Unicorn Overlord | BRAND NEW Classes Revealed | Werewolves, Elves and Angels

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sometimes a trove of new information about a game you want to cover is dropped literally right in the middle of you packing to go to a convention and you have to drop everything so you can well go make this video right now my name is Tom otherwise known as titanium legman and welcome back to the channel unicorn Overlord hello everyone as I said at the top of the video my name is Tom otherwise known as titanium legman and if you enjoy what I do a like and a subscription would be very much appreciated thank you so yeah turns out that vanillaware and Atlas decided that today was the day to drop a ton of information all pretty much mechanical in nature about unicorn Overlord literally as I'm in the middle of packing to go to magfest with Jane so we got a first look at a lot of new classes that we had really no information about before we saw a bunch of new characters who we won't be talking about in this video we're going to cover them in a video talking about all the characters that have been revealed thus far but they do look really cool you'll see some screenshots of them throughout the video we saw some new mechanics some things about leader effects stat buff items bonus XP items movement types equipment skills promotion there's just a ton of stuff to go over here and I wanted to make sure that I got to it for you all before I'm gone for the weekend note as well that all this information is coming from the article recently published by RPG site I don't know where they Source their information from if they get it directly from Atlas vanillaware whatever but if you want to see their coverage and you should absolutely go check it out I've got it linked in the description down below go show them some love give them some clicks and maybe there'll be some information in their article that I didn't glean that you will if there is let me know in the comments I'd love to learn more thank you to RPG site for posting this stuff so that we all get to see it and learn more about unicorn Overlord prior to release we're going to get right into it by talking about some of the classes that we have seen thus far first off we've seen the house Carl these are offensive infantry ax wielders they're Frontline soldiers and they use their smash ability to reduce physical defense and get follow-up attacks at the end of a battle these guys are going to be your front line they're going to stand there they're going to take hits they're going to beat up your opponents and the fact that they can reduce physical defense so your other units can deal more damage and then also at the end of a combat round get a free attack in that presumably will take advantage of that physical defense reduction is a nice little bit of synergy for what would otherwise be a very basic foot soldier so I'm excited to see that even with the little guys there's already interesting stuff going on here next up we have the Gladiator which is just the house Carl but on steroids these guys are huge and because of their size they actually have a lot of AOE attacks with their axes using skills like wide Smash and apparently they can heal themselves so that's nice I'm wondering if you can just put a squad of Gladiators together and just have them essentially spin to win their way through an enemy Squad and just heal themselves up afterwards like no need of a clar that would be pretty busted but also pretty awesome so we'll have to see exactly what they're capable of next we have the arbalist ranged support units that can used both like normal attacks but then also status inflicting attacks such as poison which is exciting uh they may also have the ability to Target multiple enemies simultaneously not quite sure on that one but it's nice to know that there's a couple different types of archers in this including representation for crossbows which is vastly underutilized in turn-based strategy RPGs like this and I'm excited to see what other types of status effects they might have available to them I love status arrows in games and having a good variety of them here would be nice then we have the classic traditional cleric there's really not a lot to say about these they restore HP and I would assume that they have some other protective or buff m magic but not a lot to go over here so we're going to move right along next we have wyver Knights these are very traditional to Fire Emblem they deal big damage in particular to infantry and Cavalry units presumably this is big single Target damage due to a unit we'll talk about later and also traditionally they're very vulnerable to ranged attacks and Magic not a surprise wyver Knights are always awesome but they have to have big weaknesses to mitigate the fact that they can fly deal big damage have good physical defense so very traditional and I'm happy to see them included here then we have Shaman these are ranged magical support one of the first magic classes other than clerics that we've seen thus far uh they specialize in debuffs and curses and we've actually seen Sprites of these units in previous trailers like yosef's exploration guide so it's nice to see more about them here and actually know that it's like a specific generic unit type not just like a enemy type or maybe a named character like these are just normal units that you're going to be able to use which is very cool then Elvin fencers our first mixed magical and melee unit they're magical Swordsmen that use their spells to amplify their attacks and cast defensive Magic on their allies and it's nice to see some information now about some of the non-human classes cuz we've known that they exist right we've seen elves we've seen Beast folk we've seen Angels but up to this point we really hadn't gotten a lot of information about what they would look like in combat so elves having a mix of melee and Magic defending their allies makes perfect sense I would expect nothing less very excited to see how they play speaking of beastmen werewolves of proper class this is awesome like finally like I said we get to see some of these beastmen classes some of these non-human races and it seems like the werewolves are going to be really cool they're executioners that deal bonus damage to weaken foes uh because they're werewolves and you know they love the night time the moon and everything they actually become stronger at night and as an aside that also reveals that there's going to be day and night cycles in the game that we're probably going to have to consider when we're making decisions on strategy which I that's so so cool then we have more non-human classes with the feather bow and the feather sword both Angelic classes the feather bow is obviously a flying Archer High rate of evasion they debuff the enemy support their allies sounds kind of like the arbalest but flying and like traditional pegasi units of fire in them they are also weak to arrows and the same can be said for the feather sword they're both dodgy and have good magic defense again just like pegasi weak to arrows very evocative of that classic class just they don't have a mount which is important I think mount units seem to be very specific in unicorn Overlord speaking of which Griffin Knights whereas the previously mentioned Wy Knights are really good at single Target damage Griffin Knights seem that they're going to be geared to more area of effect attacks and they might be better suited to magical defense compared to the wyn's physical defense uh they're also presumably vulnerable to archers like all flying units that seem to be in unicorn overlords so we're going to have to watch out for that and speaking of dealing with those flying units we have another ranged bow user Hunters these are highly accurate ranged units with a personal skill that grants them 100% chance to hit I don't know if that's a guaranteed activation if it's something that's activatable on the players's end but it is something that they have and when you couple that with the fact that they deal critical damage double damage to Flying units and as we just saw there are a ton of very dangerous flying units in the game I can see units like Hunters absolutely having a place in your army from moment one all the way through to the end of the game this is doubly so with the implication that we've seen that it's an actual feature of flying units that groundbased opponents have haved accuracy against them which is insane it makes them even more dangerous than they already are so seriously having a unit that can shoot them down going to be vital no question about that pack your bows kiddos then this isn't really a revealed class but it's an implied class necromancers maybe possibly please vanilla do you boy solid come on now and I know I said that we're going to be discussing the newly revealed characters in a video alongside the other characters soon but I wanted to bring up this newly revealed character baltro for one reason he's an Necromancer look at him he's casting animated dead necromancy is confirmed to be in unicorn Overlord I'm a happy man I just I really really hope that we wind up being able to recruit necromancers ourselves in this screenshot we can see that balro is using the skill animated dead to potentially raise his Fallen allies we can see that the units in his Squad are all down so maybe he can like resurrect them to fight again turn turn them into skeletons or zombies maybe or maybe this is just an attack where he summons skeletons to attack you I don't know but I mean necromancy is in I God I hope we get a reveal soon that there's actual recruitable necromancers it would be so tight we've got witches and werewolves and stuff give me just give me my skeletons man just give them to me all right moving on those are all the classes that we've seen thus far in this reveal but there's a ton of other information to go over including movement types now we've seen before that there are three different types of movement in unicorn Overlord infantry Cavalry flying very standard stuff uh but now we have a better idea of what exactly that means for gam playay infantry logically is the slowest and therefore most vulnerable but isn't hindered by terrain like forests and they have the bonus of getting extra movement on roads so as long as you're strategically thinking about how you're moving your units around you can still get them where they need to be fairly quickly whereas Cavalry naturally much faster movement than uh infantry but they get slowed by forests mountains ter like that but but they also get the move bonus on roads so they're still going to outpace infantry and pretty much everything other than rough terrains so they are naturally just going to be better in most situations as one might expect and then of course flying units bypass all terrain issues no questions there makes them very powerful uh we know as well that flying units get that bonus evade against groundbased units but we don't really know what other effects movement types have on combat if any it's also implied that a leader movement type is actually what dictates the movement of the entire Squad something that's supported by this screenshot here where we can see a group of infantry being moved over a river by a leader Griffin Knight and if that's true and that's I'm reading this right I mean I can already see people coming up with some insanely busted strategies using flying leaders to paratroop powerful infantry and Cavalry into the enemy backline it's going to be a fun time if this is how it works and I do think that it's going to be next we have a small section about leader effects uh this is something that we've talked about before as well but it gives us a little bit more insight into what some of these leader effects are and how they work uh we can see here that whatever unit you set as the leader of a squad will apply their bonus to the whole Squad with the example here being a house Carl giving his Squad the ability barrier breaker this apparently allows the squad to quickly destroy obstacles on the battlefield allowing for better maneuvering opening access to important enemy squads and infrastructure all that type of stuff having maneuverability and clear paths through a battlefield is is very well-known basic military necessity strategy so makes sense seeing as how even these basic barricades that we see here can knock units back and knowing that the ability to move quickly is vital in a real-time battle scenario removing such obstacles will presumably be very important we've also seen another leader effect for armored units in this article with the resist range assist skill which reduces the damage that the squad takes from range assists perhaps unsurprisingly but you know it it's basic armor knight stuff what do you want next this isn't something that has been officially revealed as a mechanic but equipment skills seem to be a thing chide viewers might notice in this screenshot that house Carl Alin has a crushing axe equipped if we then look at his skill list we can see that he has the smash and parting blow skills that we now know are part of the house Carl's kit but there's also a skill Crush that appears to be granted to Albin by the crushing axe Argo we can assume that weapons and accessories that we find throughout the game are going to come with skills that our units and allies will then gain when using them and seeing as how there is room for eight of these as they call them tactics on albin's character page I'm thinking that we might have the ability to either inherit skills from equipment or from classes or what have you or that the gear that we find in the late game is going to come loaded with multiple skills or again tactics as they're referring to them either way I mean I think there's a pretty strong implication for some build crafting in our future ladies and gents I think it's going to be a a good time not just in terms of how we're building our squads but how individual units in those squads are going to be built out which could get really complex really quick and I'm very very excited about that then we finally see some more about promotion and while we knew that promotion was a thing in unicorn Overlord we now finally know way more about it we can see based on this screen here that Elaine is being promoted from his basic Lord class to his mounted High Lord class something we've seen before uh this utilizes honors one of the resources that we've discussed previously which the player earns from pretty much any progress they make through the campaign quests skirmishes building towns whatever uh and it's notable that this is a shared resource for your entire Army which is nice because in something like Say Fire Emblem you actually have to buy specific items in some of the older games like literally a specific item that can only be used by archers or just the specific class promotion item like a master seal to use on a unit here you don't have to worry about spending your gold on that type of stuff unless you're like able to transfer gold to cities to get honor in which case cool whatever but it's something you'll earn on your own and it'll be applicable to all of your units you don't have to have the specific item that a specific unit needs and when you've got an entire Army like this with full squads full of soldiers having the ability to promote them be a little bit more flexible and Universal is going to reduce TDM a lot I think we can also see here how Lane's Sprite will change which of his stats will be increasing what his actual growth rates are how his movement type will change as well letter rankings next to each of his stats and I'm not quite sure what this is representative of it could be showing like the quality of his growths in those stats or I mean if they really wanted to be meta about it they could show like what this version of Elaine's stats are compared to the average of what his stats could or should be with those growth rates you know for those of you who utilize sarus Forest a lot and compare your random growth units to the statistical average for that unit and know how screwed or blessed they are in stats it' be cool but I'd be surprised if they had that in the game so we'll have to see but I'm sure it's going to be a useful tool regardless uh notably as well it doesn't appear that there's a set level that one needs to reach to promote with a lane promoting here at eight so unless eight which would be a kind of random number is the level to reach you should just be able to promote a unit maybe with other specific requirements but it should be a little bit more flexible which is nice finally a couple of little other pieces of information here grinding is in the game using auxiliary stages for my grinding and power fantasy friends out there this one's for you I know I've had a few people asking if this is possible and now we know that scattered throughout the map you're going to find portals to special stages where you can battle apparently the ghosts of Fallen Soldiers I don't know if this is going to be replaying old story missions or if they're just dedicated maps for these battles not sure how that's going to work uh but it'll allow you to earn XP and money however often you want like it's noted very clearly here that you can engage in these battles as often and as many times in a row as you'd like so presumably if you just want to steamroll the game you can just go for it so I mean have at it that's the way you want to play not for me but go for it dude and finally bonus experience and Stat buff items and it's funny because I like just recently spoke about how the tavern and the Rapport systems in unicorn Overlord kind of serve as a replacement for fire em style stat buff items you know since Rapport increases the stats of the units in your squad now we know that on top of that unicorn Overlord also just has traditional stat boosters here they're called du's and we can see that they buff a given stat such as the Vitality do that increases HP by two notably It also says that you can use it up to five times on a unit but since there's a very clear one of these dues in the inventory here I would assume that this means a unit can only receive this buff five times in its life meaning You' need to collect five different Vitality dues to Grant the buff five different times it's possible cuz there's another D below it in the screenshot that this one has just been used four times there's only one use left we'll have to see cuz the other D has two of them regardless it seems like there's going to be some sort of a cap on how much of these you can utilize at any given time on any given unit which encourages you to spread the love which again with an army as large as this is presumably going to be you're going to want to do you're going to want to make sure that you have a wide variety of capable units instead of just one clear nuke because they can't be everywhere on the battlefield at once we also see these treaties that are books which give bonus XP to the unit that you use it on much like charms from Tactics Ogre reborn but interestingly the novice treaty we see here actually grants three times the amount it normally would to a unit if the unit that you use it on is level 10 or below which is a very nice little catchup mechanic we don't know yet at what level you're going to be able to recruit units or maybe at what level units are going to join you if you find them on the map or if there's like specific named characters who are going to join might be underleveled whatever so having these novice treaties or just treaties in general you'll be able to utilize to bring them up to speed will be nice it means you don't just have to go and grind in auxiliary stages you can just bring someone up to speed and go which I think is good there's nothing more frustrating than getting a cool new class or a cool new named unit and having them come in underleveled for one reason or another and just being like well either break all of my forward momentum in the game to get them leveled up because they're cool and I want to use them or I just use them which would be a waste this is a way to get around that which is awesome and other than the new characters that have been revealed which again we'll be covering in their own video that's all there is for this one uh I say that as if it isn't a lot of information it absolutely is and there's a lot of cool screenshots here to dig through for information that maybe I missed so by all means do so I'm extremely happy to see that vanillaware is coming in hot and heavy with all of the new info about unicorn Overlord recently as we come up to that March 8th release date and you know that I'm going to be covering all of it as we get there even when it really puts me in a time crunch I hope you enjoyed if you did again please like the video leave a comment help me out it' be very much appreciated and maybe I'll run into a couple of yet magfest by the time you see this I'll be on my way there so if you see me say hello with that said though my name has been Tom otherwise known as titanium legman I hope you all have a good night stay safe and healthy out there and remember be good to each other bye now
Channel: TitaniumLegman
Views: 61,694
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Unicorn Overlord, Ogre Battle, Atlus, Vanillaware, Gaming, News, Strategy RPG
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 25sec (1105 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 18 2024
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