Top 10 Scariest WWE Undertaker Moments (#4 is Messed Up)

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- [Narrator] Undertaker is arguably the greatest wrestler in WWE history and the scariest. The demon from Death Valley, has terrified fans and other wrestlers for 30 years, but which moments were the scariest? That's what we're gonna find out right now. These are the top 10 scariest Undertaker moments of all time. Number 10, the Undertaker is alive. After Paul Bearer betrayed Undertaker and joined Mankind, the Phenom decided to kick things up a notch, by introducing, The Buried Alive Match. Undertaker and Mankind both tried to, literally bury each other, but it was the Deadman who had his hand raised. Even though he won, Undertaker ended up being the one buried alive, thanks to some interference. At first, it seemed like Mankind and Paul Bearer had successfully destroyed the Undertaker, but then, (lightning strikes) - [Announcer] Oh my! Unbelievable. (audience cheering) But, wait. - [Narrator] Like a classic horror movie monster, Undertaker's arm rose from beneath the ground. Well, not the most terrifying moment in Undertaker's career, the visual of a creepy looking arm rising from the ground is pretty spooky and proves you can't kill the Deadman. Number nine, Undertaker rises from the dead. At the 1994 Royal Rumble, Undertaker faced off against Yokozuna, in another one of the Phenom's signature match types, the casket match. The Deadman put up a good fight and ultimately took a small army, to stuff Taker inside the casket. Even in defeat though, Undertaker would still have the last laugh. As the casket was being carted away, smoke began to appear, the lights went black and then we saw a look inside the coffin. (audience cheering) (clock chimes) - Be not proud. - [Narrator] After giving a cryptic speech, the Undertaker began ascending inside a cloud of smoke. This moment has a lot of smaller creepy moments, but to me, the scariest of them all is when Undertaker jolts back to life. The lighting, the angles it's filmed at and the Undertaker's terrifying voice from inside the casket, all make it an iconic, scary WWE moment. The coffin exploding at the end is a bit much, but still doesn't stop this from being one of the Undertaker's scariest moments of all time. Number eight, "Buckle up Teddy". I know what you're probably thinking. This moment isn't scary. It's funny. Well, yeah, but let me explain. At the 2009, Breaking Point pay-per-view, SmackDown general manager, Teddy Long, screwed the Undertaker from winning the world heavyweight championship by banning the Hell's Gate submission hold and restarting the match. Of course, this made Teddy Long a target for the Undertaker. So, SmackDown's GM, try to make up for it by apologizing to the Deadman. - And I especially, would like to apologize to the Undertaker. - [Narrator] Apparently, it wasn't good enough because after Long got into his limo, he was in for a surprise. (audience cheers) - Buckle up, Teddy. (bell chimes) - [Narrator] Part of what makes this moment scary is that Teddy Long wouldn't be seen until the next SmackDown, meaning that the Undertaker had him kidnapped for a whole week. When Teddy did show back up, he was tied up and inside a casket. We can see that Teddy Long's suit is torn up so Undertaker likely tortured Teddy while holding him hostage. To me, that's what makes this moment so scary. Since it's never shown or explained, what exactly Undertaker did to Teddy Long. Judging by his expression after being freed, whatever Undertaker did to Long, must've been pretty messed up. Number seven, Undertaker sends Edge to Hell. In the main event of SummerSlam 2008, Undertaker and Edge, compete in one insane, Hell in a Cell match. It was a grueling battle but Undertaker came out on top. Even after getting the win, the Phenom hadn't had enough and continued attacking Edge. After setting up some ladders, Taker lifted the Rated-R Superstar up and sent him plummeting down. (crowd cheers) (announcers in aghast) All the bizarre visuals that appeared before the choke slam were pretty creepy. But since that wasn't enough, this also happened. (roaring blaze) - [Announcer] Oh my God! - [Narrator] It wasn't just a little fire, either. The flames nearly touched the top of the cell. I think this is supposed to be Undertaker metaphorically sending Edge to Hell and definitely gave that effect. Edge also wouldn't return till about three months afterward. So his absence helped make this moment even more impactful. The blue lighting along the orange flames, also gave the segment, a chilling and terrifying feel, all at the same time. Number six, Undertaker locks Ultimate Warrior in a casket. Coming off his first WrestleMania victory, Undertaker began feuding with one of the company's biggest stars, Ultimate Warrior. The rivalry began when Warrior was a guest on Paul Bearer's funeral parlor segment. It turned out to be a trap and Undertaker jumped the face-painted wrestler and eventually stuffed him inside a specially made casket. Rather than cutting away or moving on, the camera stayed on the casket and soon ringside personnel ran to the coffin and tried to get it open. After minutes of literally chipping away at it, they finally unlocked the lid. Inside, the Ultimate Warrior laid lifeless. As referees began giving him CPR to try and revive the man. He eventually started breathing but this segment was played pretty seriously. The crew frantically trying to get the Warrior out, and him being unconscious, when they did finally get the casket opened. Something else that adds to the scariness, is that the Ultimate Warrior was trying to escape by tearing at the top of the casket, before passing out. This was also when WWE was still in the cartooning phase, which made this moment even more shocking. Number five, Undertaker tries to embalm Steve Austin. After suffering a concussion at the hands of the Undertaker, Steve Austin was spending the night at a hospital, or should I say a local medical facility. While he was recovering, Stone Cold got ambushed by Taker and Paul Bearer. After they made the Texas rattlesnake pass out, the Deadman and his manager, took Austin's lifeless body to a funeral home to embalm him alive. They got Austin on the operating table, cut open his shirt and prepare to slice him open. Anything involving cutting someone open, especially when they're still alive is just disgusting and freaks me out. The cold emptiness of the room also has the unsettling feeling. Of course, Stone Cold doesn't actually end up getting cut open. But even though I knew that, I still had a tough time watching this entire segment. You might disagree, but I still find Undertaker's embalmment operation to be one of the scariest things he's ever done. Number four, Undertaker nearly kills Paul Bearer. In 2004, Paul Bearer returned to manage the Undertaker. During the renewed alliance, Bearer was kidnapped by Paul Heyman and The Dudley Boyz. At The Great American Bash, Heyman trapped Undertaker's manager inside a tank and threatened to fill with cement, if the Phenom didn't lay down for Bubba Ray and D-Von. Not only did Undertaker defeat both of The Dudleyz but he also prevented Heyman from killing Paul Bearer. It seemed like the story was going to have a happy ending, until. - I have, no other choice. - [Announcer] No, no. Undertaker what are you doing? What the hell is he doing? - [Narrator] Yup, Undertaker decided to murder his manager. Killing someone is already pretty dark, but it's even darker, considering how long of a history Bearer and Undertaker had. Now they did mention on the following episode of SmackDown, that Paul Bearer survived and only suffered severe internal injuries. Okay, so Undertaker didn't successfully kill someone but that doesn't change the fact that Undertaker fully intended to suffocate his manager. One of the reasons this isn't higher on the top 10 is because of the technical limitations. WWE couldn't have the real Paul Bearer in the tank, during the show, so they had to use a stunt double and work around it, which does ruin the moment a bit. Even with that though, death by suffocation is a scary thing, especially when you're willing to do it to someone you're close to. Number three, Undertaker throws Mankind off Hell in a Cell. Undertaker and Mankind did a fair share of scary stuff together. But then again, they both look like this, so, what did you expect? At the 1998 King of the Ring, the two wrestlers faced off in only the third Hell in a Cell match in history and things got intense very quick. The match started on top of the cage. And after just a bit of brawling, Undertaker threw his opponent off the 16 foot structure to the floor below. (crowd shouts) - [Announcer] Watch out! Oh no, no, no. God almighty, you're kidding me? (crowd cheers) - [Narrator] Well, spots like this aren't that uncommon today. At the time, this is something fans never really saw. What also makes Mankind's fall from the cell scary is not knowing if he's actually okay or not. Is Mankind lifeless because he's selling the fall or did we just legitimately see someone's career come to an end? It's so shocking that it feels real and therefore much scarier. It probably also feels real because you can't really fake this. Now we know that Mankind continued with the match and would also wrestle for several more years, which is great, but it does take the edge off a bit. Plus, this clip of Mankind falling has been shown so much that it loses a bit of its mystique. Both of those reasons are why this moment isn't ranked higher, but even with all that, it's still a terrifying incident that could've easily been much worse, had the slightest thing gotten wrong. Number two, Undertaker possesses Josh Mathews. December 9th, 2005, the night the Undertaker kept scaring the crap out of Randy Orton. Throughout the entire show, the Phenom kept playing all kinds of mind games on Orton. While they're all spooky, the last one was definitely the scariest. Orton and his dad had enough of Undertaker's supernatural tricks and were leaving the arena. The only problem, the doors to their car were locked and then the car drove away on its own. The scariest part though, was when backstage interviewer, Josh Mathews appeared and then. (dramatic music) - Enjoying the ride, Randy? - [Narrator] Holy crap. It's disturbing, hearing the Undertaker's threatening voice come out of Josh Mathews like that. The way Mathew's eyes change when he's possessed, just makes it even creepier. The unnatural sounds that play and abruptly end before and after Undertaker possesses Josh Mathews, also add to the scare factor. This could have flopped hard but instead became known as one of the Undertaker's scariest moments. And number one, Undertaker sacrifices Dennis Knight. It's not too surprising that the Undertaker's scariest moment happened during his Ministry of Darkness phase. Part of the reason for that, is because it happened during the Attitude Era, when WWE wasn't afraid to push everything as far as it could go. The scariest moment from this period of the Undertaker though, has to be when the Phenom sacrificed one of his followers, Dennis Knight. After bringing out his ministry, Undertaker filled the cup with his own blood and gave it to Knight to drink, while also renaming him Mideon. On top of that, Undertaker also carved a symbol into his follower's chest. And if all that wasn't creepy enough, the Deadman also lit his iconic cross on fire. As I previously mentioned, anything involving cutting parts of the body really freaks me out. So this was a pretty intense segment to watch. Unlike some other moments we talked about, where practicality limited what they could do, this moment showed everything up close. And on top of that, they went through with all of it. No one came to save the day this time. What do you think is the scariest Undertaker moment? Let me know in the comments. Shout out and thank you to The Ant Union, for commenting on the last video we did. Also, watch the video on the left, to find out, who the top 10 scariest women, in WWE are. With that, I'm Zach from Tap Out Corner and take it easy.
Channel: Tap Out Corner
Views: 3,194,167
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: WWE, WWE Top 10, Undertaker, WWE Undertaker, Undertaker Scariest Moments, wwe undertaker top 10 scariest moments, undertaker most scariest moments in wwe, wwe undertaker scariest moments, undertaker scary moments, undertaker scary entrance, undertaker scary promo, wwe undertaker scares randy orton, WWE Undertaker Top 10, wwe scariest moments, wwe scariest entrance, wwe scariest wrestlers, undertaker creepy moments, undertaker creepy entrance, scariest Undertaker moments
Id: 377zXnP3qu0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 18sec (738 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 23 2021
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