Unidentified | Full Movie | Are UFO's Real? | A Rich Christiano Film

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thank you [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] Max Max yeah I'm over here did you close that gate yes if you're locking yes we need to paint on it yeah we need to get out of here Operator Operator Operator just paint operate my brother yet no I can't get through keep trying Arthur is it a media landing near Princeton and Grover's Mill Grove is Mill that that's less than 30 miles from here I think 15 who got killed we better Thomas now is this a martians have started to land martians we need to get out of here Max we can't we never make this great poisonous black ass we need to make a run for it now Thomas I'm telling you okay Robin come here now on that phone keep calling your Uncle Ken right away Josephine get in there calmly him down but do not tell him what's going on max out to the bar I'm gonna fortify out there go now let's go Arthur you monitor their radio [Music] Mommy I'm here William what's wrong mommy nothing dear what's with all the noise we're just preparing for a big storm that might be coming I'm scared there's nothing to be scared about I go back to sleep now 843 descend to maintain three thousand s you see the problem with most of these teams are is that they spend all the money on the quarterbacks the running backs and the receivers and there's no money left over for the live and that's what a game's the one you know that spoken like a true lineman why do we always have to go over there take [Music] oh they're all the only thing your dad does is get out of that chair to go grab a bite to eat and I'm surprised he does that much and so here comes the man the man who was cut here to ear and the girl says did the attendant do it no did another guest do it the man shakes his head no did the cook do it no show me a teen that won a Super Bowl that didn't have a great over D line I hear you man I'll tell you what why don't you write a letter to the team you know outlining all your good suggestions yeah I just might do that they're making me mad enough but you know I care about your parents I'm just looking out for their physical well-being what in the world we'll get get what from the store I I can't hear you I got static on my phone I got static on my phone look I'll be in town in 10 minutes I'll call you then assassinate four and three be advised unidentified traffic right two o'clock three miles aircraft type and altitude unknown closing fast foreign er do it shakes his head no sense843 approach do you copy I got you I gotcha but that can't identify just one of the scope foreign let's do a feature about women playing men's sports here's a story about a girl who wants to play in the National Football League as in NFL says here she'll sue the league unless they at least give her a tryout she wants to play quarterback oh quarterback's easy oh they should let it do it and just now the first play that'll shut her up then she's probably still for getting hurt figures okay you guys don't like that one uh here's a brief about a government wasting taxpayer dollars again something about paying big bucks for a fountain in Atlanta people love to hate the government Roy and we don't need to give him another reason I'm thinking about not paying taxes this year I mean if the government didn't have it they wouldn't spend it like they do right yeah for that no more paying taxes here's some stuff about global warming why don't you do a story on that Brad Global warming's boring that's okay your readers are used to it when they read your articles Ah that's not even worth a reply Lauren wait a second here's a guy that says he saw a flying saucer last night Randy Mitchell 38 says he encountered a UFO last evening while driving home on a back Highway a large Cloud hovered over his vehicle drove him from it and abducted him wait a minute wait a minute this guy's got to be from Louisiana or someplace in the South right just outside of Redland Texas I knew it redneck Texas Redland I used to know a guy from Redlands uh chat rooms don't count Lauren [Laughter] Vince is there any more to that story no that was it does it list a source uh just something off Southwest news briefs I'll bet you 100 bucks right now this guy never made it out of high school come on 100 bucks who won some rattling is that near Houston it's two hours North you don't know where Redland is it's right all right don't believe me check the map you know what I'll go you one better than that I'll get Regina to book you and Keith a day earlier you and he can go up there what do you mean go up there to Redland check it out check what out this story try and talk to this Randy Guy Roy wow that sounds interesting can you come over here for a second Roy we're going to cover the oil crisis down in Houston not chase some UFO story I just want you to see if there's anything to it what do you mean anything to it Keith Roy wants us to go to Houston a day earlier so we can go to some hick town which is two hours completely out of the way to check out a story about a guy who said he saw a UFO last night it's just a day earlier with journalists not tabloid writers and that's why I want you two to check it out he said he was abducted you don't think this one's a little far out there Roy look this subject never goes away and who knows you might find something there to tackle people are fascinated with the unknown yeah but there's been tons of stuff done on UFOs already right but most of it's been Sensational I think that we might be able to give it a more honest and factual treatment what about the oil deal well I booked you in a day earlier you're not going to miss anything this is tabloid stuff Roy find out what happened how the town react is the guy still there find me something you are serious just a day earlier people love this stuff tabloids I heard that by the way Roy moved my trip to Houston up a day early wants me to check something out like what something what Keith tell me supposedly some guy saw a UFO and got abducted Vince found the article a UFO yep now we get to drive two hours out of our way but your Brad loved that one should have seen him try to get out of it I can just imagine yeah now I get to take a road trip with everybody from Down Under and listen to him complain I'm sure God has some reason why you two are being stuck together I had to test my patience Keith he's our friend he introduced you don't have to sit in a car with them for two hours actually you're gonna have to sit with them for four hours because you have to ride back with them as well great [Music] would you like something to drink yeah I'm an iced tea as well please y'all just passing through we're on our way to Houston Houston I've been to Houston once it's big yes it is I bet she never made it out of eighth grade only you Sam hey maybe these guys know something excuse me gentlemen gentlemen we're looking for a guy by the name of Randy Mitchell you know him everybody knows Randy do you know when we might be able to find him probably on some spaceship with those little green marches oh you said they weren't all green some of them was Brown I think we found out Randy well if he's not on a spaceship right now do you know where else he might be it works at the body shop right up the road that explains it they needed him to fix their spaceship foreign excuse me Randy Mitchell yeah you got a minute sure what can I do for you got a problem with your vehicle no no our car is fine um we wanted to talk to you about your UFO experience who are you guys we work for a news magazine called both sides we're thinking about doing an article on the subject we'd just like to ask you a couple of questions sorry I'm not talking about it look we're an impartial publication we represent all sides of the issue we leave the opinion to the reader yeah well nobody's been taking my side our magazine has a great reputation of maintaining the truth in all of our articles we get it right look I am tired of being made fun of hey I'm here to represent your side do you want me to call the cops no Randy that won't be necessary let's go we're sorry to have bothered you look here's my card okay call me anytime I promise I'll be open to whatever you tell me yeah right foreign drive up here give me the keys I'm driving back no we're not leaving yet Roy said to check this out the guy obviously made it up to get some attention at a backfire you want to go back and tell Roy we talked to just one guy why not look let's go back to the diner see if these guys know something else So Randy wouldn't talk to you guys huh probably afraid the Martians might get mad at him uh do you know of anyone else that might have seen these so-called martians well I heard a couple of guys out at the airport saw something yeah a couple guys well is there traffic guys you know the ones that tell the airplanes how to land weak on an airport right outside town can you think of anyone else that might have seen this I said tell you guys this well you see gentlemen we're reporters for this magazine and we've come down for this big meeting about the oil crisis down in Houston but our boss read about this UFO story and sent us up here to chase rabbits and as I can tell you and I are on the same page with this thing so we'd really appreciate your help on this because I personally would like to get back to Houston you know what I mean I like this guy yes yes he's great fun especially on a two hour ride up here those kids said they saw something Sam you know the ones camping out oh that's right we're kids do you know their names well there's a reason why Texas isn't a tourist state help you guys yeah we're here to see Miles Taylor and Frank Stewart I'm miles Frank's off today what can I do for you we work for both sides magazine we'd like to talk to you about that UFO sighting here a couple of weeks ago UFO sighting the one involving Randy Mitchell we heard that you and Frank saw something too we'd like to ask you a few questions yeah magazines thinking about doing a report on the subject not on anything about any UFO sighting look miles two guys at the diner told us that you and Frank saw something they don't know what they're talking about we didn't see anything it's just a couple of simple questions about the incident please you're deaf we didn't see anything look it's just background information we'll just take a minute have a good day gentlemen you do realize his kids going to think about stalking him right no he won't I'll be very polite well you better be careful and probably still Lynch people down here you're the one that needs to be careful are you sure he lives here I told you I found a kid at the school that knew something gave me the names and addresses of the people involved JT's supposed to be the one that saw it best and we're out of here after this right fine I think this is him excuse me are you JT yeah hey I'm Keith it's my friend Brad we work for magazine work doing some research on UFO sightings I wonder if we could talk about your incident pretty exciting huh sorry I'm not going to talk about it hey I just need some information I'm not going to talk about it don't have to put your name in the paper just leave Hey Jake JT well it was helpful can we go now something weird about this Kate this is stupid nothing happened let's go [Applause] hey how was Houston it's good did you bring me a souvenir yeah yeah get your 10 gallon hats in the car hey Roy at your expense report so that was the big trip to Redland oh it's a complete waste of time in the Magazine's money what if you ask me oh come on what our two best most Savvy journalistic reporters couldn't come up with anything but no clues no scoops nothing personally I don't think it was a complete waste of time personally I couldn't wait to get out of there but come on you had to learn something you talk to Randy right yeah we talked to him sorta what do you mean sort of Vince you don't want to know wait wait a minute Brad okay Vince according to these two regulars at the diner this guy Randy Mitchell's driving home about 10 minutes from Redland when all of a sudden the power just goes out in his truck gets out to see what's wrong starts hearing these strange noises she's a bright light in the sky and he's apparently abducted by aliens now that same night two air traffic controllers working at the nearby airport see something strange on their screen exact same location where Randy says he's abducted now add to that three high school kids camping out that night who also saw a bright light in the sky right where Randy was now we talked to Randy one of the air traffic guys and one of the high school kids but not one of them not one would talk to us okay wait I got one question what type of truck does this Randy guy drive because I just want to know what kind of taste these aliens have in the vehicles they attack all right I'm just telling you what they told us I told you you didn't want to know you know what can you take us to Frank for me please I think you guys are onto something here yeah this is a great story no I really mean it I want you guys to stay on this I want you to try and talk to those people again I think there's an article or two here maybe even a feature well I'd like to pass on this one Roy if you don't mind but Keith can handle it well Keith can head it up and you can help him out Roy I'd prefer not to investigate people talking about Little Green Men why not you think they're all making it up of course they are well there have been thousands and thousands of reports about this kind of activity so what's the relevance oh come on Brad what do you mean what's the relevance how can you just explain those away well I bet they all live on little dirt roads somewhere right wrong most of these people are credible Witnesses like doctors and engineers and people who work in the Air Force and the military how do you know all this stuff Lauren I've looked into it a little bit did you know that Roswell just happens to be near where we conducted our first nuclear explosion so so there's a strong theory that the aliens saw it and that's what started all this so the aliens saw the explosion from another world and decided to come check it out Lauren that's sci-fi no that's investigative journalism yeah you tell them Lauren thank you Keith look I'm thinking of having the magazine do a series of articles on this subject people are fascinated by it well if we do I know which side I'm on this thing's a hoax and someone's making big money off it okay then you cover it from that angle you find out who's making the money expose The hoax Keith you take another side but Roy I really think we're wasting our time on this one do you have any explanations for what happened down there yes these people made this up to get some attention and it backfired so you're telling me this Randy and the air traffic control guys and the high school students are all working together and made this all up just to get some attention yes why the air traffic control guys what would they stand to gain from reporting this I don't know maybe they thought they'd be somebody Keith they're backward I tell you Keith I don't know I mean none of these people know each other they all have the same story yeah I think there's something weird here exactly and that's why I want you two to stay on this it's got to be something I want to run the first article about this and the next issue of the magazine UFO sightings and abductions are they real hoaxes why so many reports I want you to put together a teaser right away and Lauren let's see if we can get something posted on the website too okay we'll do what better than this Roy I need a teaser let's give him a teaser all right enough of this nonsense I'm thirsty whose turn is it Anyway Vince no I went last time I want the time before that no no no I went the time before that oh I did oh he's right actually Lauren you're up I hate this I'll have an apple juice and a cherry turnover hey drinks only I'll pay you for the turnover you Cheapskate hey give me a fruit punch you're gonna pay me for that turnover hey Lauren hey Manny it was Bradley I haven't seen him around can't Keith have been on assignment in Houston they just got back oh I see I'm gonna have two apple juices and a fruit punch and give me a cherry turnover okay no problem hey Manny do you believe in UFOs UFOs I don't know I never seen one you no no I haven't and why you ask you want to see one no no it's just something we were talking about at the office hey all I want to do is sell drinks and coffee and go home and see the wife and child each night you know not your false I hear you Manny Bobby just got himself one of them new half tones you see that wow where did you get the money for a half ton we've got a new job working a lot of overtime or something like that really my brother-in-law got one of those um he got a 1958 Jeep Willy man he takes that thing up in the mountains it's lifted a little bit they can go anyway let me tell you yeah yeah okay what is that Jared we gotta get out Jared hey Roy Roy we just pulled another UFO signing off a news service seems a couple of guys had an experience last night with a UFO while they were fishing in Louisiana one of the boys claims he was taking aboard the craft and questioned what's their names ain't you did they're both 23. well it sounds like they might have been drinking maybe but the local police said they received over 100 calls from people nearby who also said they saw something strange and unusual really come on Lauren that's easy the boys were drunk Brad it says the police got a hundred calls you think those people are making this up so they saw a weather balloon for the first time they probably never seen one of those in Louisiana UFO sightings don't just happen in the South yeah could have filled me she's right California is the number one state for incidents wow a religion editor speaks well I'm sure you have some Supernatural explanation for all of this have you looked into this some Darren a bit they're making it up for their 50 minutes of fame people I think there's more to it than that well I don't believe in aliens neither do I let's make sure the kid gets a copy of that report so we can check it out I already gave him one this is Keith you said I could call you who is this Randy Randy Randy Mitchell yes of course promise me you won't think I'm crazy I don't if it makes you feel any better we just pulled another story off the wire about two guys fishing last night in Louisiana who saw something or the guy says he was abducted as well I've had a couple more experiences since I talked to you I quit saying that Randy if I thought you were crazy would I still be talking to you I don't work for a tablet okay print the information let the reader make up their own mind no not over the phone you come back down here I'll tell you it's a long way for me to travel Rainey I'm not talking over the phone they might be listening what do you mean who might be listening I'm not talking over the phone fine look I'm gonna talk to my editor I'm gonna see what I can do just give me your number hey hey come on let's go to the deli my treat okay thanks man okay no problem enjoy huh okay take care I mean these people are really tight lip down they're almost like they were scared maybe they were so you think it could be aliens I don't believe in aliens come on Darren you don't think there's life on other planets the Bible doesn't indicate it just because the Bible doesn't mention something doesn't make it not true speaking of the Bible have you been reading yours [Music] I encourage you to find the time I hear you so you're telling me you think Brad's right all these people are just making this up no I agree with Roy there's something's going on out there there's too many reports too many witnesses okay so give me some advice on this teaser um I don't know come on you know more about this than I do all right look talk to the abductees see what most of them say the aliens told them that's it it's a good place to start should have made you pay it's just a teaser hey you're home already hey honey yeah I left early hey let me help you with that how's your day it's all right looks like I'm going to Texas again [Music] maybe I should take Darren with me to go see Randy this time that place too full I want you to take breath Aaron's looked into this more we can give you support from here hey you know Brad though he thinks everything's a big joke both sides right I'll talk to him I want to see how he explains this away yeah I'd like to see that too remember first article hits next week it's small but I really think we're on to something here it's going to Peak Interest you'll see make sure you talk to those guys in Louisiana [Music] look you weren't drunk okay I don't care what the paper says about us drinking I know what I saw okay what makes you think it was a UFO well certainly wasn't a weather balloon like everybody keeps saying all right Tommy why don't you just tell us what happened we were just fishing that's all you know we were having a couple beers and just cutting it up having a good time and we've seen this light out in the distance and you know we figured just some kind of reflection on the water did you hear anything did you hear any voices ah there's no voices it just got louder as it got closer like a engine noise sort of did you happen to see a craft or any kind of a ship no I didn't see anything you know we got scared so we ran okay you know when the noise stopped I looked back and I couldn't see him anywhere and so I went to go and get some help and when I came back he's just lying there so they took him up in the craft and then interrogated him yeah that's what he said and you believe it yeah I believe him what did they ask him I don't know you know Jared's pretty shook up about the whole thing he ain't talking to anyone he didn't even say much to me about it yet either how much had he been drinking look I told you we weren't drunk you got that yeah I got that but I think the general public will find it hard to believe that you're both visited by aliens so maybe it just had to be something else look don't believe me I don't care okay I know what I saw and I'm gonna keep telling this same story until the day that I die I saw something out there and so did Jared and it wasn't no weather Bloom and I ain't gonna keep quiet about it either I don't care what any of them government guys tell me government guys yeah the ones who said not to talk about it to anyone wait wait so these guys weren't from the local police but from our government I guess they wore dark suits said it was for National Security and they told you to keep quiet about this whole thing they weren't exactly that kind with their words but yeah that's the gist of what they had to say then why are you talking to us because I ain't scared ain't nobody gonna tell me what to do does it say what specific branch of the government they work for no they didn't you know they just flashed a badge I didn't check look guys I gotta get back to work so Tommy is there anything else you can tell us no that's about it except for that smell the smell sulfur it was bad they seemed pretty confident to me he said he was approached by these government guys dressed in dark suits you know I guess they tried to intimidate them black who That's The Stereotype the Men in Black show up to investigate these sightings and then they tell everybody to shut up you know yeah that's what he said and then he mentioned this awful smell like sulfur sulfur huh that's interesting you know a lot of people associate sulfur with demonic activity what do you mean you know and brimstone brimstone's an old word for sulfur well it seems like these people really believe they saw something have you been checking out their religious backgrounds I haven't been no Randy says after you talk to him yeah I will we're going to see him tomorrow thanks Darren what you do actually believe this stuff yeah well how's your money angle coming Brad you figure out who's making the big bucks on this yet well let's see where there's much refute there Keith come on we got tons of unanswered questions what do you have you get nothing I get nothing you got nothing and you know it's listen Vince I need your help here Keith and Darren are starting to get out of my skin that's weird normally it's the other way around we're getting ready to visit this Randy guy and they think they have a story here I mean I actually believe in this UFO stuff now I'm going to show them that this is just one big con it's in it for me what do you mean what's in it for you know Brad I'd love to help you but I'm totally swamped right now all right I'll treat you to dinner if we scoop them to that Italian place by the river sure I'm not paying for your date did you hear that that sounds like me getting swamped again okay okay you can bring a date yeah I don't know Brad I need you on this one all right try to dig something out for you good now first thing we need to find out who's making money on this and who it is that keeps this myth alive got it foreign [Music] I was sitting at home I guess I fell asleep in the chair then I saw the bright light again and started hearing some voices voices out loud I don't know I think they were placing them in my thoughts thoughts about what they told me they were our caretakers and they kept talking about this group of people here on Earth that's keeping Mankind from making the jump into the next level of evolution they kept saying this group of people needed to be removed and educated to their way of thinking did they specify which group they didn't say really is it possible that you hallucinated this or you were dreaming I don't think so is there anyone else that you've told about this last incident nobody just my wife I didn't even tell those government officials wait did they say they were from the government I just assumed they flashed a badge they came by yesterday to make sure that we're all keeping quiet do you think they're still around maybe I know they were planning on talking to everybody you know the high school kids Air Traffic Control guys Diane Turner wait who's Diane Turner okay so what you're saying is this report tries to explain away all UFO sightings in the past 30 years say weather balloons natural gas is experimentation by government can you just uh email that to me so now you pretty much know what we know and everyone we've talked to seems sincere the only reason I've agreed to speak with you is I'm familiar with your magazine and I know you wouldn't print anything without my consent yeah well that's our policy do you believe in UFOs Diane I didn't what you do now I don't know all I know is that I saw something all right then why don't you tell us what you saw [ __ ] I don't want you to think that I'm no not at all Diane personally I believe something's happening out there I don't know what it is but I'd love to find out and not just for our story but I have my own reasons well I saw more than I told those officials did these officials show you any identification no they just said they were from National Security and uh what'd you tell them that I saw a strange Cloud but that was it and they told you not to tell anybody yes and they were very serious about it but you saw something else I was driving home I take the back roads sometimes because it's beautiful out there and it was a clear night the stars were out I was driving and suddenly I saw this large Cloud hovering over a vehicle I thought you said it was a clear night it was except for this one large cloud and behind it though there was this huge thing a flying saucer I don't know what to call emerging from the cloud pulled over to the side and then I saw this bright light come down from the cloud towards the vehicle and then in a moment it was all gone Cloud the light and the night was clear again then what'd you do I sat in my car for a few minutes to see if anything else would happen nothing did the trucks still so I decided to drive down and see if anybody was there well how did these officials know you were involved I call least I use my cell phone to let them know about the truck did the police question you no not really what these other guys did yes a couple of days later Diane did you notice anything unusual about the truck everything was normal as far as I could see except for that smell the smell like sulfur sulfa sulfur well I have a feeling no one was at home with that tunnel lady figure my drift yeah she seemed pretty sane to me well I certainly don't believe in what she just said why not she has no reason to make it up and she's just trying to get her name in the paper too Keith a flying saucer Zapped a guy right out of his truck in the clear of night come on be real maybe it was demonic activity demonic activity you got that from Darren you might be right don't you get it everything is demonic to Darren hey it talks about it in the Bible yeah well I don't believe in the Bible comes right in between aliens and UFOs why don't you believe in the Bible you know I'm not debating religion with you the Bible's a word of God well if that's the case how come I never see you read it I mean you're supposed to be a Christian right look it's a book to make money off of just like everything else now let's go because I don't want to miss our flight [Music] this is pretty unbelievable I mean there's already tons of emails about this UFO stuff and the second article just hit all right well we're gonna run the big cover story next issue so Laura I want you to get some help reading those emails and try and find me some credible ones that I can print good luck finding someone credible and that's why we love you Brad always Optimist yeah you should be worrying about finding evidence to support your own Theory people let's keep covering those angles remember we have to be able to back up everything that we say you know the routine oh and bread yes how is that money Trail coming you know I'm going to need some answers from you by next issue if you plan to shoot this thing down I'm working on it [Music] dear Keith I am following your reports on UFOs meet me at the library in Old downtown tomorrow at 1 30 pm please come alone I can help foreign Keith did you come alone yes I did please walk with me I've been reading your UFO articles I wanted to contact you oh I'm glad you did Mr let's just say I'm a friend someone on your side you're going to keep writing those articles I hope oh yeah we're getting ready to do our big cover yeah this first day they were just teasers ah and what's been the response so far it's been pretty amazing actually mostly from people who say they've been abducted or they've seen UFOs and there's those that just think it's a big joke right I'm sorry what did you say your name was again my name's not important I'm just someone who wants you to arrive at the truth truth about UFOs and their spiritual connection you are a Christian aren't you yeah yeah I am what makes you say that oh some of the things that you've been writing well I've had a lot of help from a co-worker Darren he's a strong believer I see I've been following the Lord now for over 30 years just after I left the LF the LF LF it was a special ops group that I worked with it stood for life forms our purpose was to study UFO encounters any incident any sighting we looked into and very seriously so you used to work for the government yes for a branch of National Security fewer people in the government even knew about us I saw some very strange things while I was there I bet you did so you believe in aliens no I didn't say that what do you think it is then what I believe it is may not be as important as to why I believe it's happening okay you want to explain that why all this activity what's to gain from these so-called alien encounters oh there's a lot more at stake here than you realize hey just met this really interesting guy gave me some great background information he used to work for the government just give me the toy angle foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] got one for you some girl Kelly Fowler had a UFO experience last night evidently really freaked her out let me guess from Mississippi not this time Brad got this right off the police report local Darren Darren come on found a girl had a UFO experience last night she's local what happened I don't know she got scared called it into the police great I'm coming too no you're not coming Brad run this assignment together remember it's too many people we don't want intimidate her what do you mean I'll be nice and you didn't see anything no shapes no images no faces no just a bright light was when I got to my door and then it was like I was in a trance that they communicated with you not verbally they kept putting thoughts in my mind kept repeating that there was an event coming soon some kind of mass cleansing right to Cleansing they said it would be necessary if we were going to experience the next level of evolution and you don't think this could have been a dream I wouldn't have reported a Dream well sometimes our subconscious doesn't know the difference between reality and fantasy this was real I scratched my leg when I fell or maybe you just scratched it on the bed this wasn't a dream something happened to me what do you think Darren yeah Darren I'm curious to know what does the holy rule book say about this Kelly I know she got quite a few books here in the Paranormal do you believe in all this yes yes I do you believe in God too I don't know maybe you're not sure I mean you can't see God but you believe in the Paranormal I've seen some things I can't explain that's the way the devil operates what do you mean the devil oh of course the devil don't get him started Kelly no what do you mean the devil he wants us to believe in something strange to give us a sense of mystery people want Supernatural guidance right so the devil obliges in the form of fortune teller Spirit guides mediums things like that I know what I've seen people have seen all sorts of things Kelly Bigfoot ghosts UFOs but if you ever notice that there's never really anything at the end to grab onto I mean where does it all lead so what are you saying that all of this is of the devil could be I believe there is life on other planets and it's obvious they're far more Superior than us we better watch out so do you think we're in some kind of danger yes yes I do and if we don't start cooperating soon this world might not be here much longer they could probably blow this planet away just like that Kelly doesn't it seem odd to you that these super intelligent beings would travel great distances to some Backwater Planet just to put a scare in a few people and then tell them to share with Society a message about some impending Mass evacuation no it doesn't not to me they're trying to help us or deceive us so what you want me to believe the Bible instead I certainly don't believe any of those stories but the Paranormal stuff is fact and which Bible story in particular are you having trouble with all of it frankly especially that I need Jesus to save me if you understood the requirement to get into heaven you would know why you need to receive Jesus so you're telling me if I don't receive Jesus I'm going to hell can't change Bible says I'm pretty judgmental don't you think Darren I'm not being judgmental at all read it for yourselves it doesn't matter anyway I don't believe in heaven or hell and you should be entitled to your own opinion I mean I believe you live you die you go into the ground and I believe we live we die and we come back as someone or something else reincarnation yes anything else you'd like to say Darren I mean I'm sure you've got a great comeback for that no I think I've said all there is to say thank you for your time Kelly there is life on other planets you know and they will reveal themselves to us soon you just wait we need to go go where the clocks house Bible study remember we told them we'd be going this week we're gonna be late no no I can't I gotta finish this yes you've been working on this UFO stuff every night yeah well I can't help but it's bigger than I thought look just call the Clarks tell them we're going to do it another time okay we need the study I'm sorry Colleen I'm in the middle of this I have a deadline coming up I'm sorry not tonight fine I'll call the clocks foreign [Music] let's go over what we've got Brad well Vince and I have dug us some pretty good stuff personally I think we have an ironclad case I think we can show the American people who's making money off this and who it is that wants to keep this myth alive okay good Lauren how about those emails we followed some of them up lots of them are just too weird to print but I think I found a couple that will work still working on that list though I'd like to print at least four if we can I'll do my best good Keith I met with a fascinating man now he wouldn't give me his name but he was very helpful he used to work for special ops investigating UFOs abductions the whole bit did he work with the government right for a branch of National Security their whole objective was to investigate alien encounters now he gave me some great background information but unfortunately he is off the Record he did say that this whole UFO thing was a spiritual battle oh spiritual battle Darren I'd like to talk to this Randy guy in Texas but he won't speak to me on the phone it'd be good to talk to those two guys in Louisiana as well I have a theory and I'd like to see if what they say supports it now I know this may not be in the budget but it'd be good to take a trip down there okay I'll see what I can do let's keep on at people and make it a great issue oh by the way you guys Darren thinks we're all going to hell when we die Brad what is your deal well isn't that what we were talking about yesterday with that Kelly girl that if you do not receive Jesus in your life you're going to hell you're unbelievable sometimes would somebody drop you on your head when you're a baby did you not say that in our conversation with her I don't think I presented it with quite your emphasis all right then well why don't we take a quick poll because I would love to know who's going to heaven and who's going to hell when they die Lauren what about you have you received Jesus what come on I want to know where you're going when you die have you ever done that done what have you received Jesus or whatever these guys say you're supposed to do no I can't say that I have okay then according to the guru you're going to hell Vince what about you hey I'm cool I went to Sunday school okay what's that got to do with it and look it's kind of a personal matter don't you think and very serious I might add I mean we're talking about our Eternal Souls here right so I want to know have you received the Lord uh uh Brad yes oh no it's a very simple question okay I guess my answer is no but I do respect those who have ah that is a nice sentiment but you're still going to hell so that makes two for that place of Darkness well three counting me because I surely have never well you know we all know Darren has right buddy or you're just a big hypocrite like most of the religious people I know I've received Christ well that is a relief well at least we know Heaven won't be empty what about you Keith you know Brad I'm beginning to like you less and less why I'm asking an honest question here and according to the guru the Bible says you have to receive Jesus in your life so either you've done it or you haven't so which is it Heaven or Hell come on Keith Heaven or Hell answered the question heaven or hell I don't know but I thought you were supposed to be a Christian what's the matter not too sure the faith anymore I don't know [Music] I don't know seems to be a vote for the hell side congratulations Darren looks like you're going this trip alone what happened in there I don't know I don't know I don't understand I'm confused I just don't know where I stand anymore what are you confused about the Bible the world UFO is what Brad says yeah yeah all of that all of it look Keith it's simple the Bible says either you're for Christ or you're against him and if you are not for him then you are against him there is no middle ground like foreign I just haven't taken Christ as serious as you have say it's time you got serious Keith Keith Keith Keith Keith what where have you been I've been worried about you are you okay yeah I'm fine what's wrong nothing look I just need some time alone okay what do you mean I just need some time alone [Music] you have to receive Jesus in your life so either you've done it or you haven't so which is it Heaven or Hell the Bible says either you're for Christ or you're against him there is no middle ground [Music] come on Keith Heaven or Hell answered the question Heaven or Hell [Music] Colleen I really don't want to talk right now I know you're upset could you just listen for a second kiss please you know ever since I was a little kid and I walked down the aisle I said that prayer I thought I was a Christian and as I got older there were times that you know I was pretty Inuit read the Bible pray and go to church lately I haven't done much of any of that have I not for quite some time I mean I see the importance I just I haven't had the passion for it the way you do I'm not sure that I Really Ever Had A grasp of what it truly meant to be a Christian well tonight I am I decided to change all that I had a heart to heart with God and I told him from now on I want Jesus to run my life I'm sorry it's taking me so long Colleen it's time to get serious really [Music] foreign Keith Regina made that reservation for you and Darren to go back to Texas you leave today at one yeah yeah I know she already told me thanks okay accident s uh Brad yeah what listen I am I just wanted to say you know I'm sorry for my attitude you know I've been kind of hard on you what are you up to nothing I'm just saying I'm sorry and uh I'm gonna try to think better of you well it makes you feel better and by the way the answer to your question heaven oh absolutely no Roy the guy in Louisiana won't talk to us there's no sense in us going down there he's still a basket case flying home in the morning yep we're walking up to his house right now call you in the morning we get back to the airport okay bye this Randy's Truck Yeah wait wait you're telling me you put on about 20 of these UFO conventions a year around the country and thousands of people show up to trade stories and you don't even believe in any of this stuff well sir if you don't mind me clarifying something why are you so invested in all of this because somebody needs to supply the demand well I'm sure this must be quite lucrative for you I thought so this is the fourth time now I'm afraid to go to sleep I don't know what to do Randy if you don't mind me asking you do you go to church I don't go to church have you ever gone when I was little we went to a Protestant Church a few times how about your wife did she go to church my wife no say that with some sarcasm I love my wife but she's had her fill of religion her father was a preacher and he turned her off for good what did he turn her off to what do you mean everybody follows somebody or something I don't know she does her thing and I do mine look I want this all just to go away or any we are trying to help you here excuse me would you gentlemen care for something to drink good evening oh this is my wife Karen oh thank you Karen I'm fine no none for me I hope you can help Randy I have tried the best I can have you ever had any experiences with UFOs I mean no but I believe my husband he wouldn't lie I'm not lying my husband is a good person and he's been a good husband I hope you can help him I'm going upstairs Randy so I won't bother you gentlemen it's nice to meet you nice meeting you merry part merry part to you too what was that it's a type of hello and goodbye for wiccans wiccans witchcraft how long's your wife been into this what you haven't noticed those books over there on witchcraft like like I said she does her own thing Randy almost everybody that I've encountered who says they've been abducted has had an obsession with the occult or Paranormal Activity Paranormal Activity The Occult or someone close to them has I don't even know what you're talking about the devil will choose the mind that is most accessible to him now how long have the two of you been involved in witchcraft I don't know she does it not me but you dabble with it some not like her and how long have you been involved in Reading those magazines in the back of your truck hey come on now that's none of your business I don't believe in aliens Randy but I do believe in demons and they are no joke these are powerful beings that roam the Earth just looking for people whose Minds have been opened to them through the occult and the Paranormal Minds that they can play with and use to propagate their message just want this all to end do you really want it to end Randy do you want things to be different yes I do then you need to look to the Lord you need to understand why he came what he did for you and what he expects from you Jesus is very real and he wants to be your lord and savior no I can't do that we're all Sinners every one of us none of us is good enough on our own to get into heaven only Jesus lived the perfect life only he can grant us entrance but we must come to him on his terms cry out to him Randy give him your life I can't what about my wife you can't let others even those you love stop you from following the Lord I don't know Randy maybe this is the reason we met the way we have you need the Lord we all do you can give your life to him right now Darren did I did you can [Music] [Music] your heavenly father we just left you ready before you now Lord you know it's hard [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] guess what got some information we've got to use like what well I just spoke to one of those guys that helped put on the UFO conventions around the country now I've already got someone like that in here no wait wait this is different I spoke to one of their employees just pretended to be someone looking for a job well the guy let it slip that they could be hiring because they might just wait listen to this they might need help to Stage their sightings stage them quote no one's going to show up at these conventions if they don't have an experience to share right end quote so you're telling me this staging sightings to create a demand you should have heard this guy when he realized what he said he was like does he tried to cover his tracks I just blew it off asked him for a dress where I could apply for a job he's none the wiser Vince this is beautiful well thank you very much okay let's stop working on that quote word for word I'm going to put it in the same section where we talked to the other guy hey what are you guys doing instantly what are you doing we're working on the article yeah yeah we just had dinner with an alien gave us a full confession you wish you did after what we've been digging up really what do you got I tell you what why don't you read it when it hits the Newsstand oh come on we go to press in two days we don't have time for a rebuttal ah sorry I can't do that it's explosive though explosive huh yeah let's just say we're going to put this UFO mystery to rest once and for all oh yeah once and for all it's explosive boom tried telling you guys this was just one big joke it's no joke my friend excuse me I'm sorry for interrupting I know you're planning your big issue for this week good evening sir this is quite a surprise now how'd you get in here the front doors are locked ugly janitor was so kind wait wait this is the mystery guy that credible Source who wouldn't even give you his name this is Brad He's on the other side the other side I guess you could say I have more of a realistic outlook on things yeah he doesn't believe in much of anything I'm sorry to hear that well maybe I'm just not as gullible as the next guy oh this is Vince he's just like me hey come on now not quite that obnoxious nice to meet you Get Low and Darren our spiritual Guru yeah Darren my pleasure there was a reason I didn't give Keith my name that's not important anyway I felt that I had to come and see you again can we talk for a moment sure let's go to my office Keith told us you thought this whole UFO thing was some big spiritual battle knock it off Brad well I'd be interested in listening to your conversation if you don't mind forget it you wouldn't let us read your stuff we can go to my offices right this way I don't mind talking to Keith in front of all of you great then so let's talk about it because we're about to expose this UFO nonsense for what it is on the contrary I don't think you realize just how important this UFO subject really is look so I mean you know disrespect but you and I both know that there are people making serious money off this hoax they don't want it to die so it doesn't oh great sure there is a certain monetary angle here when I was involved with my group we had to keep the possibility of alien life at a certain level of awareness that awareness became too great we were afraid we might lose our jobs to a higher profile agency and the attention got too low you know then we might lose our funding we'd no longer be needed right so what you're saying is you manufactured some of these incidents and we needed to yes but most of the incidences were real unexplained phenomena at least until I became a Christian I came here to urge Keith and Darren to continue their stand for the truth that truth they could set many people free pray wait a minute what do you mean by free people are enslaved by this demonic deception so now that you've got religion you say The Unexplained has to be demonic yes yes I do so what about these Infamous Men In Black guys that show up try to intimidate people they were originally part of our group we sent them out to make sure that we could control all of the data and information so who are they now I suppose they're still working for some agency there's many in the National Security Branch that have a real fear of aliens and future invasions Millions have been spent and because of them the UFO controversy will never die still all about money people any way you slice it he just said so himself he's not saying it's about money Brad where you just listen for once the powers of Darkness have a greater agenda demons have perverted everything that God has ever created and they're going to keep right on coming with explanations and alternatives for everything God has planned that's right the vastness of the universe is here to show us God's awesome power it's the devil that wants us to think there's other forms of life out there but you still haven't told us why you think this UFO thing is so important I think the world is going to end soon and we're living in the last days as Christians we believe that the Rapture is the next big event on God's calendar the devil knows this he's going to do everything he can to explain the event away now that's where the UFO phenomena really comes into play wait you're losing me what do you mean by Rapture the Rapture it's when Christ takes all the Christians from the face of the Earth just prior to the Great Tribulation period all those who have truly trusted in the Lord will vanish they'll be raptured to meet him in the clouds then we have seven years of tribulation before the second coming of Christ back to the Earth and you expect me to believe this the devil's going to do everything he can to make sure you don't don't you see that's the greater agenda here to keep people from knowing the truth and receiving the Lord this whole Mass UFO Abduction thing is just one way to explain away the Rapture do you honestly think people are going to buy there's been some Mass UFO Abduction I know I won't are you familiar with a radio wave event a broadcast called The War of the Worlds sure horse and Wales October 30th 1938 thousands of people actually believe they were really being attacked by martians and my family was one of them we lived on a country farm I was seven years old my parents and neighbors were scared to death I remember peeking through the door and seeing them prepare for what they thought was going to be a real Attack people said they saw a huge metal cylinders landing on the earth residents warned police of martians traveling on three-legged war machines of course none of this really happened it's amazing what the mind can do when sheer Panic sets in yeah people were greatly deceived and October 30 1938 it was just a Prelude to what's going to happen yes when the Antichrist appears in the scene with his false signs and wonders he'll deceive the whole world and he'll have just one agenda to keep as many people as possible from believing in Jesus that's right that's the message to get out well that's all I have for you I think of your time and I wish you well in your pursuit of the truth sir can I ask you one final question well according to Darren we have to receive Jesus in our lives otherwise we are destined for hell it's always wondering have you received Jesus yes I'm happy to say I have and you no I haven't I believe we live we die we go into the ground I see well if you're right then none of us have anything to worry about I guess that's just me I call it worry-free religion but if you're wrong and what the Bible says is so you have much to worry about you have a good evening [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] hey Roy we need to hire some Temporaries to help read all these emails I mean they are coming in by the hundreds yep many new stands sold out yesterday by noon it was a great call Roy what can I say nice job people hey Roy do I get a raise because of this I mean because most of those emails are saying they think this is just one big hoax you know like I've been saying all along nope but you do get to keep your job for another issue yeah this magazine would be nothing without me certainly wouldn't be as colorful that's for sure in fact boys it's pretty much been a landslide I'd say ten to one my side sorry to say that doesn't look like too many readers are buying your religious angle on this that's all right God isn't in the numbers he's just looking for those faithful few faithful few huh yeah you're welcome to join us thanks for the invitation but I'm happy just the way I am all right well you still have some time I told you this thing was a hoax maybe you should have listened to me oh it's a hoax all right it's our readers who've been deceived our readers have been deceived or you have been down I mean come on you and your narrow point of view living by the good book keep mocking Brad that's right just go right ahead make fun of it all Jesus the Bible the whole thing but you know what deep down I think this bugs you I think you know we might be right and you're scared I promise you I'm not scared I think you went to what happens to us after we die just like the next guy you've got no hope you've got no real Direction and you've got no purpose in life just like the next guy and you're too proud to admit it just like the next guy you don't know me Darren and you don't know what's going to happen any more than I do but I do know this I know that you are going to die and there is nothing you can do to stop that train and the moment you do I mean the moment you do you're gonna wish that you had paid more attention to this Jesus stuff and be too late for you then but you wish you had one against two and I still beat you hey come on what about me I helped you right what do you mean once that article was mine yeah whatever look you owe me dinner dinner yeah for me in a date come on I was just kidding what do you mean you were just kidding Vince it was mostly my research so no dinner huh no okay let's see how this game is played hey Lauren you might want to watch out you don't know who you can trust these days how quickly some people turn on you oh that night I'm thirsty whose town is it I went last time oh no no no no no no I went last time along with the time before that no I went the time before that you are such a con man that's right it's your turn I hate this I'll have an apple juice and a cherry turnover no icing please hey drinks only remember I'll pay you for the turnover you Cheapskate give me a fruit punch you're gonna pay me for that turnover Bradley my friend hey Manny I tell you what let's make it a fruit punch grape and apple juice oh Two Cherry 10 of us okay coming right up thanks hey I uh saw that magazine already you guys gonna sell a lot of those yeah they should make a couple of bucks a lot of people are going to be talking about those UFOs yeah well we do our best to give them something to talk about hey I hope those martians don't get mad at you and take you away huh you've been watching too many movies Manny you don't believe in aliens Bradley no Manny I don't well at least we know God is out there huh well if you say so you don't believe in God tell you what why don't you keep the change I know you're trying to get through but you need to understand we have a situation here first of all all the lines are down I know you want to get through but there's nothing I can do the lines are okay now I'll go tell them myself Kimmy what's going on this is bad what's wrong trouble you need I just talked to him five minutes ago he's got to be with him you're not making any sense I mean we'll slow down beanie disappeared I can't understand what you're saying you can't get hold of anybody what's going on here I don't know just gotta report that some airliners went down what and the police are getting a ton of missing person calls missing persons they say people are just disappearing right in front of them but that's not possible look something's going on Brad look slow down what do you mean she just disappeared in front of your eyes when did this happen we started getting calls in here and reports a few minutes ago you know some radio stations are saying it's that Christian Rapture thing we've been hearing about Rapture thing sis there's no way she could get out of that place where else could she be just just calm down and go try to find her Lauren what's wrong sister she says her two-year-old vanished before her eyes sis keep looking she's got to be nearby [Music] probably is she drunk my sister doesn't drink you idiot let's stay calm people yes we have accidents all over and the police keep getting all these missing person reports Roy what's going on we could have a National Emergency here Vince says some radio stations are saying it's at Rapture thing well then call the churches check it out let's find out what is going on here people Jimmy we got to secure the building Keith and Darren Ultra Keith's office [Music] Lauren Keith's gone what do you mean gone I just saw him go in there just what I said he's gone I can't find error he's gone too okay that's impossible we just saw them there's someone find Keith and Darren I think it's a Rapture thing what that Christian rap should think I'm telling you what Rapture thing the Rapture the thing in the Bible okay that's crazy I'm telling you I got a feeling it happened all right let's call some Churches and see what they're saying Vince where's your phone book has anyone talked to City Hall yet Vince will someone please call news Services Vince I need your phone book I don't have one Lauren where's your phone what do you mean you still can't find her Laura can I have your phone book well look under the bed or in the basement she's got to be there somewhere will somebody throw me their phone book this is in the drawer there okay you're really starting to scare me here are you sure you've checked absolutely everywhere okay Vince what's a good chance to call what come on what's a good church I don't know that this Methodist but which one should I call I don't know they're all the same would you pick one look has anybody found Keith or Darren yet Brad where's my drink what drink my apple juice what are you crazy no I want it now where is it you nuts we've got an emergency here and where's my fruit punch what my fruit punch forget the drinks great nobody's answering but let me let me figure something out how come you never offered to give me something to drink I like apple juice I like grapefruit juice I even like fruit punch Keith you know Darren likes fruit punch too right Darren yeah I like fruit punch what I didn't know you like fruit punch Darren you like fruit punch too Keith yeah I do like fruit punch all right what is this all right what's going on here okay will someone tell me what's going on here I don't know Brad why don't you tell us what about the missing persons the planes going down well what about your sister's two-year-old oh she's fine I just saw her last night well I guess that Christian Rapture thing didn't happen after all nice job people [Applause] I can't believe you guys did this all right people let's leave Brad alone to his heart rate and go back down back to work so this was a con oh come on Khan sounds so criminal I wouldn't call it a con would you Keith come on no no that's not the right word for this are you kidding me you almost gave me a heart attack for a joke no not me no it was Vince's idea Vince Vince came up with this well I guess he didn't think it was as funny as we did and I thought you were supposed to be on my side and I thought you were going to give me a dinner remember I was going to take you yeah it seemed like that a little while ago wow can't trust anyone these days how quickly some people turn on you you know Keith I'm really surprised by you well you know I'm not one for jokes but I do think this illustrates a truth that's yet to come so at least you still have time to think about it yeah okay I'll make a note of that still can't believe you guys did this hey it was all in love Lauren never did get to see those pictures of your niece okay she's the cutest thing ever they're in the break room you want to see him I'd love to want to come along right gladly you know I'm going to get you guys back to this you still owe me that apple juice apple juice right like that's gonna happen oh well actually still owe me dinner we can forget about that how what kind of nut house that's where I work hey come on Brad lighten up it's all just a big joke I mean you got nothing to worry about right because there's no such thing as an afterlife we live we die we go into the ground isn't that what you said so the Bible Jesus the rapture there's no way any of that could be true or could it foreign [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign
Channel: Christian Movies
Views: 978,182
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Unidentified Full Movie, Jonathan Aube, Josh Adamson, Michael Blain-Rozgay, Rich Christiano, Christian Movies, Unidentified Movie, Entertainment, TV, Movies, Films, Movies Online, Online Movies
Id: bm5ugTJ_9y4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 25sec (5125 seconds)
Published: Fri May 01 2020
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