김정기 Kim Jung gi Drawing show in 포항
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Channel: Super Ani
Views: 2,756,743
Rating: 4.9492264 out of 5
Keywords: 김정기, superani.com, Kim Jung Gi, drawing show
Id: MGbvhyTZXfs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 4sec (1144 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 11 2013
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I just saw some of his other works today in /r/korea
NSFW - http://imgur.com/a/OMrqy
That is some serious talent! Plus raising your arm for that long has got to get tiring. I know he takes breaks but damn.
that is insane. i wonder how his brain can do that?! does he visualize it all in his head or can he just always see the next step? amazing.
That was fucking amazing, thanks for posting. The type of videos that make this sub worth visiting.
Love seeing people like this, complete masters of their craft. These guys carry the rest of our mediocre asses forward.
What's the song playing? Reminds me of a Nujabes beat
looks like he's sketching the Dakar
He is not even drawing reference lines or anything. Amazing.
People who don't know how to draw see this as amazing. People who do know how to draw see it as fucking near impossible.
I must go sleep but I just watched 19 mins of freehand sketch, grrrr...