[Full Song/Official Lyrics] Devil Trigger - Nero's battle theme from Devil May Cry 5
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Channel: R H
Views: 45,413,397
Rating: 4.9070644 out of 5
Keywords: Devil Trigger, Devil May Cry 5, Nero's battle theme, Ali Edwards, Casey Edwards, Full Song, Official Lyrics, DMC5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 45sec (405 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 13 2018
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For me it's Silver bullet, man that shit is amazing
I may be alone on this but my favorite ended up being Subhuman
I prefer the game edit myself, something about the mixing just sounds a little better to me.
RIP BlackbeltGaming
I like this song so much, I managed to convince my Kpop dance group to include it as the Finale song for a dance Showcase at an Anime convention lmao
Shame that the music barely ever gets going during bloody palace, most rounds are over so quickly