Unlocking Every Achievement in Sekiro

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sekiro Shadows die twice is easily one of the hardest games I've ever played I remember picking up the game back in 2019 when it released and I was quickly defeated now that it's 2022 I've come back with a vengeance and I will accept nothing less than perfection I think the best way to describe this game is a baby between Spider-Man Assassin's Creed and God of War which sounds fantastic and when you mix in from software the creators of Dark Souls and Elden ring you get an absolute Frankenstein Masterpiece now in this video we'll be going for all the achievements in Secure Shadows die twice I told myself I would complete this game before 2022 came to an end but I didn't leave much time we'll have to see if it's even possible at this point now the achievements in this game can be broken down into five categories Collectibles bosses upgrades endings and a few miscellaneous and as fun as it is to collect the achievements in this game it is one hell of a grind I'll have to spend hours farming skill points and upgrade materials and on top of that I have to beat the game four times now excluding a few early game achievements such as revered blade shnobe prosthetic Memorial mop and Resurrection I'll be showing you the whole journey let's see if we can make that end of the year deadline alright let's start this journey now that is quite the [ __ ] this snake is gonna become the villain of our playthrough so it's only fair that we strike first oh see ya sucker it's worth it green beans oh am I safe after Escaping The Snake we run into one of our first bosses of the playthrough gyobu the horse Lord and this guy is in too much trouble you just use the firecracker and just stay close oh and just like that Fallen nice we did it after killing yobu I explored the castle and eventually found an old lady who gave me a bell that allowed me to travel back in time and here is where we found one of the first secret bosses of the playthrough lady butterfly now she is an absolute Menace she can create illusions that you can only destroy with green beans and she throws a ton of knives at you but with a bit of patience and a lot of deaths I was able to finally take her down no oh yes wait is she dead let's go oh [ __ ] dude she's been unlocked a phantom lady butterfly holy Jesus they don't make him easy down here in the past I'll tell you that for free holy smokes after returning to the present I continued on through the castle killing bosses collecting beads and we learned about an ancient technique for lightning redirection now this is going to become super important going forward because there are a ton of key bosses that are really gonna put us on the ropes unless we know how to use this once we made it to the top of the castle we find Lord kanichiro trying to abduct Lord Kuro because he wants to live forever and we cannot let that [ __ ] happen so we do what we got to do and we challenge him to a fight now this fight's not too difficult assuming you can match the aggression and not get greedy with healing granted those are things that I struggle with quite a bit so it took me a few tries but eventually we get through and we think we kill him and then oh we gotta heal we're so [ __ ] don't shoot us no well we're good oh just at this point I for sure thought I was gonna get an achievement but apparently there's more to this fight than I thought oh is he getting naked boy Tomo the lightning of Tomo let's get it ready to heal yeah oh oh dude nope we have pellets okay then the secret second phase gets me but eventually I get back and I show this guy exactly what it means to be the wolf hit him with the ax come on come on come on come on oh yes let's go we killed him Revenge served cold achievement unlocked get nichiro ashina memory of ganichiro air respects and we move on after finishing ganichiro and being told that we need to go and collect a whole bunch of stuff to sever immortality we actually managed to get enough skill points that we level up and complete our first skill tree we can max out this skill tree to get this attack let's do it Sheena cross oh it's even unlocked Master of the Arts sweet now we're an absolute Ninja after we embarked to search for the means to sever immortality we run into the most obnoxious area in the game the gunfort and this is what the first 40 minutes of the gun for it looked like for me oh oh what's happening foreign thank God holy smokes man what an annoying boss with the gun Fort behind us we get a visit from an old friend on the other side the thing about this just feels off the bridge gonna fall oh oh where are we dead what do we do swim oh get underneath him I think we're safe dude after the surprise on the bridge we make it into what appears to be its den and we sneak past the goalie and we steal something that does not make him happy we're gonna get hyped up for this we just run we run past the snake [Applause] wait we can arrive run we made it I can't believe we made it in there I think we maybe we cheesed it a bit what is this dried serpent viscera oh that sounds disgusting wait can we kill him oh I'm so dumb no [ __ ] way that kills us after getting pants down embarrassed by the snake I swear to myself that there's no way I'm letting him get the last laugh and we will 100 be back to get our revenge but for now it's time to jump into this big pool looking area to see if this monkey knows anything about severing immortality killing the guardian ape gives us an achievement and this fight took me a really long time so this is definitely gonna feel good when we can actually get through this guy oh he's gonna bucking him foreign Guardian ape Ho Holy Smokes oh my God my heart is racing so fast we actually spent like over an hour fighting this guy oh my God I hate monkeys we're done with we're done with monkeys no more monkeys okay stop we've had enough let's go see what he was hiding in his little cave I think this must be the flower right this is where he said the water pours into okay we've done it now after getting our achievement for killing the guardian ape and collecting the flower we actually get a finger which we can take back and turn into a prosthetic tool and this will actually give us the final achievement for all of the Prosthetics now is a good time to talk about what ending we're going to get for the playthrough so there's four endings and we're gonna be getting the return ending which requires us to complete a ton of side quests and collect a bunch of items in order to get it and this is the one you want to make sure you don't mess up because it takes the longest to get now we've already obtained one of the ingredients which was the dried serpent viscera and we'll touch on some of the other ingredients as we go but I wanted to let you guys know that that's exactly what's going to happen during this first playthrough now our next step is we need to get to miabu Village so that we can actually acquire our second ingredient and collect a bunch of things that we're going to be needing later now before we can get to miibu Village we actually have to re-fight the guardian ape again and I can't tell you how hard this fight was for me probably the third hardest fight in the entire game now there's an achievement to kill this guy but we actually can't get it yet until much later on we need to acquire the Mortal blade and then come back and kill the bug that's letting this guy Live Forever Wait that did so much damage to its uh stamina I gotta kill this monkey Oh weird dead oh we're so lucky oh dude we can do this 100 we just need firecrackers oh my God they're just like on top of each other and they never move except for when they don't have firecrackers as you can see I was getting destroyed by these guys I just couldn't figure out how to get them spaced apart and it just kept getting me killed now I wasn't gonna let that stop me because I'm here to get all the achievements and I know I have to kill these guys to set up an achievement later on in the game one more oh my God dude kill this bug that was so much harder than I thought it would be double monkey it's just not for me oh my God I need I don't even smoke but I need a cigarette after that one now that the corrupted ape was incapacitated we've actually set up an achievement and we can come back and get it later on but we continue on through the game we kind of Breeze through mibu Village we killed the fake corrupted Monk and we get inside the cave to get the shelter Stone and find where we're gonna have to be later on once we have all of the ingredients next we head up to senpo Temple where we first kick the Tin Man into the drink then we dive into this little Lake here so we can collect one of the items needed for the return ending which is important because we're almost at the point where we're going to need to convert these into an achievement but first we need to play hide and seek with some other monkeys so that we can get another monkey related achievement here we got him oh my God achievement unlocked folding screen monkeys what a silly encounter oh my God I feel like I ran around for 20 minutes trying to kill those monkeys at this point we've got our third ingredient needed to create the incense that curl wanted but more importantly with the Mortal blade now we can finally go back and end to the guardian ape and get a couple of achievements this time see what happens here just like that Guardian ape immortality severed which is exactly what we needed and we got all the Ninjutsu techniques let's go okay that's not bad that's two trophies for one we take that with the final Ninjutsu technique acquired we now have the ability to mind control this potato guy and have him lift up a kite which with the help of a little bit of parkour and a couple of webs we're actually going to be able to get to the other side of this Chasm and not only get an achievement but settle our Dead with the snake and get another item required for the return ending oh he shoots he scores and we got some green beans okay this is the moment we've been waiting for we've been disaffected we've been destroyed we've been abused by the snake it is finally time we give it some of what it's given let's go let's go that was I thought we were gonna fight it this is way more violent than I was expecting oh my God this is like God of War she even unlocked Great Serpent hold let's go okay we got the other you know the viscera after dealing with our bully we finally get a chance to head back to the castle with all three ingredients and we run into owl who's actually trying to take Lord kuro's power for himself and we cannot have that happen so not only can we Bend steel we can break iron and we tell owl that there's no way in hell we're gonna help him and that we know for a fact that he has an achievement on his head and he is dying today so that not only can we get to the end of the game but we can also get an achievement foreign wait who did I just kill him who who that's right great Shinobi owl achievement unlocked let's go not as bad as a fight as I thought it was gonna be but we take it at this point in the game we're basically ready to set up our ending so we don't have to worry anymore so I'm gonna walk you through exactly what we have to do step one we need to become the bloat goat and eat a ton of rice provided by the Divine Child after we've been fed the rice we need to take some of this rice and have curl make us some sticky rice balls because this healing item is going to come in huge later on but it's also required for the ending finally we need to hand in all these items we've been collecting which includes the two tomes from senpo Temple as well as the two viscera heart which this kid's gonna eat and then throw up and then we're gonna give him some fruit he's gonna be fine then he's gonna finally give us the Frozen tears which is the item we need for the end of the game so I think this is actually the last thing that we have to give her before we're able to just continue playing the game [Music] okay so this is actually the last item we need in order to like continue through the game and get the return ending which is great because this thing has taken forever to set up with the return ending finally secured I put on my detective hat and I find out that there is another way to travel into the past this time it's with owl's memory not the old lady's Bell so we come back here and we end up at Hirata estate just like before but things are a little bit different owl isn't dead at least not yet and we have to fight a bunch of mini bosses just to get back to the castle for me this was easily the hardest fight in the entire game no matter what I did I couldn't make it to the second phase it took me well over an hour just to make it there but then when I was on the verge of giving up an exhaustion was kicking in I decided to have one more go at it and this is what happened so tired oh first time getting this far with no healing potions left I had no choice but to embrace the bloat goat do we go for it oh hold on I'm [ __ ] up eat it [Music] oh what the [ __ ] was that come on no [ __ ] way are you supposed from exhausted to like adrenaline dude there's no [ __ ] way we just killed that guy I sat here for an hour dying to him and we get to the second phase and we just win instantly oh my god dude I it was the rice I'm so I'm so happy oh and we got the flower with Renewed Energy I decided maybe it was time to do a little bit of cleanup so that I didn't have to do it later so I decided to go pick up some of the upgrade materials we're going to need in order to get all the upgrades later on now there are a few named upgrade materials such as the kunai the ring and the resin so we're gonna pick those up now and then we're gonna head over to Fountain top Palace where we'll finally get our achievement for finding all the locations in the game before having another run in with the corrupted monk it has a little wood what the hell what a detail oh we got him dude we actually just first tried that that was insane it felt like it was going to be a mission impossible situation oh my gosh but they call us Jason Bourne cool corrupted monk let's go after making it through Fountainhead Palace we finally get the last gourd seed which allows us to go back to Emma and get the ultimate healing gourd achievement achievement unlocked we are now healing at full capacity throughout the playthrough I've been collecting these treasure carp scales because there's these two pot goblins that you have to give them to and one of them will eventually give you this nasty bait that you feed to this big fish and after you feed it to him the fish is going to go to Sunken Valley and die where when we come over we loot his corpse we get an achievement we pay our respects we head home now when we originally came to this area we were here for Dragon Tears and we need those in order to beat the game so let's make sure we don't forget them you get abducted by God so the Divine Dragon boss fight isn't too bad and honestly I think it's probably the gimmick fight of the entire game now it's split into two parts the first part is pretty easy you just kind of jump on these guys and use them to beat the hell out of the other ones so overall it's not too bad and during the actual Divine dragon fight you just end up using the lightning of tomoi that we used against konichiro to finish him off pretty quick and then we get our tears and we get our achievement oh [ __ ] I thought we were killing him I forgot we just needed this here ignore that should towards the dragons she even unlocked throughout the game I've been killing mini bosses and collecting prayer beads and at this point in the game we're ready to actually turn them into the final necklace and get our achievement oh man there's a lot of Beats to collect that was tough for that so many of them are behind bosses but we managed to get it done which is huge now I think we're ready to face probably the coolest boss in the entire game and definitely the last secret boss that we have to battle now the demon of hatred is actually the sculptor from the beginning of the game which is such a cool way to finish off the story with him but he is a tough fight now I managed to do it in not too many tries but I was incredibly patient so each fight took a very long time every time I died I had to restart but we got it done wow heart is beating achievement unlocked demon of hatred what a crazy boss it's so stylized thankfully we did it faster than some of those other bosses because it has three lives man that is insane what a cool fight okay so at this point in the game we kind of want to knock out some of these upgrades so what I'm going to do is I'm going to start farming out resources so that we can get all of these upgrades excluding two that will have to wait and get in the next playthrough like on the next new game plus cycle um you only need to get two of these per play through that's what we're gonna do we're gonna get two of them and then I'm gonna Farm up all the resources right now and we're gonna get all of the upgrades for everything else it's gonna take a bit but after this we should be basically set up to get the achievement and we should also get a bunch of XP points too towards unlocking all the skills this is going to be a grind let's play the training montage but okay enough of that so I have now farmed out enough to get every single item that we can do and we actually got an achievement for upgrading one of these final items for using the lapis lazuli now we have to wait until the next playthrough before we can get these because that material is only available in a few places but I found out the rest of them the rest of the materials that we need for these items so we should be good to go when we get those we can finish out this achievement now we're finally ready to face the final boss and finish our first of four playthroughs so this fight is kind of crazy because it has four phases I've never faced a boss fight like that in any of these games but we get through the first phase without too much trouble we die a couple of times but we make it through then this guy ishin climbs out of ganichiro like one of those hidden Russian dolls where when you open it there's another one underneath then he kills us a bunch and we have to run the fight for close to an hour but honestly that's not that bad we got pretty lucky with the lightning and I'll tell you what in future playthroughs I did not get this lucky and this fight took me way longer come on no way he just lets us lightening him three times in a row dude that is so [ __ ] lucky oh my God it is free if you're lightening them oh dude my blocks were not Landing hole now you should start well goodbye not as hard as some of the other fights but she even unlocked we'll take it okay so we are going for the return ending in this playthrough and we're gonna have to play through the game four more or three more times after this so I'm gonna get the achievement right now for doing this ending and then what we'll do is as we progress through and get the other endings we'll actually Farm out our skill points as we go since we gotta play through the game four times we may as well let's do this give him the tears she even unlocked dragon's homecoming okay that's one down three more to go okay so we're on the tail end of our second playthrough and we finally have all of the resources to upgrade our tools and finish that achievement we put this in upgraded shuriken we upgrade the saber she even unlocked Master of the prosthetic we're getting close this one took a while because grinding all of the resources man that that was tough it was a lot of time but we still have a couple more grinds in front of us we're gonna finish this second playthrough do our third play through do our fourth playthrough and farm our skills now we're ready to get the achievement for the purification ending which is honestly probably the second longest ending and and we had to fight owl again now fortunately we knew how to do the fight so it didn't take as long but let's get this achievement okay so I have been farming skill points now for like seven hours I think I've farmed about 65. we're about to finish this off right now and unlock our last skill points this is basically the run I've been doing all the way up to the bridge I think that's about all we need this guy off the last couple skills we need this get that get this that and she even unlocked height of technique oh my God that was a grind way longer than I thought it would take but we've done it we got 210 000 coins let's go celebrate by beating the game for the third time so this ending is the immortal Severance ending and it's probably just the standard one like if you hadn't done a lot of exploring this is the one you'd expect to get so for us we didn't have to do much we just had to race to the end of the game do the main story bits collect our achievement and continue on let's just start it now and let's finish Fast so our last four achievements are actually tied to beating the game for this fourth time we need to get the shura ending as well as kill all of the different bosses in the game so that's exactly what we're gonna do now when we make it to the top of the castle here we actually tell owl that we will absolutely help them dominate the world and we obey the iron code this is gonna make Emma and ishin try to attack us and fight us and well we're obviously not gonna let them do it because we're here to get the achievements now these fights they weren't too bad but I was getting so exhausted that the fatigue kicked in and I was really struggling with the fight so I had to take a bit of a break and come back strong to finish it out foreign what is happening I can't even my guy's cowering holding his hands up saying please no I can't even Dodge okay I'm not doing this right now Stakes mistakes or not come on oh my God [ __ ] easy oh we are the best [Music] okay this should be it it's a hero it was not oh my God please Man Without equal okay that's all bosses and for a long time after said a demon lurk the land and that's us we're the demon achievement unlocked sure achievement unlocked secure oh my gosh that took so long and it feels so good to finally be done the amount of time put in and the amount of stress and anger from getting through this game it's just it feels so good to be done oh my gosh four playthroughs start play through five now no thank you [Music] thank you [Applause] [Music]
Channel: MorgansBasement
Views: 22,269
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sekiro Shadow's Die Twice, Achievement, Achievement Hunting, Platinum Trophy, Platinum, Funny, gaming, gamerscore, trophies, Sekiro, Xbox, Playstation, Steam
Id: DM6NyWfH550
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 28sec (1828 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 05 2023
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