Unlocking Organization: 5 steps to Decluttering Your Space and Mind with ADHD

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having less means that there's less going on around you which means that there's less going on in here too sometimes when I'm having a bad day I start to look around and I'm like does my brain feel like what I'm seeing around me and nine times out of 10 the correlation is uncanny things are in disarray maybe I didn't do the dishes the night before when normally nighttime Megan is so much nicer and that correlation is so so [Music] incredible hey everyone I'm Megs and you're listening to the mindful Megs podcast organizing an ADHD brain where you will hear stories from me and others on how we organize both our brains and our lives while living with ADHD we talk about how ADHD can be your superpower if you know how to harness it I found out I had ADHD 2 years ago and it was very difficult for me to find acceptance now that I know so much I want to share what I know and help others understand that this diagnosis is not your downfall it's a Eureka moment where you can now understand how your brain operates and how to figure out how to thrive you can expect to feel inspired like you're not alone and learn about so many of the incredible organizational tools there are to help your head stay on straight thank you so much for tuning in welcome back to the mindful Megs podcast and thank you for giving me a little bit of Grace this week I did not get an episode out on Monday like I normally do it's been a little crazy in my life personally and I've been giving myself a little bit of Grace and understanding so thank you for being patient with me I have a lot of really incredible podcast interviews coming up I have another ADHD therapist I have an ADHD coach who works with people on weight loss which is so darn cool I wish that I had known her eight years ago and when I told her that uh she was like I wish I knew all this stuff eight years ago right so it's so cool that we're having this conversation now about so many of the things that we're still learning about when it comes to ADHD in our brains one of the things I often hear when it comes to organizing is is well ADHD people can't be organized or maybe we don't have the tools with which to be organized or we don't have executive functioning skills that help us get in the space to be organized and so on and so on and so on so I am a part of Napo and I just recently went to the conference and Napo stands for the National Association of productivity and organization for professionals I met some amazing women there but guess what oh and men and there were so many people with ADHD who are also professional organizers and I absolutely love that what I'm finding is that I keep running into people that are really good at what they do in these specific niches and and there's a reason why they're there can you organize on your own yes and I'm going to teach you some tools that you can take with you today but there's also a reason why you can hire a professional organizer maybe it's that you don't have a ton of time you have kids you're working a full-time job you've got dogs to take care of a husband or a wife or you just want to take a darn bath there's a reason why there's professional organizers out there and it's because they can give you a head start and whether you work with them monthly or once a week or I don't know once every couple of months they're there for you to guide you along the way and decluttering your space and coming up with systems that make your life easier did you know it saves you a ton of money too okay I might be trying to convince you you don't have to hire me though anything that can make your life easier I am an advocate for because I can't tell you how much money you can save when you know where things are if you've got a lot of stuff there's probably a good chance that you know where most of your stuff is even if there's a pile of paperwork downstairs in the basement you haven't looked at it in years you can pretty collectively understand what's in that pile of paperwork but what if you go and you sort through it and the thing you thought was there all along is not there you've kept it in your brain that it's been there this entire time but now it's not there what do you do you get so frustrated with yourself cuz I know that I did we have a house my grandfather bought in 1968 and then when he passed away my parents inherited the home and we moved in in 1994 originally the idea was okay let's go through Grandpa's stuff and let's figure out where everything goes that never actually happened so all of the stuff from my parents moving 18 or 19 times in the military then accumulated on top of my grandfather's things well when we moved in there I was only eight years old and so that was just normal to me I didn't know another way of living because I mean I trust the adults to make the decisions in the household and let me be very clear there's absolutely nothing wrong with that and the truth is it's because there's never been a course on how to get rid of stuff as you're accumulating stuff and what do you do with all of your parents and grandparents things once they pass away yes there are courses now bear with me I never took a course on that when I was a kid growing up I had this room that was full of stuff I had collections I used to sew my doll clothes from my American Girl doll I had my American Girl dolls I collected little glass figurines my room was so colorful I used to cut out magazines and I would paste them all over my wall I had a collection of monkeys hanging from my canopy bed and I had so much stuff I didn't know what to do with it so when my mom would ask me to clean my room or yell at me to clean my room let's be honest I would put stuff away I would hide it well where does it go okay in a drawer but nothing had a place aside from my glass figurines or or this or that most things just simply ended up in a drawer stuffed away so that I would never know where to find it again because it wasn't necessarily in the spot that I always put it which was out in the open for me to see literally everything that I could have ever owned this is super fast forward when my husband and I ended up moving in together this was before we got married don't come at me people but we were living together and we both had been living on our own for a good amount of time so we had dishes and we had silverware and we had stuff upon stuff but we didn't do anything but simply combine things we didn't get rid of anything it wasn't until about 7 years ago that I started selling things on Facebook Marketplace so thank you Facebook Marketplace big fan and on Facebook Marketplace I found that okay I can make money from my stuff so that gave me some good incentive to let go but then I started detaching and monetizing everything in my head that was actually a roadblock I'll talk a little bit about that further on the episode on how I moved past that quite a bit now in addition to that I thought that I was getting rid of stuff at a rate that I just didn't have a lot but it wasn't until we went to sell our house and we had decluttered so much we didn't get rid of anything well we got rid of a lot as far as you know selling things before we moved but most of the stuff we just packed up and as we were packing up I would you know I took a bunch of pictures down I took a bunch of decor and kind of hid it in the boxes and when we posted the pictures of our house online I was so proud because we had made the video ourselves my husband was a real estate agent at that time and I remember one of my friends saying to me and commenting wow I'm so impressed with how decluttered it looks you really got rid of a lot of stuff and I was like what I seriously had no idea that I had that much stuff I just didn't and I also just assumed that everyone else had way more stuff than me especially based on where I grew up it didn't feel like a thing to me now did it overwhelm me yeah not necessarily the decor that I had but more the the amount of clothes that I had or shoes that I hadn't worn or crafts that I had driven across the the country with me and then decided never to use anymore anyone a scrapbooker scrapbooking is really awesome but who has time for that anymore I had stickers and papers and you name it I probably brought it with me from the East Coast out to Colorado anyways my friend saying that was a turning point for me she wasn't trying to insult and she wasn't trying to make me feel bad but it made me feel awful because I thought I was doing a really great job and in hindsight I was absolutely when we moved into our new house and we started unpacking things and making our new house a home I realized there was still a lot of stuff that we really just didn't need and throughout 2020 and Beyond I continued to sell stuff on Facebook Marketplace but if you've ever done that before it takes a lot of time you got to take pictures you've got to take men measurements then you need to do research on what things are going for you've got to be realistic about your expectations and the negotiations that you make with people it's not just about posting it and being like pay me money for this that would be great it's not as simple as that because then you have to respond to people you have to continue to build a rapport with them and you've got to have a profile where people trust you you've got to understand what's a scam and what's not a scam and so on and so on it becomes a priority in your life when you are selling stuff on Facebook Marketplace but I did it and I did it hardcore I was working in the corporate world at the time too so when you're working 40 to 60 hours a week and at that point had two young babies and my husband and we're trying to build our lives in our new house we had to get Landscaping done we had to put wall coverings on the wall so on and so on I would only be able to declutter here and there at certain points in my life but I made a lot of progress fast forward I left the corporate world and right before I did there was one week that I had taken off in PTO where I really decluttered hard another three weeks I actually traveled back to where my parents are and I helped them declutter we got rid of eight to 10 bags of donations where a truck just came along and picked them up one morning where we scheduled and that was incredible I had no intentions of going into the professional organizing world I wasn't even sure that I wanted to leave the corporate world at that point in time but as I was working with a career coach around this time we started talking about what I really wanted to do and I thought about interior design I've always been fascinated with how things look and making your home just feel like you with color and Vibrance and excitement and I wanted to teach people how much they no longer needed in their life so I left the corporate world and I decided that I wanted to be a professional organizer and I thought that I could go into spaces and create Pinterest looking spaces if you don't know what I mean look up organizing on Pinterest and it'll come up with all of these perfect products you can buy to put all of your stuff in the perfect places so that you'll never lose anything again so I started to tackle my own home that's what I did first and I started reading books upon books and trying to figure out what am I missing what is going on here that I can't quite grasp keeping my own home organized now it was fairly organized I had gotten rid of a ton of stuff like I said I sold a bunch of stuff on Facebook Marketplace and I still had so much stuff oh my gosh like what was wrong with me nothing nothing was wrong with me okay I want to point that out up front if you got a lot of there's nothing wrong with you a lot of the times we just don't have time when I left the corporate world now I had my entire day free obviously I wanted to start my own business but I also wanted to make sure that I could do this for myself one of the books that I read was called decluttering at the speed of life I highly recommend it and I'll post it in the show notes below I learned a lot from the woman who wrote this book one of the things being that not everything that left my home needed to be sold I don't know why I needed to hear it from someone else it was if I was so attached to the fact that my things were worth money that I didn't even think about another way and when I read about letting go without having to worry about that other stuff it just made so much more sense to me I tackled my home in a way that not a lot of us are able to do and I didn't do it with the tips and the tricks and the tools that I'm going to teach you today because what I did is I was on a time crunch it almost felt like I had to have my home fully organized before I started my own professional organizing business I had done a lot I had learned a lot and I had a lot to do so I went through each room I decluttered I came up with spaces for everything I made multiple trips to any donations center I tried to find donation centers that would support good causes so it made me feel even better about giving things away I even donated things to our site that you could give away for free in my hometown it felt good it felt really good one thing that I did was try to organize my craft closet and I dedicated an entire day to it I emptied everything out I colorcoded everything my colored pencils were rainbows and my markers were rainbows the Crayons were rainbows each and everything had its own perfect spot I even put together little care packages for people in my area like uh coloring books and crayons and colored pencils that they could use for kids that are homeschooling I put everything back it looked really beautiful but the mistake that I made is that I didn't go in there and assign places for everything so guess what I had to do it over again this ties back into time management I promise so I did it again I emptied everything out I got rid of more and then I put it all back and then months later actually a couple months ago I looked at this craft closet again and after doing so much work for my clients and for myself I realized I still haven't gotten rid of enough and so here I am I have decluttered this craft closet now two to three times trying to come up with a perfect solution so that it can stay fairly organized right where things have a place and finally I realized it was just because I didn't get rid of enough having less but you have less decisions to make on all of the stuff in front of you and when you have two kids going in there five and seven are my kids ages now they don't know where things go they don't well my seven-year-old can read but my 5-year-old is still working on that and so when they go in there they don't necessarily read labels they're not going in there to find the perfect spot they're simply just just going in there and putting things where they fit because that's what they know to do so there are a lot of things that I did not correctly here my learning and my mistakes get to benefit my clients because I can teach them how you don't have to do this all at once you don't have to reinvent the wheel every time you go in and organize a space in fact it can be done very simply and without overwhelming our brain to the point that we don't ever get to organizing a space in general I was talking to another one of my clients the other day and she said the phrase well once I get organized well I'll tell you what I I don't think that there's ever a point at which you get organized you make a decision to be more organized and then you start to adopt the traits and habits or routines around what that actually looks like and so let me talk to you a little bit about how I coach my or how it would coach you on getting to a place where you could have a more organized home it doesn't mean that it's going to be perfect it does not mean that it's going to look like Pinterest at least right away because if you have a lot of stuff you're not going to buy containers for all of that stuff the first step of getting organized is decluttering which is a whole another step in itself and decluttering means you have to make some decisions on the stuff that you have and letting it go so that you can live with the stuff that's going to elevate your life now and not just in case later as far as time management goes often time people with ADHD and myself we have executive function issues which means that I'll get up in the morning sometimes and I've got so many things going on in my brain if I don't sit down and plan out my day and really time box and figure out what I'm going to be able to achieve in the day my brain will continue to run and get all of these ideas and I will just continue to just do tasks around the house until I actually sit down and have a plan of action executive function I'm going to drop a I have a bunch of Articles below just on understanding your brain in a different way there's a couple different websites that I would recommend one of them is attitude magazine it's additude attitude right get it ad okay uh but talking about executive function I think is really important because there's nothing wrong with you your brain just doesn't give you the skills that neurotypical people have when it comes to Executive function I will even tell you while I'm recording this podcast I'm going in so many different ways I have to have a timeline in front of me and even planning out that timeline was so overwhelming to me I didn't want to do it I just want to talk about the stuff but I also want to do it in a way that it's easy to follow and it makes sense so that you can start to implement some of these things so executive function we can also be time blind and we have trouble balancing tasks and what that means for me or for my clients sometimes too is that if you look at a space that has a lot of stuff in it and not all of that stuff has a place to go it looks very overwhelming and most of the people that I work with most of the people that I talk to say I just just don't know where to start and that is the trouble we have sometimes we can see an end result we know what that end result looks like we have a solution we've been there before we can imagine it it it feels so good to imagine it except that all of the little teeny tiny itty bitty steps to get there feel very overwhelming until we start to actually break it down into those teeny winny itty bitty stti obviously you can hire a professional organizer do it highly recommend also another way out is to give yourself the option to be a more organized person and then create a routine around it not a habit because apparently habits are things that neurotypical people can just do without even thinking about it I still hate to brush my teeth at night but I know I have to do it because I don't necessarily want my teeth to rot out of my face when I'm in my 40s though I do it painfully but what I also know is that other people don't have that Ridiculousness hanging over them to complete a task that you've been practicing your entire darn life something that I have Incorporated when I brush my teeth is creating a routine and a trigger that when I'm brushing my teeth my routine now is to also clean up my sink area and to put things away like putting away my face stuff and putting away the toothpaste putting away this and that and that is the kind of idea I want you to start to create around being more organized another thing that's prevented me from organizing in the past is that my clients have said this is just so overwhelming I don't even know where to start that speaks to me because when I think of something that I want to do for my business or maybe for my kids or even if it's learning a new piece of technology the thought of starting it is overwhelming to me because I know I'm not going to be good at it right away I wouldn't know all of these little tips and tricks and things that could help me be the best possible version of myself when using this tool I want to be good at it right away and I know that starting means that I'm not going to be that serves as a roadblock for me I think this can tie into executive function too because I can't get myself to do the thing that I know I want to do and I know could help me make my life better that's the thing all of these things that we're holding ourselves back from doing is going to elevate Our Lives having less means that there's less going on around you which means that there's less going on in here too sometimes when I'm having a bad day I start to look around and I'm like does my brain feel like what I'm seeing around me and nine times out of 10 the correlation is uncanny things are in disarray Maybe I didn't do the dishes the night before when normally nighttime Ving is so much nicer and that correlation is so so incredible look I could go on and on about all the reasons why we're not organized there's so many different things cuz while I can organize the space there's so many other things I would love to organize that I'm just not great at so I'd like to hire other people to do it for me or perhaps listen to a podcast that could help guide me along the way so the solutions I want to give to you today if you want learn how to get more organized yourself in your space is to start small as small as you possibly can pick a time that works for you pick a time frame I should say 5 10 15 minutes you're going to do this once a day I'm going to give you all the steps here you're first you're going to pick the amount of time that you're going to do it for once you have that I want you to think about what time of day is going to be the most convenient for you to dedicate this time block to is it going to be in the morning when you first get up and the kids aren't up yet is it going to be in the evening after the kids go to bed I know that in the evening I just want to get into bed so that's not going to be the best time for me the morning is the best time for me because I have time to think before my children get up I wake up at 5:00 A.M every day so I'm not telling you you have to do it I'm just saying it's a great place to start your day you want to start to think clear is it lunchtime is it while your kids are eating lunch maybe they're still home or maybe they're off at school and maybe you have set a reminder somewhere to tell you that now is the time to do it which leads me to my third step once you have picked a Time amount of time and then picked a time of day now you're going to set a reminder what have you committed to have you committed to doing this in the morning when you first wake up midafternoon even evening middle of the night I don't know who you are what your life is like you do you right now you're going to set a reminder you set a reminder on Alexa just make sure you don't do it for five times a day I did that and now I don't know how to turn all of the reminders off on Alexa she's really annoying and sometimes my emotions get the best of me when I'm trying to turn her off but I digress because I want to focus on organizing and now you're going to set a reminder you can set a reminder on your phone just set a recurring reminder say you know hey Siri can you set a reminder for me at 7 a.m. every single day to declutter a space for 15 minutes say I added that tomorrow 7 a.m. that's cool okay so I didn't even think she was going to do it but she literally just did it for me now every day at 7 a.m. Siri is going to remind me that I'm going to go declutter a space but Megan what does that mean okay so this is where it feels really good but this is step four you're going to find a box you're going to put it at your back door in your garage at your front door wherever it could go that it's out of the way and that's going to be your donation box you're going to put it somewhere write donations on it you can buy a box you can use a plastic box you can use the Amazon box that was just delivered I talked to someone the other day and she said that every time an Amazon box gets delivered to the house it does not leave unless it has something in it she makes it purposeful that things go in that box and then they leave the home I think that's brilliant and step five is now you're going to figure out which space you're going to declutter you can start with a drawer you can start with a cabinet you can start with one corner of a space remember that you have this 15 10 or 5 minute increment to work within the cool thing about it is that once it's over you don't have to do anything else that's it because the point is is that I want you to see how how much you can get done in that little amount of time now you are going to get more done if you dedicate 15 minutes versus five minutes but the point here is to not get overwhelmed and what I always tell myself is gosh I can do anything for five minutes anything within reason but anything that I put my mind to and something that I want to achieve in my life I can do in 5 minutes or 10 minutes or 15 minutes I'm going to link a video in my YouTube that shows me decluttering this office so that I could record my podcast episode in here today we've recently had family staying with us and so the sheets were still on the bed back here and I just wanted to show you everything that I could get done in that short amount of time it actually took me 10 minutes even though I set a timer for 15 minutes so what does decluttering of space actually look like I can do a longer episode on this but here's here are the basic tools you're going to work with is you're going to look at the space that maybe it frustrates you the most maybe it frustrates you the least but regardless pick a space that's relatively easy for example you start with a drawer you're going to take everything from that drawer and you're going to put it on your counter now if your counters are cluttered then maybe you consider decluttering the counter first regardless you want to take everything from the space that you're in and you're going to take it out now if it's a cabinet or a drawer it's it's taking out the contents but if you're on the counter I want you to draw an invisible line or maybe even a real line on the space that you're actually going to work within you're going to set blinders on yourself you're going to put these little blinders on and you're not going to look at anything else you're only going to focus on this space the point of it is to be able to declutter the space so that you can see what's in front of you and see what you can achieve by simply dedicating a short amount of time to it as you start to go through things you're going to ask yourself is this something that has a space already do you have a specific place you keep scissors and that's what you found on the counter do you have a specific space where you keep food put that where it goes now there could be the case where you're still overwhelmed by everything else in the other area come back to the first area do not let yourself be distracted by other areas it's so important that you focus on the task at hand as you continue to work through things ask yourself what's trash maybe you just look at what's trash and throw that out first if it's food what's expired let that be a really great reason to get it out of your house what if you have a deck of cards and all of the Gaines in your house are all all over the place where do you want to be able to keep the games and that's where they start to accumulate go put it there how about candy from a birthday party or birthday bag you decide that gosh my kids already have enough candy and I don't want this in my house you throw it away or maybe it is too painful to throw something away so you put it in the donation box because they'll find use for it I want to know what else you're struggling with so let me know and I will give you the tips and tricks and tools help you let go of more something that helps me a lot I've been practicing this a lot too is I see that when I have less it just it takes so much pressure off my back there's so much that I don't have to keep track of anymore because there's so much that I don't need as humans we really don't need a lot I'm not here to preach a minimalist journey to you I'm here to teach you that you can absolutely be organized as a person with ADHD if you break it down into the smallest tasks imaginable if that's still too overwhelming to you let me know I'm super curious and I'd love to ask you some more questions if this is working also let me know because I'd love to ask you some more questions and if you have more questions about what's next what do I do after that let me know because I'd love to talk to you more about that too one thing that helps me with my time management is I get up at at 5:00 a.m. every single day and I'm going to take that back a little bit because I'm still a human we had a death in the family this week and it's been awful just awful gut-wrenching heartbreaking loss is grief is and I thought I was going to be able to carry on with life like normal and I have not been able to there's a lot of change there's a lot of stuff that happens with grief and guess what I have been allowing myself to sleep in I don't even feel remotely guilty about it and something I've noticed is that my days don't get planned the way that I've been effective at planning them in the past so I'm really excited to wake up at 5:00 am tomorrow morning and I'm excited because I know what it does for me in my brain and the things that I can get done during the day to support myself and my kids in our future I wake up at 5:00 a.m. and I have a template it's actually a free download on my website that I always have Linked In the show notes below and it is a daily planner I do it every single day and I write down my priorities at the top I have four so I write down my husband I write down my girls I write down my business and I write down myself and then each of my to-dos I have six to-dos that I complete every day and I don't write things down like make the girls lunches for school that's not something I write down it's just something that we do because we're in a routine doing it what I do write down is things I'd like to get done during the day things are that are high priority for me to check off my to-do list I write them down and I have them aligned with my priorities then I'll put them in my calendar to make sure that I have the time to do those things and if there's something that just doesn't align with my priorities I'm allowed to set boundaries around that and put it to the next day so check it out see if it works for you if it doesn't let me know I'd love to see if I can modify it in a better way right multiple brains come up with great ideas if we put them together and then if it helps I'd love to know that too check it out like I said it's free you can go ahead and print it out I started this business because I had this idea that everything in my house could look perfect and everything in my house would have the perfect organizing product that I could put my perfect towels in I it wasn't as if I wanted to live this perfect life I just knew that I was drowning in so much stuff I wanted a solution and I thought that the solution was Perfection but the solution really is making these tiny incremental itty bitty steps on a daily basis because at the end of the day they add up this monumentous change that you could have never imagined making in your life I will post this on YouTube and in the back I have these two hutches here and we bought them not to put stuff in but because we really liked the way they looked and one thing I always wanted was a guest room where people could unpack and actually put their stuff away put their suitcases away so that they could feel like they were at home and not living out of their suitcases so we have two drawers on each side and they're both empty and there's stuff in the cabinet here because it just made sense for us to put things in there they have a space and they're not full I don't think I ever would have been able to say that eight years ago or when I was in high school no if there was a space I would fill it up because it was there for me to fill it up I feel so good opening those cabinets now because if there's something in there that I need to find I can open it really quickly to see if that thing is in there or not I also have a space for things in there so most of the time I just go to where I already know that thing is because I have designated spaces for things is my life with ADHD still hard certainly does it still get messy uh yeah I have kids and I want them to live a kid life but when I have less there's less for me to put away I have Eureka moments all the darn time when it comes to organizing because I see the effect that it has on my life and people don't organize their homes to be perfect they don't organize their homes to never be messy they organize and declutter their homes because when they have less and things get messy there's less to put away it's as simple as that so even now when my home gets messy and I look at my countertops I see things but I also see things that have a home and I'm like oh that brush goes in that drawer over there those hair ties go in that hair bow drawer over there I've my daughter has schoolwork she has a schoolwork drawer if she has artwork we have an artwork drawer we have methods and systems that work for our family now that make our lives easier it's easier for us to keep up with it because we know what's working for us or we know where things go it is impossible to do this in one day it's impossible to do it in a week what is possible is deciding you want to make a change and doing just a teeny bit at a time and also if you don't want to do it on your own then don't hire me and I would be so happy to talk you through it I do decluttering sessions over zoom and I also do in-person decluttering sessions and organizing sessions in addition to that I am available for coaching and I love to coach people with ADHD on organizing I was talking to someone today and they were like oh I hate that I have to trick my brain into cleaning but sometimes I invite people over just so that I will get things done and I'm like okay but if that works why not praise yourself for that you know it works you know that you have a solution what is bad about that one you get to hang out with awesome people two you have a clean Home Three you still have a clean home the next day so I feel like it's a win-win-win situation here before I leave today I want to reinforce the fact that you can praise yourself for these little wins and that's really the last step to all of this is congratulating yourself for these little things that you're doing CU they're not little things it adds up and it's pretty amazing what it adds up to one of the articles I linked below talks about executive function and how we can improve our executive function skills with joy and with praise it's literally written by people who know what they're talking about which is why I like some articles down there so don't just take my word for it take the expert's word for it in addition to that you can treat ADHD from a place of shame or blame that's another quote that I got from one of the Articles and I love it because every time I talk to someone who is who has been shamed for having ADHD or is shaming themselves do you think that they're actually living their best life uh no absolutely freaking not because guess what we do with our darn brains is we take it on a train ride down to a place that we don't want to live in but we do that to ourselves praise yourself please do that and procrastination putting it off and putting it off it really comes from a place of ambiguity if you don't know what you don't know that serves as a roadblock okay with that said I'm going to go ahead and sign off for the night oh I did this new feature on the podcast platform that I use where you can actually send me a text message so if you scroll down to this uh show notes you can click a little button and it'll send me a text share your thoughts it's so easy because there's a button for it so cool I mean there's other ways to get in touch with me in the show Notes too but try it out I'm so curious how it works and I would love to post a text message that I get so you guys are amazing thank you for all of your feedback I have been hearing some beautiful beautiful things about the podcast so thank you it keeps me going if you would like to support the podcast in any way shape or form please consider joining my patreon account where I'll post some additional content and some wise words from me if you will join my Facebook page like and share this podcast with whomever you think could benefit I also have this amazing woman who is my friend she owns a small batch skin care business in Colorado and I have been using her CBD bath bombs forever and my code I have a code that you can use to save 10% if you use that code you can order bath bombs for yourself and have it sent to you I actually just had my father order the direct pain cream and it is incredible I use it for cramps and he used it for his knee that was giving him a ton of pain and he looked at me after he put it on first I had to promise him he's not going to get high right and he laughed at me but also I think he was relieved that I confirmed that for him but he looked at me and he was like I can't believe this is working right now he has taking aspir and he's taking all of these other things to try to get the pain to diminish in any way and this direct pain cream works so check it out use my code to save money and you can have it shipped to you so it doesn't matter where you are additionally me and my husband use hellofresh I'm not sponsored by them in any way so these they're literally just free boxes that we can give away so I put a down in the show notes below if you sign up for a free box then we get to feed our family for a week for free so thank you so much for supporting us and you get to eat as well so how about that what a world we get to live in if nothing else just thank you for participating and listening
Channel: Organizing an ADHD Brain
Views: 49
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: XM8e8O-UlVQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 47sec (2507 seconds)
Published: Mon May 13 2024
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