Understanding ALTS in LOST ARK & The VALUE of Playing Many Characters

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hey what's up nice to see you and welcome back to another new player guide in today's video we're gonna talk about olds and everything that you can do with your old why would you have them and what's the value of having several different characters now so far in my new player series which is linked down below we talked about uh boosting twin game how you can get their events choosing your class what to do at any game and I have still a couple more things to teach you such as how to spend your real money right I mean you cannot be a proper lost star player without knowing that and obviously how to make gold and what are valuable items that you should keep keep an eye out for however in today's video multiple different characters and why people play 150 of them first of all as many people in the world has many different reasons to play an old generally speaking people play old because different classes are a form of entertainment in Lost Ark but at the same time they also go hand in hand with uh getting more out of the game might that be Loot and gold or maybe just more play time more fun and content such as Legion raids right however each to their own this person for example plays a roster of six dead eyes this one we can all understand why he's playing Lost Ark right what you can do with your uh with your Olds quite a lot of things obviously as you as you know every character has a daily quests chaos dungeons Guardian raid so from chaos dungeons if you take a look at the loot table every character participates in a lottery in the loot Lottery of low Stark getting tickets for the Boss Rush content which in turn gives you gems tickets for the cube which in turn gives you silver silver being a put that all of your characters take from and obviously not to mention accessories the lottery of accessories finding something good 19 characters means 19 times the chances that I would get something as opposed to someone who just plays one character from daily quests alt don't really get you anything besides a faster progress towards your owner tokens because the things that you get from the daily quests are untradable speaking of daily quests all are important because of silver right if you really want to push your roster higher than needed and many characters higher then people have several characters that are low Bank slaves that's how we call them basically a character that only does the low Bank dailies these ones here so you have characters that don't have gear on them and they cannot really participate in any group content because nobody's gonna take you and you just do your low back dailies on a rested bonus and you just get silver twice a week from them another thing that alts give you is raw gold from instance content that rewards with raw gold Legion raids the abyss rate Argos and the Abyssal dungeons are the three places that give you gold at the end of the runs each character on your roster up to 6 characters can earn gold from three of these different places is every week so that's why most people that play Lost Ark seriously have at least six characters that are geared and ready to take part in this content to earn that gold as an example since I am talking to those of you who are new let's say you have two characters on your roster and they are 14 45 item level your gold earning places would be the abyss rate Argos you can still earn gold from here it would be the legion raid valtan preferably in hard mode and the lead generate vikas in normal mode if you would have six at item level 1445 you can do six times this process and earn that much gold and not to mention of course there's a lot of other interesting rewards people also use their characters once you get your characters to a specific item level into a specific one once you yourself as a player learn the game enough people also use their characters to sell runs of various content for example I have my six gold earning characters but I don't play them with my friends I I solo boss valdan with them I have seven other people who pay me for that run and I make even more gold like that every week more characters than your six can actually enter these places that give you gold only you cannot get gold from them however you can still carry other people with those characters and they pay for the for the run it's called buzzing in Lost Art I also want to mention another thing that olds give you and that is roster level now the more characters you play the more roster level you're gonna get because each character can finish its own South Van Story it's a lot of roster level here at 1445 each of your characters on that server can finish its own rowing story a lot of roster level here not to mention regular content such as the tower and it rewards you with roster level for each character that finishes it so the there is a every Quest that you do in the world and every daily Quest and every boss restaurant for a character that got lucky to get a ticket from the chaos dungeon gives you roster level so the more characters you play actively the more roster level and the faster you're gonna increase your roster level if that's what you're looking for in terms of getting your characters ready and getting your Olds um there is no real need to rush through them like you start playing low Stark and you create a main character and then automatically you create five more even though there is a lot of value in playing your Olds sooner like for example you start low start you get to punika finish it get the free Power pass I would boost another character right away simply because even at item level 1340 where you cannot do much anything besides the guardian raid which you're probably gonna have to solo because there's no groups for it and then the chaos Dungeons and the daily quests weekly is also um it's still valuable in the long term run olds in general are a very long-term investment these characters they they don't just appear like that honed up and ready with five Engravings and great gems for you to you know please sir play me you have to work for them that is why you shouldn't stress about getting your Olds right away as a new player but every opportunity that you get to create another character and maybe to do a couple of chaos dungeon even everything with rest bonus from chaos dungeons to Guardians to Dailies I would definitely advise that the sooner you start playing them the more you're gonna passively gain things that will help you eventually to hone them things that will just make your life easier or even things that you can send over through the roster Warehouse to one of your other characters another thing that I want to talk about in terms of honing your alts is a couple of research from your stronghold that's gonna Aid you in the process of honing them once one of your characters goes naturally through the item levels and breaks a few barriers um you're gonna have research unlocked at your lab in your stronghold research that I have already completed so I'm gonna show you this in the completed section uh for example this one right here tier three success rate increased the XP requirements reduced and once a character breaks a few barriers of item level up until item level 1460 I believe then all of your subsequent characters can have an easier time honing because you're going to have this research completed as well now what's the best item level to have your old Zone you keep your olds at the bare minimum of item level to enter the most recent content that gives you the most recent goodies that people are looking for that's the best place to have your odds of course another criteria is to have them to farm the three gold sources every week right right now that item level is 14.90 because that allows you entrance not only to kaliligo's Guardian raid which drops you the new materials but also drops you the bracelets it also allows you entrance to the 1490 kills dungeons which gives you the new tickets of the cube and the post Rush gives you the new materials um so it's a it's a double value right and this logic is going to persist in the future now starting with next week as an example the best place for your Olds is going to be 1540 simply because there is going to be a guardian raid hanumatan 1540 that has a chance to drop you ancient grade accessories as opposed to Relic from your perspective as a new player don't worry about it buddy okay it's gonna take you quite a while before you get your Olds to 15 40 or the 1490 so don't worry about that if I would be brand new to the game just starting and I barely have my first character at 1445 with the help of whatever a paid boost to punika and then the hyper Express I would think that all of my all of my other olds should be at a minimum level where there's some form of group content that item level as of this moment is 14 15 because you there is plenty of groups for the guardian raid called escaluda and also this is the first time where you can actually drop really great accessories now Relic is not going to be the end game in a week from now however they're still going to be nice and people are still going to have to go through this stage of Relic um at least on some of their characters because before they can even think about affording ancient great things right later on I would like to upgrade my old to 1445 not only I can have I can finally have a proper set of Relic gear on my olds but I can also start farming Vault on hard mode like as normal mode at 1430 even over geared for it by a little bit and get my olds into the six gold cycling characters on a weekly basis and this would be my thoughts on on olds and alternate characters in Lost Ark I highly encourage you to take advantage of everything that's given for free okay don't bother starting to level up create your own space real money so you can have you know what forget about it pay some real money for your main okay your Olds should be level boosted with the free stuff that's given we have power passes events very often we have events that boost up characters and that's how you should take advantage of leveling other characters until my next video thank you so much for watching this one and I'm gonna see you really soon have fun in low start and take care
Channel: Sywo
Views: 14,576
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Keywords: lost ark how to make gold, lost ark new player guide, lost ark beginner guide, lost ark 2023 gameplay, lost ark how to catch up, lost ark endgame guide, lost ark best class, lost ark 2023 guide, lost ark many characters, lost ark how to hone fast, lost ark how to get silver, lost ark is it worth playing
Id: VCGV3xX365E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 51sec (651 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 06 2023
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