Undertaker Hall of Fame speech

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[Applause] never say never [Music] [Applause] for the last 30 years my identity has been undertaker [Music] [Applause] [Music] the phenom [Music] [Applause] the dead man the american badass [Applause] and the taker of souls [Applause] [Music] tonight i'm going to take you behind the curtain and meet the man under the black hat mark callaway now it could have been really easy for me to keep mark callaway hidden until the day that i died but i wanted to show each and every one of you the same respect that you've shown me for so many years i love this business with all my heart but it doesn't come without sacrifice sacrifice in a form of family health and privacy i wouldn't be where i am today without all the people not only that help me in the ring but outside of it so wwe universe my first thank you is to you you are loyal you are passionate and you guys were the motivation that i needed on many nights to get up off of the training room table work my way down here to the ring push through the pain and perform i'm gonna share with you something that my brother once shared with me it's 1986 and i'm about 20 years old i'm sitting in his living room and i'm staring at the floor i'm about a semester away from college graduation and i'm conflicted and miserable i say david i i don't know what to do i said i i don't i don't know what to do do i do i graduate do i go overseas and try and play cold basketball see the decision it seems impossible see i spent the last 10 years consumed with playing basketball and be quite frank with you my opportunities after college are pretty promising at the same time basketball isn't what i want to do my heart is already into wrestling now sure i just i just started my wrestling training but i already know this is what i want to do with my life but i also know that my teammates are going to be disappointed and i don't even want to begin to think about what my parents are going to say my brother david comes and he he puts his hand on my shoulder and he goes mark you can't live your life for what mom and dad want you to do and you can't live your life for what your teammates want you to do here it is he says you can't live your life for anyone other than you it was in that moment that everything become crystal clear no matter what it took i was going to become a professional wrestler was it glamorous not unless you consider living in your car busting heads and bars and not knowing whether or not you're going to have enough money to eat that day it wasn't anything close to glamorous but let me tell you what it was it was the only way that i was going to find my true identity you see i respected my parents so much i didn't want to disappoint them but that being said i couldn't live my life for what my parents wanted me to do i had to i had to go after my own identity face my own failures be accountable for my own actions and chase my dreams without fear of what other people thought and because we can't live our life for anybody other than ourselves hopefully one maybe all of these will help you find your true your true identity as well my dreams led me to become the [Music] dubai
Channel: The Undertaker
Views: 603,596
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: sjgzSfZkuHc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 36sec (336 seconds)
Published: Sun May 29 2022
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