Unlocking the NEW WHITE ZADIE Skin in Fortnite!

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what up how's it going I forgot to UM see if I've got any free music - oh geez let me see if I get some cuz it sounds a little bit empty in the background hey hey how's it going you guys see me Oh kids right it's going to easy fortnight's so I'm in advance I'm already gonna be spending some money today I know it I absolutely know it right let's go that is not what I'm gonna buy I want to move this love and war okay this is something to do with this oh okay I'll take free stuff a nice night ghosts you here are you here bro just made my screen the wrong size oh why did I have to do that oh dear I'm gonna have to redo that but nice night goes shoe here oh yeah that's right merriment X thanks to ninety-nine ghosts equip claim oh you are a what's good thank you I told you I got it to work I told you for some reason I think we have to restart this actually because I am I messed up everything's going great today I've really well I should've done this before so I definitely don't have sound coming out of this what's the hype train thing I still have no idea stately rabbit thank you for the prime sub my friends thank you sir item sharp ah this is what I wanted I wanted this cuz it looks awesome Riley is pretty cool too but I don't I don't need too many skins are there was another one where it's Harley Quinn not in this anymore am I being real blind or you can buy both as an iPhone both with Harlequin yesterday I think Harley Quinn was yesterday but I'm gonna buy this anyways ad is it's a cool skin so I'm gonna put it has challenges oh you can have wow yes okay definitely get this she's oh she doesn't come out yet I just saw that some people had them already that's the problem all right that's almost it without a code guys guys few years of codes feel free to I swear I just heard something coming up yes Sam Nations thank you for the tier one sub I don't know why that hasn't come up you do not kill me thank you for the prime sub as well yes summation sorry you're uh you're thinking come up I don't know why they didn't but I'm you do not kill me thank you for the prime stuff as well yeah if you want to use a code in the Creator store - dantdm hashtag add actual ads - don't go to prison I'm gonna accept this you have me tomorrow and create code do I care no purchase items there we go I need this that I wanna see what the challenges are so where is or you can unlock these two nice or nice page thank you for hundred bits I read that in a second so long message style challenges play any creative games that could work because I think we're doing that today purchase items from vending machines unlocks this one and all three does this one okay I think that's good hey Rene yeah we're doing good thank you doing really well yeah these skins are pretty good huh right let me quickly figure out my audio issue I don't know what's going on sound sense all geez so my output should be fine by don't know why it's not who said foot dummy same foot miles thank you for the tier 1 sub drisana thank you for the hundred bits sherry TDM caris I got it right this time thanks just for there now for me thank you with hundred bits no worries just made a meme edit to usual court coding for now a thank you thank you very much oh I have a new controller today as well I'm using this I should be able to show you it this is the I haven't put the rest of the paddles on the back but this is the Xbox elite controller I can't remember where I put the paddles but I took some of them off yeah I know what I've done is that it hey you guys can hear that now right you guys can hear the music let's go okay I figured out I was being dumb real dumb there we go it's probably little bit loud actually so I'm gonna just turn it down real far let me check this work yeah that works as well nice okay we're back we back sweep page you get first place again don't forget you the last message you sell to China that's crazy it's our song it must be me toes you should make a video of Asha I will not do that sorry yeah small brain moment definitely paying for the other hundred bits guys this is also very important we back we back so what I want to do is what was I wanted to do I need to change this so bought new skin haven't used it yet let's say this using the mid T code I looks like this actually looks really good on the back too so I'm gonna keep that I'm gonna change to shoot that one should go this one might be good actually well we're gonna do today is Search & Destroy that's what I want to try but first I want to quickly go into creative and make sure that I've got everything down on my controller cuz I'm not sure it's a little bit different it's a little different so let me just quickly crank some 90s and then we'll be back why not show ashes face because want to keep in private you should have that choice to be public if you wants to but it's not of age just yet yeah it's a song yeah I thought so that's it let me see what I got my paddles somewhere I took them off because they're annoying I do have the paddles so this this controller has four paddles on it I'm not used to that let me just put these in I think that's the wrong one that's definitely the wrong one wait is that the room who set the right run yeah there we go sweet all right let's see let's see a sure is cute you ain't seen his face he's got a cute back of his head though I agree oh yeah this feels nice I like this so this is jump everything should be the same I want to turn whatever this is what's p1 how do I make that different yeah that feels nice actually I like this controller the paddles are way easier to way easier to hit all right let me see my crank if I can crank them we goods a regain bake how's it going long time no see will I ever show his face probably not to be honest oh yeah this has like okay yeah I think I can vibe with this oh no I didn't need to do that so I've got builds on this now oh this is fast though you say search-and-destroy is bad we're gonna try anyway what am i doing ona go I'm played for a while so everything seems really fast oh wait I'm on I want a different setting on I why am I on this by the way I'm not nevermind so building scent this needs to go let's do that for now it's so weird it says that I'm on alright it's a bit harder to edit though the wait oh okay the waiting of this is better though yeah it's weird it says that I've got um a PlayStation controller when I'm at using Xbox this uh music is pretty extreme huh okay sweet we're ready I don't think we're ready build in um in the other mode anyway so let's get out of here xbox is better you know what it's it's not bad it's not bad I haven't played Xbox in a long time though and for those of you the care the T is here it's here don't worry but let's try this oh wait I just put don't fill I'm an idiot oh you can't change this Xbox I'm good I actually don't know what the Xbox buttons are I just know that they yeah I need to oh it does Phil that's fine I just need to turn off there oh geez need a fridge fridge cam a fridge cabin wait what radical red rack hey welcome back do you three months already dang you're right if I mess this up I think I might mess this up already actually I think we're good alright can I could get used to this controller but the problem is if I get used to this and then play on play on ps4 I'm gonna be in trouble on a honor how do you mute people I can't control what they say it's gonna be bad hey wanna no problem buddy okay so search-and-destroy is exactly what you think it is but I wanted to voice chat that should work right hold on a second searching joy is exactly what you think it is it's uh 2250 shields give me this there we go so basically there's attackers and defenders attackers plant the bomb defenders try and defuse the bomb and then everyone on the first round starts with a pistol how we can't do that you can't mine you can't build it's more of like a shooting game mode if that makes sense but then each round the better you do the the more coins you get to actually buy stuff which is nice always going around that way careful careful oh no I just had ding dim you should be dead bro that was my kill definitely my kill goddamn there's nomads in this mode but there are like a certain amount of people there's one more person left and two of us they're just around there so if they don't plant the bomb and we kill them all obviously we win do we need to go this person or that laddie right or the windowsill what don't die oh you did it nice good job bro so I'm talking about yeah this is CS going for night so now what we've got is because we've got an elimination we get coins I think cuz we won we get coins as well that might not be true but with the coins you can buy guns so now everyone's gonna have better stuff how do I get shield I need shields you're gonna get 150 I got 250 coins I'm gonna go for I feel like I'm gonna SMG let's grab one of those you do stinks as well I don't think I need stinks let's go so we won the first round I think there's 11 rounds in total maybe I should abort I should warn AR module I'm pretty nasty with a pistol oh no oh no I didn't even see the grenade man septic i alyssa has gifted substitute star girl make sure if your star girl say thank you pizza wolf thank you for hundred bits when you get it off dark stream I did have one plan the other day let me turn this music off actually I didn't have one planned the other day but the game that I chose was let's just say it was a little bit a little bit too dark mode if you know what I'm saying so I didn't do it in the end I wouldn't play GTA soon though so we might do that our pets are wolf thank you for that's what I just answered never mind Wilhelm team thank you for the prime mu mu Doge thank you throwing your bits they are doing great thank to you who else do we got page setting for the other hundred bits and dantdm edits oh you are crazy 400 all let's grab this something well oh you have to buy things every time I'm gonna grab this as well right this is better this is much better I need shields no Erik shields I was gonna play one of this game mode cuz I'm not sure about this you know it takes some learning I don't play csgo so this is new to me it's more of like a sneaky game mode it's or am I just saw a bomb has been planted wait so now we need to defuse the bomb if we can but we have got some mats there's some one right there not anymore can i defuse this bomb there's someone here the bombs down here I think it's gonna die it's gonna explode it's gonna explode no I want to kill us but it's gonna explode the detonated we've got three kills though that's not too bad oh jeez we'll just be going on the new channel later it will be it will be it's a sound better now by the way can you hear the the game okay I feel like it's too loud earlier you only have to buy new things if you die oh really oh that makes sense that makes sense I didn't die though but I haven't got my stuff interesting I have 50 coins now as well so just spent on shields so am I stuck with oh we're attackers now we have to plant the bomb now okay you do know add a son yep definitely do so I think someone becomes the carrier careful fellas careful I think only one person can do the bomb I see him how do then I'll get them that's so close I'm going this way I think everyone has pistols right now that's okay you'd like to Ultra Hardcore - nice it's hard it's really hard it's weird that you can't break break walls and stuff can I put on this yeah I can come on let's make it I think I'm the last person yeah I'm the last person I think oh no or defenders eliminated so it's fine it's gonna explode sweet do you have the bomb I think everyone has the bomb I'm not sure mega Dave what what up what up thank you for the three months in a row up Muto's she lost her stuff - you switched sides yeah I got that now thank you though that's cool Rene in Scotland as well guys get 50 shields I feel like this is the this is the play if you're on controller already buy anything else what were the other challenges that I needed to do I don't even know what it's called there it is damage players purchase items from vending machines okay we need to do that to do the the skins we're gonna get that it's already on the skin I'm liking this controller so far as well as to be so much more sneaky in this game mode oh definitely I want to go down there bomb has been planted I think that's us away kids oh nasty oh he's right it was in my back little punk that's a lot of challenges yeah I don't do many of my challenges which controller it's the Xbox elite they hiding up there dude I think we should be good we still have four people left we're not doing too bad Paige thank you for laundry bits new phone app game yeah I need to I need to play the VR game I need to redo it actually finish it you know what I mean I want fruit gummies thank you for hundred bits as well all right we need to purchase things so I kind of want to go for like the cheapest thing do I let's go for this actually that's by stinks I didn't want to buy those dude I just got absolutely run boards I just stole someone's stuff is that bad think I'm bad I should have bought shields I can't buy shields what am i doing what am i doing I just want to do for the challenges someone just went down there I saw it it's with this control has like weights to it I've got oh where did that come from whoa Vic Royale for ten gift subs the yeah yeah yeah we'll do that again not in this mode though meets your gaming thank you for the two months in a row unspeakable thanks for the prime preciate it guys thanks for the love today do this guy's got the ice castle on his back that's crazy oh my goodness he's destroying let's go even oh where I'm eight oh my goodness absolute destruction I don't even know who's winning right now to be honest I there's only one round left okay okay my scores not too bad actually to be honest consider I'm new controller and all that Oh Terry nice say hi to them for me where I got 2000 coins I'm gonna buy this and I need to buy how many more things do I need to buy to do the challenge just see Sadie I need three more things so let's buy this I think everyone's got um everyone's got loads of stuff they can buy buy 50 shields I think if I buy this does that complete it yeah completed it sweet now I just need to do the last one I don't even one more there we go that's done oh no I switched the wrong thing 2000 coins around 7 is nuts I like that I've an popping off bro popping off I accidentally had my guns wrong way around eyes line thank you for the two-month Arisa what since 2015 that's crazy actually there people weren't watching them up what's the hammer mode of mine called hardcore cool it's cool uh I think some massive engineering isn't it pretty sure oh it's three three Oh Ivan let's down do we lose I think we lost didn't we what did we win yeah we lost that's annoying Leon gamer thank you for the hundred bits dude you lose do it I'm not doing a fast watch out nice I think I need to turn down some of my dead zones what do we get with a green one look what challenges I need to do one more and then damage with pistols I really want this skin though let's do one more I want to change my dead zones because I felt like that off titanium truffles thank you for the tomb of the resub Paige thank you for the hundred you made a meeting about Elton okay great I'll check it out Leon thank you one hundred bits as well dude I was gonna turn my air-conditioning on because it is or roasting in here I definitely want to play some I definitely wanna play some normal pubs today it's get used to this controller I play a hundred some leave-leave h li aviation i always do that play animal crossing new horizon that's actually not a game that I like I know Jim loves that game but it's not a game for me well look I'm not pressing anything and my controllers drift in so I think I need semi dead zones down why can't I do this this is bugged whoa this is so messed up what what what 15 whoa okay what's going on oh my goodness 1515 apply back decline yeah no drift in now this is better oh that's much better okay sweep right pistils I need to damage people with pistols so let's not die oh that's much better people know these maps already are bomb has been planted a where is a I'll give me that stuff Norrell applets are dope addict oh that I killed the Rizal that's sweet over 3y address hey Leon whoa okay thank you for the bits bro hey we do it right no I won't float Singh bug I'm not keen on the fashion shows I might do a Minecraft one though never know about 475 I'm just gonna hit this real nice get the shield as well that's 50 coins right let me check my challenges I know this is tedious did I do it yeah I got that one I just need to play this game then I'm good I can I can melt be with us I forgot by the recoil the recoil is weird oh man I smashed them too let's go oh no I pick that up whoops oh they go the stinks oh they got the stinks oh I just blew up comet comet comet I love how you can steal other people's stuff by the way that's really good bombs going off boys and there's nothing you can do about it oh it diffused wait hold on who did that was that us I'm not even sure we're supposed to do oh yeah I was just looking at odds looking at the killers to be honest right sure but yeah I can keep my stuff sweet 300s by shields what else do I want I guess a bet I can't even upgrade my sub can I I don't think I can all right let's go for this then we could do a long range and short range let's go so we need to protect the bomb sites ah there's someone there hold on this guy thinks he's funny I think so so that's what you got to do you got to be real sneaky about it you want to make sure that no one's on the bomb sites what I didn't hit ah dude I knew that was gonna happen it was hitting the top of my uh my stairs sneaky boy sneaky indeed we're on six kills though that's pretty good for this game what I think Pompey has been planted please be careful play River bond I've never heard of that sends that way back a thanks Justin I'm glad don't use bttv emotes I don't I have it installed by anything I used it to be honest okay calm down the the paddles on the back of this controller are way more sensitive do nude hardcore I will at some point when we get into like the crazy stuff I'll do it but not for now I'm doing this just for the challenges the back bling is I don't know if you bought it or whether it came with the gold trooper or can it does anyone know where my black back bring came from I'm not too sure oh I is lying nice say hi to him for me alright grab this and that's all I can do pistols coming here have to steal off someone I don't mind this game mode you know scold you but that's the one what are you doing bro here we go if I run this way that she could shout we need to plant though we're all going this way are we okay sweet there's a guy coming this side though oh I'm slaying oh my goodness oh they're coming in hot oh oh yeah 25 el 25 you've got 80 oz he's just chillin up here oh how do I get that skin you're wearing it's today's skin in the item shop always healing to diffuse it he jumped off of it you should've jumped off will I play balloons again yeah I think I will do that was a fun game I loved actually but I tried to write scrap this you go 225 or left I think we're gonna grab this how many rounds you up maybe two rounds left if we win these two balloons is really cheap reek it's a car member how much it was to me but Justin got his for like 99 cents which is crazy this guy how did you lose that and you what are you doing I don't know how they just lost those fights right here we go ring on my shelf left how many is left is it just me I'm gonna plant the bomb though oh never mind I think these are off on the top bomb a I need to get around here then we're good yeah we're good sweet let's go we have to destroy those guys 11 of limbs hey wait stop eliminations let's go hey Alex how's it going dude we've actually got amazing stuff and 400 coins so I think we really need anything yeah everyone need anything we good I like this way so we have to plant the bomb I saw yeah oh that was an absolute melt gotcha where is everyone else though I don't want to plant it down here a bomb B has been planted anyway I'm gonna go around this way where's the enemy well there they are I'm going in oh my goodness destroyed 182 the heads oh my goodness that was unreal we did it we won overall let's go did i unlock the skin come on I need the skin honey SolarWinds 183 I think yeah we got it all we got this - I don't know where that came from here we go Zadie - Arctic's are they the same pretty sure they're the same we got um this is what I wanted sweep that's it looks like a good back bling I'm not sure what else to put on that looks good that looks good let's just play some solos now I'll just good as well well so good we have good the coin I don't use that one yet I can't like the flatter ones though just kind of like what we had before you know it's so cool skin though I like it a lot let's go this I don't know I don't want to do that let's try solos I'm afraid I'm gonna have to hide my screen cuz you punks feel like it's okay to stream stymie huh I forgot to record this stream that's a Big L Big L O'Day you've done is Opie I'm doing okay actually not doing too bad my estimated time one hour and six minutes you see in this I never mind it changed is it an hour and six minutes I'm not about that at all what's going on is done it what's a stream snipe is when people join your game and then they know exactly where you are you know exactly how many mats you've got know exactly what you got they know where your land in it's pretty extreme my favorite Disney movie a good question actually I don't know whether to have my my edit on my paddle or on my thumb stick I have on my thumb stick in a minute how many joy wins I never played jurors who have like two I think it's pretty sure oh here we go let's do this oh no I have a map bind oh that's bad yeah that's pretty bad I have a map binds let's go for this is gonna be Matt there we go I don't even know where I'm landing I guess I'm going to the farm yeah the skin.you goes 200 oh nice ok we are here already oh yeah 100 top left sweet I was a sure he's doing good thank you Hassan page or graduate God the stream came out with you mate I can't even speak glad I can help to make you feel better yeah utopia kind of troll huh a bit mean where are you gonna go remember new controller our launch pads let's go launch pads are back so new controller I'm allowed to suck no get out of here okay that's fine need to go over here as a string sniper or it just happens that was amazing yeah those hilarious I thought it were pumped him for more though that was a weak pump the high five and then the slap yeah surprise that was funny grab it why does this exist I need yeah Centennial Ward's get used to this control is to be honest it's a little bit different but that is the point see I tried to stop the stream snipe in still go stream Snipes unless that was just a friendly fella not sure it was though oh why why is this happening oh I need some shields so bad but this time around SEC doesn't it and she doesn't look too bad it was finally a they do always find a way alright okay I'm just gonna pop this inspired you to start YouTube nice did you forget you can use code dantdm oh I didn't I did it though I did not forget remember ten gift subs every win that's what we do around here we generous and also not at the same time because i hain't winning mind you last night we won a pre epic game there's someone down there there is oh if I hit that I don't like it when they're in the the hey it makes me feel awkward I'm gonna try it come on dude why don't make me go around yes come on oh I just got him someone else is shooting me though that was such a good snipe - was that the guy in there yeah must have been the thing is they can see me but I can't see them and I want to go and get that stuff but I don't think they're gonna let me yeah I'm on controller goes on PC let's go dude that's what you get do I need this probably I'll come back and get it oh I mean those were some pretty good Snipes I'll do dad a p90 as our RP rune don't need stealing my stuff where are you bad mother control you be dead bro edit it Oh baby we do it alright today subscribe this new controller who dis wait a second scrub this I'm gonna go and get my health oh nice not bad right let's try and get this off that was all good we did a row four kills for the first game on no bad look at the square it's so awkward we're doing four night daily now not every day I'm what I play last stream I played balloons last stream which was fun we play a lot different games these paddles are so sensitive I'm liking the triggers a bit more though I can see why people play with us definitely sort of chest up here I see microfiber there were minis up here I was in here earlier 25 kill win I don't think so I need to be more aggressive though like when I get in them box fight situations definitely need to do I just did and just go for it you to remember that my buttons changed for a map as well it's cork is this elite controller the way that someone there know what is the tree doing oh my goodness my Snipes dude no don't do it man I hate the Hey why does the hey exist geez I can see him up there as well don't [ __ ] hit another snipe how many times do i've to eat you bro so annoying I was know where that other guy went either I feel like they're close oh why do they come from you still in that roof there's someone under there yeah they are Silla I'm just going for it this is so dumb oh they hit me as well no oh the corn fields do suck man badly I know they're her I jumped over them this other guys still trying to snipe me how did they sneak up to me like that good job they missed this shot otherwise let me dead I still coming from in there oh there they are that was good no [ __ ] that was a really really good shot all done buddy after all that time really good shot Darth Bane thank you for the Rhys up two months in a row fee jet thank you for hundreds as well I can't believe he just got me like that dang in the cornfield it works it definitely worked that was good that's first game first game just saying just saying my sniper on point that game and he's Jesus is telling dad joke all my jokes are technically dad jokes now just saying this is a weird game okay I look how sneaky thinks he is you're gonna get popped bro it's happening game is super quiet I can turn up I think is it really quiet rip the 25 kill yeah you're right your nephew says hi say hi to him back police then dies from full damage he didn't quite die from it but it was close edit mode aim assist on as well how do you turn off edit mode aim assists oh yeah yes turn it off right where we head in did I win Naz close I was pretty close he did a really nice snipe I liked the farm but then it puts me off having the the hey there I hate that hair stream snap they'll be streaming sniping what's wrong with you I'm just doing good thank you REE kid don't die in hardcore again I'm trying my best I think if I die again I might just call it quits that's all tell uncle joke I my uncle I am an uncle actually yeah so I can tell uncle jokes too right game time we were through it all right actually how did I miss all of those shots that was pretty embarrassing I don't think anyone landed here you know no sure we need three how we're doing with just the three builds ammo even all right let's get out of he can't get used to a paddle on paddle of my my billets a bubble below above can never tell I need some more help from Matt's ready [Music] someone above me think they're coming in the roof guys they onion go to hit them shorts boy have to do it go to do it to him do you have a gold as well oh my goodness I just beat it with a great sack he's gonna be real mad just saying real mad I paid okay today I don't know what's going on I don't play for ages and now I'm playing all right well said he have oh no [Music] don't really have the stuff for this but you should have saved the save the grenades why do they have to have explosives it's kind of an annoying place to be so they're just gonna sit there just fun I just go with that thing Wow look what I just did this is bad why is this so this game is so difficult now why we're just gonna sit here is that what we're gonna do whereas I make it dear bro yeah I can't gala build mode I can't get our build mode y'all not even joking like wink our build mode this guy knows what he's doing unfortunately where are you going you're so annoying so annoying oh dude we're doing this aren't we we're doing this he's going all the way up I'm just gonna yell I'm out I'm out I'm going this way dude I've cracked him as well please let me heal now so I need like some a our ammo would be great as in here yeah he's in here for goodness sake I still want to have the ammo for it he's serious though I'm gonna get sniped I know it yep ah give me Matt's no I need Matt's I need Matt's Jess really this he had no he'll City little punk okay I need sir I'm a big trouble I thought what's gonna happen I knew it took way too long and he had no heels on him little punk that was good though we're doing alright with this this new controller I'm liking it do we have three I think we had three we did it we did it page took you 450 bits no worries I see I see your meme later miles hundred bits feelings about apex and legends you know I love watching apex legends but I don't like playing it I love watching it but not know playing it it looks pretty cool though I like the new hero I can't member his name but the skeleton hero is really cool I like him a lot I'm gonna change my stream tile actually solos [Music] smiley face guys if you new around here cuz you might be pleased you hit that uh that follow bun that'd be great I'm learning though with this controller we're doing okay I think and this I think it's the pickaxe your night I know so I think it's too big ax no lion well youtubers do you watch I don't watch a lot of youtubers i watch a lot of streamers I don't watch a lot of youtubers at all to be honest GG's dude doing my own new controller too bad you get in but it's yeah that was a that was a quick deletion right there King oh wait night ignite thanks for the primes sir appreciate it yeah use all my ammo which was annoying but we did alright weed okay good luck pickaxe sorry minty my marks mic sounds distorted some people say that but most people saying it's fine it should be okay it might be I am using like different audio today I didn't have to didn't have time to change it what stream is do you watch i watch Nick bucks is usually on our um TV quite a lot so I watching doctor disrespect as well it's cuz I like the apex gameplay and he's kind of hilarious I thank for that on your bits Nightline guys appreciate it just fun of the Minecraft there are the same turns out we're going Graham will hardcore in the old one when it updates I actually ironically saw I updated like oh she thank you buddy was gonna say was the question was question a Carmela remind more question I was answering please just stream delay there will be a slight delay yeah it'll be a slight delay that's just natural that happened with any stream Oh hardcore update yeah there was an update for um for hardcore it wasn't even for it was from minecraft in general but I think it might be a snapshot was gold let's go yeah it's not a snapshot update you're welcome a thanks night well control am I using I'm using Xbox elite I think it's called elite they sent me it a long time ago but it's got like waited sticks and the paddles are a lot smaller so it's quite nice my small hands yeah the weighted thumb sticks are actually pretty nice oh he sees me I didn't know me to jump it's showing ps4 yeah I know it's time I changed it that's all he should not have been damaged that much I didn't think he saw me I think you can change your hair actually yeah controller platform Xbox one there you go there you go baby hands yeah I got some more hands mm you don't you changed your name to TDM streaming by the way oh yeah baby pika pug plays love your name thank you for the twitch prime so appreciate it welcome should make a 2d platformer with the pixelated emotes nail down a maybe I've always wanted to make a game just never had the idea what I think a chaos engine is that implemented now I'm Leyna sure I think there's a lot of rumors about that it didn't really uh it wasn't that true get visual sound effects I don't know there's something about that that doesn't make my sound sound that good and I kind of want to work on actually being able to hear them I'm loving this new skin by the way it kind of was like a mummy it's nice new engine is xx okay never mind I thought they implemented some bits though right what do i use to stream i use i use obs season two's coming that's kind of why I'm playing it a little bit more because if the new season is Goods yeah visual sounds turns off 3d sounds I knew it I knew it I thought I did hope you go pug plays nice awesome good to see you around alright we're gonna hit we're gonna hit new skins want me to terminate yeah yeah sure actually wasn't there one with the female terminator in case engine was implemented but it's mostly not implemented full mechanics in on the 28th okay nice go to a great area I still have those I still have those never mind I wonder what will change so there's a lot of rumors about that how it's gonna change like the buildings falling and stuff I don't know if that's true to be honest I don't think that's gonna I don't think that's gonna happen but we'll see you disappointed dizzy why what's that what's the best location huh you need to tell me give me the secrets yeah they nerfed visual sound effects for sure I'm sure of it so I used to have them on and I don't I would take that type of computer I need to add that to my record my info cards no no no no no I think I did a new computer video though demo deny am pretty sure on my main channel Oh somebody in here whoa Oh hitting 412 in the head dude oh my a Miss Beryl miss by far samoto yeah got the center remote still I completely forgot that's fine yeah I made me jump - I didn't realize that like close Miss dick thank you for having your bits dude chaos engine has let you just made more chips fall off when you hit trees oh really say it amazing if it was a scarf no this one's different let me show you because some people are confused so this is the Xbox elite so it looks like your normal Xbox one controller you turn it round you can add paddles and you can have other ones I've taken them off just because I keep on impressing them by accident you have four paddles you can change where the triggers stop as well you can change what these what these more buttons they use as well it's quite good I'm liking it I just got the weighted thumb sticks and this is not an ad by the way this is not an added tool they set me what ages ago so this is the case and then inside you get like swing to put on and in here you see that you are different thumbsticks which is nice so I used one long thumb stick one short thumb stick so that helps with that hey dizzy Mitch thank you for the t1 and thank you for gifting - sobs - Quincy ketchup a Quincy you got a you got a sub for free and Queenie dudes thank you Mike notifications still broken oh geez still broken I need to fix that I thought I'd fixed it you wanna play roblox eh I got a secret for you Sunday Sunday that's what I'm gonna say I actually dive into roblox real quick I did it I recorded it today it's going up on Sunday it's gonna be a good time yeah Quincy Queenie make sure you say thank you to dizzy Mitch tcmitch a thank you you need to tell me where that part is on the map are you saying so secret and goods can we see your sensitivity sure it's nothing crazy so I'm on legacy and I was six six four five forty 1.6 1.8 that's what I'm on oh you can do it here I didn't know that 1515 on the set dead zones three messages deleted in a row yeah just be careful with caps there's many reason for that dizzy Mitch thank you again for gifting out those subs appreciate it dude you give away oh I see what you're doing dizzy I see you don't give them away for free okay that makes sense oh I like this trail the Christmas lights trail yeah where do you think where do you land if you come to come out the bus where'd you go boys girls everyone else where'd you land lazy late car hey PJ don't ask for subs they're random this is not good Oh No Oh No one of them huh I'm out oh yeah you know I need to use Morris the upgrade machines definitely need to use those more okay we made out you made out alive right yeah upgrade machines are so good I'd say that cuz I don't like those controversial I know but the busts give me a headache I woke me up great here need a hundred brick and one hundred steel for a blue there's one hundred steel right ok maybe not one hundred and fifty for that neech shield already first definitely do with some of that did you see me try and pickaxe that guy that wasn't gonna go well was it the only thing is this not really any already any brick around here is there i guess the house whatever go gimme gimme remember skate three yes I do yes I do love skate free joystick what should i do tack or pump shotgun which one the rocks around the bun out you're right actually which one should I do answers now pump pump pump oh geez lots of love for the pump on blood seller for the pump I'm great in that those 150 isn't it plain super careful today and it's it's paying off it's definitely paying off tack does more I don't know about that it does more damage more quickly sure but it doesn't do more in general tell you what though my Snipes have been pretty good today so I'm gonna crack this one open and see if I can crack a skull you know crack a skull open with it tack is the trash can I actually like the tech normally I beat a gold pump with a great a curlier so can't be doing too bad oh isn't that damn it's buffering it should be your s your end I think so I'm dropped any frames yo whoever kills me is getting a lot of mats bring back double pump I never used it I was never skilful enough okay now I'm gonna go back around I think what games a good to 120 dollar budget hey that's a good budget actually I didn't know there's a campfire here that's good to know let's go back around to the house I wasn't lost on roblox six hours ago are they're after me these private investigators hey boy boy what's good buddy two months in a row hey how's it going dude where is everyone this is creepy I don't like this I don't like this at all always coming for me I've angered the Beast Oh doing that are we he's gonna come for me oh great that's good I heard that and I knew I was gonna happen hello who was that who sniped me Oh is you know that was embarrassing I'll take the El on that one I panicked and jumped off you thought I paid on ps4 I'm just trying this new controller I always be on pc though those buds nobody ever again ever again oh man it's me Rex I was like where is everyone and then everyone appears Oh what just happens oh geez like it never happened I don't know what you're talking about Hey look at this I don't know there's a bug loading screen will I play more roblox I played it today guys you can check my roblox profile but the proof it happened okay it happens but the video doesn't come out into a Sunday alright I did start I still plan pairs for every now and again like when I'm upstairs or I don't know when I'm when it's easier but I like to find peace eaters because the FPS is so much better if you play on PC once you'll never go back you never do it you won't do it anytime he gets killed by a better players when he gets killed by himself I'm about that how do I thank the bus drove over there we go eyes lion okay no worries I spent so long getting mats you remember what I said as well the person who kills me was gonna get a lot of mats and they did oh yeah ps4 only million dollar tournament I saw that that's actually quite cool I showed the controller earlier I don't know if anyone clipped it though who said that mantas I'm gonna try here I don't know why they don't have this as an actual POA anymore no they didn't get that oh geez oh geez I thought I got that dude I sure would dumb way Laura you play keyboard a mouse I've tried so many times to do keyboard and mouse and I just can't do it just can't do it it's too many buttons it's just much easier to have a controller and just sort out that way I don't actually have a 240 Hertz monitor I need to sort that out Oh people getting crazy up in here I feel like people try too hard to play Fortnight too fast you know as I get the ammo I thought I did typical I thought I did I got some I saw something go into my body and didn't realize it was the you know the wrong thing that's fine it's fine I'll take it what PC do I use I'll go and check my youtube channel it has on there somewhere I think it's good go I don't actually know it's good it's bad it's on there somewhere though I'll do it every couple of days minecraft hardcore every couple days so close to three months sub eyes that's what I'm talking about you've got lots of people with some good sub streaks you know whoa why you spinning I'm gonna try the farm again when I keep trying it actually where is risky why it's over there is here maybe I'll go over there when's the next stream I don't know you look forward to these streams a thank Seema girl I always see you in the chat always yeah I don't have discord anymore Quincy's right oh this is this is heavy oh this is real heavy yeah this is gonna be a quick death guys quick death cook there's so many people here are you giving the metal I'll take this okay never mind I need to concentrate right there's chests in here on there in some of them I become the person I hate the person in the bush right get some good shield out of here it's not what I wanted but it's okay I'm stuck I'm stuck quick help if we level up five levels today that's what I'm talking about does someone near that haystack or is that butterflies I think it's butterflies they always get me yes butterflies as well stop yeah stop that nonsense I need a gun this better than these ones I need a shotgun I would take any I'm not gonna be greedy I just want any shotgun that is not it I'm sure that person would have come over get out of here boy that's upsetting isn't it that was toxic wasn't it oh they're gonna fight they're gonna fight and then with third party like a beast never mind he's a weak where is he oh geez goddamn he's hiding isn't he where are you I need to know I keep getting stuck in build motors so weird again we battle for the corn the thing is they can see you but you can't see them thanks for really annoying No [Music] to many people whoa people coming from everywhere no way too many people what are you saying to my videos I used premier I don't you just keep on a mouse literally like everyone's like everyone you say hey what was that what was that you almost set it off as well right the space one more game I think you play monkey when I Mouse play little controller yeah you have to click confirm I don't know about that you can usually press something else it depends what your controller binds are to be honest what Mouse I use a razor I don't actually know it's called though but I don't use I don't use a mouse before night I use controller your dishwasher went loud I used premiere pro I don't edit Mo's to my videos anymore though but my editor will Souza's premium well headset these are Audio Technica headphones I don't actually know the model number maybe I should think about what I buying right you shoulda me ha you should have me how much Wi-Fi speed do I have gig up a gig down my mic is an sm7b I wouldn't recommend it though I'd recommend getting a eighty twenty twenty mic just get one of those Dan streaming games that's because my setup is pretty much the same yeah I did upgrade but it didn't really feel that much of an upgrade for some reason maybe I'm just not getting the most out of it but the 20/20 is still still up there the plus side is it doesn't you phantom power which is good Oshie when you switched from blue Yeti to shore you weren't happy yeah they're pretty expensive as well not gonna lie to you they're really expensive compared to the at2020 yeah i use obs yeah i was i was surprised because everyone uses it like everyone who does podcasts everyone who does youtube pretty much it's a the mic of choice but not too sure about it someone's gonna try and get me out the air this is not what you want that wasn't the plan was it yeah wasn't massively impressed with it unfortunately I'm there you know what can't complain okay that's not there geez you good bro who's throwing stuff for me how did that not hit how did that not hit oh I don't need another sniper I was stuck in build mode again on dad big dad oh I know I always did it to him haha oh if I took more time with the sniper I would've been okay dude I miss I didn't have decent guns I got another sniper hey I love your videos you know lots of streams you know right but soon the 15th hey have a great birthday on the 15th what's that like 9 days over a week sweet I think I've seen tomorrow I'm not sure to be honest tips for growing on YouTube stay consistent make good content tied to a thumbnail 2 most important things Caro [Music] hey thank you I'm glad you like my videos dude uh Jackson what's good buddy where'd you get your mods for Minecraft there's a website called curse just search curse minecraft mods' that's the best place to get it hey no worries CNT will actually be homeschooled now I think there's nothing against homeschooling but I feel like you get a lot out of a lot socially out school so that's why we're gonna send him to public public or private school yeah just don't upload cursed minecraft mods that's no one's getting at ya curse it's a website cursed Forge that's right one yeah Justin Scott you I'm not using xbox I'm using PC Xbox on piece of Excellence controller PC boarding school now I don't think I could do boarding school don't think I could send them away for that long it's bad enough streaming yeah let alone sent away for months school is hell I mean it's some parts of it can be but I real of school know some bad bits purse also lots of great bits your washing from boarding school I bet some experience get Arizona OBS there's lots of YouTube tutorials for it my mod pack is called all the mods 3 remix that's the one I'm using no don't need those bandages don't need those bandages come with set me up saying nice I said something nice luckily I don't think there's many people here right I need a gun please I would love one that's the medkit oh my goodness got to go to the toilet chest okay that makes up for it never mind sir I wasn't complaining no bad pick from a chest how am i CNT I'm good how are you is that no one here I mean I'm okay with that but seems a bit weird I already won this I've already been here Slurpee swamp is for pros that's what I'm talking about when's my birthday it mines in November November the 8th so we got a long time yet but I'm happy cuz I'm gonna be like 29 that's kind of old not sure how I feel about that it's weirdly quiet here really quiet Justin I feel I'm gonna shot where is everyone I got full health just for this it's eerie or - you have that many materials can I show you the Xbox controller I showed it a couple of times but yeah I'll show you again again today in a second okay I guess no one wanted to come in how do I feel when the UK we're naughty you I'm not too bothered is what it is I avoid why voyage whatever happens happens it's what votes for I guess both hey thanks for the prime do you appreciate it pumpkin Potsie thank you for the prime as well I an SMG as fast as possible please give me one we share the same birthday nice I don't have that many materials what's going on we haven't used a launchpad today have we cuz they're in that new we already had like one they're pretty like rare at the moment go FK see you later Quincy thanks for popping by upgrade machine are you're right I don't have that many materials though Oh another hundred really so many busts which I really don't need I could upgrade to gold I guess ah there we go that's where you've been I'd in how much this gold costs will be two hundred of each oh here we go yeah two hundred of each I don't know if I should do it though that's a lot of materials um I got blue SMG yes do that hundred of each that's pretty launchpads a hundred percent chance from supply crates I didn't know that that's cool oh right we're gonna go try hard for this win this time not that we have it already don't say it but since we've got a decent start and decent weapons then we're gonna go for it I prefer a different assault rifle though if I can I'm just gonna go back and try and get some trees pilots don't feel as good as they used to be maybe they are well at least this controller no-kill win challenge no killers is hard but least with this controller it's not cutting out and stuff what my last one did still no one here still half of Slurpee swamp in the ring it's a blessing I was gonna get as much material as I can this could be a sweaty win opinions on the new game-mode I like it if you want to like practice your aim and stuff it's great cuz building isn't as important I like it it's pretty cool we played it for a bit earlier and the if you buy the skin from the item shop the skins actually pretty cool it's this one that we're wearing now usually wearing the old fish skin but this one's this one's decent no one heard that I wasn't doing anything there's already 14 people left we've killed know we've actually seen no one as well and I can do the ps4 only tournament I suck so no what was that maybe I'll give it a go for fun huh nothing Brady I read that in a second buddy where are you going I don't know why they're going that way isn't that oh that's in the circle okay never mind I'm just gonna chill here I think stone the edge it's probably a bad place to be actually thinking about it I think it's a bad place to be let me read this donation real fast ah gotta say I've been here since around a hundred K on YouTube seen you grow evolve been incredible with diamond dimensions with your videos truly amazing they got me through a lot thanks man hey thanks Brady thanks for putting by the stream let's hope you enjoy them dude can you do Naruto again hey that was a one-time thing that can't happen again I mean it could do but I'm just looking watch me just get tagged up here Khan you saw your bus for an hour at the upgrade station can you I don't think you could you can stop it for an a K but I don't know if it's you can do it for the bus though no more me making yeah enough no yet where we at how are we doing okay that's not great let's go around let's go around this way hold up someone would go for that anyone gonna go for that I'm not gonna go for that I'm gonna round the outside I'm a very epic still no roblox I don't know if you were here earlier but it might happen go and check my roblox profile see when I see when I did the older roblox in last you can upgrade for it all I could have done I don't have enough mats to do that though I need to get going there's a lot of people gonna be up I think I was a terrible chest you kidding me 10 left ridiculous I just want to get to the circle that's kind of close right right there joking I can get up this hill maybe they're gonna be people everywhere okay I wanna try and go on this a little bit here then we're good what was that okay we safe but how is everyone else I'm sure there was someone like following me you got eight players left this is stupid can't come to me this way well that could mean that this the storms headed this way by someone up there that's quite the fortress I must say yeah buddy we're going to season 1 season 1 hole we put it right through the window to chiki chiki looking right at each other this is gonna be an awfully sweaty wait what where did that come from season 2 so I mean your side playing Supply Drop yeah I could go get it but it's kind of risky well they're still looking at me that guy I see you up there okay my Snipes have been crazy today it's a warning shot it's a little warning shot play hey back off ah top of the hill is in as well he's trying to get me to look again someone else is shooting at me I was you I know it wasn't reloaded only one shot left as well odds annoying so that person's still on the hill it's all down so like where this comes to the storm they're still looking for me stop a smart wall how do you mean to do that five left where's he gonna be oh that's not bad I don't mind that whoa what were you doing here dudes I'll take that though he had mini as well Denis and I didn't say them I don't have to go back and get him this is gonna kill me isn't it okay someone in there - I think I think we're just out of the circle okay they're right under that I knew there was someone there the tree coming down trees coming down there guys scared the life out of me dude the fact that he was even down there I don't have enough mats for this I really don't I know that's gonna be harsh that's really harsh so they're distracted I might just go for it wait I've rotated this by accident did you see that I rotated the thing by accident AB no go to Matt's for this my friends this might be it it might be over oh there is okay we're going like this are we still four people left somehow I don't think I'm about to win this though okay made in how many what 255 mats we won the last one like this though but this is a really really smooth zone I don't even know where they are I'm being bullied I'm being bullied I'm actually being bullied where is everyone oh I didn't even see him come in that was sneaky bro I didn't even see him come in I didn't hear him I thought that was shooting from the top oh well we good guys I'm gonna have to end the stream here I've gone over I didn't expect that games go on so long thanks joining me today thanks for the bits and subs if you haven't followed yet hit that follow button so you know when I go live next I'll have the audio issues sorted out next time audio issues absolute you suck today at the beginning but thanks for sticking with me I hope you enjoy it I definitely did see you later Oh Shi thanks for stopping by him launch pads are back I could have used a trap right there I was looking for traps and got distracted but I'm guys thank you so much I will probably I don't know what I'm gonna stream next bird if you follow you will know when also let you know on Instagram Twitter and YouTube when I have the community tab on my new I'm a new channel if you haven't checked out the new channel yet its youtube-dot-com forward-slash dantdm live thank you so much for watching I see you guys next time bye bye see ya have a good rest your day bye
Channel: DanTDM Live
Views: 505,781
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dantdm, dantdm live, dantdm minecraft, dantdm hardcore, dan tdm live, dan tdm
Id: 5aq4qcBTWpg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 118min 27sec (7107 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 07 2020
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