Understanding Use-Cases & User Stories | Use Case vs User Story | Object Oriented Design | Geekific

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What's up geeks and welcome to the channel!  If you think about it there are two ways to  describe what an application is meant to do  you can focus on the features  or the requirements of your app  where you say the system must do this  or the application must achieve that  or you can focus on the users  of your application by answering  how does a certain user accomplish a  particular goal with our application  describing your application  in a user-focused manner  and contrary to the feature-focused manner  allows you to write these requirements  in everyday language as non-technical as possible a typical user of this app should be able to read   one of these descriptions and understand it. Now there is no one required way to write these  but there are two formats commonly used  in this phase of the design process  one is called a use case and  the other is a user story.  In this video we're going to talk about both and in a later video we are going to expand   on how we can design or draw these use cases. So the most essential parts of a use case are the   title that describes the goal we are looking for, the person or actor who wants that goal satisfied,  and the scenario or series of steps  needed to accomplish the goal.  These steps describe a complete encounter  between the actor and our system  hence can have multiple possible results and can  even include sections for when things go wrong.  Now the best title for a use case is  a short phrase with an active verb  examples here might be: "Add a new  member", "Send mail", "Purchase   items in cart", "Create note" and so on... These could all be separate use cases which   define distinct goals of our application. Then we have the actor, the reason that   we say actor rather than just user is because we often need to identify   exactly who is having this interaction it could be a generic user, but also   a customer member or administrator, and it even doesn't have to be a human,   being it could be another computer system  or service interacting with our application.  So any external entity that  acts on our system is an actor.  Now comes the scenario or the details  that will help us achieve this one goal.  This could be written as a single paragraph  like the one you see in front of you  this paragraph should be short and easy to  understand by any typical user of the application  it's also very common to write the scenario  as individual steps as a numbered list  Now notice that in both examples we wrote  we described the normal expected flow or   what we call the success scenario again this is not pseudo code this   is not something we take to our  code editor and start writing  we are not there yet and we're not trying to be Now depending on the situation you can add   extensions to your success scenario steps for alternative flows like   what happens when items are out of stock or for when things go wrong like payment problems  and if it's more useful you can add  more specific details about the scenario  one common example would be a precondition  what must be true to begin this use case  here perhaps the precondition would be a customer  has added at least one item to the shopping cart  that's the only way this use case makes sense. Okay after writing the title, actor, scenario,   and possibly a precondition for your use case you should be fine and ready to go and 95% of the   time you won't be required to write more than that However you may sometimes encounter   fully dressed use cases and these go beyond the usual   fields we just discussed to include  multiple placeholders for a trigger  and description, preconditions,  post conditions, stakeholders, etc.  and these often exist as PDF templates or  Word document templates that you can fill in.  Now as I mentioned earlier  there are also use case diagrams  but forget about the diagram for a  moment because use cases are first   and foremost written texts and not diagrams we will see the use case diagrams in a future   video but as with all diagrams they are here to  support written use cases and not replace them.  Let's go ahead now and expand  on actors and scenarios.  An actor in a use case is  anything with behavior who lives   outside of our system outside of our application but has a goal they want to accomplish within   and these are usually human beings but not always sometimes coming up with the actor is   very straightforward like if you are  building a simple one-person application  and sometimes you might need to spend  a few minutes brainstorming the main   actors of your app or a particular use case what you can start by doing is separate human   and non-human interactions between  your app and the outside world  You see it's quite common that  use cases involve multiple actors  and will typically refer to them as the primary  actors and the secondary or supporting actors  Now the primary actors aren't necessarily  the most important actors in the scenario  they're just the one who  initiated this particular use case  so in the example we previously wrote  the primary actor was the customer   anyone else is a secondary actor now the initiated use case might go through a   lot of steps and some of these steps might fail and that leads us into talking more about   sketching out these steps in the  scenario part of our use case  when we describe a use case scenario we're  typically looking at describing a goal that an   actor can accomplish in a single encounter and we're trying to stay focused on   the user's goal, on their intention so for example login to the application   might first sound like a use case it has an active verb, it typically has multiple   steps, multiple conditions, you could forget the  password or be required to register and so on...  But if we emphasize on the user's goal we realize  that their goal with our system is not to login  the reason they want to login is to do  something so what is that something in your system? Is it to purchase items, to check their account balance,   these are user-focused goals each with several steps that   could be accomplished in one encounter logging in might be part of these use   cases part of one of these goals  but it's not a use case on its own  when writing a scenario you want to  focus on the true goal of the user   emphasize on one of the encounters. Now a simple casual use case can   still have multiple scenarios we've talked about the main success   scenario that's the one you want to focus on but when necessary you also need to describe   the alternate path or extensions so in the case of purchasing items you   might have a couple of options for what  happens when something is out of stock  what happens if the customer  payment method is rejected  however here you're not trying to lay out all  the possible events just the typical situations  that would occur and what would you  want to do with those situations  when you're writing use active voice, emit  needless words, omit needless details,  it's very common to see sentences  like "the system is provided with   the payments information by the customer" but you could just as easily say "customer   provides payment information" active  voice, easier to read, short, concise.  Notice also that we're describing  all this without the words like:   page, click, button, select, mouse, none of that there's no "click the checkout button"   we're focusing on the intention the user interface will follow, the   function of our application and what we want to do Now once you come up with your first actors and   goals you should ask yourself a few more  questions to see if you've missed anything  like do we have role-based actors and if so  who is the administrator of our system or   who manages the users of our system what happens if the system fails, is anyone   monitoring our system's activity or storing logs? You will often find that these questions   will reveal a couple obvious  actors for your application.  Finally before ending the video I  want to briefly mention user stories.  A user story is simpler  and shorter than a use case  it still describes a single small  scenario from a user's perspective   focused on their goal rather than on the system but unlike a use case which could be extended   as we discussed to several pages a user story is typically written   as just one, perhaps two sentences, this forces us to keep them very short   and that's kind of the point here user stories follow a particular   format and the format looks something like this "As a user or role, I want a particular goal so   that I benefit from it in this particular way" an example could be that "as a user I want to   be able to sort the entries by date so  that I can find the most recent content"  focused on one specific goal of one specific  user for a particular reason or benefit  user stories focus on intent what  we're doing is expressing one need  we're not detailing alternate path or  exceptions or listing any technical information  they're very quick readable summary of what  a specific goal is and why the user wants it  when you first hear about them it can be tempting  to regard a user story as just a shorter use case  but that would be a mistake they  are really very different things  A user story is a placeholder for a  conversation, it's a reminder that we   need to get deeper into the details of something whereas a use case can be regarded as a record   of a conversation that already happened it will detail the steps of how a particular   goal may or may not be achieved use cases are regarded as the more   formal unified process methodology you'd use but if you're working in a SCRUM environment   which we will discuss in future videos you should expect to see a focus on user stories  anyway however you do it I assure you that  describing your system in simple language and   easy to read terms is incredibly useful. So, that's it for this video, I hope it was   helpful thank you guys for watching take  care and I will see you in the next one!
Channel: Geekific
Views: 36,333
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: geekific, programming, coding, computer science, use case, user story, actors, scenarios, fully dressed use case, use-case, object oriented design, scrum, user story vs use case, use case vs user story, what is use case, what is user story, primary actors, secondary actors, use case example, user story example, examples of use cases, examples of user stories, use cases, user stories, business analysis, business analyst, use case diagram, object oriented programming, geek
Id: a3v4-KmDbQA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 9sec (609 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 07 2021
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