Universal Chess Tour | Dallas, TX | June 22 | PROMO

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so how you guys doing tonight this is Brooklyn Dave I'm sitting here with my good friend Sebastian seagull who's a movie director and we're both really excited over a project that's coming up uh in June what is coming up in June the first celebrity chess tournament in Dallas that Mari Cooper is putting on and backing it and Dave here is sort of a legend in chess and uh the thing is is that if you play him I'm not a timed player I play very slow long game but if you play the time de will get Dave it's becoming now Street there's some of them so what's going on is in at Mari Cooper uh professional wide receiver for the Cleveland Browns I believe now used to be the Dallas Crow I think it's the Cleveland Browns he's interested in seeing chess become more mainstream which is something that we're also interested in so uh there's going to be t a tournament in June June 22nd will be the main day they you guys can come play in the tournament uh there going to be Hans nean is going to be there we're GNA have vid there who's playing in the candidates that vidit you know so we have two super Grand Masters and uh we we're trying to make it more mainstream more you know so that people that aren't even necessarily that into chess can enjoy it that's what we've been working on for a while now so this would be the first it's called the universal chess tour we'll have a link in the description and you can just Google it to see what it is we're going to have some we're going to have who we can have so we have a number of different athletes people in film and media and if you're not if you're new to chess and you don't play a lot it's okay because the games are going to be 12 minutes on the clock for each individual and then 15 minutes on the clock for each individual in the final so you can practice with that's it's a pretty mellow game not too aggressive a lot of people do five minute games which like what you guys do here which is for me very fast even a 12 is fast for me but it makes it so that it's uh fun for people to watch it but it also makes it there's not too much pressure you know try to post stuff off right for you guys at the football fans we're going to have saquon barley there as well we're going to have Mike the Parsons there who's probably one of the top two or three defensive players in the NFL also I'm preparing only that has chess as a center theme so as I'm learning and immersing myself more I played since I was four or five years old but I'm learning more about Kind Street the players and how it evolved um I'm going to be looking and exploring things there had we'll with people who are interested and participating in some way it's all about Chess it's all about Chess and we're also going to be getting the comedy angle obviously I'm going to be there and Boston Mike's going to be there the great Carini perhaps is going to be there we might have some other celebrities coming in we're not sure who exactly uh we've got yet you know another really cool thing is that if you're a parent or if you're a young kid who's interested in this it's a great way to get a start if chess interests you long term because one of our dear friends Sher one of our partners and dear friends sh Bangalore is he's founded this incredible company called thousand Grand Masters and it's a pathway speaking of kids to be able to become a Grandmaster without having to spend $250,000 so just for like 20 bucks on going in K through 12 a kid that loves chess or a parent that wants to support their child their son daughter and chess can have a route to say hey this kid is really skilled and loves this there's a route there's a clear pathway that we will support for a child to become a Grandmaster or Master right so one of the problems a lot of people ask about how do you become a grandmas like what rating points you need well there a certain minimal you need maybe 2500 or something Fe day but you need Grandmaster norms and usually players have to travel all around the world to get those norms and play in international tournaments so what 1,000 Grand Masters is trying to do and is succeeding in doing is making it so that Masters here and strong players kids adults as well uh can get all their grandm Norms right here in this country because a lot of these guys don't have a whole lot of money to spend traveling to Europe so it doesn't matter young old or or what socioeconomic background the the compan supporting it so that any kid who's talented doesn't have to go out and find the sponsor and travel all these countries and play all these things we're currently already setting up uh and Sh has been setting up for a long time local competitions local chess matches in every city around the world so if you're somebody also is interested in hosting one of those or having one of those in your no I'm Sebastian seagull myen one but you can contact you can contact ever green chess Evergreen chess media uh you'll be hearing more about it as we get closer to the day we still have a few months to go so we'll be uh we'll be letting people know as Things become more clear exactly what the format's going to be but we're GNA have Hans nean the bad boy of Chess there he's going to be playing vidit that's going to be uh you know two super Grand Masters are going to play there also going to be a tournament for you guys that want to play in a tournament right there in Dallas Texas is a a 4-day schedule a three schedule so there's different ways that you can participate in it all right so before we go one question for you what is it if you were if you kind of had a game that was in a style of any of the greats how do you think you play how do you feel because you have this intuition very clear game how do you play well you know most I'm I'm known to be an attacking player please I mean getting Dave somehow became a thing I do not know how that happened I I don't know but it became a thing and uh so some of my Idols in chess some many people like I like Judith pogar who's the strongest woman that ever lived who I think is one of the great attackers Paul morphe to of course I like you know that book I can't say I'm one though the paard about the polart sisters and if you're into chess and you read the poar book this father had three daughters and wanted to see how far he could have them excel at chess and two of them became Grand Masters I think yeah two of them became Grand Masters I think one of they're all very strong play and Brilliant and one was a composer I think filmmaker and music but really outstanding in terms of there is a way if you love this game uh and you're very young and you want to get into it and you're a girl girls complet Judith pogar made it in the top 10 so for people that join and come down and play in the tournament there'll be a lot of interesting events going up peripherally and for those of you that want to play Boston Mike or Brooklyn daav or some of those guys there'll be celebrities there uh of various different kinds so come come on down if you can make it the weekend of June 22nd play in the tournament or come just to watch and uh we'll be uh doing that in a few months more about it think Perfect all right I'll whoop your ass one game and then I'm get that please [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Evergreen Chess
Views: 1,345
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Cw6a_sk1BaE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 24sec (444 seconds)
Published: Thu May 09 2024
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