Understanding Isaiah 7:1-16 -- Trust God's Promises!

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hello friends Deni puto here with a lesson and giving you a little overview of Isaiah chapter 7 verses 1 through 16 in this little overview I'm going to lay out for you the problem that arises in Isaiah chapter 7 and God's solution to this problem as we look at the problem and the solution that we see that there are certain characters involved and the main characters are a has the king of Judah Isaiah the great prophet of Judah and interestingly enough Isaiah's son share Yasu and one of the questions that arises is this why the presence of Isaiah's little son share Yasu the prophecy is normally understood to be about another son and at verse 14 the Lord Himself will give you a sign behold a virgin will be with child and bear a son and you will call his name Emmanuel the chapter is usually understood to mainly refer to Emmanuelle well of course Emmanuelle is off in the future the main characters of the story as the scene is given to us in Isaiah are again King Ahaz the prophet Isaiah and Isaiah 'he's little son so let's get into the chapter in this first first 16 verses and to begin we look at verses 1 and 2 now came about the days of a s the son of Joseph the son of Isaiah the king of Judah that retsyn the king of Aram and pika the son of m Alya King of Israel went up to Jerusalem to wage war against it but could not conquer it when it was reported to the house of David saying the Arameans have camped against captain Ephraim his heart and the hearts of the people shook as the trees of the forest shake in the wind and so here we are some time after the division of the nation of Israel after the death of Solomon and there's the Northern Kingdom and of Israel and the southern kingdom of Judah and a has is now the king of Judah and the king of Israel is a fella named pika the son of R'lyeh now pika the son of our Malaya enters into an alliance with the king of a ram or the king of Syria Ram and Syria are the same the capital of a ram or the capital of Syria is Damascus and this King is retsyn and so retsyn and King pika enter into an alliance to move against the southern kingdom Judah and against a has and the text tells us that a has and the people of Judah are now terrified they shake as the trees in the wind verse 2 tells us then we find Isiah introduced the verse 3 then the Lord said to Isaiah go out now and meet a has you and your son share Yahoo at the end of the con of the upper pool I'm a highway to the force field so at a designated location Isaiah is to go out and meet with a has and Isaiah is not to go alone but Isaiah is to take his son share yo shoe and we don't exactly know the age of the son the age of the son he made me an infant or might be one or two or three years old a little toddler at any rate share yo shoe as name a means a remnant shall return and of course this is a sign that's given to a has as given to a Judah that if the southern king of Judah is overcome there will be a remnant that returns to the land and this all goes back to Isaiah chapter 6 where the final destruction of Jerusalem in 586 is forecast and the Babylonians overtake Jerusalem but that's a different story now we are in the reign of a has and a has and the people of Judah are trembling because Syria and nor the Northern Kingdom Israel are threatening to attack to the south and then so we read on that and say to him the Lord says to Isaiah say to him take care and be calm have no fear do not be faint harder because of these two stubs of smoldering firebrands these are just these two kings now retsyn and pica these two kings are simply like smoldering coals they're not going to accomplish anything so understand that this is gays take care and be calm have no fear and do not be faint harder because these two stubs of smoldering firebrands on account of the fierce anger of retsyn and Iran the son of Rama liya because a ram with ephraim and the son of ram Alya has planned evil against you saying let us go up against Judah and terrorize it so this is the plan and of course a has and the people are in terror and verse 7 says thus says the Lord it shall not stand nor shall it come to pass so don't be afraid this alliance this conspiracy that has been established against you a has and against the people of Judah will not succeed thus says the Lord well a has is a little bit just a different disposition and so we drop down to verse 10 and following in the story then the Lord spoke again to Ahaz saying ask a sign for yourself from the Lord your God make it deepest Sheol or high as heaven and so now the Lord is giving a has an opportunity to validate the word or to see the word given that this conspiracy is not going to stand the Lord is giving a has an opportunity to see this word confirmed the Lord is offering an opportunity for this confirmation verse 12 but a has said I will not ask the Lord nor will I test the Lord and this is exactly the opposite of the intent of the Lord in the passage the a has is not to test the Lord in fact the Lord is testing a has and giving a has an opportunity to see the word of the Lord vindicated but a has d'amours a has disbelieves a has drops back and does not accept God's offer in this instant then the Lord said listen now go house of David is a to slative thing for you to try the patience of men that you try the patience of my god as well should you not accede to should you not agree to should you not bow to God's offer to vindicate his own word by giving you a sign should this not be a simple matter but Isaiah Isaiah will not go there Isaiah is full of disbelief therefore verse 14 therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign behold a virgin will be with child and bear a son and she will call his name Emmanuel now a young lady who is a virgin who is unmarried who has not had relations with a man will bear a son and you'll call his name Emmanuel God with us and in the Gospel of Matthew we learned that this prophecy is fulfilled specifically in the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ the Virgin's name is Mary this is a prophecy that will be fulfilled in the distant future and how would this help out that a has well it should help out a has by saying to a has a has your the king of Judah and as Chapter seven begins it came about in the days of a has the son of Joseph the son of Isaiah a had should realize a long line of Kings has preceded him and this line of Kings goes back to David and a great promise was given to David that David would have a son who would sit on his throne forever and the reference there is again to Jesus Christ who would sit on the throne of the Majesty on high as king of kings and Lord of lords and would be the great king of God's people and since this is the case God is saying to a has I'm going to maintain the line of the Kings and if I'm going to maintain the line of the Kings so that Messiah may come the conspiracy that's been brought about you in this particular time a has is not going to stand and so believe the word of God believe the word of God but as we see a has still is full of disbelief verse fifteen ends he will leave curds and honey at the time he knows enough to refuse good and choose evil in other words this son will not only be God with us the Son of God this son will be the son of man the son will be both God and man in two distinct natures in one person for ever this son will grow up like other children and the son will eat food like other children this son will be both God and man what a wonderful revelation God is giving to a has it is too bad that Ahaz Ahaz remains full of disbelief he will eat curds and honey at the time he knows enough to refuse good and evil verse 16 for before the boy knows enough to refuse evil and choose good the land whose two kings you dread will be forsaken now here's a word that has to do not with the distant future but with the immediate future the two kings it says whom you dread a has the lair land will be forsaken in other words the land of Israel will be overrun and will be forsaken and the land of Syria and Damascus will be overrun and it is a true fact of history that it's only a few short years that Piku the son of RAM Alya is removed from the throne of Israel by a coup and this other king retsyn the king of aram looses his throne because assyria the larger kingdom to the north and to the east comes in and destroys Damascus and destroys Syria and it's been only a short time for that to take place and so verse 16 has to do with the more near future the future that is more close at hand well verses 14 and 15 have to do with the future that is more remote and so we must look again at verse 16 and ask the question about whom does verse 16 speak when it speaks of the boy for the boy will know for before the boy will know enough to refuse evil and choose good the land whose Kings you dread will be forsaken matthew henry gives us this understanding and I think he's correct here that there is a shift between verses 15 and 16 as I say verses 14 and 15 speak about the more remote future and the birth of Messiah but now verse 16 speaks of the future which is close at hand and when Isaiah speaks of the boy he now points to his own son he shifts and he draws attention to his own son it and he says before the boy that is this boy will know enough to refuse good and choose to refuse evil and choose good the land whose two kings you dread will be forsaken yes Isaiah is now talking about his own son share Yasu and just as at the beginning of this section of Scripture Isaiah is introduced with his son share Yakov at the end of this passage of Scripture Isaiah speaks a now his son share Yahoo there are bookmarks here this is a literary device and so the passage closes with a note given to us about Isaiah and his own son and so there are two prophecies with regard to the future that should be of comfort to a has the first prophecy is a prophecy concerning a son that will be born in the line of the Kings that is Messiah who will be the greater son of David and Ahaz is assured that the line of the Kings will move forward and if that's the case his kingdom will not come to an abrupt end the conspiracy about which he is so fearful will not will not come to fulfillment and secondly there is the prophecy about share Yasu that in the future which is not so distant both Israel and Syria will run aground and they will meet severe difficulty and so as a result a has has nothing to fear believe the Word of God and that's part of the lesson in this passage of Scripture that a has was called to believe the Word of God you and I are also called to believe the Word of God and the sign which is given a has in verses 14 and 15 which from a hazards perspective is in the more distance future we can look back upon and understand that it refers to the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ which in fact did come to pass and in Matthew chapter one is related to this specific prophecy praise be unto God and we can also look back and see that verse 16 in Isaiah chapter 7 also did come to pass and we have the advantage of being in this world and living generations later and so that we can look back and validate the history and when the valid the history is validated and the Word of God is validated through the history we too have the Word of God which is not simply given to us in the abstract or out of the blue but is given to us in a great historical context which we can see as validated and our faith in the Living God and our faith in the promised Savior Jesus Christ is thereby bolstered and so I say to you dear friend listening to this lesson on Isaiah chapter 7 today I believe the Word of God and believe in Jesus Christ about whom this word of God speaks who did come into the world as the promised Savior and who paid the penalty due to people like you and me for our sins and since this is the case and since this is the great answer to the problems that we face in our world today and in our own lives today we need to believe in Jesus Christ you need to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ so there we have it a brief summary of Isaiah chapter 7 verses 1 through 16 a problem that arises God's solution to the problem and then the exhortation by way of the solution believe the Word of God and believe in Jesus Christ the promised Messiah thanks for listening
Channel: Denny Prutow
Views: 2,353
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: virgin mary, immanuel meaning, shearjashub meaning, Israel Syria Coalition, a virgin will conceive, Isaiah 7:14 looks far ahead, Isaiah 7:16 and short term, Isaiah and his son, Isaiah's son
Id: 5O4VquKAWlg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 53sec (1373 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 03 2019
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