in French markings next to the egg Panther have track with bridging a burger panthro's ass your armored recovery vehicle I found the arms with a 20 millimeter that works storm-panzer fear says one bar on the front every dog has his own opinions on that matter and everybody's favorite I remember this used to be the the homo assault gun of death in World of Tanks and just go careening around the battlefield and just blast people with them so a for a with a long 75 in high superstructure and then we got the much lower regular for a couple of stews and students the head sir ah I said head sir visa says da Peng 238 key on it and the martyr 3 also based off the 30 80 shafts in the course one of our captured conversions as you can see says Hotchkiss and right 20 letters at the front and has the triple bogeys they're more martyrs and based off of another the French vehicles the Lorraine I guess and the link a something that Verve snibbles the late econ connection back here 88 so they have a reasonable collection of German armor the hell upon which turns off the Berg temper at some event a and an M 15 I don't know how many M 15s are hanging around but there you go they have them the French World War 2 section as someone with pride of place a mark 35 at 33 it was to the ultimate release direct response as part of the cavalry units this is a fascinating one I did not recognize this on a walk around I probably should have the ACG one actually looks like a very competent tank for the era's the same the French only had 17 of them note the two-man turret my god they understood the concept there are actually rational reasons why they went with the one man but that didn't make them any better in combat another oughta meet units of the cavalry there's like the the American armor they weren't allowed to have tanks so if I had tracks or if it had wheels it was an AMR AMC what have you every time I see a person saying how the t-34 brought in all around sloped armor so yeah the FCM 36 would like to have a word with you please what French half-tracks our 35 and the char b1 nothing too amazing there not that you wouldn't expect to find in the French section so now we go into the Cold War and immediately get Rabi know they came with a convertible option and one seriously cut-up t-72 obviously a training aid so 54 and again it's not the fume extractor that is a giveaway this one does have a fume extractor it is also a 50 for witness the ventilator housing on the top six-two bmp-1 and one of the ATGM versions of the BRDM - and one of the little deli wheels is falling down any self-respecting museums gotta have a t-34 somewhere it was one about the BTR 70 so they moved the door down low so that folks didn't have to get out the roof anymore which is fantastic until you realize just how big this door actually isn't now I'm told the way you got out of this thing is you basically did a forward roll the thing with drive along at about five miles an hour you do a forward roll tumble out of it and you'll be getting out like a stick paratroopers but it's big it on top of this or something it's a spigot something obscure and Yugoslavia and for I'm not entirely sure why this is in the Cold War section from the long 57 right opposite it we have reached the Allied section with a dummy I guess grant League being too astonishing here trying to keep guys out of my shot here another comet there's great tanks me to get stuck in the mount lettin that mark for looks a bit dodgy and the close support the center that's a big difference being at the back on these sort of a longer tailed in commerce different engine with Mathilde in the contour scheme and a rare Crusader anti-air I don't think I've seen one of these before let's ask them another Marmon Harrington they show up from time to time they have a cave you want kind of couple of ferrets Humber's that's a fair so damp dingo my bad stay and designed by Chrysler not accepted by the US it was tested and went somewhere else for the stag hammer was widely used by the Commonwealth so now moving to a more modern section starting with a French half track from World War two and a docket there's a photo me on patrol in one of these things my feet are on the ground or are not on the ground around the year the base of the vehicle my let's say my belt is more or less at the roof pin without this mimicking when the rest of me is sticking at the top what you want in a clerk in too many museu I'll be completely empty inside [Music] you mounted 105 is it 120 shell casing like that probably 105 one of a couple of AMX 40s they have here obviously never was built authority with the 20 millimeter coax the no pooja my jeeps you have a nuclear rocket and the famous ARL 44 and they say it's based off of the char B and actually if you discard the tracks which have rotors now instead of skids I mean even the way you have the in twin sprocket teeth that are in close together which are behind the main armor body this is not a small vehicle and the only reason that the 50 doesn't look Maul huge sorry is because it is sitting next to the 44 this is a very very large tank into these road wheels of course from you look at slightly this engine deck its massive quite a party in that cooking missiles 10 RC the sing skid steers so if you looked is not any room for the wheels to turn the right heart up against the armor this one aware of those two the RC 90 and of course the famous of your Irish aml-90 about the mephisto vibe or not I think it's Mephisto that's just hot the same thing my memory ludes me the EBR the bush may pull you is fast backwards as forwards with little metal wheels that will go up or down and I never fought every reason notice the bow machine gun however that was supposed to work hopefully it goes up or down otherwise it's got no use whatsoever until you running over somebody the nasty Jeep Jeep Delahaye that's very in 2090 crab I guess crab is French for weasel is it I have a gum st. it's a weasel isn't it that's probably doing these little walk arounds without doing some advanced reconnaissance you're entirely sure you sit the next command truck and I guess the source is that case on after he died EB yard to go not the t-34 why not Zhukov patents good Aryan Monti our Monti just gets a universal carrier and we have another Renault r39 this time I'm still in two minds on this one because there are often times when you have the long gun you'll call it a 39 but I'm not actually convinced that it's the case and it's not just a convention their market is a 39 here in French museum line so this is a flat engine let's remember it goes underneath the bottom of the EBR right underneath the bottom and go into the modern Hall saladin malarkey is getting bigger than I remember they do appear to have a conqueror next to a Centurion next to a Berlin Brigade to your son and what appears to be one of the prototype s tanks note that note the commander's hatch is entirely different this is the winch that you use to open up the opening of the armored plate they're just way too heavy to lift ordinarily so you have to crank it up and hold it up in the middle cascabel from Brazil no idea now here's something else you don't see very often in a western museum our cover it's an early one with the 105 if we call it the lack of a loader catcher number four they eventually put one in I was a serious scientist of coding [Music] I'm told nobody that I look inside and see what stops you're just getting a bulk driver picking up token that off anyway mortar fired from the tank note and a 68 or 61 sixty-one in this case [Music] 1:14 on a Cadillac better disasters note how from the front the notes projects much further than the track so if you go into a ditch you get stuck arguably a design flaw a bunch of models up top 47 48 and a 60 a one nose and a three I'm sorry look at the muzzle it's got a thermal shroud on the gun of me enable 83 the children's area they have a thing in the children's area whatever that is what you probably should know but I don't and what are the wipie ours butch [Music] can't remember what the ypr number is just like those tiny things are all the same 7 or something I think [Music] links from Canada next to the Scorpion CVR T Mexican on leopard one the of' 14oz up there am a second it says it's a leopard too that has got to be one of the seriously early prototypes if it is regardless the gun looks too short to do anyway kind of wondering why this is in the French Museum because I thought the the French German collaboration was a different one however what can you say PBV 301 from sweden note the llegada 38 p Shattuck and then you come back to the gift shop so that's it your lightning tour of some more it's actually very pretty town [Music]
Channel: The_Chieftain
Views: 157,285
Rating: 4.9349074 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 14sec (1514 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 28 2017
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