Undertale power tier list

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[Music] all right so i know what you might be thinking why an undertale video in 2021 shouldn't i made that back in like 2017 well maybe but i need other content than roblox and rainbow six so i'm just gonna do a tier list today this isn't gonna be like one of those regular tier lists ranking favorite characters or how hard a boss is this one's gonna be about how strong each character is i'll be ranking their strengths weaknesses and their powers and deciding who's the strongest so that sounds like fun just a quick disclaimer this video is not fact i probably got a ton of things wrong in it so just comment down below if you don't if you disagree with what i said i sound kind of awkward it's because it's the first time ever using my voice in a video it's kind of getting weird just talking to a screen anyways let's get started with f-tier all right starting with f tier the weakest of the week the worst of the worst and starting off as the weakest character in undertale is gonna be monster kid monster kid is by far the weakest character in the series sure his stats are better than a couple characters but he doesn't even attack you so it doesn't really matter even though i kind of like him as a character he's not terrible he's still the weakest in the series and that's why he's at the bottom next up on the list is the dummy the dummy is just a training dummy he's found in the ruins and he's the first enemy the player actually ever fights he doesn't really do anything all he really can do is just walk away which is better the monster kit next up on the list is whimsum whimsyn is a weird little insect guy that you meet in the ruins during the first parts of the game he's alright he can actually fight unlike the last two characters and he does this by shooting little moths at you the only problem with him is he's just about as strong as a piece of paper if you hit him once he'll go down not to mention if you actually try talking to him he'll run away like a coward so that's why he's at f next up on the list is jerry jerry's a monster you meet at snowden and according to the game wiki he's the worst character in the series he doesn't actually fight but he's pretty durable so that's why he's going higher despite not being able to attack and i think the only way he can actually attack is by annoying his opponent to death next up and rounding off f tier is migos the gospel is this weird cockroach monster you meet in the ruins and he's actually not terrible he has decent durability and he can summon insects to attack you with but his only issue is if he's alone and no other monsters with him all he'll do is dance so the only thing he'll actually be useful for is team fights [Music] alright that pretty much sums it up rift here so let's move on to e tier e tier has some alright monsters but they still have pretty noticeable flaws starting off each year we got doggo if you're wondering why a member of the royal guard is this low on the list well he's got some pretty big weaknesses he does wield two daggers and he's pretty efficient using them not to mention his durability is not terrible his big problem is that he's blind he can only see things when they're moving and that's not a good trait to have in a fight how do you even get his job next up in e tier i'm putting washwa this weird little duck creature all he wants to do is just keep people clean and that's respectable i guess but he's not exactly the best fighter all he can really do is summon soap and that's just basically a mild annoyance to people if they don't want to keep clean and due to his personality of being a germaphobic fighting dirty enemies would actually just cause him to run away next up is mold small mold small is pretty underwhelming he just looks like jello all he can really do is fire slam at people and in the game you can just spare him right off the bat nothing too impressive he's literally just slime frog it's one of the first monsters you ever meet in the underground so it's kind of a shame i'm putting him this low all he can really do is fire flies at people and hop around like a frog but that's all just kind of underwhelming so that's why he's this low vegetoid isn't actually that terrible of a monster his durability is pretty good not to mention his ability to throw vegetables can be somewhat painful but his biggest flaw is all he really wants to do is feed people their greens he'll even heal his enemies in order for them to eat their vegetables so that's not exactly the best trait to have during a fight next up in etier we have luke's this weird mike wazowski looking monster has the ability of throwing some sort of sphere-like projectile at his opponents i have no idea what they are the rocks bubbles who knows but what i do know is that he does have some sort of rage mode he can fly into if he's bullied which greatly increases the power and speed of his attacks so he's not terrible but he's still kind of bad we're almost done with etier and vulcan's up next he can fire lava from his head and he shoots lightning for some reason and he actually sounds pretty strong right well kinda his personality kind of hinders his abilities as he's really kind and all he wants to do is help people which is not exactly the best trait to have in a fight so even though i love vulcan he's going in etier all right writing up e tier we have ice cap ice cap actually has some pretty decent combat capabilities and all right durability and his power of shooting icicles is actually kind of impressive but he does have a giant weakness in the fact that he's a huge narcissist all he really adores is his hat and if someone were to take that away he'd fall into a depression and he'd lose a ton of his durability and attack so all he really got to do is aim for the hat and that's how you take him down not exactly the best fighter all right it's time for d tier dieter has some alright monsters they're kind of strong but they still have very major weaknesses they're just better than the e-tier ones starting off d-tier we have lesser dog lester dog is one of the members of the canine guard and snowden and he duns plate armor and wields a sword and shield he's pretty good with his weapons in combat but he does have a big weakness in the fact that if you throw him a stick he'll instantly back down and love you forever he does have a strange ability that if you pet him his neck grows larger and i'm not really sure if there's a limit to how far you can stretch his neck but that's not exactly the best power to have in a fight i'm putting miga spell in dtr as well despite being much stronger than his counterpart my gospel he still has the same weaknesses so the best i can give him is d despite being way stronger much how like mygaspel is a stronger version of my goss parsnik's just a stronger version of vegetoid all he really does differently is summon snakes instead of vegetables which is pretty strong they're snakes i'm scared of snakes sorry i have to do this but temmie's going next on the list tammy does have the ability to stretch her limbs out to seemingly infinite lengths but her durability and power isn't exactly the best and not to mention her big weakness to muscles which causes her to run away for some reason i wish i had muscles snow drake's going next in detail he does have the ability to summon sickles for some reason but besides that his durability and power are kind of average and not to mention he tells really bad jokes he should still be a comedian instead of a fighter though because he's kind of awful mold big like the name suggests is just a bigger stronger version of mold small all it really does differently is fire more projectiles at a faster rate however just like mold small it has a very very low level of intelligence so sparing it or making it passive is pretty easy gift shot's going in deter as well although his stats are alright he's literally just a deer i mean he does have some snow powers kinda but what really sets him this high is because of his personality unlike other monsters who are really friendly he's actually pretty paranoid so that's better kinda it was pretty evident by the name that greater dog was gonna be stronger than lesser dog greater dog has much bigger plate armor and a massive spear and not to mention his attacks are much more powerful than lesser dogs but just like lester dog he has the same weaknesses he throw him a stick he'll go passive not to mention if you were to pet him a lot and or ignore him he'll either walk away or love you forever do you know childrek and snowdrake aren't actually brothers they're apparently just really good friends and that he does children does have similar attacks to snowdrake but the thing setting him apart making him much higher is the fact that his personality is greatly different he'll actually try to fight you unlike snowdrick who just wants to tell jokes alright running off detail we have aaron aaron's this big muscular seahorse guy and his powers consist of flexing he does have some decent durability and strength but his main power is from flexing every time he flexes he gains a lot of power but the problem is much like the kaioken ability from dragon ball if he uses it too much he'll end up flexing himself out of a room how do you even do that all right it's time to get in the seat here these characters are actually pretty strong but they still have some weaknesses so let's get into it [Music] all right to begin off seat here we have muldessa moldessa is kind of like mold small and mold big except it has this weird distorted face and because of that distorted face it can't really tell apart friend from foe so it'll just kind of attack everybody it does have a much higher attack stat and defense stat than both so that's why it's this high next up in siege here we have pyro pyruv does have the ability to throw bombs at people and shoot fire but his only main issue is that in cooler environments his power weakens so overall he's not half bad all right next up are the number one nose nestling champions dog of me and dogaressa dogamine dog arrests are actually pretty strong monsters their durability is not half bad and they've got huge axes that they wield pretty proficiently their only real problem is their poor eye setting if i had to rank one higher than the other i'd probably put dagaressa higher than dog of me because she actually can go into a rage if doggamy dies well dog of me just goes into depression if dargaressa does so that's cool the only reason he's this high on the list is because he can't really die he's a ghost nothing can really hurt him but because of his personality which is being depressed and only having like one attack he's only going to see tier all right next up on the list is going to be shiren shiren singing ability is actually pretty impressive sadly her defense is pretty mediocre and sings the only thing she's got going for her and she doesn't have anything else to really mix up her attacks so that's why she didn't see tier final froggis is a stronger version of froggit he only goes higher than sharon dude his impressive attack and defense wimslot takes every weakness that wimson had and just throws it down the drain his attack and defense is really impressive and his double-bladed spear is actually really cool i'm putting so sorry next on the list a nervous personality might be a hindrance to some people but so sorry actually takes that weakness and uses it as a tool to lower his opponent's guard he has an impressive tail attack and the ability to summon monsters by drawing with a pencil his stats are pretty awful though so that's why he's in the middle of sea tier i'm not really sure what glide's supposed to be supposed to be a fish a whale well whatever he is he's actually decently strong glide's attack and defense don't actually have a number associated with them if you actually try to check his stats all they say is high so i'm assuming he's pretty strong glide actually does have the power to fire some star-like projectiles at his opponents but his only really glaring flaw is he's pretty narcissistic and he's pretty pretentious too after doing research for this video i was surprised how strong sooner plane actually is i mean i'm not sure what i was expecting from a plane but it can shoot bombs some in smaller planes and kill you with gas so that's actually really strong holy crap i might actually get a lot of hate for this but i'm putting flowey at the top of sea tier flowey does have the ability to summon some vines shoot petals and even burn into the ground but those things aren't really that strong maybe annoying at best but they're certainly not going to take down some of the top tier characters flowey's greatest ability in my opinion is the stealth he was able to incapacitate and even kill several high tier characters through the element of surprise his durability is somewhat impressive too he was able to take a fireball from toriel head on but it was only one so i guess i'll just chalk it down a mediocre i suppose i'll also have to bring up the whole soul absorbing ability i'm not really sure how to rank flowey with the soul absorbing ability because he was able to do it during the true ending but if he had that ability why didn't he just do it when frisk first fell into the underground so i'm gonna chalk that up to inconclusive for now so i'm gonna put flowey top seat here all right we're going into b-tier now b-tier actually has some pretty strong monsters but they still have some weaknesses so let's get started all right kicking off b tier we have night night night night's a mercenary and she wields a strange staff called the good morning star which is able to summon many moons that shoot meteorites towards her target she sounds like an unstoppable monster and for the most part she is but her only weakness is that if you singer her well she'll actually fall asleep so that's not exactly the best weakness all right this may come to a surprise but i'm putting papyrus in v tier i initially was going to put him in c-tier because of how incompetent he was during the snowden part of the adventure in undertale but after seeing him in battle i decided to put him up a couple notches he is one of the few characters in the game with soul manipulation and we've never actually seen a special attack but what we've seen so far his bone and abilities are pretty impressive it's probably obvious though during the fight that papyrus was holding back because he never actually intended to kill the human all he really wanted to do was just capture them papyrus overall is a pretty solid fighter with decent durability so what really sets him back it's his personality like many other monsters in the game his personality really sets him back he's way too nice to actually try to hurt anyone for real and undyne even doesn't want to add him to the royal guard because of his personality alone after an important character like papyrus who's next well it's magic magic's wizard guy and he has the power to create these strange orbs that chase and shoot lasers at his opponents the amount of orbs magic can create is pretty ambiguous so i'll chalk it down to about five maybe six because i'm not sure if three is actually his limit i think one of his greatest abilities however is his ability to confuse people his confusion spell actually causes the player's controls in the game to be inverted so that's a really impressive power to have that's why he's so high i'm putting luke's way cooler cousin astigmatism in b-tier he possesses the same attacks luke's does but his attack is way higher and not to mention his abilities are way stronger than lux's not only are his orb things way greater in number but they are also able to ricochet off the walls of the battle arena which make it much more dangerous much like luke's he also has the ability to go into some kind of rage mode making his attacks way stronger and faster that's why he's in b-tier he's really terrifying oh my god all right i'm putting the mad dummy up next what really makes him this high is his really impressive arsenal and his kind of immortality every time he's hit with a physical attack he can just rebuild himself which is pretty impressive during a fight he also packs with him a lot of missiles and a ton of robotic and normal dummy minions oh yeah he also has a knife for some reason his only weaknesses really being that magic actually still hurts him and his minions are more on the incompetent side so that's why he's in b tier all right mad mew mew's going in b tier as well it's the same ghost that possessed the mad dummy but this time it's in this weird anime doll it does have soul manipulation which puts it higher than the mad dummy not to mention the whole immunity to physical attacks so that's pretty impressive the only weaknesses mad mimi has is that it actually can get hurt by magic attacks much like the mad dummy and not to mention if the body of madmu is attacked enough it will actually start to crack and eventually fall apart alright i'm putting alphys up next alphys's true combat abilities are unknown but it is seen during the true ending that she does possess some sort of electrical powers so that's kind of interesting she is able to hack into several pieces of machinery throughout the underground not to mention she was able to repair your phone in a matter of seconds [Music] her smarts actually managed to help you a lot throughout your journey in the underground as she was able to disable tons of traps that mettaton planted for you i can assume that she has the same arsenal mettaton has with the small little robots that throw hearts and combining that with some electrical powers might actually make her pretty deadly her only really problem or weakness is her personality she's probably too scared to get into an actual fight so that's why she's not nay tier i'm putting rg 1 and 2 and b tier as well they're undyne's only competent guards and not to mention they don full plate armor and really long swords which actually makes them pretty deadly their durability and power is pretty high but what really makes them strong is the fact that they work as a team their ability to do team attacks together really well makes them pretty deadly not to mention if one of them dies the other flies into a rage mode making their attack power and attack speed much stronger they're probably the only reason why the royal guard isn't a joke besides undyne herself alright rounding off b tier is going to be mettaton neo i know you're probably thinking why is minneton neo this low it's mettaton's ultimate form well the big problem with mettaton neo is it sacrifices a lot of defense for attack which might be a good plan but her attack still isn't that high not to mention in the actual fight against mennoton neo he doesn't really even attack all he does is stand there a big theory on why that is is because minnetonia was supposed to only kill humans and because the player at that point has killed so many monsters them themselves have become a monster nevertheless until we see more of mettaton neo they're going to be planted top of b tier all right it's time for a tier these characters are actually really strong and barely have any weaknesses so let's get started all right all right this one might seem a little high but i'm putting muffit nate here her ability to bind enemies and spider webs that are surprisingly strong is really handy not to mention she does have soul manipulation she does have an army of spiders by her side too and a giant creepy looking monster one in the shape of a cupcake her only really weakness is her greed she can actually be paid to lower her attack and attack speed which is actually a pretty big problem if your opponent actually has money on them granted she does raise her prices every time she lowers them so i guess that's something all right next time in a tier we have mettaton mettaton in his base form actually is pretty powerful his durability is in the hundreds and not to mention he has ability to fire laser beams from his hands and he's a chainsaw which is pretty handy i'm not so sure if his metal body is immune to magic but all physical attacks are immediately negated because metal is metal and it's really hard minotaur's only real weakness is his narcissistic attitude if someone were to point out a mirror he would immediately turn around and look at it which is a really really bad thing to have during a fight because turning his back is actually kind of a weak point kinda for him the other weakness is his low battery life metal will actually run out of battery really fast so all you have to do to beat him is just wait a minute but when he's firing lasers at you and you can't really do anything to hurt him can you actually survive that long next up in a tier is going to be base form undyne undyne dons full plate armor and the ability to summon spears her attacks are really powerful and her durability is really good too she's also one of the few characters in the series with soul manipulation giving the player a shield but the inability to move which is actually pretty impressive considering she can shoot spears anywhere at any time she also shows some pretty impressive strength feats too being able to suplex holders just because she can her only real weaknesses are her susceptibility to heat and when she's in heat for too long she'll actually go unconscious and the fact that she don't full plate armor which actually lowers her speed quite a bit but other than that she's a monster a terrifying hero fine monster i debated whether or not to put undyne or mettaton x higher than one another and i ended up putting mettaton x higher just because of the stat difference x might not be as durable as he was in his base form but his power greatly makes up for it he has the ability to summon hordes of robotic minions and not to mention he has access to many explosives his legs are also pretty strong being able to kick someone really really hard what really came to a surprise is the fact that mettaton can actually rewind time which is a really impressive ability like i said before his only weakness is really his narcissistic attitude and the fact that he's not as durable as he was in his base form next mode despite these weaknesses however x is by far one of the strongest characters in undertale that isn't a reality bender i'm putting the caretaker of the ruins toriel next former wife of the king displays incredible power she's able to summon massive waves of fireballs and she's really good with magic she's able to knock down characters like asgore really easily too her only weakness is her personality her kind nature makes her hold back during fights and that can lead to her dropping her guard quite easily which makes her susceptible to killing blows alright rounding off a tears the king of the underground asgore there is no doubt that asgore is an absolute powerhouse he's able to dish out as much as he can receive too not to mention the fact that he's able to take out 6 humans before the player arrived is an admiral feat in its own according to a book in the library in snowden one human soul is as strong as the entire race of monsters living in the underground so being able to kill one by himself is pretty impressive he's also stronger than base form on dying during their trainings he only ever dodged her attacks and never laid a finger on her even when she was able to knock him down it was pretty clear asgore was holding back top it all off asgore is pretty proficient with his trident and not to mention he's able to summon waves of fireballs which is actually pretty deadly the only thing really holding him back from s tier is his personality is clearly guilty about his past actions and killing humans so during the fight with you he'll just stand there and take your attacks without even dodging not to mention it's strongly implied that he holds back massively during the fight too right now it's time for the big ones yes tears let's get started all right the first one up is probably the face of undertale the most popular character sans nobody needs to tell you that sans is a powerhouse his soul manipulating extremely powerful bone attacks are nothing short of insane he also uses an ability called kr or chromatic retribution by the fandom which is some kind of bleed damage that he uses on enemies he also wields powerful cannons called gaster blasters which do insane damage to an opponent dance is by far one of the strongest characters in the game but he still does have his flaws sansa's abysmal stats actually make you wonder how he does so much damage in the first place his stats are one attack and one defense which is actually lower than monster kid the lowest character in this tier list sansa's other weakness is low stamina he can only dodge a certain number of attacks before going down i suppose how to also bring up the whole being able to see when the world resets kind of thing uh no i do not believe sans can actually do that when he's in the judgment hall and he kills you he tells you by the look of your face that he's killed you before so i'm gonna chalk it up this he's just pretty smart not to mention if he actually knew that the realities were changing why doesn't he just change up his attacks during his fight despite sans being extremely powerful and a nest here already there's still a few characters i think are much stronger than him alright this one might be controversial but i'm putting undyne the undying higher than sans i forgot to mention this before about undyne or base form but she does have an ability that only humans can usually access called determination it's when your body decides that it does not want to die and ends up making the user immortal for a certain amount of time anyways i rank undyne the undying higher than sans because of her insane power and durability due to her releasing her determination powers she's able to stay alive for a much longer time despite having a fatal injury her massive power boost from this form makes her a really scary opponent and the only downside to it is after a while the determination gets too unstable and her body begins to melt i don't have an exact time on how long she can last in this form but she did say it was long enough for alphys to evacuate a large portion of the monster population during her fight with the human okay this is definitely going to be controversial i'm putting the amalgamates over sans and undyne respectively the only reason they're going this high is because they're essentially unkillable no magic no attack nothing can really actually put them down forever due to them being injected with way too much determination but unlike naps of luke these guys are actually willing to fight they will kill you if they need to which is what makes them so high alright that wraps up the s tier now it's time for the s plus tier these are like the reality benders and the strongest of the strong in undertale so let's end this once and for all all right the first one in s tier is going to be wd gaster the only reason gaster is at the bottom of s plus tears because we don't really know that much about him we do know that there was some accident in the past which caused him to be shattered across time and space but we don't really have a clue what that means yet we do know that however that he is reality breaking because during the start of the game when you name your character if you try to name him gaster the entire game shuts down so that does give him an indicator on he does have some reality bending powers all right next up on the list is the main protagonist of the series frisk much like undyne frisk does have the determination powers but due to being a human she can actually come back endlessly frisk also does have some pretty impressive durability and strength being able to one shot a majority of the cast of undertale during a genocide run frisk also has the ability of dodging as much as she wants without getting tired or he i'm not really sure if gender first is what truly makes frisk s plus tier is her ability to alter timelines in reality through the process of saving loading and resetting all right next up on the list is cara cara is an odd case as they're only shown at the end of the genocide run but assume they're stronger than frisk due to being able to reset the world despite frisk's resistances i'm gonna put omega flowey higher than cara and you might be mad at me for this but it's pretty obvious that omega flower is stronger while car is only one human soul omega flowers absorb six flowey also has the same reality bending powers first and kara possess he can save in the low of the game whenever he wants and not to mention he has the ability to fire nukes laser beams and other things such as flies and flamethrowers he's even able to close the game if he kills him it also it also should be known that you cannot reset the game when flowey takes it over that also adds on his power his only real weakness is that the souls inside of him that he absorbed can actually rebel against him and end up causing him to lose all his power all right it's time for the strongest character in undertale and the strongest character undertale is drumroll please all right you probably already know who it is asriel dreamer is by far the strongest character in undertale with the power of six human souls and the entirety of the underground monster population he is has insane power when checking his stats they are literally stated to be infinite it's probably even possible he has universe ending powers as well he even if he needs to fight without even erasing someone in the blink of an eye he possessive he possesses a massive arsenal of swords laser cannons and even massive stars i don't even need to go into detail about his angel of death form he's that powerful there's no doubt in my mind that this guy's the strongest undertale has to offer all right i'm done i'm oh i missed it here god dear oh oh no [Music] you
Channel: Straight Bowser
Views: 253,022
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Undertale, Tier List, Undertale Power Tier List
Id: wDoUDw4s13I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 47sec (1967 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 30 2021
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