MID-LATE GAME TIER LIST. True Zenoiran Mode.

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let's talk about middle and end game promoted classes now I did miss a few things so I'm going to quickly place them from the previous video uh house Carl I think is a high a it's row attack is actually pretty good augur early is completely insane uh Crusader early is about as good as the Lord and Dark Knights I'll put it either High b or low a it's still a horse so it still has horse Mobility but it's just much worse than Knight so dark knight I don't think is there all right so let's reset this bad boy okay and we'll just tier this generally so op great good I don't know that anything's really bad I think things are just like Niche I think C for Niche makes the most sense um and then we can get rid of D tier I don't think anything's really so bad it belongs in D tier in this game all right so we are going to be tiering for middle and late game of these things you get post game I'll still tier those based on what I know of them uh some classes I have more experience with than others but I did look at every single uh things kits tested out for at least a few battles on maps and different team comps to get a feel for it so I just like tried out the furry characters earlier and they have some good things about them I think they're outclassed by other options but let's jump into it all right so sword master sword master I feel like is Niche it's actually let's let's change it to like this uh always great and then this is generalist so Sor right so B tier you can use it generally a is like always really good and then uh s tier is like Optimal basically or like op so C tier is Niche like these have Niche use cas cases of poking out enemy EV asion tanks and their damage output is not as good they don't have like row and column attacks or board nuke or anything huge like that but they do have some Niche use cases of being like Frontline EV Asian tanks a lot of things can do that though so it's not really unique anymore early game it definitely is when they are uh sword fighters but later on it stops becoming unique thing uh lnet sure I'm saying that wrong uh probably a tier early on Cell sword has pretty good damage and lnet kind of just maintains good damage it has combo ability it has the like the loop attack that allows it to kill and then keep killing and you can set its condition so it goes for low HP uh below like 25% below 50% Target so it can easily reset its own action points and just keep Loop killing uh just has good damage outputs it has decent bulk it can summon mercenaries which can be situationally useful to buy time but it's just a good offense class that I think scales well Berserker actually I'm sorry legionaire so legionaire is the advanced form of hoplight I think it also is Niche it's really only good for defense and holding positions and there are better things that can do this it's damage is really bad it's probably one of the lowest damage classes in the game now it's a tank and it's not necessarily meant to deal damage but it also isn't as tanky as other things could be or as other things can be but you can use these typically when holding points against physical if you have magic matchup or enemy Warriors or Breakers they will get one shot typically uh legionaire plus sainted Knight can tank magic but you still have to watch out for Breakers so depending on the enemy team comp it's not as tanky as it could be uh Berserker is basically the advanced form of gladiator I guess you could use these as a generalist some people love these things I find their initiative to be too low they do have a board attack but it is ground based so Flyers do not get affected by it it can be decent um outside of that their Valor skill is just fine it's nothing too crazy uh breaker I would say breaker is like low a so as a fills out we'll try to make it sure it's like low a tier it's pretty good overall it has the ability to punish guarding to one shot armors it has decent damage output it has repeat attack it's it's not as much damage as lnet but it's decent has good output You could argue it's high b or low a at least that's where I think it lands right now uh highl Lord I think is one of the best classes in the game it has Mobility it has an insane row attack especially when crit boosted it can completely kill an entire enemy front line like an enemy row without any like Shaman debuff to that row like defense debuff so typically what I do is I have a lane use the Amber lens to give himself true strike crit and then I gamblers coin him and he tends to immediately kill the first row of enemies before they can do anything and that is pretty ridiculous and he also has other things that are decent about the kit but he does now have uh Cave weakness which really late game is not a thing it's like non-existence the things that that uh counter caves like wyverns and Griffins are very easy to deal with and their initiative is not the best so they're pretty easy to kill before they can even do anything to you uh sniper I don't really have too much experience with sniper I'll just put it in B tier for now I'll just be completely honest with you I just haven't run it so I'm assuming it's at least decent because that's kind of where Hunter is I have used Hunters on a few teams and they were fine a shield shooter I have a little bit more experience with it seems to be a good generalist for like a Frontline great Shield SL a void tank or one or the other now it always has a great Shield but there is a great Shield that gives it a void tank it has okay damage outputs it's definitely more damaging than these so it's easier to throw it in a team now can you make combos off of these things as far as I can tell not really but they're still just decent filler for damage and as party leader their range assist so can't you can't really go wrong just popping one out just to get some range assist spam that's ultimately all they can really do uh Rogue I think is like a b tier generalist it's or like a b tier unit like a generalist it can be used in most comps to Target specific things preventing your combo from going off but beyond that it kind of just tries to drain enemies active and passive points which can be decent probably really good in PvP but in single player mode you can just kill the enemies before they can really do much so that's just much better than using tactics unfortunately great knight I think is s tier it just does everything uh wild Rush is still op even at higher levels it has really good damage it can column stun it can row stun there is a lance that gives it row stun 100 potency physical 100 potency magical it it's pretty ridiculous so it can stun in any general formation it's quick it damage boosts itself in other Cales and combos naturally with high Lord which is also a cave some of the best classes in the game are Cav so it kind of just scales all of them and it's kind of overpowered and insane right now but it's just really good it also can do the pile thrust attack to Super nuke a single Target if it really needs to but typically it will assaulting Lance to clean up if the enemy frontliners are killed it will wild rush to open it can true thrust with the unwavering Lance against enemy avoid tanks it like all throughout the game unwavering Lance allows you to poke out enemy Flyers aside from wyverns who do have that anti- melee attack but you can poke out Griffins and thieves and you're not even meant to be a class that's good at doing that but it just allows you to do that so outside of that though it has like row stun from a specific Lance there's a lot of really good lances in the game that do a lot of different things that have different types of column attacks it's absolutely ridiculous how good this classes uh sainted Knight I think is similar it makes a fantastic party leader to negate or Lely negate enemy magic assists it has a pretty decent Valor skill its combat is okay but when paired with a great knight this can help keep this alive especially against Mages as well as just heal it for General uh combat and prevent magic assist damage from hitting the great knight and the great knight can damage boost the Saints so that the Saints attack is a little bit stronger and they do kind of pair up really well and they're also both on horses so they both have high Mobility so uh the average Mobility of your units affects your squad leaders Mobility so like if you have a c with a bunch of hop lights it'll all the Hop lights will slow them down so if you have a c with a Cav your average Mobility will be closer to 300 now if you have a whole Squad of Cavs your average Mobility will be 300 and you'll be extremely fast so but a really good class it just it fits into any team comp it's like better than cleric for healing so it also deals damage uh there are some use cases for cleric like uh battery and stuff like this but I think at the pace of combat on truin the best builds just kill the enemy really quickly and this just helps get to the enemy take positions uh heal and do everything you need to uh Doom Knight I've heard some people say this is really good I haven't run it enough to really say that it's good or bad for now I'll put it in B tier next to sniper just because I haven't really run that too much I have used the dark Dark Knight a little bit and Dark Knight was kind of underwhelming based on the kit of Doom Knight it seems like it has some potential it seems like you'd have to set up a lot of combos for it to really leverage like the low HP Combos and things like this uh the problem with being at low HP though is assist could potentially kill you so that's always going to be a threat to it so that's why I kind of don't like those classes but it is on a horse and it seemingly can do some damage so it's at least a b tier I would say uh Bishop Bishop Bishop I feel like is like B I think battery mattered really early on but once you get four action and passive points or at least access to that on every single one of your units everyone can just get ridiculous combos off from the get-go and it's kind of like redundant it's nice to have a bishop Squad to just pop it off like to pop it out of a fort and heal you and then pop it back in to conserve item uses but beyond that I don't really run them that much I don't think they're the best thing for quickly beating the game or just like playing fast which there's a time limit so playing fast unfortunately really matters like you'll lose Maps if you don't play fast enough so it is really good to pop one out just to heal but beyond that I don't value them too much and in like middle and late game uh warlock I I kind of feel the same uh I I'll put it here it damage is decent but there's definitely better options it's eclipsed by two specific classes that we'll get into in a second actually it's eclipsed by a handful of classes uh basically it just does damage as far as I can tell and it's Valor skill just doesn't really do much the damage is low it's over time it's kind of just a waste of Valor points uh which I think Witch is S2 sorceress sorceress you still get the teleport which is fantastic especially on large Maps uh you have freeze you get row freeze and if you want the witch can give herself Max initiative to immediately row freeze an enemy or a group of enemies a row of enemies rather uh you can confer as well you can uh basic conferral for one passive point so if you confer a row attack or a board nuke that's huge value for one passive point and then you can also to conferral now the wizard can to conferral too but he does not board he cannot row freeze and he cannot teleport so the Warlock doesn't really like he he brings damage but there are better things than bring damage that complement a s a sorceress more so than a warlock so like The Valor skill and the the hard crowd control is what's pushing her up into s and keeping him out of it because he has damage but he's competing with other damage things that are just simply better uh Druid so originally I put Shaman low and I put Druid kind of low I think Druid is probably high a tier I don't want to put it in s because it only really is necessary in you ne's board nuke and other board nukes it's completely redundant all it really wants to do in these like row attack or board nuke strats is defense debuff a row so that you can kill and some builds don't even need it and will kill without that defense debuff so like the Elven sister builds can typically do this um Elaine's attack can kill without this debuff uh some great Knights like great knight um great Knights like R stun can do that with the one weapon there are certain builds and setups that just simply do not need this but in for those that do it's good and also in a fiveman team if you have like a like a team of four like you have like two to three damage that always kill consistently and then like a frontliner you can just add a druid to it and it'll help you you can def debuff enemy offense you can debuff enemy defense to kill faster or if it's a longer fight the Druid can interact with the enemies to make your team more survivable uh but most classes late game or at least the ones I tend to put high up can just straight up take on fights and be fine and will take minimal to no damage in response to enemy combats because you either kill most of them before they do anything or whatever damage gets through gets blocked mitigated or avoided through evasion all right Vanguard I would say this is kind of on the niche side it's like it's a tank in theory the it's just like the same thing with Legionnaire right like the damage is low it doesn't have big obvious amazing attacks it doesn't have big obvious amazing abilities it can protect against range assists but there's better things to handle that uh wind fairy charms are pretty common in shops middle game and onward so you can just pop one of those if it's really an issue typically it's only an issue on certain small Maps or on small sections of certain Maps but there is also a class that for one Valor can uh radius like in a wide radius affect all allies to negate first strike and all magic and range assists for a single combat so it's kind of made redundant through the presence of other glasses and other things just are like objectively better than this thing uh wyvern Master wyvern master I think is like B tier it's like here it doesn't have it does have Dron dive through a weapon but it's a charge attack and its damage could be better uh but that being said you could run it now Uni's board attack is just better cuz it freezes and also multi- hits and if it multi- hits and gets confered each one of those hits is a conferral damage boost and then you can crit as well so then you get like this huge Spike uh but this thing could be decent it's just outclassed by other board nukes uh as a as a general damage unit I think other things bring more to the table it's hard to compete with great Knights row stun and column stun uh this thing can row stun using the same weapon uh because it's on lances so it can compete in that way and Dron dive is decent it's also three uh Valor points so in order to get it off you have to get quite a few kills and take some Forts and do a bunch of things uh but one nice thing about draon dive is even if the wyvern Master is not your party leader you can draon dive a landbased unit over rivers over mountains and over things that they normally have to run around so it's kind of nice in that way so maybe I'll bump it up to low a just for that it has decent combat it can kind of hold its own I don't think it has as good a combat as these but it has some options and it can kind of enable you to push I do think it's outclassed by like these things but it's decent it's pretty good Griffin master so a lot of people love Griffin master and Griffin Knight I'm going to say it's like here I feel like it's too slow now whenever I say something is too low initiative someone will always say in the comments oh just like initiative fix it and sure you can do that but other things that don't need initiative fixed can just simply run other things and gain more resources in some other way like they can get better stats better damage more active and passive points uh maybe they can run evasion tanking gear so it's almost like Griffin master now I know it gives you the AOE speed boost there's also an item that does that so you could argue it goes up for that uh but for combat I'm not going to give something s tier just for its Valor skill like this has warp this has teleport but it also has other things so in order to get an S tier like I'm I'm thinking its combat is kind of bad and its speed boost is why it's in P to be honest I don't find their combat to be that good especially compared to other options Elvin fencer I think is s tier it can conferral it can row attack with hybrid so hybrid attack hits both physical and magical and typically it'll get through something so if you're high magic defense the physical gets through and vice versa and it also can single Target stun and what else can do it can avoid tank it can single Target stun it can magic assist if it's party leader it can toome conferral on an evasion tank frame which is really weird because usually that's like a warlock sorceress thing and neither of those are evasion tanks but this thing is high evasion so it's like a more bulky evasion tank utility that also can help with damage it's really good it's like you run one of these in almost every one of your teams and you won't suffer like it'll just help you they're really strong uh let's see Elvin Archer we'll do the male cuz we yeah we a bunch of females in here Elvin Archer I think H I think it's at least a I almost want to put an S though it had it's almost like similar to Elvin fencer I kind of want to put it in s because it can for an active point it can conferral and give something plus 50 magic potency for all its attacks including row column attacks and board nukes so unlike other things like if you use a toome on something like a toome conferral it's a passive limited right and then those also do not stack but this can use an active ability with high initiative to manually boost something and then it can also be your impetus unit and then it can also use uh decent single shot damage to clean up kills if there's anything alive after the board nuke or your row attacks and it can also use ice Arrow which combos with sorceress which deals more damage um or UniFi which deals more damage to Frozen so and it can freeze up to two Targets for two active points so typically it can magic boost a board nuke get one to two decent attacks off and then also be your impetus unit and it's also an evasion tank and if you slap a scarf on it it's an evasion tank with decent durability and as the party leader it's range assist so it kind of does a little bit everything similar to Elvin fencer oh and it can also cleanse debuffs prevents debuffs it has all these things with debuffs it can do can these also can both be evasion tanks that give the evade mechanics on top of being good generalist like these are just fantastic things to just throw into a team that's missing like a little bit of some utility or whatever they can kind of do a little bit of everything which is very nice uh all right so we're getting to the furries now I did play around with the furries a bit which sounds weird really weird it's a very bad phrase uh let's see the werewolf so the werewolf has a lot of these fall up attacks same thing with the were Fox the werefox has like such a low amount of Health that it can easily die to range assists and and Magic assists now all of the furry characters run faster as party leader at Knight which is like the one of their big gimmicks but for General damage I feel like it's niche there might be use cases where it's good but it needs to burn two active points to do a row attack and its row attack is weak unless the enemies are already low HP and even if they are low HP its row attack is basically worse than Baron AR's row attack which is just insane as hell um and even then comparing it to other row attacks it's just not that good now some of their combos where they spam like Pursuit and stuff like this can be decent situationally uh but it seems like they have to burn through most of their resources if not all of them to do things other classes just do with fewer resources and fewer actions so I just don't think they're very strong right now werefox I feel like is kind of similar I'll put it in low B tier just because it has pretty good like Pursuit attacks that it has built into its kit so if it has four passive points it has either uh two really strong Pursuits or up to four like weaker Pursuits that are still decent uh it's column attack is kind of weak though it's like skirting the edge of like getting into C tier where it's like I just don't understand why you would run this because it doesn't really do anything that other things don't do better it's durability is very poor evasion tanking is very suspect against like spam assist and against true strikes and there are quite a bit of both of those in endgame chapters so it kind of just suffers and is kind of weak but maybe it's lowy tier unless I don't see how there could be but maybe there's some killer use case that bumps it up in B but I think it's low B high C uh we bear I haven't really use this much but if it's like legionaire but better it has to at least be above legionaire I'll put this in low b as well because from what I've been told it has good damage and this has the big issue of not having damage so if this is this but damage it has to at least be B tier I can run it more I did run were Fox and werewolf a little bit and kind of evaluated them in different team comps and they had a kind of poor showing but we bear if it can deal some damage and also use hammers it's definitely much better than a legionaire uh let's see wear owl this thing I don't think is very good I'm going to put this in Niche so it's a support unit that can give passive points it has utility active things like giving like plus 50 or 30 accuracy or something like that and then it can give like regeneration it gives all these like weird things that don't really help you outright and it's kind of clear that it's meant to be oh it also has like dispel which is really like a PVP thing it almost feels like it's like a PVP class that is really good for fighting other players and maybe some certain Coliseum battles but when fighting General groups of enemies things like dispel pale in comparison to like Rage of the fairies so it's like you're fighting over these crazy obvious things that are just really good and as like a Healer if it is a Healer it's not even clear it is it's kind of mediocre as a Healer you have to almost like give it a staff that allows it to heal if you want it to heal and even then it's just kind of like a low HP EV asion tank thing so I don't know it just seems bad uh let's see feather sword feather sword I haven't run one I ran I've run it early to most of the middle game and I do feel like it kind of falls off so it's hard to really play it I'll put it in low B tier for now it seems decent the flight is okay it's Valor skill is kind of whatever I think it might even be about as good honestly I'm think it's like CT I think it's about as good as a werewolf right now uh let's go to through this feather bow feather bow seems like it has more use case more use cases rather um it can blind a row as a passive in response so that's kind of valuable as like shut down it has okayish damage some utility I don't think it's as valuable as an elant Archer but it seems decent I also don't know that it's a Caster like an Elvin Archer cuz Elvin Archer well Elvin Archer can miss to conferral I don't know it can t conferral but this can damage boost board nukes this cannot and this also has shut down through a multi-hit freeze attack that hits two things uh let's see feather staff I was looking feather staff um seems like it's kind of similar to this I don't know like kind of like a weird healer thing that you probably don't need I think there's just better options it also is a flyer so Archer assist is not your friend and that's a thing that's present in the game everywhere uh feather Shield is definitely much better than most of the feathers uh let's see I'll put this in like high B2 here so feather Shield can mirror offensive magic it can infinitely block for things using self-sacrifice as long as it's not blocking a lethal blow it can just keep self-sacrificing so it has some potential for combos um well maybe not high beats here that's kind of generous let's say that as good as like these but it has some like glaring downsides like it lacks damage there are tanks that deal damage so if you're a tank and you don't deal damage you're not going to get into a tier there's just tanks that also kill things so it's hard to compete on that front all right high priest I'm going to put next to a bishop with the little bit I've used of it it seems decent some people say some people claim it's very good maybe it is uh I'll have to test it out more maybe it moves up maybe it moves down uh but so far it seems to be like a bishop that has damage and less uh support and from what I've observed of its damage its damage is not very good it can remove uh I think Buffs from enemies which is neat I guess uh but most enemies don't really get good Buffs so I find it doesn't really matter often uh valkyria I think this is an obvious s tier I'd say it's like here all right so blade wave is a wide sweeping two Valor attack that can hit a bunch of things and in some cases kill multiple things it can clear mines it can clear barricades it allows you to push through a bunch of enemy nonsense so if there's a bunch of barricades and enemies on a guard Tower and mines it can just clear all of that for two Valor points it also has anti- range assist if it's the party leader typically it won't be the party leader uh but it has built-in armor counter built-in flyer counter in its abilities it also has a two um active Point single Target nuke and it's a main tank you're like oh but it doesn't have Lane and call it's a main tank that deals damage that's why it's good and it also can give AOE uh anti- assists for Archer assist and for range and Magic assist for one combat and anti-ir strike so if enemies have first strike on you if they have range assist or magic assists it just negates all of them for one combat for each Allied unit within a pretty wide radius so you can easily push through choke points and negate tons of spam with this this class for Valor points and then for two Valor points it can clear mines and break down barricades and put a ton of Chip damage on a wide range of enemies cuz it does a wide sweeping attack so it has a lot of value for pushing and holding positions um all right the Cil or the Elvin Cil and augur all right Elvin augur possibly the best class in the game I'll go into it in a second Elvin Cil I would say it's slightly weaker than all right Elvin augur start of battle row stun damage that's ridiculous and then also then it does a board nuke afterwards and then that rast stun also damage boosts its board nuke and then if you have a crit with an Elvin or an Amber ey lens it gets true strike crit on its board nuke and then if you conferral that you can add any you can add burn uh you can add stun you can add Frost to it so that you can a we stun burn or freeze and very often just it critting from the Amber lens is enough to kill it cannot be flipped by feather swords or feather Shields because it is not a spell is it a hybrid attack that is untyped so it does not get mirror shielded which is a problem for things uh like AOE magic uh like Trinity Rain so unlike Trinity Rain it just hits through everything now certain things I think can be covered in it but because you open with a stun typically if you Target the front row if there's blockers one will cover get stunned and then the other thing will get stunned and then you board nuke at worst case scenario they have one cover but this thing is just absolutely overtuned it can also cure heal it can heal while curing a debuff as a passive as like a quick heal and it has other things it has other things that stack with it that make it even more insane but just for the board nuke oh it also has swap which allows you to switch positions with an Allied unit so there could be a situation where one of your units is about to die or they're taking on too much damage and you need like a fresh unit to fight the boss you could swap and use Valor skills and immediately change positions or in some cases let's say you get like a blue unit on a map that's like high up in the corner and it's like one of those useless pre-made AI units you can just swap with that too if it's a blue unit so swap is good board nuke is good the opening move like the first action stun that also deals damage for some reason I don't know why it deals damage it's so crazy and you get plus one fairy which scales your board nuke now the other the Elvin Cil is very similar except it has more healing and less damage and its opening move is a heal that prevents that cleanses debuffs and prevents debuffs or at the very least it just heals and then prevents debuffs on a row so you you get a row heal so like if you take some magic spam range assist Mage assist it heals you know heal some of that away to a row and then also provides debuff while boosting it's they have the same board nuke exact same board nuke uh they they're at the start of battle abilities both give them a fery which gives them plus 30 potency for the the it's 70 magic 70 physical potency you get plus 30 for both so you get 100 magic 100 physical and then if you use uh the Amber eye lens you get true strike and crit on that and it's a three it's not a charge attack either it's not a charge attack it's a board nuke that is not a charge attack that can be built up using the unit's own kit it's completely insane uh doesn't need nerfed probably but it' make the game less fun but I don't know man they probably should rework some things uh Sergent I think Sergeant's decent I'll put Sergent in low a tier its combat is decent uh it has like a little bit of everything a little bit of damage a little bit of support it's Valor skill is fantastic for deploying especially if something dies from enemy Valor abilities like the enemy archers using that bow attack that kills you you can use the resurrect it also can resurrect within a radius so it can resurrect and then you can deploy a bishop to heal I have a sergeant Bishop Squad that just gets deployed to Res and heal if something gets killed by enemy Valor attacks or enemy spam so they can go push another Point fresh and all it cost you is two Valor points so that's not bad uh but the combat's decent it's like a general or less they can fit into most team comps lances are one of the best weapons in the game uh just based on the effects they have and the types of lances that exist so having another Lance unit it also does bonus damage to Cavs which can situationally be nice uh let's [Music] see snow Ranger snow Ranger is definitely an S tier I'll put it here now it has a board nuke that's very potent when combined with a shaman the shaman debuffs whichever ever row will take less damage so typically the front row is what you will defense debuff on your Druid SL Shaman and you do need to impetus and it does get hard countered by owls so it's a little bit worse than these things that do not get hard countered by owls because they just pop off immediately board nuke uh but if you get the impetus off and you use this it typically will completely wipe out an entire enemy Squad when used correctly and damage boosted typically by something like Elven Archer so Elven Archer druid uh UniFi is the combo I ran uh High initiative boost like plume this uh Mystic conferral this also has impetus this debuffs the enemies and then she does her thing gets impetus and then you kill typically so it's pretty big n pretty big nuke and it also freezes which is unnecessary but even after she does her board nuke she still has enough active and passive points to still attack and she also has a followup attack that deals bonus damage to her fren targets and she freezes targets however if an enemy if an ally hits a thing and then she does her attack uh like the Ally has to freeze and then she hits and then does bonus damage but it's still 75% or 75 potency followup for one passive Point that's built into her kit so she combos with herself basically and is a pretty good unit uh let's see wear line very similar to Gladiator it's almost identical to this except it has the night bonuses and maybe slight skill changes but it's basically the same thing so we'll just put it next to Berserker uh let's see Prince Prince late game is pretty good utility he can damage boost everything immediately and he's also an evasion tank that's durable now he's very similar to Druid but he boosts every single unit and all of their attacks and Buffs I find typically don't get removed that much I find that debuffs get get cleansed more frequently so when he Buffs your board nuke it tends to stick and the Damage tends to stay around and I do run this with augur for more bonus damage it's 20% more damage so it's pretty huge uh but yeah he's basically just a slightly better version of this that's more reliable and he also has Chip damage built into his kit and other things like allowing you know uh I think he can increase accuracy he can allow you to block he can do a bunch of miscellaneous things I usually don't use him for that but he has other utility on just damage boost uh dreadn I do think is low s now I know some people don't think this class is super good cuz it's slow but on wide Pursuit with board nukes and row attacks it's ridiculous because she has some of the highest physical attack in the game and there's also a sword that does increased potency so you run wide Pursuit which is 75% potency which is 75 multiplier for your damage and then you run the bounty sword which gives her plus 20% so 95% potency which is almost 100% potency on a wide Pursuit and when she follows up either board nuke or a lane or any kind of row attack it's huge damage and if the board nuke or the row attack doesn't kill she typically will clean up the kill and it's pretty big value and it doesn't hurt you at all and she just has huge damage now she also can on-shot things through guard if you really need her to do that and fight bosses very well but she just has a ton of dam damage and the damage is instant when used correctly if you try to have her attack things manually she can be on the slower side but with the wide uh Pursuit situation she just immediately Falls up as soon as you attack things it's huge value uh let's see Soldier Paladin Paladin Paladin I feel like is like here it's not really the best thing it's kind of like a generalist that has okay magic damage and it's almost like bad sainted Knight I think it's it's not nearly as good as sainted Knight it doesn't have as much like healing and the damage is similar I'd rather just have a sainted knight I just don't see the value in running a paladin uh what else do we have dark lord I don't think you can play as Overlord I don't think you can play as these you can play as um we've already done Sergeant let's do where's bararia is this her is this considered her I guess this is considered Baron garia definitely highest tier probably like either probably a little bit better than Elaine actually a little bit worse than Elvin auger but a lot better than mostly everything else the r stun is crazy the combos are crazy uh her sanguin Pursuit is ridiculous and often can kill a void tanks keep her alive it's tanky it has damage it has crowd control all of it's abilities are cheap it basically is just good in any team comp no matter what that comp is doing and it will just add value it's also reasonably fast so it doesn't really need like a ton of initiative fixing and it has a good start of battle effect now typically I do not run it with cibil or augur because it has a start of battle effect that's decent but if I do run it with cibil that's usually how I run it with I'll disable it so that she can get her bonus damage on the board nuke and then when she board nukes she'll like put burn or stun so that when she followups with her big attack she gets 150 potency instead of 75 versus Afflicted which is pretty huge for one active point it probably needs to be changed to two to be honest it's kind of overtuned uh the other ones all the mares or mares however you say that are considered really good people use them in PvP they're probably at least all s tiers so we'll just throw the an S tier and just assume that they're all s tiers because they're a postgame class that have ridiculous abilities all right let's just double check I think that's everything yeah let's just go through just double check some of these are duplicates like the male versus female Reis Crusader Soldier Necromancer Necromancer I don't think you get to play as oh yeah Viking sorry almost Miss Viking all right Viking honestly Viking is probably at least a tier uh just like house Carl it has a really good row attack that as long as it gets like true strike from a lens or crit true strike from an Amber lens or even like true strike from like a witch ability or something it can deal really good damage to the row for cheap but it's still lower accuracy and not as reliable or good as dark marass which is significantly stronger so yeah all right so here's the list for now uh some of these things can move up or down based on play time or builds maybe someone discover some crazy build or some crazy Synergy obviously things will move up if there's some obvious crazy Synergy that's competitive with these options uh but here is where I think we're at right now this is obviously for TR zenan mode with the time Factor like added as consideration or like one of the major things is we're considering how long it takes to beat content so like the classes that tend to have good row attacks or good damage or good Buffs or good debuffs or whatever are typically going to rank higher than the classes that need work need a lot of things fixed or lack something serious whether it's they lack something through their weapons they lack something through their kit compared to other things they're just weaker like some of the best tanks in the game are just tanky enough to tank a hit or two and then your team kills them so like these tanks that are just like straight up tanks that want to absorb a ton of hits tend to be worse because the enemies start doing crazy damage and will kill you really quickly and easily and you're better off not letting them do that at least that's been my experience but yeah that's it for this one definitely like And subscribe if you enjoy this you find this useful and I'll see you in the next one peace
Channel: Iced Coffee Gaming
Views: 19,177
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: iced coffee gaming, icg, unicorn, overlord, unicorn overlord, unicorn overlord expert, unicorn overlord lord class, lord class, unicorn overlord class, classes, unicorn overlord class guide, unicorn overlord lord, lord class guide, alain class guide, tier list, demo tier list, unicorn overlord tier list
Id: IfPot6rLeDY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 16sec (2536 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 22 2024
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