UNDISPUTED | Skip Bayless reacts Luka Doncic fouls out as Celtics beat Mavericks in Game 3

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Luca fouled out with 412 left last night only the fourth time he's fouled out in his NBA career and the first time ever in 48 playoff games so Paul how surprised were you that he fouled out I mean I was shocked skip he went into the fourth quarter with only two fouls like a player of his caliber I mean you don't play defense no way with the IQ you have like should never foul out like to pick up four and one qu that just shows me that there was a frustration built up somehow from just the game and lack of focus because I I just something you never hear of from a caliber of player like Luca donin so uh I mean at that point when he had his fifth foul like you're trying to take a charge and we all know how charges go they 5050 calls it's all on the ref's Judgment but this one here was clearly a foul he never got his body in front of him and then you you fall a whole different direction and jaylen's going one way and it's kind of like you got the knee out and shoulder and so you shouldn't put yourself in those position when you know your team needs you and you got five fouls already but clearly the game plan and it finally worked you know not that it didn't work before it was like the game plan let's attack Luca and on many occasions like that when you throw AE and you see Luca in front of you Jaylen Brown knew from that just go at it just make him slide his feet you can go by him and they put him in a bad spot and so the fourth quarter that's all they did and it was just it's just lack of focus I mean because I mean I was shocked two fouls fourth quarter biggest quarter of your career yep and you get four fouls with four minutes to go and foul out very dis explain something to me Paul help educate me because when when I hear and a lot of people in basketball in particular say high IQ high IQ what does that mean that means if you know you got five fouls Kean and you got jayen brown coming at you full steam you let him go and let the next man pick him up so and the reason I ask you that is because High IQs mean smart to me yeah that's what it means right skip I mean it doesn't mean dumb things that you do but he let the FR we talk about we we talk about four and five the files that he got four five and six five and six but we don't talk about three and four that's dumb that high IQ because the frustration sets in all of a sudden you decide oh I'm going get this third foul because I'm frustrated even though I don't get the rebound Derek white now has the ball so I'm just gon to swipe in him because I'm frustrated that's not smart that's not high IQ people with high IQs I don't see do that or I don't normally play defense and straight up with somebody they going to blow past me so now all of a sudden I'm going to get a file on pray picture because I'm going wrap around so I'm going to get four now you start talking about if you don't get three and four you won't be no five and six y it started at three and four doing dumb stuff at three and four if you got this high IQ and you so smart you should know I can't do that right I can't I cannot do that I'm the leader of the team I'm the I'm the one that's supposed to save the franchise I'm the one that's supposed to bring the second Championship to the franchise and if I'm not on the floor then we gonna be in the minus category to me that's high IQ then when you talk about basketball we all know that he does not play defense that you're just not a defensive guy and that's okay you got your role Your Role is to play offense score points pass the ball rebound when you can but when you put yourself in a position like Paul's talking about with jayen brown coming up the floor after you just got your fifth foul you all of a sudden go look for a charge to play hero hero ball now now you going to play Hero ball that's not a high IQ to me let that man go on by you ain't going to stop him any damn way cuz you're not fast enough even if even if you decided to engage and try to impede his progress you're not fast enough your feet aren't fast enough quick enough to move the damn move out the damn way so why would you even put yourself in that position to do such a thing maybe he's thinking hey I did this in game one and I got the file at the at the half court so maybe I could do it again and it didn't work out for him now all of a sudden you forcing you going to force your Authority on the head coach and say hey man challenge that that's too late now you challenging but they ain't got another challenge when they needed it to have it on the on the uh on the Drew holiday file they can't even challenge that cuz they just use it up on yours correct so it all goes back to file number three before get the six skip okay I agree to frame this before I launch on it the book on Luca since day one that he stepped on an NBA floor was he plays no defense and I hark back to a game you might or might not remember there was a classic game back in 2019 early in the season November at Dallas your Los Angeles Lakers featuring LeBron James went to the wire Danny Green made a corner three on a kick out from LeBron to tie the game and then they won it but Danny Green made the shot of shots and after the game Kyle kosma one of your Lakers at that point was quoted as saying we just passed the ball to whoever Luca was guarding and that was the whole game plan just pass it whoever Luca's guarding just let him shoot where's the duck okay there you go there's the duck okay so this has been going on for a long long time but somehow Luca despite that reputation in that book on him he just keeps making First Team all NBA first team alln NBA what is it five years in a row okay I'm just telling you this is what's this what's been happening last night I saw it different than you guys did I saw Luca actually trying his ass off on defense and not knowing how like all he knows to do if he's going to try on defense because this is the game of your life this this is Do or Die the only way he knows to play defense is to clutch and grab that's all because it's all he's got he's just going to reach and grab and reach and and he's going to be a step half step late and he's going to try to do this he going to at least he was trying and failing miserably because he was actually less of a liability when he just tried to hide and didn't really give any effort and rested on defense that's what he usually does he just rest the problem with that though skip for my eyes is it's harder to rest on defense because they got so many multiple guys that can knock these guys you are correct this ain't this ain't Minnesota when you and Rudy go talk about what y'all gonna eat for dinner yeah no I I understand but they have somehow gotten away with it because he's been a lot better on offense and this is tribute to your defense he hasn't been up against this defense even though Minnesota's was the number one defense he had a much easier time against it than he's having against your two perimeter Defenders and you can make a case those two are the best defensive guards combo I I don't know that we've ever seen but the problem with that is you start if you bring Michael Jordan in as a two guard and you throw in Scott pipping as some sort of perimeter player and Ron Harper is in that mix too now now it's like stop man because that's a whole different ball game that you're playing no doubt but these are two pure guards they're they're just they're just like point guard y have y'all have Rondo and who Ray backourt we talking about just the backourt right now yeah but but do you consider yourself a backourt player I mean you kind of swung I went in between two and three but when Ray got there I went to the forward okay all right but but you were a great defender but do you qualify as a backourt Defender no probably would these are two all NBA I never made an all NBA team but like you got an argument there with if you consider Scotty a point guard cuz I I feel like he was a point guard for the I understand and if you remember the 98 with with Ron listen Ron Harper he was long and quick he was arest like to me okay so this I I saw teams like the Charlotte team in one of the earlier rounds in '98 they couldn't get the ball past half court I'm serious and when would their their offense was initiated from almost to half court it's hard to you one thing that he if if if he's going to be a champion and you know this Paul and you know it too skip is covering Sports if you're going to be a champion you cannot allow things to frustrate you because things starts to frustrate you you learn in in in and you stop making excuses you go out there and you play and whatever happens happens but if he doesn't stop that he'll never win a championship his focus is on the in the wrong place you you don't think he just rubs the ref's raw after a while well yeah after a while yeah because they don't want hear so it's background music were they were they calling it a little close on him on defense no I mean look at the fouls we we can examine let's do that cuz we got them let's look all six in a row like look at them these are legit fouls like all right like R you just that's a d that's dumb you m that's not smart that's you just run him over that's a charge going Rush run him over look you just reach hard now you reaching hard you bigger than him so he's going to come falling down see me I thought that was a foul some people don't think that was a foul it can call it either way Tangled Up fouls man come on like you got to be able to move your feet he's screaming at that that was can we see the sixth foul again one more time yeah legit fouls you there's not one of those that I felt ah is questionable you know as Luca maybe give him the benefit of the doubt this is like once Jaylen Brown goes to the ground you got to call that you got something that's got to be called and he was moving too in game one he took the charge right in the chest from J so I'm thinking he thought he could do that again do it again he's just kind of the same area of the floor except it was flipped it was going the other way not quick enough to get set set you know like or out of the way which whichever way you want to
Channel: Đồ Chơi Bằng Giấy
Views: 2,969
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dallas mavericks, boston celtics, mavericks, celtics, luka doncic, kyrie irving, jayson tatum, jayson brown, kristaps porzingis, nba finals, 2024 nba finals, undisputed, first things first, first things first live, undisputed today, undisputed on fs1, undisputed skip and irvin cowboys, undisputed and skip bayless, skip bayless, michael irvin, chris broussard, nick wright, richard sherman, rachel nichols, lil wayne, keyshawn, paul pierce
Id: UAaiZ2DsNLw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 30sec (630 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 13 2024
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