Underrated SUPER NINTENDO Games

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IMO, Soul Blazer isn’t underrated, but it is a bloody good game! In fact, I see the Quintet Trilogy is consistently brought up in must-play discussions.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Jonesdeclectice πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 04 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Absolutely loved this video. Never heard of most of these games and the ones I had was barely and I never gave them a chance. Will definitely be checking all these games out.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Yttocs2018 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 05 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Good video man

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/MarcinOstrowski πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 04 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Terranigma was a rare Europe / Australia exclusive. If I recall correctly, it was discussed at least once in US Nintendo Power's Epic Center column, and the writer talked about whether it would be released with the title Genesis. That didn't happen.

I rented Lagoon almost thirty years ago, and didn't especially like it. I didn't realize how similar it was to the first two Ys games until at least the 2000s. That said, I found a video that compares Lagoon for SNES with a Sharp X68000 version.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/TrashFanboy πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 06 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
how are you feeling you got John Riggs here welcome to the family the Super Nintendo according to many may be the greatest retro gaming system of all time amazing JRPGs we got you video games that look like they're taken straight from a children's book absolutely 2d versus fighting games oh yeah video games with realistic graphics as Parker Louis would say not a problem super cute animated platformer games absolutely even more JRPGs there's a lot to choose from even the Super Nintendo controller with the shoulder buttons and the convex and concave buttons and everything perfect placement could be the greatest game pad of all time you've already placed first in Rainbow Road you've collected all the stars in Super Mario World you've seen all the multiple endings in Chrono Trigger you saved Princess Zelda twice in Link to the Past but I want to showcase 14 great Super Nintendo games that don't get a whole lot of love now that Legend of Zelda style was my favorite genre during the Super Nintendo time so happy to see that we had a game called brain Lord well it was Enix is version of a Legend of Zelda type game I mean it's kind of set up the same kind of where has that overhead view the colors are fine the town layouts are okay well it's go time man you got your sword you're swinging it and you already have a jump button so you can jump whenever you want gotta love that and like Legend of Zelda when you attack your enemies sometimes they'll drop items that you can pick up you've got castles and caves you can explore those even those puzzle elements that make you feel super super smart although they're like not very difficult to to complete but when you do you're like oh I got this hey don't worry about it I got this I can figure this out myself and you do and you move on from there brain Lord is a perfect example of if you like that Legend of Zelda style but haven't heard of this game definitely recommend picking it up it's a great game well nothing says puzzle platformer like Spanky's quest um Spanky's quest now from the distance from the carts from the gameplay it looks like a kids game but I'm here to tell you it's a super super fun game so in Spanky's quest you play the role this monkey I can only assume your name is Spanky I mean you are after all going on a quest right so in this puzzle platformer you have to collect all the keys and go through the door now you do that but there's these enemies and that are in the way these enemies are like fruit and your weapon is you can throw this ball out now if the ball touches the enemies it stuns them which is fine but you want to get rid of them once you have launched your ball and you hit your button it can turn into a baseball and the baseball will eliminate them but if you bounce the ball on your head a few times it'll turn into different kinds of balls that will have different different outcomes to defeat your enemies now again if you this launcher ball hit the button turns into a baseball it'll kill an enemy very basic the second bounce will be a soccer ball which will create kind of a line of soccer balls like a little wall in a way if you're bouncing twice and then hit your button it'll be this volley ball which will once it hits an enemy it'll kind of do an explosion and kill the enemies that are around it too and finally the fourth and final balance will turn into like this wave of basketballs so you can kind of create like this kind of blanket umbrella of chaos open to your enemies below as it will a ton of stages this one is gonna keep you playing for awhile it's just fun it's addicting it's super cute I know it looks like a kids game I know but it does get pretty hard in the later on levels so I don't think it was intended for a kids game but I just love this game I just can't get enough of it a lot of great shooters for the Super Nintendo and you got to talk about actually because the graphics are amazing but the game itself is really good too now it's a vertical shooter but instead of it being like a straight vertical shooter it's a cylindrical vertical shooter kind of like how the world of Animal Crossing is laid out it's kind of like that in a weird way the shooter part of it is you have three weapons you can cycle through your basic shot you got this kind of other twin shot that starts behind you and then waves up the longer you hold the button down and you have your other firepower too and all of meanwhile you also have these missiles you can launch out and sometimes when you get hit you lose that ability to use that weapon that's terrible I remember playing this game back in the day the graphics blew me away I'd never beat this game it's still on my backlog of games I need to play all the way through I mean Super Nintendo was all about mode 7 usually used in other elements but to use it for the stage effect I thought that was pretty cool I get a lot of great shooters for the Super Nintendo but actually it might be one you want to check out I John Riggs am more nostalgic for lagoon that I am Legend of Zelda a Link to the Past now not quite a launch title but this one came out before the Legend of Zelda a link to the past and it blew my mind and although Legend of Zelda style and even plays a little bit maybe more like ease than Zelda and like Legend of Zelda you can go in the armor shop get your weapons get your upgrades and the fighting in this scheme again legend Zelda swing your sword yeah it says such a short sword though so you have to be really close your enemies that's why it kind of reminds me let me be a little bit more like ease you do have a jump button so you can utilize that as needed I loved how if you got hurt if you didn't touch or didn't move or anything then you could regain your life back so that was really really handy and I love - the fact that you could save it anywhere so many times in this game but I save it right before I died and so I had to keep on you know restarting the game and then jump a different direction until I could make it through but without dying I have a lot of love for Lagoo and so I wanted to showcase on this list for sure here's a super fun action platformer called sky blazer and it's one of those games that you really have to experience for yourself to feel how tight the controls are how everything looks on your own screen you know I love the game hook for Super Nintendo for a Sega CD and all that and I think this is made by the same guys that this play is very very similarly but not nearly as slow you can run you can jump you can even climb up these walls attack your enemies and move on I love the element where you could like jump into the trees and then kind of jump up the trees if you don't move you kind of like slip out of the trees I thought that was pretty cool you also had this special wave shot you can use as needed again the Super Nintendo has a lot of great action platformers and sky Blazer way high on that list a lot of people know Capcom had great games for the NES but he had some great games for the Super Nintendo too I want to show off a game called goof troop I had a lot of love for this game a lot of fun playing this one you play as goofy or Max or both it's an action puzzle game or you walk around you pick up your items and you can throw stuff at the enemies there's some puzzle elements we have to like kick the blocks in a certain order or keep the blocks in a certain way to get where you're going different items do different things there's certain puzzle elements we have to like kick the things in a certain way to unlock doors if you get it wrong the first time it's no problem just leave the screen come on back it's gonna be reset for you you'll figure it out I'm it's just a game so simple yet so fun I had so much fun playing this game especially back in the day and even capturing this footage now it's still great it's still fun actually let me make me want to finish the video quicker so I could go back and play board this game great two-player game you watch you got a goof troop for sure and in the games of bizarre this is skull jagger revolt of the West Atkins what is a West akin man I don't know mommy we were gonna ask the game dis looks kind of simple in nature I played this because I rented it back in the day and I don't know I mean of all things it kind of reminded me of a game that may have been available for like the turbo duo or like the turbo graphics 16 CD or something you know I mean again this game came out before the whole Pirates of the Caribbean craze so there weren't a whole lot of pirate based games I was a huge fan of you know the pirate idea I guess you run jump climb swing your sword the graphics admittedly are simple the gameplay admittedly simple but what made this game kind of unique was I had a bubblegum item yeah bubble gum of all things and different flavors of bubble gum they have different things like the orange made these little bombs on the ground you can pick up grape and they put you in this bubble I mean lime I don't know who's too chewing lying bubble gum but the lime bubblegum would make you fly all over the place kind of destroying all this enemies on the screen you could probably play this game today and say wow not great but I have a lot of fond memories playing this game I've rented it more than once they might tell you something so I'm putting this on the list for me maybe not so much for you but I wanted to showcase it anyway but one game I think everyone should play is dragon view oh my god I love this game now dragon view is drokken two drunken came out early in the Super Nintendo maybe even a launch title I'm not sure it was I like the idea but it wasn't great and this was what made the fun parts about dragon and then made the stuff I didn't like about dragon something that I did love it reminds me of anything a lot like exile you ever played exile for the Sega Genesis or maybe the turbo CD like when you're not in town or caves or anything like that it goes into this 3d mode and this was like state-of-the-art 3d for it's time for me anyway I mean I even love that Atari 2600 style skyline I just loved it and a little like sort of Vermillion when you run into your enemies you can see the enemies on the playing field here and when you run into them then it turns into like a hack-and-slash style game now this game like a lot of Super Nintendo games of its time it'll have a whole bunch of fetch quests for you where it's like oh you need this well first you need this you go over there you're like oh I can't do this because you got to do this first for me it's like oh come on but that makes it fun and hopefully it doesn't trigger too much from the game I know I just love the fact that you had your 3d to walk around you do have your map you can use and you will be using it then it goes into this kind of 2d style when you're in the towns or when you're in the caves or the caverns or fighting enemies and stuff like that yeah dragon view very high on my list of my some of my favorite probably in my top 5 favorite Super Nintendo games for sure guardians pretty cool I'd recommend checking it out it's an action platformer where you can play as these robots I mean you just move back and forth and up the platforms and shoot the enemies I mean pretty basic video game style right what sets this one apart is you play as three different robots so you can choose you know from one of them that might just shoot or have the ability to shoot upward another one that has is weird kind of tongue lucky thingy I don't know and then when it's kind of like this robot Panther thing that can also shoot your enemies - yeah I don't know whose idea was this another one of those fun ones I had fond memories growing up renting never owned it until later in life but I just I just love playing it it's fun right so full disclosure actraiser is my favorite Super Nintendo game but soul blazer is kind of the sequel to actraiser but not really so in this game you kind of play as a warrior on a Supreme Being level something like that I don't know I don't want to get too involved in it and when you start out you're started as this buried land that used to have activities that people always have life but there's nothing there anymore so it's your job to bring it all back so do that you go to these places where the enemies are you defeat all the enemies in the pod let's say and then that turns into an activation switch sometimes it unlocks a door but other times it might unlock part of the town and then once that's unlocked you can interact with that somehow and maybe that'll extend the storyline there's so much more going on for soul blazer I don't want to spoil it any more than that but seriously if you have a chance please check out soul blazer it's so much fun there are some pretty decent Super Nintendo wrestling games I'm going to showcase hammerlock wrestling just cuz it was kind of unique now a hammerlock wrestling is based on Guinea cheerio 10 rios wrestling and romance in japan so there is an import version of course i love the one that came out in japan but when he brought it out in america they kind of Americanized it so keep that in mind but even the wrestler selection screen I mean there's Guinea trio 10 Ryo right there and some of the other wrestlers might have a vague resemblance of some of you may know I'll be in this great mood of looking guy versus this Shinya Hashimoto looking guy if you ever played Tecmo World Wrestling it's like that but to the max like there's always these cutscenes above and below or sometimes it just cuts it to two of them at the same time so they give you the full motion believe it or not it's not as distracting as you would think I mean it plays like a decent wrestling game is it the best wrestling game for the Super Nintendo well maybe not but again this is more showcasing to some games that need more love and I think hammerlock wrestling for what it is need some more love I mean I liked the fact that when you did a maneuver it would cut it into like a cutscene every single time fun to see who they had and what was gonna go on next and what kind of moves he could pull off I wasn't in victorious this time around but hammerlock wrestling might be worth your while right I can explain yes there is an LJ in game on this list but seriously if you've never played True Lies now maybe you missed True Lies because I had that LG and logo I'm here to tell you True Lies is a great game it's based on the Arnold Schwarzenegger movie and I don't want to compare it to Zombies Ate My Neighbors because it's not that but it's this view and this style and you go around shooting the bad guys actually kind of fun in this very first part if you don't shoot anyone they won't shoot you back but once you start then that's when they start ganging up on you then of course you can pick up better guns along the way or grenades or whatever but I mean this game for what it is true lies it's actually a pretty decent game and again like I said many people may have skipped over it just because I bared that rainbow of doom but True Lies is pretty neat and you can shoot the civilians not that you should but I mean you can well we got Excalibur 2097 it's kind of your cyberpunk samurai style game I mean you know running /d leo someone looking ahead a lot of fun with and not only do you have a jump but you also have a slash you have a stab I guess and then you have a block but they can actually get me to block their attacks or block their guns or whatever I still wouldn't compare this to Strider as much as I want to but it's still a fun game some of the bosses have some pretty neat things going on here oh my goodness it's one of those of you played them all before but you haven't played this one yet and maybe check it out now Evo search for Eden may be kind of known for some people's lists because it's one of those games that's harder to find it goes up there in price but unlike some of those other games this is actually almost worth the price it's that good this games all about evolution now you start as a little simple fish it's all about survival of the fittest so when you defeat these enemies you get your meat it's the same meat on every level well the meat will give you health and evolution points and with those evolution points you can evolve it yourself into a greater fish now when you first start out you can bite you can also like - and like headbutt or ram into people and that's how you can kill them you know but maybe you want to have a stronger bite you can give yourself better teeth if you wanna give yourself a dorsal fin does swim faster and maybe Ram harder because of it that's fine too I mean there's a lot of things you can do on this the fun part is just evolving yourself in every stage I'm only showing you the first stage this is like the underwater level I can't bring an area or something but then later on levels you become like a dinosaur and the eventually you can become a human but you don't have to be the game as a human you can actually beat the game as a dinosaur if you want later on you can even become a bird if you like and that's one way I haven't beaten this game yet I'm still working on that the card itself is up there in price but if you get a chance to play it Evo search for eating very high in my list I love this game I actually I just beat this game maybe six months before I doing this video there are so many more great super nintendo games out there I'll do a part two eventually so make sure you let me know what should be added to the list in the comments below if you dig this style of video and want to see other videos like it of other game systems I have a whole playlist full of other games that are must play or just games that don't get enough love stuff like that thank you for watching please subscribe and thank you for being you
Channel: JohnRiggs
Views: 59,149
Rating: 4.8908381 out of 5
Keywords: underrated snes games, super nintendo hidden gems, best super nes games, super nes hidden gems, snes hidden gems, John Riggs YouTube, John Riggs, best snes games, snes, Riggs, super nintendo games, Video Games, retro gaming, super nintendo, super nes, snes games, best super nintendo games, super nintendo entertainment system, super nintendo music, hidden gems, snes longplay, top 10 snes games, top 10 super nintendo games, my top 10 snes games, john riggs metal jesus
Id: O3sIHLp6J7Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 18sec (918 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 02 2020
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