Unleash the Archers "Awakening" REACTION & ANALYSIS by Vocal Coach/Opera Singer

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welcome back to the charismatic voice today i get to hear a new artist for the first time that you guys have been recommending a ton this will be unleash the archers performing awakening which was the song that you guys requested the most as well now i'm really excited to hear this band and in particular their lead vocalist brittany you guys tell me that she is just awesome so i'm really excited to hear her vocals and also i'm really excited to take a look at the song as a whole it is the first song on an album that they released in 2017 and that album had a cool concept it was a through line kind of like a song cycle for classical terminology it has a storyline that goes between all of the songs and this one was the first one so i'm keeping that in mind as i watch the song and the lyrics and get a sense of maybe where they were beginning let's get to it [Music] before she sings i want to talk a little bit about why this instrumental intro is really really cool there is essentially a pedal to make so a sustained note that this bass keeps hitting and that's creating a lot of anticipation and also uh there's a synthesizer in there it's really cool synth sound sounds like it has like a little glass blown sound to it maybe something they made in logic i don't know um really cool synth and it is uh doing almost like a reverse jaws theme so it's instead of doing a chromatic up it does a chromatic down which again it breeds a ton of anticipation and then when it does start to go around in a scale it's not a typical minor or major scale it's kind of playing around with that tonality a little bit very very cool to hear and it reads uh that anticipation and ensuring a very interesting intro hopefully she'll start singing in a bit oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Applause] [Music] okay heard a first few notes from her she sounds like she's got a super powerful voice very excited to hear more i also heard more than one voice there i don't know if that was her laird or she maybe had somebody else that was harmonizing with her um i am totally digging this like practically virtuosic uh instrumental ensemble that's happening the band i know instrumental ensemble is a classical term the band is awesome they really are they i was looking at their fingers moving i was like man that looks like some of the best violin players i've seen perform with a symphony it's really pretty fantastic very very quick and very accurate movements um and at the same time you can tell that they're focused and in their zone they're not freaking out about it they're kind of relaxed and just have a good flow going also the drums are awesome not a drummer but i have huge respect for drummers because it's so many things to think about at one time voice is a lot to think about at one time drums are just they're on a similar level i think with so much different coordination to really put together so i know i'm gonna enjoy those more as well let's keep going to look up into the night sky to see [Music] [Applause] [Music] i've been living [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh okay lots of really cool things happening in here um her voice has really got a ton of drive behind it i can tell that she has massive endurance because she's able to just like keep it going the whole time she's really good breath control uh you haven't heard like any massive long notes out of her yet but i can tell from the way that she sings these phrases that she's used to sustaining it for a really long time that's pretty awesome to hear uh i also really love the way uh there were some great harmonizations that she does with herself so i think the ones at the beginning were also her um once i heard her start to get going it sounded like she really split off and had multiple parts not just like one or two but a few that were in there and i always loved that kind of vocal layering very very cool to hear and i love hearing it too when it's the same person because there's the similarity of that voice creates like this extra beautiful vibe uh it feels like there's like infinite voices all of a sudden especially when it's the same one that's layered on top of itself and then this other guy at the end i don't know his name i don't know the band's names yet okay just i know britney so far um the other guy looked like he piped in there at the end with a growl was that like a a metal growl or a metal scream uh this kind of thing no i don't know how to middle screen yet i've been working on it i i really have been trying it out in practice just so you know um and i think i figured it out but i'm not gonna show you yet uh anyhow let's keep going and hopefully we'll get to hear him do a little scream later and a lot more of her [Applause] i want to catch the transition again by the way the chorus is really catchy i had a good melody it's nice [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] no [Music] [Applause] [Music] i really like this course but i'm going to stop it briefly just talk about the words i'm trying to catch a bunch of the words as they're going past um heights i heard things like uh my past begins or uh she talked about a master awakening i think at some point it does sound like um there's in establishing this first song they already established that there is a rich history that they're coming from and it sounds like there's some sort of impetus to dive into a new beginning which i think is a great way to start an album right it's always better if the hero of a story has this incredibly rich backstory that you eventually find out more about as it goes along uh and i think it's fascinating too to have had that sort of um more still beginning and then this sudden urgency that is brought in by tons of running instruments they just keep going and going and going i guess this is the definition of power metal maybe correct me below i'm still learning all the different metal genres so this continuous running of instruments it brings so much energy and intensity and um it is urgent i think this is a really cool way to have built that anticipation have this urgency now and then this backstory that they're establishing with the lyrics it sounds like a really cool beginning to an awesome album let's catch that transition again [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it was kind of scary [Music] [Applause] [Applause] 54 [Applause] i don't know his name yet but whoa his voice is uh that actually kind of reminded me a little bit of ginger um where it feels like a scary monster no offense meant uh i i really appreciate all these different kinds of sounds that people can make to bring different kinds of expression it feels dark and scary which is totally awesome i think that that is probably what he's going for and achieving it with flair um it was so funny the first time he had his little growl i was it made me jump it was kind of scary i i really felt like i was playing a video game and had a monster jump out at me for a moment ah i think it's so fascinating to hear that sound also sustained because that really means that he's using his false vocal cords and that uh that's awesome i i appreciate it when people use their false vocal folds to create a screen because that sound is vocally much more healthy than other ways of creating screams super awesome [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] okay we'll catch a transition again in just a moment but uh one of the things that i'm starting to see about this band that i really like is that they treat their instrumentalists uh like major soloists as well this is something i dig i completely dig because often amazing musicians are put in the background just so you can focus on the vocalist yes i love the vocals and i am a vocalist through and through and i train vocalists and i love that but we need to respect and give credit to the amazing musicians that are also making music so this is really cool to see really this verismo uh this is just so it's so technically good and profound and difficult the things that they're doing i i love seeing focus drawn to the band so good job band members thank you for being so proud of each other uh let's catch a transition and keep going [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] wow [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] ah [Music] okay uh i i'm really digging this sort of like different layers of energy that they have going on in this song i love at the end it felt like again it felt like that head banging moment where there's a lot more rhythm and you could just drop into it it was cool to see them all headbang at the same time uh and i also really really love the way that her vocals are produced again i just i like the the layers on it even when she's singing just herself you could hear that they put her voice they'd done like a double layer of just her single line to give it a little more depth it was really uh fascinating and i think it helped she naturally has a ton of cut and definitely you can just hear so much endurance and power coming through her vocal this song is such an awesome intro to an album and the thing i loved the most about it was that each musician had their own moment in the spotlight it was great to get to know them a little bit before diving into what i presume is an epic album now brittany i like her tone and style a ton and i'm very interested to hear what else she can do that seems like just the tip of the iceberg you can tell that she has got a ton of power and endurance and ability to do other things there was one little thing that did catch my vocal technique radar and that was uh sometimes when she was using vibrato her jaw was jiggling with it essentially that usually indicates a little over tension in the jaw but i would definitely like to hear her more before i made a more formal assessment and the other guy with his crazy uh metal screen growl that was fun and exciting and totally unexpected so thank you so much for this recommendation please keep those recommendations coming below you know that i listen and you know that i make videos for the ones that are most recommended also please come and join me on mondays and fridays at 8 am arizona time i have premieres videos and there's a live chat where you can say hello and if you want to learn more about what's going on inside of here i just launched an online course called demystifying singing you can check it out on my website i hope to see you soon [Music]
Channel: The Charismatic Voice
Views: 207,327
Rating: 4.9566951 out of 5
Keywords: unleash the archers reaction, unleash the archers awakening, unleash the archers, power metal, unleash the archers awakening reaction, awakening reaction, brittney slayes, reaction video, awakening unleash the archers, first time hearing unleash the archers, unleash the archers awakening reaction video, unleash the archers live, reaction videos to songs, power metal reaction, vocal coach reacts to, reacts to, elizabeth zharoff
Id: kq9wNRi7WoM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 20sec (1100 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 07 2020
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