Uncovering Secrets: Ancestral Healing with Samal Shah | Uncharted Conversation with NeoYug Ep 3

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what exactly is ancestral healing what is it that you do when you are connecting with your ancestors one to make that reconnection again this body is from your ancestors but it's for me to reconnect maybe in this birth I am your daughter I am your grandchild there may be have reasons where in the previous must been your mother and being very strict with you think about this now why have you got only this family there are silons of people in this world why only these set of people why only these kind of habits why only these kind of characteristics that you were having why hi everyone welcome to another episode of Uncharted conversations with new y have you ever thought why you were born in a certain family because the situations that you are experiencing in possibly quite a lot has to do with the family that you're born in right have you ever thought that is there any connection between where you are and your lineage if you have been someone who's been interested and been curious to know more about these questions then today my friends is the day where all these things get answered because the guest that we have today she is an ancestral healer teaching this to many many people for years and years and transformed thousands of lives and empowered them to change their their life and attract whatnot abundance money success recognition Clarity purpose right so without any further delay let's please welcome saml sha hi Sul thank you so much for being here on this podcast with us really appreciate it uh thank you Namaste thank you for letting me be here thank you great so some before we Deep dive into this concept I first would like you to share a quirky ancestral fact about you that are listeners or our viewers would love to know and would find it amusing uh I can tell you an experience that I had when I encountered connecting with my ancestors okay so we all get signs right and the field of spirituality or in this field of healing we at least know that our senses are you know getting a little stronger so we can feel receive uh a little strongly to what we wouldn't before so then was one such instance that um you know I you're connecting with my ancestors wanting to take guidances wanting that my flow of life goes very good and I'm sitting being in that space and you know suddenly um even though the windows were shut and this is really the you know the the truest quaky moments that you can say the windows are shut I'm you know being in that zone and I can literally feel wind you know flowing on my face so inly I'm like in a closed room with window like you know nothing from and then my head was moving a bit wow uh did you get scared at first so you know to be very honest because this was my first experience right as a human it is very um it is pretty much I was scared because I'm like what is this happening you know um but because you are in this field that you have uh like I have done pretty other several um you know healing modalities that I have learned this was of course something very new and very Quicky as you say but I knew the difference that when something in your life is coming in the form of an energy you know that that energy is a good energy because you already being in that field before right where you already you know what healing is you have had your experiences with certain modalities and when you have worked with yourself so you're leveling up yeah that's your understanding maybe to Hanan Chala start 100% yeah but that was one moment that in spite of me knowing I was scared right and you know it was not that that the hair was completely flowing all over but there was this little wind and gush of you know how when that little wind comes out wh fair that you felt and I'm like what is it but so that was their way to communicate there was their way to tell me that hey you know what I'm right here but this was one very quy moment here and now I love such experience so yeah as long I mean it does sound empowering that your ancestors are there with you but but see you know that's the thing U Natasha G that our ancestors are not to be feared so this is one example that I would like to tell everybody that your ancestors are not to be feared but before we move on to that because a lot of our viewers and listeners you know this this might be the first time that they are getting introduced to the concept of ancestral healing so just for them if you can tell us in brief that what exactly is ancestral healing what is it that you do what is a so um what is ancestral healing tell me why would a person want to be healed or wants healing when that person wants to definitely Elevate to its current Consciousness to its current awareness a person wants to holistically be in the right paths in the right way holistically merge and move forward to whatever ideas one wants right a healing happens when that person wants to come out maybe of a certain situation wants to transfer and transmute oneself from the current scenario that that person is already experiencing so your ancestral healing is when you are connecting with your ancestors one to make that reconnection again you already connected because you are their lineage like this body is from your ancestors but it's for me to reconnect REM merge okay so this is one way that I look at you know okay ancestral healing can you we should do ancestral healing another thing about ancestral healing is it can shape your entire life and change it one it in relates to what it is so what your current situation may feel then you know we may we may go through certain experiences that may not be very profound yeah to change those experiences you know for us to elevate for us to level up so this is what all spirituality is about right spirituality you're connecting with your soul you're connecting with your spirit you're connecting with your Consciousness to grow to evolve and that is why you are here on planet Earth to either cleanse that Karma that you've come here to fulfill either nullify that and if there is no awareness we may even on the other side increase that particular Karma and not work on it so for me ancestral healing is also um a tool for me that I can cleanse I can heal I can be with myself I can heal my karma I can you know consciously make that effort to keep elevating and keep being in an awareness that I can go forward m and anybody that I meet there is a responsibility that you have towards another human right because in the end of the day souls are always one they come from the same Source it's the bodies that is different so if I am meeting you per se at this moment at this time it's also fwh down the line my responsibility as a human as a soul to connect to another human and another soul in such a way that something more better happens you know to that soul that I am connecting with to that human that I'm connecting with so MIA for me this is also a set of responsibility so for me ancestral healing is all about on this and once these basic uh bath okay that I am thinking in when I'm working with those financial area or my physical area or my you know physical health my mental health all of them now are taken care of because in the end of the day everything is holistic with a good body you you can meditate more better here you want to meditate but you can't even sit properly in you know cross- leg position see that is something that you have to think about again right or if I'm sitting on my chair here for instance yeah I cannot even stick with my spin I'm slouching so where will our energy flow so that is why Auto is very holistically connected right so this is for me is ancestral healing but you know yesterday when we were having this conversation you said something so profound I mean I never honestly I never looked at it because when we talk about family when we talk about our most closest unit we only count our people you know for example for me my mom dad Maxx my grandparents right my siblings maybe and that's about it and you said that uh you said something like that the body that you've got this is from ancestors you share your DNA with ancestors true right and when you uh de deeper into the fact that there's so many patterns there's so much of traits so much of culture so many habits that have been passed on from generation to generation that you do not even know that who habit who straa who's that positive or negative Karma that you're picking up so for me in my limited view I think this is my family but if I look the when you told me about it I was like wow so I mean there can be someone in five generations ago right now here in this space who would have been present and I'm might be picking something from them and I do not even know and we are connected like that that so very rightly said yes this that that really BW my mind away was like yeah I mean maybe that's why we keep saying that we all are connected in some way or the other but in that from that perspective from that standpoint um you say that then it becomes important that we heal them now when we because the word is called ancestral healing right uh what I understand and whatever you know convers interaction I've had with you I've understood that all these energies now right uh these energies are somewhere in the high realm where it's already very high vibrational they're already in that space of Love That space of Consciousness so why do we need to heal them in fact isn't it Opposite that it's actually them who heal us like is it ancestral healing that we give them healing where is it is um Natasha is a very beautiful question you know to answer this um me as a human I know my dis birth now okay in this birth I know who my parents are I know I know who their parents are and me being a kid because I've heard stories from my parents I also know who their D or n's are okay but uh you know the reason that we do ancestral healing is I never know that in my previous births I must have met them again I must have had some karmas with them which I need to work in N9 minutes the very fact that I have got this particular family that I am being with right I still believe that for me as a person when my intention is to keep being more conscious and aware of you know working on myself more making sure that my ancestors because of whom I am here sitting are also happy and elevated in their own Consciousness this healing keeps happening again and again so you know every year we have we very in fact I would rather say that we are so lucky that we have this opportunity that in the entire year we have the 15 years of shr for our ancestors right right those 15 days are days where maybe in this birth or in the previous birth or maybe in this timeline and all the other timelines maybe in this Dimension all the other dimensions I must have met them somewhere on the other in some form okay and in order for us to liberate as as whole as a soul as a human is when we have actually nullified or cleansed all those aspects not just this words and you know having said that we I may feel that you know I am born from my mom I am glad that my parents are the reason that I am born but I have to also think that they are also born from somewhere now and that generation is also born from somewhere so I at the current situation and the current generation is connected to all of those now since they have carried so many traits so many traumas so many cultures so many habits so many other ways that that has passed on to me in some form now out of this anything that I don't connect with or anywh I feel that is hening me holistically which is not working out in my favor or there are certain things there are certain patterns which repeatedly I keep going through we're humans in the end right the very black the very the very fact that we've come on Earth is so that we cleanse and we get the opportunity to nullify that so clearly since I am in this family that I am in this current Consciousness with them there is still something or the other are still need to work with now what can be more beautiful than me working not just with me with the entire Army that I have and why not me and my ancestors collectively or why don't you and your ancestors collectively heal and work together together so where there is collective energy even the consciousness of that particular energy or the ball increases right it's not just you in the end then you have the entire Army working for each other it's not just for my Liberation or for my ancestors Liberation it's not just because I want my work to done I'm going to seek [Music] forgiveness no it's because in some form in some way I may be that reason for you that you may not be liberated maybe in this birth I am your daughter I am your grandchild right then maybe have reasons where in the previous B I must not being your mother and being very strict with you that you know sleep on time otherwise you see what I do you know there are ways that how relations work beautifully so it can be that roles may be different but what experiences that you're having which you need to cleanse and nullify keep recurring and recurring till where you don't stay so basically what we are saying is that we are somewhere karmically we might be connected with our ancestors because there can be a possibility that in today's like because I'm here right now for me I'm thinking that they are my ancestors but at some point of time I might have been in fact living with them yes this is why Wow think about this now why have you got only this family there are zons of pap in this world why only these set of people why only these kind of habits why only these kind of characteristics that you are having why so when you keep asking yourself the why and who you know a lot of more things just come out and it's like you said it's a very two-way process that I help you heal so that you elevate and liberate yourself because eventual cause for everyone is Liberation and in that because I help you you would want to help me back and that's how I get my life back on track tell me one thing isn't the rule of Mother Earth the rule of nature give and take 100% 100% so can give and take happen with just one person with itself or it happens either with two people or collectively yeah so it's always a give and take between two people or more than two people where you learn you grow you hear each other you help each other I evolve my Consciousness when talking and communicating with you you can evolve tomorrow so this is also two way straight isn't it yeah so is with ancestors so it's exactly like Boomerang I mean for everything what we say that what you give comes back you give it comes back it comes back right so tell me uh because in the society you know we have all these dogmas where we kind of people are scared of their ancestors they want to do things for them but from this space of being afraid that if I don't do this if I don't get this right you know something or else might just bad happen to me or I'm I need to do this so that I can get this right right right you what you bring the perspective that you bringing says that they are your friends they are your partners your allies you know you it's like they are Avenger team you have to get them on your side it's it's a very different uh conversation that you are initiating here right because a popular opinion is that um they're up there right and we need to respect them but that respect is actually from more from the space of U initiating fear in people right what you are doing is initiating that empowerment in them that hey you are a part of them so why not love them and uh be their friends and that's how you you will you'll be able to not just evolve and Elevate yourself but also them so you know here Natasha this is one line that you just said that uh you know you have to put them at our side here I would say that they're already on our side we are one huh I they are Lage in this birth I am already connected with them I'm already one with them whether I know of it or not whether I'm I I feel that I'm not connected with them or not but we still are con but we are connected and see whenever you were even um doing the ancestral healing okay Natasha G we heal up to five generations before us all right okay then in the end of the day we could always also say that besides them because at some point of time tomorrow I will also be somebody's Lage I will also be somebody's ancestor when we sing s it's entire brahmand its entire Cosmos because we are from the same source so everyone is my ancestor no I wouldn't say everyone is my ancestor yeah but um I would rather say this that when I am taking that responsibility to work and connect with my ancestors whether they have liberated at that point of real gone higher or stuck my reason when I say that I am you know right it means that all my ancestors connected to me in this birs and all the previous lifelines that I must have been on planet Earth this is my essense when I say s interesting okay that something uh you are so much ingrained in this right with with the work that you fantastic work that you're doing um has it been a very prominent thing in your family when you were growing up is it something that you've seen your parents do it and that's the reason you feel so connected with it like how how it became your path I want to know your story and I'm sure our viewers would also love to know yourself um well um all here that I would would love to talk is you know in everyone's life there comes that one spark maybe that spark is a promising positive one or maybe there are experiences where you have a choice either I go in that cocoon keep going and you know dig deeper negatively more down or I take that issue that I have experienced as a challenge get up work on myself and move here um of course whatever things that you are doing or whatever you were connected with somewhere on the line that connection already exists with you even around you so um here you know to to add the note uh I would love to speak about my late uh grandfather my d g that uh he was an astrologer okay he used to see horoscopes so ever since I was a kid you know people would just come home and they say thatal G see my horoscope or tell me know what am I what am I supposed to work with or what am I not supposed to work with and um because your senses of what you see is the strongest right whatever you see or whatever you experience when you're small becomes your future life okay which includes the good and the bad so here when I used to see him when you speak about gemstones and my great-grandfather sold gemstones to the nawab of uh par po okay which I heard the story with my father from my father so I kept seeing all of this so when they used to talk you know even though I am not consciously present or aware of what do those people are talking but see that energy is still coming to me know in some form yeah which I did not know is indirectly shaping me to become what I am today so this is the role you know that my D played even when I didn't know what my future is going to be even though I didn't know that today will be a day that I will be an ancestral healer and a practitioner or I will be a Tarot reader in that case so another important um story which is which which people who know me know this story so um very profound one I'm already getting little Goosebumps that I'm talking on this but to hear this but here I am all tired that day and I'm resting and I suddenly get this dream of my grandfather Ding and all what he's telling me is take it forward and when I suddenly wake up surprised in the morning what is happening he right there in front of me reading his newspaper having his tee H and you know he communicating and talking with me now this dream that I had out of nowhere I wouldn't even in my wildest dream would think of something of that sort that I would you know uh Attract it when I'm sleeping in my dream state and I'm speaking about this to my parents I'm speaking about this to my friends I am mocked I am made fun of I am I'm not accepted and how old were you when this happened this was in 2014 man my God uh um and at that point of time I when I've even been speaking about this and you know very very fearlessly speaking about what I've experienced not many people in fact nobody around me even believed it did not even accept this part of me in fact my mom though I remember still scolded what are you talking you know why are you being so thanless you was I you and I knew the date he's going to die on the month he's going to die and this this is exactly what I am speaking I am telling this to my parents that's crazy I mean you just had a dream you knew it and like one fine day until then there was nothing wrong with him he was all cool all fine reading his newspaper being Foody eating his sweets having a good time speaking in a generally very happy soul a very happy human and very strange and I said that you know maybe you know it must be so bizarre forget it and suddenly he falls sick he can't breathe we are hospitalizing him and the doctors say that you guys can spend time with him as much as he wants but looks like he's detoria with his health so we call him home and you know being a Hindu family there are a lot of other rituals that we need to do right when we are with our um um when we are with our family and that was the exact date he died so the day he was born 8th of December is when the day died myops and you knew it I knew it and the day that happened it was such a shocker for me um to experience that death because that was the first that I ever experienced around me but it was even more shocker for my relatives or for my parents and for my siblings and the most funny part here was that I am superly attached to my daddy m my brother has been superly attached with my D but it's very funny somehow I got to know about this and not him because you know a lot of people even think attachment I was attached but the level of attachment was very strong so that was a very funny part that uh really happened and there's another incident here again those who know me knows this um this was this was when I was in 2009 oh Tabo I didn't 5 years even before than that and tabito was not into any of this you know spiritual Journeys and nothing I was a Sil simple U you know want c teacher teaching play school kids doing my bit having a good time and teaching me French classes and uh I'm just giving my Monto City exam super tired and I'm telling everybody and I'm sleeping early nobody will disturb me suddenly 2 minutes to 2:00 in the morning my eyes just wide open and then there's something wrong with Daddy I go in her room to check if she okay if she fine if she good and she had got her knees operated about 2 months back so obviously naturally you would want to care about the people you love right normal every and then five minuts to 2:00 I'm just waking up my eyes wide open as someone just you know shook me and woke me up M I'm like I need to check there's something wrong with Daddy I go in the room she shivering you know there is liquid coming out of her mouth that you know white little liquid you know uh that's coming out of the mouth and she's having one4 fever I wake everybody in the house I'm calling the ambulance I'm calling my uncles my you know chatties and everyone and it was a very shocking thing because the doctor literally said had this lady been even 5 minutes late huh you guys would have lost her how did you come to this understand what is happening that was first ever experience that I had when I realized I have some purpose in my life and this is 2009 2009 ma'am and there's some purpose I may not be very conscious and you know very aware to know what will be my purpose but I knew somewhere there is something I need to do with my life for sure to make my life even more meaningful or already P you know chintu minu are you know nothing more um she was alive um and that was one such experience where I know there must be some higher reality out there definitely helping me in wanting to uh take my life forward that way but it's because of my grandfather that I seriously started asking myself what is my path what was that experience that I had into 9 what is this experience that I had even more profound that's where I started seeking um my path more myself more and with all these years with all the experiences with all the different things that I've learned I'm experiencing I'm doing um and I'm still student of life I still want to be that student and learn more yeah today I am where I am here and in your I'm sure because you teach it to other people I'm sure that you practice it yourself in your uh process of ancestral healing how it has impacted you in your journey any one profound thing I mean these were some things that happened before you understanding it and before even started walking on that path right but once youve understood it once you have started practicing it um what has been one that really prominent thing that you remember or how it has impacted your Journey uh see we all have experiences it's only with experiences do we shape our lives right right in my case the biggest experience I had when I was teaching is um knowledge information started coming a lot to me okay um and somewhere on the line subconscious iously also I must have manifested it because I always had this thirst of knowing more okay so when they started even teaching about ancestors and ancestral healing and how important it is to you know make them a part of your lives too I think there must be really strong blessings coming from my ancestors and all those who even learned ancestral healing from me I'm sure even their ancestors must have blessed me in some form that that you know the knowledge keeps coming I don't have to think something very desperately if I set in intention compared to what my spirit spiritual wisdom and knowledge is my spiritual journey is they come to me and honestly um I may have zillions of cors man M okay but if I don't have the knowledge or the wisdom or what to do with those illions of CWS what is my point of having those so Bally knowledge is the power we are saying that your access to the authentic knowledge your access to the right gurus and mentors who have taken you further into the journey and then uh you passing that on to other people so that they can be on that same Journey that has been your biggest uh that that's been the biggest way how it has biggest way it's impacted me um also that speaks volumes that somewhere your ancestors really want you to do this that's the reason all of this is coming along coming along and how yeah um you know and um even now you know the only prayer that I would urge uh what I follow and I would urge you know the viewers and the listeners to ask is to the ancestors and to your gurus to your cool dtas and Davies they all are a big part of it is open my thoughts open my doors to wisdom and knowledge that I receive wisdom and knowledge in every area of my life and execute that knowledge so well then that can take two places that can take and that can connect with people where people learn they grow and then there's a chain that there's a collective chain there's a collective healing there's a collective chain happening which can go forward my only um Mantra is my only purpose is knowledge give me more and more knowledge that I can work on myself um and anybody who meets me feels that that feels that impacting maybe once TOS learn in world so yes what has been your biggest um I mean anyone you that you have taught or has come into your contact and who started practicing it biggest transformation story that you remember remember very vividly that oh my god um changed their life 180 de wow I can give you one story um this was about my friend's sister okay uh married past 89 years wanting to conceive but is unable to conceive and uh one F day my friend just speaks to me about it and you know he says that you know this is this is something that my sister's not happy I wish you know someone I can do something to cheer her up I said wait let me speak to her why don't you connect her to me let's say maybe together maybe together we could um do something beautiful right and I'm wanting to help her and for me also that Park from within King could go help her so uh there were a lot of healings um there were a lot of ancestral rituals that I told her to follow um big one of them um which is very important is forgiveness forgiveness to yourself forgiveness to your family forgiveness to your ancestors truly seek forgiveness and um well this is lot of story here but um she did conceive after 9 years of marriage healthy baby she told me to name the baby and I have named the baby Kabir that's huge that's really huge um and that for me was one such experience that uh I have when I felt good about me it was not a validation Natasha G but it was that confidence in me and then odd in me to actually be such a human being who can give solutions to anything so that became my second purpose that I want to go more deeper in whatever work I do I want to be so deeper within me that anybody comes to me you know I can give Solutions working or not that is their Journey yeah but I am able to help and give Solutions or tools for it this is my journey to in fact because good that you said that because a lot of people think that oh you know I've got the tools I've got the solution so things will happen but I think one of the things we should really emphasize over here is also that how you work on it what is your intention that has to be in alignment else uh you know you think that you've got the knowledge you think you understood the process but if you're not 100% into it you might will not yeah think you will not get that end result you know because today we're very goal oriented right but doing that is your journey that's your Consciousness that your karma that you have to work with and that's that's that's very very important um that you may have all the tools but if you do not know how to work with it or if you will not work with it oh exactly how will you proceed forward yeah exactly you will still be where you are right exactly so that's it you you talk a lot about senses and how our senses are such a pathway to um seek and receive guidance from our ancestors right I wonder there are many people there are many such uh individuals around us who must have had like really heighten senses uh but and they must have seen or felt or heard something but when you have such sharp sharp senses um what you don't know what to do with this I feel that somewhere is that also their ancestors giving them the guidance but because they are not kind of uh they have not seen this aspect they kind of miss out on those messages that have been coming to them okay possibility so there is a huge possibility here uh but um so your body is punch mahabo right can you do anything without your senses B sure which means every human being has senses yeah which also means because we are from the same source depending on what karmas and depending on what actions we've been doing over generations and over years and over lifelines and lifetimes shape of of what we are but um every human being whether it's you whether it's anybody here who's listening who's hearing this who's watching this episode everybody has abilities to reach the sky every everybody has gifts right what separates the person who has gifts and what separates the person who doesn't have gifts is awareness right and ask yourself this do you want to stay in its St Consciousness or you want to change yourself and Elevate do you want to elevate do you want to elevate if you want to elevate and if you have the awareness of yourself yeah oh the entire univers universe will actually conspire you to become and receive what you have and this is again not a story that we are listening from you know Om Shanti where shuk says that pu kind not this is the truth if you take that one step genuinely I promise you the universe will take 10 steps more forward to make that thing happen for you but how aware are you and how strongly is your desire to change now that question is food for so basically I can have everything that I want yes you can name Fame recognition success Prosperity Clarity purpose I can have all of it if I am truly aligned um open also I think the biggest part is being open to those guidances that we receiving and if I'm connected to my ancestors right and when you're connected to to your own self too yeah 100% And that can only happen when you work with your senses yeah that you can receive answers from within from your guidances from your higher self from your ancestors see everything is you know everything is a collectiveness of where you want to be right it's never you alone who reaches where you have to be there are people there are situations There Are Places who also conspire you to go there right in this case they are your ancestors for me they my ancestors but very interesting uh I would say kind of mix match over here in terms so we say that we get a lot from a family and we not just talking about our current family but our ancestors we pick a lot of things from there even their unresolved Karma even their unresolved trauma right which we have got which is manifesting in the lives in terms of patterns in terms of the kind of situations that we are experiencing right now so at that point of it's it's so interesting at that point of time when they were here they were not able to resolve it which kind of keep getting cared forward from one generation to another but now when they are in that higher realm and in they are in that space they are the ones who can also help us out to break through the very same pattern that they were going through which they were not able to resolve that is true that true but see here now the only key to take is how elevated are you with your Consciousness say my ancestors were your they couldn't you know heal the traumas that were given to them by they are forefathers but did they have the tools of Consciousness and awareness to change that yeah but now they're there when they are there you know when you aboard when you when your body and your soul are separated the soul knows everything yeah it's the it's the body which needs to catch up with the Soul Your Soul knows where you're wrong your soul knows where you want to work so when your soul is elevated that is the time the soul itself also experiences a lot of other things in the RS in that you know going from 3D Earth to another realm there's a lot of transition yeah right there is a there's a huge another dimension that a person has to still go through it has to travel in that traveling there a lot of experiences that that the ancestors are having yeah so if your Consciousness is really great then you will Elevate yeah if it isn't you will still be stuck and that's where the ancestral healing comes comes this that's correct yeah interesting so when I heal them or when I ask for forgiveness my channels and my Avenues open that means that whever I'm stuck whether it is abundance that I'm seeking whether it's finances whether it is love whether it's Harmony whether it's well-being whatever I'm seeking it just I just happen to attract it like it's like you said it's it's a teamwork we all work together it is a teamwork and it all depends in the end of day of how I live with your consciousnesses and there are these tools which will help you to elevate that also right but consistency is the key 100% which means if I do it today if I do it tomorrow or CH let me just take a break chill out and do this doesn't happen you have to be all out there every single day working on yourself and being consistent yeah discipline discipl if that is there you are the king or the queen definitely any practical tip for anyone who's beginning to walk on this path that how they can start with connecting with their ancestors or how they should get on this journey any practical tips or tools or techniques that you'd like to share well you know what this beautiful question that you have asked you may have to take another podcast with me what again but if I have to really Su it up very short um one practical tip that um is very easy to follow and that is you know when you wake up in the morning you see such a beautiful sun M sun is the biggest source of energy now without the sun you will not be able to do anything right you know the mother earth will not function so when you have that sauce which is right out there freely available to you all what you have to do is look at the sun offer your prayers offer your gratitude offer your water gel all I want you have to think is think about your ancestors yeah if you don't know the name of your ancestors say all my ancestors in all my births in this birth in all these lifelines and all lifelines I pray you all are at peace and may your transition in more Liberation even this intention no in front of the energy of sun is so profound and Powerful it not only will change the energies of your family line or your family and the ancestors but it will change your life in a very different and a profound way where you will actually be able to see the transition happening but practical I hope you guys exactly uh it's been an absolute Delight talking to you Sul I mean you know things like these we have grown up like we've literally all of us at least most of us I can say for sure we've grown up listening to things like these but we've never understood why we need to do this right it's more of fear that has been there I wouldn't say that our families intill that it's just that I think conditioning is like that but the way you bring that empowerment the way that you bring that account ability back in the hands the way you say that you know this is your power you can have it back it and what I really loved about this entire you've created the whole program with new yuk on how to get empowered with ancestors right what I really loved in this entire thing is um how you always say that there's nothing to be fearful of right they they are your best allies that you can have they are your a team they're your Avengers so work with them and don't get stuck in life just open the path this entire program has been an absolute Delight I have I've had so many profound moments where I was like uh I it never made sense to be in sudden you know you have those flashes and those aha moments that you have that oh my God yeah she's right it's just that I feel so much more centered I feel like you say that it's your responsibility as well right I feel somewhere if I'm at least responsible I don't know in the biggest scheme of things but at least I'm responsible for myself right I need to be good to myself because if I say anything bad about myself that means that I'm insulting my DNA which has been true that is true that suddenly makes me feel more confident that no I it's not just me that I'm talking about it's my entire lineage that I'm talking about so I should not do anything or say anything that kind of demeans it it's I I can just go on and on about it but thank you so much Su for these for this podcast for everything for all the conversations and interactions I've had with you it's been an absolute delight and I would request everyone to please go out and check out her program and I'm sure that you guys will also feel empowered and before we wrap up some any final words of wisdom that you would like to share oh actually the wisdom you gave I have to just highlight in that and that is um see this is the power even when you have not worked with your ancestors you got that shift shift you know and I'm so grateful uh to the ancestors that um this shift itself is so powerful now this shift is what your torch is go in the world create more shifts in that and no matter what the only wisdom that I keep telling myself every single day when I see myself in the mirror and connect with my ancestors I only and only wish two things to the viewers and the listeners one seek knowledge and second be feel less in your persu of Happiness just be feeling less you be the Li you be the lion and mo yeah they are there to take care of you just go this is the only thing that I would want to do and become the ancestor that your future generation would be proud of yes absolutely absolutely amazing thank you so much Su thank you it was pleasure having you and all of you guys please don't forget to like subscribe and do check out for our other episodes and if you think that you need to share this with someone that this episode can help out someone please please please do share it I'll see you in the next episode thank you so much [Music] [Applause]
Channel: NeoYug
Views: 1,605
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ancestral Healing, Spiritual Journey, Transformative Healing, Spiritual Enlightenment, Self Discovery, Inner Peace, Holistic Wellness, Empowerment, Healing Journey, Intuitive Healing, Guided Meditation, Ancient Wisdom, Tarot Reading, Angels Cards, Wellbeing, Mindfulness
Id: m9RzoMX5AVU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 9sec (3009 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2024
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