iCLOUD BACKUPS - WHAT you NEED TO KNOW when it comes to backing up PHOTOS, iPHONES and your devices!

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welcome back everyone my name  is joel feld and today's video   is all about icloud backup here we go so today's video i wanted to focus specifically  on icloud backup because i think a lot of people   are more and more using mobile devices they  want to have the convenience of not plugging   into a computer and icloud backup is one of the  convenient ways and really one of the only ways   apple allows you to backup wirelessly to some type  of cloud ecosystem i'll link another video below   that i did before on backing up to itunes either  using your mac or a windows computer yes windows   computer or using the finder on newer macs and  it touches a little bit briefly on icloud backup   but i wanted to make this specifically to icloud  backup because i wanted to clarify some things   and just walk through the process so first thing  i want to clarify is what icloud backup actually   does and what it actually backs up a lot of  people may think that icloud backup backs up   everything a hundred percent it backs up your  computer and that's just not true so first and   foremost icloud backup does not back up your mac  or your windows computer at all it doesn't back it   up it allows you to sync content to and from those  devices but icloud backup is not a backup solution   for your mac so icloud backup really is only for  iphone and ipad devices the other thing that we   need to understand is the storage capabilities  apple only gives you five gigabytes free   and i'm not gonna say free it's like just here's  here's five five gigs like it's useless the five   gigabytes that apple gives you is is useless for  any backup because if you were to buy any iphone   or ipad now today on the market or if you have one  that's a few years old chances are it's either a   32 gigabyte 64 128 512 you can't fit a 64 gallon  bucket into a five gallon bucket it's just not   going to work now i have a phone here that is  signed in with an apple id i'm not paying for   any storage you may have seen this error before  where you go into the settings and says hey backup   failed so if i touch this it's going gonna prompt  me to go and buy more storage because i'm trying   to upload all of the content from this phone to  icloud but that five gigabytes is just not enough   so here it's prompting me to go and purchase  more storage well i don't want to do that   and another setting i'll look at if i go  into icloud and choose icloud again if i   scroll down to icloud backup even though  it's turned on notice right below it says   right below backup now it says this iphone cannot  be backed up because there is not enough icloud   storage available so this is where i'd go back to  one menu scroll up to the top and i can see that   my five gigabytes out of five gigabytes is used  up i can no longer squeeze any more information   so what that means is if something  were to happen to this device   and i haven't plugged it into a computer and i  don't have that information saved anywhere else   photos text messages files you know the settings  of your phone the folder configurations everything   that you tweaked about your phone if something  were to happen to this it's all going to go away   because they don't have a backup and throughout  the video when i reference iphone and ipad   they're they're pretty much identical it works the  same exact way the settings are identical in how   to configure and set up and do icloud backups so  you have to have enough storage in order to do an   icloud backup i have another link that i'll throw  down below and that is a video talking about how   to upgrade your icloud storage if you need to now  let's go ahead and go to my other phone which i do   have icloud backup on and let's go ahead and start  with how do i turn it on where the settings at   so if i go into the settings of my phone and  i go at the very very top under my apple id   this is my learn with joel account and if i scroll  down to icloud and then i scroll down to icloud   backup because this is turned on it now does a  backup every single day automatically if it's   connected to power it's locked and it's connected  to wi-fi and it will even give you that little   message here on the screen saying automatically  backup data such as your accounts documents home   configurations and settings when the iphone is  connected to power locked in wi-fi and you can   touch learn more and it's going to take you to an  apple support and actually shows you exactly what   icloud backs up now i'm going to take a step  back and go back into settings and let's say   i turn icloud backup off now that's only turning  off for this device because your apple id can be   used on multiple devices like my ipad so i'll jump  to my ipad if i go to settings and go to the same   exact spot under icloud here and then i scroll  down icloud backup is still on for this device   because they're independent of one another you can  back up multiple multiple devices to your icloud   based off of how much storage you have so even  though on my phone i've turned off icloud backup   it still remains on within my ipad now it's simple  enough if i take my phone again i can just turn on   icloud backup it's going to reactivate it i'm  just not losing a beat it just turns it back on   if i want to back up something manually i  just say backup now and it just starts to   back up my device again if i go back to icloud in  the top and i scroll back to the main top where it   shows me in my storage i have a nice visual chart  of how much space i have available in icloud so   here i'm using 40.1 gigabytes out of the 200 gig  plan and if i touch manage storage this is going   to show me exactly what is taking up space in  this cloud environment so i can see that i have   icloud storage photos backups mail health messages  all of this information and if i go to my ipad it   could be slightly different because i might have  different apps on my ipad than i do on my phone   but in regards to backups notice i have  2.9 gigabytes worth of backups in my icloud   storage so if i touch that it's going to show me  what backups are used so i have the learn with   joel ipad and i have learned with joel iphone  which is this iphone you could have multiple   backups here if you've upgraded your phone  recently and you know you have your old phone your   old phone possibly could be here and you could get  rid of that old backup if you no longer need it   let's start with the first one the ipad backup  if i touch this it's just going to purely tell me   what device it is the latest backup and how much  space it's taking up and i can choose to delete   it or not now that is the backup of this ipad and  i don't want to delete it but if this ipad i no   longer used or no longer had it i could delete  this backup so it's not using up that storage   now if i go back a menu and touch the learn  with joel iphone this iphone that's taking   up 1.4 gigabytes this now actually gives me more  information because i'm on the device physically   that i'm backing up so here it shows me my latest  backup how much backup size it's taking and i can   actually choose what apps i want to include in  that backup so some of these apps you know like   garageband or google meets or keynote anything  that you have often those apps can contain   information of what's in there and that's also  backed up in icloud and you can toggle on what   you want to include and what you don't want to  include this is where if i don't use premiere   rush at all that's another video editing app on  your iphone and ipad and i don't want to include   that in the backup i just toggle the switch and  say turn off and delete and now everything that   i do within that app is not going to be saved so  if something happened to that content i would not   be able to recover it for that reason so you can  pick and choose what you actually want to back up   within your icloud backup now let's say that i  wanted to delete this backup i could go back to   manage storage go to backups i could choose  this iphone backup and i can just say delete   backup down at the bottom and that would remove  this backup completely and because everything   is still on this phone it's not really going to  hurt anything but if something happened to this   phone i might lose some information now what's  deceiving is let's actually discuss what icloud   really backs up depending on your settings and how  you're actually using icloud it doesn't back up a   hundred percent of everything let me explain let  me pull up a help article here on apple's website   and it talks about what does icloud backup and  here it shows it's backing up app data apple watch   backups and if you automatically pair your apple  watch to your phone apple watch is automatically   backed up for you device settings things like like  the brightness and your ringer volume and if you   have favorites added in your contacts and  if you create folders on your ipad and put   a whole bunch of apps in your folders that kind of  information is backed up within your icloud backup   home screen and app organization text messages  photos and videos on your iphone and ipad now   i'm going to pause there text messages and photos  and videos on your ipad notice the little number   two here to designate find print so if i  go down here number two says when you use   messages in the cloud or turn on icloud photos  your content is automatically stored in icloud   that means that they are not included in icloud  backup so what does that actually mean it means   that if i go back to the settings on my phone and  i'm under the icloud settings so if we go back   to the main settings and i touch  icloud at the top and i go to icloud   notice text messages here is turned on well  text messages allows you to synchronize your   text messages from multiple devices so when  you text me i get it on my phone i get it   on my ipad i get it on my computer because  it's using icloud to send that text message   everywhere so that means that those text messages  if i delete one they're deleted everywhere   and that is not included in a backup so if i  deleted all my text messages right now did a brand   new icloud backup manually those text messages  are not included in that backup very important   the other thing is photos and videos if i go to  photos here the first option is icloud photos   and icloud photos is designed to synchronize  your pictures and videos from all of your devices   so when i take a picture or video on my phone it  automatically goes to my mac it can automatically   go to my windows computer and it can automatically  go to my ipad but because that option is turned on   it means that they're not included in an icloud  backup so how do why does that matter well   again just like the text messages if my son got  my phone which he doesn't really get my phone at   all but let's say that he went into my phone and  started deleting all of my pictures and i didn't   know and then a couple weeks go by and i realized  all my pictures are gone now granted icloud saves   your photographs for 30 days that you can restore  but let's just hypothetically say that that 30-day   time period has passed and so over those 30 days  i now have gotten several more new icloud backups   but all of my pictures are gone on my phone and i  can no longer recover them and because i was using   icloud photos they're also deleted off of all of  my other devices so it's very important to have   a solution for an icloud backup for your photos  and videos and that's where i personally like to   do one of two things either don't delete your  photos which kind of defeats the purpose because   then you just grow and grow that library or you  come up with some type of method i recommend   copying the pictures from the apple photos or a  computer to a time machine or an external hard   drive or some option like that just know that if  you're using icloud photos long story short they   are actually not included in your icloud backup  now let's go on the uh the next one in line here   is your purchase history from apple services like  your music movies tv shows apps and books all of   your purchases that you ever do are automatically  backed up but they're also tied to your apple id   so even if i downloaded and purchased a song or  video if i deleted it off this device i could just   resign in to the itunes store or and go through my  purchase history and redownload all that content   now the content within there so let's say i  download a racing game and i raced to level   100 and i beat all of those and i got a fancy  little ferrari in my in my racing game now that   data would be stored in icloud under the icloud we  go manage storage we go backups we go this phone   and if that app offers it it would show that  here to back up the data of that racing game   so not every single app allows an icloud backup  but majority of them do icloud also backs up   your ringtones and visual voicemail for your phone  calls now some of the items that it does not back   up are things like your contacts your calendars  your bookmarks your notes because all again all of   that information is stored in icloud it's designed  to synchronize amongst all of your devices so if   you delete it here it's automatically deleted  on your other device i have another video if   you want to check that out on how to restore from  an icloud backup if you're ever in the point where   you upgrade your phone you get a new ipad and you  want to restore from that previous icloud backup   you can do that as well the nice benefits the huge  benefit of it is if you're traveling and you're   out and about and something happens to your device  you can just go get a new device sign in with your   apple id and it's you can choose that backup  and it's going to restore all the content from   what that old device looked like it will restore  all the settings and your apps and it will   download fresh copies it'll start to synchronize  your photos all of that so that is icloud   backup in a nutshell you really again it doesn't  back up your mac it backs up your mobile devices   i will link this down here in the video below so  that you can have it for reference i will link   a few other nice help articles here for icloud  as well and yeah so that's icloud backup so thank   you so much for watching if you like this video  go ahead click that like button if you learned   something new go ahead hit that subscribe button  tap that little bell and we'll see you next time
Channel: Joel Feld
Views: 7,382
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: apple, tutorial, ios, osx, edit, photo, photography, icloud, ipad, iphone, learn, Photos, iMovie, Garageband, iLife, Finder, Mac Basics, Apple tutorials, Apple Beginners, FCPX, icloud backup, how to use icloud backup, backup iphone with icloud, how to backup your iphone, how do u backup ur iphone, what is icloud backup, backup icloud, icloudbackup, how to backup photos to icloud, photo icloud backup, backup photos to icloud, photo backup for icloud, how often does icloud backup
Id: 7ep9pREplD8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 2sec (902 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 10 2021
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