THIS is Why You are Not MANIFESTING! - Best Bruce Lipton MOTIVATION (4 HOURS of Pure INSPIRATION)

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one of the things that really upset me for a long time was the fact that I had great ideas and intentions and I wanted to manifest them and I thought this is how it's going to manifest and so I had all these visions of how things were going to unfold and then I'd started processing it wouldn't unfold and then it would irritate me because like I gotta make it work I gotta make it work ultimately I started to recognize when things didn't work it was possibly because there were better ways to do it and I wasn't conscious of it and so what I started to learn over a period of time was simply this there's an old saying there's a means to an end and the idea well the end is your destination and of course the means are how you're going to get to that destination well of course all of us sit down and say yeah this is what I want and then we start to figure out well this is what I'll do to get to those ends I'll get to this and I'll get to this to get to the end what I started to realize at some point was maybe my awareness of how to get to the end wasn't exactly accurate and it turns out many of the times when things didn't work and I was like so upset it didn't work but it turned out oh there was a better way to get there and I didn't even know it so the universe was really facilitating me and I wasn't paying attention I was getting angry at the universe because like it's not working in a way I want it to work and then I started to realize some point was my God maybe the universe has a better solution than the one I was even thinking of myself hey it's Evan Carmichael and I make these videos because the thing that saved me as an entrepreneur was watching the stories of other successful entrepreneurs and I learned from their advice I learned from their motivation and honestly I have no idea where I would be if I didn't have those videos to inspire me I still need them for myself today too and I hope that they can inspire you as well so today let's get some incredible motivation from the one and only Bruce Lipton enjoy thank you I really learned over a period of time it's very critical insight to help me get to where I am is to focus on them on the end what is it I really want put that Focus together and it's very critical it's very interesting because a lot of people have oh I would like this and it's a broad General category and then at some point it's like well it's not specific enough you have to actually say what it is you want I'll always remember I was uh looking for a special shirt to go to a Pink Floyd concert and and I just all of a sudden visualize oh it'd be neat to have a Russian shirt you know with a collar that goes across here and a couple of buttons down and I thought oh yeah that would be really great that would be cool shirt and then I stopped and I was thinking where the heck do you get a shirt like that I have no idea in the world but I thought that would be pretty good so I figure well I still got to get something so I drive off to a mall up near San Francisco and I walk into the mall and there's a first men's store over there and I go let's start look and I have no idea and I walk in and of course there's this big circular rack of sale clothes and I thought what the hell it's only a Pink Floyd concert one night let's see what's in there and I started going through the rack and lo and behold oh my God a Russian shirt right in the middle of everything and it was like the shock of oh my God there's a Russian shirt right here the enforce the unfortunate part of it was I had the picture of a Russian shirt I said cool I never said what the color was or anything else I just had Russian shirt and there was a Russian shirt color gray no color at all why I didn't put in the concept of color and universe said well just give it to him in Gray and it was one of those things like oh be conscious of what you're asking for because the the more detail you put in the more the universe can manifest a resolution if you leave a lot of blanks in what you want then all of a sudden it's like well it's random whatever fills in the blank because you never said what you wanted you can have an idea what you want and that's important but the most important part of that just having an idea is not just have a broad idea I want X and I go no no what exactly do you want why go back to the principles of Science and the principles of science reveal something very important that principle of science is this Consciousness is creating our life experiences I go well that sounds new agey I go no this is not new Agee this is the primary principle of quantum physics we are creators this is a fact in fact quantum physics has that but now let me add one other fact epigenetics says the same thing because epigenetics says your Consciousness is controlling your behavior and your genes and so it's time to stop for a second and recognize where is your Consciousness what are you thinking about and the idea is start thinking all those very positive thoughts but don't try and tell the universe how it's going to manifest okay you think of the picture let the universe get you there and that's the most important lesson I've learned I'm not telling the universe how I'm going to get there I'm just saying universe is where I want to go and then the universe will take care of it it's so powerful it is so wonderful and I never believed in it for the first 40 50 years of my life but I can tell you now the life that I'm manifesting today is a consequence of just what I said focus on the end don't tell the universe the means to get there your life 95 is coming from the program your life is a printout of your programs you just look at your life and recognize simple fact the things that you like that come into your life they come in because you have a program to acknowledge those things but the things you wish desire want in your life and you work hard to make them happen you struggle you sweat over it I'm putting a lot of effort in I'm gonna make this happen why are you working so hard and the answer is whatever that destination is your program doesn't support it and you're trying to use your conscious creative mind to override the program I said Yeah by conscious mind is five percent programs 95 percent I go it's not gonna work very well at all so that's why poor people stay poor and rich people stay Rich yep that's right the book Rich Dad Poor Dad that was exactly what the whole point was if you grew up with the programming of a rich family you don't have to think programming is subconscious your thinking might be quite stupid I mean a former president of ours was a relatively rich person but not very smart in his conscious mind but his program was how do I got how I got rich by what he downloaded that from his family okay uh and if you're in a poor family what did you download oh Life's a struggle it's not I can't get there as you know you can change it I say yeah how can you change this remember I said well there are two minds conscious is creative wishes and desires subconscious hard drive with a program I say the conscious mind being creative can learn from anything read a self-help book oh yeah I know how to do that I said you read the book I give you a quiz you get a hundred and it says yeah you know this stuff and then I say well now that you know this stuff did your life changed and the answer is no now I go why the conscious mind learned from reading a book that's not how the subconscious mind learns so our smarts stay up here I read the book I knew the information I understood how it worked blah blah blah blah blah I go yeah that's the thinking mind that knows but I go does that translate into subconscious it's like no it doesn't because that's not how the subconscious mind learns you want to change the subconscious then you have to put in the data the way the subconscious mind learns conscious mind creative can learn from anything you could just go aha I just changed my mind I can do that okay subconscious mind habit point of habit it resists change if a habit changes and by definition it's not happen anymore so habits resist change and yet we have these habits and we want to change them I said how can do and I say the only way you can change the habits is the way that the habits were learned in the first place like well what was that I said first seven years your brain was at a lower vibration than Consciousness it was called Theta Theta is hypnosis and I go oh so what do I do I say well you you can't just say Okay I want to go into hypnosis hypnosis is part of a scale of low vibration going high during the day and then when you come home from work the high vibration slows down and goes to sleep at the lowest vibration so you go through a range of different vibrations as you're sleeping Awakening calm conscious focused conscious you're at work focused conscious and I go then what you come home you calm down now it's calm conscious and then I say what then you fall asleep I said the instant you fall asleep the next vibration down is Theta I go that's hypnosis I go yeah so I say then every night the moment you fall asleep the brain for a short period of time is in hypnosis Theta so I say so what well you put on earphones or ear plugs and you go to bed playing a program that you want to be true in your life I say so what I say you put it on just before you fall asleep and while you're still awake you probably hear some of the program okay but the moment you fall asleep conscious Minds disconnected doesn't hear anything coming off of the program anymore I say but what does I say ah the subconscious mind is in Theta record so whatever's coming through the earphones is not going into conscious mind but it's now being directly downloaded into the subconscious so this is called self-hypnosis you have to repeat this process because the amount of time in Theta is relatively short before before you hit the lowest vibration Delta which is sleep outright okay so every night when you go to bed just after your Consciousness falls asleep there's a period of record opportunity and then we put the earphones on play the program is called self-hypnosis that's hypnosis you're doing it yourself okay number two you still learn programs after age seven you learn how to drive a car you learn how to play an instrument I go well how'd you do it that way I go repetition habituation is practicing something and repeating it and repeating it so many times that the subconscious finally says okay I got a pattern I got the pattern and that pattern then becomes the Habit Consciousness is creating your reality if you put a picture of fear into your reality then your biology Behavior will manifest things to be afraid of because this is a short statement but to me it's the most powerful one simple and short and it goes like this the function of the mind is to create coherence between your beliefs and your reality if I have a negative belief the function of my mind is to manifest Behavior to experience those negative realities if I have positive beliefs then the function of my mind is to manifest the positive experience but we got programmed with so many negative beliefs and that takes away our power because we're not focusing on the beautiful things we're focusing on the fear what are you afraid of that 95 of your life is coming from observing the other people not observing you but observing the other people and so your behavior isn't yours now Steve brings up the most important question well how do we change these behaviors I go first of all you don't even know what the behaviors are because you weren't there when they were being program I don't know what my behaviors are what what did you learn when you were in utero oh you don't know oh okay what did you learn during the year from zero to one oh oh you weren't there you don't remember oh what what did you learn from one to two and I'm saying your conscious mind wasn't working at that time so whatever happened it's not in your conscious mind and so the significance about all this is profound because what the significance is then you don't know your program you don't know your program and I go oh so what are my programs and now thank God I can tell you what your programs are because of this 95 of your life is coming from the program your life is a printout of your programs you don't have to go backwards in your life you could just say where where am I today and here's a simple point so all of you out there ready the things that you like that come into your life they come in because you have programs to acknowledge them but the things you want the things you desire and you have to work hard you have to sweat I'm going to make it over I'm going to sweat over this I can put a lot of I'm putting a lot of effort I'm working real hard to make this why are you working so hard the answer is whatever that destination you were trying to get to your subconscious program does not support that destination and that's why your conscious mind is working so hard to get there so I say you got programs and you got them before you even knew you were being programmed and then we have to identify those programs because if you want to change your life and you want to make it one that has wishes then you have to assess where your program is now so that you can then change those programs and create the life you want also to make sure you're actually taking action after watching this video I designed a special free work worksheet just for this video the worksheet will highlight all the Lessons Learned in this video as well as pull out our three favorite learnings and quotes that will inspire you to actually do something the worksheet will also give you space to write down what your key takeaways are and your specific plan of action to make sure you're getting results if you want the worksheet designed specifically for this video absolutely for free there's a link in the description below go click on it and start building the momentum in your life and your business I'll see you there there's an old phrase that I'm right that is just a stock phrase of the world because it's truism it says knowledge is power and everyone goes oh yeah knowledge and I go no no let me say in a way that might be relevant to us now I say a lack of knowledge is a lack of power and I say we have been deprived of knowledge of who we really are how powerful we are because all the knowledge we get in growing up is how weak we are how vulnerable oh my God viruses are coming parasites are coming blah blah blah blah blah blah everything's gonna fall in a bar and I go well that's not true it is true if you don't recognize your power and I say well what power and I go well one of the first things that this empowered us was the belief that genes control our life oh why is that just some power us I go well simple point it says that as far as you know you didn't pick the genes you came with if you don't like your characteristics you can't change the change you came with and then I add this little last one the creepy one that says well the genes turn on and off by themselves without you I don't know why it's relevant well if the genes are controlling my life and they turn it on they're turning on and off without me I am definition a victim of my heredity oh there's heart disease running in my family oh I'm gonna get it cancer oh I'm gonna get the cancer it's him running in my jeans I go that's a bunch of BS oh that means belief system why is that relevant I say because the idea that genes turned on and off by themselves is the biggest false story that you bought into which took away your power because it says Change Control you you don't control your genes and that's why you look at your fate is what James did my mom and dad give me because my future is going to be determined and I go completely false genes cannot turn on and off and I go we've been programmed interned on cancer Gene turned on gave me cancer I go no a gene is a blueprint to make a protein this and I go okay let's unpack that I go the body that you see in the mirror look on the screen see yourself all that and I go that is made out of protein building blocks they're about a hundred thousand different protein types that come together assemble them together and I make a muscle cell out of some proteins make a brain cell out of some other different proteins so if I you know try to tell the audience I say well proteins are like Lego kit Lego Parts they got a hundred thousand different pieces different shaped pieces and I say how you assemble the Lego can create a muscle cell or how you assemble them can create a brain cell a skin cell and I go so the point about it is this proteins are the building blocks but proteins break down so you have to replace them but I go oh they're very complex molecules I go where do we get that the proteins when they break down I go we have DNA I say what's that it's a blueprint on how to make a protein I go so what I go it's a blueprint and a song I go this is the story I always say so you go into an architect's office and she's working on a blueprint and I say lean over her shoulder and go hey tell me is your blueprint on or off and she was looking to go what are you crazy it's a blueprint there's a there's a one and I was a boyfriend they go aha you're finally gonna get it a gene is a blueprint it does not turn itself on and off it doesn't know what it does it doesn't know why it's needed as no knowledge other than how to make a protein and I go but you gave power to the genes that's what we did oh the genes control me and I go no it's like the architect story there's a blueprint blueprint doesn't work by itself but it works with an architect who can read the blueprint and even modify the blueprint and I go oh well the genes of the blueprint then who's the architect I go our Consciousness is ultimately translated into chemistry that goes into the blood and that chemistry is what controls our genes there are three ways to change belief okay self-hypnosis earphones on at night repetition create a new habit and third one energy psychology which allows you to rewrite an existing program in minutes uh and we need to do this why because if you haven't noticed and you haven't looked out the window the world's falling apart I go and why is it falling apart and the answer is because we're facing what is called the sixth mass extinction of Life the web of life is collapsing I go then why is the web of Life collapse and answer is human behavior I go oh you don't want the web to collapse we have to change a behavior and this is what the world is experiencing at this time the chaos all over the world is bringing to light the fact that these behaviors were fighting and violently with are behaviors that have taken us out of heaven and put our Consciousness into a world that we're experiencing which is falling apart you want to make a world of heaven then you change the program and then you can have Heaven it's your belief system that that creates this you fell in love because you stopped playing your program and you created heaven I say well guess what heaven was always there except the damn program got in the way so you want heaven on Earth don't play the program stay mindful or be rewrite the existing program and put heaven on Earth programs in there and then 95 of the day you'll be playing that negative thinking is equally powerful but works in the opposite direction meaning with positive thinking you could heal yourself many disease with negative thinking you can die and create any disease you can create your own death just because you believe you're going to die and all of a sudden I say well then it's the power of belief positive or negative that is shaping the world and I go well this is why when we look at people's beliefs and and they they do a you know an assessment of they find out over 60 percent of the beliefs that we're manifesting every day are negative and disempowering self-sabotaging thoughts that we've acquired such as I'm a victim of my genes that's a belief and somebody says yeah well I'm going to die of cancer because it's running in my in my family and they get cancer and then they find out there's no Gene that causes cancer oh oh I'm saying this on on Lynn show I will have to emphasize that there is not one gene that if you have this Gene you have cancer genes are correlated with cancer genes are not causing cancer this is why half the women that have the breast cancer Gene brca2 half the women never got the cancer but they all possess a gene so where's the point it says the gene didn't cause it it was a lifestyle that was not in harmony that ultimately activated what is called a cancer Gene I said so what do you mean so if you change your thoughts and get rid of cancer I go yeah well that's what spontaneous remission is all about uh and so I'm stepping on linsfield here because this is where this emanation of thought and we don't see it and we don't in our history oh that's just thoughts and feelings I go those are the controls that are manifesting your life your thoughts and your feelings your feelings are the translation of the energy into sensation so your feelings are like a compass they're telling you whether you're going toward more life or to less life the most important aspect about sleep is that it gives a chance for the body to recalibrate its system so when Consciousness is out then uh the body starts to balance everything that's going on you know with each system the body's pH the temperature regulation very interesting point that when people are comatose in the in a hospital and they got all the wires on them and everything they run at a beautiful just just beautiful like idling speed they're comatose but their body is maintained a balance and Harmony and everything is great in the body level but as soon as they become awake then the parameters in the body all start to change because it's our Consciousness that is creating the the functions of our body uh and it's really important for people to understand this is that quantum physics is the most valid sign on this planet in regard to its theoretical insights um and the number one principle in quantum physics is consciousness is creating our life experience that's the most important understanding because it says we're not just a a machine but we're like a remote control machine there's a uh an energy field that is being picked up by each of us that is different uh the the field that's being received is different for each person what is the immune system well generally it's something that protects me from what from things that get inside your body and I said well why should things want to get inside my body in the first place let's set up a scenario you're out there in the world and I drop you off in the wilderness and I say okay survive and one of the things you have to do is start finding food and you're going to spend all your time maybe find nothing and you're going to be looking for food and here's an alternative Vision I drop you out and eat all you can Buffet well you don't have to worry about food it's being served to you all the time what does this have to do with the immune system and I go like this bacteria parasites that live out in the environment have to struggle for their survival to find food but underneath your skin the tissue is inside your body are flush with fluid from the blood and in that fluid or all the nutrients and elements necessary for growth so if a bacteria could find itself inside to your body it would be sitting pretty all I'd have to do is just sit there and food would be constantly delivered from an individual circulatory system so the idea is well yeah then obviously this is a nice environment that uh invasive organisms would like to find themselves in because it's like free food what you know no probs so okay so what does this mean it says well then we have to have a defense system because if invasive organisms get in there not only will they utilize the food we make but they could create a toxic waste environment that could actually undermine our health so we can't afford to have invasive organisms come into us and take over and the immune system's job is an internal protection system as opposed to for example the adrenal system fight or flight which protects you from threats on the outside immune system protects you from threats on the inside so I said well how does it work well the immune system is an intelligent system because what is the function of the immune system to go out into the world of their body and look for things that are new that came in and then not only recognize them but learn about them so that they could create antibodies for example to effectively knock them out so the immune system's character is learning and memory I go wow what a coincidence this is the character of the nervous system point the immune system is an extension of the nervous system learning in memory about the environment in which you live so I said well how does it work well I say that there are organisms that prefer to find the interior of our body as a place to live because it's so much easier for them just to sit there and live off of your energy and your nourishment so the old story is oh the immune system protects self my body against invading organisms as everything else is called knob cell well I go that's a crude Insight but it's not anywhere near accurate for a simple reason the immune system identifies things that get into the body that cause disruption of the system and its job is to identify them mark them and eliminate them and I go but there you know there are many organisms that live with us that are part of us it's called the microbiome thousands of species of organisms bacteria and parasites living with us I say the immune system doesn't attack them the reason is this they support our viability they support who we are so self versus not self that's not the discriminating factor of the immune system factor of the immune system is anything that's disruptive to the system well guess what that not only includes organisms that came from the outside but even our own cells if they go Rogue like go into a cancer State the immune system's job is to eliminate them so basically the functional immune system is to keep Harmony in the system any organism that comes in that disrupts Harmony functions immune system do the affirmations you started to implement when you saw this depressed thoughts coming in or these self-sabotage thoughts coming in what did you shift it with affirmation with different thoughts that's the awareness a that you know as I said the very first stop light where I started all of a sudden listen while I'm waiting for the light it was like the first time I tuned in and go what the hell are you thinking that was the most important thing because then the habit of not going there anymore starting to realize oh this is why am I thinking is that anything turn around make a positive statement right now because that negative one is taking you and just a repetition of this Behavior become habitual so and habits are great why no effort I love habits why you don't even have to think about them they do it automatically you know so if you put in these really great habits you can walk through the day and think anything you want do anything you want and your habit if they're good ones will just guide you perfectly through here without even being involved with thinking um that's the game the game is what has happened to you then program that that's your life and then guess what the 95 percent of the day manifesting Heaven well you're not even thinking about it once you have identified your programs how can you change what do you do with them and that always comes up because that's the most important question after you understand how it works the most important question is well how do I change the program and I go this is the critical part the conscious mind is creative which means it can think of anything the subconscious mind is programmed it's got habits I go so what I say habits when you have them it's a habit you do not want to change a habit which is important you learn how to walk before you were too I'm glad you don't change your habit because you'll forget how to walk I say nope same program you learned before too can carry you a hundred years same program okay habits do not want to change because if a habit changes then by definition it's not a habit so the subconscious mind is habit mine I say yeah but how do I change I say there's three ways only that you can control this number one how to get the habits in the first place I say for seven years my brain was at a low vibration called Theta which is just below Consciousness and Theta is the direct hypnosis line to the subconscious so when you're in Theta whatever you're experiencing at that point can be downloaded straight into the subconscious I said well how do you get the Theta I say interesting every day when you're up at work you've got a high vibration in the in the brain that's again with the wires on your head EEG the high vibration is called beta that's like School room studying focused Consciousness when you come home and relax the vibration goes lower now it goes into what is called alpha alpha is calm relaxed Consciousness but when you get really calm and you're really relaxed guess what Alpha shuts off you're sleeping when you're when Alpha is off you are sleeping but for the next period of time right after you fell asleep the brain is operating in Theta and then it goes to the lowest vibration deep sleep Delta so Theta is a period when your mind goes to sleep it's open for a little while and Theta is hypnosis so if you put earphones on and you play a program at night when you go to bed every night you go to bed just before you fall asleep you put the earphones on you play a program of a program about health a program how to make money a program how to be you know relationships self-help program okay at night you put the earphones on when you go to bed and as soon as you fall asleep you're not awake anymore Alpha close you're in Theta record whatever is coming in through the earphones is not going into the conscious mind it's going deeper into the subconscious it's called self-hypnosis you put the pro you put the earphones on you repeat that because Theta is not a long period after you fall asleep but if you're repeat it every night you'll get information into the subconscious so number one self-hypnosis earphones out at night play a program that you want to be true okay and then it will automatically happen this is a demonstration that and it's fun why you were sleeping you didn't even have to do any work you just have to go to sleep and the work would be automatic so when you wake up after playing this at night uh the subconscious will have a new program and one day you'll wake up and you're living the new program without even playing the tapes anymore it's once it's in it's in okay so number one is hypnosis self-hypnosis okay but after age seven the brain is not in hypnosis and now Consciousness is working I said but you can still learn a program you could learn a habit I say how practice repetition you want to drive a car well I'm not getting in the car until you practice why because it's the practice that makes the program strong energy psychology is a new version of psychology that engages something called super learning super learning what's that I go maybe seeing somebody read a book by moving their finger down the page just as fast as they move that finger down the page they read everything about you know on the page on both Pages boom they could just read it so the idea is this well if you can engage super learning and use that in downloading a new Behavior you ready you can change a belief you had your whole life 50 60 years you can change that in minutes because super learning is the equivalent of pushing the record button on on the subconscious super learning allows you to download a new program in minutes and we need that why because the behavior that the culture and civilization using today is so out of harmony with nature that humans are causing their own Extinction at this moment it's called a mass extinction NASA scientists have already told us that industrial civilization the one we're in uh is facing and I want to emphasize this because it was in the title of their report and I just I said we are facing an irreversible collapse of civilization in the next couple of decades well we're seeing it right now civilization is not working the chaos that's all over the planet is a sign that it does not work this way and if we don't change then we're facing our own Extinction in all biological organisms there's something referred to as the biological imperative the biological imperative can't be found by biologists there's no place I say oh here it is in the South but what it represents is the drive to survive when we start to feel that our life is threatened it's not a conscious at first it's a gut feeling it's visceral something in my gut says something's not right this is the biological imperative looking at your potential future in the world that you're living in and what we really have to recognize is that people are feeling it in their gut the world is not right it's not right I go well this is wonderful because this is a feedback system that's saying the world in which you live is not in harmony with you and therefore what it really means is that we have to change how we influence the world in our own way and it says that if we start to change and send out love instead of just receiving fear that the love we send out has two two aspects yes there's an external consequence of love it influences everyone and everything around me there's a profoundly different chemistry if I have a thought of love coming into my body which you can feel when you're in love you can feel it yes your cells are bathing in chemistry of love but when you have fear it's a different chemical response it gets you girded up for response protection Walling you off from the outside I don't want that thing to come in and take care of you know my inside and I say well what's the relevance and the answer is very simple the chemistry released by the brain and fear shuts down the growth mechanism of the body shuts down the maintenance of the body to conserve energy and the biggest thing is there's only one consequence and that is disease and illness and it turns out one percent of disease on this planet is connected to genetics ninety percent of disease or more is lifestyle and the psychology of love and fear 90 percent and says be in love and your body will be maintained and your immune system will be at Peak Performance be in fear and the game is over the brain is a computer that's a clear fact and it has the same functions and and systems as our silicon conventional computer that people is watching right now and so here's the Insight I get a brand new computer I got out of the store and I push start and it boots up what does that mean the screen lights up I say oh great got a brand new computer let's do a drawing let's do a story a spreadsheet and I say no I can't do it I say why not you got a brand new computer you say not until I put programs in the computer can I use that computer and so I say oh and then after I got the programs in then I can type and I can interface the computer but I without a program I can't do anything the human brain as a computer gets programmed starting in the last trimester of pregnancy through age seven because the brain function is not high enough for Consciousness most of the time it's a little lower and I say that's what we said Theta hypnosis I say why is it relevant the answer is very important how many rules must a child learn to be a member of a family and a member of a community there's thousands of rules to be of you know a person in the community like a an infant can't read the book I go no the infant brain is actually like a video recorder it watches the mother it watches the Father the siblings it watches the community downloads their behavior those are the programs after age seven a child then can work the computer and do what it wants okay so I basically say so it started in utero this is how uh um a mother can play music uh through her abdominal wall you know put the speaker there uh and repeat that music and guess what when the baby's born she plays that music the baby instantly knows that music or the father talks to the baby through the abdominal wall uh and repeats this and when the baby is born the moment the father says something the baby will know which one the father is because it already memorized this stuff it memorizes what the mother eats ah because of the nutrition coming through I say how does all this work simple we talk about the blood is the culture medium with the chemistry that determines the genetics and I go so why is a relevant I say then whose blood is the fetus using in development I go the mothers so I go so why is that irrelevant well if she's having an emotional response that's chemistry and I said she's feeling that emotion whether it's wonderful love or fear and I go so why is it relevant that blood with the same chemistry of the mother is going into the fetus I go why is that Robin the fetus feels what the mother feels if the mother is under stress and the fetus is getting an experience that life is very difficult up there if the mother is feeling love and support and everything then the life is easy for the fetus it started learning in the last trimester but then for the next seven years it does the same and I go so why is irrelevant I go once I get past age seven my Consciousness can type on the keyboard so I can program what I want and then here comes the monkey wrench and the monkey wrench is this the conscious mind which types can think and you go so what I go thinking is inside you know if I ask you Jennifer I say uh tell me what you're doing uh you know on Tuesday yeah and right away you can tell me but you'd have to think oh Tuesday what am I doing on Tuesday I say what's the point the conscious mind when thinking stops looking out at the world and the conscious mind looks inside so what if you're driving your car and you're driving down the street and all of a sudden you have a thought and I say oh conscious mind just not not looking out anymore I said oh my God I'm gonna crash the car because of my Consciousness is inside I go that's when the subconscious when the conscious is thinking the subconscious is autopilot and takes over like so why is it relevant I go now science is recognized 95 of the day is the average person's amount of thinking okay so why is it relevant well if a conscious mind has your wishes and desires and subconscious as your programs is your life coming from your wishes and desires I go up five percent 95 percent of your life is whatever the hell the program you got from that seven years is going to play and if you've got a program that's not supporting you then 95 of the day your behavior will not support you because that program doesn't encourage you okay uh I always give the audience the same story for 40 years now and you know the story but I'll tell your community I guess you have a friend and you know your friend's behavior and you happen to know your friend's parent and one day you see your friend has the same behavior as their parents so you really want to tell you're afraid to go hey Bill you're just like your dad I said back away from bill because I know what Bill's going to say the first thing you said how can you compare me to my dad I'm nothing like my dad in the audience laughs I go that's the most profound story in the world right now I'll tell you why everybody else can see that bill behaves like his dad who's the one that doesn't see it Bill how the hell does that help I go because when Bill is thinking he lets go the control and while he's thinking the behavior is playing but because he's not even looking out at his own behavior he doesn't even see his own behavior yes so in his mind no I'm not like my identical but everybody else can see you behave like your dad you're the only one that can't see it and I go so why is it relevant and the answer is simply this we are all built we all have beliefs wishes and desires and then we have to say how come I'm not manifesting the world I want how come I'm not as healthy as I want to be how come not creating the life I want if my mind is a Creator and I go it is the creator but then I tell you which mind are you operating from and 95 of the day you're not operating from conscious wishes and desires 95 a day the subconscious programs are automatically playing I go what if those programs are not any good I go well you won't see it they'll just be playing you know what you'll see the result so I very simply I wake up in the morning with conscious mind today I'm gonna go find love today I'm gonna get healthy today I'm gonna get the best job and then at five o'clock you'll come home and go oh didn't happen it didn't happen and I go then what does that person think because they're like Bill they go oh everything's against me the universe against me this person is responsible that person's responsible for not letting me get my wishes and desires I go no all day long you were shooting yourself in the foot with your own behavior and you didn't even know where the gun was coming from it was in your own hand and I say so why is a relevant we have been programmed to believe that when it doesn't work we are victims of the outside when the truth is no 95 percent of the day we were playing programs that did not support us and as a result the end of the day we didn't get that support but we didn't see it why subconscious was below conscious was controlling your life your conscious mind is I'm going to be healthy I'm going to fall in love and I go that's great but that's five percent of the day yeah but 95 I go I'm coming from a different program and so when you look at your life and this is a beautiful part you can say what are my programs I just want to help people right away I'll tell you what your programs are and you say well how do I know I was being programmed before I was born I was programmed from zero to one can you tell me what program you got when you were zero no you didn't tell the program you got a one no can you tell me the program at two no about three you might say oh I remember some things but I say you've been essentially programmed with no awareness of the program so you didn't even see the program and now I say so what is your program you go I wasn't there now I give you the answer and you're ready 95 of your life comes from the program your life is a printout of your program look at your life right now and I'm going to tell you this very simple the things you like that come into your life they come in because you have a program to print them in yeah the things you want Health relationship good job your struggle you're working hard you're putting a lot of effort in I'm gonna make it happen I'm sweating I'm going to work hard why are you working so hard and the answer is simply this your own program doesn't support that you're trying to override the 95 percent of the day that that negative program is playing with five percent effort going oh I wanted to be successful I go yeah 95 of the day you've got what are you get from your parent not smart enough not deserving not good enough not lovable these are things that we've downloaded in the first seven years and a very interesting fact is this for 400 years the Jesuits have told their followers the absolute truth and nobody understood what they were talking about I go what do you mean they would say and this is a fact for 400 years they would say give me a child until it is seven and I will show you the man what the hell does that mean the answer is just as I said science has said the first seven years you're in Theta program that's where you're learning then I said but what about the rest you'll have to go 95 of the rest of your life program so if I can control the first seven years I control the rest and that's what they said give me a child until seven I will show you the man meaning if you let me do the first seven years of programming I will tell you how that child's life is going to work out I asked a question to the universe which then myself answered I asked a question when I just realized and owned I exist as a field energy a spirit whatever you want to call it as information in the field and it also exists as a body my first question that came up in my head was then why have both why have a spirit and a body why not just be the spirit and my cells came up with this chorus that I just blasted my head and it was kind of funny because I I think they have Jewish Heritage cells because I asked them a question and they responded in a question I asked why have both and all of a sudden the welled up and the answer came and said Bruce if you're just a spirit what does chocolate taste like and all of a sudden I said oh my God it's the biology which is all the receptor devices that translate my environment into sensation which are then translated by the nervous system into fields and and vibrational patterns which are then sent back to my source and I realized at that moment I said my God that we're here to experience this place to touch it and smell it watch sunsets and feel love and and and and eat wonderful food and have all this and I thought wow and then all of a sudden I said yeah but it's not just receiving information when you have a body you can be creative we can come to this planet and manifest creativity and we do this we step into a virtual reality suit called the body I step into the suit as a spirit it communicates with me via just the same way the Mars rover is communicating with NASA and I get to experience this planet the belief that Gene's turn on and off is taking power away from the individual because if the genes were turning on and off and I did not control them then by definition I am a victim of which genes did I get from my family did cancer genes come in the heart disease genes or diabetes and now we recognize that in regard to disease genes are responsible for less than 10 percent of disease in fact there are indications that genes are only responsible for one percent of disease so all of a sudden it says well wait we used to think genes cause disease but if only a small percent of disease is controlled by genes and where is the disease coming from that is affecting the world the answer is now we know from epigenetics Consciousness lifestyle belief systems these are the ultimate controls of the gene we know that if you've got a cancer Gene and that's what you believe then you think I'm going to get the cancer and then you get a Cancer and you say the genes did it and now we know no that there is no cancer Gene there is not one gene that causes cancer genes are correlated with cancer meaning if your life is not in Harmony and you have one of these genes you can activate a cancer 50 percent of the women that have the same brca1 gene never get the cancer the point is very important having the gene doesn't mean you've got cancer but having the Gene and not living in harmony not living in a healthy lifestyle that causes the cancer and so we have to help people take them from the belief I'm a victim and give them the science that no your Consciousness is creating this life experience in here your Consciousness is controlling your genes in the past if you looked at it people have perceived themselves as victims of everything around them victims of circumstances and then we go oh I'm I'm sorry life did not give me those wonderful things that other people have and the simple reality is no no if you have an issue it's not the outside this is what we've always old Universe give me something we now know that our issues are internal it's our own subconscious beliefs that we've been programmed with of disempowerment like when a child is growing up and getting its programs think of what things parents say oh you don't deserve this who do you think you are I mean the parents didn't mean that for your whole life they just they were trying to you know goju you know it's needle you to make a change so they would save these things 95 of our life comes from those programs so if you have disempowering beliefs about who you think you are because you got them from other people that's how you know who you are these disempowering beliefs play 95 of the day in an average person's life so I say Yeah well my wishes and desires I want success I want great relationships I want all these wonderful I want health I go well that's conscious Minds because conscious mind's creative but uh as science reveals only five percent of the day are we operating from our own personal wishes and desires 95 of the day we operate from the programs that we got in the first seven years and if those programs which psychologists have told us 70 percent are negative and disempowering and self-sabotaging they say good apply these 95 a day in your life and you realize why your life is a struggle it's not a struggle because the universe is not providing it's a struggle because your own Consciousness is not accepting and this is where we have to change and so getting control of your mind taking charge of your Consciousness is a way of overcoming those limitations there are many different ways to to take this control back in in your life and one of them is the ability to uh like in yoga for example to be the master of your mind and not let it run the monkey mind let it run no I want this I don't don't let this other one go the world is in a state of evolution and what I mean by evolution is not a physical Evolution humans are not going to change into something different the evolution that we're really experiencing now was an evolution in consciousness a Consciousness that has in the past separated us as individuals a Consciousness that has been programmed with a belief that life is a struggle and that we're out here to survive we have to be in competition with each other and undercut and undermine and we were acting as individuals looking for our own individual power but in today's world there's a new understanding that the evolution is an evolution of Consciousness an evolution of an expansion of we are more than just these physical entities that there is an energy involved in Newtonian physics the conventional ones that most people have learned atoms are physical particles like little granules but in 1925 physicists came to another understanding because they said so what are those particles made out of you called atoms and they went inside and they found they were smaller so-called particles electrons protons and neutrons but that still wasn't the quest because what are they made out of and that's when the world changed because when Quantum physicists started to say what is an electron or a proton or a neutron made out of it's made out of energy not physical no substance an atom is like a nano tornado a spinning force field there's an illusion that we are physical entities you're an energy field I go so what the heck difference does that make and I go well here's the interesting part particles I can separate here's a particle here's a particle let's talk about one particle energy just mixes all together I'm sitting in a field of energy right now so if I'm made out of energy which I am does it mean that the edge of my energy stops right here and the answer is no and quantum mechanics I'm an energy field wherever I go I'm like a broadcast broadcasting and energy to wherever you are right now you're broadcasting energy and so in a Newtonian world we grew up with this is separate from this and that's separate from this and I go in a quantum mechanical world nothing is separate everything is an energy field with no borders to it so what I do in my world is not just what I do in my world what I do in my world is broadcast through everything else and if it resonates or is in harmony with you my energy can affect your energy or my energy can actually cancel your energy everything is interconnected the chair I'm sitting on is energy the air I'm in breathing with is energy I'm energy your energy we're all connected in this energy but the fact is energies are Communications and we vibrate and broadcast just like a radio we're broadcasting who we are out into the field and we alter what's going on it is beyond language it's a communication it has nothing to do with words it's an energy that's available if you just want to feel it and I think that's the big issue feelings because feelings are telling you you feel good yes I'm having more energy you feel bad you feel weak I'm having less energy I say why is it relevant it's more powerful than words energy can tell me am I with people that are supporting me because I feel good around them or do I have a little quasi feeling of this it doesn't feel right to me so we have a new world that we're coming into and it's based on the energy and if you can read energy you are being guided if you can't read energy you don't know what's going to happen next if you follow the words that's where we have been sold a bill of goods where people say yeah these are good words what do you think and then I'll buy that because the words and I say yeah but if you ever stop long enough to say how do you feel about it not how what you hear about it it empowers you beyond anything in the world so the wake-up call now is yeah listen to people fine but feel feel that people feel where you are feel is this what I want to do do I want to do this or I want to do that I say you can ask your head and rationalize anything but I say don't ask the question in your head ask the question of your heart your heart is the monitor of the vibration your heart will give you an answer more accurate about anything in your world than your rational thinking will when a raindrop hits a pond the ripples that come off of the raindrop or the shape of water but the water was shaped by the energy from The Rock so the energy is now visualized not the not the Ripple itself it's the shape of the Ripple so we have all these waves and I go so what and I say well when you look at a pond and it's raining out the first thing you notice that all the ripples are converging with each other and they're modifying each other and that so basically everything is connected and everything is energy but the final shape is really dependent on the the waves and their patterns when they come together some energy comes together and it enhances power that's called construct of interference and in human in human terms that is good vibes yeah mainly because urine energy pattern and if you're in an energy field that is in harmony with you two energies and Harmony come together and they have they add up so that we get more power okay so there are fields that are really good and you can feel them Good Vibes and as I said how what's Good Vibes I feel more power being around you not that I'm touching you or anything at that level because you're rating radiating energy I'm radiating energy but if we're radiating harmonic energy we're in musical terms synchrony absolutely Harmony Harmony right and that's enhancing of power but then there's another form of energy and this other form of energy is uh let's say this wave is going up and this wave is going down when this one's going down this one's going up so they're not in harmony okay uh and they're interfering and it's called destructive interference which is the opposite of when we just said two harmonies come together they're interfering but it's called constructive because there's more power but two energies can come together in a destructive form and cancel out everything uh and like um in technology they have earphones that are called noise canceling they got all this noise you put the earphones on the noise disappears I said what where'd the noise going the interesting part was the earphones have a microphone they're recording the sound of the environment the vibration and then through the electronics it plays the sound back but just out of phase so they're not both in harmony now one is going up and the other's going down they're just out of phase but that when you add up two out of phase waves that's cancellation to make uh you know uh those kind of earphones for example noise canceling is it's not you subtracted something from a noise you added a noise to a noise you added a vibration to a vibration so now I say oh well now there's two there's a range energies can come together and enhance and multiply and be more powerful or energies that are not in harmony can come together and cancel each other out okay constructive interference destructive interference but in human terms is constructive interference Good Vibes more power and destructive interference bad vibes what do you mean by being able to change inner Evolution because we all really do believe that genes are destiny well the biggest story comes down to knowledge is power and everyone goes yeah we all knowledge is power but let me put it in a better way for us now a lack of knowledge is a lack of power and a misperception by definition is a lack of knowledge and now I have to say we have been for the last 50 years operating under two very uh important misperceptions a the one you brought up genes control our life this is totally false uh and the second one is actually uh the idea of a Newtonian universe that's split into physical matter and and visible energy in two different Realms and they don't communicate and whatever is physical should be you know interfered with by something that's physical so that's why we have pharmaceutical drugs we have a physical body you want to fix it you have to give it something physical so those are the drugs and that's an outdated and disempowering illusion because it turns out it's energy and Consciousness that shape the world and and and let me just emphasize it so it's not so it's a weird sounding yes Consciousness our mind is creating this well quantum physics is to me the most valid science on the planet being before it was fully understood the theoretical ideas that were presented have all been actually realized that uh the that this is such an amazing science quantum physics and I say so what's relevant about this valid science I go the first principle in quantum physics is consciousness is creating our life experiences and uh you know that's oh that's so new age I go no that's about as hardcore science as there is and uh this Consciousness and and this is why I love working with you Lynn because your job has been raising Consciousness around the world and that is how we're going to evolve is not physically evolved but we're going to evolve with Consciousness and so uh the knowledge that you're providing for people is empowering and I like to do the same stress hormones shut off the immune system okay so that's two problems right away growth maintenance shut off by blood vessel squeezing shut immune system stress hormones directly inhibit the immune system so I'm not putting energy in to internal problem when I'm being chased and then I I always call the third one the insult to the injury you just injured your body now you will know what the insult is I told you the stress hormones and the in the gut squeeze shut when you're in fear that's a butterflies in the stomach you can feel it it says queasy queasy and I go what else the stress hormone shut the blood vessels off and the thinking brain back right here the the prefrontal cortex and when the blood is squeezed the blood vessels are squeezed out here the blood is pushed to the hind brain that's where reflexes occur and reactions occur no thinking so guess what under stress you shut down thinking and now you're just reacting and I go so you've lost the power of your Consciousness it's not working the subconscious mind is one million times more powerful and works 95 percent of Time Versus the small conscious mind working five percent I said that's the one that's stressed that's the one that's struggling it says I want something and I'm not getting it and I'm going to make it and I go you're trying to change the world when your own behavior was the one that was sabotaging it and that's because you didn't see your programs and like Bill you engage these programs and you don't even know you have these programs but then as I said well if you want to see your programs your life 95 coming from the program your life is a printout of your programs the things you like as I said they come in they came in because you have a program to acknowledge them but if you understand the things you struggle over are not because the outside is preventing you from getting there it was your own invisible 95 of the day playing programs you didn't even know you had and that's where the sabotage comes from and yet we want to blame and fix everybody on the outside and think that we're just a recipients of all this without recognizing we're the creator of all this and that sounds like oh so new agey and I go listen quantum physics is the most valid science on this planet and principle number one quantum physics Consciousness is creating our life experiences you want to change your life you don't change the world you change your own Consciousness the world changes after that whatever you're waiting for be a peace of mind contentment Health it will surely come but only when you're ready to receive it with openness and gratitude of all the characteristics needed for both a happy and morally decent life none surpasses gratitude happiness and health are the just rewards for living and gratitude wow I remember the first time I read that I doubted that gratitude could give me health and happiness but now I know differently [Applause] Igor Igor house how sweet of you to remember my party later ah yes another year would be wonderful ah well you know what that whole story that Ben Franklin told us about gratitude and health well it actually works and now scientifically we know why because built into every one of ourselves is the Fountain of Youth well what's the Fountain of Youth in the cell well it's something called telomeres telomeres they are special parts of the DNA so when you open up the nucleus of the cell the chromosomes come out in their 46 chromosomes 23 from your mother and 23 from your father but what is a chromosome well what it is is a sleeve of protein wrapped around a double helix of DNA and the significance about this is the telomeres as you can see in this picture of an X and Y chromosome stained red are the telomeres at the ends of the chromosome through the ends of the DNA are I say so what is the telomere it's extensions of DNA after the genes meaning it's a part of the DNA that doesn't program anything it's just extended DNA happiness and gratitude now that's the big one happiness and gratitude means you love your life so much that you want more so unconsciously you will activate the enzyme to increase and enhance your life this is also associated with a positive outlook because if you have a positive outlook that means you're looking toward a future and again feedback says then we're going to have to activate this enzyme to have that future and the last two aspects that enhance the enzyme and give you long life are very important and that is again having that self-love appreciating yourself which means I'm enjoying and appreciating my life experience and when you're in love that of course drives you to stay around even longer and that will activate the enzyme and lastly and most importantly is being in service meaning you have something to do and what the feedback of the system is says I can't and now I have to be here longer I have something to do and so being in service is one of the most important things to extend your telomeres and keep you around and in conclusion the information about telomeres and telomerase is very important because they represent the equivalent of a fountain of youth in every cell and between your mind and your cells the biology of belief reveals how your Consciousness and your thoughts can extend your telomeres by activating telomerase when you appreciate life when you have gratitude and when you're looking for love and happiness on the planet you can extend your life so interesting you're very powerful to change your life and make it one of happiness joy and health for a long long time I need to empower the people because they have been invisibly disempowered without the knowledge that their life is coming from programs that they didn't even put in there and these programs really support what you want so you play the programs and all you find is you're not getting what you want those programs never gave it to you you know a famous book uh Kiyosaki wrote a book called Rich Dad Poor Dad this is truth here it is simple truth if you grew up in a rich family you were programmed how to be rich and how to have money if you grew up in a poor family you were programmed to recognize you don't have any money and you don't have any power and I say then a rich person will stay Rich why because 95 percent of their life is coming from the programs they downloaded from the rich parents who made all the money the poor person that's going to stay poor because 95 of their program comes from the poverty mentality that their family experienced when they were young and all of a sudden it says well then you've got programmed you want to be a rich kid or a poor kid I said well what the hell is your program right and the big one that we're talking about David is the program of fear because we've all been programmed with some Vision that other people have told us about the afterlife the fear the hell the damnation oh I don't wanna die I go hey from what are called near-death experiences where people have died for a period of time almost every one of them says the exact same thing it was better out there than it was back here again and you know because a lot of them when having this experience or given a choice do you want to stay here in the afterlife or you want to go back and most of them would prefer to have stayed there but have obligations and came back right but the point was yeah you're not this physical body you're the broadcaster the energy but when you're playing through this body venue or the experiences of your life at this point when you're out of body you are the energy and the energy is forever people don't realize the power program here I'll give you one right now cancer is one of the leading cause of death in in the world right now and I go but what I go there's no Gene that causes cancer well oh they're oncogenes we call these cancer genes like the breast cancer Gene I go those are genes associated with the cancer they don't cause the cancer for you know example so many women live in fear of the breast cancer Gene because so many haven't but they live what's the fear I'm gonna get the cancer I have the Gene and I said that fear is a vision which is manifesting into their reality but then I go you know fifty percent of the women that carry the gene never get the cancer I said what's the point the point is this possession of the gene didn't cause cancer it was a lifestyle that was undermining your biology that activated expression of these genes the gene didn't activate itself so all of a sudden it says oh my goodness then the idea of cancer didn't come from the genes I go no it came from the programming programming of disharmony dysfunction not living in life the fears that are programmed because our Consciousness is creating this world oh that's quantum physics oh yeah that's epigenetics oh yeah that's absolutely right that's Placebo I go what do you mean I'm sick and the doctor says it's the greatest newest research pill ever it's gonna cure you you take the pill you get better and you go wow yeah that was great and then you find out the pill was a sugar pill there's a very important point and what the hell heals you right the conscious belief that you would be healed manifested healing and everybody oh yeah Placebo my thoughts manifested my reality go that's exactly what it's all about and yet oh Well we are in a discussion of placebo what people don't discuss which is much more important to understand is well positive thinking can heal us negative thinking is equally powerful in controlling the character of our lives so that negative thinking can cause any disease even death if you just believe you're going to die you can die just from the belief of it wow looking at the world and seeing what's going on right now all the chaos the upheaval that's going on is so distressing at one level and it's interesting for me because as a scientist I can stand up and talk about the fact that today's chaos is a necessary requirement for the evolution that we would love to see and yet I like you have to live in this crazy world it's mind-blowing it's crazy and it becomes really important because all of this stuff that we're hearing is motivating fear and fear by its definition is disempowering because when you're in fear you're expressing I have no power to take care of myself and we give up power and we give it up to other people to create the world for us and obviously by looking at this computer and watching what's going on around the world those so-called leaders are not really helping us get to the destination of a heaven on Earth reality and it's time to recognize yes fear takes away our power I've talked about that in many many lectures talked about the fact that stress hormones actually shut down our Consciousness and puts us into a reactive mode well this is not a time for reaction this is a time for creation and this is what the emphasis of quantum physics has been telling us that our Consciousness that is making creation and yet if we're living in fear and Consciousness is coming from Fear then what world are we creating well that's the chaos we observe every day on the news so in this situation what we really have to do is just listen to the words of Franklin D Roosevelt when he said the only thing we have to fear is fear itself also relevant today are the profound words by Frank Herbert in Dune where he says fear is the mind killer and this is what we have to recognize well I've been talking about the fact that Consciousness is created in a world and I say it's based on science well let me give you a very important fact it was in 1927 in the founding of the science of quantum physics that we get the most important Insight from one of the founding fathers of quantum physics Max Planck and what does Max say all matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force we must assume behind that Force the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind he concludes this mind is the Matrix of all matter well that was what 70 some more years ago 100 years ago I say has that changed I go no look at this for example this is an article out of the most prestigious scientific journal on this planet nature and I say what's this article I said it's called the mental Universe it's by a Quantum physicist at Johns Hopkins University I'm not going to go and describe by everything he says in the article because Richard Khan Henry the author summed it up in the last sentence let me emphasize for you that last sentence in this article in quantum physics the universe is IMM material it's mental and spiritual an interesting thing about the Matrix is that we're given a choice to take either a red pill or a blue pill taking the red pill wakes us up and the blue pill puts us back to sleep those that have taken to Red Pill believe they really have awakened but the fact is this biologically speaking how do you know whether you're really awake or whether you're still asleep the whole point about this is when you're asleep and you're in a dream you don't know whether you're awake or in a dream they all seemed exactly the same some people like to consider the Matrix as nothing more than a science fiction film but in truth it's actually a documentary we've all been programmed and 95 percent of our life is coming from the program we are not living the life that we desire because we have been programmed but what is the real nature of taking the pills in the first place as we've described before we came here to make a choice do we take the red pill or do we take the blue pill as the Oracle says how can I make a choice if you didn't come here to make the choice you've already made it you're here to try to understand why you made it whether you take the red pill or you take the blue pill that's no choice at all because that choice is taking the pill either one but it's a taking situation and the problem with this is civilization has been taking for thousands of years taking and taking from where from Mother Earth nature taking her resources and using them to the extent that there are no more resources from Mother Earth we're facing a problem now as being takers we as being takers have created what is called the six mass extinction of Life on this planet we have taken so much from nature that nature is collapsing the real choice is what is the opposite of taking and that is giving and this is what nature is calling upon us to do right now stop taking from nature and let's give Back To Nature because this is the only way we can create balance and Harmony in our world nature is the source and it is time for us right now to return to that Source through this chaos nature is teaching us how to learn to live in harmony with each other as well as learning to live in harmony with nature itself this is the point of cooperation to come here and create and maintain that balance of Harmony and peace humankind has been programmed with the delusion main limiting beliefs that you just hear consistently that most people tend to have if they're not in a have a a higher level program that they've caught and switched with well one of the main beliefs that they're caught up in is the lack of power they feel over their own health and their own reality then I'm a victim I'm a victim of my genes I'm a victim of this world out here I say if you if the belief system is translated into Behavior if I believe I'm a victim then my behavior will be as a victim no power you guys tell me what to do and I'll try and do what you just said and I say well that's the biggest problem of all because quantum physics I mentioned is the most valid science and principle number one is you're the creator of this and it's like well when are you going to own that and the answer is I could say it but then you walk away and a few minutes later you're back into your world again everything is gone you know listen it took me a while I learned and understood that oh my God this is how it works and I was so excited I wanted to get people I'm going to tell anybody to listen to this experience this is how it works so a beginning got some people together and I started to go up let me tell you how to create the most beautiful life experience and then they'd look at me and go you know Lipton for a guy who says you know this your life doesn't look that good interesting it was my wake-up call that said how the hell can I talk about how wonderful this is and I'm not practicing it and I immediately said to myself no don't go out there and talk to anybody about this why until you do it nature so what were they what were the things that were holding you back before you've discovered this and then what was the new program that you started to implement for yourself on a consistent basis to have a hundred percent upgraded program yeah well uh one of the things professionally okay I was doing a great job I I had a great professorship in a medical school all that kind of stuff you know personally my life sucked really put a relationship off the ground I go why not I go well now that I know about it I was programmed about relationships by observing my father and my mother well they had dysfunctional relationships so what do you think I downloaded dysfunction so my conscious mind goes forward and says yeah I want to have a great relationship I get into it my subconscious mind steps up and says oh this is how we do a relationship you oh oh game over you know why because I didn't see the negative behaviors that I was putting out my partner potential partner saw them and gave them calls for alarm I don't think I want to be with this guy you know that was me and then I realized that and that's when I really had to go in first thing and start to change who am I and I'll tell you the biggest problem uh now after years of working people do not love themselves um and I say what does that mean I said if you have a program where you don't love yourself then rationally logically can anybody else love you and the answer is no because you don't think you're lovable that's right and somebody says you are that oh I love you and then you go well you know you probably don't have any quality control I know I'm not lovable what's wrong with you you know and then at some point you push them away and then they're not there then you go I'm not lovable nobody's here I push them away you know and I changed that I was nearly what 45 years old 40 some years old and I had zero quality relationships for all that life right to change the program and within a couple of years I I'm now with my partner Margaret and and the fact is she was involved with a workshop training program for people so she understood processing and stuff and when I came and we added the science and the processing uh we've been living a honeymoon for 26 years really years waking up every day going wow still here another day for fun another day for being in love it was great and it still is but if I didn't change the program that would never have been part of my life at all I would have been my whole life struggling the fear which is human specific is the fear of mortality there's no other organism that knows it's going to die and I say that fear is what then we gave up our power to have somebody assuage that fear it's like oh it sounds so bad or whatever you know we we bought what religion why would we buy religion well I want to tell you about what happens after you die the big mystery and I say oh then all of a sudden guess what they made the program for my life I go who the hell are you there's a program for my life well I bought it because I was in fear and fear means I have no power and when I have no power I'm going to seek someone who says they have the power and then I'm going to accommodate what they do and so people join in a religion because they have the fear of the afterlife well I'm going to tell you the beautiful part about my research was I didn't believe in spirituality okay I had no to me afterlife was home I'm chemicals and when I die I go back into chemistry you know that's what it is but when I understood this said oh my God I'm an immortal entity I'm a spiritual field quantum mechanics a field and all of a sudden I started to realize oh my goodness I I I have no fear why I'm not gonna die I'm not even in here so how the hell am I going to die and once that fear was gone my life was radically different I tell you why because we all live with that biological imperative that says I'm afraid to die and I said but what if you're not afraid to die what if you don't see death as an end what if you see it's just a transition into another way and all of a sudden I say what the consequence of that is no fear I said then what does that mean I said then I'm more powerful because it was the fear that took away my power and if I don't have fear then you can't scare me and I don't I'm not scared and I don't care about your rules about afterlife because I have my own understanding now you don't have to try and tell me about afterlife I know what I am I'm a spirit I'm an energy field how effective is your conscious mind at overriding the subconscious I say it works five percent of the time with a miniature computer and I go now that's your problem I go the only way you can override the program is not play the program that's when we said stay Mindful and then we then said well that's going to be difficult because we have to think so there's only one way out no no don't keep it a secret tell everybody there's only one way out re-program the subconscious mind and I go significance if you would put wishes and desire programs into the subconscious mind that means that that program would be operating 95 percent of the day meaning whether your conscious mind is in control saying these are my wishes and desires or the conscious minds thinking then the subconscious mind comes in and said these are my wishes and desires then guess what then 100 of your life your living wishes and desires and therefore all of a sudden then the the the work has to come back to each of us as individuals each of us got programmed each of us is manifesting that program we give up our power in many of the programs the fine example is you were sick as a kid and just like your parents and any other family members when you were sick you went to the doctor I go that's a habit I said what does it mean it says you learned this in the first seven years the program it says when you're sick you give up this power and you go to that doctor and you accept the doctor as the power of over you because when it came to health it's like no no you don't do it the doctor doesn't that's the program I say so what's the point you have given up power over the control of your life and have given it to the truths quote unquote offered by the doctor I go significance I go the doctor misreads your diagnosis and then tells you oh I'm sorry you only have three months left to live and I go significance 95 percent of the day the program says the doctor is the you know the correct one the true what do I know the doctor knows what do I know so 95 of the day then your belief system is going to do what take the words of the doctor and manifest them as truth I go what's that mean well you're going to die in about three months I go from what I go hey that was a misdiagnosis you're still gonna die because your belief system will manifest in illness that will terminate the cancer for example is not due to any genes there's no Gene that causes cancer the genes are correlated with cancer and I go what causes cancer I say disharmony and repressed anger is one of the big ones I go so then I say the genes didn't cost I say no so I said then what caused it I say my Consciousness I say what repressed anger you know and I go so what I say well change Consciousness and guess what you can go into remission the cancer will go away as soon as you change the Consciousness and all of a sudden it's like I thought I was a victim of the genes I said that's a program and that is totally incorrect because as quantum physics says Consciousness is creating our life experiences and as the new biology which I'm familiar with called epigenetics is how Consciousness controls the genetics and all of a sudden I say oh well then biology and quantum physics now share the same story yeah you're creating this and the idea is that if you look at the creation you're not happy with it don't go out and blame the creation because you never saw that you were participating in a way invisible to you that led to this expression if you want to change it you have to change you and then the environment will change the body provides us with Sensations pain love joy happiness anger whatever it comes from this mechanism it's a mechanism the the eyes take in light but they don't they don't see light back here in the brain they say energy vibrations sound comes in my ears I don't hear the sound I hear the vibrations taste that's a vibration it's a chemical vibration it almost says oh my God this is a transducer it takes life experiences in a body that gives us vision and smell and taste and touch and pain and love and joy and I say and this is sent back to our source so we came here to have life experiences and I go at that moment of Awakening I said oh crap here's a major difference between men and women men are not allowed to have these sensory experiences and I'll give you a reason but women are so women are sensitive they and that's a way of life for them they're sensitive and then they go about but men are so insensitive I go that was a program we were programmed to be insensitive for a very simple reason you cannot be a soldier if you're sensitive you can't kill somebody if you're sensitive so men have been knowingly programmed to lose sensitivity so they can be used to do those jobs like killing somebody else and I go oh my God then I miss the reason for being on this planet I missed the feeling of what is love all about you know what are these senses of joy and happiness I'm not allowed to experience them as a guy because uh that interferes with a soldier job go I'm wasting my life and that was a wake-up call I said well damn it go out and taste it and touch it and feel and smell it and do whatever you want if it's really good do it again and if it didn't work out so good then don't do that one again you came here to have these experiences why do you want to waste your life having all the negative fear anxiety all those problems it was a choice it was consciousness but we didn't know that because we were programmed to be victim and a victim has no power and as long as you believe you're a victim then you manifest victim and this is why I'm so uh honored to be with you Jeff because you're experiencing this you know this stuff you're trying to get this message out to the other people why to wake us all up because we came here to manifest heaven on Earth like Falling in Love and I go then what about all this war and pestilence and plague and and all these things I go oh that's a manifestation and we're manifesting it you can live in this world without even being involved with all those things you just have to change who you are and what you are and what you want conscious mind versus programs subconscious mind and when you understand this you become empowered and I say empowered to do what I say create Heaven on Earth and then people think oh you die and go to heaven I go boy is that a big mistake because you're going to get to the Pearly Gates Saint Peter's going to be there and he says well how was your experience on Heaven he said what do you mean he said you were on earth right that's Heaven why that's where you came to create what did you create oh I don't want to wait to the end man my my mother remarried when she was relatively older and she married this guy who was I said curmudgeon guy he was not very happy guy or anything he lived to be like 95 96 or something he had cancer my mother took care of him at home the last week of his life essentially wasn't there he was just comatose more or less in the bed and then two days before he died he all of a sudden his eyes opened up it was there and he looked at my mother and he said I didn't have any fun and all of a sudden I just said holy crap he's gonna die in two days and he woke up today he didn't have any fun I said that's not me babe because when I finished it's going to be that was great let's do it again the immune system protects you from a threat on the inside yeah but if the Tigers chasing you who cares about the threat on the inside I go I got a bacterial infection and a sabertooth tiger chasing me I said where should I put my energy in the hell with the infection the tiger catches you the infection's not a problem anymore so very important fact profoundly everyone listen stress hormones specifically shut down the immune system because the taking care of the inside is not as important as taking care of the whole thing running away uh in fact stress hormones are so good at this that when doctors want to transplant an organ from person a into person B the recipient of that organ is given stress hormones before the operation because it reduces the function of the immune system which would be rejecting The graft and so you don't want the immune system to reject the graft so you give them stress hormones which what shuts down the immune system I go well guess what in today's world just watch the news for a moment and all of a sudden your immune system is going yeah so that's number two so number one stress hormone shut down growth because feeding the viscera for its functions not worthy of running away I need to get the blood into the arms and legs again to conserve energy because look the immune system uses a lot of energy if you've ever been sick sometimes you don't have the energy to get out of bed so it's like well when it's operating it could drain you of energy yeah but if you're being chased by a saber tooth tiger the hell with the immune system uh and so you shut that down so those are two insults to the system in other words if I'm not under stress I'm nourishing my body and I'm encouraging my immune system I'm staying healthy but the moment I'm under stress both of those things shut down and I'm ready to to fight or flight uh and then I said well there's a third one I call that adding insult to injury and the answer about what that means is this the brain has the forebrain where conscious thinking is conscious thinking and the Haim brain which is uh like habit and reflex Behavior conscious thinking is slow I mean imagine your car is going out of control and spinning and I say stay in the conscious mind it's like oh I say yeah but the moment the car starts to go out of control the stress hormones go in remember I told you they squeezed the blood vessels in the gut they squeeze the blood vessels in the forebrain I say why because it pushes the blood to the hind brain which is a million times more powerful than the forebrain is a machine processor I go so why is a realm I go because the moment the car is going out of control is oh wow turning the wheel hitting the pedals you're doing everything Beyond fast so fast okay yes so when you're in a stressful situation thinking is slow and therefore the system doesn't want you to be slow it needs you to go boom react reflect right away so the blood vessels from the same chemistry squeezing the blood vessels down the gut squeeze the blood vessels here push it to the hindbrain we become less intelligent when we're under stress because now we're reactive and it gets to a point that sometimes they're so afraid that you take care of me and if we give up we give up control to the guy with the bigger stick yes you take care of me well that means we're a victim victim means we're powerless I go when stress hormones are in the system the only Power you have is to run and I go and relevance about that is very is very simple and that is that it was only designed with saber-toothed tigers in mind I go why is that real they say well the Sabertooth tiger is chasing I go yeah and I'm running like crazy I got blood in my arms and legs I got all the energy and I say yeah but if you escape that tiger in a few minutes of running then there's no more threat and then all of a sudden the stress hormones are gone and then you're back into growth and everything else but today stress is 24 7 365 a human body was never designed to be maintaining a stress situation because it suppresses the Vitality of the system and in today's world with the idea of covid everyone's afraid I go and guess what the one thing you wanted was your immune system to work and the one thing that's not working because you're afraid is the immune system I go the more fear people have the sicker they become yes and this is a wake-up call that says man we have to stop listening to that fear of drum they keep beating the drum every or everybody's gonna die I don't know I was gonna die you know there are people who are indeed vulnerable because they're already stressed immune system people that live in stress are already open to a problem uh older people whose immune system is are not working up to the fullest capability they're under threat because their immune system is already compromised and then there's the people with what are called comorbidities what are they I say these are stressors on the system that are chronic overweight is one of the biggest ones in the serious cases of covid 78 of those serious patients were overweight why overweight is a challenge to the system and you're already challenging your immune system before the damn virus showed up so that's a big problem uh Diabetes Type 2 meaning that's a stress World diabetes is a stressor that's in the system the more stressors that you have going the less effect of your immune system is so it turns out here's a number unfortunately Americans UH 60 of Americans have at least one comorbidity they're slightly compromised okay but forty percent and this is where the issue comes from have two or more simultaneous comorbidities these are people that are ripe for infection why their immune systems are already compromised before the damn virus showed up so it's like well then I'm am I afraid of coven I said well if you're a healthy person no if you're you know if you're a compromised person then you should be taking care of yourself I don't have to take care of myself you have to take care of yourself because you're the one that's open and yet we want everybody to put on the mask and everybody to get the vaccines I go that that's stuff I was going to say a bad word that stuff is not valid I go to me it's not Val I say the country of Gibraltar 100 of that population has been vaccinated and guess what Delta went through there like a plague man and I say yeah but they were all vaccinated I go yeah because the vaccine doesn't work I go well yeah but now all we're Chronicle no the vaccine doesn't work and they say well get your booster shot I said get the booster shot I didn't even work the damn first time it takes a second time at work and so the real issue is this we have to take care of our health uh and not wait for other people to protect me from them if I'm a vulnerable person it's my responsibility to take care of my health mind controls not just what genes are being activated but mine can alter the blueprint I can make 3 000 different proteins from the same blueprint just based on how I see the world so all of a sudden it says wow we are very powerful We're The Architects and we can create Health we can also create disease because we're the creator of it okay so now comes the the big part and that is this to me the most valid science on this planet is quantum physics quantum physics I say that because uh back in 1927 when it was theoretical they came up with a whole bunch of things you know Albert Einstein Max Planck Heisenberg they came up with a theory of how everything worked well it's nearly a hundred years and guess what almost all of their theories are totally accurate so we have a deep deep understanding of quantum physics Consciousness is creating our life experience principle number one it was back in 1927 Max Planck founder one of the founders said the mind is the Matrix of all matter that's where the movie The Matrix comes from do you see value in going backwards in other words in Psychotherapy or in going back to the past no why wouldn't I why didn't I say value in that and I said because when you go back and Replay that problem you've exercised that problem again you have pushed the buttons that created the problem in the first place that's why they have so many boxes of tissues in the in the psych office because you're going to cry your eyes out why because you're going to be replaying the trauma of what caused the problem and this is the cool part it no longer exists it's not there anymore except for you carrying it with you there's a point where I say well then why should I go back and repeat this because it's just going to cause a replay of the same program which reinforces that program I go I don't care about the past I care about here I am today I want to go this way what do I want today I don't care about what happened back there not that I should forget about it because I don't want to replay it again but it doesn't control me anymore because I say replaying that is just the you know putting a in the old days they had records you guys don't know about but they had knee record and if you keep the needle gets deeper in the group like we don't want to play it again so it's irrelevant to go back I like it there's a story of a two Buddhist monks and monks are not the the male monks are not allowed to touch women and these two monks are walking along the path and they come to a river and there's a woman women all dressed up in her wedding finery and she's crying and crying and it's what's wrong she says well I can't get across the water and you know I'll ruin my clothes and so one month just picture up walks across drops her on the other side and then the two monks walk down the street about half hour 45 minutes later the one that didn't pick her up turns to him he said you picked up a woman back there and then the other monk says I put her down 45 minutes ago you're still carrying her and if you get the story the story is this it was over the history is over do I want to repeat it no so there's a way of seeing what it was but I don't have to repeat it because I have to say what is it I want not what is it I don't want a lot of people I don't want this I go yeah but what is it you want people have more problems answering what it is they want than saying what they don't want and the important part about this is you can only move into the future that you want by acknowledging what you want not saying I don't want that anymore I said well that didn't that didn't give you your future uh and and so yes there are ways to reprogram the subconscious uh and when you do your life will change in permanently so many people think when you die you go to a place called Heaven I go you didn't understand we were born into heaven this is where we came to create this is where we came to experience if you lose the body and go out there you have Consciousness that's really great I'm not saying it's not but here's the opportunity to what to manifest make something do something experience something if you then decide I'm going to do it metaphor metaverse I go well then you wasted all these beautiful receptors that were designed to to have those wonderful experiences to manifest them for real more powerful they can do more at least heaven and yeah for most people to tell I go is it hell because you can't you know because it's the bad place I say no it's hell because your program that you got took away your creativity and programmed you to be the victim in a world that you're actually creating so as a victim you can create a world of being a victim and the idea is yeah but if you're a master then you can create the world of being a master you are a great example of it yeah I I you did driving then you created uh the wine and then you had the Cosmetics or the candles and all that other you know that all that stuff you you took your mind and took it out and made creativity what is heaven that's what it's one what is Heaven is a is a definition of what you want I said do you have to die to get what you want to say no matter of fact it's easier to get what you want when you're alive because this is where you can do it so the big joke is everyone's thinking oh when I die I'm going to go to heaven and I'm going Jesus your whole missed the experience man it was here is where you created are you creating Heaven are you creating hell that was a creation and the idea is if you own it like you've done like I've done like the people that you've interviewed on your program they have taken over ownership of their creation and they're creating the life that they want and most other people are saying oh this is against me and my genes aren't good and this world and that and I'm a victim and I go sorry folks you missed the opportunity to create next time you come back you'll figure it out maybe as you understand the terms quantum physics and quantum mechanics or Newtonian physics and Newtonian mechanics what you see is that physics and mechanics are synonyms so physics really means the mechanisms by which the universe operates and the new physics quantum physics was something that I really wasn't into nor were any of my colleagues in the medical school we were all trained in Newtonian physics and the difference between the two is very profound Newtonian physics says the world that we live in the universe we live in is a machine made out of mechanical Parts if you want to understand how it works take it apart study the pieces change the pieces change the operation That's the basis of medicine we look at a human body it's a machine made out of physical parts when it's not working right change the parts by buying chemicals and drugs and that's the way that conventional medicine operates when I started to read the quantum physics I realized oh my goodness the the whole foundation of the universe is not based on a mechanical physical Universe it's based on the invisible energy called the field so let's say if I hold a magnet right here in front of you and you can see the magnet but what you can see is the invisible magnetic field and so what it says is well we are physical things in our world like physical bodies we're immersed in fields electro magnetic fields magnetic fields itself all kinds of fields like telephone cell phone Fields television Fields radio Fields whole ranges what is the difference between the Newtonian physics and the quantum physics is this Newtonian physics focus on the particles quantum physics says you want to understand why the particles take this shape then you have to understand the field it's the field that controls biology it's the invisible forces there's a great quote by Albert Einstein and it's simple it goes the field is the sole governing agency of the particle in other words in the world of invisible things fields and particles matter it's the field that gives shape to the matter and this is the basis of quantum physics this becomes relevant it says okay here's the physical particles of my body why are they in a healthy state or why could they be in a sick State that's the physical expression the answer is well to understand that don't look at the body you have to understand the invisible forces in the field and it's fun because if you think about when when of course when you were young at some point you must have had like iron filings and sprinkled it around a magnet and all of a sudden you saw the iron filings form that pattern of the magnetic field well quantum physics would look at this pattern and try to explain how come all the iron filings fell in this pattern without recognizing that the field exists in other words can you explain why the iron filings have this shape if you don't recognize the magnetic field the answer is absolutely not what's the nature of it the body and its cells are like iron filings medicine is trying to understand the nature of the body by looking at the iron filings and quantum physics says if you don't understand that invisible field you cannot understand what's happening in the body when you think about someone who's an artist and they're creating a musician a chef a chef or or in love like you're in the flow right so you're just because you're you're thinking yeah you're not thinking you're doing and it doesn't mean there's not participation it just means that you're not thinking of the future you're kind of just what the time and space sort of change like you lose track of time yes that kind of stuff yeah not thinking means not diverting to the subconscious meaning you stay in conscious creativity yeah about this creativity his wishes and desires so a chef uh is so involved with the cooking and paying attention all the details they're not thinking and I say well what does that mean they're not coming from program they're coming from creativity okay the artist the chef uh the race car driver yeah not thinking man uh you know we're in it we're going I had a monk tell me I should write a book called the speed of Consciousness well that that's it and the subconscious is much faster than the conscious and that's why in times of Emergency the conscious is too slow to help us and that's why we jump to it but then the problem is whatever Behavior you're going to express while you're in that subconscious was a program that you had a positive or negative well up to 60 of the programs that you downloaded are not positive they're disempowering programs what we now know is the conscious mind if you stay in the conscious mind you have power but if the conscious mind is thinking it is not using its power to interfere with the uh and act with the outer world thinking is using the power to go to the inner world so a thought is not outside a thought is inside yeah but the conscience is reading a thought so I said what does that mean I said well the conscience is helping me create this world oh wait wait the moment I'm thinking I have to take that Consciousness redirected not look out but redirect it because thinking is inside so I said well what does that mean I said well the moment you were thinking you were not creating your world at this moment I said what does that mean I say if you're driving the car and all of a sudden you start thinking what it means is you're not looking out the window anymore you are now looking inside because answers for thoughts are on the inside then you go oh my God you stop looking out the window the car is going to crash and they go cool apart or not yeah the subconscious is autopilot so the moment Consciousness is not paying attention the subconscious Takes the Wheel but now comes the problem the subconscious is not you it's the program so if I got bad driving instructions then when the subconscious takes the wheel as autopilot it's going to take me down the road to ruin it's not going to take me to where conscious says I want to have this wonderful success but my program is you're not worthy you're not smart enough you're not deserving so when that program grabs the wheel it's not going to take me to success it's going to take me to where the program goes so if I disempower you in your programming and 95 percent of your life comes from that the rest of your life is struggle and it's not because you couldn't create it it's just you didn't realize that this subconscious guy is working 95 percent of the time and you don't see it and this is where how come life seems to be a struggle from the outside coming in when it's like oh my God you didn't get it you're creating both success and you're creating failure it's not coming from outside when people gather together and have thoughts like a meditation on healing or peace and love that when they come together they can influence the world around them in fact even the project called the global coherence project revealed that when people come together and start sharing awareness it actually changes the electromagnetic field of the earth so our thoughts are not passive they're influencing everything in the world in which we live so when people come together consider this that each person's brain is like a tuning fork sending out thoughts and vibration and this is revealed in the sign science of Magneto and cephalograph most people are familiar with something called the electroencephalograph you put wires on a person's head and you could read their brain activity but a new understanding of how to read brain activity magnetoencephalograph the probe is out here this is the most profound insight for this reason if I can read your brain activity out here that means your brain activity is not contained in your head it's broadcast into the field so each of us our brains are like tuning fork sending out vibrations to the world each individual has a power to their tuning fork but as more and more individuals come together it's an additive effect that you have more individuals more power and the more individuals the more power and so as we come together in a group our thoughts are really being Amplified and sending out a vibration and these vibrations affect people who are not even listening really because the power of amplitude of these thoughts will entrain people who are not even paying attention because of this power so a person just walking through a field will go feels it because we're all broadcasting this energy and this is why coming together in a community and sharing awareness has power a very simple point if I go outside with my tuning fork right now and say Let There Be Peace in the world I'm not necessarily going to change anything maybe not even anything right here in the street but if we get large number of people to have the same thought would change the world and this is why it's so important to understand the collective nature of Consciousness that when we all start to have Harmony we broadcast that Harmony and the world will become in harmony with our thoughts it's time for us to wake up and recognize that there's a program being played out here we're in a darwinian program because everyone accepts that as oh that's the science even though darwinian theory is wrong because this revolution isn't on competition evolution is cooperation that's the new insight that changes the game of struggle into harmony when we start to recognize we all have been programmed with a belief that uh if you're not out there fighting somebody's going to walk all over you and you lose so you better go out there and and struggle and win and fight and all that and I Go Again a garden is not a Battleground it's the height of cooperation and Harmony and what we have to do is let go and the idea is the more you invest in the existing program the more Consciousness you feed that existing program The More You broadcast the pattern of that existing program and the only way out is stop does that mean I don't read the news well actually I don't read it I just read the damn headlines and that's enough for me to go okay I don't I don't want to be there I live in a different world no I'm in the same world as you know but I live in a different world why well sometimes we have to recognize maybe it's time to take your power back maybe it's time to take your job back and do something that is more in harmony with your life I mean I was a tenured professor in a medical school but when I realized I I was teaching incorrect information at Gene's control life which is totally false uh I I said no I I can't tell you this anymore and uh and the Beautiful part about it is guess what I'm living this most wonderful life and I go how did I do that I said I had to let go of the programs that I knew I was engaged in that didn't offer Vitality Life Energy love if they didn't offer then get the hell off of it because it sucks your energy energy is life I talk about what's called the energy checkbook and I go what's that I go you have a bank account that's the money in there is your life I go yeah it is I go you just don't write checks for nothing hey oh Lynn what a beautiful blue sweater you have here let me give you twenty dollars that was really nice you know you don't do something like that and I say we have been giving away our energy so much with no return coming back I go what do you mean I said well you you get into some like a political argument uh between people and they go oh heated oven and they use all this energy and I said and after the argument what changed nothing I said then what the heck energy is life you just gave away your energy you're losing life and that's when all of a sudden I realized invest your energy into things that either enhance your Vitality or the Vitality of the world in which we're living because those are places to Build a Better World to invest your energy in the negative things and all that kind of stuff like that you're building a bad world with that and you're using your own energy your life gets shortened and so the reality is consciousness is real it's a currency and if you use it and spend it appropriately you can have a much better life negative beliefs are equally powerful in controlling your health as are positive beliefs except in the opposite direction a positive belief can heal you from any disease a negative belief can kill you by creating any disease a belief can create the disease as much as belief can create the healing and I guess the significance of this is profound because nobody talks about the negative belief I go negative beliefs are powerful it's called nocebo as you mentioned and as I said they can cause any disease and they can kill you just because you believe you're going to die you can die just from the belief it's as much as you are dying of a cancer you change your belief and you can then heal the cancer I go how I love this because a friend of mine her name is Anita morejarning and she wrote a book called dying to be me she had four years of cancer and the final days of her life in the final week she was so emaciated that the cancer lumps were sticking out of her skin because she lost so much body weight and the cancer notes are sticking out she's on a machine for life support she goes into a coma in her oncologist who's been working with cancer patients for years says oh this is the final stage of a person before they die so get in touch with all the family members and say Anita is dying she's in a coma this is a sign that's the end of her life and she has an out of body experience of Consciousness change that the issues that were related to her life had to do with a lot of um the fact that uh she was so feeling guilty of upsetting her family she came from an Indian family with pre-arranged marriages and she pulled out of a pre-arranged marriage about three days before the wedding which made her family look like you know people it's like you broke a pre-arranged marriage that's like against the rules and everything that irritated her father who she was she had a lot of love but then that irritated her father and then she felt she's now alienated from that love that's what precipitated the cancer her out of Body Experience on the last day of her life according to her oncologist uh she had an out about experience of communicating with her dead father who said no you know what happened on that what happened on Earth stays on earth when you transcend you're not there anymore and everything's wonderful and we love you and all that she comes out of the coma and the first thing she says I want to eat something you know she was like give me some ice cream and she was like what you know within a day she was off the machines within two within a week to two weeks there was no visible cancer anymore and in fact the doctors were saying it's in there somewhere and she kept saying no there's no more cancer and they kept looking after a couple more weeks of looking they said no she doesn't have any sign of cancer she was on her last day of life with cancer and a belief change that she realized her father is not angry with her she didn't alienate the love of her family and and that thought when she woke up out of the coma was the placebo in a sense of the healing thought that healed her from her last day of life so people with cancer and they're all struggling I go even to the very last day the moment you change that Consciousness is the moment you can have the cancer go into remission and disappear killing the cancer cells is like oh I'm going to get those evil cells and I said the cells were just following the instructions that came from your Consciousness you don't want evil cells then change the evil thoughts coming from your Consciousness the cancer disappears so it's a power that we have it's a power of our creativity which we don't believe in and I go okay quantum physics is the most valid truthful science in the sense that the theoretical understanding of quantrophysics matches every experiment that has been understood about it I go so I go well let me tell you the first principle of quantum physics that principle is Consciousness is creating our life experiences you want to change your life experiences don't change the world change the Consciousness the world will change behind that people have heard of the phrase use it or lose it and frequently they're referring to oh well I can build up my muscles through exercise and I'm using them but if I stop using my muscles then disappear and I go use it or lose it applies to every system in the human body every system is based on use or lose it and most importantly the creative aspect of a child is when they were in child development that's what kids do they they create ideas they play and through play they are being very creative but if we are doing what we're doing now and that is programming them with uh STEM Science technology engineering math uh I say those courses are not creative those courses are rote memorization can you memorize the equation can you memorize this and I go if what has happened is our education has taken the creative part out because of finances oh yeah uh years ago when I went to school we had Great Courses we we you know we had shop for the you know for the guys or everybody want to learn how to fix and make things you know uh home Mech uh we had music we had art do these were programs and most of those have been sacrificed in budgetary reasons to provide more stem and I say then what have you thrown out of the education I said the creative part of a child's education has now been transferred to the rote memorization of science technology and engineering and I say and the result is this we are not as creative as a population uh not that long ago well okay well it is long ago because I'm old but uh the the US was the leader in technology we because we had the best education system that provided creativity for the kids to you know to move into the future today the US is somewhere near the bottom of Western countries in regard to technology why we've lost our creative character uh use it or lose it we've lost it and this is a wake-up call giving children back the exercises of creativity because that's what engages those brain cells and if you don't engage those brain cells then they don't develop and use it or lose it applies the most important thing about transcending a program as I mentioned before is identifying what the program is and that's why I wanted to give people an insight to their own programming by just reviewing their life and recognizing things you like come in because you have a program things you desire that don't don't come in is because you have a program that doesn't support that and I say well how do you change these programs uh and I said there's three fundamental ways to change a program and it's very critical because the subconscious mind is a habit mind the conscious mind is a creative mind I go what's the difference I say habit by definition doesn't want to change I mean if a habit changes then it's not a habit anymore so I say first issue is this the programs that we were downloaded with are habits they were put into our mind before age seven and then we just play them like a push the button play the program push the button play the program now not all habits are bad a matter of fact you wouldn't like it without a subconscious I'll give the example when did you learn how to walk you learned how to walk before you were two you could be 102. you're still walking I go why that habit is there and it doesn't change then so the first thing we have to recognize habits are not like open hey just change me you actually have have to like push a record button to get into that habit I go well how do you get a habit I said well how did we get a habit in our life I said for the first seven years we were in a state of consciousness called Theta which is hypnosis and we downloaded it uh and the relevance about that is uh Theta is a lower vibration than conscious which is Alpha and focus Consciousness Beta And I go so why is it relevant because when we are working like right now we're in beta High Focus Consciousness School room kind of working like that but when we go home and relax the vibration slows down that's called Alpha so we're in a calmer consciousness but what people have to recognize is this the moment you close your eyes like I'm just going to sleep Consciousness switch went off I'm not in an alpha I just dropped into Theta I go well Consciousness is closed but Theta is hypnosis so if you put earphones on and you go to bed uh and you put the earphones on and there's a program playing through those earphones of things that you want to be true in your life uh you might hear some of the program while you're still awake but the moment Consciousness disconnects you're in a zone of theta before you go to the lowest vibration Delta which is absolute sleep so every night there's a window of opportunity putting earphones on as soon as your conscious mind goes to sleep the subconscious mind is going to take whatever's coming in those earphones and begin to download them because that is hypnosis so that's self-hypnosis but that by age seven changes because by age seven now we spend more time in Consciousness than in Theta uh and I go but we still learn things you learn how to drive a car you learn how to practice with an instrument you learn all these things I say why is it relevant in the answers simply this how did you create a habit practice you practiced it so the second way of changing a program is practice a new life if you don't like the one you have uh yeah I like a new age of people fake it till you make it I go yeah what does that mean I said well I'm a miserable person I want to be happy so I said but you're not happy I said yeah but fake it what does that mean I say all day long anytime you can just consciously pass by you say oh I am happy I am happy you could be miserable I don't really care the idea is I am happy I am happy repetition practice is how you make habits and so if you keep saying all day long I'm happy I'm happy and you say it for a period of time because it's habit practice there's a day you wake up and you already started happy because the program is already in there you don't even have to do it anymore less than one listen less than one percent of disease is connected to genes I go where the hell is all the disease coming from 90 Plus of disease is stress and and all of a sudden oh so I said well you can relieve all the take all the cancer cells out I say did you get rid of the stress no oh well then guess what it's coming back because that the the cells didn't cause the problem they are a symptom of a problem and it's all diseases like cardiovascular disease 90 has nothing to do with genes you're not living in harmony you're living in fear a lot of it has a fear is the greatest cause of stress because fear means I'm powerless that's what fear means oh my God something's coming I I'm a victim I am powerless somebody help me and then the pharmaceutical company comes and goes we're here to help you I go another line of BS wave says pharmaceutical company isn't here to help you it's a company it's a corporation I say give me the rule number one rule in law when you make a corporation what is the number one rule in the corporation's leadership and the answer is your job is to make a profit for the shareholder that's number one if a corporation is not making a profit for the shareholder then it falls apart doesn't work anymore so I said well how do you make a profit for the shareholder I say gotta make a lot of money I go well making a lot of money does that mean you're going to help a lot of people I go well tell them we'll help them we'll sell them with drugs and they'll buy the drugs and then we're going to make a lot of money I say do the drugs really work I go how many people are out there because the doctor said your blood pressure is high or your cholesterol level is high and we're going to have to give you statins statin drugs I go how long do I do I have to take a prescription of satin drugs and then the doctor goes how long do you want to live oh you want to live then take stat and drugged your whole life I go I can't take my whole life I said are they gonna help me now comes the truth statin drugs only helped three out of 100 people 97 people out of 100 have no positive effect from certain drugs in fact over 20 of those people will have side effects that are disastrous so wait I took the statin drugs to help me with my cholesterol level three people are going to be helped 20 people are going to get sicker I go well maybe we shouldn't sell the statin drugs they go are you kidding me man that's a prescription for life that means we have a customer for a life and I go nobody paid attention to the side effects being more dangerous than the the healing effect I go people don't care because they're told whatever the advertisement told them drug companies they don't give a damn why because the 97 people that Deb no positive effect from satins are going to pay them every day of their life to take a satin drug I said is it going to help them I go nope but they're going to pay for it every day and the drug company's like yay I could sell lots of Silent drugs and you know what they did to sell more drugs because there was a cholesterol level and it said if you're above this cholesterol level you need a Statin drug like then what'd they do they kept changing the cholesterol level over time it was no no you have to have less cholesterol oh all of a sudden it said people that you know had a certain level of cholesterol below the required part no I don't have to take statin drugs then I said no no you need a cholesterol down here oh now that many more people are going to take statin drugs every time they lowered the amount of cholesterol to another level there's a whole new cohort of people that are going to buy the Statin drug because oh it used to be oh that cholesterol level was okay now it's not okay now you've got to take the drug because they kept lowering the level and every time they lower the level there's a million new customers for statin drugs did it help absolutely not the side effects were far greaters like five seven times greater side effects than healing the subconscious mind is yours not shared by anybody else so it's not a common mind for for civilization it's what you down downloaded what you learned and how you're you know playing in your life your conscious mind though that's the one that is coming from the field uh where everyone else is involved and so Consciousness is what connects us all subconscious is your life experiences it's used for this lifetime uh and something as the new science revealed to me which I didn't really know for most of my life is that uh We Are Spiritual entities I I was teaching genes you know and now I start to recognize from the physics that we Are Spiritual entities uh and that uh the body is like a television set my spirit is the broadcast where when the television works you say television is dead and I go yeah television is dead but is the broadcast still there and the answer of course it's still there and I said yes this is the same thing with the human we are not in this body we are received leaving a broadcaster field in terms of the science of quantum physics there's a field that's playing through us and I go so if your body dies the field didn't die it's still there it's like that blew my mind because I said oh my God you can't die you're not even in here and then the The Joy about that was you also come back again when another embryo has the same set of what are called self-receptors that are reading that field for you each of us has our own set of these self-receptors These are proteins no two people have the same sense so each of us is receiving a different energy broadcast then let's just turn it back for a second to the subconscious mind the subconscious mind is learned in this lifetime from the experiences we have in this lifetime but when you pass on and go back to the field subconscious is gone and when you come back again guess what fresh subconscious and you start all over again so the subconscious is used now for this life the conscious is always here it's in whether you're in this body or not in this body and that is the Perpetual person that you really are I want peace on the earth and all the rest of fighting all over the place that means nothing but if I get enough people to say we want peace on Earth and we get to that number and as Lynn said it didn't start with a massive number started with a small number but that number grew why buckminister Fuller singer says Build a Better World people will come from that world to visit your world and what Lynn is showing we can build a better world and why is it increasing a number of people because people are saying I want what Linz has it always reminds me of the movie the restaurant at a table watching her goes I want what she has well this is what Lynn and Brian offer they have something to say they have something I want what she has why because it's empowering why it changes your Consciousness your Consciousness is creating if the creation doesn't look good you don't change the world you change the Consciousness the world then changes because of your creativity and that's why um Lin's work to me is so important to get people to wake up and say miracles happen when you get enough tuning Forks together and how many well apparently eight tuning Forks is good to change cells in your body are not connected to the outer environment but they have to adjust themselves to that outer environment and the relevance about that well then how they know what to do because something has to tell them what the heck is going on and so it turns out the nervous system interfaces the environment and then sends signals to the cells to tell them what's going on so the cells are responding to the perceptions and actions of the central nervous system I say why is that relevant because I say it's an interpretation and so the cells the simple point you got 50 trillion citizens and the conscious the mind is a government yes and the government talks to these cells now you can have a bad leader who tells them this is all crap it's all falling apart things don't work and it's like they're not going to be happy cells and it can profoundly different you talk to yourselves and tell them okay everything's cool we're great when there's a big you know in the U.S an accident or you know big big problem in some Community the president goes to the community yes why does the president go because it takes the attention of all the other citizens of the of the states focuses on the intention where that president is so if there's an area where there's a disaster the energy of all the people are addressed to that area because the president shows up there and that's the leader so I'm saying the same thing for yourselves you're sort of that president in there and the point is when you touch some part on your body your conscious attention focuses on that part of the body and intention is energy and it's a healing energy when you're sending a good message uh to that part of advice so you touch it talk to it and it sounds like oh crazy I go no you are directly sending information via your Consciousness to all the cells to focus healing on this part if you change the picture in your mind you change the chemistry you change the Fate so I'll give an example if I have a picture of Love in My Mind the brain releases complementary chemistry dopamine pleasure oxytocin bond with your loved one growth hormone which does exactly what it says it enhances your growth and that's why when people fall in love the chemistry of the brain going into the blood the culture medium enhances Vitality people glow when they fall in love people are healthy when they fall in love it's not an accident it's the chemistry of your culture medium but now I say but wait what if I have a picture of fear I go oh well love chemistry doesn't come out when fear is in the picture the brain releases stress hormones and factors that affect the immune system and growth of the system and I go oh my goodness I say why is it relevant changing my thought changes my chemistry the chemistry adjusts my biology so if I can control my thoughts I can control the chemistry and therefore I control the biology that takes me to empowerment Mastery after being programmed by medicine and biology all these years that you're just a victim of your genes that's 100 false genes cannot turn on and off by themselves they're controlled by the signals of the environment which are then controlled by the brain and the Consciousness and all of a sudden it says yeah but I control those things I go yes you do and as a result you have power to to heal yourself and create what you want on this planet in today's world I love the phrase because it is funny but it's true fake it until you make it man you want to be happy well do you have to habituate happy you have to say every day no matter if you don't if you're not happy I don't really care you have to tell yourself I am happy I am happy you have to repeat it ah habituation repetition why I'm consciously repeating it every day and look at my life my life really sucks oh Bruce I am happy I am I'm saying that I go well why are you saying it because repetition is how the subconscious mind learns I say why is this relevant and here's the fun part because after I've repeated it a number of times the subconscious says okay I am happy as I've learned this I go why is it relative that 95 of the day the subconscious function is to make that program real if my program is I am happy the function of the mind is to make sure I'm happy if the if the program says I'm going to get cancer because I heard that from somebody else then the function of the mind is to make sure I get cancer because that's the belief I'm work working with and if if it says I am a victim and I can't get out of this then the function of the mind is yep look you see you I'm showing you you're a victim and you can't get out of it because I'm running a show you're a victim how did you learn anything after age seven and the answer was repetition that's what it was it was just practicing the more you repeat something the more it becomes just so easy you don't know how to play an instrument you practice like crazy at some point you practice so much you pick up the instrument no consciousness of the details of how you're playing it it's so automatic at this point it's like driving the car when you first got in the cars like oh my God you've got to watch the window the mirrors the gauges the engine sound every yeah it's like so much today you've been driving a car a long time guess what you don't even think about it but the key in you're thinking about where you're going and all of a sudden I saw the more you practice the less effort it takes to carry out whatever it was you were practicing now the question is what are you practicing something positive or something negative because they're both become programs whichever one you're practicing if I have a picture of fear in my mind I'm afraid of something my brain translates fear with different chemicals stress hormones cortisol norepinephrine uh factors that affect the immune system that are called cytokines or histamine so basically in a state of conscious fear the brain releases chemistry that complements fear that chemistry goes into the body's blood and that changes the behavior and the genetics of the person so it means there's a difference between having positive thoughts and having negative thoughts and people say oh that positive thinking doesn't really work but that's not true the best example of positive thinking in a scientific study is called Placebo you have a disease and doctor says here's his new pill and it's the brand new science and it's going to cure you and you believe it and you take the pill and you get well then you find out the pill was a sugar pill so then you're left with so what made me well it's not the sugar pill it was the positive belief in that sugar pill and how it's going to help your life so that's called Placebo positive thinking positive result unfortunately most people don't recognize a more important point negative thinking is equally powerful but it works in the opposite direction so it turns out for example less than 10 percent of cancer is even connected to a family lineage ninety percent of cancer just comes out of the blue so to speak but the reality is no it's a result of stress and negative thinking so it's important Point positive thinking negative thinking equally powerful because that's the level of Consciousness that is translated into the chemistry that controls your genetics I just want to add a very important point to this quantum physics is the most valid science on this planet there is no science that has been tested more and verified more I guess so what's irrelevant because the primary principle in quantum physics is consciousness is creating our life experiences and well when you add epigenetics to that physics now we understand the mechanism of how Consciousness is controlling our biology so biology and physics are coming together to reveal that we are very powerful creators of Our Lives I am so grateful to offer this because as each one of us takes back our power and each one of us actually starts to live heaven on Earth like you did when you fell in love even if it was only for a week if you could do that every day of your life and everyone around you is doing that every day of your life then the simple truth is this and Earth does become Heaven if we're all living as if it's Heaven and the function is to create the minds is to take that vision and man manifest it if I believe I'm living in heaven then my world experience will be what would it be like if I lived in heaven and being in love is the one time you unconsciously unknowingly took back power the equivalent of the record you unknowingly became powerful and I said yeah in 24 hours you changed your whole demeanor of life after you met this person yeah I go you could have done it in different ways didn't have to be with a person you didn't need to fall in love with a person you could fall in love with uh gardening yeah if you're a gardener you go out in the garden and you're digging the garden you're having so much fun and the plants are growing and everything I go you just manifested heaven on Earth for you it's not beautiful living in the garden I go well it doesn't have to be another person the life doesn't love Is Just focusing on something you desire a pet a garden artwork cleaning up the garage yeah because when I'm doing it I'm creating order and happiness and all that and I go well fine then you're cleaning up the garage I'll go to clean up the damn garage so if you're cleaning up because wow that's so much better now I feel so much better in here it's so clean I know where everything is I go being in love doesn't have it could be anything that keeps your conscious mind in front because it's when you conscious mind goes in the back is when you become the product of your subconscious program so um and this is great and the hardest part about programming that people don't recognize is you have to make all programs present tense positive statements not future statements I will have I shall have you know something like that say no I am it is and the reason is it's logically simple not as this uh let's say I'm not well I say I want to be well I say fine let's record that oh now let's come back a whole year later and push the button it says I want to be well I said well it's been a whole year you never got there you just wanted to be well for a whole year that's what the program said so if you are sick and you write I am healthy and the mind looks at the program says oh I got to change this it doesn't change the program it brings health back so that the body matches the program and so that that's the whole issue about it the function of the mind is to take the program and manifest it and if you go to a negative program then obviously whatever manifests is going to be negative please listen to this a negative thought is equally powerful in controlling the biology who as much as a positive thought can heal you a negative thought can kill you it can make any disease you can have a negative thought about cancer and manifest cancer you have no no genes that are even cancer related genes and it's like where the hell did it come from you are creating your biology as a complement to what you see so if you see a positive world then you're getting Positive Vibes coming in and it feels really great and if you live in a negative world or one you believe to be negative then the cells are inside cowering going oh my God it's not safe out there and and so my cells are just adjusting to my perception so changing your perception is like well where's that and I go that's your mind just to begin with a very interesting concept that um judeo-christianity has provided the large population of the world with a belief that Genesis occurred and God created the planet and the water and then the animals and the plants and after all this creation then God said let's add some humans to the mix so we didn't come from that creation we were added to the Earth science comes in and also separates us from the planet because conventional science based on what is called Newtonian physics we are physical particles separate from each other no we're all separate pieces and we lost the understanding that the word Gaia is a living organism the Earth is a cell we are connected to everything we've lost that Vision we feel that we are at peace in a in a bunch of pieces and as I said are we going to be safe or are we going to be afraid in this and I said then we want to protect ourselves and if you understand the breathing of most people it's very shallow it's right up here why I don't want to take too much of the outside in I'm protecting myself but as sad Visa said we we still need oxygen so we breathe in a little bit of oxygen but we want to be separate and the simple reality is those beliefs are totally false we were created with everything we are created from everything there is no separation between us and the world in which we live and so when we are breathing very shallow we are actually remember I said protection close yourself down shallow breathing closing yourself down when you start to learn to take in the breath of life you are opening yourself to the entire world around us and that opening of the world makes us part of this world not A Separate Peace from one another so breathing becomes a very important part of am I hiding from the World by just breathing a little tiny bit or can I take in this breath and become part of this Oneness that we are your separation is where all the problems of life come from your breathing can open you up to this entire world to take it in you are this world you are every bit of this you're a reflection of everything out there you came from that so basically can we stop the protection that we think is helping us but it's the protection that is killing us and breathing can I take this in can I take the world in yes and I can Thrive and so when we start to let go of that protection the breathing will start to go from shallow chest to abdominal because I'm taking in the world with every breath I'm taking in the energy of the world with every breath and that is what makes us whole you have shallow breathing you have fear all of a sudden you cannot be whole anymore and so we come here to learn to take power back and and oh my God Closing word yoga the most profound teachers I ever sat before to have the opportunity to learn the lessons that were so magnificent that I can't fully put them into words and who were those teachers they were the cells that I was working on in a Petri dish they showed me from my point of view and my reference to life that there was something called spirituality that I didn't know existed and The Moment I Saw the mechanics of how a signal from the universe comes in to my body suit my virtual reality suit and was running this there was this instant of recognition I said oh my God I can't die I'm not even in here that's concept of immortality was one of the first and most important lessons I had why because all of us when we grew up as children there was a point of learning that people die and that you are people and that you will do so yourself and your parents will die and your friends and loved ones will also die and we get so caught up in that the moment of reality that I couldn't die was the most uplifting experience I could ever imagine because the fear that we are programmed with that you may not say every day oh I'm afraid of dying you don't have to say it it's built into your subconscious it's running your life every movement you make every action you take there's something in your mind that says how's this going to affect my life am I going to threaten My Life by doing this there's another person going to threaten my life and we get into that so for me the truest knowledge I got was not a Devotion to Spirit it was an owning of spirit it was owning it without saying I think it's this way I owned it and the moment I owned it a weight that I ever knew I was even carrying around disappeared because I became free for the first time to recognize I'm here for something other than my life the cells taught me this as well and the cells also taught me what I mentioned briefly the other day the next important factor when you put the two together and that is that we have been programmed in this world not to love ourselves we've been programmed to be criticized we have parents who criticize us we have teachers who criticize us we have people all around that criticize us so what does that mean every action you take there's something back there the program of critical criticism that says are you doing it right are you doing it right and then you live by this criticism when you learn that you're part of spirit as real and you realize you're a part of everything that is you're a part of if you want to say God God how can you be critical of God and all of a sudden I started to realize I cannot lead my life in that critical nature I'm gonna own who I am I'm a spirit that has come to this planet to experience and to create and to manifest Heaven on Earth and I have now two lives I have previous learning life struggle anger control trying to fix everything and I have post experience a calmness an understanding that it's all driven by love even if other people can't see through their filter of criticism you're still driven by love every one of you is a piece of all that is every one of you and if that critical mind comes up and says not good enough in any sense there's a point where you have to stand back and say that's not me I am more than the program and when you let go of that problem of self-criticism you learn an experience for the first time in your life self-love and why is this important because as I learned through years I could not love the people around me until I can learn to love myself it was always simple it was a joke in my head somebody to say they love me and I go what kind of quality control do these people have I can't love me how can they love me and I would reject and push away the love because I couldn't own it to accept it and if I could leave one message behind about love is that you are love you are a piece of God that came here to create the most beautiful thing in the universe planet Earth as we go outside and see nature and the glory of this planet that's why we can understand how beings from other places or if anything jealous not to come here to share in this beauty so if I could just leave you with this understanding you came here to create Heaven other people took away your power by programming you to criticize yourself own Who You Are because then your creative abilities will come forth and guess what I found out I didn't have to go out and make it happen I didn't have to go out and beat the world to find success to bring it in I just walked out in love and it all came to me just like every one of you here is a part of that one love and when I come to uplift which is the whole message to tell people we are one love I get so elevated I was behind the curtains back there when we are made out of love was reverberating through this building and you could feel it you could feel it even if I couldn't see you I was behind a curtain I could feel the power of that love because you were all so beautiful without your filter and so recognizing that was a choice there's a choice to say do I want to be the filter or do I want to be me and when you start to recognize me as not just this isolated thing but me as every one of you joining together is one Collective all that is the glory of Life on this planet cannot be built by anything else in the universe than what you can do here you are creators own your creativity own your spirit it's not words it's not devotion it's a true knowledge You Are Spiritual and that is the opening of life there's a lot of people that have doubts about the concept of the influence of global meditation and rightfully so because we've always been programmed to ignore the invisible realm as not being relevant to our world but now with an understanding of quantum physics and the role that the invisible realm is more powerful in shaping the Physical Realm then is the Physical Realm itself it really adds emphasis to the character that the energy fields in which we live are actually shaping the world that we experience this is just a made-up idea that I just said the answer is no there are scientific studies that have shown how meditation and groups have changed characteristics of cities or towns in regard to violence or love or what was going on in the city so basically said while meditators were in the practice of their meditation and bringing peace to the city it actually changed the people in the city according to the statistics Point did it work and answers absolutely unfortunately when the meditators went home the whole thing stopped point is very simple if we live with that spiritual activism in our heart and use it every day then this is not just an on and off event this is a continuous process of shaping the environment and the community in which we live it's been a very strange year on this planet chaos is happening all over the place and we're looking at this going on what's going on with our world it seems like it's turning upside down the answer is it is turning upside down now that might be the bad news for most people but it's actually for my insight it represents the good news how could it be the good news that the world is so filled with chaos and the answer is simply this is that human behavior has precipitated the six mass extinction of Life on this planet which includes us five times in a history life was thriving on this planet in some event like accommodating the Earth upended the entire ecosystem wiping out up to 90 percent of life this is the sixth mass extinction and the source of this is much closer to home than a comet because the source of our Extinction is human behavior we are undermining the web of life and as a result there is a collapse of nature going on all around us if we don't change we're going to go extinct I'm not talking A Thousand Years folks I'm talking decades from now so what you're seeing is a collapse of a foundation civilization is changing so rapidly covet has pushed it super fast with all of things are changing with the covet the way we work on the world and we commute on the world things like that are profoundly different now and we're moving into a different way of life we are not going back to the old way of life we are creating a new version so when you look at the world falling apart Don't Be Afraid actually be very joyous why if it doesn't fall apart Extinction is right here in a few decades if it falls apart it gives us an opportunity to create something better to move from here to there frequently a mass every day how come you look so happy and the answer is I wake up happy and why do I get this happiness where is it coming from and the answer is this it's another day on planet Earth and what's so exciting about it is it's another day that I have no idea what's going to happen but the greatest wishes and desires for some fun and excitement and a very joyous life so I start off with today's going to be a great day and almost every day it ends up being a great day doesn't mean everything works right but the beautiful part about it is I've really learned not to carry anything forward that is not really happy and in joyous in my life it reminds me of a story two Buddhist monks are walking along and Buddhism monks are not allowed to touch women at all and these two Buddhist months are walking along they come to a river and not that River there's a woman dressed in her wedding Refinery and she's crying and she's crying because she can't get across the river wearing these clothes so one of the monks just picks her up carries her across drops her off on the other side then the two monks continue walking and about an hour and a half down the road one monk says to the other one how could you pick up a woman and the one who picked up the woman looked at him and said I I dropped her off an hour and a half ago why are you still carrying her and the whole idea about that is the meaning of it is when events happen in our life it's not necessary to keep carrying them especially if they're negative ones you can just stop right there and go on to the next thing it's a choice do I want to be in an environment where I'm not happy or to want to be in an environment where I am happy oh Choice well obviously but most of us have that choice but are so caught up in conventional rules and conventional way of mannerisms and social structure that we hold ourselves in places we don't even want to be and then we sit there in our mind getting aggravated by the whole factors I don't even want to be here and I go well the guess what choice pick a place you want to be go to the movie go do something else break the pattern and when you break the pattern is your moment of power because when the pattern is broken there's new choices at that moment but if you don't break the pattern you're going to follow a Litany of up or down depending how you started off the process the litany down not a great trip I'll tell you that but hey I think it's over 20 some years I haven't been depressed I haven't even been angry I get upset by some things of course but it doesn't mean I hold them I drop that person off on the other side of the river and stop carrying it and this is the choice it really is a choice you have to think about it because it's a conscious Awakening at a moment that gives you a choice that wakes up and goes do I want to do this and that's that moment of choice you take that moment of choice and then you say I'm moving into where I want to go you make a habit out of this because you repeat this and then guess what you don't even have to think about it anymore because the subconscious program will always redirect you to the place you want to be and the whole other world that we used to experience I used to irritate us and aggravate us and all that anxiety stuff it just doesn't exist and it doesn't mean everything's going right but the whole beautiful part about it is well if it doesn't go right okay stop now let's go do something else because it's the idea it didn't go right and then why didn't go right and who didn't make it right and where is it going to go now and blah blah blah and what are you doing you're digging a hole and it's not going up it's going down and the whole idea is choice but the most important part of choices you have to stop long enough not get caught up in in the in the program and play out the program there's a moment while you're playing the program maybe you can separate and look at yourself and say why am I doing this because that is the moment of power that is the moment where you can say I have a choice I can do something totally different than to Stew in this stuff then you are a powerful person and in today's world we're told don't go by the feelings if I did I would have probably been better off at this moment so when we recognize we have to make a decision we can do it in two fundamental ways first do an assessment an analysis of step by step what does this decision mean and why should I choose it but when you get to the end before you absolutely take that information and make a decision based on that ask your heart and the reason why is this the heart doesn't care about the individual steps in the decision the heart only looks at the conclusion either you get more energy from this decision a good vibe a feeling that this is right or the heart will give you a feeling of bad vibes less energy a feeling that maybe this isn't the right answer so the significance is really profound because the heart just reads energy and higher energy is more life less energy is less slide so in making a decision yes it's acceptable to do the analysis but before you come to that final decision please check in with your heart feel the feelings if the feelings are good that means go toward that direction but if you feel questioned about it if you feel weaker about it doesn't just feel right the heart is telling you right off that that energy is not good for you and you should use some other decision oh wow that's so wonderful what a wonderful way to make a decision based on these feelings and they can help us find the direction that we need to go in and lead us to a better life foreign I guess that's not really working for me at this moment whoops oh well computer and simulation [Music] Scotty how many times have I told you not to leave me off and see you know I can't swim meet me at the bridge you have some explaining to do patience for a simple reason you have to have patience in reprogramming because you're dealing with habits that will automatically replay themselves every time you're trying to rewrite a habit so you have to create a new habit it's not going to happen the first time or the second time but as you become aware and conscious of it every time a negative behavior shows up and you are becoming more conscious you are in the power position of changing that behavior at that moment and then engaging in behaviors that you really want therefore not only does it take patience but it takes practice so you and your partner in a relationship have to have the dialogue with each other when a behavior shows up that one of the individuals is is creating and unaware of then the other person must say look you perhaps didn't see what you just said or what you just did automatic subconscious Behavior it wasn't really the best thing and through a nice dialogue and through practice what you can end up is again leading to an opportunity to engage with each other and as a result create new programming that supports both your wishes and desires and aspirations and this is the next and last step of putting that honeymoon relationship back together so in conclusion what can we say about this whole honeymoon effect is this number one people talk about mind-body interactions and mind controlling life and while a lot of people say my mind wouldn't have created this life you can go back to a point where you fell in love and recognize a very simple truth what you created was not an accident it was an activation of your conscious wishes desires and aspirations you already did create heaven on Earth the issue is what happened to it and I said ah the interference from the subconscious mind if you understand the programming and how that programming is the default behavior and you understand how you can rewrite that programming then you're given an opportunity to eliminate the negative programs in your subconscious that have been sabotaging you and instead replace them with behaviors that correspond with your wishes and desires and when you do that so that your conscious mind and your subconscious mind have the same program then guess what at that moment whether you're paying attention or whether you're not paying attention you'll be engaged in the honeymoon experience it never has to go away The Honeymooners experience that you could have your whole life this is why we were here we were here to create heaven on Earth the one time you did it is when you fell in love it could have stayed that way if you understood the mechanisms we have described here but when you do understand the mechanisms it says you can go back and recreate that and make it a permanent way of life you were born into heaven you've experienced it once or more and you can do it again and again and again because that's how powerful you are you are a Creator and you are in heaven when you use your creation you will manifest Heaven every day in your life and enjoy the beauty of a living experience on this wonderful Planet the honeymoon effect the brain is like a tuning fork the brain works by electrical vibration it doesn't see things you know my eyes are sending in information no it doesn't see light it sees vibration sound vibration smell vibration so the brain is a receiver vibration but now as we know using what is called magnetoencephalograph which is like electroencephalography EEG yeah EEG I put my wires on my head and I'm recording brain activity I'm not I'm not recording visual I'm recording vibrations so we say oh inside the brain there's a lot of electrical activity vibrations which are turned into meaning okay yeah but the new device is called magnetoencephalograph not EEG m-e-g okay I said what's relevant I say there's a probe it's reading brain activity you know what it doesn't touch the head the probe is out here yeah I've heard you talk about that well this becomes very critical because basically if I'm reading my brain function out here my brain function is vibration yeah and what am I reading vibration then it says not only is my brain taking in vibration yeah but my brain is sending out vibration now the immediately we just talked about construct of and destructive interference so if a negative vibration is coming into my world my brain using destructive vibrational frequencies can cancel the negative around me if something wonderful is coming into my brain my brain can take that vibration and and put it in Harmony and then enhance the power of that vibration yeah so the the brain has an opportunity to cancel or enhance any vibration in the field sorry so that that vibration that the brain is putting out would you translate that to the sound of your thoughts absolutely vibration is sound is just a different octave but it's all sound every but first of all I mean the hardest part that people you know it's very difficult for them and it was even difficult for me even reading the book on quantum physics is there is nothing that's physical everything is energy and vibration and that's very difficult for the average person like I was to say I'm looking at you and I said what a beautiful physical expression and then to find out there was no physical expression and now it's like what the heck does that mean and the fact is that we read vibration yeah and so everything is vibration in the universe and that's the bottom line of quantum physics humans have morality we're supposed to anyway you know don't kill things okay uh we're supposed to have morality but corporations have no morality they just have a mission how much money can I make that is the mission by law of what a corporation is so I say then that's why they can do anything let's destroy the environment if we can make enough money and all of a sudden you start to see the leadership of this world is not really caring about what the individuals want they want to appease the money making part and then the laws come down and and if it conflicts with a corporate law then screw the people let's give the corporation their due and that's once we gave up and we said humans are like uh corporations are like humans and have the power of a human I go no they don't they have no morality they're nothing like a human at all uh and uh and we gave them all the power and this is a wake-up call for all of us that said who's caring for you you know I love it they always talk about the friendly Banker when's the banker friendly the banker is friendly when you have money yeah if you don't have money Bankers not so friendly anymore it doesn't care about you at all you know and I go same thing pharmaceutical company you got money we're working with you yeah I don't care about you if you have no money and we lost and so the evolution we're facing right now says we have been driven to this by a Minds that have no uh care for an environment hey take what you want do what you want throw crap into the water you know all this kind of stuff dig out the natural resources every it's like what's our future if you do this the answer is it's already happening Extinction we're not in harmony with each other obviously and we're not in harmony with nature and I say well that you got two choices here follow the money or follow the Harmony and right now unfortunately this is a tug of war and corporates are winning because fear because once you're afraid you give up power fear is a definition I'm not I'm afraid and I go then who's going to help you who's got the biggest stick yeah who's the one with the biggest clown let's give them the power and I'll wait here for them to fix it and I go they're clubbing you over that at this point and we have to wake up I'm sorry I went on a tirade a little bit an adult has all different ranges of vibrations of brain function but when a child is born for the first two years it has a very low vibration called Delta and a child is in Delta well adults when they're in Delta that's called sleeping well yeah for the first year and a half or two of a child's life they spend most of their time in Delta so that's a predominant vibration of a child's brain but around two years of age the vibration of a child's brain increases at a higher level of vibration and this level is called Theta well Theta that's characterized by imagination and that's true a child between the ages of two and seven is mixing the real world and the imaginary world at the same time so for example the child is on a broom pretending it's a horse well to that child that broom is a horse so if the mother says give me the Broom the child looks at her like what are you talking about because a child really experiences that as a broom oh on the old famous tea party where they pour nothing into the cup and they drink nothing and they go that was the best tea I ever had well mixing imagination in the real world is what happens between ages two and seven when a child is experiencing Theta by time the child reaches seven the vibration goes a little bit higher and we call that vibration Alpha and Alpha is calm Consciousness well that's the child's life in the beginning of Consciousness very peaceful and loving but then around age 12 the vibration goes up even higher now it's called beta vibration well beta vibration is the brain activity when a child is in school or when an adult is working and the Beautiful part about this is every year of the child's life the vibrations get greater and greater and then when we're adults we have the whole range yes at night when we're sleeping it's Delta and just in the morning before we wake up call Twilight reverie the brain kicks into a higher vibration Theta and then as the alarm clock goes off and we're ready to wake up the brain is now an alpha calm Consciousness for the morning and then on the way to work the vibration even gets higher now it's called beta and at work all day long that's a very high functioning Consciousness beta you know the interesting part though is when you come back home it goes back in Reverse so you come home from work and you've been working all day you're in beta and then when you get home you start to calm down and relax and the vibration slows down the alpha calm conscious business and then guess what the moment you fall asleep and your eyes close the brain is now in a lower vibration Theta and then as you go a little deeper guess what Delta and you're in sleep and every day this Cycle Works Delta Theta Alpha Beta coming home beta Alpha Theta Delta cycling and cycling well this is really a very interesting aspect of brain function for this reason Theta the brain activity between two and seven years old for a child is not just imagination Theta is hypnosis and this is how a child can download so much information as a little kid under seven years of age when we understand the nature of the progression of our brain vibration it then becomes important for parents to know this for a very important reason when does a child start to actually downloading Behavior well very interesting fact even before the child is born and the last trimester of pregnancy the brain is already beginning to hit on Theta and when it's doing that the child is experiencing with the mother's experience so a happy mother is sending happy information to the baby as programs but a mother who is afraid frightened not sure of the world she's living in sends kind of scary messages to that feed it says it's developing and the child is actually beginning to download these messages the mother is Head Start program she's the one that sees the world and her interpretation of the world is translated into programs into the baby even before it's born and why should they be able to download So Much Information well think about it this way how many rules must a child learn to be a functional member of a family and then how many more rules must that child learn to be a functional member of the community thousands of rules if you think about it for example how a father talks to his own child is different than how the father talks to the neighbor's child which is different than how the father talks to the mother which is different than how the father talks to the neighbor's wife and that's even different than how the father talks to the policeman you got to learn a lot of rules to grow up and be a functional member of a family and community and the idea of can you teach this to a child a youngster that can't read they kind of go to school no they're kids so the most important Insight is that a child between the age of two and seven is observing the community so it's important for us to all recognize that around children we really must be behaving at our best and highest level because we are now programming the future of that child the problem is this when we grow up 95 of our life is coming from the programs that we downloaded starting even before we were born through age seven and these kids when they grow up are going to be the world that we're moving into these kids are our future so it really isn't coming upon us to recognize this we should be helping them with the best behavior we must be on our best behavior because they are copying our Behavior between ages two and seven especially and therefore if we want the future to be better then we have to be better people as parents as Community as family we have to be the models that we want these kids to be because they're watching us they're recording us and they'll become us less than one percent of diseases connected to genetics over 90 percent of illness on this planet is all due to stress and lifestyle and I say why is it relevant because if we understood this and 90 of illness would disappear from this planet is essentially instantaneously uh so we have to make an understanding of how do they connect with each other okay so basically the understanding is this cells have to adjust their biology for an environment so as the environment changes cells have to change their biology and the significance about that as we mentioned very briefly is that the genes respond to the chemistry of the blood I go why because the chemistry of the blood comes from the brain I go yeah but what chemistry comes from the brain they go it's based on the picture held in our mind the brain translates our pictures into complementary chemistry so for example the if you open your eyes and you see someone you love the brain translates love into wonderful healthy chemistry a dopamine for the great pleasure oxytocin to bond with your lover growth hormone which this function is exactly that I go so why is the realm I said well people fall in love they're happy they're excited and they're healthy because the chemistry that comes from a picture of Love is a chemistry that enhances the Vitality of the cells in contrast though if I open my eyes and I see something that's scary I say no love chemistry is coming out of this brain fear chemistry comes on I go what is fear chemistry related to it is simply related to an ancient history a fear means we were running away from a saber-toothed tiger back in those days and I guess so what does Fear represent something is chasing you something's interfering with you something's threatening and fear uh and stress can come about I'll give you a simple definition of what stresses anything that gets in the way of your destination whatever your destination is if something gets in the way of that destination it provokes stress okay and I guess so what's relevant about this and I say let's go back and understand what the stress response was all about and that was originally run away from that saber-toothed tiger I go what do you mean run away I go well you want to save your life you better start running immune's arms and legs and start running and I go oh so in a state of fear you want to use your arms and legs I go yeah you know you hit them with your pancreas you know the lion doesn't care about that but if you run away You're Gonna Make it and I go so here's the storyline the arms and legs are what protect you and I say and to use them they need blood because blood is where energy is okay now I'm going to give you a statement out of a physiology book and then explain it very simply and then statement is this when uh when a person's in stress the blood is preferentially sent to the arms and legs okay yeah when I'm in stress more blood is going in my arms and legs I said preferentially where was it before I go it was in the gut I say well what's the function of the gut maintenance of the body fixing cleaning repairing it takes care of Maintenance of the body I say I say so why is it relevant I said if you're running from a saber-toothed tiger uh maintenance of body is not necessary at this moment Escape is necessary because if you don't escape then the body is nourishment for a tiger so uh the issue about is this when stress hormones are released into the system they cause the blood vessels in the gut to squeeze shut I go why is that because then it pushes the blood preferentially to the arms and legs people feel that when those blood vessels are squeezing like this it's called butterflies in the stomach they feel a little queasy I go what is that that's the closing of the blood vessel shunting the blood off you can feel it okay so I say oh so being chased by a tiger I shut down the growth and maintenance of my body to use the energy to run away from the tiger okay number two the immune system uses tremendous amount of energy I go what do you mean I said well if you've ever really been sick you didn't even have the energy to get out of bed okay so if the immune system is really engaged you're using a lot of energy and I go well the immune system is protecting me from an internal threat bacterial infection okay so now I give you this scenario you're being chased by a saber-toothed tiger and you have a bacterial infection how would you split the energy between repairing the uh the infection or escaping the tiger I hope everyone understands how would the bacterial infection why if the tiger catches you the bacteria no longer is your problem at that moment so uh basically then it says this when we are under a stress from an outside threat uh the stress hormone shut off the immune system to conserve energy to escape the threat and then I go wow what does that mean I said well uh it doesn't you don't activate the immune system because um you need all the energy to run away and I go well this is very critical for a very important reason and I say well why is it critical and I say well you shut down the immune system and a matter of fact it's the stress hormones are so effective at shutting down the immune system that when a person is going to receive an organ transplant hard lungs or whatever they give the recipient of those organs stress hormones before the operation but why because it prevents the immune system from rejecting the foreign organ right away it inhibits the immune system so stress hormones are used therapeutically to shut off the immune system so I say what's the consequence of this I say well you shut down the growth of Maintenance about it and you shut down the immune system yeah but it's hey if you escape the tiger it's 10 minutes you know if you escape in 10 minutes no more threat and I go then what oh you return back into growth again okay so I go so why is this Robin I said well that was a long time ago when the only stress was a damn Tiger but today people have stressed 24 7 365 stress every day and it's dripping stress hormones into them I say well what's it doing I said well a couple of things I just mentioned it's interfering with the growth and maintenance of the body which has to be maintained uh and I said well what's the consequence of that I said it's a breakdown of the system so prolonged stress causes a breakdown of the of the system okay number two it inhibits the immune system so you're more open to infections and threats from the outside so now not only have I weakened myself now I've made myself more open for infection because immune system isn't working and then I'm going to add the last one because I called the last one adding the insult to the injury well you just injured yourself you're not maintaining your body you're not using the immune system like oh what else I go when you're in a fight-or-flight situation thinking is not a good thing I go what do you mean thinking is slow it's a very slow process I go so what happens I say when the stress hormones come into the into the body they also squeeze the blood vessels shut in the forebrain Consciousness I said so why would it do that I say because it pushes the blood to the hind brain where reflex and reactions are taken care of so let's say you're driving a car and it starts to go out of control guess what you're not thinking the instantly your Consciousness is shut off you're just reflexively with a wheel and the brakes the pedals whatever you know no thinking I go oh so then when we're under stress we are less intelligent I go yes and I go why is that relevant because the fears that are in this world are always compromising us to the extent that the health care crisis is global everywhere okay the amount of money you spend on health care doesn't mean anything is better U.S spends the most money on health care and it's got the worst health statistics of any other country and you know in the Progressive West I go why is that relevant I say money didn't make us any healthier the problem we have is not the immune system the problem we have is stress and if you eliminate the stress then the immune system everything comes back to order again and I go so what what's the issue I say the health care crisis today has virtually nothing to do with genes one percent of illness that's probably about the most 99 obviously is coming from other where is illness coming from and the answer is uh stress and lifestyle the stress is what is to to prepare you for for a threat stress says there's something threatening you and I say well if I'm preparing for a stress that's what we just mentioned I say if I'm not threatened I'm free to go outside and do anything I want if I feel threatened I'm going to wall myself off to protect myself put all the goggles on the face masks and do all that now I'm going to be inside here and I go you can't survive inside I'll give a simple example when I was young we had air raid drills in the U.S because we thought the Russians were going to bomb us so we built bomb shelters so I'll give a very simple story a city a community is in a growth is a beautiful day out the businesses are working the kids are in school those Community is is growing and doing well an air raid siren goes off what does everybody do they stop work where do they go they go under the ground into the air raid shelter I say that well I said well nothing is happening now everything's shut down okay I go yeah and I say then what I say well in 10 or 15 minutes all clear we get out of the bomb shelter everybody goes back to work so it was like a you know half hour Interruption during the day where we were growing then we spent a half hour in protection and then we came out of protection and went back to work again everything was Pro no problem here's the problem the air raid siren goes off you go into the bomb shelter and there is no all clear I said what does that mean I said well you can't come out of the bomb shelter I said until what I said you can't come out until it's all clear I said when's it all clear so it's not getting all clear I said how long can I live in the bomb shelter I see not very long why how much food did you put in there how much water do you have in your bomb shelter and the point is you'll use up those resources and if you don't come out you will die in the bomb shelter when we're in stress we go into the bomb shelter psychologically WE wall ourselves off we're safe inside here and I say how long can you survive inside the bomb shelter I say a short period of time was no big deal but as you extend the time my life becomes threatened and this covet crap is going around and extending the fear on and on and on again we're having a second Spike I go big deal I mean normal right why have it predictable how come I have a second Spike I said if you take the susceptible people and you move them into a quarantine so they're not exposed to the virus and they're healthy in their room and I say then you say quarantine over a new come out I go did the virus go away no that's still there are you still susceptible of course you are you didn't get any immune reaction in the bomb shelter over there I say so what do you think would happen if you let that group of people you put away back out I go they'll get infected just like their first group of people and guess what it's called a spike I go of course it's a spike you took them out of the program you put them back into the show they get to see and then you say the second Spike and I go did you not expect a second Spike and what reason why would there not be a second Spike you didn't lose the virus you didn't gain any immune system you know precaution against it you just opened up the next population yeah here we are in the second Spike of course that's exactly what would happen if you take the population and put it away and then think well okay now they can come back out I said you didn't change anything they're just out now the second Spike so so all of this stuff and I go so you want to know what I believe the biggest problem the whole thing is because I see it as a manipulation of information and that is this people have power when they're in a community people have no power when there is no community and the covid system broke Community all over the world at once everybody went to their room I go and what power do you have I say absolutely no power people lost all the power in the world except for those that were manipulating what was going on outside of that room and that was a way of disempowering an entire damn population of this planet with the fear they said go hide in your room because you can't gather together you can't have an opinion together no you can stay in your room and you stay in your room and all of a sudden oh my God that's the biggest problem in the whole world you've isolated people and when you've done that you've removed their ability to have power why does stress cause so much disease I'll tell you why stress you're running away from that saber-toothed tiger whatever's threatening you and I say what is stress anything that gets in the way of where you want to go is a stressor I say so why is that relevant I go because that's like in the mind the saber-toothed tiger and you want to run that's what fight or flight and I said but you use your arms and legs I go yeah but that I need the energy I said the blood carries the energy so I say so what when the stress hormones come into the body you want the body to put the blood into the arms and legs because you're going to have to run that's what fear and stress is about I guess what do you mean put isn't it in the arms and life cycle yeah but most of the blood is in your gut I say what's the gut all the organs of Maintenance take care of your health fix the blood you know aerate clean all that stuff I go yeah but when you're in stress I don't need to take care of myself I got to run away from the tiger so stress hormones number one shut off the blood vessels in the gut and I said that's like butterflies in the stomach when you feel that fear that's the stress hormones causing the blood vessel squeeze I said so why would you do that because then the blood is pushed to the arms and legs that's where most of the energy is needed that's number one so you compromise Health just by having stress hormones because you're shutting it off the maintenance but number two the immune system uses a lot of energy that's why when people are sick sometimes they can't even get out of bed I said so if I'm being chased by a saber-tooth tiger and I got a bacterial infection how do I want to you know split the energy and I go hell with a bacterial infection that saber-toothed tiger catches you bacteria is not your problem anymore so guess what stress hormones by function shut down the immune system and I go and it's so effective that when doctors want to transplant a foreign organ into a recipient and they don't want the recipient's immune system to reject the foreign organ before they do the transfer they give the recipient stress hormones to shut off the immune system so it doesn't reject the foreign organ I say the stress hormones are so effective at shutting it off they use it therapeutically to shut it off and I go why is irrelevant because our entire world is in such stress all the time that they're dripping stress hormones and I say what are they doing they're they're shutting off the growth and maintenance of the body they're shutting down the immune system I say net result illness and death from stress and that is why up to 90 of illness comes from stress because the chemistry of of stress redirects your energy to run not to be conscious and aware and healthy take care of yourself I say what do you mean first of all take care of your system it will manage this virus without killing you but first of all you have to make sure your blood has proper nutrition you need to be healthy in a system and our diet is so compromised with enough food and garbage food that I have to tell people you've got to go back and eat natural you have to go back and eat organic because industrial Farm stuff is filled with chemistry that is is causing you more problems number two take vitamins and supplements why especially vitamin C and vitamin D these enhance the immune system lots of vitamin C Way Beyond whatever you meant Linus Pauling yes interesting because I lectured at his uh Institute when I was at Stanford wow and it was interesting because the science has revealed that massive doses I take two grams of vitamin C every morning high five uh and the relevance about that is I'm also you know I'm what am I trying to do de-stressing I'm not stressed I live in another world I walk out the door I don't live in that world of the people around me they're the ones that are stressed I'm like I'm not stressed I'm okay I'm 76 am I afraid because I'm old it's oh BS belief system excuse me uh uh that um I'm not afraid to go outside I I eat well I take vitamins and supplements hey do work exercise something to keep the body moving because that enhances the Vitality of the circulatory system which is delivering immune function so eat well vitamin supplements you exercise and number four most important do not put the fear in your head because the function of the mind is to manifest whatever you believe and if you start to believe in the fear then the function of the mind is to manifest that fear and that's why the whole idea is shut off the damn TV and don't listen to these people because they are disempowering you with fear and fear is where you lost your power because once you do fear as you shut yourself off and you can't shut yourself off we are connected to a world you can't live in a bubble you'll die and the idea is if you buy the fear you are putting up walls around you because you want to protect I'm protecting here I say walls are the opposite of growth growth you have to open yourself put things in okay and uh and fear as you shut everything down there's this thing called resonance when something vibrates at the same vibration they enhance their power so two instruments are playing at the same vibration that vibration is more Amplified okay uh but here's the point why does a patient come to a doctor and answers because we have been programmed to believe that's our source of healing they never said what the doctor had to do when you were a kid oh you're sick we go to the doctor remember nobody told you what a doctor would do what did you learn that the doctor provides whatever it is so we give up power over our life because that doctor is a professional what the hell do I know I'm just as an average person so when it comes to a truth which is my conscious and subconscious mind when it comes to a truth I give up power to the doctor so if the doctor has got a lot of energy and everything is energy that's a whole different I wish we had another hour I'd talk about that but uh the illusion of matter that that's uh that's we look like everything is physical and quantum physics as a scientist says no everything is energy so I say when a person who is an energy source goes to a doctor who is an energy source the healing comes from the doctor having a higher energy a higher more powerful energy so when I walk into the doctor's office just walking into the doctor's office all of a sudden I feel a different energy because that's the person that knows and I don't and I say so why is a romance if a doctor goes in not having a good day and chiropractors know this they they can practice for years and then sometimes they go in and the whole day is crappy adjustments and it's like it's not working well I say well to forget how to do an adjustment you've been doing it 30 years and then no they came in with their own mind not being in harmony whether they had a fight with their spouse or their financial issues I go why is it relevant the person that came in for the healing came in for the extra energy that the Healer was going to give them but if the Healer themselves have broken energy because of the stresses and there's all that when the patient comes in the doctor has no powers very much and that's why they realize geez my adjustments didn't work and I've been doing it all these years I go you didn't forget how to do adjustment but when you're touching somebody that's called Hands-On healing and if you're putting in energy that's less than the energy of the patient yeah then the energy of the patient comes down instead of going up the physician heal thyself meaning before you go in there and deal with a patient they came in for your energy and if your energy is not up to the higher level then you can't boost their energy you can only boost it if your energy is higher and so the physician the Healer the nurse more important because they're even the ones I'm more importantly are the more dialogue connected to the patient than than a lot of Physicians who hardly even notice what's going on but it's nurses a lot in the age that are doing a lot of the healing why they have the energy they spend more entanglement time sure and and therefore that's really interesting so what is healing I say raising the energy the vibration energy is life no energy death high energy a lot of life is the physician the Healer the nurses the attendant are they offering more energy than the patient has if they do then you're lifting the health of that patient I'll leave with this because it's so profoundly important in our world today and that is this apparently presumably one of the last things Jesus said when in the crucifixion was father forgive them they know not what they do and I go we have to recognize that every human is is a spiritual entity but also a program and we have to recognize that they are not their program that's been voiced upon them and that somebody has a bad program and we get into like this I say you have to learn to forgive them because they themselves like Bill Bill didn't know he's behaving like his dad they don't know it either and so the idea is that word that that phrase applies to each one of us to move into the future and that is recognize that everyone is a spiritual entity but a lot of people have some bad programs does that make them a bad person I go it makes a bad program for sure do I have to hang around with them because they got bad program I say no but do I have to hate them no because they don't even know what the hell they're doing and all of a sudden it says this forgiveness of people doesn't mean you have to be with them you know they want to play that program fine you do it over there I'm over here but you have to recognize is it them or their program and then when you recognize this then that's where the quote comes important forgive them they don't Bill didn't know what the hell he was doing and we are all built that's interesting because all the people that are here are in what is called Evolution yeah everyone thinks oh Evolution takes millions of years I go no that was the old version because the new version shows that Evolution builds up and then some cataclysmic event drops it and it builds up again another cataclysmic event drops that these are called mass extinctions five of them have already occurred the last one when the dinosaurs were here the planet was lost tropical forest dinosaurs and everything a comet a big one hit near Mexico across the Web of Life to Come Undone all the what happened 75 of all living things disappeared including the dinosaurs that was the last mass extinction today we're in mass extinction number six and scientist says well what's causing this one and the answer is our behavior is destroying ourselves and the environment the illness said this the the planet is has got a Health crisis everywhere in other words on the genes and it was like no it's culture in other words when we are able to collectively change our Behavior we can avoid the massive the six by 16 Extinction that's the only choice we have actually and it will work and who will be left the ones that let go of the old structure and said I will now put my life energy into building a new structure so we have I use the star story of a caterpillar uh that turns into a butterfly a caterpillar is a voracious it eats everything it you put a caterpillar on a plant eat all the leaves off the plant then I say then what I say well when the food runs out it goes into a a chrysalis a pupa a cocoon a cocoon and then comes out a butterfly I say the butterfly has the lightest touch doesn't even touch the plant it's flying most of the time the ver the caterpillar is voracious beating up African I say human civilization is in a caterpillar mode we are eating up the environment we're destroying the environment and everything like this I say but there's a point where we have to go into the Cocoon I say why you can't live this way anymore I say now here's where the issue that we just talked about a caterpillar comes in a butterfly comes out I go but the cells of the caterpillar which are like miniature people when the caterpillar was eating and eating it all up all the cells were working the muscle cells the digestion cells everybody's working all the cells are working no more food well there's no more digestion so what about the digestion cells oh they lose their job there's no more food what about the muscle cells no we're not moving anymore there's no place to go and the muscles I say the community of cells in the caterpillar break down make a soup a soup of cells and then what and here comes the important part some of the cells are called imaginal cells and they have a vision of a different organization a vision of a butterfly so what's happening is the caterpillar cells are breaking down the community but the imaginal cells are taking those cells and selling wait we've built something better we build the butterfly civilization is is destroying the planet we can't do it anymore so it says what you have the transformation you have to go metamorphosis you have to change from the voracious human civilization into a civilization that has a light touch on the planet and so I say so what it means I say well in the Cocoon some cells are breaking down some cells are being built I say which which one do you want to be with I say don't hold on to the one breaking down because it's going to break down let go of one that's breaking down put your energy your effort your action into building the better one that was coming and so we're in the middle of this chaos which is coming down and being built up and I said your health and your futures depended on which one of these you want to hold on to you want to hold on to the caterpillar you're gonna die because the caterpillar is death and the Butterfly is live and so we're facing at this moment with the breakdown the jobs are being lost the economy is crashing the whole world is in a shaking okay in this moment of shaking you have a choice and I say unfortunately too many people oh I want the old one the old one give it back to me the old one I said the old one is the problem and you gotta let go and I say you got to have Harmony I get worse Army I go vibration what's vibration I go music you you're creating thoughts or vibration that's when they put wires on your head they read it called the electroencephalogram they're reading your mind I said what are they reading vibration I say so if you change the vibration change the mind you get another world and therefore vibration is the key element of quantum physics that determines if we're going to build something or we're going to take something down depends on the vibration I mean the first step the first one was so small and Irrelevant in one sense but so powerful was I'm working on this going oh my God I I've been programmed and if I if I follow the program it's a good program great but if it's a bad program I'm going downhill and I remember I was in my office at the University and one of my faculty colleagues came in that day and said okay Bruce what are you bringing to the faculty party on Saturday night I want to tell you faculty party might as well just kill yourself you go there and everybody's sitting around with a drink not talking to each other because they don't really like it okay and I thought about that and I thought I work all damn week why should I go to a stupid faculty party and waste the entire time where I had freedom to create something I would love to do so on you know just came right out of my mouth oh I'm sorry I didn't realize it was this weekend I have other plans I can oh I can't I can't go this weekend I didn't have plans but I just said that and he looked at me like you're not going to The Faculty party I go no and he walked out and the moment he walked out he went oh Saturday night for me what can I get rid of that I've been programmed that this is what we do socially even though it takes away character quality joy out of life and I started to eliminate them and say wait I'm creating this I don't want to give up my creation because socially this is what we should do I said I got my life man I want to live it and I have been living a heaven on Earth life ever since those days why well with the help of my partner Margaret who I met at 50 so 40 is a kid's age at 50. uh uh and she she was quite aware of all the stuff that I talked about we changed we rewrote our programs beautiful and we put together what 26 years now oh my God honeymoon every day I wake up hey I'm still alive I've got a great partner we have a great life I work every day wake up it's like wow I'm still here I'm enjoying every day that I can get it's called the honeymoon effect forever wow how'd you do that I say get rid of the programs that took the joy away and replace them with programs that give you Joy there's Bruce Lipton has two two lives Bruce Lipton the guy who lives in the house and goes to the store and all that stuff okay and Bruce Lipton a scientist I go what's the difference I say Bruce Lipton a scientist knows that from science we are facing our own extinction because of our own human behavior Bruce Lipton has a scientist also knows this if you want to create a world that we can live in and sustain ourselves and be healthy we have to change our Behavior because our behavior is causing the problem so I also know what does this mean it says the structure has to break to build a better structure a new civilization because the foundation of this civilization is creating all the problems it's the culture and the way we live with fear and hate and violence and all that I go a garden which we came from a garden is the height of cooperation and we we live in the height of of war and violence and all this stuff we live in competition and the idea is this then the belief system of this civilization the fear the competition the war all that stuff that's part of our creation because we're creating this physics let's say you want to change the world you've got to change the creation and we have to break this structure because the structure is perpetuating the problem yes and this has to go in a chaos phase let's break down yeah that's right so science Bruce goes yep it has to break down because that's how we're going to build a new one and then Bruce the guy who lives here goes what a mess is a crazy mess of the scary I'm living in Crazy mess but then Bruce Lipton science comes in and says you have to do this because the way you have been living is causing the problem you have to change and that's easy to say but if you're out there in the world as a working person and everything and you have to experience it's like it's falling apart I go that scares people scares people stress hormones stress hormones stop thinking and listen to whatever they said on a TV or the web don't think shut down your your health why because I'm running from that tiger because I am scared and the point is then the health issues got worse just watching the news you walk away with a stress hormones coming in they're like oh you just all of a sudden made your system worse because the stress hormones are going to compromise you the things that you wish for desire want in your life and you have to work hard sweat over it I'm putting a lot of effort in I'm gonna make I'm gonna work I'm working on it and I go why are you working so hard okay is beautiful because whatever that destination is you don't have a program to support it and you're trying to override a habit that doesn't give you what you want by putting more effort into it and I go good idea not good process why 95 of your life is coming from a program uh and five percent from this little conscious mind up here cannot mathematically if you think about the subconscious a million times more powerful programmer than the conscious mind I say and you want to write override the subconscious I go boy that's a that's not gonna work very well uh and yet there are ways to do it because if it didn't this is going to be a lousy interview but there are ways to rewrite it and the idea about it is if you understand the process you can rewrite your life and change the outcome you can change these programs sometimes in 15 minutes or less okay but you need to know how to do it okay uh the relevance about all this is um uh uh the movie The Matrix uh it's all science fiction I go no no no movie The Matrix is a documentary what do you mean I go premise everybody's been programming go oh that's a given we are all programmed from last trimester to age seven everyone is but in the movie they say well you can take a red pill and get out of the program and I want to suggest that most people in our audience right now that we have here today have taken the red pill at one time or another and their life profoundly changed okay when was that one of the best examples is when people fall in love I go what do you mean I go well their life is blah blah blah blah blah they fall in love they meet somebody 24 hours later oh life is so beautiful I'm so in love I'm so happy look I'm glowing look I got growth hormone in my system I go 24 hours later after blah blah blah all those years and 24 hours later you manifest heaven on Earth I go how'd that happen and the answer is beautiful because the answer is when you fall in love you stop thinking you stay present it's called staying mindful like what does that mean I say when you're thinking is when the subconscious autopilot kicks in if you're not thinking then the conscious creative mind is the one that's manifesting your life so I go the moment you fell in love why would you think and the reason is this you've been waiting for this person your whole life they showed up you want to think and disconnect from this I go no you want to stay present you want to be mindful you want to be there I go you stop thinking I said what's the result it's the red pill the moment you stop thinking is you're not diverting to the subconscious anymore you are operating from conscious wishes and desires and so the honeymoon is not an accident it's a manifestation that says I'm not playing the program you're being chased by a saber-toothed tiger I say you you need energy to to survive you have to run I said where's the energy going to go I said well Energy's in the blood that's what carries the energy I say when the stress hormones come in because the tiger is chasing you it does several things it shuts off the blood flow to the the gut the viscera that's not all the organs pancreas stomach intestines I go it shuts off the blood supply I say why I don't need to fix and maintain the body if the tiger is going to catch me and then I don't that's a waste of my energy I want all the energy go to my arms and legs Escape so I say stress hormones shut off the the mechanism of the viscera the growth and maintenance of the body while you're being chased I said what else and here comes the one that you were bringing up when when we're really sick you don't have a lot of energy to even get out of bed because the immune system uses a lot of energy to keep you healthy I go so I'm being chased by a tiger and I have a bacterial infection so I'm putting energy in to run away and putting energy into the infection I go why do you worry about the infection because if the tiger catches you the infection is not a problem anymore you're done okay so the this is the point you brought up and this is the most important point for the audience to understand stress hormones shut off the immune system so that the energy can be used to run away from the tiger before being used to fight the bacteria uh and this is the most important understanding because stress is the cause of over 90 percent of illness on this planet everyone thinks genes are causing illness I go less than one percent of illnesses connected to genes ninety percent of illness is stress because when you put the stress hormones in what do they do they shut off the maintenance of the body they shut off the immune system and they even shut off the intelligence if the conscious brain the one up in the front that's connected to you your person is a slow processor like a slow computer the subconscious is like a super fast computer if you're being chased by a tiger it's not the time to think of oh oh no run and so the stress hormone shut down the blood vessels in the forebrain where the Consciousness is pushes the blood with the energy to the hindbrain where reflexes and reaction no thinking because thinking is slow so I say so then stress hormones do three things number one they shut off the growth and maintenance of the body number two they shut down the immune system which protects you from internal problem and number three they make you less intelligent look at the look at the world today the stress levels are overriding as I said 90 percent of illness is straight stress not genetics it's lifestyle it's the fear it's not living in harmony they don't have enough good music to bring Harmony into their world they're they're on edge I go well that automatically compromises your health in the year 2018 astronaut Dr Bruce Lipton set out on a voyage to save Humanity upon the assumption that Earth was dying and humankind needed a new home however just prior to launch new studies emerged from Chernobyl the once devastated landscape has regrown Nature has returned unfortunately something went terribly wrong and Dr Bruce Lipton was sent into outer space many problems occurred and Dr Bruce Lipton became lost lost in the vastness of space this is his journey after 20 long years being Lost in Space Bruce Lipton is finally coming home oh wow what a welcoming sight look at that beautiful blue green gem floating in the darkness of space I'm going home it's gonna be great now if I could just get this ready for re-entry Mission Control Mission Control astronaut Bruce Lipton coming back home from the outer limits with our beautiful rocket ship please come in I guess maybe they're they're just busy right now but my lab got such a great story to tell them when I get back [Music] foreign [Music] man being in that little can for 20 years out there this oh it's so wonderful oh it's beautiful and it is beautiful here God just think about how much time I spent out there in open space looking for another place for us to live another planet and I come back here and look at this it is so beautiful I didn't ever have to leave gosh when I left here this whole place seemed to be falling down then the environment was collapsing all around us the rain forests were being cut down people were destroying the air the water the land look at it now wow these people have really created something new ah created something new well that's on an accident that creation is a participation at that time when I left in the world looked like it was on its last stages something happened they people must have learned how to change the world but in order to do that they first really had to learn how to change themselves you really have to understand at some level if we're going to create a garden like this and somewhere along the line we have to create their own garden in our own Consciousness first and that's where we start to come from reality humans have imagination they can imagine a garden but then humans have the ability to manifest recognize this you have 50 trillion citizen cells living under your skin a community City that lives in harmony if we really want to understand how to live in harm and evil look within that's where the answers are how can 50 trillion cells provide for a happy healthy human being because they understood the nature of community it's a fractal universe and fractal Universe simply means this a structure geometry of the universe that represents As Above So Below meaning if you understand the structure at any level you can understand it at any other level and so if we really want to understand how to create this beautiful planet then we have to recognize this how do the cells do it in our body because 50 trillion of them came together in a community and learned to live in harmony and provide for their environment but then if we understand how the cells did it then we can understand how the people can do it because we have to use the same principles it's fractal to change that planet and make it the garden that it has become right now but then of course you can't get there if you don't know where you're going it's so before we even embark on the trail we must first visualize in our Consciousness what is it we're seeking what are we trying to manifest where are we going and once we get that picture in our mind then we can become the artist and manifest that picture in the real world situation and just by the looks of this Garden we obviously must have learned our lesson and of course where are these people but where are these people hello hello hello you Maniacs you finally did it you blew it up damn you oh the Hell it's really interesting to understand the difference in the dichotomy between living and love and living in fear and it's best to Illustrated if I put cells in a Petri dish and I put nutrients in front of the cells the cells will move to the nutrients but if I put toxins in front of the cells the cells move away from the toxins the significance is when you're in a growth situation which is really what love represents you're open because growth is open to the world and you assimilate things and that's where growth comes from protection is just a complete opposite protection means your threat and your life is threatened and you wall yourself off in protection so growth is open and protection is closed well the relevance is then you can't be in growth and in protection at the same time so in our normal history of biology protection is a necessary part of our survival you being chased by a saber-toothed tiger you seriously have to do something about this so what Nature has done is created a protection mechanism in scientific terms is referred to as the hypothalamic pituitary adrenal axis very complicated abbreviated as HPA and what this really represents is the hypothalamus the part of the brain that does an interpretation it looks at the world and says am I in a safe place or am I in a scary place if the hypothalamus sees that we're in threat of any kind it sends a signal to the pituitary gland the master gland who signals coordinate the activity of 50 trillion cells well in the case of a threat the pituitary gland releases hormones that activate the adrenal glands the adrenal system is referred to as fight or flight so it's basically a protection mechanism so I say okay great the HPA axis hypothalamus sees the threat pituitary coordinates 50 trillion cells and the adrenal gland prepares for a protection response well if you're being chased by a saber-toothed tiger you're going to have to use your arms and legs to run away or fight what you need to do so the system when under threat releases stress hormones from the adrenal gland the adrenal gland allocates all the energy of the system to run away from the saber-toothed tiger well that means the first thing the adrenal gland activity does is cause the blood vessels in the gut to constrict this forces the blood which has the energy to the arms and legs but then you have to realize this the moment you shut down the blood vessels of the gut this is where growth and maintenance and the necessary control and stability of the body is coming from the organs of the viscera so when you're in a moment of threat you shut down the energy going to this gut because you're allocating the energy to run away that's one of the first things that happens is we shut down growth and maintenance of the body and people say well growth I'm an adult I don't need to grow and I go if we're made out of 50 trillion cells but every day we lose billions hundreds of billions of cells numbers that are just too big to conceive of actually a normal attrition aging damage and so basically it says every day you're losing hundreds of billions of cells that means by definition every day you have to replace hundreds of billions of cells so while you don't see yourself growing every day you are growing to match what you're losing so if you shut down the growth of the system it won't take very long for the system to become in a state of disrepair because if you're not maintaining the replacement of those cells this will lead to sickness and disease and number two remember when the threat is present the adrenal hormones are released in stress they shut down the immune system and this is an effort to conserve energy to run away from the tiger what's the result of being in a state of protection the answer is you shut down the growth and maintenance of the body and you shut down the immune system both of these if sustained for a period of time will inevitably lead to disease and death and just to refer back again to the nature of why Evolution gave us this protection response to run away from the saber-toothed tiger but once you run away from it once you've made it away from that tiger then the system goes back into growth again so by Nature's understanding you're only supposed to use the stress system for very short intervals of time because it interferes with the normal functions and then you look at today's world and we realize 24 7 365 stress hormones are being released into the system we read the newspapers we watch the news we're concerned about the world and it's unfolding so what was supposed to be only used for a very short time has now become chronic and The Chronic release of stress hormones has resulted in an elevation with the amount of disease and sickness that our planet or this experience experiencing right now so the significance is we must recover and then to recover it says we must get out of the fear that we live in because fear kills how long does it take for a baby to become independent well at least 13 years I go yeah but what happens in the 13 years well the parents have to help the child grow and learn and mature so they can be independent parents yes they have to stay together we at least 13 years well how can you keep two people together for 13 years after the reproduction Mother Nature creates the cocktail of love the chemistry from the brain chemistry that includes dopamine for pleasure vasopressin for attractiveness and oxytocin bonding bonding to that loved one of yours for what at least 13 years so while the chemistry of Love helps us stay together long enough to raise our children it also is one of the most wonderful aspects of human life on this planet the chemistry gives us the concept of compassion altruism love and harmony that distinguish humans and this beautiful experience is worth everything and we should honor that on Valentine's Day and that's why my job is to go around the world and hit people with the dart of love and I love my job because I start to oh there's another couple hold on oh here we go oh whoa good one yeah I love my job bringing oh oh oh my God I got hit with one of my own arrows oh I'm so in love Margaret because you made it this far in a video I want to celebrate you most people start and don't finish most people never actually follow through most people say they want something but they don't ever do the work to actually get it but you're different you are special believe Nation you made it here all the way to the end and I love you so as a special celebration if you put a hashtag believe down in the comments Below on this video I will showcase you and celebrate you somewhere on the screen in a future video because you are awesome for some incredible motivation from the one and only Joe dispenza check the video right there next to me I think you'll love it continue to believe and I'll see you there the only way you can do that is you have to learn how to take all of your attention off your body and become a nobody take all of your attention off all the people in your life that you give so much of your attention and energy to because you have an emotion associate
Channel: Evan Carmichael
Views: 354,122
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: entrepreneur, yt:cc=on, evancarmichael, Bruce Lipton, bruce lipton, entrepreneur life, dr bruce lipton reprogram, dr. bruce lipton, bruce lipton reprogramming subconscious, bruce lipton energy psychology modalities, bruce lipton subconscious mind, manifestation, manifest with energy, best daily practices, habits for success, reprogram your mind, reprogram your subconscious mind, dr bruce lipton, manifest yourself
Id: gFYgqgMyVrE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 239min 13sec (14353 seconds)
Published: Fri May 05 2023
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