UniFi 7.4 Switchport Profiles

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hi I'm Willie welcome to my channel thank you for being here I appreciate each and every one of you and what we're going to take a look at in this video is the new well the reworked switch Port profiles in UniFi I've had a lot of people kind of freaking out we've had a lot of people um that have asked like hey how does this work so let's uh let's take a look at it so we're over here at my UDR and the first thing that I want you to know is that when you look at a device and so we're going to pull up my office switch if you haven't done anything so this is my Uplink if I just have the primary Network as default and I don't have any kind of a switch Port profile applied to this it is still sending all vlans across the port that has not changed all vlans by default are still sent across all ports so don't worry about that that's still happening you don't have to create special Uplink trunk profiles unless you want to to limit those vlans but by default unify is still sending all of those across each port and how do I know how do I know that to be true right so here we have my my grand stream phone so let me pull up the client you can see right now it's 192 168 66.213. so we're going to come in here to my office switch we're going to go to that Port now I do have um a VLAN setup I have this voice VLAN the 172.16. so we're going to come back over here and that's VLAN 16. I'm going to go back uh over to my switch my office switch I'm going to go to my port manager I'm going to go to my phone switch and I'm going to change the primary Network here down to voice I'm going to apply it then I'm going to power cycle the port and while uh that is power cycling and we're going to get a new IP address let's go take a look at the actual profile so switch ports are the switch Port profile still there it's now called an ethernet port profile and like I said if you're wanting to send all vlans that is still the same you don't have to worry about it my phone's coming back up here in just a minute I'll show you as you can see that I do have this voice this voice ethernet profile but it's not it's not applied to anything so what I'm going to do real quick is I'm going to create a new voice port ethernet profile or not voice but any really we'll just call this like test Network so we can talk about it then under Port we can make it active disabled or we can do MAC address filtering now this is where things are a little different so right here what I could do is I could drop this down and I can make the primary Network which unified defines as the native VLAN that is used for untagged traffic so whatever is not recognizing a VLAN tag right that is what is going to be so basically it's your your pvid your untagged VLAN on the port so I can change this and I can make it guest and then everything else is still going to be sent through as a tagged VLAN how do I know that well here's one quick indication if I go to traffic restriction and I allow and I allow everything and click apply changes here on my test port restrict traffic it's not enabled right which means that the switch is sending all the traffic we are not restricting traffic on that Port my phone's up by the way so we'll pause this go look at my phone so client devices and if we uh refresh this we should get the new IP address of my phone here in just a minute let me check it on the phone sometimes uh unifies a little slow to update but the IP address on my phone is 172.16 [Applause] .1.93 so it'll update here in a minute we'll come back and we'll we'll take a look at that so back over to our profile that we created so you can see that nothing is restricted however if I come in here and I do traffic restriction and by the way they won't let you restrict if you if you select all they're not going to let you restrict they're just going to change the untagged PV ID of the port that's it then under traffic restriction if I only want to allow let's say I only want the guest and I only want uh uh voice on this and apply now guess what now I've got a little check box here because now I'm only allowing those two Networks on the port let's scroll down a little bit take a look at the rest of this so now we got Auto Poe which is great for phones then under manual we've got all the same things that you are used to if we're going to run lldpmed we better turn on The Voice network and let it know which network is voice so it can tell the phones hey you need to be on that that Voice network so back up here to the traffic restrictions with this we're only allowing these two networks and this one is going to be tagged this one is going to be untagged so guest VLAN 4 is going to be untagged in this scenario and voice 16 is going to be tagged now here's the other way that you could do this so you could block and you'll see that it it did it automatically right because I had voice allowed it's blocking everything except for voice so still guest and voice are now going to be allowed I've got my little check box and so it's it's just a different way to think about it if I go back to allow only my voice is there blocked is everything except for voice so it's it's actually um a way that you can look at it here and pare it down take some time play with it I'm going to leave this uh the way that it is and you'll see that's there uh now that little check check mark is indicative that that is working so let's go back over to our devices real quick and see if this has picked up the IP address there it is three that is definitely the phone that is here on my desk now here's the other thing that I could do I could go back to this switch and I go back to my office switch we'll go back to the ports we'll go back to Port 5. and now what I'm going to do is I'm going to scroll down and I'm going to change I'm going to do primary Network I'm going to drop this down and you notice that you don't see the test it's because it's not my primary Network so it's I know it's weird and um they've done this but to now apply that switch Port profile you have to come down under features go to ethernet port profile and now you can see my test and we're going to go ahead and apply the changes I'm going to power cycle the the phone again so now when that phone reboots it's going to have an IP address in my guess Network which is going to be 192 168.2 so I'm waiting for it to reboot right now I'll show you that it has that IP address so ask any questions that you want down in the comments while while we're waiting for this or once the video is done ask your comments it's once you you sit down and you play with it like this I think you'll find that it's just as easy as as the other way that we used to do it but rest assured these if unless you put a switch Port profile on a port it is still sending all tagged vlans across those ports you don't have to go in and it would really defeat the point of how easy unify is to use when you're hooking multiple switches together if you had to go in and change the the port profile for all of your Uplink ports every time you add in a network or made a change some people do like to to do things that way and that's cool except remember that with ubiquity UniFi switches there's no command line that survives a reboot right so everything really needs to be done here through the UI looks like the phone is getting ready to come back up we'll look at this port one more time just so you can understand so my test port profile is active the primary or untagged pvid is four and then we're allowing the voice um pour it through there and I did tell it the voice voice network is voice 16. so we'll see what happens with my with my phone here in just a minute so remember we're also pushing lldp to this we'll make one more change after this but if you said to yourself the IP address the phone's not going to change you're absolutely correct because lldp said oh hey you're a phone and I'm going to put you on that 172.16.1 Network because we know that your phone so my phone is still so let's go back to our profile our ethernet port profile and what we're going to do is we're going to get rid of The Voice network and we're going to leave guest and 16 we're going to apply that now before I reboot the port you're probably saying well he's looking in the clients well let me open a tab and show you that that's that's my phone all right and unify actually uh doing its its job uh quicker than um I was able to get to it so what happened was on the port profile when I removed lldp I thought out of the corner of my eye I thought I saw something happen with the phone and as soon as I removed it it updated the the switch port and everything and so now the IP address on my phone is actually now in the guest Network which is and let's and there it is right there so I couldn't even get over there fast enough to to do it I mean it is working as working super fast so it like I said it's just a different way of thinking about it I think I might like this way better let me know what you think down in the comments if you've got questions comments things you want to see about this I know I know everybody's upset because it's a new way of thinking about doing it um I actually I it's almost the same as the old really if once you kind of knew what you were you know wanted to happen it really just looks a little different so I'm not I'm not upset about this um because they didn't change the default behavior of ports you're still advertising all networks um it just looks a little bit different they changed some of the wording so if you've got questions about this let me know down in the comments and make sure you give this video a thumbs up make sure you subscribe follow me on Twitter and Tick Tock those links are down below if you'd like to support the channel we have a patreon link and affiliate links down below and if you need it Consulting because you want to have us check your network out you want to get some more training on this you want some Hands-On you know we can go through that you need voice over IP all things it go to willyhowe.com fill out the contact form that's there on the front page and someone will reach out to you as soon as possible once again I'm Willie take some time go play with this it's it's really not that different it's really not that difficult and as always I'll see you in the next video
Channel: Willie Howe
Views: 14,550
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unifi, unifi 7.4, unifi switchport profiles, unifi ethernet ports profiles, ubiquiti port profiles, unifi vlans, ubiquiti networks, unifi switchport setup, unifi trunk, udm port profile, udm switchports profiles, udr, udm se, willie howe, willie howe unifi, willie howe technology
Id: Bs7HiqcJD9I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 26sec (806 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 06 2023
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