Unity VFX Graph VS Particle System - Comparing

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And this is actually one of the most requested  videos, How do I convert the effects from VFX   graph to the particle system? And the idea  with this video today is to show similarities   between these two particle systems and how you can  translate your knowledge from one particle system   to the other personally I always recommend people  newcomers to First learn the particle system it   will make your life easier I actually have these  two courses that will definitely help you out get   started but recently I've only published the VFX  graph tutorials and courses and that's actually   when many people began asking how do I convert the  effects graph to particle system or this version   one of the major difference between VFX  graph and the part consistent besides one   using the GPU and the other using the CPU is  the fact that one has everything exposed all   its models they are all there you can see what  everything does and test it out out of the box   while in VFX graph that doesn't happen you have  these four major blocks and each one can have   several models that you need to search for and  even specific models by region and each model can   receive a different input and work in a different  way so yeah it gets Wild and Visually that's a   major difference we went from having everything  exposed to now having everything on a drop down   menu but what you really need to remember is that  the terms the terminology the key words they are   all the same between VFX graph and the particle  system so let's actually see a few examples and   how you can close that gap between VFX graph and  particle system and you will see many similarities   between them too just a quick shout out to our  sponsor today which is unity and the unity assets   store from time to time has these huge cells which  are really awesome for us developers so we can get   quality assets or tools that kinda helps Speed Run  certain parts When developing a game this time we   have the spring sales so make sure to check  out the link I left below I'm sure you will   find tools or assets that are useful with a good  discount so on this scene I have the exact same   effect which are some Sparks the one on the left  the orange one is done with the particle system   and the one on the right is done with VFX graph  on the left part consisted on the right VFX graph   the Sparks that are done with the particle system  they have two particle systems one for the Sparks   and another one for the flyer which is this little  part right here the same thing is happening on VFX   graph we essentially have the Sparks a particle  system for the Sparks and then another particle   system for the flare that little bright spot in  the beginning then on the particle system side   this is continuously spawning particles because  the looping is turned on on the particle system   and it keeps on spawning particles because we have  animation a rate over time 50 particles per second   the same thing happens in VFX graph if I go here  to the Sparks we have the spawn block up here it   has a constant spawn rate of 75 particles per  second but if we select the spawn block we also   have the loop duration and the loop count option  then the delay which basically are the same things   we have here duration looping and start delay we  just can't control the loop count or many times it   loops and same thing happens in the effects graph  we could have different types of emissions like a   burst for example which is essentially exactly the  same thing as this burst down here in the emission   model of the particle system so that's how we  take care of the spawn the emission the looping   the delay but now let's see how we control the  particle from the beginning whenever the particle   is born as you can see in the particle system  we can set a start lifetime a start Speed which   is random between 2 and 20 and then a start size  and a start color and gravity as well I love this   properties happen once the particle is created as  soon as particle is created it starts with those   random values with one of those random values  and then we can control over the lifetime of the   particle some more properties like the color  for example like the size rotation and so on   we can control a few of those properties over a  lifetime and the same thing happens in VFX graph   right here we have the initialized particle  which is whenever the particle is created and   is not yet seen not yet rendered we are going  to say things like for example it's going to   have a lifetime a velocity a size in this case  a scale because there is a little difference   here on now we stretch particles compared to the  particle system and a set color and a start color   basically and just like in the particle system  these are the properties the particle starts with   however to control one of those properties over  lifetime it's a bit different for example the   gravity in VFX graph is a force that needs to be  continuously applied to the particle each frame as   well as the Collision it needs to keep on checking  if it has collided but the overlife time blocks   most of the times we don't use them in the update  particle they are used down here in the fourth   section the output section which is where we draw  the particles this is essentially the render When   comparing to the particle system we take care of  the aspect of the particle so why do we use the   overlifetime blocks down here it's essentially  a question of performance of memory usage how do   we write or read the particle data from the  memory the update particle section modifies   start particle data and then loads it again and  it keeps on doing that it keeps on reading the   particle data and modifying it and then loading  again it essentially keeps on a plating the   particle each frame while on the output section  it doesn't store any modifications it doesn't save   the modifications it simply modifies the existing  data in the particle that's the big Advantage for   example in the update particle since it keeps  on updating the particle if we add for example   add size over here with a very small number  it will keep on adding 0.1 each frame to the   particle to the size of the particle that's  why it keeps on getting bigger I mean if I   use a very very small value you can see that  in action they become bigger throughout the end   while down here if I use the nut size it only  adds 0.1 to the size one time it doesn't read and   load the particle data and keeps on updating the  particle that that's the big difference down here   another example of the update particle function  is the possibility to keep on trigging events   in this case when the particle dies it triggers  another particle system to spawn a child to spawn   a particle and that child can inherit properties  like position color and many others but it also   can have properties of its own like in this case  the lifetime these are essentially sub emitters   that we can see in the particle system so the  meters in the particle system can emit another   particle at Birth death on collision and so on  let's look at another few comparisons for example   in the particle system we are using a shape so  the particles spawn according to the geometry   used here which is a cone shape and there's  plenty of other shapes in VFX graph the same   thing happens we just need to search for position  or shape and we will find blocks for that in our   case we are using not a cone but a sphere instead  but it is the same logic a shape a position so   the particle knows where to spawn another thing  worth mentioning to enclose this video is since   VFX graph communicates directly with the GPU we  don't need to create a bunch of materials like we   do in the particle system we have direct access to  the Shader instead which is super useful because   we can control values directly there so that's it  a super lightweight comparison between VFX graph   and particle system and I hope this video makes  you feel a little bit more confident to use VFX   graph or at least go from the part consistent  to VFX graph a little bit more confident with   this side by side let me know below if you have  any questions any doubts in the comments I will   try to help you out and these videos are possible  thanks to my patrons a big thank you to each one   of them and if you want to support me and keep  the channel alive you will also get access to a   huge library of visual effects that you can use  in your games or study up close and as usual a   quick shout out to the top tier patrons which are  3D sorcery Alex big Alexander brazy alfman Avia   tobali Axel Bluebird phone ad groupie Dooby Doo  cyber cradle Daniel Schmidt yaku Diana simonyan   diagmark deutron effect yellow El Sharif easy  thanks Striker Vari online GD and Dre Julio   bevinuti Goblin ply crab lab guillerm Trinidad  gup and Zoo Jason Marrero Joseph Valentine Casey   Miller Hebron campy Leanne old Lynn green Luke  Hammer Lucas Russia Manuel Moda May machakos   minuzuki Nicolas marioactive bullfrog Revenant  games Robert arly Travis mccon very soon will   who's Will Pulliam and jinpion Lee thank you all  for your amazing support over the years and over   the last month you guys keep the channel going  and you helped me make these videos I hope you   have enjoyed this new type of videos and I  hope to see you on the next video thanks bye
Channel: Gabriel Aguiar Prod.
Views: 21,852
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vfx, unity, unity visual effect, tutorial, unity shader, unity tutorial, vfx for games, visual effects for games, effects for games, vfx fundamentals, vfx principles, unity vfx, special effects, special effects for games, special effects in games, vfx in games, visual effects in games, unreal engine visual effects, visual effect graph, particle system, visual effect graph vs particle system, vfx graph vs particle system, vfx graph tutorial, particle system tutorial, particles
Id: XSdXvhLjVEk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 44sec (584 seconds)
Published: Tue May 30 2023
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