Undertale Vine Compilation 3 - TRY NOT TO LAUGH OR GRIN! (HARDER VERSION)

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that's him just picking on my boy yeah what are you gonna do about it I'm gonna push you in the food the water hey what do you think about my outfit I'd say it's kind of trashy who are you sad yeah I don't want to talk about it then [ __ ] you okay that's it time out get on the lam I'm in hell you know I must have cleaned a hundred thousand brushes and it's still fun honestly Dalton I know you've been talking smack so guess what don't go to the bathroom because I'm gonna flip your backpack inside out you fart nugget see him put that [ __ ] down now listen leave town don't tell anybody why did you stop because I'm waiting for this cute old lady across the street yeah but nobody's watching so run the dumb [ __ ] over Oh run milk yeah yeah yeah a busy boy fess up let me guess tiny a small salad I'll take a double triple bossy deluxe on a raft 4x4 animals style extra shingles with the shimmy and a squeeze like axle grease make it cry burn it and let it swim we serve food here sir nobody exists on purpose nobody belongs anywhere everybody's gonna die come watch TV I can't believe I'm finally meeting a son I'm gonna fight it yeah I missed hello welcome to mashie mark my name is Elmer what can I help you find today sir welcome to mashie mark thank you for bringing your [ __ ] kids thank you to whoever took a [ __ ] on aisle 6 sir please don't throw hotdogs at me I got my bachelor's for this it's gonna be 376 trying to give me a [ __ ] seizure eating gaster blah this is my latest computer program it not only runs windows it washes them too this is a funeral this movie sucks hey how you doing well I'm doing just fine I lied I'm dying inside hey mailman would he got justice word Jonathan I don't love you anymore Cinda touch my transformers Billie well you can't do Timmy out to help you like noogies Billy knock knock who's there wiggle wiggle who wiggle wiggle wiggle No okay we all go together or we go one at a time here it is here it is truck two refrigerators two dumpster 360 spin on to the palace backflip gainer into the trash yes ah yeah oh so my puns are stupid now is that it yes that is precisely it that Irish crude and always failed to make me laugh alright then hello how's about I do impersonations instead hey guys look I'm the great papyrus I practiced evil arts in the shower like a frickin fingers yeah yeah yeah doesn't sound like an impersonation sounds like luxury your look at me aren't you oh fast come on I'm your brother I wouldn't never I would never look back to human we're very clever and witty as usual sad I'll be my torturous don't bother me I just relaxed when she gets over here just tell her how you feel okay sup Rob hey Jay you got a fat ass get a load of that dog get a load of that dog look at that dog get a load of that dog look at that dog just about the laptop I didn't mean to steal it I took it home and I spaced I forgot I'm gonna bring it back and totally works but I got spaghetti in the keyboard what laptop objection Badgers gonna believe our story man you gotta sit here and look depressed but I'm so excited to act depressed your wife left you for a younger man perfect you is your refrigerator running yes you better go catch hit them and send what three two one oh my god sides that happened again oh gee whatever to the sky like a tiger defying the laws of gravity remember frisk don't you have anything better to do nope nope nope well are you coming with me when I kick you yes you can my body can't stay stable I'll turn into a flower not on my little cinnamon roll Oh what the hell he's having fun is he well I'm glad somebody's enjoying the apocalypse get as many as you can you [ __ ] idiot fight yes all right I don't think right now is the best time to be pulling my leg bone I'm not joking sands you know me I don't joke that's not I think I do sands kid listen I like jokes as much as the next guy but you really need to grow up grow up I'm 38 years old Jesus Oh Joe the little girl I know you're young but I can do it better so when you see the good stuff I want you to take that in That moment when you enter a room and forget why you went in there so much oh that's right I was getting chased by a serial killer hey kid what do you want to eat the souls of the innocents a bagel what too big this first song is called a world on fire next song a little bit a little bit longer than that one and thank you the ugly barnacle lynnster was an ugly barnacle he was so ugly that everyone died ah hey guys get a load of this car he's looking really tired hahaha hey my life you mean how I sound like a man and you screw like a piglet on helium you can't get back sure when you ask me like a man really cuz right now you sound like a mouse whose parachute won't open okay I'm out can't do this anymore need to go this woman is my destiny you say papyrus did you really kiss Mac back in the patients bras again all right I respect your decision twirl for me baby i love you I love you too the [ __ ] are you doing mommy yeah imma just grab my stuff and leave excuse me please [ __ ] this [ __ ] I'm out - nope [ __ ] this [ __ ] I'm out alright then I don't know what the [ __ ] just happened but I don't really get what y'all doin I don't flower I draw a heart I do what the voices told me to draw oh my goodness okay take it easy I've got a ton of work done today mm-hmm let's get all my go wow he sounds like you're really working yourself down scoffs for your work put a little more depth oh you know enjoying the seen you walking telling people oh that well I was just asking cuz it's not normal for kids to be wandering around so close to the ruins well it also isn't normal for a kid to fall down a hole but I took the kids Lots breakfast damn damn what get right up there hey and the one and A two and A one two three four hello it's me I'm gonna kill you Oh at that small knife just so small now I've been waiting many years this moment to look you in the eye Oh your Gonzaga wrench any other question oh hello girls how you doing technology oh yeah what'd you get what is love lady don't know what are you wearing called fashion okay yeah I'm seeing double otally speaking of double look maybe they want to hang out I'll talk to him just be cool help me no I want to be boilbee you guys wanna hang out sometime I think I nailed it hi welcome to Chili's dangerous is my middle name that's not moving Xander the inner machinations of my mind are an enigma this isn't how I ordered my steak I ordered it medium slapped across the face you [ __ ] like that oh I chopped off his hand with my steak that's pretty impressive I just [ __ ] killed a man with my steak what the [ __ ] did they put on my plate a brick you're going down tubby tootin nobody goes ah hey bunch of pornographic material I've read he kind of sexual pleasure for us I was born without genitals I like to watch porn when I'm bored because it's super gross man they sure are going out with a lot of [ __ ] but this you've crossed the [ __ ] line dude you got anything to say for yourself oh hi thanks for checking in I'm still a piece of garbage get the pellets get the pellets come on run into them you're a [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] so [ __ ] especially you papyrus you could really why do I get the terrible feeling you're going you submit on those booms oh my god the door is closing shut yeah I'll handle this Open Sesame well I've done all I can do I am dead yeah we don't want ice cream Holy Mother ice cream Holy Mother ice cream truck three people's lives that's kind of creepy though yeah it is usually beautiful go on alrighty who's hungry alright alright alright under tail and the sand guardian got into the sand Poseidon Quivers before him haha today I'm gonna teach you how to face your fears and the first step to facing your fears is your fears yeah so basically um what was thinking um oh [ __ ] I can't believe you done this surprised scottson what is that less ransom is that is that Ted Danson Craig Neiman sad nightmare nightmare holy jumpin Jesus on a breadstick what the [ __ ] are you you're pretty crazy being up you're both spacesuit yeah you're real astronut yeah you're gonna die up here kiddo you know what I think we're gonna be friends all I do is win no matter what got money oh my man I didn't know anything I just gave up see you not not not not ice cream ice cream if you make bad jokes my dog again oh my god Oh leggo what it's nice you tell me I you know karate oh hey Spidey what are you doing out here sup guys hey why he has a Superman shirt on where are you going oh he's hurt he's hurt all right follow these budget mustard my life is being ruined by the Internet rattle me bones blows yes Oh her dudes come in this game is amazing I'm making eye contact going on dates and I haven't seen any natural sunlight for 13 hours yeah what did you put in the house way to get a bird I split it Noir holy [ __ ] oh [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] oh [ __ ] head you get a break everything in the whole house Hunter Pence good yeah oh [ __ ] you agents for the night hey are you I'm good good where is everybody on their dead Dave who is everybody day I captain Hollister everybody's dead Dave Watlington everybody's dead Dave or Selby they're all dead everybody's dead yes check this out quite above you lions why you always lying oh my god stop funky right while you serve in my class hey Jason you
Channel: N1njaPanda
Views: 2,742,456
Rating: 4.890192 out of 5
Id: Rn8fE7XHroE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 9sec (1809 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 06 2016
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