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it's no secret that demon Hunters are dominating the ladder we knew we had to do something about this so when we were updating our Demon Hunter course we got some secret information from our rank one consultant we asked him hey bro one last question how do you counter demon Hunters you are not prepared okay anyway after a quick exchange of cash we got the Intel we needed before we start be sure to check out skill everything at skill Captain is backed by a rating gain guarantee yes we literally promise that you will go up in rating while using our guides and if you don't then you shouldn't pay visit the link below to get started but for now let's get back to the video first off we're going to start with their offensive abilities and unmask what is making them do so much damage demon Hunters have a huge arsenal of offensive cooldowns and high damage abilities in season 3 which are all Amplified by their talent inertia by activating imulation Aura and using th Rush demon Hunters gain a substantial damage buff which they always ensure is active before bursting needless to say being aware of this high impact buff is crucial to understanding when demon Hunters are going to be doing huge damage outside of their more obvious Windows another ability demon hunters will be looking to use before they burst is vengeful Retreat as this will give them passive Fury regeneration and 10% crit chance which is just a flat damage increase due to their Noe enemy Talent so if you see the vengeful Retreat emulation or a fell Rush combo you should try to run as far away as possible as although the kill window is powerful its window is very tight moving on another huge damage amplification demon Hunters have is of course their metamorphosis which increases their haste by 20% and makes their death sweep and Chaos strike hit harder to enter this form demon Hunters can either use their two-minute cooldown of the same name or will receive it through pressing ibeam don't bother with trying to stun this ibeam though as most demon Hunters won't do much damage with it due to the current meta build and they only need to channel one tick to enter the demon form when you see a Demon Hunter enter metamorphosis your best call to action is to try and crowd control them as much as possible all crowd controls apart from Silence are equally as effective as they need close melee range to be able to deal any sort of meaningful damage a great example of this is from high-rated Druids who bash them into roots and triple clones to deny any of their pressure finally the last damage amplification demon Hunters possess is Essence break which doesn't only increase blade dance and Chaos strike damage by 80% but can also hit pretty hard itself when you see this ability try and use the defensive as soon as possible it's one of the biggest burst combos a Demon Hunter will do as such we definitely recommend you track this ability on your omnibar or we oras fortunately the debuff only lasts 4 seconds though so if you're really fast on the trigger or the Demon Hunter is slightly out of range you can crowd control them with an instant and prevent taking any damage at all so now we've covered all the damage amps there's a few major major offensive abilities you should be aware of the first one being the hunt which if you've played shadowlands you should be very familiar with by now this ability has a 50- yard range and has the potential to deal a substantial amount of damage along with placing a strong undispellable damage overtime effect on up to five players in its way currently this ability has a 1.5 minute cool down but this does get reduced via the foret every time throw glaive is used so tracking it won't be reliable due to how telegraphed this ability is it can most commonly be dealt with by using Shadow meld or other stealths like vanish or greater invisibility just as it lands to completely immune the first large hit or you can even root it mid cast to delay the ability as it will not trigger until the Demon Hunter is free all in all while this ability is powerful there's far more deadly spells than the Demon Hunter kit to be afraid of right now one of these being alion decree which will spawn a large circle on the ground triggering after 1 second for pretty significant damage fortunately there's a few ways to counter this spell first you should look to save a movement ability to avoid it when used as due to its one minute cooldown you can pair a trinket with your blink disengage Shadow step or whatever your class has available to dodge the mechanic the second way to deal with it is to stack on pets and other players as due to Mythic plus reasons it will do reduced damage to more than five Targets this means that if you're playing with a demonology warlock and you happen to be next to a bunch of friendly imps the damage won't be that high so you won't need to react and use your defensives although try not to play around this as stacking on your teammates and being cleaved down by all the other Demon Hunter abilities just to split elusion decree won't end too well the final and most deadly cooldown demon Hunters have is Fel barrage which although doesn't have a cast time should be thought of as a channel similar to the mechanics of a Frost death knight synr goa's breath Fel barage will spend Fury to deal insane AOE damage over 8 seconds however if the Demon Hunter runs out of Fury the cast will finish prematurely since the Spell's Channel animation was removed the only way to see this is through a buff on the Demon Hunter themselves so we recommend picking up a week or for this which can alert you to crowd control the DH when they pop this ability to prevent them generating Fury and end it prematurely outside of these coold Downs pretty much all of a demon Hunter's kit will deal huge cleave damage so try to avoid stacking as much as possible or run the risk of being imulation or death sweeped and fell rushed into a double kill for you and your team okay so now that we know how to survive their damage and what exactly has been killing us we need a way to take them out ourselves to do this we must understand their defensive cooldowns first up is their signature wall blur which gives them 20% damage reduction and a 50% chance to dodge regardless of where you face them this makes demon Hunters the only class that can dodge from behind if you're a melee player and you see a Demon Hunter pop this cool down your best bet is to just swap off as you're most likely just going to miss all your abilities unless you can stun them with something like chief shot or stormbolt both of which can't be dodged allowing you to deal damage to them while they're stunned as players cannot Dodge while stunned when it comes to casters feel free to go through blur as the 20% damage reduction really isn't enough to prevent a kill if they're already low their second and potentially most powerful defensive is vengeful retreat in combination with the Glimpse PVP Talent this ability and talent together will not only reduce damage taken by 35% while they are in the animation but also cause them to be immune to all crowd controls until they land demon Hunters can often make the animation longer by gliding afterwards making them immune for longer than it would seem so be careful when trying to CC them afterwards a very common trick demon Hunters try to do is to use vengeful Retreat to immune projectile crowd controls like Mortal coil and stormbolt as they are the easiest to react to to prevent this from happening to you make sure that you're either close enough to the Demon Hunter so that your ability will land before the Demon Hunter has enough time to react or chain it off a different crowd control like fear so they they can definitely not Escape your follow-up CC next up we have nether walk an ability that prevents the Demon Hunter from taking or dealing damage for 6 seconds however they can still press their imprison and movement abilities while nether walk can save a Demon Hunter if they pair it with trinket and press it early they can actually still be crowd controlled and potentially die through it using a cyclone on them or a master Shepherd sheep will allow you to keep them in place and at the same Health allowing you to quickly finish them off when their nether walk ends then we have Darkness the AOE shadow on the ground that gives the Demon Hunter and their team a chance to avoid all incoming damage fortunately you can easily counter this by fearing them out or using knockbacks completely negating one of demon Hunter's longest cooldowns moving on we have their dispels namely reverse magic which will dispel all Targets within 10 yards on a one minute cool down this ability can be a nightmare for crowd control classes however there are a few things you can do to work around it first of all Hunters can literally make this Talent useless by taking Diamond ice trap this ability will make trap undispellable and render the demon Hunter's reverse magic useless Affliction warlocks on the other hand can put an unstable Affliction on the Demon Hunter and healer causing the Demon Hunter to deal a lot of damage to themselves if they go for a dispel On Their healer's Fear And as for everyone else they can try and cross CC the Demon Hunter or pull them far away from their healer meaning they won't be able to travel back in time to dispel the CC before it ends anyway the other dispel demon Hunters have is cleansed By Flame which will cause all spells to be dispelled from the Demon Hunter when imulation Aura is used this Talent can be very strong into elemental shaman and Shadow priests as they require their dots to be up in order to ramp their damage however if you see the Demon Hunter is playing this and shutting down your damage over time effects try focusing your single Target damage on them too as not only will they take damage or CC from your backlash effects whenever they self- dispel but they will do less damage as they will have to consider if they are safe enough to use imulation Aura which is a key part of their damage rotation finally we have metamorphosis which although is largely used as an offensive does have a key component to it that can allow a Demon Hunter to live when a Demon Hunter uses metamorphosis they become immune during the initial animation as they soar through the air and good Demon hunters will look to abuse this to avoid that first stun in the game on them to allow them to play offensive now it's quite tricky for them to do this so playing around it may be difficult but if you see a DH holding their meta in the opener be wary as this may be a play he's looking for to finish things off we're going to cover their crowd controls first up we have the Demon Hunter undispellable stun fell eruption this ability has a 30- second cool down on a 20 yard range so even if you think you've escaped the DH clutches they're probably still closer than you think although this stun isn't dispellable it's also not technically physical preventing blessing of protection from removing it although blessing of sanctuary still will demon Hunters also have a dispellable AOE stun from chaos Nova every 45 seconds that last 3 seconds Baseline and an additional two seconds if only one player is stunned due to the isolated prey Talent you should look to dispel this stun as soon as possible when facing demon Hunters as it's quite often when they do their burst combo next up they also have their imprison which is a 45 second cool down with a 20 yard range unless the Demon Hunter specs into detainment imprison can break on damage is dispellable and will only last 3 seconds if the Demon Hunter is not playing this Talent then you should make sure to dispel him prison when you can or if your healer is the one imprisoned run on top of them so it breaks from any area of effect damage if they're playing it then unfortunately there isn't much counterplay to this instant clone type CC and finally they have Sigil of misery which is a 2-minute coold down instant AOE fear that they can cast from 30 yards away like Aion decree this can be dodged if you're fast enough as it has a 1second activation time so make sure you try to move out Tremor or fade before it detonates quite often demon hunters will look to combine their stun imprison and fear to create a long CC chain when this happens try to crowd control them at the end of each CC to break up the chain and allow your healer to be free to heal you rather than being stuck in a chain that can last over 9 seconds all right guys before we wrap this up let's tell you a little bit more about skill Capa so we offer a 400 rating guarantee and think that's a pretty crazy thing to offer it's like a gym membership guarante and you'll get ripped your local gym would go bust if they offered that right not us we've offered this for years because our service really does work it works so well in fact that we're able to produce by far the largest catalog of wow PVP guides on the internet with over 1,200 guides curated into over 300 courses across every class no one can compare we also have a growing library of over 1,600 Arena commentaries where rank one pros and AWC Champions teach you how to play your toughest matchups and if that wasn't enough skill cap members can also join the premium section of our Discord server where they gain direct contact to our network of pro players this feature has helped players just like you reach their rating goals all right guys that does it for this one hopefully you'll have a much easier time dealing with demon Hunters throughout the rest of this season as always thanks for watching see you next time
Channel: Skill Capped WoW PvP Guides
Views: 13,584
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dragonflight, world of warcraft, wow pvp, dragonflight pvp tier list, dragonflight tier list, dragonflight pvp, solo shuffle tier list, dragonflight solo shuffle tier list, dragonflight solo pvp tier list, patch, solo shuffle, wow dragonflight tier list, wow pvp changes, wow pvp tips, wow dragonflight, wow solo shuffle guide, solo shuffle guide, 10.2, 10.2 tier list, dragonflight 10.2 tier list, 10.2 pvp tier list, wow 10.2 tier list, counter demon hunters, demon hunter, dh
Id: BFhlGj7g8fs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 8sec (728 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 28 2023
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