Unlock the Power of thinkorswim Scanning

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power of thinkorswim scanning tonight quick risk disclosure we are not financial advisors or a broker-dealer i always mentioned that right up front i spent the previous 15 years of my career in the brokerage world I was more than happy to leave the licensed and registered broker world over there that's why I was throw in there we're not advisers or a broker dealer additionally we have a copyright Disclaimer over here this is not to be redistributed without the express consent of the National Football League and or Co trade whichever one you uh you may choose with that a little bit about me for those of you that unaware again my name is Don Kaufman and the co-founder here at Thea tribe started my trading career in the late 90s in Chicago a short time thereafter I was invited into a startup brokerage firm called sink or swim ironically that's we're going to be talking about tonight so I do have about 17 years of thinkorswim platform experience about a 19 year trading career I actually come from a line of derivative traders in the family so a little bit of background on myself I've done the you know the CNBC tour out there I like this particular forget to get pitted against somebody get pitted against you know what is thought of is to be the most evil person on Shark Tank out there so mr. wonderful himself next over here a little bit about Co trade so people constantly ask Co trade what do we do we specialize in education options futures and stocks we're founded of course by professional traders and each of our trading educators and instructors have a minimum of 15 years of experience we've actually got one I'll mention here in the moment 42 years of experience and we're really you know I always look at everything is risk mitigation first while learning a skill set in the markets secondary and those skill sets can last you a lifetime again we talk about everything from investment portfolios you know buy and hold to short duration trading even to intraday trading out there moreover I I always like to mention a little bit about you know who is theö trade so the Oh trade is not just Don Kaufmann okay I'm Don Kaufman but the Ochoa is not just Don Kaufman we're Doc Severson who you guys are not familiar with doc he's a stock options and technicals specialist he's really into fractals she's like the RSI the beer Jeff Bierman if you're unfamiliar with Jeffrey Berman professor Biermann he was actually also a professor at Loyola Jeff is he worked with me for seven years at TD Ameritrade and thinkorswim stock trader he's a former chief market technician for TD Ameritrade and the 7 million clients there so Jeff is probably more familiar with the thinkorswim charts than any other one individual alive then of course we have Steve better known as Slim Miller Slim has a 42 year veteran stock futures trader this one is actually heavily into cyclical analysis if you guys are unaware cyclical analysis tuba notches and so forth he's phenomenal possibly one of the best in the entire business one of the most thorough last but not least rounding out our packs we have five full-time instructors would be Tony vago Tony is actually a Nasdaq futures and intraday strategist so that's our team here course at Theo trade so you know one of the questions that comes up here all the time you know is about classes so we offer a number of classes this is actually our next class coming up definitive guys to order execution over here so I'm teaching this class again next Thursday March 9th from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Central you can go to CEO trade comm forward slash price to read more about it if you're a CEO trade member you'll have access to this class as part of your membership people always ask that so that's the next upcoming class the reason I'm mentioning this again all the members attend the class no additional cost we're going to jump into the presentation the reason I'm mentioning the execution class upfront it's going to tie very nicely into part of the discussion tonight on the thinkorswim platform over here so again that's the next class that's coming up I'm excited about where there's such two things I love talking about order execution scanning technology so let's get into it what we're going to talk about this evening number one really how to transform your own technical setups into scans and really let technology watching the markets for you alright so just by a show of hands over here and feel free to chat in these are not you know rhetorical questions for those of you on our GoToWebinar tonight seriously chat in you know there's hundreds and hundreds of you but chat in okay and for those of you joining us of course over in the co trade chat room chat in that's what it's there for but how many of you spend it's just vast amount of time sitting there watching church right it's okay admitting it is a first step over here right you spend a huge amount of time staring at charts over there we're going to talk about that how do you scan to watch tens of thousands of market products find precise trade setups we're not just talking about looking at different stocks we're talking about intricate setups out there how to build basic to complex scan stocks option trades that can really run in six about two tenths of a second to continue on tonight we're going to talk about scanning being essential in today's fast-paced marketplace so no matter if you're looking for trades for you know weeks months years or even intraday the scanner is going to give you the competitive edge that you need how scans can save you a huge amount of time obviously you know your click of a mouse over there and you can scan again tens of thousands of variables how do you scanning capabilities on mobile devices it's actually one of the big features tonight so we are going to talk about mobile device out there so if you are on your phone iPad you can access scans on those devices over there and last but definitely not least I'm going to give you five of my scans so we I don't hold anything back when it comes to you know you know technology and so forth and scans that we build we don't go out there like oh you want this scan we're gonna we're not going to sell it to you you just give you a bunch of scans out there so you guys have them and the scans that I've been using for years and I just keep refining them or finding them so let's get down to it let's go into the thinkorswim platform learn a little bit about scanning there's one last thing that I I do mention up front we're going to use the thinkorswim platform so it's been two years now since I left TD Ameritrade and thinkorswim all right two years almost to the day if you have a thinkorswim count fantastic and the thinkorswim account of course is a TD Ameritrade account even better the brokerage firms now TD Ameritrade etrade Schwab and fidelity they're all on a major pricing war so as of March 6th your Commission's are going to get even better here at a TD Ameritrade nevertheless if you do not have a TD Ameritrade account okay we are gladly going to provide you a link for that and the reason is that's how we finance a lot of Thea trade so we helped open up accounts here at thinkorswim we also help it up accounts it many other brokerage firms of course you know I do I have a little bit of allegiance to TD Ameritrade know I have allegiance to the sink or swim platform so without further ado let's jump into it guys ready to roll because this is going to get a lot more interesting here and let me tell you right now once again is this recorded absolutely okay again and the reason I say that is I am going to fire at you like never before I get really excited about the skin technology the reason is it was kind of my baby and by that I mean when I worked for both sink-or-swim and TD Ameritrade again I was there through all the different acquisitions like scanning technology was my baby and I'm going to tell you why right off the bat okay so for years and years I watched clientele of thinkorswim and TD Ameritrade to spend it just to say countless hours on a chart would be an understatement I've literally watched people spend tens of thousands of hours I'm going to give you an interesting statistic so I asked one of the developers of thinkorswim this is going back about five years ago I asked one of the developers I said how many impressions okay when an impression is is how many quotes are pulled in the thinkorswim charts versus the trade tab meaning that people put in quotes like Oh Apple APL and they pull up an option chain and look at the actual stock price versus charts and the statistic to me they said that seven times more gay quotes were pulled in the charts than in any other aspect of the trading application and that's when I set out like on a mad tangent to ultimately well I looked at charts and I thought to myself we must kill chart it's not that I'm anti technical analysis okay I asked you this question and I'm deadly serious about this what are you looking for in charts and Shannon okay this is going to be again it's an interactive session so what are you looking for in charger well Donna I want to find you know this is an RSI the gear this is actually a proprietary study but we'll share it I mean we're going to share everything I'm actually going to share a scan that looks for the RSI all right so different patterns in here unusual options volume okay by the way we're going to share scans for all this stuff to mark direction trade entry and exits so like somebody will tell me like I'm looking for like a MACD to do XY and Z I'm looking for this the point that I'm going to make right up front okay with without any hesitation what you look for here in the chart why okay why not have 5,000 eyes scanning the entire surface of the market in two-tenths of a second all right I have something better for you when we start getting into the scanner tonight okay not just to say like hey you know it's going to scan free over here you realize you can set up alerts I mean the thing will literally all right text you and say hey your criteria is hit what more do we need and when you want to remain competitive in today's market environment and that's why I'm so adamant about this you want to be competitive in today's market environment people sit home all the time and they're like Goldman Sachs has 300 million dollars of servers more like they have three billion dollars of Technology over there but the reality is so do you and you better realize how to use it because okay the one thing I'm going to tell you is when I was with TD Ameritrade and thinkorswim okay i sat on the product committee and what we did on the product committee is we actually voted on different areas of the trading application to push gay budget towards yeah guess what the scanner over here a single most expensive area of the entire trading application in terms of the server farm the single most expensive more quotes per second okay are pumping through this why because those that know how to use the scanner okay use it incessantly because it can look at everything for you now let's get into it when I always say like hey you know what are you looking for in charts over there people come up with infinite different variables so let me show you okay just on the surface a little bit about the scan tab as a whole so this is the scan tab and and again somebody was asking you about how long we're going to be tonight she's talking about this probably like another hour so maybe a little 15 minutes over there hope you guys don't mind all right more is better the scan tab on thinkorswim breaks down to a stock hacker an option hacker okay a spread hacker designed obviously for spreads spread book in an ISE spread book what we're predominantly going to focus on tonight is going to be this red book okay and the stock hacker which are actually going to find out about the option hacker the option hacker and the stock hacker are really one on the same all right I'm gonna say that again they're really actually one of the same right they just call them two different things but they really encompass the same exact fields because you can filter for options here in the stock hacker now I'm going to back up okay for just a moment so where do you start first and foremost we're going to start right here in the stock hacker okay and if you never been in here before we blank out that message if you've never been in Indy stock hacker before one of the first things you do is you come up alright this is what we call a show Actions menu and there's two different show options menus in here but the show actions manually hit reset just reset everything I know I'm I'm asserted reset and there's like net change and volumes percentage change listen I'm going to X out of these fields why I want nothing I want nothing I want a clean slate so let us build some skins alright let us let us build a couple of scans in here like what are we going to start scanning for now let's have some fun with it first and foremost I don't like to get it all stocked and I again I don't make any two ways about this I don't scan in all stocks because all stocks going to come up with some stock code like Joe's tree-cutting service who's going to trade that thing there's like no liquidity whatsoever it's you Joe alright and a couple other monkeys out there so when you go scan in all stocks the first thing I do is I eliminate everything and I go down to this public list there's all these so I have personal list ok but I want to start public list and in this public list I like weeklies okay so whoops I like weeklies right there why weeklies and it's a very bottom of the list and what we please is designated now I'm going to scan and weekly ok by the way we have no filters we're just scanning weeklies what does weeklies weekly options just hit skin okay look we're showing 50 of 464 products so hang on just a second here we're showing 50 of 464 products what that basically means is that there are roughly 464 products that offer weekly options that's weekly options that's what it is okay why am i why am i limiting that it's because the exchanges themselves select only liquid products ok have weeklies now just because it has weeklies doesn't designate it as liquid okay you can look at liquidity at a glance like if I pull up these you know 454 products you can look at volume yeah you can sort by this look at this the stocks only trading 260 mm you realize I haven't even done anything yet meaning I've just put in the weekly scan and hit scan and I could already tell you what's liquid and what's not it's crazy right that's how quick the scanner is and it's after hours over here but doesn't matter so I'm scanning of the weekly good place to start alright I'm a big proponent of liquidity liquidity liquidity liquidity it's important next what do we do we can add a different stock filter now stock filters come down to those like back month volatility beta with beta it's relative to yes in P 500 you can scan for higher beta right scans bid size call sizzle now I'm going to talk a little bit about the sizzle you can scan for earnings per share month volatility you can scan for a high a last price a low the market capitalization is it a 700 billion dollar company well there's only one of those it's called Apple you can scan for market maker move for those that are into that p/e ratios put/call ratios sizzle index again I'll talk about the sizzle index volatility differential Volland x ooh what's that I actually scan for fallen decks just basically means volatility something with 80% volatility or greater it already tells you is only 14 matches up 12 which actually fit my criteria there they are done to 10 to the second I now know the most highly volatile stocks the most highly volatile stocks instantaneously that have weekly options there they are okay continuing on weighted back months all yield yield is actually dividend so you can scan for dividends percentage change over there so that's a couple of fields alright so all we've done right now is in we've done weekly volatility pretty exciting know okay let me blank the slate again are we having fun okay by the way if you're only getting ten results right somebody asked you getting ten results look show 50 show 50 show as many as you want so you're if you're playing the CEO trade at home game right now with me go for it alright so that's a little bit about stock filters now add filter for options listen we're going to come back to option filters in a moment because option filters you go and blow your mind we're literally going to blow your mind the first you can do with that let's go to study filter study filter is undoubtedly the most robust area see when you start getting into study filters this is where my whole entire idea when I was at TD Ameritrade and thinkorswim it really wasn't to kill the charts what I can't stand is for the most part how you as a trader not only interact with a piece of technology but to use that piece of technology to the level of benefic you know to be as beneficial as possible for you and you know I made some some pretty you know some pretty like valiant efforts there to you again build out a tremendous amount of the scanner and what I'm going to show you in here it all breaks down to what you want to find in the chart and again it's to use your time most effectively and that's why I always ask and I don't say it telling cheap I'm dead serious like what are you looking for inside of a chart you know somebody said I'm looking for doji's so today that was the first thing that came out right so you come over here and you click on doji I'm looking for doji's in the input length the body factor now you have to know a little bit about that but you can click on this question mark it'll tell you what it is it will literally tell you like Oh question mark the doji is yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda okay I don't want to get too much into with doji but with other candlestick patterns in here I want to find a haram across you know I want to find somebody being kicking you can even find an abandoned baby bottom come on come on who doesn't want an abandoned baby bottom and it's got inputs to the legs and just hit skin now may not find anything that's not a bad thing is bearish you know how hard it is to find anything bearish you click on bullish over here you're like oh okay maybe it doesn't find anything right now because we've been straight up there's no to be abandoned baby bottom we're going to dip and rip alright you can look for doges over here and hit scan there's fifteen alright there's fifteen doji's that you just found who the VXX is and the doji so all I want to do is at a glance just introduce you like listen I'm not going to spend all the time talking about a Morningstar in fact this is what our market technicians here at CEO a trade is like Jeff Bierman has spent inordinate amounts of time going through all the different candlestick patterns in fact we actually have several archive chess where Jeff talks about Japanese candlestick patterns this is actually what these are these are predominantly Japanese candlestick patterns but he also talks extent about pattern recognition technology which is looking for like cup and handles okay pennants and so forth the way you can also scan for those and people are very very unaware of that but so there's some scanner you know just in candlestick Cotton's let me ask getting to corporate actions you can scan for evidence earnings earnings is important has earnings anytime in the next ten days let's just knock this down to the next five days so I just scanned all like these week leaves that are liquid products for earnings anytime in the next five days done there's only twelve products Momo okay you can even now sometimes it's sort of Ambercrombie and Fitch that just came out of the leaf today okay Costco Dow after-hours if you hadn't seen Costco getting rocked it's down about that eight bucks yay dawn okay why do I say yay dawn you take a look at my account over there short a thousand shares of Costco so uh wasn't going that well until well little while ago so I am by the way that we show my account on here this is like you know people always ask me all the time like why did you leave TD Ameritrade regulation because I couldn't show my own account with a big portion of it you know the regulators were at it again so oh these are just you know again in an instant you know earnings okay there's corporate actions now let's get to some real stuff but I say real stuff 1c Bollinger Band crossovers MACD histogram crossovers moving average crossovers look you just kind of think your way through this you want to see the 15 day simple above the 30 day period these can be simple moving averages they could be hold it could be Wilders again okay to your heart's content you could do this on a daily but did you realize that you could actually scan intraday people down to like the 1 minute anyway hip skin look at this you're finding a needle in a stack of needles out there into 10 to the second and once you set these scans up of course you can save them you can do more than save them and get better than that I mean it's like way better than just being able to save it I'm going to get to that momentarily so this is a moving average crossover we just found like five of them but that's you know crossovers over their momentum crossovers the peace are if you're in the peace are by the way if you don't know the studies that I'm going over we have infinite levels of archives here at CEO trades specifically on all of these individual studies like an RSI crossover right so all of these are stuff that again we cover in a lot of depth because again it looks kind of cool build a scan over here but you might if you don't know what an RSI is you've got some problems ok so and probably one of the most famous is stochastics the fast stochastic but a lot of people don't use faster castex they use slow stochastic crosses the overbought look with funny about this this stuff overbought right now maybe maybe stuff overbought over here only seven products really show up and truly overbought the criteria here ok is phenomenally strict and I'm going to say that again so let's pause for a second ok and go back to a chart so I'm going to blanket chart really quick and I'm going to bring up ok a stochastic because I just want to show you how this is going to work so I can bring up a stochastic and there's a faster caste ik but we were talking about a slow stochastic apply hit okay right and then I come in here PCL and Priceline so what's Priceline doing right and again the fast obviously the slow there's a cross right here do you realize that the scanner picked that up into 10 to the second that's the kind of stuff that I want to elaborate upon you know somebody's asking already you know well can can you scan like a CCI can you scan this yes however however I want you to know right now not every single study is prefabricated in the scanner which means and again elaborate upon this little bit which means you have to come over here to this little pencil click on it and you click on the pencil all right you can actually come in to a condition wizard and if this don't let this scare you just go in here edit and instead of a stochastic alright you can actually go to different studies and somebody mention like CC okay I well there it is guess what CCI what do you want it to do is greater than is equal to come on you just said above 100 or below 100 great so you can actually build one scan for is greater than select to collect condition now select a value 100 done within one bar all right and then you actually could build a second alright you can save this and hit OK custom condition okay look I just found what 117 products the condition that you wanted they actually can build an additional one you literally just add another one add another study filter and build another condition that says hello you can scan them technically simultaneously so again build to your heart's content I just built you a custom scan there in just a few seconds so that's some of the crossovers then I'm going to come down over here to popular studies guess what there is a CCI in there and this one's much more definitive this is actually CCI where the length of 14 is greater than or you can do less than or equal - so I did want to show you that one is prefabricated but I figured it was great take you through that one so under popular studies DMI directional movement indicator there's actually a MACD scared MACD is one of the most widely utilized pieces of you know technology on here in terms of a scan I'm not done yet moving average scan on balance piece are there's actually a piece our scan already set up there's already ready after castex Dan Williams percent are alright we having fun yet okay so let's kind of continue on over here alright everybody deep breath because we're just getting started now after I go through and show you some more of the variables I'm actually really going to show you what number one what I built I'm going to give you the scans that I've built okay and moreover I'm going to show you how really you know fire away at this thing because I'm telling you the scanner you know people go out and they'll spend all kinds of money like I got me this piece of technology that will find me this nothing compares to the server farm for thinkorswim there's nothing on the market okay you have to realize the TD Ameritrade is a twenty billion dollar company that there's nothing but pushes budget towards technology and there is no small company that can possibly compare to the size of the server farm in the number of quotes per second that can go through this thing you have to look at thinkorswim on the scale of something like Google like when you go into a Google search engine that's what the scanner a thinkorswim really is it's like a Google search engine for the market and the mathematics behind us I'm telling you this thing is phenomenal and listen I'm no longer with TD Ameritrade but think or swim do I hold like you know some allegiance to it yet because I helped in building a tremendous number of the pieces and the tools on here so and by the way if there's one piece of technology that gets me going it's definitely the scanner over here because you know people spend just again ridiculous time they try it's price performance it's go-to price performance people look for what they call to fade the gap trade dollars gap up and gap down gap with time check this out okay there has been at least a 1% gap within the last ten periods periods is defined of days forget days you can do what one minute heck you can even go into extend it out Porsha that's the sick amount of data that we just went through I just scanned over 400 products that are more liquid for a gap within the last ten periods alright on a one-minute basis it's crazy just crazy alright so in price performance one some of my favorites are in here you know highs and lows that's easy alright the current price is thirty period high that's that's easy and highs and lows but let's start to get the stuff that I really like one of my favorites is right here price change the price change is at least two percent greater than ten bars ago watch when I hit scan over here because this one is going to be pretty crazy one hundred and twenty seven products that if a two percent or greater move in the last ten days I mean hey look are there any financials in here like Bank of America you know what Berkshire Hathaway every single Bank basically exploded to the upside yesterday but you can push the envelope here alright and say like alright so some stuff had some big lutes did anything have a four percent or greater move in the last ten days hit scan there's fifty five products Go Fish did anything have a ten percent or greater move like literally weren't like ten percent or greater move out there it's scan there's eleven products some of these probably had earnings right go group but I want you to see like how again you can kind of play go fish and I only have one variable in here right now I can put tremendous variables that's price changed what I really like all right statistical statistical price correlation and standard deviation channel the standard deviation channel is really a great one if you're looking for ultimately what they term overbought and oversold similar to stochastics you can align like a stochastic something that looks totally overbought but is it overbought in the standard deviation channel as well the close is greater than two times the standard deviation okay of 63 there's eight products that come up with this and look the irony is what berkshire hathaway Go Go all right they're in there lows lows is exploded to the upside if you know looked at this click on low it's like right click come down to more info come over here to TOS charts drop lows into the chart okay look what has happened now I know I have a stochastic over here okay look what's actually happen to lows so if this is inside of a standard deviation channel now you can pull up the actual study check it oops so you can go in a standard deviation channel right just double click on that early double click on it hit apply hit okay look it's smoke through the standard deviation channel done you didn't have to look on the chart for the standard deviation channel scan or found it for you not going to lie to you but hey listen it's worth checking out after you come down the statistical and standard deviation channel my personal one of my personal favorite scans here is in price correlation so let's look for stuff it has a positive correlation with the SPX above 90% okay for the past you know ten days and hit skin you know complicated that scan is you're scrubbing all the products you're scrubbing all the products and weeklies against the SPX you see ninety percent correlation Tony the mathematics of it it's just off the charts of what you can do with this now now we're going to get crazy stocks and commodities magazine was a deal that TD Ameritrade has with them alright long haul filter the ATR high F ma breakouts you have to read articles on this stuff there's user-defined there's volatility scans oh we're going to get into this IV percentile okay so this is actually looking for implied volatility unto itself so how many stocks are trading not just with high volatility how many stocks are actually trading with volatility percentiles meaning that okay with the dan will look for is an implied volatility is the upper end of the range on a particular product and what you're going to find here is probably not a lot look at this one product in all of the weeklies has over an 80 percentile in terms of implied volatility okay now continue on a little bit okay are we okay everybody having fun yet okay so by the way yeah some people are finding you know the filters in there pretty good so the volatility scans get pretty pretty in-depth it can even scan by market maker move it's a little bit complicated again some of the stuff that we're talking about tonight it takes a little education to basically back build into this now continuing on different volume scans people love when stocks are breaking out how do you find a breakout maybe average volume unusual volume volume change personally I like unusual volume volume is increased at least 20 percent from its typical 50 period let's say 50 periods I forget days look in minutes a hundred and thirty two products come up because I included extended hours trading all right you can sort ascending descending instantaneously over here so again 20% from its typical over 250 periods so we're just introducing you to a couple of scan ideas over here now let's really get into a couple of scans and a few scans that I've built all right so this point ah breathe wow somebody actually asked if it's a real-time date of course it's real-time data I mean I'm here in the after-hours is not a lot going on obvious on the after-hours but everything's real-time that's what I say like you know if you buy a piece of technology you would have to pay for real-time data the brokerage firm has it and then again you really you want your brokerage firm to be the one-stop shop and yeah I'm counting like sink or swim but you do realize like what video trade does provides a lot of the education for you to fully maximize the capabilities of a product like thinkorswim you know and we built Co trade because frankly it was getting difficult to do anything in terms of the regulations that existed inside of TD Ameritrade I left okay because now we can actually display technology and not have to be worried about you know the SEC breathing down our neck and telling us you can't mention the spiders okay you can't mention the VXX so here we go now I'm going to take you into some prefabricated scan so this evening we are providing you five scans and when I say we're providing you five skins well we're actually giving you links to five scans we're going to start okay with what we call the CEO trade contrarian scan so first of all okay I want to reset everything so everybody's you know blank the slate everything's clean all I want to do is come down here to load scan query I have prefabricated a couple of scan queries now there's all kinds of stuff that I've built over time in here but the first scan that we're going to go through is the Theo trade contrarian scan okay what it ultimately does well let me explain it okay and moreover if you do not have it well you have it right now because in the chat room in the chat rooms okay we're actually giving you these scans so there's a link that will take you to a text file that will actually have the scans now I'm going to show you how to load the scan what I mean how do you load the scam okay so what I've initially done okay is I'm going to show you over here we're going to highlight the actual scan that is a link to a scan I right click come over to copy so don't click don't click on the TOS MX link what you basically want to do is just highlight it okay and copy it now on thinkorswim come to setup come over here to open shared item again I'm going to show this set up come to open shared item now says enter the shared item URL in the box below and to do that you hit ctrl-v literally only on your keyboard ctrl V it'll paste it in there then hit preview okay and it says do tray contrarian shared by cheeky monkey I'm cheeky monkey it's a nickname in there code name cheeky monkey then just hit open you're good to go and by the way it'll save this for you okay so I'm going to close that up just wanted to show you how to do it what are you actually scanning for okay what are you scanning for first of all this is a CEO trade contrarian scan contrarian scan this scan happens to be bearish okay so if you want to label this so label it what it is very you the bearish scan do trade near highs okay your highs lows so the current price has been 2% of 252 period high that's a daily so basically it says within 2% of what a 52-week high next the price change at least 3 percent or greater than 10 bars peptidase so you're looking for a 3 percent increase in the last 10 days last but not least does not have earnings does not have earnings anytime in the next 35 bars which is days you hit scan 17 products come up so what you're going to find in these products is these are products that are exploding to the upside okay so much so that we're actually taking a contrarian position on them now you can love the skin you can hate the skin that's okay but I'm sharing the scan with you good but I you know feel obligated to tell you a little bit about the scam you know so then you can take the skin and dump it into the chart and look this happens to be a standard deviation channel but let me blank out that chart over there see stocks exploding to the upside great it's exactly what we're looking for alright you can even run like our RSI look at this thing the CEO trade RSI just overbought as it gets and overbought never never land and the fractal energy is extremely low well you know what's fun about this you can actually scan by this RSI on the gear as well we'll give you that one too so this is one of the first scans I wanted to share with you is looking for stocks that have literally exploded to the upside of the XH beats the homebuilders let's go look at it the Home Builders index what is it doing overbought to never never land again it's the exact same look right so this is an etf product that is exploding to the up to the ETFs just typically do not move like this the stock is moved from 34 to roughly 37 in a short period of time you know normally in a two-week period the stock room is a dollar okay in this two-week period it moves three dollars that's three times okay it's expected mover a three deviation move it's crazy right this is good this is good stuff over here so that's the first skin it's a contrarian one though all right you guys ready to move on we're having fun now so that's first skin the next one it's a sizzle skin okay and you guys can kind of follow along so the dawn civil scan where is it there it is dong sizzle skin I just put it my in an email for myself so I would remember but it's a Down sizzle skin so may actually go up here load up a scan query okay because we're going to get we're going to get crazy now so let's get crazy so I'm going to look for what's called a Don sizzle scan now if you look at the Don sizzle scan you're like whoa there's a lot of criteria in this one you ain't seen nothing yet okay I'm going to talk to you a little bit about sizzle the last price okay first of all again we're scanning the weekly subscribe noticed I like to scan stuff and weeklies weeklies weeklies weekly because it's more liquid so you scan and weeklies the last price the minimum is going to be five bucks I just said listen if it ain't 5 bucks don't even scan for it right has to be a minimum of 5 bucks the average volume why don't I saw average volume in there because I wanted liquid stuff alright I just wanted liquid stuff so the 50 period simple moving average of the volume I'm doing a simple moving average of the volume look I could do like an exponential moving average of the volume that's crazy is greater than 3 million shares and does not have earnings anytime in the next 10 days why did I do the earnings bit because I didn't want a sizzle impacted by earnings now hey what's sizzle sizzle okay is an interesting idea and I'm gonna hit skin and show you what it means okay listen there's only ten products that came up here and I'm sorting them by sizzle sizzle is today's option volume versus the previous five day option volume okay sizzle okay it's today's option volume versus the previous five day so if something is quote-unquote sizzling at four point five it means that today it's trading four and a half times the option volume versus the previous what versus the previous five days so you're finding stuff that's trading abnormally large option volume that's not going to be impacted by earnings and that has more than three million shares trading a day period that's it that's all I'm looking for it's very very cool scan because what it's doing is it's taking you into a world that you know that the stock is active now we can drill down even more than that all I'm doing again is showing you some like what I would call supercilious scans to get you in tune okay let me explain something about a scan like this recognize that many traders investors they sit there and they'll stare it like CNBC all day listening to blank noise what you dig about this what do you think about this and then okay for those of you to trade a little bit more actively some guy comes on it goes well here you know right over here if you're not familiar with this this is you know Merck or for instance caterpillar some guile come on CNBC be like caterpillars trading three times its daily option volume versus the previous five days what do you think they're getting that information from ok now I'm going to blow your mind with what I'm about to do just look at this isn't enough like you can hit scan but it's cool and everything yeah but you can click on the show actions menu and you can actually go over load scan query you can actually alert when the scan results change what do you mean oh it can actually notify me by email and so forth ding it's changing think about that for a second you know if the sit in front of your computer it can actually notify you all right like literally what do you wanted to do call you on your phone well it does that okay it literally will watch the entire marketplace for you well is there anything trading odd you know volume out there of course by the way this one right here this is my baby this is my baby before I left I was like could I have alerts when the scan results change they were like yeah we could do that and you'll notice it's kind of hidden in here because the amount of capacity this baby takes Oh amazing you have to realize this is not running like on your local computer this is running on their servers you're telling their servers what to do you know this is not like it's running like you have to keep your computer on you're going to have to keep your computer on you can actually alert when the scan results close think or swim walk away it'll pretty much call you on your phone and be like hey do this that's how cool it is all right continuing on now I'm going to go to an RSI the gear with fractal and it's going to be a bullish scan loads gain query watch this personal scam RSI lag scan bullish they're like what the heck is that well this is code that we just put together yeah if you ever want to look at the code we don't hide anything here we give you the code I know this is a million education river like I will charge you X amount for your code we don't charge for code in fact I love this give everything for free why build it and they will come and we don't do that at CEO trade the one thing I will do is like hey open an account at TD Ameritrade why because they help finance CEO trace so we can build more scripts so that you don't have to I mean that's it's a huge portion of what we do but again and I give credit where credit's due gentleman that's a client of ours named Mobius actually built this codename Mobius actually built this code for us and a lot of the codes are actually built by clients and he's a coding geek anyway here this is actually what the RSI is the gear happens to be it's this little monkey right here this is overbought up here down here would be but okay oversold so when I run the scan for stuff that's bullish look at this Yelp couldn't happen to a better company by the way Don is not a fan of Yelp with a personal thing anyway it's actually showing all right bullish right now it's scanning and it's hitting the bullish indication at this point in time and again in about two ten to the second we were able to find literally out of hundreds and hundreds of products for different products okay we're having fun yet alright so breathe deeply cuz again we're not done yet so and by the way if you want to set this up if you want to set this up and run scans constantly you don't have to do this for the day like this is a daily skin you just want to you want to be an intraday trader fine rather than like a 10-minute period okay there's two products showing up right now but you know hey listen the markets closed when the markets open it's going to find a lot more this is including extended hours you can actually exclude extended hours in which case all right it'll bring up a bit more but you can include or exclude extended hours so you can run these scans on an intraday basis all right now by the way yes you can add multiple symbols so you come up with a scan and here's four products that come up in the scan you can also click over here on the right hand side you could save these for as a watchlist but you can also click right here and alert one scan results change so when more products are added to this okay that you can do that notify sound email mobile when I say like it's this ascending push notifications to mobile devices I said it would like literally call you on your phone like a you got to do this you can even do it a message for every change okay or a list of changes hourly daily or weekly how insane is that show alert book after I press I mean again I just wanted to show you some of the some of the variability in here okay now now finally I think we're having some fun okay so I showed you another scan now let's say you've built a couple scans and I'm not done I'm going to share a couple more scans with you but let's say you've actually built a couple of scans now after you build a scan right you just come over here and save scan query you can load the scan query after that so here's all the personal scans that I've built right so need some personal scans now one of the scans I'm going to share with you guys here in a moment again we did like the RSI low gear I really liked the Pheo trade contrarian scan like I liked that one alright so 17 products come up after you've actually built a scan okay by the way somebody asks what is a RSI low gear with fractal energy truly is great it's like an RSI but it's got a low gear polynomial in it which is a time free polynomial it's it's beautiful with the fractal energy and to explain it I think we've done I don't know we probably legitimately have 15 different coaching sessions just on that one because it's such a variable study that we've used both intraday and in testing in testing it actually tested in the top rank of any of the technical scans that we've ever tested and we test a lot of stuff so to continue on over here once you've actually built a scan okay just bear with me here for a second leave the scanner forget it the scan never existed you don't need no stinkin scan and if you're on thinkorswim don't take a swim like you got your left sidebar look at this the futures are down okay click on your watchlist listen if you're playing the you know do trade at home game click on this little watchlist right there cruise down to your personal do you realize that all your scans that's what these are these are scans I'm using the Pheo trade contrarian scan so go under personal find CEO trade contrarian skin click on it because that just the scan servers so now you don't even have to go to the scanner once you actually save the skin you can access it from your watch list why is that cool okay why is this cool by the way this stuff does work with currencies you have to scan currency futures cleaner that way okay does work with currencies so when you when you look at this you know this this do trade contrarian scam it's a watch list now and when stuff changes it will change this watch list but you don't ever have like there I can go to the scanner and keep hitting scan scan scan and hit it scan scan scan you don't have to do that once you actually drop it into a watchlist when the results change it will change it'll also if the results change and your eyes are not on it you can set the alert I mean the literally like call you on the phone of like a by the way I wear and listen you don't have to do this I wear the Apple watch and I'll tell you why we're the Apple watch first of all I have my Mac issued underwear on right now I don't use Mac computers actually use PCs but I wear the Apple watch because for like 300 bucks it actually taps me on my wrist when stuff is going on in the market that I want to know about because I set all kinds of alerts on scanned moreover if you're on your mobile do you realize like onion piece of mobile technology you can pull up your watchlist but you can also pull your scan your scans are listed on your mobile device meaning that there's a thinkorswim app for the iPhone there's a thinkers from apps at the Android there's a thinkorswim app for Android tablet just thinkorswim app for the you know Apple iPad okay I don't think there's a sink or swim app for blackberry anymore anyway so with that you can actually pull the watch let's go look at your watch list right now in your mobile and you'll see these little swirls next to it it's pretty crazy and again you just you just I can't get enough of like a scanner over here because down with the charts people down with charts you're never going to want to look at charts once you learn how to using a scanner now we're having fun now I built I built another one that I wanted to kind of show off because I think this is cool scam understand query it's personal scan and it's um what I'm actually going to show you over here that's kind of cool it's the unusual okay again it's unusual put volume scan so I'm going I'm going to spit a into something here it's just looking for put so I'm seeking like people are always seeking like odd activity anyway you can buy a service like 300 bucks a month and you'll buy a service and they'll send you alerts when there's weird activity do you realize that you just can build a scan and you'll smoke the service all day long because of a certain time that service sends you an email is like an hour later option type put this is now now we're looking at a true option skin I'm looking for a put days to expiration less than 50 watch I'm going to mark this up over here so days to expiration less than 50 I'm looking for a put and the volume this is the individual option volume has to be north of 10,000 contracts yeehaw so what it is it's on an intraday basis it says did you trade more than 10,000 contracts it's cool right so it doesn't mean they have to do in one bulb trade all of a sudden tea the whole thing today is somebody may trade one contract at a time to hide their size but they can't hide detection if they trade 10,000 contracts all one at a time they can't hide detection because you got them look this is actually showing a hundred different options okay you can actually sort the heaviest volume of the day whether this the EEM somebody traded a hundred thousand contracts IWM is up there to what you're looking at right now are the heaviest traded strikes they're only puts I did not put calls in here if I wanted calls look I just flipped this two calls ago scan ago yeah look there's only 80 go back to put okay hits can instantaneously I'm finding the heaviest traded products in the entire industry and it's instantaneous and it even shows you the volume like look 10 thousand with a bare minimum and you can even see the products doing it on the SPX alright some of the weeklies and it even has like if you read this carefully it's just a date okay it's all embedded in there Bank of America IWM éem SPX you know hyg that's I the junk alright Angie Apple SPI it's just on and on and on just by strike by strike basis okay and all I'm doing over here is fishing around I want to know what these monkeys you're doing and because I see now that's the fun thing people said well what are you looking for well that's a lot of what we do with the coaching sessions I mean we actually show you how to use a lot of this information there's only so much time so that I could legitimately spend an hour just on this okay this is a scan I gave you as well again this scan once it's set up just alert for scan result changes right continuing on over here load another scan career I just go on and on and on and on we have given you some of these scans you want to see the full brunt of what this thing can do I gave you this scan this is actually we call a long gamma scan listen this is one of the most complicated complicated scans you could possibly build on this trading application you ready I'm looking for something that's penny increment options you can use penny increment options you can use weeklies I'm looking for a stock trading between twenty and forty dollars I'm looking for something that has between 30 and 60 percent volatility it has to have a volume okay of at least a million shares today if at there and I'm on and on and on and on over here by the way we're you know this gamma scan over here it's pretty hardcore by the way let me actually pull up the correct one I'm going to do the long gamma scan because this is for people that want to buy options long gamma scan so twenty to forty dollars thirty to sixty percent volatility now this is a crazy part in here between 70 and 100 percent historical volatility the invite implied volatility percenter between 20 and 60 percent this is actually a custom piece of code it's an average or a TR which is ultimately average true range is greater than 80 cents a day and through an average volume and their greater than a million shares a day yada yada yada want to know where to buy options boom apparently e-trade and First Solar being an empire of option premium would probably be viable that's how deep this can really go you don't like penny Arkham an option to flip this flip the list to your weeklies it's can again same two products come up you can actually scrub it and intersect lists with list I gave you that scan too and again learning how to use these scans and context to the market is a bit more deep but I'm showing you again tonight we just did you know a couple of superfluous scans where number one you didn't even ever to look at the chart again number two for options it's just again there's tens of thousands of different strikes unlike one product there's like thousands of strikes you're finding again a needle in a stack of needles I get excited about this stuff because no one uses the full capacity of what you do one thinkorswim you just got to learn how to use it and that's a lot of what we do now let me show you something even cooler than that okay so don't let the scanner for right now okay breathe done breathe by the way this scam that I just ran the line long gamma scan again you just pull it up on the watchlist all right personal list go dig it out dig it out long gamma scan boom two products come up done that's it I'll drop back to my regular personal list I must have my list up there at all times close that up now I'll show you another feature over here so few people know about spread book okay we're going to go look at a stock like Apple type in an actual stock like Apple and next to that hit like vertical okay if you're playing again the CEO trade X home game what are you looking at the spread book now this is another feature that I myself I didn't come up with this one but I thought it was an absolutely brilliant idea this was on the thinkorswim platform all the way back to like 2003 2004 what you're looking at is other TD Ameritrade customer orders think about that now it's other TD Ameritrade client orders okay like why would you want to look at somebody else's trade huh why would you ever want to look at somebody else's trade I don't know maybe because you're thinking about doing a vertical spread inside of Apple and maybe somebody's doing 50 contracts might be sharper than you I don't know by the way don't don't just follow him because they do more contracts eyes you want to see some crazy stuff some of the biggest traders in the world are on this trading application no joke right there are some huge traders on this application once in a while you look in here during the market and they'll be you know ten thousand contracts being bid for that's crazy like again if you look in here all the different trades so what am I really doing I'm looking through the customer order book you can see what everybody else is doing alright and when I say you can see very rails is doing it's totally anonymous you don't know if they're opening the trade of closing the trade when I say it's anonymous though purse is trying to do a vertical spread you can see the death exact date they entered it now for the most part short by the date the old stuff is junk but you can actually sort the stuff from today here's an iron Condor that somebody did all right they did an iron Condor it's a ten lot now they were trying to see the 31 cent credit the mark is at 31 and a half what does that tell you okay first and foremost you can see somebody else's trade so what can you do with their trade could you copy it yeah just click on it right click on it and go copy spread alright you can copy the spread or you can go create choose bookid orders just dupe the order drop it right into the trade tab pick confirm incentive we're all fing running be careful it'll copy the contract size too you can copy them you know the best part of it is you can front-run them instead of saying 31 cents you put yours in for 30 cents you might feel you can use spread book to price crap nobody uses this say I use it every single day now you spread book every single day because you'll always find somebody that's trying to do the same trade as you the way you may look in this book and you go that's the dumbest thing I've ever seen good great opposite order you have to love it take the other I'd write this feature alone again it's kind of worth its weight in gold people like wow I I need this and I need that and and I got to buy this product and but listen you just have to learn how to use this stuff correctly okay again the most effective thing in here it's not just trying to find a trade like come on anybody can you know look you can copy somebody straight you can lean on the price when I say lean on the price if this person trying to get a nine dollar credit these are trades that have been placed they're working they have not yet filled again these are trades that have been placed but have not yet filled the second they get filled they're gone from the system so when I say you can lean on the price again I do this every day this monkeys trying to do it for $9 I come in here I create a duplicate order I back off a few pennies hit confirm and send and we're off and rolling that's it I mean listen they're doing 70 contracts too but don't always go for the biggest contracts eyes in here all right just because listen somewhere in the world there could be an idiot with a lot more money than you but you know you just have to recognize look at the trade lean on it for price that's what this feature is for lean on it for price and when you're having a tough time finding a trade we can actually show you how to sift through here and actually find a trade that will work for you I mean again the features that are in the scanner alone they're huge so as I as I move forward I'll kind of transition out of this some of the next steps you know and people are going to ask me at this point hey Don it's great it's yeah I'm great it's spectacular we do have an upcoming class okay and it'll help you help you in your overall trading and the upcoming class is about order execution which if there's two areas I get really excited about the skin in technology and by the way I'm telling you again I will give you every scan that I've ever built why not do you know there's no sacred cow in this business give her a scan of her build so order execution is the other area order execution to me it's ever you know people think that like finding the greatest trade finding the greatest trade is easy just scan for it you gotta execute orders okay you've got to execute orders so we get so many questions here at the Euro trade in some of the most experienced traders about order execution so I put together a class specifically for order execution and again this is a class that if you have traded if you have invested you have got to go through this class it's a definitive guide on order execution that's why I started with it because again it's a huge class it's definitive guide to order execution doing it Thursday now I have to do it during market hours and I'm going to tell you a little about the classes 97 bucks ok gotta charge something for it and I'm the first one to tell you listen hey you know we'd love to do every single class for free and I hope that you got a tremendous amount out of tonight scanning this class though it's three hours it's hosted in our chat room here at Theo trading again all members of Theo trade have access to this class ok what I'm doing in the class is I'm going to help you get filled at better prices I'm going to help you understand how stock options and futures really route doesn't matter its product agnostic you're also going to find out where some of the edges are in the business it's Theo trade comm forward slash price again it's 97 bucks I'm going to tell you guys something about the class 97 bucks you will get your money back out of the class on a few trades because I'm going to show you a head what they do is called carving the bit off or spread you know if you get a market out there and people asking this all the time to get a market of $1.00 at a dollar 10 so a markets a dollar a dollar 10 can you get filled at a dollar five yeah you can also possibly get filled and this is if you're trying to buy the option okay I'll get you filled in around a dollar three all right I'm going to tell you it it's huge absolutely huge I'm going to show you how to go in there and scalp alright the market makers themselves and I'm going to do it in the class so this is not going to just be like yada yada yada this is how you there's a reason it's held during market hours because on a fire train should be captain one lot out there you will love that class the curriculum for it learn to reprove your trading skills it's about improved pricing when executing trades but I'll tell you what before I even read some of the stuff to you it okay it's beyond improved pricing it's again when I say it's beyond improve pricing it's it's about going out understanding how the trade is actually voting like from the time you hit confirm and send all the different computers it goes through you think it's important it is important because people all the time what do you say the moment you feel something you buy something or sell something you go oh they screwed me okay I'm going to show you how to execute trades the better prices you can offset transaction cost there's also another huge portion of the class okay advantages and disadvantage of retail clients in today's marketplace you got to take back the edge advantages and disadvantages first of all you're the slowest fish in the huge ocean of markets you better know that right up front that's one of your disadvantages one of your advantages though I'm going to show you how to get preferential treatment on your order flow insights how orders are actually placed and set how you can what I call tick back edge from the market makers carp the market makers carping the market is actually a term that was used on the floor for decades over there options broker has for executing your orders so you're going to actually know if you're getting good prices on this stuff how to receive better prices and I always say the class it'll pay for itself you'll watch up three hours you'll always have access always have access to the archive forever okay how to reduce some Commission cost over there the advantages of being a retail trader it is preferred right now to be a retail trader you guys aware of that whether you trade stocks options or futures prefer to be retail discover how your trades are routed and execute it executed means filled so you're going to know if you've got decent fills or not and again this is something that you know areas that I've spent a lot of time on i watch seven million traders at TD Ameritrade i we you know behind the scene to think or swim during the crash and oh wait I've watched a lot of orders route alright we'll talk about what I call front running the big guys and just really if you're trading stocks options or futures of course you won't want to miss it so the class again here's the actual site definitive guide to order execution again I'll throw this up here the co trade comm forward slash price support a co trade comm there's our number somebody asked the cost of the full membership if you want to sign up just for Co trade for 12 months its nine hundred and ninety seven dollars okay if you just want to go to the order execution class it's 97 bucks okay and what's the difference so that's the next question that's going to come up over here what's the difference so if you sign up for Theo trade for a year we give you every class that we've ever done and every class that we're going to do for the next year it's access to everything and we have a chat room for five hours a day and we email you out trades okay and we send you a nightly video wait it gets better like and you know you have access to all the archives it just goes on and on and on and on um there's nothing else out there in the education industry that's a thousand bucks for everything for a year by the way there's no like hey listen you pay 997 we don't have anything else we're not going to charge you for studies it's included okay here's all the classes that are included in the actual membership we do a membership for a year because frankly they're going to be blown away it's totally overwhelming but there's a curriculum there's options 101 there's options - alone those options 301 but maybe you don't want to trade options well we also have stock we have technical analysis 101 technical analysis 201 Jeff Bierman heads up the technical analysis remember Co trade were not just about Don Kaufman we're you know Doc Severson Doc's awesome he's going to do a huge class in March - okay sometime when you're ready it's going to be another class in March I'm doing the execution class Doc's going to do another class in March I hope everybody goes to the definitive guide of order execution you will not be disappointed in any of the classes this one though you know this is kind of my thing like into order execution you know 15 years I worked in a brokerage firm and for 15 years I had to hear about people complaining about Commission's well I always wanted to turn around on the regular cost me this to trade guess what your routing orders terribly I'll teach you how to route orders more effectively and you'll you won't ever complain about Commission speaking of commissions if you go to the class okay if you go to the class whether you have a TD Ameritrade account you're going to open the TD Ameritrade account we can get you a discount at TD Ameritrade I cannot elaborate upon what the discount is okay go to the class get your discount by the way some of you are may already have discounted commissions over there that's fine we'll get you a discount there one commissions at TD Ameritrade we have a wonderful relationship I spent 15 years there so hopefully have a pretty good relationship I left on great terms with them anyway it's dear trade comm forward slash place the of course by the way the class of course is recorded this is recorded total Co everything everything at Co trade is recorded we literally do at minimum one coaching session a day you can hop on our chat room do five hours a day in the chat room but that's overwhelming right now we're nobody can watch 5 hours a day so maybe on the weekend you'll watch like an hour on the weekend and we do a minimum of one class a month so this month we're gonna have two classes last month I think we have yeah we had three classes in February it was three classes 20 years of class done did a class docked get a class okay Oh Biermann did a class - oh yeah there's been a lot of classes out there so yeah I again encourage you if you have questions for us we're here I mean Co trade comm forward slash price you can also you can click in here and actually talk to us live and uncut right now so everybody's in there to be able to answer questions again everything is recorded over here all the trades you can place these in ira place them in a you know louise and talk about 401ks so by all means price pattern scans and TOS hey you know what if your ass you guys are asking all the right questions in here there is a coaching session for every single thing about the IRS I love gear every scan that we talked about this coaching sessions for if you want go to the total field you know 12-month and I can just literally link you the different classes when I say I'll link you the class is here to show you what Theo trade looks like this is actually our site this is live right now people are in here okay Don always carves the market it's carping the market not just carving in between but Kirk the market um by the way look hey I didn't even put this person up to this Jay proving the best investment in trading education I have ever found in use thank you very much Jay yeah by the way you guys are watching our chat room I'm broadcasting this into GoToWebinar rubber so broadcasting this live into the chat room but here I'll show you something that we just added over here so there's member home so as I click on the member home type in a topic you know like are yes I enter by type in RSI it's going to pull up every look RSI the deerskin dock Severson February 21st applying RSI Libya and you're trading okay there let's go back but there's more what else you want to see you want to see something like what option activity option statistics option activity if you want over like odd option activity here you go tracking extreme options activity that be wary 29th busted in last year's week okay I'll just go on and on like all day so that's a couple things now if you go to this remember home over here click on start here if you go to start here if you have no experience whatsoever that's where you go to start here 101 options 101 okay 201 then it actually gets to order execution techniques in here there is already some order execution this is the first major class that we're going to do an order execution and again um this is a three part series it didn't in order execution we're going to blow that away to okay or you can take a technical analysis route you can go into the archives and listen to Jeff Bierman so if you like Jeff Bierman fundamentals candlesticks like somebody had a question about candlesticks I need to know more about doji's okay well here's candlesticks 101 qo1 chart modes intraday modes it's all in here classical patterns Japanese candlestick patterns alright that's what our archives are actually designed for in here so again you know I stress the LP some people ask what the membership is that's what it is okay and again I'm broadcasting into here right now so you can see it live and uncut so comp that's right you're fishing that's exactly what carp means is actually a tactic I'll talk about in the class it's actually a military tactic it's called probing so we're going to send out a couple of foot soldiers and see we get back so um dead by the way you this is like the greatest thing bargain at the early price really listen don't you know I push the early membership only because people love it and the reason you know if you if you are inclined to ask this question you know you know why is it only 997 a lot of brokerage firms help offset the cost so we do you actually send clients to brokerage firms we may receive nothing okay other than a marketing agreement payment we don't get any commissions of any kind from the brokerage firms for you trading we do email you out trades if you remember if you do trade you want trade ideas okay it's all part of it so I want to thank everybody for coming out this evening and by all means if you have questions about the order execution class again I'm excited about it if you have to take a day off work it's a good day off work come on it's next Thursday you weren't doing anything anyway so join us via trade comm forward slash price again thanks everybody for joining me tonight
Channel: TheoTrade, LLC
Views: 129,876
Rating: 4.8536329 out of 5
Keywords: don kaufman, thinkorswim, theotrade, scanning, spread book, jeff bierman
Id: nns1XILRr6o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 29sec (4589 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 03 2017
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