Unlocking the OP MAX LVL Longbow in Apex Legends

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welcome back to apex legends everyone today we've got the 110 battle pass completed with their secret little longbow skin nice white skin with the blue flashing lights if you get more and more kills like i just missed are you kidding me what a terrible aim anyways come on stop we're gonna go find ourselves a long bow oh we don't even get a teammate we don't need a teammate because i've got the level 110 secret little sniper we're gonna go find it it's very nice you know what i heard about that skin brad that it's unattainable unless you work for it you can't buy it that's actually very true it is funny can't buy everything exactly but unless you hire someone over in like a different country to go farm your account and bring your levels up is that what you did oh but i'll be a champion let's go gamers all right now where is it huh where is the sniper brad you know i know where it is it's there okay it's going to be like one of those little sniper spots where the snipers always spawn yes in the sniper perch perch it's perfect perch perch no it's perch what are you british oh beautiful why is it always a triple take i don't know because i think that guy's a lookbook get it we gotta kill him kill him right there give me my goddamn logo very low very very low oh our fuse is also low that wasn't even notified on us they're both low yeah yeah i cracked one and fuse was low oh the other one's got armor i cracked one of them she's on me just drop below yes die get up storm what are you doing on the ground i was being trying to keep i'm cleaning the ground clean i was the bait bradley no okay we've got it it's beautiful actually there we go that looks beautiful i'm not gonna use your healing i got my own thank you wow mine isn't good enough anymore you know it's not gonna be very useful anymore because no one will be like oh she's lower excellent watch this i'm sorry i missed every shot i was watching but it was too long just killed him in here oh how did wait how much help was that like 14. less anyways the ryzen's coming hello though it's not a good show where is she i don't know but it's a horizon stop we must end her horizon's hiding let her live she'll breed no there she is where are this she's crusting she's going she's going up the balloon all right i hit her she's low yeah she's very low no you god damn it i'm going to hit you somehow horizons oh she's gone i'm going to kill her if we let her go she'll breed and then there'll be 10 million horizons after us oh no we must not let her breed can i snipe oh i can snipe oh look at this this is some sniping grounds to me if i can hit goddamn shots right oh he's very low got him oh they're all right here oh can you shut up on the other team dog's low the dog is low oh am oh i got a little damage of the sniper come on this pathfinder is so cheeky here's one hp i got fast charge helmet for you oh there is a guy up top there's a guy up top yeah i'm not liking this positioning i hit him i missed everything i got you oh my god he's gonna jump off me i'm gonna die i'm going to die it's been a good life he's gonna be a good life stop for me i took all the hits for you to do it there you go i am the support character today i am you carry ego the suck no i'm healing myself stom okay he doesn't need my heels anymore let's go there's more fighting brad come on oh i'm waiting for it excuse me ow die i actually got a head shot that's trying to snipe you almost cracked her they're throwing grenades at me brad that's not very nice i cracked him in the head how did you get hit by how i'm cracking them oh i almost cracked the pressure very low good i don't have any batteries brad what oh they're getting flanked nice we can flank them wait no but okay they are they are trading they are trading they're healing wait die go go go stop pushing i'm pushing yes that's pushing left side pushing left side ah why am i always trying to snipe at this distance save me storm i'm saving you bread i got you just a big smitty oh yeah brad very light cracked ah i did it [Laughter] wait we need to go we need to go no we don't stop money oh god all right what's in crafting oh a sniper scope eel oh eel you need that my slide is looking really nice and uh blue though blows up in the dark let me see if i can oh oh i missed the second shot that could have been cooled down from far away wait that's a lifeline drop right there i know left i'm going on the roof she's seriously how did she not heal what enemy is this brad did she not have shields did she not have shields no i hate that there's another one watch out yeah he's low just kill him out uh there's actually two fairies there's another team there's two teams here all right full back of it i am falling back a little bit i fought eight times eh that's a handy one thank you oh just here they're fighting each other yeah watch this sniping ready i'm watching oh headshot baby there's a doggie over here brad over here there's a doggy i'm just trying to as if i fall down i didn't mean to fall come on headshot i've been scanned brad yep all right behind all right here she where'd she go wait where wait just down here she's just here you're right brad not she's got red armor brad she might be sweaty oh it hurts why am i no skipping all the time let me know skip with a goddamn killer kill her with a gold knock down i'm missed i'm pathetic what's the point i should just die bad brad's being so dramatic she's got a division i hate this game right now in my sniping abilities i've cracked just heal just healed we don't know what the last team is i'll snipe them don't you worry oh my oh my god oh i've done it i've saved you you saved me red i've saved you storm yeah she's got it she's got a gold lockdown you finish i'll look around for the other guy don't finish up yes [Laughter] i think it's a solo yeah we'll just let the ring play it out we can snipe him as he comes out usually good that was a headshot nice oh my the sniping skills are back oh that means the second match is going to be cracked oh my god he stuck me if he's arcstar so i wanted to jump on him and just kill him if he's an arcstar i'm sorry that i'm literally the best support ever i am and i am your champion let's go get me that's right this is disgusting only i wasn't using a long time just you wait here we go here we go all right brad take it i don't even need to land in a sniper place because guess what i've got that much confidence that my sniper is in my little cabin what is this he's like so low brad i got him oh my god come on bro i've got this i'm not in it today i'm not he's cracked he's cracked oh my god i'm not in it today yeah longbow though hooray oh no all kinds of horizon look at you look at you inside and outside i'm not dealing with horizons today get out of here you know what you deserve this okay horizon almost cracked the gibby inside the building it's a goddamn ttv let me kill my own issues i'm coming no jake gyllenhaal's left eyebrows when you die oh my god that hurt why are you hiding i'm going up to the top i'm gonna snipe through the little crack in the window does he see me he doesn't excellent oh i'm low but they're low they're very low yeah they're very low there we go that's how you snipe i always feel like i'm a support character if i just snipe i feel like useless i feel useless if i need light ammo yeah sniping is interesting oh oh i hit that as well i'm going to cry here i go here's the grenade for you oh i made him down himself i didn't even get the kill because i made him down himself get wrecked gyllenhaal yeah i didn't get the kill because he stuck me so therefore he oh gold longbow that way too oh there too okay yes yes this is this is the sniper i wanted this whole time there's a squad over here right finishing the down guys yeah that's the one i need to worry about yep as well jesus christ no there's a dog on me help brad oh he's like i'm starting to feel empowered i hit him too i'm going to cry she is sweaty but i almost killed her she's hiding in a little corner she's uh cracked wait no who do you want to shoot i'm healing i'm healing i'm healing we're safe here you finish them off oh please finish them off what over there too what the heck oh no why would your people go at the same time come come come oh god no offered it so many good snipes it's okay she's she's right behind this that's not okay use your other we're literally getting sniped by three different squads run oh four different squads very nice very kind oh she's sweaty i've almost killed her too nice yeah come on how did she get that off it was just a shield cell nothing oh no oh no maybe get banner and leave i don't know yeah when they're on it they're not online this is disgusting all right let me get that beautiful little sniper i'm going right there storm did you get it of course i did storm amazing run stop run stop there's three of them let's just go all right all right i'm coming leave i'm coming i'm just gonna leave the game i just know it oh wait this guy here and snipe oh god snipe there we go oh jesus does he have a bit what gun does he have a spitfire oh ammo god no run oh that's still gonna save him wait you're so far away from huh oh my god good luck please don't push i need to save crypto still go for it all right we'll kill everyone else for your crypto just to watch toe will live again ripple oh no you're by yourself like literally i'm coming but like i'm really oh jesus christ your drone took the damage oh god nice guys i'll have my revenge all right i'm coming you think you can challenge my longbow i punched him i missed the punch i might have missed the punch i was about to connect oh no it's okay storm i'm used to it after all the longbow player right now you are a longbow player that's the downside of playing with the longbow wait they're right there right there right there watch you're looking at you no they're not what is he doing what is he doing he's got purple on bradley he misses ripple toe oh cracked it yeah there's a there's a uh gibbalta here gabolta there's three of them yeah that would be great goddamn your own thing no my god dude what yes scary lady yes oh oh crypto actually got him wait what nice oh no no stop i'm healing hold on oh hello there oh got him i've been hit brad i've been hit that's great i love when you get hit oh please shoot him i'm coming come on jesus christ that was terrifying i was terrified storm they were this way i heard them shooting hey i told you wait i'll snipe him oh i missed come on i missed i can't believe i missed sorry oh one's got a crab come on got one down i got twilight down that's that lap down i got a toxic guy down there nice oh that guy oh no that's a fuse he's very low the fuse okay i'll get him you can trust me oh my god trust myself oh yes is that ours yes of course oh my god i'll never know skip again i'm sorry oh yeah that's it last one let's get it [Laughter] secret [Laughter] i don't want to snipe again it's the worst he missed every shot on him i don't know how to no scope no more oh thanks for watching everyone and if you guys want to see more sniping remember to hit that notification bell and i saw brad we'll see you guys later
Channel: Zylbrad
Views: 262,180
Rating: 4.9643712 out of 5
Keywords: apex legends, zylbrad, funny, longbow, sniper, best, max level, new, golden, items, op, overpowered, gameplay, satire, parody, pathfinder, highlights, meme
Id: VFg-ibtZg88
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 5sec (965 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 19 2021
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