Understanding iCLOUD PHOTOS - Syncing iPhones, iPads, and Apple Computers IN-DEPTH

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welcome back everyone my name is joel feld and  today we are going to talk about icloud photos yes   that's right you heard it correctly icloud  photos and how to see and organize actually   not really how to organize but how to see  how icloud photos works amongst all of your   devices what to look for where to sign in and  some of the steps along the way let's dive in all right so the concept of icloud  photos is pretty much saying i'm   going to synchronize all my devices with my  icloud account my apple id so that all of my   iphone ipad and apple computers are all on the  same page when it comes to photographs and videos   meaning if i take a picture with my phone it's  going to automatically go to my mac and my ipad   if i delete a picture from my phone it's going  to delete it off my mac it's going to delete it   off my ipad so it keeps everything on the same  page some people may like that some people may   not it all depends on your particular needs now  let's go ahead and look at how it's signed in   where to where to sign into all of your accounts  and settings so that the proper synchronization   happens amongst all of your devices so let's start  on the computer if we open up system preferences   and i go to my apple id my icloud i want to make  sure that under icloud photos is checked so notice   photos is checked here and if i actually  go to internet accounts i can also see my   icloud here and photos is it checked here now  i'm currently using my personal email address   which is different from my learn with joel  at icloud that i created in previous videos   just because i have a lot more photos and i can  actually show you a live version that i actually   use personally amongst all my photography that i  do as well as my family photos things like that   so first thing to check is on the computer make  sure photos is checked in your icloud preferences   the next thing you want to do is when  you open up photos you want to go up   to preferences in the top left so click on  photos in the top left choose preferences   and go to icloud here and you also want to make  sure that icloud photos here is checked if this is   unchecked it's not going to talk to your iphone  or ipad or whatever apple devices that you have   it's only going to reference what's physically  on this computer now the other choices here are   download originals to mac optimize mac storage  and allow shared albums now if you're low on   storage space on your computer i would recommend  to optimize the mac storage that way it's not   downloading the full resolution high quality  images to your hard drive to your computer   it's just doing thumbnails a very very lower  quality size and file if i click on it then it   will download the full resolution but this allows  me to still scroll through all my pictures so i   can see everything and then if i actually need  the high resolution i just click on it and i can   do what i need to do with it so you want to  make sure based off of what works for you if   you're wanting to synchronize your photos across  your devices on your mac make sure icloud photos   is checked and then you can determine whether you  want to have the downloads or optimize the storage   based off of your storage size and then the shared  albums is really really nice i would encourage   everyone to do it i'm not sure why people wouldn't  do it this allows you to create kind of an online   private gallery of your photographs that you  can easily share with family and friends and   you can even share them with people that don't  have an iphone or an ipad or an apple id so   if you think that it's only apple specific you  can still utilize this with people that have you   can it actually allows you to send a link so that  they can be part of these uh shared albums as well   they just have to click on a link on their other  devices so those on the mac that's what we want   to start with now the other thing i want to  bring up on the mac just really quickly is in   the general preferences here the library location  notice there's an option that says use as system   photo library now you may not run into this but  if you do you may have this option not selected   let me show you an example on your computer or  on your mac you can actually have multiple photo   libraries so if i go into the finder and i go  to the pictures this photo library here this is   actually what contains all of my photographs that  i have in my icloud library so the total amount of   storage is 496gb so there's a lot of photos and  to give you a reference of what that looks like   if i scroll down to the bottom here it's  roughly 27 000 photos 2100 videos so   that's how much space it takes up from my library  again your library could be different based off   of the camera that you shoot with and the files  that you have but let me go ahead and i'm going   to create i'm going to hold down option on the  keyboard and click on photos and this actually   allows me to create a brand new library i'm going  to go create new and we're just going to do i'll   just leave it as photo library 2. i'll keep it  in the pictures folder and i'm going to click ok   now when i do that and i go back to the  preferences of photos notice this option   is not grayed out and if i go to icloud notice  it's saying hey your photos are being synced with   the system photo library now if i clicked back on  general and i click this option which i don't want   to do if i click to use a system photo library  it's going to try and start to redownload all   of that videos and all of the photos associated  with my account into this brand new library so i   don't want to do that not at all but if you ever  see that that's kind of what it's talking about   your system library is the photo library that is  tied to your icloud your your icloud photo account   um so just know that if you accidentally created  two photo libraries or maybe you did it on purpose   that's what that option means so i'm gonna take  this account now and i'm just gonna delete it off   the computer and i'm gonna open up my original  one and if i go back to the preferences you'll   notice it's grayed out because it is being used  as the system library and if i go back to icloud i   have the ability to have all of my options turned  on so that's step number one for the mac you have   to make sure that you're signed in properly and  you have all of the appropriate things turned on   in order for your photographs to synchronize  from your mac to your other devices   now let's go ahead and jump to my phone here and  again your phone is going to be identical to your   ipad it's it's identical settings just like  the ipad we're going to go into the settings   and we're going to go to the top for our  icloud and we're going to go into icloud here   and to photos and again the same choices so icloud  photos is at the very top it's the same thing that   we saw in preferences here for icloud photos  optimize iphone storage and download and keep   originals it's the same exact thing that's  referencing on the mac do you want to take   up more storage on your device or do you  want to keep it all in this cloud ecosystem   and then when you need that high resolution when  you touch or click on it it will download it right   then and there for you now the other option is  to upload to photostream so your photo stream   just keeps your last 30 days of photographs and  it will even tell you upload your last 30 days   of new photos and view them on your other devices  using my photo stream photos from other devices   can be viewed in my photo stream album but not  automatically saved to your library so i have   that turned on because then it will show up on my  ipad my other mobile devices photo stream is just   there it keeps your last 30 days of your  photographs it shows you on your other devices   so keep it on doesn't hurt anything and if you  don't want it well turn it off the next option   that it has specifically for the mobile devices is  upload burst photos so when you take a burst photo   it's essentially taking rapid a whole bunch  of pictures in a matter of seconds that way   you can capture kind of heights high speed or that  action shot so you can kind of see it in sequence   and those will also be uploaded to the photo  stream as well and where you can individually   choose which photo out of that burst that you  actually want to keep if you didn't do that   it's just going to upload and combine them  all to what it thinks the best photo is and   then you wouldn't have those later on down the  road when it synchronizes to your other devices   and the last option here is uh shared albums  and again if you had it turned on on your photos   on your mac and you shared an album well it's  going to be shared but if you don't have it   turned on here you're not going to see those  shared albums on your on your phone so those   are the settings that you have to make sure that  you have turned on that way the communication is   the same across the board on all of your devices  now if we actually look at my photos on my ipad   or on my phone if i go to photos here and then we  look at the computer it synchronizes the majority   of things so if i create an album on my phone  it's going to be created on the on the mac so   if i look here on my mac i actually have under my  albums i have a trips folder and it contains three   different kind of events i have a photo clients  folder and it has all of these i have a summer   sunflowers um and those are in there and then i  have a couple other random albums here that i've   created that i haven't organized and if we look  at the phone here it's the same thing if i go   to trips notice here is the israel that we have  here the taylor falls in california if i take a   step back i can scroll over i see the scan photos  i see the work photos if i go to photo clients   it's the same thing here so it all synchronizes  the same exact way if i created another album   uh here so let's do photos that's just for fun  we went kayaking the other day on lake calhoun a   lot of fun so let's just say i want to take these  pictures and videos and i'm going to select them and i want to add them to an album so i'm going  to do file we're going to add new album with   selection kayaking photos kayaking on lake  calhoun i think that's how you spell it so   now i've created this album called kayaking  on lake calhoun and i selected the photos   and it automatically put it there and in  a second here if i scroll back on my phone   here it is it's already on my uh my phone  there and let's say i want to put this in   my trips folder if i drag this onto trips and let  go it's going to automatically move that on my   phone and now it's there so it's really really  nice to be able to have that synchronization   amongst all of your photographs now what i found  is i it's a lot easier to do things from the   computer side of things if you have one as far as  moving albums around it's very cumbersome on here   you kind of have to almost start over on your  phone on your mobile device you can create   ones but moving them around is a little bit more  annoying now another thing is remember i can still   access these photographs and everything that i've  done not only on my phone or my my mac computer   but if i go out to icloud.com and i sign in with  my apple id and again it's going to prompt me   for my two-step verification so i'm going  to touch allow on my phone type in this code that way it's verifying that it's me i can trust  it because it's my computer and if i click on   photos here we're going to see the same exact  organization for all of the photos i'll see all   my albums the folder everything is going to be the  same so over here on the left-hand side i have my   trips folder and here are those four uh albums  within that that folder now i found there are   some limitations as far as the synchronizing for  example this kayaking album that we moved into the   trips folder on the phone i can't figure out and i  don't i don't think it's possible as of now maybe   in ios 14 but i actually can't move this album  out of this folder remember i did it from my mac   which makes it very easy but on my my iphone or my  ipad i can't actually move it out of that folder   i can touch edit in the top right and i can move  the albums around in the order that they appear   but i actually can't move that album out of  this entire folder so it's there are some um   little corks about it now if on my computer if i  just drag this kayaking out and put it back into   my albums it's going to remove it from that folder  there and if i go back to my albums i will see   that it shows up down here at the bottom now all  of these albums i can organize if i touch edit   in the top i can then drag them around and this  also allows me to delete them so notice there's   there's no pictures in the dji dji import so  i'm going to delete that one and delete this one   now smart albums this is where i i hope i hope  that in the next version of ios 14 or some of   the sequential updates afterwards that these these  smart albums actually synchronize so notice here   on my phone if i go to all smart albums there's  nothing in there but if we go to my computer   i have a folder called smart albums because  smart albums are ways that you can quickly   find photographs based off of certain criteria  and here i here are just some examples so here   is a smart album that automatically finds all  of the images that i've taken with my drone   so i never have to automatically add photos to  it it's just going to drag and put the photos   in there based off the criteria that i've set  for that smart album same thing with some of   these other ones here's a base here's photos based  off of a particular lens that i use on my camera   and so here's all the photographs for that so  when i take new pictures with that lens it's   going to automatically put that picture in the  smart album because that's what smart albums do   now those smart albums don't show up they  they don't do that and i'm hoping that   someday apple if you're listening make that  happen because that would be very very nice   now something that they did improve on is the  the faces and the or i should say the people   do sync so if i go to people here on the computer  or on my phone they also match up with people on   my on my mac and that didn't actually used  to happen up until a little while ago so i   really enjoy this because now as i do the work  here and confirm additional faces it's going to   automatically update it on my iphone and ipad so  i can easily quickly find all of the photographs   based off of a certain individual in that  photograph and not have to do the work double time   so that's really really handy so icloud photos  really just allows you to synchronize all of   your pictures from all of your devices  but also keep in mind that if you add a   photo it's going to add it if you delete a photo  it's going to delete it from all those locations   and it also synchronizes everything else  that we kind of walk through so i'd love to   hear how you're using your photos if you have any  questions go ahead and leave a comment down below   other than that i hope you enjoyed this tutorial  if you did hit that subscribe button tap that   little bell so that you can see new upcoming  videos and until then we'll see you next time
Channel: Joel Feld
Views: 85,190
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: apple, tutorial, ios, operating system, edit, photo, photography, icloud, ipad, iphone, learn, Photos, Finder, Mac Basics, Apple tutorials, Apple Beginners, Getting started with my mac, Understanding iCloud Photos, iCloud Photos, Sync icloud photos, issues with iCloud photos, how to turn on icloud photos, Photo sharing, Apple photo sharing, iCloud photos in depth, how do i see my icloud photos, how to find icloud photos, how do i access photos in icloud, how to access icloud photos on mac
Id: 59Yjdbh1Q88
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 8sec (1028 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 21 2020
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