Unleash Your Potential: Life Mastery with Andrew Tate

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you talk about God and we talk about faith to be a disciplined religious person it requires discipline it takes discipline to read the Bible it's not going to be screaming kids it's not going to be flashing images it's not going to be as entertaining as a stream with 30 naked girls no you're going to have to sit down pay attention read Focus reflect try and find the lesson in the parable get confused read it again ask for help you're going to have to study that takes discipline as we're destroying the new generation and removing their ability to focus on anything removing their ability to be disciplined you're taking them from God most of these children today are so messed up from Tik Tok they can't even focus on one page of a book any book cuz all they do is scroll have you ever seen someone on Tik Tok how fast they change video yeah their minds are gone you can't even sit them down and teach them anything same thing with chess brutal self-accountability if you lose you made a mistake somewhere how do you learn that you have to go back reflect you have to watch the game back play the game back where did I make the mistake you don't blame your opponent you blame yourself always in chess is self-accountability so when I stopped playing professional chess I decided to move over to fight cuz they're very similar it's one-on-one it's not a team sport that's why I chose to fight but I never considered fighting fun I never took it as hahaa this is fun I was out to hurt people for real so I can't think of what I do for fun or any fun I've ever had I I am of course human I love sitting around with my boys and laughing I don't think there's any higher experience for men than sitting around with your boys having a laugh and having a joke I think that's as good as life gets I wake up and think I have things to do and if I don't have things to do I'll find things to do you can always do more work you could there's no such thing as no work to do after this podcast is done you can release it and you can make X amounts of Clips that's going to be done and then you could watch it back and you could analyze every word you've ever said and you could find a way to say it differently you could look at dictionary and find new words and you could learn them and you can memorize them all then you could sit down and you could rehearse it and use those words and sentences to make sure you pronounce them correctly and you don't make any mistakes then you could always do more work from the same thing the work is never ending the money is never ending so you have to find joy in your work you have to find purpose at least because that was everyone was taught to have a mind that they control cuz they needed it to survive there's no one else that that's how life worked back then now imagine there was a war that big imagine but that's just how that's how it works that's life like I've seen we've all had our trauma you have to get through it you either let it destroy you or let it build you completely I believe in love I believe in love I believe in men and women being in love I believe in finding a woman and loving her with all my heart I'm not going to let I'm not going to let her walk over my standards or my my boundaries I'm a man I love you with all my heart and I said you're not going to the club with your girls I want to go I want to go cool then we're over and I will love you while I don't see you I might still love you a little while but I still last the line you oversteep the line goodbye that's life goals are something you put on the wall to motivate yourself right right goals are so you want you want to buy a car you put the car on the wall and it motivates you to go to work to get the car so you that's a goal that goals are for motivation I don't work on motivation I work on discipline so I don't have a set goal I just get up and do what I know I'm supposed to do I don't work to try and afford that car I work because I'm supposed to work and then I can already afford that car and another one and another one and a boat and a plane and a house and another house and a land and then I just work I do my work that is my duty as a man is my duty to God I train the gym is my duty to God I do I do my duties to God I fulfill my duty I'm an old school gentleman of honor and respect I do what I'm supposed to do I don't have any particular set goals anything I decide to do or want to do I can do instantly and if I can't do instantly I can do it pretty quickly I don't need goals in that old traditional sense I do what I'm supposed to do it's it's not a matter of how I feel or how I'm motivated if I was depressed it's impossible but if I was depressed my life would be and the day-to-day activities would be exactly the same as if I was ecstatically happy you would wouldn't be able to see a difference I'd be up at the same time I'd be in the gym the same I'd be doing the same those are my duties as my duties to God I don't how I feel has nothing to do with it completely unrelated how I feel is unrelated to my duties to God they don't change based on how I feel they're the same and they will be completed because I refuse to fail God or my bloodline and and there's men here who will deny it right there's men who will go no no no no but those are the ones who are most lost it's the things it's the denial that's going to hold you back the most the people who go yes I'm wasting my potential those are the ones who have potential the ones who stand up and go I am wasting my potential I could be anything and I am not that yet they have a chance The Men Who go well no actually I'm fine fully slave minded they're a waste of time but if you sit there and go you know what yeah I am wasting my potential yes I can be more than I am even if I'm already great I can be better as good as I am I still I still push myself to the Limit every single day I have every single thing a man could possibly want I'm still pushing myself this is your prerogative as a man but you need to be instilled with a sense of duty duty to your bloodline you must want it you need to want it deep inside your soul I can't die as anything less than emperor
Channel: Niko
Views: 24,038
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Motivation, Quotes, Gospel, Sports, Gym, Motivational Quotes, Inspiration, Positivity, Basketball, Shorts, Views, Life, Goals, Dreams
Id: pGQXvK84yns
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 11sec (311 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 19 2023
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