Undefeatable (feat. Kellin Quinn)
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Channel: SEGA - Topic
Views: 10,080,943
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SEGA, Tomoya Ohtani, Kellin Quinn, Tyler Smyth, Julian Comeau, MEG, Sonic Frontiers Original Soundtrack Stillness & Motion, Undefeatable (feat. Kellin Quinn)
Id: u_FRDqHT5y0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 25sec (265 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 06 2022
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This is the perfect time to talk about my general thoughts on the vocal boss themes. I'm personally mixed on them, I'm not a fan of screams in music. I get the appeal and I'm not against people listening to them but they almost always sound too harsh making me dislike them. I also don't think they fit Sonic as a character, screams in music are used to show emotions like anger, frustration and agony. Sonic isn't a character that fits that at all, it could work in a game where Sonic is going through those emotions but this game doesn't have that so they sound out of place for a character like Sonic. This is just my feelings and putting that aside they are great songs.