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guys it's been one long day we have been researching non-stop you've been up and down this area so many times but one thing I will say is we have a definite entrance right now but you've been told got a message on snapchat important on snapchat or have been what we're doing and I got message saying there's a building site and this an entrance on it and it's gonna be open for a couple of days until the ceiling all good guys before you go any further ever watching this video go and check out my Instagram I post so many pictures on there check out my facebook as well see some of the building site here we're heading towards the orange light let's go let's go towards the orange I suppose down a smoky telephone yeah super old phone it's still saying on here that isn't mine this is no man trust me this is this is the burlington bunker guys between the grand secret city this is real isn't it nice this is real so guys as I'm walking down the we are going down about a 100 foot in the ground into a secret city bill for the Royals is the Parliament in case of a nuclear war this is hard and still stop down here you need to live down here the free months is absolutely crazy I'm so excited [Music] specialists in the ground right now remember guys hundred on the fall on the ground 60 miles of underground secret tunnels rods share this but on one sec let me let me snapshot this first whereas I think working down about 40 54 so far no more the fact of Magadan come down more than 40 50 for the president it's probably everything every step of our powerful scintillation chefs some kind of cave-ins in know they know they've been trying to go kiddo homicide collapse like reaching for that's not cops that you're trying to walk we see only beauties pillows it's just a great okay guys I fall give you a quick rundown so this is spring Quarry this is the way we get into the building to bunker as you can see on the map here the green bit is where we have entered the Red Bay is where the main center of the bunker is so as we're literally walking down these tunnels you might be thinking you know these aren't what I've seen on pictures well you know these are the the quarry parts so there's no power this is a map of the Burlington site this is where we've entered in from so as you can see we've got quite a long walk to the Burlington part this is a full map of Burlington and this is we'll be entering into it's like the office areas and VIP suite of the of the bunker so yeah just sit back and watch and obviously in this episode we don't see any of the actual artifacts inside the bunker this is basically walking through all the tunnels that lead into the bunker so don't be disappointed if you don't we don't find it in this episode but Dolphy I'm doing a full series on this I'll be going hard on this and left on every single section of that bunker chittering what's with the control I know what that is it's a tribe's be the old tram system they used to bring stuff down here what no way so guys what conventions favori but it seems like at some point they've been doin all this time trying to block all the entrances into the actual proper parts of the browsers okay the really cool thing cuz you should be able to stumbles don't know if I get you something yeah that's all power though this is going back towards other entrances I think it is I'm gonna come back on the fire and fit offer anything else down here my lens keeps [ __ ] up with a condensation mr. well seeing if you know some stuff about it I just see ducting and what is booked in emergency exit - checky checky ones bookie the size of doors wasn't there is a camera just just a camera [Music] this is the this is the input this is the death always to bring everything in to the surface but yeah this is their entrance she made it to the bathroom I think over just sinks barely mcGarry's as well the lens keeps walking or cooking so far moving on to the commissary excess moisture from the hands and then this is a hundred he's been too long [Music] that's crazy this has been why is in these toilets that's why people have been down here apply isn't it David enormous that's how it might be some bad fridges in my movie stopping us man you know why these are new so guys I mean it's work in teams walk is weird the rabbit dinky yeah this is weird as hell yeah look at this a year seven oceans treatments and then she bought drinking more your Santa he was always getting down here bookie yeah look change to the jeans 2017 all right guys a little bit weird we found food through 2017 around here and some other bits in box which it may be that someone was living down here or people may be living down here I have no idea the copy still going on sometimes subterranean people okay just from the trunk how do Stella there's another sheet down there what I thought it's a lot Spurrier didn't guess I brought down some random stuff down here Oh pendant you do know the opposite side have a point what he said okay okay do not pull that off wrong way evil create a 2036 some shelves yes water wheel Oh guys a whole lots rust whole bathroom stalls on the floor can get through the rescues this way I fell in the pool the bulk of this is all I should find me jerkin yeah we're walking for that and how I do it without come across any of the air I drop off your stuff yeah well it is 60 miles longer so guys I'm gonna impart wine right here this at the moment we're in like the dumping section of the underground tunnels where all the tunnels that they dug out for the bunker and stuff all the rocks this mine so right now but you can head to surface capture believer and look at a map that we actually found online but didn't send it to the forum and there's no signal down here so next time so hopefully we will be in the main part of the bunker where everything is kept and if you enjoyed this adventure guys definitely definitely Adamic consider subscribing like the video leave me a comment shirt on Facebook at my Facebook page I have my Instagram apostles our stuff on their iPad my snapchat all the links are in the description below and you can keep up to date what I'm doing in real time got sloppy brittle so guys we have just left the first pilot bunker and as we're leaving driving down the road we have just seen the men in black I swear to god they're at the entrance of the like guys in black suits all over that building side looking so I don't know how there must have been sensors down there somewhere I'm guessing it's because it let's be honest it's a government facility so this is a guides looking at normal there is there is there is I please please please please please please [Music] you
Channel: Exploring with Fighters
Views: 216,055
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Urban exploring, Urban exploration, Urbex, Explore, Exploring, Exploring with, Exploring with josh, Abandoned Lancashire, Abandoned, Abandoned uk, Abandoned building, Haunted house, Scary places uk, Josh, Haunted uk, Abandoned mansion, asylum, abandoned asylum, abandoned hospital, haunted abandoned, haunted places, scary urbex, exploring with fighters, underground, secret underground
Id: A-Z0T5eNEs8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 56sec (1676 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 14 2018
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