Uncovering Hidden Treasures: My Epic Mistake Led Me to Gold

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in this video I messed up and found gold let's go yeah it's 3 43 a.m yeah I'm normal uh let me explain myself a little bit I enjoy gold and I own a metal detector 22 actually I went to a beach that uh was really producing but I went at high tide and I I was able to get some really good stuff let me show you just saying if you give a vampire some blood they are going to want more um I found this and it's got an interesting engraving and this was at high tide it was in the upper dry I couldn't sleep I just could not sleep let me show you this Engraving what the heck does this even mean s-u-c-h I don't know and low tide is right now but you know what there's a 24-hour bagel place that's open bagels are ring shaped let's go let's get some bagels they're ring-shaped and hopefully we get some more let's go so I'm gonna be using my friend's creation here this is a pouch that goes you'd slip your belt through here and it just rests on your weight so I'm gonna get that set up we're going to be using that today and uh I will give you the link my friend has a eBay store and it's called The Leaky Bag company this link is going to be in the video description yeah unfortunately I couldn't get parking close so we're gonna walk but uh honestly anytime that this time of year that you're getting Rings up the slope or even coins up the slope um you go back I'm going to link to this video I highly recommend that you watch it it speaks on how the wind affects the water and the waves and of course it's the waves that move stuff around on the beach and uh this is really the first time this Summer that I've seen movement up the slope it's usually been sluggish at the bottom of the slope so we're heading back we're checking the beaches around and uh that explains my insomnia all right let's get this party started okay look at this slope we got quite the slope going on um wow okay let's go I'm down by the shore look at this uh Rocky hey don't take my manicore away um Rocky layer you know this is uh could be that the sand was pulled out or this was pushed in but I've in the past I have found good stuff when I see conditions like this and of course if you walk up the beach a little bit that does not exist so again the spot where I found that ring down the beach a little bit and I'm walking onto the beach because I couldn't find parking in that spot and I see another spot extreme Beach slope and I'm able to actually hear the bottom you know the iron you can hear that's what nobody digs and it accumulates at the bottom you know you're close to a bottom of the beach when you hear the iron I was hearing the I just put the manticore's light on put the headlamps back this will work um we got our first signal anyway let's get it got a 27-28 here and of course whatever this is in here let's go with this first we are proud owners of a dime and let's get that low mid-tone out just a piece of uh debris yeah but that's been there for a while we might have our first low Beach of the summer low beaches usually happen after storms but they can happen sporadically whereas you get a real push in and real movement of the waves and it knocks part of the sand out and it creates these Bowl shapes in the beach I thought I was in one of those here's an example of those bowl shapes and you should also note that these are formed by rip currents you don't want to be in the water when these are forming shoot and I pulled for sleeping tonight jeez yeah there's stuff going up the slope let's go let's go it's game time bruh that's what you call hopefulness talking right there quarter this is probably from the early summer um yeah what it looks like this it's a few months exposed to the element when you see the coins migrating like sea turtles that's when you want to hit the beach you're not going to be able to hear it I have headphones on but another good sign is that I could hear a lot of iron and that usually happens when you're somewhat close to the bottom of the beach 23 17 bouncing now I've actually gritted a bit here and everything that I have found so far is light or has flow you know like quarter surface area that's going to give it flow and you know that uh pull tab that was light so it takes a different level energy for something that was dropped in the water gold ring or such to come up the slope and I'm not seeing real heavy stuff coming up the slope I'm not finding heavy stuff yeah let's put it that way six dream signal right here this is not going to be aluminum in water like this well look at this this is something that you don't see stuff like this anymore this is an old really a clip for a bathing suit or maybe for hair this is old that's a good sign here comes the problem those are perfect conditions I left all right we kind of rushed that a little bit um reason being I wanted to get to that beach where I found the ring and we finally worked our way down I was gritting for a minute and then I started thinking like okay get where you know interested you done first then head back the nature of low tide we have like two tide cycles per day in New York in other parts of the country that's different um like I was shocked when I went down to Cape Coral but in New York we have two so you really Gotta Move that's what I'm looking for 13 14. let's go I see you I don't even need my pinpointer Sushi [Music] has been unlocked [Music] foreign yes yes there we go there we go yeah yeah on the board you never know with earrings but um that sure looks and feels like gold yeah 14k yeah this is soldered over in here but we got some gold sorry Amy Amy yeah that's Amy um as for figuring out if you're earrings are gold like if you look at this this sure looks like gold but you take a magnet doesn't have to be a super strong one oh snap and it's not just the um the clips on the end it's the entire thing here's another one yeah you can tell they don't put that iron nonsense in real gold bye I'm turning out my light for this one we got a firefly here all right buddy blink sure make a liar out of me dude this is your one chance to speak to the metal detecting World dude see there he is just glowing let's get you out of there oh there he goes not that you saw that 10 minutes later you're not cooperating are you now you're having a tough day hope you get better buddy I don't know what Firefly food is but there you go I'd leave you some I think you guys saw that I was going slow in this new section but the conditions were secondary to what I had left when I first got to the beach oh it's a bullet thrilled about the gold that was worth the price of admission if I'm being honest uh I was expecting a whole patch then again people are losing less coins these days there's no question about that um High teams low 20 signal this one is a deep one lovely yeah we're not finding heavy stuff oh look at what I just mud larked see this is proof that there is some serious waves going on we just got a uh pair of glasses cool bouncy signal I'm telling you these pop out and you see it I don't know what it is you dump the stuff it ends up right on top this was deep let's get the pin pointer this is approaching Deus 2 levels Ah that's really good I mean that's like 16 17 inches down this one is bent a little bit look at that seems to be a Pandora ring I think I have like two of these already at home all right so here is the new ring that we just found and yeah we got like almost twins look at these two so these two compared to this it's pretty much same thing I'm starting to get duplicates and the waverings that goes uh for that too but yeah ring is a ring is a ring happy to have it and uh Taco Bell has been unlocked the Morning Has Come and we are on the board with the ring and an earring so far it's a lot more sparse than I thought but we get to really go up the slope and let's let's keep going so let's recap this was where I found the ring the night before and I started out over here over here was amazing and I kept getting pulled over here because again the reason that I couldn't sleep that I was up at three in the morning was I was like what's on the slope I'm discovering there's not too much on the slope down about here and here very low I got a ring and I got the gold earring and you're gonna see me continue to move down the beach instead of head back here where you could hear all of that iron now my choice was wrong in retrospect so let's get you through this section pretty fast mid 40s oh my God it's abstract Abraham look at this oh zinc Penny's low 30s no you know what this is this is a zipper ain't no such thing as a silver zipper six seven let's go well Beach debris I could tell today is going to be a grind we're getting some debris washing in more debris must be 5 a.m the uh machines are working the beach now is interesting this is uh from a crab you only see that in really sandy sections of the beach and we're pretty close to the Shoreline now and we're not too far away from low tide it's not you know all the way in yet so this is a Sandy section of the beach I'm going to keep moving I have no regrets going one section over to that spot below where I found the ring that's why I couldn't sleep in the first place but why did I keep going down the beach I guess I wanted to see like what was going on if there was any more erosion but that was the wrong choice because I had a section of the beach that I could hear the bottom that's rare this time of year if you look down the beach you can see that indentation up in there um yeah there's a section that is uh a lot lower let's see it's good to look for that but again I left a low section of the beach I'm gonna go back of course what the heck is this nicely braided it's got like a belt for bathing suit that's a good sign low 20s spoon's a good sign but ah my mind was already in going back to that other section and we do go there you might be thinking why are you so upset why can't you just like go back another day as well as you can but the thing is the beach could be at a different level higher so it's really opportunity time when you find that low Beach you did manage to pull one very interesting signal especially since I'm a fan of Top Gun you know that series um I think I got the real thing I got it and I see it ah glasses yeah of Tom Cruise this is for Maverick you lost one part Maverick so I'm not even gonna swing right now I walked about three miles down the beach clearly the best spot that I was at was that first one or maybe where I got the gold but uh I got a little excited this morning let's put it that way and you know I'm not a Believer so much in gritting I like to move around until I get a spot that has a lot of targets because you know what New York doesn't have one beach I know I'm talking a bit more in this but my pattern on a beach is a lot like a Roomba vacuum cleaner roombas don't grid but they wind up doing the entire space when there's a spill I'll do V shapes up and down a beach and I'll spiral out when I find something on this hunt the fines were more sporadic instead of clustered do you know what that is this is a bathing suit insert let's just call it that what's interesting is the beach is totally different from the one that I was at last night even though it's the same Beach this top was just shaved down and pulled in I can see what happened um and there's really no signals up here I'm Gonna Keep Looking 35 more cents yeah I found another high patch quarter Penny quarter and look at this unbelievable [Music] it's a big junker this was like silver plated and it's copper I always underestimate the drive but that's the beauty of metal detecting you can go against logic you could go against prior success stuff that you've done successfully in the past and still good good surprises ring is a ring is a ring I'm happy apparently I've become a wave ring collector too by default we've got another one here so let's add that to the collection yeah this was the section right down there where all those shelves were when I first got here and that's covered now still have a good amount of beach um jetty's less wave energy that's about all I got for today but uh the moral of this story is you don't walk away from a low Beach and I did could be that I got skunked there but majority of those rings have been in low Beach circumstances you just want to keep that in mind and the beach can change at a moment's notice so anyway that's the video for today short hopefully fun one and I want to thank you for watching
Channel: Metal Detecting NYC
Views: 23,942
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: metal detecting new york city, metal detecting, learn to metal detect, metal detecting channels, metal detecting youtube, metal detecting nyc, beach metal detecting, metal detector, treasure hunter, treasure, treasure hunting, outdoors, gold, found gold, metal detector gold, beach gold, epic mistake, uncovering hidden treasure, hidden treasure, sand treasure, how to metal detect on the beach, how to metal detect, metal detecting mistakes, beach metal detector
Id: UfuyAtUye4g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 51sec (1071 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 20 2023
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