Units & Dimensions : Significant figures & rounding off | NEET 2025 Physics | DNA Batch Shreyas sir

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good evening my dear my dear need Warriors I hope I'm Audible and visible to all of you my dear 11th standard 12th standard as well as the dropper students quickly let me know in the chat box very nice very nice kudos to all of you so welcome to the demo lecture of the most most awaited batch which is going to start on 15th of May in the vantu platform for for the upcoming neat examination in 2025 in pure English yes with your YouTube Master Teachers so I have chosen a very very important topic every year you will see some or the other question from the chapter of units and dimensions which carries a weightage of at least four marks to 8 marks right so this is a very important part of the chapter which is significant figures rounding off and how do you play with the significant figures in especially those error based questions so let's quickly get into this particular topic of significant figures and we'll see how do we round this off just to you know give you a small introduction about me your physics Master teacher let me tell you brief because you know many of the students might be probably hearing me or probably uh you know entering into this channel for the very first time so guys I have been you know a physics Master teacher te in vantu for quite some time but even before that I have been training kids teaching physics for more than 13 years and over this last 13 plus years of my journey I have produced amazing ranks and it's not that these ranks were produced because the students that I got were already Toppers these were kids whom I have trained for 2 years one years and sometimes even the kids from ninth standard I have trained them you know to get into the top not colleges in this country so I have that experience of you know pre- 10th from 11 to 12th as well as the dropper crowd where so I know what happens through your mind in in this entire long period in this entire duration so whatever things you need to do whatever things you do not have to do so carrying this experience I want to make sure that you to benefit from this in this particular DNA batch for neat 2025 right so let's begin with this journey and let's see what is there in significant figures and uh you know rounding off and how do we exactly apply this in our day-to-day problems and uh before we go ahead do not forget to smash the like button as well as subscribe to the channel because YouTube understands that when you like And subscribe to this kind of Channel you are interested in neat you are you know focused towards studies it will keep the distractions away number one number two it will suggest you more content like that number three you will not miss any update notification as well as the academic content which will be putting up on the channel for the next entire year okay so let's begin all excited all the new students have you marked the attend attendance I can see Trisha Arian vij luy hello mixed Manipur hello bumika hello hello uh kovan nice to see is the DNA batch in the big monitor or not yes DNA batch is going to be on that big monitor yes and you will see uh more surprises like that in fact tomorrow we have planned a orientation session also for all of you and those of you are interested in the DNA bash remember the link is there in the description box as well as the pinned message in the chat box cool all right so let's begin with the lecture let's start with significant figures Now understand to explain this concept of significant figures everybody might have heard about James Bond right bond7 the agent7 right how many of you know and when he says my code name is7 right that is James Bond who uses these numbers as a code to you know call himself it's like his call sign right but do you think these zeros do you think it is really going to matter 007 or 7 aren't they text technically equal aren't they technically equal numerically yes so these two Zer are not so important are not so important this seven is the digit of importance it's of value this zero has no value over here I hope you understand that but then what's the fun in the movie if you call my my you know my agent code is just seven that7 is this James Bond style isn't it it is the style of James Bond he won't say oh 007 is equal to 7 mathematics if you put in the movie nobody will watch everybody will sleep in the movie theater in physics in mathematics in your medical terms also understand these two zeros you are not in a movie please understand that these two zeros are not important so 007 and seven are one and the same thing in real life right not in we're not talking about movies here but interesting thing to note is that if I put 707 then 100% this 7 and this seven are very very important do you think this zero this zero has any meaning right now do you think this zero contains any value if you say Sir this has no value there is no point in putting this zero sir then do you think this is equal to 7 77 this is equal to 77 100% it is not equal to 77 so that means can I say this zero is not important definitely not definitely not this zero is very important for us is that right everybody with me everybody understanding this point till here so where that zero is how these numbers are arranged these digits are arranged matter a lot in deciding whether they are important and not important I'm like okay sir this is crazy I never knew that you know uh such rules exist let me tell you there are you know some five six rules which I'm going to tell you these rules will help you quickly decide how many digits of importance importance means significant okay whether they are significant or not are there in any given number like this zero are not significant this seven is the significant this seven this zero and this seven all of them are significant meaning of importance that is the meaning of significant figures the term significant figures refers to the number of important are you not important for your mom and dad obviously you are significant kids out there right very good you are also my significant figure because you're very important for me in the expression of any particular number which is represented scientifically yes if you write down anything in physics maths chemistry biology anything these numbers are of importance that is why we call them significant figures or significant numbers the number of significant figures in the expression indicates the confidence or the Precision in which an engineer scientist indicates a quantity that means how confident he is about a particular number is expressed through how many significant figures are there in it for example for example if I put if I put you know 7.0 versus versus 7. tell me are these two equal are these two numbers equal 7.0 versus 7 versus 7 .0 obviously they are equal 100% these two numbers are equal but you know what mathematically even if they are equal 7 and 7.0 7.0 obviously doesn't matter but what is different in both of them is the number of decimal places here I have gone till the third decimal place here I went till only the first decimal place there must be some reason right why I would have written till the third decimal why did I not write till the third decimal here there must be a reason the reason is I am very doubtful whether I can put the second and the third decimal place or not maybe maybe it is actually 7.1 I'm not so sure or maybe it is 7.2 I'm not so very clear of the second or the third decimal maybe you know it is 7.13 I'm not so sure so it's a very questionable Affair I am very doubtful about it so this number is more precise more accurate correct as compared to this number do you guys agree with it so this is more accurate this is more this is more accurate I hope you guys understand why I said this is more accurate versus this even though the value of these numbers are same the value of these numbers are same still the accuracy matters that is what has been mentioned which an engineer or scientist indicates a quantity with confidence or with Precision so this is more accurate more precise over here is that clear everybody with me yep understood till this point everybody perfect very good very good shall we now see the rules for deciding how many significant figures are there give me a thumbs up everybody clear till this point give me a thumbs up are you ready to see the number of rules for the significant figures okay let's have a look awesome first rule all the nonzero digits are significant all the non-zero numbers are significant we'll see the rules quickly and then we'll see the examples to understand them all the zeros between two nonzero digits are significant no matter where the decimal point is the number if it is less than one the zero on the right of the decimal point but to the left of the first nonzero digit are not significant okay and then uh the terminal or the trailing zeros in a number without a decimal point are not significant at all okay the trailing zeros in a number with a decimal point are signif ific these are the rules let's try and understand them these are the rules let's try and understand each of them through some examples so the first rule first rule all the N nonzero numbers are significant meaning for example if I put the number 68 both these digits are significant if I put say for example the number 57 or 57 72 all these digits are significant because why all these are nonzero digits so this has basically two significant digits this has basically three significant digits if I put 52 1 7 1 2 3 4 four significant digits this has four significant digits got it all of them are nonzero all nonzero digits are basically significant now comes the next rule all the zeros between nonzero digits are significant no matter where the decimal point is if at all wherever the decimal point is you don't bother all the nonzeros including the zeros are significant as long as these zeros are between two non-zero numbers for example if I put five 0 0 7 these two zeros are significant because they are between two nonzero digits these two zeros are between two non-zero digits so it has four significant figures similarly if I use the number um let's say 7 0 8 0 9 these two zeros are between two nonzero digits two non-zero digits two nonzero digits so 1 2 3 4 5 so this has five significant figures this has five significant figures are you guys getting it similarly if I put 10.87 this 0 this 0 this zero is between the nonzero digits 1 and 8 8 and 7 so 1 2 3 4 5 6 so six significant figures never count the decimal that's a just a DOT it's not a digit so 1 2 3 4 5 6 six significant digits are you guys getting it my dear Warriors in fact I can make more examples just one second let me just duplicate the slide yes for all of you all right so let's say I use the numbers like this 08 sorry 08 0.05 Now understand this zero is not between two nonzeros so that's why it is not significant this zero and this zero is between two non-zero numbers hence it is significant 1 2 3 4 so this has basically four significant digits this has four significant digits is that clear similarly I can give you many many more examples like this say you know you have the number 7 0 0 now these two zeros will not be significant because they are not between any two nonzero numbers so do not count them this has only only one significant digit which is basically seven this has one significant digit which is basically seven got it my dear Warriors that is how you predict the number of important digits or digits of significance or significant figures all of them mean the same thing if the number is less than one the zero is on the right of the decimal point but to the left of the first nonzero digit are not significant what does it mean let's take some examples if the number is less than one let's say I take a number less than one 0.03 all right or let's say I take the number 0.0 5 0 okay 3 or let's say I take the number 0.0 0 5 2 okay these are some of the numbers if the number is less than one the zero is on the right of the decimal point but to the left of the first non-zero digit are not significant first non Z digit is five right of the decimal point is this one so all these zeros are not significant so my dear Warriors including this zero forget this even forget this these are not significant even this is not significant this is not significant even this is not significant this is not significant this is not significant the ones which are significant I'm just marking it in green so this three are significant so these are the three significant digits this zero is between two non Zer hence it is significant here only one digit is there which is of importance so this has one digit of significance here you have two digits of significance so five and two these zeros should not be counted so two digits of significance that is the meaning of this rule number three if the number is less than one the Zer is on the right of the decimal point the Zer on the right of the decimal point and left of the first non-zero number first non-zero number is not significant only when it is in between then it is significant I hope this is absolutely clear very good excellent last sorry second last rule the terminal or the trailing zeros in a number without a decimal point are not significant in fact you can see this particular number itself if there is terminal terminal means ending trailing terminal means the ending the last ones the last zeros are never significant unless there is a decimal point which is there in the last rule so let's say we take the example of you know uh 6 0 07 0 0 or let's say 52 0 0 so in these numbers these trailing zeros the ending zeros are never significant the ending zeros are never significant the ones in between they are definitely significant and nonzero digits definitely they are significant so 1 2 3 4 so four sign significant digits 1 and two so two significant digits got it my dear Warriors the ending zeros are not at all significant awesomeness the trailing zeros in a number with a decimal point only are significant the ending zeros only with a decimal point are significant meaning say for example over here if I put the number 52.0 or if I put a number like you you know 708 0.0 0 okay example now there is a decimal place once there is a decimal place you are bound to count that zero without the decimal place without the decimal place do not count the ending zeros the moment you put a decimal understand all the zeros become important so this is important this is non zero anyways so count it so three significant figures this zero obviously is important because it is between two non-zero numbers once there is a decimal all these zeros become important so anything in between them is also important so 1 2 3 4 5 6 So This is highly significant number six significant places are there got it so that is your last rule that is your last rule definitely uh Mars this will be your neat Need 2025 with us some students also have this doubt sir what if I write a number like this 2 multiplied 10 the^ 3 how many significant digits are there this is the same as 2 1 2 3 zeros so obviously these zeros are never significant because they are trailing zeros only the number two is non sorry nonzero digits so that is the significant number over here so it has one significant digit it has exactly one significant digit similarly if I write a number 53 uh 0.0 multiplied 10^ 4 whenever these powers of 10 come don't even bother about it the powers of 10 are never ever significant so forget the powers of 10 now here this is a pure number with a decimal place any number after the decimal place is always going to be significant whether it is a zero or non zero and all these numbers will also become then significant so 1 2 3 4 5 so it has five significant digits it has five significant digits is that clear okay so this is how you deal with when you have powers of 10 whenever powers of 10 are there forget the powers of 10 only count the remaining numbers or the remaining digits you check them and use whatever rules which we have used over here fair enough shall we go ahead shall we go ahead okay great let's see whether you guys can figure this out find the number of significant figures in all these five numbers I want all the five answers in the chat box all the five answers you can put a space or you can leave some gap between all the five answers in one go 43.0 8 40.5 47 4. 0.50 these are your five questions let's see if you can answer this quickly I'll be reading your names come on let's see awesome awesome confused Mass you have already joined jna saying the first answer is four okay let's see whether you guys are correct or wrong what about the remaining three sorry remaining four wow meaai already putting up all the answers with a comma awesome awesome paraa sarti also putting up the answers mixed Manipur given the answer for the first one ji giving the answers for all of them V Suba saying four but I don't know for which one come on rosin giving the answers sisha giving the answers awesome Lambo ji Katherine confused M already giving the answers nandu come on come on Focus yes giving the answers DEA prya giving the answers Sab giving the answers let's find out whether you guys are correct or wrong and let me and and let me know if you guys were correct or wrong okay you only check your answers now the first one has four significant figures see reason is this zero is between two nonzeros so this is definitely significant this eight is definitely this is definitely this four is definitely so it definitely has four significant figures that is correct this one these two zeros are between two nonzeros so these two become important so 4 5 0 0 four significant figures perfect so the second answer is also going to be four the next one these zeros are after nonzeros they are trailing they are trailing zeros so hence I will not count them and there is no decimal place also so the only significant numbers are 47 4 and 7 so two significant figures perfect when there is a decimal then the trailing the ending zeros become significant so this four is significant these two zeros are also significant so 1 2 3 three significant figures decimal is not counted as a digit please remember when you have this number when you have this number my dear Warriors then what will you do then what will you do yes 0.0 050 0 point I think the answer given over here is wrong when you have number which is less than basically one the zeros on the right of the decimal but to the left of the first non-zero digit are not significant I think the answer printed over here is wrong forget this yes yep this one has exactly two significant figures exactly two significant figures remember these zeros are not to be counted okay these zeros are not to be counted when the number is less than one this five is significant this Z is definitely U you know again significant so two significant figures is that right everybody shall we go ahead to the next set of problems shall we go ahead to the next set of problems okay State the number of significant figures in the following State the number of significant figures in the following let's do this together 0.7 clearly the number is less than one all the zeros to the right of the decimal but to the left of of the nonzero number are not significant so all these are non-significant the only significant number is the number seven so it has one significant figure exactly one let's see how many of you are spamming one all correct very good Krishna very nice very nice awesome awesome the first one is just uh one exactly it is not four remember whenever the number is less than one you need to be very very careful see understand this this number is equal to saying this number is equal to saying 7 into 10^ -3 there is no difference between this and this and in this number the number or the digits 10 to the power minus 3 are never significant the only significant digit is the number seven that is why there is exactly one significant digit okay that is the theory behind it in this case 10 the^ 24 it's a power of 10 it is never significant only the remaining ones are so these three will count as three significant digits these three will count as three significant digits very good paraa Satya awesome Krishna very good uh anupam yashas awesome here 0.237 0. 2370 the moment the moment you see the moment you see it is less than one all the zeros to the left are never significant all right so don't even count this don't even count this but the moment you have a decimal place all the zeros after the decimal places are significant so 1 2 3 4 there is a reason why you put the zero after the decimal so this has four significant figures this has four significant figures 6 3 2 and 0 0er is there after the decimal place so this has also got four significant figures everybody with me very nice 6.32 6.32 come on guys 6.32 6 03 and 2 Z is between all the nonzero digits so this has four significant figures again very good I can see all of you are getting it correctly here all these zeros are to the right of the decimal and to the left of the first non-zero digit which is the number six so all these zeros all these zeros become non significant and only the significant digits are 6 0 and 3 and 2 perfect so this has basically four significant figures again awesome very good proud of all of you explain the number of significant digits in 0. 650 wow I think you will be able to answer this very easily even before I write even before I complete the solution this three zeros are to the right of the decimal left of the nonzeros so all these are not significant but this zero is after the decimal and towards the end any zero after the decimal point in the end the trailing zeros become significant so all these three this is a trailing zero trailing zeros are always significant if if it is after the decimal point so this has three significant figures this has three significant figures you guys understood it yeah proud of all of you after this you will never make a mistake all kinds of problems will be solvable great so we have solved all these problems now let's go to the next part which is rounding off often you face problems where you have to round off to the closest number because the problem becomes simple or maybe in the options you do not have so many digits you have to bring it down to a specific uh decimal point right so you will have to round off usually till now you might not have learned officially how to round off the numbers but there are certain rules to round them off this Theory you can read it later on I will explain to you in very simple words after that you will never face any issues it's very easy guys it's very easy I'll tell you example I have the number 4.72 I want to round it off to two significant digits right now it has three significant digits I want to round it off to only two significant digits how will I round it off that is the first problem the next problem is let's say I have the number 4.77 I want to round it off to let's say only only two significant digits then I have another problem where I have the number 4.75 three significant digits I want to round it off to only two significant digits and I have the number four. 8 or let's say 4 let's say 65 I want to round it off to just two significant digits with these four problems I'll explain you all the rules because I want to get rid of the last number which is the number which I want to get rid of I want to get rid of the last number just check whether that last number which you want to get rid of is it more than five or less than five or equal to five is this number which you are getting rid of is it less than five more than five or equal to five obviously the number two is less than five the moment the number is less than five the moment the number is less than five then the previous digit remains as it is the previous digit remains as it is no change happens there hence the correct answer will be four will come as it is seven will come as it is do not change anything do not change anything when it is less than five it makes sense 472 will will be very close to 470 will be close to 470 right rather than 480 472 is closer to 470 forget that zero for a moment now again I want to get rid of this last number the last digit 100% this is more than five greater than five the moment it is greater than five the previous digit add one to it add one to it the moment you add one to it it will basically become 8 and this number comes as it is so it will become 4.8 kind of makes sense because 477 is closer to 480 is closer to 480 simple very easy rule very easy rule correct if it is less than five don't do anything if it is more than five the previous digit increase it by exactly one unit what if it is exactly equal to five like in this case you can see this number is exactly equal to five this number is exactly equal to 5 ooh what to do now should I make it should I make it 4.7 or 4.8 same thing should I make it 4.6 or should I make it 4.7 because 65 look at the number 65 is exactly between 60 and 70 here also 75 is between 70 and 80 what do I do then check the previous digit check the previous digit what is the previous dig digit it is seven if it is odd like in this case if it is odd like in this case then you will add one to it and then write it down check the previous digit in this case it is even if it is even don't do anything write it down as it is so guys this will come out as it is as six this will come out as eight so check the previous digit if it is odd make it even by adding one if it is already even don't do anything to it write it down as it is write it down as it is simple very easy these are the four rules which have been explained here but the way in which I explain to my students I believe it sticks in your head you will never ever get confused you will be able to solve problems that is what is going to be important and let's see some questions round these numbers to three significant figures each four sorry 9.84 5 6.73 5 all of them have four significant figures you have to get rid of one of them and write it down into three significant figures let's start so we have the number 9.84 and 5 right and we have the number 6.7 3 5 what is the last digit it is five it is exactly equal to 5 it is exactly equal to 5 so we need to go to the previous one and see what is it this four is a even number here this three is a odd number what did I tell you if it is odd you're just going to add + one to it if it is even just write it down as it is so this is just going to be 9.84 forget that five we have all already you know rounded it off 7. uh 6. 735 this three you add one to it so this will become 6.74 that should be the answer that should be the answer yes how many of you got it 9.84 and 6.74 wow very good very good very good this is how I teach physics I don't know why need students are very scared of physics and let me tell you when I was interacting with my passing out batch they honestly told me this on the call they were like sir I was very very very very scared of physics I had left physics as an option I thought I will clear neat with two subjects which is not possible by the way okay so you have to score really well in physics these students who are scared of physics they fell in love with physics in fact one of the student also mentioned this that uh sir physics many students don't like it you are one teacher and I'm not trying to boost here you are one teacher who made us understand physics that's level one not just that you made us you know love the subject that is number two many students also love the subject but they don't score well he mentioned the third Point Sir you made us score marks in physics and those students are getting 160 170 marks that is the level of confidence which you need to get into you need to first of all eliminate the fear you need to understand it you need to fall in love with the subject and lastly you need to score marks after that you are going to be a doctor so guys that's how simple things are let's keep things simple why do complicate things right now I'll teach you the last part of it and it's very straight forward when you have to operate with significant figures okay when you have you have to operate with significant figures what you need to do basically so my dear students whenever you have to add or subtract always see the final result should have the least of the uh decimal places the least of the decimal places whenever you are adding or subtracting the final value should have the least decimal place places but whenever you are multiplying or dividing it should have the least of the significant figures slight difference is there here significant word is used here decimal word is used I'll explain this to you with a simple example say for example I'm adding uh 7. plus 2.0 0 0 okay versus 5. 0us 2.0 0 example what do you do forget the significant digit rules all those things just do normal subtraction first if I do 7. - 2. obviously the answer will be nothing but five numerically here uh sorry what did I do I didn't have to subtract I have to add 7 + 2 it is basically 9 here 5 - 2 is basically three that's basic addition and basic subtraction now comes the part of the decimal places and the zeros in these two numbers forget the significant figures check the decimal places it has two decimal places this has 1 2 3 2 is lesser than three this has the least decimal places and how many two so the final answer will also contain two decimal places no matter what you you do so the answer will be 9.0 here again two decimal places versus 1 2 3 4 5 so this has two decimal places 100% the final answer will also have two decimal places that is the rule for addition or subtraction always look at the decimal places not the significant figures not the significant figures got it very good but what if I have to multiply what if I have to multiply let's try that out so 3.0 multiplied by 4 uh or 3. multipli by 4. example if I to multiply this or let's say uh 15.0 uh divided by 3.0 okay I have to divide this let's try this out let's try try this out just do normal multiplication and normal division like you normally do forget significant decimals zeros everything 3 fours are 12 so just write down the number 12 15 / 3 is 5 15 ID 3 is basically five now let's think for addition subtraction it was always the decimal place but for multiplication and division it is not decimal place like I mentioned in the rule multiplication division it is the significant figures only for addition subtraction it is the decimal places so check how many significant figures are there 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 three significant figures three significant figures is the least significant figures so the final answer should definitely contain three significant figures this right now has two so you add one significant figure without changing the value so the final answer will be 12.0 and not 12 it will be 12.0 and not 12 not 0 0 12.0 only paraa okay it is 12.0 here count 1 2 3 three significant figures three significant figures here 1 2 so this has two significant figures obviously two is less than three significant figures so the final answer must contain two significant figures so you deliberately add one zero and make it look like two significant figures got it that is how you add subtract multiply and divide keeping into account the significant figures that's how simple it is right Perfecto awesome awesome awesome now now that you have understood you know this particular topic I'm pretty sure you are all excited about the neat 2025 d na a batch which is the doctor neat aspirants all the students who aspire to be a doctor will have to give neat right and I want this to be in your DNA when you are preparing for the need 2025 why should you consider joining the DNA batch you have got just a trailer of it the teaching is awesome the teachers are most experienced you also get the best best content in terms of be it material be it assignment be it test series beat the delivery of the class beat the notes that you get also the tests have been designed by the backend team who makes sure that the syllabus is up to the mark the pattern is up to the mark and the content and the test and the level of the questions is as per the uh you know the current trends and what is expected of the forthcoming exam having said that we also prepare you for the most difficult need exam and the most easy EST neat exam because they have their own challenges what if need 2025 is very difficult we cannot give you only easy test so we give you sometimes very hard test also sometimes the tests are very easy so that everybody scores well that means your accuracy and other things speed will also matter so we prepare you for all kinds of situations also during the class because the flow should not get Disturbed like when I was teaching let's say you might have some doubt there is a the secondary teacher in the classroom okay it's he's he or she is virtually present you can ask that teacher the doubts sir can you please explain that part I just probably was thinking about something and you know just help me out with that that teacher will definitely help you out and post class doubt discussion groups are also there there is discussion groups which are going to be there and assignments are given for all the chapters and these assignments will test your skills and knowledge after every lecture also there is DPP generator meaning you can generate unlimited dpps and also in the same batch you get ebooks yes you get the material which means you don't have to buy any further book you can just just use all the digital copies beat the Vidant official material the tatwa books or be it ebooks by many famous Publishers like grb and disa and all of that those materials are given to you we have paid lcks of Rupees to the Publishers to get those digital copies obviously like I said test and ranking is a part of it and the revision is also going to be a part of these sessions so once the syllabus is done you will be seeing revision classes which will happen immediately and many many batches do not give you all these things and yes we have our own set of teachers most of you who have already seen we will be continuing teaching in this batch the batch will be in the morning somewhere between 10:00 to 4:00 these are our timings so that you can practice during the morning you can do self study in the evening and in the night the classes will be of 1.5 hours each on weekdays Sundays are usually reserved for tests and other motivational stuff or other tips and tricks whatever might come up in the course of time okay so that Sunday is usually for your backlog or for your revision or for your self study or for your you know analysis test mock test all those things the Sunday is reserved for that and the weekdays continuously you have classes in the afternoon right okay so what is the price of this batch some of you might already know it the original price is more than 5,000 we give a discount of you know few per and you get the batch price at 5,000 rupees but since you're watching this video and the batch has not yet started it will start on 15th of May that's why the early bird offer is at $3,999 for those Limited entries in that early bird where is the link to join the link is there in the description box of this very own video which you are watching below over here as you're watching you can see that here neat 2025 DNA batch just click on this you can see all the details whatever I mentioned is here it's a proper pure English batch all the things which will be given to you in this batch is obviously given and you can see the batch price was originally 6,249 this price which you're getting is a early bird offer once the batch starts 100% this price will no longer be $39.99 this will go up you will miss this chance don't waste your money then join make the decision right now show this lecture to the parents as well okay you can click on this buy full course enter your details you can choose multiple options either through you know Google pay or UPI or credit debit card whatever is feasible for all of you and that's it you will be enrolled and everything is mentioned right over here okay everything is mentioned and I've explained this to you also in detail so that is your that is your neat 2025 DNA so I hope you guys enjoyed this lecture learned a lot this was just like a trailer for what is about to come the in fact the lectures are much more fun I would tell you because we have our dual teacher model and quizzes and leaderboards and everything so it's going to be more entertaining and more engaging than whatever can do on YouTube okay it's going to be on the platform it's not on Google meet or Zoom okay we have our own dedicated platform called as wave right so see you guys I'm very excited to see all of you in the batch which is going to start on 15th of May enroll as quickly as possible let's let's let's make KN 2025 our need irrespective of what has happened whether you are a dropper fifth time dropper partial dropper fresh student 11th standard student doesn't matter this batch is for all all of you because entire syllabus will be covered from the scratch to the Hero level okay bye-bye this was Captain sh signing off asista
Channel: Vedantu NEET English
Views: 3,518
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vedantu neet english, neet english, vedantu neet 2024, neet 2024, vedantu neet english 2024, neet english 2024, vedantu, neet, dna batch vedantu, dna batch neet 2025, units & dimensions : significant figures & rounding off, significant figures, significant figures class 11 physics, shreyas sir, shreyas sir vedantu, vedantu shreyas sir, shreyas sir physics, shreyas sir physics neet, shreyas sir neet, neet 2025 physics oneshot, units and dimensions, units and dimensions neet
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 10sec (2890 seconds)
Published: Tue May 14 2024
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