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we've got four kilograms of gold here Matthew all right you know a little bit of our goal to correct since 2007 since 2007 you have three that's true that's true you play and I also try to play exact so you have the three and you know a little bit about the gold game and your true gold investor and you've had your highs and you had your logo and you have a story to tell that I want you to be able to communicate to these people so they understand they don't end up like you no problem okay it would it wouldn't be bad and don't get me at least I have my well you know before we go I give you yeah sorry well maybe you put it in we play a different game later but right now we're playing the game that we're playing at this moment so me personally I'm gonna be taking my kilo and I'm gonna be converting it to some gold chains to add to my collection in my store with the rest of my kilos yes exactly what are you going to be doing with your three mine I'm just keeping it as an investment waiting for the hi so I cash out okay well let's talk about that so you know what I'm saying when you're selling in your buying and try to turn a profit you buying it one number you sell it another so let's talk about exactly how and when you got your hands on the gold so first and foremost today the price is 43,000 $77 what's today's day the 16th of Java June yeah 16th more or less all right so 16th of June thirteen hundred thirty nine dollars per ounce forty-three thousand dollars per kilogram between the two of us we got four kilos and that is worth about forty three thousand times four right 43 times 4 that should easily be one seventy two hundred seven to two thousand dollars of cash equivalent gold right gold is the original currency its original foundation of all economy throughout what always goes the money and then they you humanity created paper currency alright paper currency you know a lot of other things but at the foundation of all value is gold right that's why this fourth Knox and Federal Reserve and they all have gold to make sure that they could have something that balances out their paper currency all right but we're going to talk about that and a little bit of time first and foremost in you are at $30,000 when did you get these new your hands on these skills how much were they kill around the 2007 ok 2007 this is 2006 this is 2010 2007 is around here and the value was around 22,000 $25,000 correct let's say 22 K 22 K so you got your hands on your first kilo 22 K and then which is what you did was from what I understand you wrote the dips you might play with the dips my body even the deepspar name and I've sold in the house or eyes okay so you wrote it you wrote the erode the big game and you somehow were able to masterfully multiply one kilo in two three okay and you also put brought another money you sold you your inventory you sold your beautiful name brand name jewelry whatever in the jewelry business just like me the money goes anyway you know I'm saying so but long story short you got up to three kilos now the way gold is and the way investments work all right let's say you got one kilo you'd have to confiscate this for a sec it could be happy four five six so one kilo is ten thousand then if you've got one kilo when it was ten thousand you got the other kilo when it was twenty thousand and then you got the other kilo in a thirty thousand it's not that this kilos dude was ten thousand this they're all twenty thousand you average it out okay so you have the three kilos you played the game and then at any fraction of time each kilo was worth on average the value okay so you were at all three kilos on average 130 K so you averaged out at 30k was your cost how much the US currency you have invested into three kilograms of gold so you put 30k 90,000 dollars each okay I knew a row and you wait and you play it and you rolled the price all the way to the peak of this chart okay right here two thousand two thousand eleven ten nineteen ten per ounce and it was $60,000 per kilo okay alright so on average you know you wrote the dips you take your losses any gains you're about to double your money double your money and it was repeating you you were playing around with the gold you had a great time it wasn't a lot of hard work you're about to double your money okay so that's where the real story begins you're about to double it you have you knew the chart you know that you know the game here okay and you have the three kilos so the story goes on the table right at the right time when all the big boys are ready to cash in and you have it on the table and you're ready to cash it and what happened and then it was this guy standing next to me when you try never saw him I didn't seem a little in your life and he was like what are you doing why why are you selling now night hundred is gonna be 2000 next week and it planned the grid see in my mind okay so so everybody understand okay if the gold you can cash it it where were you cashing it into the diamond district yes all right was there specifically we don't want to mention the vendor we're not doing free advertising over here for that person but you had it with the vendor that just gives you cash for gold right yeah whatever it is alright there's a lot of those okay they love that because they go and they take it to the bank and they they to get what they need out of it sure they they have to have their own business they have yeah they have their own business but so that so the viewers would know eventually the gold goes to a bank or a reserve right because that's the ones that have no problem giving you paper currency for this metal piece that every time for them so they have no issue so it's easy to lift it off and get your cash you were about to cash it in somebody told you that the price was gonna go even higher and you retracted right that in there right on the table you had your gold right on the table and you said no and you took it back and you held on to it and unfortunately even your original instinct was absolutely correct and then they got a bit more took a deep deepening so since 2011 you could see right now from like fully almost but right now you gotta be gonna look at the chart now it's finding supports at this level yes well that's true so when it finds the support then you're gonna shoot our partner okay well that's what you think all right we already know that you don't know no I know you knew and you thought you did the guy made the guy the guy made him do it okay all right so the guy played with him he played with his mind and that's the story all right what this is one investor one person in one game please take this it's too heavy for me okay so one person one game other people play this game and there's a lot of different emotions involved and ultimately greed is the factor that destroys the world which effects the price okay all right for instance the reason why this chart looks like this is because of starting with it was beautiful times and then it came 9/11 then came the Iraq war for no reason then came a hill to collapse because of the housing market and all those variable interest rate loans that were made for people who couldn't afford houses that he should have been able to afford them but didn't and this and that is so on and so forth that game the mistakes of war for no reason or oil or what have you and the you know the thoughts of some guy said or what we're doing now with this a lot of other than the crazy funny money numbers in China and Iran and the tanker that recently was attacked the so on and so forth it plays a story with this individual metal okay all based on human behavior and greed and that's because and that's why it has a future always it had a past it has a it always has a future and that future is never gonna eat the chances of it going down to zero or as zero themselves all right but simply because if gold goes down the people who print money buy it okay the US government China Russia actually right now China and Russia buying tons of gold each week exactly yes we'll tell you something why yeah they should tell you something yeah because well the Reavers my estimate on why they're doing that they're doing that specifically because they know all right Russia I don't know why because Russia is on its own journey but China knows China has the extraordinary amount of debt and printed money laying around and people start to cash in or something happens and wobbles with their economy will the end of it then the gold price there's a lot of money there's a lot of money in China and they're really at this point the time in our lives over the course of the future they're gonna take control the economy used to be the United States was the big boy on the block and he used to set the price of gold and this and that in our lifetime we might see that shift to China I don't think so what you like well I hope not all right because we love the our kids sound good well you know Uncle Sam would never let it happen and we can and we all play for Team America here but the reality of it is is there's a lot of people over there okay I forget how many but there's a massive amount of people and they're working very very hard to catch up there's a lot of other factors that it handles you know social factors how people treat one another in the United States religious factor here we've got better religious foundation they don't have them in China all this other stuff all these factors resulted win or lose but they're rising everybody knows they're rising and what matters is wouldn't pertains to this metals that they're going to take control of the economy in a certain way and if they play the game that they're playing now the price of gold might take a leap that people don't even understand okay so that might happen and all these factors are at play so what am I telling you first and foremost it's good to have a little bit of gold you don't have to ride the dips and sell it too high and all this other stuff and have a kilo if you don't know what it is but it's nice to know exactly how it works right the big words always have ten percent of their portfolio invested in both normally no matter what because they want to be able to if everything goes down and they want to be able to at least rise over here me personally I love gold because right now this is about what is $172,000 with the gold I could easily put my hands on it and walk out the door I don't need to go to the bank if it's closed or open or send a wire and show anybody my ID or do this or do that or have a big sack of cash that's one hundred and seventy two thousand or whatever it is okay it's a backpack like the wrapper I have my gold like I could stash it I could do whatever I want with it I'm free and I know I could cash it in and turn into whatever I want wherever I want to or I go to the employer I'm a golden boy right now okay I'm a golden boy I'm gonna be a good man change and the change still exists I wanted a change own it in this for the average person if you have some gold you tie it into this chart and you tie it into a drama you turn into a history of gold so with me and math you are saying any final words Matthews with these people always have some gold on this side for if you no matter if you think old coin change Rolexes you still have some money sitting that could be 10 into cash cash and it's fun to ride this chart the future could be very very interesting if humanity is good the price will go down if the humanity is bad the price will go up we've got to figure out what kind of human beings we're dealing okay that's gonna be next week all right which ones you want the whole four give me the overboard without doing with one okay thank you thank you
Channel: TraxNYC Diamond Jewelry
Views: 20,891
Rating: 4.9036145 out of 5
Keywords: gold price, gold karat, karat, what is karat, what represent a karat, Gold karat, custom jewelry, diamonds, traxnyc, certified, cash, real gold, gold investment, hip hop jewelry, diamond district, investor story
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 22sec (742 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 17 2019
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