Understanding The Logos In The Law Of One (The Ra Material) And The Cosmic Doctrine (Dion Fortune)

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[Music] welcome to the reality revolution I'm your host Brian Scott and today we're gonna go on a little bit different rabbit hole we're gonna talk about the logos or logos I've heard it pronounced multiple ways I had a previous episode where I've talked about something called the law of one check out those episodes and I've used the word logos and I've been told it's logos but I'm gonna use logos but it could be both I really wanted to dedicate an episode to talk about the logos the logos in our cosmic universe and how we play a part check out previous episodes by Aaron AB key where he discusses the law of one and he discusses how the universe is made and how the universe is put together and check out my episode where I give a brief summary of the law of one now if you don't know what the log one is the law of one is also referred to as the raw material the material is a collection of channeled works created in 1981 to 1984 Carla record being the one that was channeling an entity called raw high-level sixth density being a social memory complex with vast knowledge of the universe that basically only answered questions by a researcher named Don Elkins and you can get all the information that you want from loved one info it explores the way that our universe came together that how we are all just one thought and then goes into a discussion of consciousness levels of consciousness and the way the universe came together one of the most fascinating aspects of the Labuan is the logos or logos the loved one material breaks down levels of consciousness going all the way from the bacteria the molecule to animals to advances in consciousness in higher evolutionary beings such as humans and beyond like angels and gods another thing that really fascinates me that I can't get out of my mind that has tickled my brain since I've accessed this material is the logos when you read the law of one you become aware that the earth is a conscious entity that all of the planets essentially most of the planets are conscious entities and that the Sun is a living conscious entity and so the law of one really explained these levels of consciousness and there is an organization to the universe galaxies are conscious living beings they are aspects of intelligent infinity broken down in there completely consciousness with their own free will so our Sun has its own free will to do whatever it wants and is on such a higher level of vibration and power it creates all these planets and each of these planets have their own freewill three well being a part of the solar system and this aspect of this universe and so the Sun has this solar system like this big gigantic play box playground and it's created over billions of years more than one species more than one intelligent being that are conscious and you watch the law of one or listen to the law of one or read the books you will learn of a history of the solar system there was a conscious civilization of beings on the planet Venus that becomes raw and that civilizations move into something called social memory complex --is advanced living entities that are a comp that are comprised of multiple individualized conscious entities working as a single group or unit unified and it seems like this is something that's part of the evolution of the universe so this is something that has just fascinated me you've seen other episodes where I've talked about the logos because when you look up in the sky and you see all these stars don't you just wonder what's really going on isn't it that question that tickles your brain every time when you watch science fiction or watch Star Wars or Star Trek or you imagine aliens and extraterrestrial species this vast amazing universe that we're looking at don't you just wonder what's really going on we know and feel like there's a genuine authenticity to the idea that there's an all-powerful being that may have created our universe when we say the word God but there's obviously a lot more to it we would have no idea or understanding of what it truly is so the law of one material was fascinating but my eyes were opened up when I recently read a book called the cosmic doctrine by Dion fortune Dion fortune is an absolutely fantastic metaphysical writer and her name keeps on coming up when I was doing an interview into the void on a radio station in Alabama a really good show and then I was also talking with Aaron Tomlinson and we both they both had brought up this author Dee unfortunately unfortunat is a classic writer that wrote about the occult that has a famous book called psychic self-defense which is a set of ways to defend yourself psychically from outside entities and your mind the unfortunate about the Kabbalah and then dabbled a little bit in channeling she was very hesitant and didn't even believe herself but had learned how to channel and questioned it to a degree that gave it some level of authenticity and consistency so she attempted to ascend and attempted to channel masters her an ascended masters and in the process had a channeling for something called the cosmic doctrine and the cosmic doctrine explains the order of the universe the creation of the logos and how these logos interact and what they are so I wanted to combine these two and I'm going to do some readings from the cosmic doctrine I'm going to do some readings from the law of one and I want to imagine so that we can get a better understanding of this incredible universe that we live in there's much more to it so first of all let's talk a little bit about the law of one and what they say about the logos so I have some readings and I and I might not go through all of them but I will definitely go through a good chunk of them they're all around when I just type in a search word for logos or logos now you may have first heard of the logos in the beginning was the logos or logos in the Bible which is attributed as a line in the Bible and many people have interpreted that as a word or thought so in many ways the logos is a part of a one single individual thought that is the creation of the universe but there are levels to it when you search for logos in law of one you get this in order of its reference so the first question was they were talking about the creation of the universe and Roz explaining awareness led to the focus of infinity into infinite energy you have called this by various vibrational sound complexes the most common to your ears being logos or love the Creator is focusing of infinity as an aware or conscious principle called by us as closely as we can create understanding learning in your language intelligent infinity then they asked could you tell me about this first density of planetary entities rocks planes each step recapitulates intelligent infinity in its discovery of awareness in a planetary environment all begins in what you would call chaos energy undirected and random in its infinity slowly in your terms of understanding their forms a focus of self-awareness thus the logos moves light comes to form the darkness according to the co-creators patterns and vibratory rhythms so constructing a certain type of experience this begins with first density which is the density of consciousness the mineral and water life upon the planet learning from fire and wind the awareness of being this is the first density another question while in yesterday's material you say do we offer the law of one the solving of paradoxes you also mentioned earlier in the first paradox or the first distortion i meant was the distortion of free will could you tell me if there's a sequence is there a 1st 2nd 3rd 4th distortion of the law of one raw explains only up to a very short point after this point the many nests of distortions are equal one to another the first distortion free will finds focus this is the second distortion known to you as locusts the creative principle our love this intelligent energy thus creates a distortion known as light from these the three distortions become many many hierarchies of distortions each having its own paradoxes to each synthesized no one being more important than another question basically I would say that to infringe on the free will of another self or another entity would be the first basic thing never to do under the law of one can you state any other breaking of the law of one than this basic rule rocks planes as one proceeds from the primal distortion of free will one perceives to understanding of the focal points of intelligent energy which have created the intelligences or ways of a particular mind/body/spirit complex in its environment both what you call natural and what you call man-made thus the distortions to be avoided are those which do not take into consideration distortions of focus energy love light or shall we say logos of this particular sphere or density these include lack of understanding the needs of the natural environment the needs of other selves mind/body/spirit complexes these are many due to the various distortions of mad main complexes in which the intelligence and awareness of entities themselves have chosen a way of using the energies available thus what would be an improper distortion with one entity is proper with another we can suggest an attempt to become aware of the other self as self and thus do that action which is needed by other self understanding from the other selfs intelligence and awareness in many cases this does not involve breaking the distortion of free will into a distortion or fragmentation called infringement however it is a delicate matter to be of service and compassion sensitivity and ability to empathize are helpful in avoiding the distortions of man-made intelligence and awareness the area or arena called the societal complex is an arena in which there are no particular needs for care for it is the prerogative honored duty of those in the particular planetary sphere to act according to its free will for the attempted aid of the social complex thus you have two simple directives awareness of the intelligent energy expressed in nature awareness of the intelligent energy expressed in self to be shared when it seems appropriate by the entity of the social complex and you have one infinitely subtle and various set of distortions of which you may be aware that is distortions with respect to self and other selves not concerning free will but concerning harmonious relationships and service to others as others would almost benefit the in another question they say this seems to be a carefully planned or Energon your stage of development can you tell me anything of the origin of this plan of development raw explains we go back to the previous information consider and remember the discussion of the logos with the primal distortion of free will each get galaxy developed its own logos this logos has complete free will in determining the paths of intelligent energy which promote the lessons of each of the densities given the conditions of the planetary spheres and the Sun bodies question IB may be backtracking a little bit and make a few false starts because I think that are possibly the most important part of what you're trying and trying to make it apparent through questioning how everything is won and how it comes from one intelligent infinity this is difficult for me to do so please bear with my errors in questioning the concept I have right now a process using both wait what you have told me in some of Dooley Larsen's material having to do with physics of the process I have the concept that intelligent Finity expands outward from all locations everywhere it expands outward in every direction uniformly like the surface of a balloon or a bubble expanding outward from every point everywhere it expands outward at what's called unit velocity or the velocity of light this is Larson's idea of the progression of what he calls space-time is this concept correct this concept is incorrect as in any concept of the one intelligent infinity the concept is correct in the context of one particular logos or love or or focus of this creator which has chosen its shall we say natural laws and ways of expressing them mathematically and otherwise the one undifferentiated intelligent infinity unpolarized full and whole is the macrocosm of the mr. Eclat being we are messengers of the law of one unity at this approximation of understanding cannot be specified by any physics but only by but activated or potentiated intelligent infinity due to the catalysts of freewill this may be difficult to accept however the understandings we have to share begin and end in mystery so here we see that Rock says the word mystery which Ross says multiple times admitting not full knowledge of everything but giving their best interpretation question when does individualization or individualized portion of consciousness come into play how does this individualization occur and at what point does individualize consciousness take over in working on the basic light rocks planes you remain careful in the area of creation itself in this process we must further confuse you by stating that the process by which freewill acts upon potential intelligent infinity to become focused intelligent energy takes place without the space-time of which you are so aware as it is your continuum experience the experience or existence of space-time comes into being after the individual process of logos or love has been completed in the physical universe as you would call it has coalesced or begun to draw inward while moving outward to the extent now that which you call upon your son bodies have in their turn created timeless chaos coalescing - what you call planets these vortices of intelligent energy spending a large amount of what you call first density in a timeless state the space-time realization being one of the learned teachings of this density of beingness thus we have difficulty answering your question with regard to time and space and the relationship to what you would call original creation which is not part of the space-time as you can understand it thank you they ask does a unit of consciousness an individualized unit of consciousness creates say a unit of the creation I will give an example would one individualized consciousness create one galaxy of stars the type that has many millions of stars in it does this happen this can happen the possibilities are infinite thus Ilocos may create what you call a star system or it may be the logos creating billions of star systems this is the cause of the confusion in the term galaxy for there are many different logos entities or creations and we could call each using your sound vibration complex as a galaxy so earlier and then later in the reading when raw is talking about galaxies they refer to this solar system as a galaxy and then explaining because maybe they're more aware they could then what we what we see but these individualized units of galaxies or solar systems in the universe are all living entities so the best way to consider it is our solar system altogether is a living entity the Sun is a living entity and I will discuss further the implications of that but the let's take an example they gask the planet that we are on now tell me how much the creation was created by the same logos that created this planet raw explains this planetary logos is a strong logos creating approximately 250 billion of your star systems for its creation the shall we say laws or physical ways of this creation will remain therefore constant question then what you're saying is that the lenticular star system which we call a galaxy that we find ourselves in with approximately 250 billion other Suns like our own was created by a single logos is this correct wrong explains this is correct now since there are many individualized portions of consciousness in this Latur galaxy did this logos or logos then subdivide into more individualization of consciousness to create these consciousness or divided into these consciousness marah explains you are perceptive this is also correct through an apparent paradox could you tell me what you mean by apparent paradox ross says it would seem that if one logos creates the intelligent energy ways for a large system there would be not be the necessity or possibility of further sub logos differentiation however within limits this is precisely the case and it is perceptive that this has been seen question do all the individualized portions of the logos then in our I'll call the lenticular galaxy that we are in two hundred and fifty billion suns or stars I call that major galaxy just so we will not get mixed up in our terms does all the consciousness then in this individualized form that goes into what we are calling the major galaxy start out and go through all of the densities in order one two three four five six seven then to eight or is there shall I say some who start higher up the rank and go and so that there is a mixture of intelligent consciousness in the galaxy the latter is more nearly correct ross says in each beginning there is the beginning from infinite strength free will acts as a catalyst beings b begin to form the universe consciousness then begins to have the potential to experience the potentials of experience are created as part of intelligent energy and are fixed before experience begins however there's always due to free will acting infinitely upon the creation a great variation in initial responses to intelligent energies potential almost immediately the foundations of the shall we call it hierarchical nature of beings begins to manifest as some portions of consciousness of awareness through the experience in a much more efficient manner now as as they're describing this you start to see when I I read all of these lectures by Neville Goddard Neville Goddard primary assertion is that God is imagination and each of these individualized portions of a concept of consciousness are formulations of imagination and all are given the power of imagination and each of them can imagine their own star systems that can imagine their own species and its levels of imagination that start to blow your mind when you really take this stuff into consideration question I'm assuming the process of creation then after the original creation of the major galaxy is continued by the further individualization of consciousness of the logos so that there are many many portions of individualized consciousness then creating further items you might say for experience all over the galaxy is this correct this is correct for within the shall we say guidelines or ways of the logos the sub logos may find various meanings differentiating the experiences without removing or adding to these ways question is our Sun this planetary system as we know it a sub logos or the physical manifestation of a sub logos this is correct then I am assuming this sub logos created the planetary system in all of its Dennis densities is this correct this is incorrect Ross says the sub logos of your solar entity differentiated some experiential components within the patterns of intelligent energy set in motion by the logos which created the basic conditions and vibratory rates consistent throughout your what you have called major galaxy then is this sub logos which is our Sun the same sub logos but just manifesting in different parts through the galaxy which is is that all the stars in this galaxy please restate Ross says what I'm saying is there roughly 250 billion stars or Suns something like ours in this major callously are they all a part of the same sub logos they are all a part of the same logos your solar system as you call it is a manifestation somewhat and slightly different due to the presence of a sub logos now all of these let me be sure I'm right then then our son is a sub logos of the logos then that is the major galactic logos correct that this is correct are there any sub sub logos that are found in our planetary system that are logos that are sub to our Sun this is correct would you tell me that one of those would you give me an example of one of those I'll call sub sub logos one example is your mind/body/spirit complex process then eat every entity that exists would be some type of sub or sub sub logos is this correct this is correct down to the limits of any observation for the entire creation is alive question then the planet which we walk upon here would be some form of sub sub logos is that correct a planetary entity is so named only as logos if it is working in harmonic fashion with entities of mind/body complexes upon a surface or within its electromagnetic field so this meat seems to imply it that the planet is a logos only if it has life on it question do the sub logo such as our Sun do any of them in our major clock scene do they have a metaphysical polarity shall we say positive or negative as we've been using the term as you use the term this is not so entities through the level of planetary have the strength of intelligent infinity through the use of free will going through the actions of beingness the polarity is not the Slee as you understand polarity it is only when the planetary sphere begins harmonically interacting with mind bodies complexes and more especially mind/body/spirit complexes that planetary spheres take on distortions due to the thought complexes of entities interacting with the planetary entity the creation of the one Infinite Creator does not have the polarity you speak of thank you yesterday you stated the planets in first density are in a timeless state to begin with can you tell me how the effect we appreciate as time comes into a being rocks planes we have just described to the state of beingness of each logos the processes by which space-time comes into continuum form a function of the careful building shall we say of an entire or whole plan of vibratory rates densities and potentials when this plan has coalesced in the thought complexes of love then the physical manifestations begin to appear the first manifestation stage being awareness or consciousness at the point at which the coalescence is at the living Nisour being this point the point or Fountainhead of beginning space-time then begins to unroll its scroll of living 'no second tin you'd application of love I will assume this is directed by a sub locus or sub sub locus this continued application of love creates rotations of these vibrations which in discrete at units of angular velocity this then creates a chemical elements in our physical illusion and I will assume the elements in the other or what we call non-physical or other densities in the illusion is this correct rocks planes the locus creates all densities your question was unclear however we shall state the logos does create both the space-time densities and the accompanying time-space densities question I guess what we'd better get that is we have traced the path of creation at least down to the crystalline structure we'd better concentrate on the evolution of thought and its seeking path to intelligent infinity we have created in the major galaxy of the logos a very large number of planets as these planets develop is it possible for you to give me an example of various planetary developments and what I would call a metaphysical sense having to do with development of consciousness and its polarities through the galaxy in other words I believe that some of these planets develop quite rapidly into higher density planets and some take longer times can you give me some sort of idea of that development raaah explains this particular logos of your major galaxy has used a large portion of its coalesced material to reflect the beingness of the creator in this way there is much of your galactic system which does not have the progression of which you speak but dwell spiritually as a portion of the logos of these entities upon which consciousness dwells there is as you surmise a variety of space-time periods during which the higher densities of experience are attained by consciousness does this fulfill the requirements of your query I'm going to make a statement and though you let you correct if I have made errors this is the statement creation is a single entity or unity if only a single entity exists then the only concept of service is to service to self if this single entity subdivides then the concept of service of one of its parts to the other part is born from this concepts brings the Equality of service to self or to others it would seem that as the loka subdivided parts would see and select each orientation as individualized entities emerge in space-time then I would assume that they have polarity and is this statement correct this statement is quite perceptive incorrect Ross says until the final phase in which we note the polarities begin to be explored only at the point when a third density entity becomes aware of the possibility of choice between the concept of distortion of service to self or service to others this marks the end of what you may call the unselfconscious nor innocent phase of conscious and awareness question can you give me a brief history of the metaphysical principles of the development of each of our planets around the Sun and their function with respect to the evolution of beings Rothen explains we shall give you a metaphysical description only of those planets upon which individual mind/body/spirit complexes have been are or shall be experienced you may understand the other spheres to be part of the logos so this means that not all the planets have had life or have become as at the same level of density and I found this passage very interesting Ross says we have we take that one known as Venus this planetary sphere was one of wrap in evolution it is our native earth and the rapidity of the progress of the mind/body/spirit complexes upon its surface was due to harmonious interaction upon the entity known to you as Mars as you have already discussed this entity was stopped in mid third density thus being unable to continue in progression due to the lack of hospitable conditions upon the surface this planet shall be undergoing healing for some of your space-time millennia the planet which you dwell upon has a metaphysical history that's earth a well known to you and may ask about it if you wish however if we have spoken to a great degree upon this to subject the planet known as Saturn has a great affinity for the infinite intelligence and thus has been dwelled upon in its magnetic fields of time and space by those who wish to protect your system the planetary entity known to you as Uranus is slowly moving through the first density and has the potential of moving through all the densities question thank you I was wondering if any of the other planets had a metaphysical evolution you stated yesterday that much of this major Galactus system dwells spiritually as part of the locus but do you mean that near the center of this major galactic system that the stars there do not have planetary systems is this correct this is incorrect the logos has distributed itself throughout your galactic system however the time-space continuum of some of your central Sun systems is much further advanced question I'm trying to make a simple model of the portion of the universe we find ourselves in starting with the logos or sub logos our Sun we have white light emanating from this this is made up of frequencies ranging from the red to the violet I am assuming that this white light then contains the experiences through all of the densities and as we go into the 8th density we go into a black hole which emerges on the other side as another low gas or Sun and starts another octave of experience can you comment on this part of my statement raw explains we can comment upon the statement to an extent the concept of the white light of the sub logos being prismatic Li separated and later at the final chapter being absorbed again is bei Stickley correct however there are subtleties involved which are more than semantics the white light which emanates informs the articulated sub logos has its beginning in what may be fed metaphysically seen as darkness the light comes into that darkness and transfigures it causing the chaos to organize and become reflective or radiant thus the dimensions come into being conversely the blackness of the black hole metaphysically speaking is a concentration of white light being systematically absorbed once again into the one creator finally this absorption into the one creator continues until all the infinity of creations have attained sufficient spiritual mass in order that all form once again the Great Central Sun if you would so imagine it of the intelligent infinity awaiting potentiation by goo free will thus the transition of the octave is processed which may be seen to enter into timeliness of a matte unimaginable nature to attempt to measure by your time measures would be useless therefore the concept of moving through the black hole of the ultimate spiritual gravity well and coming immediately into the next octave misses the sub concept or corollary of the portion of this process which is timeless this question and trying to build an understanding of from the start you might starting with the intelligent infinity and getting to our present condition of being I'm having some difficulty but I think I should go back to the investing our Sun since it is the sub logos that created all that we experience in this particular planetary system will you give me a description of the Sun of our Sun Ross says this is a query which is not easily answered in your language for the Sun has various aspects in relation to intelligent infinity to intelligent energy and to each density of each planet as you call these spheres moreover these differences extend into the metaphysical or time-space part of your creation in relationship to intelligent infinity the Sun body is equally with all parts of the infinite creation part of that infinity in relation to the potentiated intelligent infinity which makes use of intelligent energy it is the offspring shall we say of the logos for a much large number of sub loci the relationship is hierarchical in that sub logos uses the intelligent energy and ways set forth by the logos and uses its freewill to co-create the shall we say full nuances of your densities as you experience them in relationship to the densities the Sun body may physically as you would say be seen to be a large body of gaseous elements undergoing the processes of fusion and radiating heat and light metaphysically the Sun achieves a meaning to fourth through seventh density according to the growing abilities of entities in these densities to grasp the living creation and Co entity or other self nature of this Sun body thus by the sixth density the Sun may be visited and inhabited by those dwelling in time-space and may even be partially created from moment to moment by the processes of six density entities in their evolution this explanation that's given by raw that that beings live inside the Sun is confirmed by Dolores cannon in her book convoluted universe in the final chapter of the convoluted universe Dolores cannon discusses the god source now if you don't know who Dolores cannon is in a similar situation she was a master hypnotist that developed qhht and spoke with many different entities similar to raw higher selves different beings when inducing people into an exploration of their previous lives she was able to get similar information for instance one being asks we can go into the Sun that's where I feel comfortable and familiar Dolores says in the Sun in the Sun with the light I'm part of it it's just one big light and it's hot our Sun or is it something similar it's the Sun Dolores says it is the Sun well what what's it like to be part of that normal it feels home I don't have a body I I do have consciousness I'm part of the whole thing and not separate a part of the whole light well what does it like to be in the Sun the entity says as you approach it is extremely bright and hot but as you go into it it's not hot anymore once you become it it's just a ball of light with consciousness the Sun has consciousness - yeah it's a larger consciousness it goes on and on forever but aren't there many Suns in many places not like this this there's just one this is different than a star that is a Sun is that what you mean yes it's pure energy dolorous then because there are many Suns aren't there with many planets or burger in them I don't know all I know is that I went towards this ball of light I recognized as soon as I knew it I was my it was my home and when I went to into it I didn't have a form I just had total consciousness and energy so you feel like that is your home and that's where you are comfortable where everything is good it feels normal had you been there a long time or do you know I don't know but I recognize it's Who I am so we may go into that some more but we already have confirmation from another entity that are there is living sources in the Sun so now of course when I look up into the Sun I meditate in the Sun I regularly try to go out and do my meditations in the Sun I Sun gaze I try everything with the Sun the Sun is and I pray and talk to the Sun now of course in my own privacy but I found this interesting and and of course the idea of the logos has just been tickling my brain in a significant way for a very long time and I've continued to think about it if you check out my meditation on becoming intelligent infinity I try to go into the headspace of becoming one of these logos so I was really excited when I found the cosmic doctrine by Dion fortune where she discusses the the logos even further now there's the question maybe maybe Don Elkins or Carly Rucker had read this before and that's why we're getting this information in the law of one proving that it's not channeled and hey don't know if that's true or not but there is some proof that Don Elkins didn't know what was being channeled because some of the questions he didn't agree with and in parts of it were not released and there's further discussion than if you do research on the law of one but it's really interesting let me give you a basic review of the cosmic doctrine I thought about doing it separately as an entire episode but I just wanted to really build this in the cosmic doctrine channel by Dionne fortune who had little faith in channeling and had great difficulty in understanding the material the text asserts that our universe is the creation of a much more ancient order of being referred to as the logos and the first section of the doctrine begins with the description of the physics of their world which are quite different from ours the alien situation is clearly explained but hard to grasp because it is unrelated to anything that we know indeed most people find the physics of our own world difficult to understand so the physics of an alien world is even more so the forces with which shaped the evolution of these ancient beings is described in this book the paradigm of competition for limited resources does not exist their life is non Darwinian there are no species no reproduction and no death each being evolves individually from the simplest most primitive form or much more often does not evolve and remain simple in most rare cases of being attains consciousness a sort of enlightenment such a conscious being can with difficulty organize simpler beings to form a huge body like a social memory complex or it is like a human body with heat with its cells but the simpler beings can still leave and continue their independent life one such organization created our solar system according to the this channelled work and closely monitors its progress the second section of this book describes how this is organized it is an extreme form of nanotechnology the hoard of tiny beings are creating it which in turn create yet tinier versions of themselves which in turn create yet tinier versions and so forth and in the end seven layers of Nano exist within our world at the seventh tiniest layer it is like building a ship in a bottle in that tiny ship is a tiny ship in which yet a smaller ship is built and so forth seven times and why do they do this the ancient beings are immortal and are motivated by learning and growth stagnation is the danger they have done everything there is to do in their world miniature worlds such as ours are created as a means of for further challenges with their consequent learning and growth so what we see as sons and stars and solar systems is a part of a nano it seems that such beings do not reproduce or have family so creations are their progeny and each of the members of the tiny world was created by being in the greater world we can never leave and our existence ends according to this book with the end of the solar system we are just a part of the living solar system but our memories persist and will be absorbed by that being events pass much more rapidly 25,000 times faster in our world so learning takes place much more quickly in our tiny world it is my feeling after reading this that we are being led on a journey or path to an evolution of our own logos in which we can eventually through social memory complex obtain the same order as these beings becoming Suns solar system planets galaxies and behind our own black hole creating our own universe that is what I have had dreams of visions of continuously that we are being taken on this process we're harvested from this planet as beings that can be taken to the next level and each density we grow to a greater refined understanding of creation and thought which eventually leads us to becoming the ultimate logos and that's what we become when we advance to the higher level beyond our own solar system which I find super fascinating the third section of the book is all about how this relates to us as humans and it's hard for me to understand and the fourth is is also about the laws and how different laws and how they're they affect the universe there's there's a couple introductions they're kind of trivial and so the question is as I asked with the law one is that real or a delusion fortune herself was unsure and felt it should be put to the test somehow I find this remarkably self consistent with the law of one and once in self-consistent and once we can grasp the alien concept and peculiar vocabulary very similar to the law one fiction is never anywhere near this complex and imaginative and admittedly it's difficult in all of these writings to gauge and rate what this stuff means because it claims are either true or false in certain respects which is very difficult to check regardless there are some very interesting and cogent chapters in the cosmic doctrine that really made me think in the same ways that I thought when I read the law of one a lot of it was the reminiscent of the kind of content one would find in Steiners evolutionary descriptions in outline of the occult Sciences just that this reading like the law of one zooms out to the more macro and attempts to explain the entire cosmos the universe of universes it follows the trail of simplicity to secondary and tertiary causes to we're increasing layers of ripples and interference patterns villain to create the complexity that we experienced when examining the world on any mystical level or even in comparing the data of our world religions one warning to anyone that's starting down this path and reading about this stuff as I have shown you from reading the law of one the terminology can be very off-putting and there are certainly people that have already turned off this video because 25 to 30 percent of what I'm saying doesn't make sense and the words are sometimes antiquated defunct and it's hard to understand and it's hard to cram all of this information into what we know so if you start reading and discussing this material as a conversation on astrophysics this will really dig at you at the same time I read it the more warnings of Dion fortune herself became clear that the channeling draws the best words and concepts available from her vocabulary which is also what's happening with Carlo record and that ultimately the material presented is the best approximation of what they want to say even if by analogy and the words that we are stuck with are the words that were in Carlo records brain or Indian fortunes brain and they still cannot fully explain it to us in a current way of thinking the seven circles of Dion fortunes cosmology would be tantamount to claiming six Universal shells within our sphere with something like a three-ring gyroscopic force to the outside of us she describes all of these competing forces as the beginnings of the universe what caused me to and I first read it I couldn't understand it and I prejudged it and it seemed ridiculous and I started to reconsider what I had prejudged this book even the law of one I did the same it had to do with the solidity of what comes after the explanation of the universal structure the laws in particular impaction was probably the best chapter the law of limitation is a close second there are philosophical similarities that I see in the seven fears from plum and Rees as well as parallels to hey Bailey parallels parallels to kabali on and but similar to the theosophic literature it seems to have something in common with respect to the involution Airy arc preceding the evolutionary and I can also see where the question is wide open as to whether this was channeled material or whether it was more of a subconscious firestorm regardless of what the source when comparing theosophy hermetic doctrine in a lot of other mystical texts and channelings a great deal rang true to type it fits a fine specimen of a Colt work along these lines the book and the books and readings itself in a very atomist or democritus way and that questions occur as you read is that how its properly read or was this strictly those commuting vieng the unfortunate subconscious simply letting using the best analogies available from her vocabulary and knowledge base so I wanted to give some limited readings of what I found interesting the book is broken apart in the first chapters the first manifestation and it explains that knowledge falls into two divisions the record of facts and explanation thereof knowledge can only it consists of that which is present in the mind that which does not enter the mind cannot be known therefore you can only know that which you have senses to interpret to you as new senses open up more planes of existence can be known there is however a limit to the knowledge of the finite perception ceases at the barrier of manifestation of that which lies beyond we can only know by analogy the unmanifest is pure existence these images are not descriptive as symbolic are designed to train the mind not informant therefore you may think the unmanifest as interstellar space and of the logos as a son surrounded by his solar system of planets and of the emanations of the logos as rays the unmanifest is only unity manifestation begins when duality occurs the prime duality is space and movement the first manifestation was current in space the metaphor that the unfortunate is may convey nothing to your mind but that's what is can talk about at the beginning and that there's no such thing as a straight line in the cosmos all movement therefore has a slight curve in its projection therefore eventually it returns to the spot whence it started and forms a spinning ring now the prime movement is just flowing of space that returns after long eons once it started and then renews its journey this sets up a spinning belt of enormous circumference this belt spins on one for immense eons of time spins with the changeless spinning but its tendency is to communicate its motion to the space about it which leads more to the space to flow into the spinning that's just the first chapter there is the second chapter the first Trinity and it's explained you have to conceive of the cosmos in its primal aspect as fortune explains as consisting of three spinning movements all that is nothing but movement and movement in space pure movement for the pure movement which gives rise to all that is commences before there is anything to move the cosmos then is bounded by the movement which is called the ring pass not but because the ring pass not there are movements in two directions there are the ring cosmos and the chaos good and evil they are the sources of the forces which are known to you by these names but through these forces influence that which is known as the ring pass not they cannot pass beyond it these three rings are why the Supreme Being is always conceived of as a trinity and three is the fundamental number everything in the end is reducible to these three influences whatever subsequent stresses arise may be analysed into the balancing of these three forces a the force of the ring cosmos which tends towards the center and be the force of the ring chaos which tends towards outer space and see the force of the ring past not which holds the balance between them and prevents either of these forces from going to extremes in another section of this chapter the channel spirit says the prime activity is movement the second activity is light the third activity is sound the movement of the ring cosmos sets up secondary swirls within the area of its influence its tendency is to draw more and more space into its pinned it cannot expend it excels turn externally before it's limited by the sphere of the ring past not so when you're reading this it gets to be pretty difficult and you have to question whether it's important and we get a full explanation of the evolution and then we go into section two and it's the evolution of the logos and they explain how these entity he's formed and I found a lot of it incredibly interesting it starts out from the traveling Adam moving up through all of these and explains that a universe is a thought form projected by the mind of God the relation of the God of a universe to the cosmos to the universities evolved he is its creator and unconditioned and sustainer by it finite infinite and omnipotent it sounds familiar there is a checked there's a section called the projection of the concept of the universe and the earth was without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep according to Genesis 1:2 and as we have already seen a great entity projects itself into concept of itself this however is the big not the beginning of objective ization in a universe though dealt with first in the order of instruction in order to make that which follows more comprehensible for the great entity when it projects the image of itself found substance of the same nature as the projection awaiting the organization which the projection would bring about it sounds to me like the mirror is being talked about right there there's a great chapter on the relation between a projected image and the Ligurian consciousness and I found this pretty interesting it says at the beginning of an evolution the logos is alone in that sphere which is afterwards to become its universe it is conscious only of itself for there is no object in existence within that sphere of which it can be conscious it sounds like God by himself it will thus be seen that the logos reverses the order of the psychologist concept of the evolution of consciousness having first cosmic consciousness been self consciousness then objective consciousness that logos then is now aware that the thought form has been projected from its consciousness into its aura for under one aspect the universe may be conceived as the aura of God this consciousness of an object produces a reaction in the lagoon or consciousness there is a subject object adaptation and this adaptation produces a corresponding modification in the reflected universe which becomes capable of an object subject reaction thus a relationship or risk prosody is established between the logos are great entity and that projected image of the legaud or consciousness which is the incipient universe it must not be thought however that the lagoon consciousness is limited to awareness of its objectified universe the legaud all focused consciousness or conscious consciousness is thus limited for a focus or conscious consciousness can only be built up out of awareness of and reactions to objects but the Ligurian sub consciousness is aware of the cosmos and the consciousness is influenced by the sub consciousness which is basis and background of the cosmic tides at ebb and flow which moved the circle of corresponding aspects of lagoon sub consciousness as stimulated by their influences now there is an implication that's given in the cosmic doctrine that these logos are at time sleeping and there is a subconscious to the logos so there are periods maybe 75,000 years where the logos is sleeping and you see tides of history that has related to an awareness where it's like a dreamlike period and then then there's more active like period of the logos which I find fascinating almost this duality between sub consciousness and consciousness that occurs even on the large scale of the whole universe which I love there's a section on auto reactions in cosmic memory and it explains that each phase of evolution whether cosmic or legaud all starts with a new type of action or reaction and every possible variation is worked out by adding the possibility of reaction to the reactions already established so it gets a little bit complicated but if they explain it will thus be seen that the form or framework upon which the universe is built has been made the basis of a third type of manifestation and that's created this Auto reaction so you get this idea that the universe is sort of a clockwork but once you start to analyze it it does go to another level and there is much more to it than just this clockwork there is this consciousness so another fantastic reading from the cosmic doctrine is evolution of the lords of flame form and mind and in this one it says the evolution of a divine spark let it be noted to begin with that the first swarm of divine sparks differs from its successor in many respects to begin with the first swarm is composed of travelling atoms of the universe secondly these divine sparks are subjected to no other influences than those of the logos itself because satellites haven't having not seen been developed they are not exposed to the influences of the planetary spirits therefore the sparks of the first swarm have the divine image impressed on them in all its purity unblurred by other influences there's an absence of cross currents in the influences of which they play upon the first storm which causes them to attain the divine ideal with much less stress and effort so it's really talking about the beginning times and it talks about the evolution where the first form is slowest because it's all original work and then it just speeds up and then there becomes a differentiation as you go on into different levels of personality with the logos there's a section on the influences of the Regents upon the globes and the evolution of the life storm and the last section of the cosmic doctrine is worth reading it's talking about the different laws that play upon these logos but I could certainly go into this even further on both levels for both the law of one and the cosmic doctrine and the reason I'm talking about is I really don't know I'm just so excited and fascinated by this concept and add it into your meditations imagine that you are this higher level logos of here the Sun or imagine that you're the planet and I have found times when I was able to access this that is all a part of our own wonderful human imagination that we are all of it if we are God as described by novo Goddard then we are the logos we are just a differentiation of it key blow in this life and as we move towards these higher we don't just become light and everything's bliss and everything's perfect when we become a nun sheath the the body that we're in we move up in levels and it's all this journey that we're going on there's a reason that we're going through this life having forgotten everything else before because we are becoming gods we are becoming our own logos and each of the planets are doing the same we're all moving up in this incredible hierarchy now if you ever get a chance I recommend that you read the culture series by Iain Banks III n banks it's an exploration in fiction of the idea of advanced artificial intelligence living on scales like the logos what do these entities think about what do they do so there may be a point in the future when we have advanced entities developed from our own creations that are in the same level of respect as the logos but it's pretty interesting I checked I recommend they check that out to science fiction series and they Center on the culture a utopian post-scarcity space society of humanoids aliens and very advanced artificial intelligence living in socialist habitats spread across the Milky Way galaxy and the main theme is the dilemmas that an idealistic hyperpower faces in dealing with civilizations that do not share its ideals and I just found it interesting there's several different novels and I recommend for instance the hydrogen Sonata four in particular or Accession which are discussions of these group these mines and the hydrogen Sonata is way super advanced civilizations at some point do something called sublime which is essentially it sounds like another advancement of the law of one moving into the next density and looks like the whole civilization sublimes and they don't understand it so all these advanced intelligences watch as the civilization and the solar system becomes something else so I recommend that and it's been played around with in science fiction in so many levels but it's interesting because the unfortunate the logos miniaturized itself on to nano levels and that the what we think of is even bigger and greater than the space and his solar system that we're in this is a miniature is the idea of the midi-chlorians that is talked about in Star Wars but there is so much to discuss and it's wonderful to dream about and I would love to talk about it with you because it fascinates me I'm just craving right now to go out in the Sun and fill myself up with this incredible power of the Sun you know in the past there were Sun gods and then current Christian religions will say that how pagan it is it's so funny that there may be more realism in those past pagan religions than we realized so what is actually happening in the solar system and do you know more I also recommend that you check out Alice Bailey who has a book called initiation human and solar and the light of the soul and the cosmic fire which are discussing initiations by the Sun into a higher order which I don't know if they're true or not but that lights up my mind to think about this further and what we're seeing with the Sun and these planets may be something more that we don't even understand check out the series initiation on Gaia and he explains somebody that has access to the Akashic records and has memories of being an advanced life-form from previous planets he explains that everything turns into the most advanced entities become circular because there are different geometries eventually becoming a curved and seems to also affirm the law of one I still find confirmation from channeled works and other material to all of this stuff so there is something to it or there is a grandma being perpetrated but in either case it's something that I will continue to research and find more information about what do you think do you Sun gays do you find communion when you look in the Sun what is your feelings about this do you have knowledge or other materials that you've read about that indicate what these logos are and how they work I want to know and I want a better understanding of this stuff because admittedly I still don't understand this is high-level doctorate metaphysical information that I still don't completely understand but I am fascinated and I want to know so please let me know what you think I would love to read all of your comments to learn more in any case all episodes of the reality revolution can be found at the reality revolution calm and welcome to the reality revolution well what welcome to the reality revolution dedicated to the spirits of life is meant to be magical get out yes them a really good meditation and you just got contains advanced viewpoints of the multi-dimensional human beings of the 21st century I'm your host Brian Scott sometimes you need to go back we were able to specialize with exploring stuff it's fun to explore I can tell unleash your potential diplomatic a mr. Clark the multiplayer host Brian Scott [Music] [Music]
Channel: Brian Scott
Views: 35,149
Rating: 4.9252596 out of 5
Keywords: law of one, the law of one, the ra material, brian scott law of one, the seven densities of consciousness, seven densities of evolution, bentinho massaro, don elkins, the ra material review, channeling, the science of reincarnation, how the universe is made, jim mccarty, the science of angels, the logos, the law of one the ra material a brief synopsis, aaron abke law of one, carla rueckert, higher self channel, ra material, law of one ra, the cosmic doctrine, dion fortune
Id: 1q4DH1UoshE
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Length: 62min 36sec (3756 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 14 2020
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