Trying RUTT'S HUT "America's Best Hot Dog!" Worth The Hype?

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hey guys and welcome to another episode of UA eats I'm UA and we are in Clifton New Jersey about I would say maybe 20 minutes away from New York City to eat at what many people say is the best hot dog not only in the whole area not only in the New York area or New Jersey but many people consider this the best hot dog in the whole us I'm talking about rutz Hut here in Clifton New Jersey and yeah it doesn't get more lowkey than this this is a hot dog joint pretty much right next to a busy highway although to clarify on the right here we do kind of have some residential area but it's still sort of next to a busy street so as far as locations go not exactly the best location so the food must be pretty good if you know people are coming all the way here just to eat their hot dogs and this place rutz Hut I believe they sell a few different things but they're mostly known for their hot dogs particularly known for Rippers which are hot dogs that are deep fried they're called rippers because they're deep fried hot dogs and you know like any sausage when you expose it to that kind of heat it's more likely to rip or burst now we wind up to Westchester to eat the famous Walter's Hot Dogs and I thought that was pretty good and that's the hot dog to beat in my book so far but hey people say that this rutz Hut place is the place to be not just in this area but in the whole country so let's see if it's all it's cracked up to be or you know so let's see if it's all it's cracked up to be let's check it out well that's how you know it's a good sign when it's cash [Music] only wow yeah the whole time that my my twins are 30 now okay guys so we just got our hot dog platter we ordered a hot dog platter they have actually a lot of things on the menu besides hot dogs they even have things like a tenderloin sandwich like a filet minan sandwich but this place is known for hot dogs so I zeroed in on some hot dogs I decided to go with a hot dog platter which is two hot dogs and a plate of potato salad and klaw and some other garnishes now despite this place being super well known amongst hot dog enthusiasts it seems like it's mostly and people are all you know wanting to eat relatively in peace and I don't think they're super used to having people come in here and film so going to try to keep it on the down low here so I found the place kind of in the corner where I can keep my voice down and try not to disturb people so you said the onion rings are pretty well known here make own oh wow thank you thanks for letting me film them real quick not problem and you said the relish is good a lot of views you're making a lot of money and you come back and give it to me sounds good and you said the uh the relish is good too and home make it here too all right you could buy it in the contain they sell it some all right I'll I'll scoop that later awesome thank you sir you're welcome so I actually moved over here because uh over there I was by the window and uh that might seem good for natural light but you know sometimes the artificial light is actually better for these food vids but yeah I got one with cheese and one on its own but I got a local tip that the relish is really good here so I think what we're going to do is we're going to try this cheese dog and then we're going to Jazz up this one with relish and we'll also try this platter afterwards let's try this cheese dog first this uh Ripper cheese dog sounds good got a reputation to uphold all right first off the cheese dog before we try the [Music] relish let me try another [Music] one the hot dogs are definitely pretty good the bread kind of tastes just like your standard hot dog bun like your potato bun uh it does sort of taste very similar to just hot dog buns that you can get at the grocery store but the hot dogs themselves are pretty good but what I like is that that filling on the inside has really good flavor it tastes kind of like it's mostly a pork filling and it doesn't just taste like your standard hot dogs from a bag uh you know the bun I said did taste a little bit generic but these hot dogs on the inside it tastes like this is filling that they're stuffing themselves but the best part I would say is the fried skin now in a way it's kind of fortunate that I got one without any toppings because you can kind of see the skin more clearly like you see that that skin is really wrinkled and deep fried and that's kind of the best part you get that nice soft pork filling on the inside or I believe it's pork I'm almost 100% sure it's pork but then on the outside you get that crispy skin and it kind of is like a textural contrast and I really really like it and uh yeah they call these rippers cuz they say that they split when you deep fry them I guess there's some splitting happening there I guess that's like a does that look like a split or a rip from the deep frying so all in all not bad I guess I would say that the cheese sauce is interesting although I find it a little bit thick like I find it kind of reminiscent of American cheese like kind of like a melted slice of American cheese like in a grilled cheese sandwich like a craft single it kind of has like a really processed cheese flavor so you know I actually think that I might prefer this one with some Relish in a bit rather than this cheese on top the cheese was actually an extra $1.75 but as you can see it's already kind of coagulating and you know becoming very thick well okay I guess it's actually not like when I touch it it's still relatively liquid but it does kind of have like a very craft American cheese taste so the cheese sauce is not my favorite but I dig the hot dog itself mostly because of the fried exterior and the nice pork filling so let's follow that local tip and let's add some relish to this which uh I was told is what this place is really known [Music] for a great day okay we've now sufficiently jazzed one of them up and what I wound up doing is that I saw that they have mustard and they have relish so I did half relish and half mustard and if I want to combine them later I'll just scoop one to the other side but this way I can kind of try them independently you know take a bite of each side and then if I like them together I'll combine them in the middle if that makes sense so let's try the mustard half first jelly the Mustard's pretty good it tastes like kind of like a deli brown mustard but I really really like it it's not too spicy it's got a bit of a kick but just like a little subtle bit of spice but now let's try this relish side this colorful relish so flip this to the other side and oo oh wow wow he was absolutely right this relish is incredible before I take a bite let me show you this relish that they are 100% making in house like it doesn't just taste like a bunch of diced pickles it's got this freshness to it it really is really delightfully sweet it's the perfect consistency often times relishes from a packet are way too watery this is neither too watery nor too thick well it is relatively thick but it's like the perfect thickness every bite of the relish kind of retains the water with every bite so you get delicious like explosions of pickly sweet relish in every bite and also it just has a wonderful beautiful shine they often say you eat with your eyes first and while looks aren't everything the relish also looks really satisfying and beautiful so wow definitely one of the best relishes I've ever had no not definitely this is hands down the best relish I've ever had the mustard the cheese it's okay but I would here almost just to eat this relish or to buy this relish by the gallon just to use at [Music] home M really really good let's try the rest of this platter I kind of want to try some of the chili before we head on but we did get a platter so let's see how this coasta and potato salad tastes before we move on now I believe this here is coasta yeah that's definitely Coast law the coalo is actually pretty good the coalo is not too creamy it's not overwhelmed with that Mayo like it's not too creamy it's not too sweet it's well balanced and you can really taste the fresh vegetables within it not really a big fan of this green pepper garnish on top it kind of makes it harder to eat the coast law but I like it like this COA it tastes nice and refreshing not too creamy a good balance to the more heavy hot dogs so I dig this and let's do some potato salad get rid of that bell pepper garnish potato salad time and its consistency it almost looks like mashed potatoes [Music] I don't know okay that potato salad is pretty awesome I mean this restaurant in general it's like the ultimate Backyard barbecue food the hot dogs the Coosa potato salad I'm digging it all and what I like about this potato salad is it's actually kind of similar to the coast law in that both are pretty smooth texture and it was kind of hard to tell them apart at first but what I like about the potato salad what I ironically like about this as opposed to the coast law I like this for almost an opposite reason the potato salad is really creamy tastes really rich the potato is really well diced like I don't mind eating those big blocks of potato and potato salad but in this case the potatoes are really diced so it almost really does kind of resemble mashed potatoes in a way but in this case it's almost like you're eating like a chunkier mashed potatoes but like a cold one but they didn't skimp on cream or butter or milk in this case cuz they taste really rich while also smooth and healthy at the same time I don't know that might sound like a contradiction or a paradox but it's not trust me on that I really really want to try the chili cuz I hear a lot of people ordering the chili behind me so let's just eat more of [Music] this all right we got our piping bowl of chili or cup of chili so we're going to review this and then we'll share final thoughts outside but this is a solid looking cup of chili if you ask me now they ask you if you want beans or if you want just meat now I know beans is technically not authentic like I think in Texas nobody gets beans with their chili but you know we're not in Texas so I wound up getting beans that's the way I personally like chili and the way I make it at home with beans and it's looking pretty solid a lot of meat even though they gave me beans I hardly see the beans in here and usually you know when there's Bean chilies it's mostly beans less meat but in this case it still looks like it's mostly meat and not many beans I wonder if they gave me the wrong thing so in either case looking pretty good so let's give it a try all right that chili is really really good I feel like it's more so chili that you would put on a hot dog less so chili that you would eat straight up but it's still very good I'm glad I got beans because the Beans really are pretty subtle it is mostly beef and then you get like a bean surprise here and there so it's not bad I do think that it could be a little bit saltier like it is a little bit lacking in salt I think a little bit Bland not it's not flavorful but bland and that it could use more salt so I may add some more salt on my own what I like about this chili is that the Tomato flavor is not too strong it's more so the flavor of the beef not so much like that tomatoey or even ketchupy flavor that you often find in bowls of chili really mostly a chili beef which I like if that's what you want like a real beefy soup you'll like it not sure I'll be able to finish this though with all the food that I ate so I'm I might ask them for a a to-go container for this and we'll share some final thoughts [Music] outside well guys I'm outside R's Hut now and I'm eating the relish hot dog the one where I scraped the cheese off and I added the relish to it this relish sauce is just incredible I mean if you come here and you don't eat the relish sauce you haven't even eaten here because I would say that it's worth coming here just for this relish alone many people have ruts Hut as the number one hot dog in the whole us not just New York or New Jersey the whole us or at least it frequently comes up among the top five in National lists now for me personally I would say based upon the hot dog itself there are places that I prefer there's Walter's Hot Dogs in Westchester New York and there's also Boulevard drinks in Jersey City those places make a pretty mean hot dog as well and I personally prefer the taste of those sausages this one the Ripper like it has that deep red wrinkly skin but I find the filling though to be less good than those other two places I mentioned but this relish sauce is just incredible there's no better hot dog topping I've ever had than this relish sauce so I would say rutz Hut definitely among the best hot dog places I've been to based upon this topping alone if I could take this relish and combine it with a Walter's Hot Dog H that would be one of the greatest things I've ever eaten in my whole life maybe an idea hm but anyways guys that's just my take what do you think of rutz Hut do you think rutz Hut is the best hot dog in America or in New York or New Jersey or this whole area and what's your favorite hot dog place that you've been to let me know in the comments because great minds eat alike and let me know where I should eat next and as always if you like my videos make sure you like And subscribe that way you stay up to date whenever I post another video cannot resist this delicious relish so I'm going to relish the last few bites of this until next time I'll see you later [Music]
Channel: UA Eats
Views: 94,711
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rutt's Hut, Rut's Hutt, Rutt's Hutt, Rutt's Hut NJ, Rutt's Hut New Jersey, Rutt's Hut Clifton, Rutt's Hut best hot dogs, best hot dogs in america, best hot dogs in usa, best hot dogs in nyc, UA Eats, UA Eats vlogs, UA Eats reviews, UA Eats vids
Id: FC3bIPzR1Bc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 50sec (950 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 23 2024
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