Uncovering The Bossa Lab Secrets - I Am Fish

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something tells me johnny depp and amber heard have a better chance of fixing their marriage than i have a chance at fixing this cart and getting the hell out of here but i might be able to continue launching myself towards progress just blind luck you gotta be good to be lucky and lucky to be good yeah that was easy who needs to fix when you can just get a new one now we're really donkey kong countrying even though i don't think dk ever moved at the speed of smell you know he had big arms to lift the carts and open doors why is everywhere in this world not fish accessible it's pissing me off uh i mean maybe that stick wants to help me it could be excited to see me or it could be having a seizure [Music] what's up guys welcome back to i am fish where these four little fish have been separated against their will but using the power of love and friendship they're gonna come back together as a family and get their violent revenge against the surface dwellers i can't forget that part i really hope at some point on our journey we find out who makes these fish solitary confinement bubbles like i know that the pet store lady is high on our revenge list but at the same time not only are these things incredibly immoral no pet should be put in something like this but they also have the build quality of a faberge newborn i swear i swim in shards of glass as much as i do water now i'm not trying to say that life outside the bubble is particularly better because flying in a game called i am fish is well about as easy as swimming in a game called i am brick is a whole lot of complications and i definitely don't want to dry out but fortunately it looks like we were kidnapped by a mud farmer and oh the crops are looking extra moist this time of year whereas i i'm not so much the fish are interesting pets you can only teach them to roll over once and then you gotta go get a new pet we might actually want to be careful with how much we're flying out here because it's very open and i'm hearing a concerning amount of chirping and tweeting around me and i don't mean agricultural social media i mean like how long on our little journey until i become food for a bird it would be like a hot dog trying to escape from your kitchen and make its way back to the cow fields the the raccoon forest whatever they put in hot dogs these days point is we all know it would end up as hobo poop long before it makes its way home and i don't want to be hobo oh oh right we made it this far last time and i smacked into that metal wall surprisingly fish bounce about as well as hobo poop which is to say they splatter think of it i've never heard of a seaside cornfield before so how far are we from the ocean are you kidding me right now i need to fly through an entire city how like i i'm a fish not mary poppins and every single jump is just blind trust i have to hope that there's gonna be life-saving water on the other end of this okay we just gotta make a couple of quick in-flight adjustments everything is fine ladies and gentlemen this is your captain speaking i know there's gonna be a little turbulence but we're gonna work things out you see this is the difference between an airplane and a fish you can tune an airplane you can't tune a fish i'm gotta be honest with you guys i've been waiting to break that one out for about three episodes now i hope it was worth it terrible fish puns aside should i be concerned with what i'm swimming in right now like is this just the world's cleanest sewage or is it runoff from the fields that i was just in he's like i know i was just swimming around up there so it's kind of a moot point but at the same time i don't want to know what that farmer has been spraying on his crops to make them grow in dirt it's like the consistency of jello pudding it's definitely concerning i could sprout a couple of legs which i guess wouldn't be the end of the world right best case scenario i can walk my way through the city worst case scenario i can kick some ass here's a million dollar question for you guys do you think that's water or fire a fish should definitely be able to tell and i i can't because i'm a surprisingly slow fish okay uh we might want to pick up the pace it is water that's the good news and we've got bread i don't know if we can swim in that this doesn't look particularly helpful oh it's a shortcut okay well that's really lucky probably not gonna gamble my life on shortcuts like that again especially for just a little nibble of bread i i may like to fly like a bird but i don't need to act like one oh oh this is good it's a river right bridges usually have rivers underneath them and rivers usually lead to the ocean unless they're blocked off really so can i not follow the river to the ocean i don't get it i think we might be a little bit lost here i had assumed that the ocean was in that direction because that's the way that i was looking but the river is running in this direction which makes me think that the ocean is probably this way even though the only exit is through this pipe over here so are we going back to the farm that doesn't seem particularly helpful we don't have much of a choice here beggars can't be choosers oh we're up in the dilapidated water wheel okay i'm not really sure how that's gonna help us but it's something i suppose oh you've got to be kidding me we can do this we can do this we can do this we can do this don't mind me fellow kids just manifesting fish destiny over here i think we might actually be able to do i mean we can do this we can we can do this we can do this there you go way to go little guy now what part of me is really concerned that there could be a fish market down there but then the other part of me thinks that i should probably just focus on the whole flying aspect and not the fish aspect i think we might be able to get over here okay we're in luck surprisingly all these people are shopping underneath what can only be described as swimming pools held up by bed sheets seems a little off not sure i would be trusting that but then again what do i know i'm just a dead fish no you know what i'm gonna take that back even if the opinion of rooftop marine life isn't particularly valued by these people i still think i can criticize them for putting their signs 20 feet in the air on telephone poles and it just says fruit and veg as if people couldn't figure that out by simply walking up to it i can't believe i cleared this sign alright things are going well uh that's assuming we have more water oh crap well after half a dozen awkward nose dives into the sidewalk we're making progress again i still don't understand why these people trust these setups i trust them about as much as i trust that checkpoint what is going on down there i think the trick here is gonna be to deploy late and devoid oh i don't think these fish are doing well they're looking awful flat and stinky and dead i don't think they have insides fortunately they're in about an inch of water so i'm not gonna dry out so i am gonna have fish ptsd for the rest of my short life oh there's a bucket i've never wanted to be in a fish gut bucket more in my life please get me the hell out of here squirm herder this is not what i wanted this is my worst nightmare like imagine if these were all people i'll put it to you that way if you really put yourself in the fish's shoes it's a bad analogy for fish you know what i mean don't mind me everybody just a casual mop bucket out for a stroll please don't kick me if you kick this bucket then i'll kick the bucket as well i i really just want to make my way to the ocean don't suppose anybody has directions to the ocean really appreciate it i mean i would assume that the ocean is downhill and that's the easiest way for me to go stay away from me you cal not interested in trouble right now everything is fine okay this could have been worse is that guy drinking a 2-4 of vodka in the middle of the afternoon maybe we should avoid the angry drunk here we go uh it's a ramp or stairs this is only one way of finding out okay um it's neither a ramp nor stairs it's just trouble oh okay well the bucket was short-lived you see the problem with being a fish who only acts like a bird is that i never actually get a bird's-eye view so i have no idea how much of the city we've gone through so far or how much could be left but i'm hoping that well is gonna lead to somewhere other than to a little girl who wants to kill me with a vhs i mean wells don't typically lead to the ocean or anything like that so i don't have high hopes but you know fins crossed that there's water down here at all oh that's it we're out okay so are we just gonna live the rest of our life in a well okay this is not what i was expecting wells don't typically lead to sewers right i mean i've never been around a real well in my life i don't think but usually you drink from them and you don't want to drink whatever piss-flavored green kool-aid this is i also don't really want to swim in it like it's up in the air as to whether or not i'll escape or or get fish hepatitis oh oh no i i thought i was actually going to escape there was daylight we were right there this can't be good canis wait rocks are natural i'm nature maybe this is going to eject me out into the ocean i really doubt it oh wait no no don't don't spit me out deep underground this is the last place i want to be as a flying fish you gotta be kidding me what is all this what did i do to deserve this one minute your housewarming gift to a mud farmer and then the next you're getting fired out of a cannon like some kind of t-shirt at a baseball game i don't know how i'm gonna get out of this i'm just going deeper and deeper that doesn't seem like a good idea neither does bouncing like that can fish get concussions i get the feeling my brain is swollen right now something tells me johnny depp and amber heard have a better chance of fixing their marriage than i have a chance at fixing this cart and getting the hell out of here but i might be able to continue launching myself towards progress just blind luck you gotta be good to be lucky and lucky to be good yeah that was easy who needs to fix when you can just get a new one now we're really donkey kong countrying even though i don't think dk ever moved at the speed of smell you know he had big arms to lift the carts and open doors why is everywhere in this world not fish accessible it's pissing me off uh i mean maybe that stick wants to help me it could be excited to see me or it could be having a seizure i don't know if there's gonna be enough real estate for me to make this jump oh okay perfect there we go and now i am free i don't feel very free are you kidding me right now i got smushed i got smushed let's try that again except for this time we don't want to end up the consistency of something that could be spread on crackers is that asking too much i think it's not but then again what do i know i'm just a dumb fish okay wait are we are we live we're alive here we go you only need to point out that when turtles fall in the sewer they get to say cowabunga and eat pizza and meanwhile i get this oh i thought we were gonna open the door but it looks like we just made it fish accessible all right that works for me am i gonna need that cart though is this gonna be a whole journey it's looking like it's never that simple well there's another card here and another stick that's looking awful shaky interesting oh what is going on like come on i got a six second memory how am i supposed to figure these things out we only need to point out that goldie had to roll his way downhill without breaking and meanwhile i'm flying around underground trying to solve the quadratic equation and get my way back to the surface it's completely ridiculous okay there we go okay so we flooded things the room is gonna fill up that'll probably screw with whatever machine this is someone's gonna come into work monday morning and be devastated that one tiny fish ruined their multi-billion dollar water mining business not really sure what it is they're doing here to be perfectly honest i don't even know what i'm doing here as you can tell by the fact that i keep smashing my adorable little face off of things speaking of which maybe we should try doing that on purpose for once like could i uh give that a boop there we go okay green is good maybe i gotta admit a lot of these jumps are way steeper and way more complicated than i thought imaginable for a little blue fish with a swollen brain but i may have underestimated him you know he's doing better than anticipated come on now don't make me look like an idiot when i'm finally talking good about you we got this okay so we're following a wire to see if we can get another button and i would imagine it's over here somewhere beautiful okay nose first right into listen close enough i'll take close enough thankfully some of these jumps are a little bit easier than others okay so we've got three doors open and this thing is just chugging along for whatever reason again i don't think i can ride it to freedom not only because it's rickety and has a mind of its own but it's only ever gonna go downhill i want to go up damn it that doesn't particularly help me oh i see ah all right i'll i'll try my best this seems sketchy though come on you got this cool there we go and maybe i am going to somehow ride this to freedom but i really doubt this we're going further down is this not problematic am i losing my mind we're definitely getting a donkey kong country now but come on please leave the ocean ah what kind of villains evil underground layer did i just find i really hope that's an educational diorama and not elton john's real skeleton otherwise i could be in a lot more trouble than i expect this place is super weird it's just colin burke bossa labs report number three five nine how did dr robert not predict this he should have known bobs would eventually gain sentience now they've escaped labs and began living across furniture with no knowledge of what they're supposed to be they were made for surgery they were made to let anyone become a surgeon and i'll be damned if my son doesn't deserve a better future than that of a baker whoa whoa whoa hold on a second so this place is the origin of i am bread it's the origin of surgeon simulator and i am fish it's some kind of like abandoned underground lab where they made the bread even though they didn't say bread they said bob's whatever bobs are bob's became sentient and escaped and i'm so confused right now i need to figure out what they mean by bob because i thought bob was the patient you know the guy who bought the bridge the guy who crashed his car there was only one bob but evidently not there seemed to be a bunch of balls we still have a couple of bobs down in labs and the most peculiar thing happened one of the blood vials seemed to almost come alive when a bomb was near after a few more tests it would seem dr robert's new blood formula might be the reason for their rise in intelligence incredibly short-sighted but if i can get some of bob's blood within range of a bomb its reaction will be a dead giveaway my son might still get the chance to practice surgery oh hold on a second like just to be clear if your son wanted to be a surgeon he could just go to school you don't need to risk a fish uprising for it sounds like they found a way of determining what's a bob by getting them close to one another do i need to worry about finding bobs down here or breads or anything like that kind of hoping this is actually abandoned for us so good not running into anything okay we would like to run into the cannon and really how are you gonna hit the rim like that let's go for a two pointer shall we you don't need to be a hero there we go that's a whole lot better all right let's have a look around definitely [Music] the answer was right in front of me this whole time i took some of bob's blood and added it to a batch of bread at my bakery as predicted when brought near a bob it practically came alive if i could get this bread into the hands of any bobs in barnard's chair it'll tell me for sure that they're the bops made for surgery i could track them all down now the technique is not perfect the loaf of bread seemed to have its animalistic tendencies persist even after no bobs were around so i must get round to fixing that otherwise things could get very much out of hand oh my god that explains everything ew and that the living bread is blood's bread so they put bob's blood into the bread which made the bread come alive and the whole point is when the bread is around a bob because there are more than one patient there are lots of bobs out there living then it acts and you can tell that it's a bob so the guy who crashed his car it was actually an experiment he gained sentience and then escaped and just started living his life they tried to hunt him down that's why the car crashed and then dr robert came and picked him up and brought him to surgeon simulator this is just this is mind-blowing i can't believe this right now do i want to plug that in i don't think i really want to plug something in i'm a fish water and electricity don't mix particularly well and again uh might not have a choice okay give it a shot easy is that a good thing i hope that's a good thing go back to my bucket oh it probably unlocked this door yeah okay i was wondering why there would be a line there still doesn't make a whole lot of sense it's an elevator all right do i need to jump and hit the button nope because we're free ish again i'm still stuck underground nowhere near the ocean but we're learning a whole lot about ourselves and what made us how we are all right you know what i think that's gonna be it for this episode of i am fish guys what a mind-blowing episode i i said at the very beginning that i love the fact that this is a crossover between all the poses studios games and it's so much better than i could have hoped for and this is just one of the four fish we learned a lot with goldie we're learning a lot with the blue fish now we still have puffer fish and the piranha fish one more level with the bluefish so if you guys want to see more as always be sure to leave a like this video leave a comment letting me know and maybe i'll return to uncover what exactly is going on with bobs thanks so much for watching this video i hope you enjoyed i'll see you next time [Music] you
Channel: CaptainSauce
Views: 304,867
Rating: 4.9695206 out of 5
Keywords: i am fish, i am fish game, i am fish gameplay, i am fish full release, i am fish full game, i am fish funny, i am fish funny moments, i am fish rage game, rage game, i am bread, i am bread sequel, i am fish walkthrough, i am fish playthrough, i am fish playlist, i am fish update, i am fish new update, i am fish goldfish, i am fish let's play, i am fish flying fish, i am fish blue fish, i am fish lab, i am fish secrets, i am bread origin, captainsauce, captain sauce
Id: htLaPs-GTh0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 28sec (1288 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 11 2021
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