Christian Beamish breaks down the intricacies of twin fin design and the Beamish Twin hybrid keel

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um yeah so how did this thing come about I guess uh shoot you know there's like anything there's uh multiple stages uh that formulate the backstory um to these Keels and also I think it's important to say I don't feel like I'm necessarily reol ized anything um it's my take um and I've come to a a similar conclusion to other designers um Ryan loveles comes to mind um he's got a upright Keel that's very similar um Brit mer did one that's very similar and so we all have uh this notion you know that that um a keel that is more upright than a traditional Keel um um with more Bas than a twin is what's wanted for uh some of these twin Keel designs um whether it's like the traditional San Diego fish or like the the Simon Jones Toren Martin style um four Channel round pin um but as far as the Keels go in general I was really taken I always say this by Richard kinvan ear 2000s and his experiments with um Simmons all things Simmons and the that whole concept of a short wide board different than the Liss fish different than the San Diego fish um except sharing the similarity of planing surface I hope I'm not all over the place here but but the idea of that wide tail block held together with two Keels really resonated with me and then just seeing the surface that he was doing and young Ryan bur um on those designs was was really exciting and also I guess another piece of that is you know I can't say that I probably like a lot of people because I'm not a San Diego guy um really first came into contact with or awareness of the San Diego fish um funny enough under DK hein's feet in litmus at jbay you know and I think it kind of blew everyone's mind and then um you know Sim IL but different Tommy Curran on the fireball fish um and I say similar but different because those were more like twin finans with a little trailer little needlenose you know that that uh was it Timmy Patterson fish I think or was it Tommy Peterson Peterson that's right easy to mix those up because I think Timmy Patterson also does a swallow high performance fish he does everything and everything he does is great so um I love every everybody uh so um you're going to have some editing to do here um I guess starting in the big mashup there's a whole world of twin fins right there's a Simmons style planing Hall which is its own thing a mini Simmons or even a bigger Simmons um which Richard kinvan brought into into General Consciousness with all his Simmons experiments um there's the Liss style fish with the Gart Keels which also busted into everyone's Consciousness via litmus um you know dakind um and obviously that's not a lot of people knew about the Fish and were and were super into the fish but anyway to get still to reiterate that broadness of the of the twin Keel design there's in my mind the Simmons and the Steve Liss and then a whole different category is the mr20 that's a like a different creature um the Mr twin is as distinct from the San Diego style fish deep swallow tail heels as opposed to the wing swallow upright twins that's as those two designs are distinct as the twin is from the Thruster in my mind um and then another iteration is the the Simon Jones you know round pin Toren Martin 4 channel twin and that kind of also was shocking I think to people's Consciousness just to see this kind of long lanky guy riding the tube and doing the Toren Martin Show you know he's amazing and S such a pleasure to watch surfing so all those things are sort of you know offering directions and feelings that you can go in so my feeling was or my experience has been first deep into that Simmons style thing and just I flat out I I see something like a lot of people and I'm inspired by it and I want to try my take on it so I did my take on a mini Simmons like that that Casper style board so I did that and uh and I had done some San Diego style fish never really mailed one to my satisfaction um but had really good experiences on on that those with Gart Keels on a short sort of Tyler Warren bar of soap all all influenced from kinin influenced from Simmons and what I started to realize was those Keels and that straight rail line are locked in no matter how hard you push that thing's never going to come out you can and and so you can ride a tiny little board in bigger waves um and that got me thinking about riding bigger waves and I made made that 96 um ke fin gun based on Pat current template chop the thing so it has the wide tail block roughly suggesting the Simmons concept but in a big wave package held together with Gart Keels proof of concept totally works unreal so I love Keels and then I just started thinking kind of just rode those for a while um they're so projecting that I was sort of missing snapping and even sliding a little bit and that kind of got my thinking well hey if these twin Keel designs are happening maybe it would be worth revisiting the Mr style twin and that is a very uh precise style of Surfing you need to plant your feet it's kind of counterintuitive you need to drive the board really hard to to be able to maximize the design of those upright Keels the wing swallow it's so loose that if you kind of surf it with your ankles and flick it around you'll just be sliding all over the place you really need to channel your inner Dan koha and power that thing you know um so I did that for a while and then Toren Martin came in and just kind of like like fired me up and I was straight into doing my version of those boards and feeling like sometimes the upright twin the 5.5 inch uh fin on like a 66 or even a 64 would kind of would feel like too much like in the apex of the turn it wouldn't want to it wouldn't release until like a Breaking Point almost it like it wouldn't make you wipe out but you'd be in the Apex of your turn and where you would want to finesse it like you know and and come down and you know reset and hit it again it would sort of keep you on that line release and launch you out you sort of like whoa I'm not trying to be over here I'm trying to be back here you know you can recover but it doesn't have that like just brain out of the bucket put the board where you want it which is actually the best thing about thrusters um so I was like how do you how do you change that up how do you you know how do you deal with that I think two things maybe smaller fins and and a wing in front of the fins to sort of break that um but basically we're still dealing with uh two different styles of dual fin surfboards Mr style roughly and the uh Lis fish or Simmons as different of those as those actually are style boards um and so what I've come to with this Keel and as I mentioned a couple of other guys and I probably didn't didn't exhaust the list by saying Brit and Ryan have come to a similar place where we want to combine the elements of both and um so in short it's uh more base than a than a twin more upright than a Kio um and the result has been for me um pretty rewarding I find that they work well in in for some reason I think my interest has just gone in this direction I add a second Wing a Double Wing swallow to what would be an MR style board but pull in the nose a little bit more make it a little bit longer than than you might ride like if you were riding say a 62 Mr style twin fin I might make it 68 or even 70 um and have a continuous rocker but quite a bit of rocker I find those longer boards can absorb the rocker so you're not pushing water like when you have an overly rockered shortboard um and then and then a drivey outline but curve because it's again it can absorb it at 7 ft and then uh or or even 68 66 um and then those Keels you have this this combination of manuverability break points with the wings and then just that line drive of a of the bigger surface area of a keel because I think truth be told they're more Keels than they are upright twin fins and because they're more more Keels than upright twins um they also work in gliders and so it's kind of a counter to like whoa left turn what you're talking about these I call them fast attack twins that Double Wing swallow um but it's just about setting them where they want to be uh in in the particular board so like say on 10- foot glider which would have kind of a maaha nose and by that I mean like a 1950 style gun which is still Fuller than a needle nose but not like a round nose it's it's just got a pleasing it just seems like a natural form of a surfboard especially at like 10 ft um and it comes back and has a shallow swallow tail and keeps that overall sort of like Simmons planing hole in essence sort of outline with more with rocker and and um softer bevels um very much like at least what I remember seeing of skip Fri eyes boards when we were in Scotland um he had he had his big eagles three fin triple Stringer just beautiful um Beautiful Boards those he ran with um Marine ply three fins though um but yeah those those fish Simmons designs and so you just have to set those back a little bit farther cuz they are only forget the exact depth I'm sure we can put the specs up you know um but they're they're 6 and A4 in long and maybe they're I just can't remember how deep they are five five something uh about like that um and oh we also um messed around with we didn't want to give him a double foil like a like a Gart keel but um I also thought that it was important not to have a single sided foil so I um also I think they might be 9010 or maybe even 8020 they do have a little bit of an inside foil and I feel like that is important in a keel because of the overall surface area if you have that that single sided foil makes a lot of sense in a more Dynamic turning board like say an MR twin um for laminer flow I think it's sort of like there's more of it counterintuitively and maybe I'm wrong I could be wrong but my intuition is that so you have the foil on the outside and the flat on the inside and it's actually holding more whereas whereas a slight foil on the inside um is more foil more lift maybe you know but also counteracted by the overall area being um greater than than the twin fin so I think the area of a fin obviously has a lot to do with the quality of the ride more area more drive but maybe more sticky as I was saying in that apex of the turd in in those uh four Channel twins that stickiness um can come I think with um too much surface area on the twin great yeah easy that's it I think so I don't know how much more there is to I don't know how you're going to pick all that out or if that's even coherent but
Channel: True Ames
Views: 1,381
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: surfing, surf, true ames, fins, surfboard, surfboard fins, waves, christian beamish, surfboards california, hybrid keel fin, twin fins
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 12sec (852 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 20 2024
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