Uncover The Secrets Of The Wild Caracal | Real Wild

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these caracals have spent their whole life in a cage now they've been offered a chance of freedom but at a price first they have to pass several challenging tests to win their freedom these cats have to prove that they've got what it takes [Music] [Applause] [Music] the offer of freedom comes from a surprising source one of South Africa's busiest military airfields [Music] it's on caution eagle beam the tower and he left foot passing 6,000 foot the airbase lies strategically close to the northern frontier and was originally designed to be well hidden even from the air so it was placed in the heart of wild bush country where nature provided the perfect camouflage for the camouflage to work some wildlife had to be granted the freedom of the base itself an unusual challenge for the Air Force commander and respite we are currently busy preparing and supporting our forces combat ready forces for a variety of contingencies we even preparing for war hopefully that will never happen then we also honor on a daily basis are doing a lot of flying force preparation exercises both application exercises we are making a lot of noise we're moving around in the air space and we are really interacting with the environment around us as the Impala Jets reach maximum power the real wildlife is unconcerned [Music] they've seen it all before wildlife usually adjusts put hit a repetitive noise it's the fighter pilots that have the problem it's dangerous enough ugly too close for comfort [Music] but surely is one of the biggest enemies of a crew today and they are constantly aware of where these birds are the fighter pilots they look around constantly for enemy aircraft but also for birds we've had instances in the past where a bird came right through the canopy injured the pilot we had birds that came through the engine damaged the engine and the aircraft fell Soviet quite severe losses in the telephony air force one must remember that we are sharing the same airspace work birds as well but surely we are the dominant part in this we are the stronger partner and the easy way would really be to take a gunner shotgun and just to get rid of all of us but that would be disasters for years to come so we are really looking for natural ways to control the birds they're looking for a predator that will keep ground birds off the runway a predator that has even been known to knock sleeping Eagles from their roost but at the moment the wild skillful predators they seek are living in deepest England in a cage this family of caracals has never had to catch anything the mother Florence is being given a wash by the most precocious of her male kittens bold in the same cage a bull's brother chance and sister shy for the kittens safety their father Dougal has been kept in a separate cage since their birth on his own their home is the gentle Shore Wildlife Sanctuary in Staffordshire where Rob Smith provides all the creature comforts his clients could wish for we actually rescued the cat calls from a place in London they was rescued by wall link and there was bought he and we was going to look after him for six weeks that was two years ago the idea when we rescued him was always that they went back to the wild and we got to the stage where it was all settled to go back to the world and we got the vet down to check them over and find out that the female was pregnant her pregnancy prevented their bid for freedom but Florence's kittens are now eight months old and the conditions in this sanctuary are far too cramped wild caracals leave home before they're a year old and travel far away from their parents these kittens are beginning to fret the transition won't be easy but it would be unfair to turn down the offer of so much wild african space a hood spray is no longer just an Air Force pennies it's five thousand acres are officially recognized as a nature reserve beyond lies nothing but wilderness leading all the way to Kruger the famous National Park we've got the big fire right on our doorstep we got a variety of birds that you don't get any other prizes we got bush tall beautiful trees so it becomes very important to preserve this area significantly for our caracals it also has an experienced wildlife team led by major Philip was chasin this vice do you have other unique problems or environmental problems that other bases don't have for instance animals on a runway all that environmental issues has to be managed we try to make use of natural methods to control our problems and to minimize our environmental impacts in an attempt to test natural control methods the wildlife team introduced these two captive born cheetah brothers onto the base the triple fence keeps most of the biggest animals out but small mammals and birds continually make it under or over to join the wildlife already inside the Cheetahs role is to control the mammals but they can't help with the birds are our caracals really up to this challenge [Music] Cahill founder of world linked the group which rescued the caracals from the pet trade has to make the decision for them we approached the Hertz product myspace in South Africa during a period and we were actually releasing some other cats there with the view to them taking these animals releasing them into the controlled wild situation from our point of view putting them back into the wild has got to be better than keeping them in captivity forever it's a decision she is not taking lightly when you rescue an animal you become like its mother totally responsible for the rest of its life wild caracals leap for their prey and are said to be among the best bird catchers in the cat family but do our caracals even know that they're supposed to jump we're trying to actually give them a head start we're doing bird catching training within the enclosure with the kittens they obviously in the wild the kittens learn up from the parents these kittens don't have that opportunity so we're having to teach them to do that ourselves [Music] [Music] [Applause] bold place to the audience but not all the kiddies want to play games get this first crucial test is one that like it or not all the kittens are going to have to pass [Music] [Music] one month later and the whole family has made it past the first hurdle this is their last night in captivity in England huge challenges lie ahead the big question is will their instinct the same instinct which makes them pace the cage restlessly every night kick in and see them through [Music] you just need to watch the one it went into the next few hours are a blur of tranquilizers vaccinations and health checks [Music] a good dose of flea powder the South African authorities won't allow any stowaways on board if the cats cope with the endless jabs in the long journey the next challenge will be an endurance test two months in poverty at the Air Force Base it's the height of the dry season the cheetah brothers have completed their training now they have a job to do large numbers of warthog caused problems the wildlife team has tried trapping them and driving them off the base but they always return borrowing under the fence and dangerously close to the runway can two captive born cheetahs really succeed where man and his defenses have failed the cheaters have got one better than just catching warthogs because they like open spaces the runway has become their favorite hunting ground the natural solutions looking at what the teachers has been doing up to now I think that it worked quite well we're having that any incidents for quite a while with respect to animals on the runways and collisions with animals on the runway itself and the one can see that the statistics that we keep is that the animals rather avoid the runway area and that is exactly what we want so with respect to the Cheetahs we've really achieved our objectives so the competition for the title Top Cat is hotting up but there is still everything to play for the caracal family has survived quarantine and they're on their way followed by the wildling team to join the cheetahs at the base how do you explain the choice that awaits them security and freedom in the end you have to let them go to make their own mistakes you have to give them that chance [Music] [Music] Florence now wearing a radio collar was the first out she was closely followed by bold or was the most daring of the kittens the others aren't so keen but Dougal also Collard yet most easily recognized by those eccentric floppy ears has spent eight years in captivity if this is the work all bonds have to be broken is it's a real mix of emotion because I mean think three years I've been with these guys right here [Music] they really are on their own with their first sounds of wild Africa but it would be unfair to put them straight into the wild to give them the chance to adjust they'll spend a few weeks in this 3 acre enclosure Dougal seeks the familiar comfort of the fence wild caracals our expert tree climbers Florence still groggy from the journey never had a tree in her cage all they're being asked to do is what comes naturally but what is natural when you don't recognize friends from phone predator from prey [Music] there is a constant reminder of their mission and a real fear that Google might just give up he in Florence have only a few weeks to change the pattern of eight years of captivity at the moment Laurence is unsure even of a Honda soon she'll be expected to save pilots lives [Applause] [Music] the continuation for the morning briefing bird ingestion is the emergency for today looking at the indications for possible bird ingestion a loud thud possibly followed by fluctuating rpm and the engine search things to be in mind obviously with the tactical phase lots of birds below the clouds especially after scanning the ground below remember always avoid a bird up and to the side they always dive down for voidance the female kitten shy has been exploring and she's welcome back the greeting is a simple contact call between father and daughter but this is a heartwarming sound aside from snarling of the staff these caracals never called in captivity their social skills are progressing well what about their hunting skills the hornbill appears to be offering target practice the kittens are prepared to give it a go this is Duval's chance to show them how it's done sadly the connection just isn't there this noisy creature is the cat's main target guinea fowl caused most damage to planes that take off and at the National Prayer therapy Florence attempts to identify the target stalking and free climbing are positive signs that florence has not lost her instance but one crucial behavior is still missing there is no sign of that killer instinct night is the time for all small cops yet it brings more strangers for our caracals to face should do coal attack or take evasive action you may have to learn the hard way luckily the Duggal but Janet knew the score Florence and Dougal were old cell mates before they were separated when the kittens were born nervously she seeks out her old partner her shining eyes reveal that night is indeed her time she should be hunting not socialising birds and trees are legitimate targets especially after dusk to train the cats to the idea the wildlife team has been leaving their food out late at night and low in the branches but these pampered cats are used to skinned meat once again the kittens are learning faster than the hapless Dougal the increasing competition between bold and his father may help speed duels learning process [Music] another dawn breaks and our caracals have now been guests of this airbase for more than a fortnight their training is well underway and yet they've shown no interest in catching wild birds but air crews understand better than most that good training can save lives there wait for the caracals [Applause] but they won't wait forever someone should have a word with Dougal no self-respecting world Kerik or sunbathe allowing a common Franklin to blow his cover Dougal could take a lesson from his kittens Nature has given them the perfect camouflage all they have to do is hide their brother old has-been away pulling down the last of the food which the wildlife team placed even higher in the trees the night before Deauville senses an opportunity he still refuses to leaves or climbs as usual he takes the easy option both challenges for what is rightfully his but Duggal heavier and more powerful is easily the dominant cat bold must begin again an effective strike consists of three crucial elements first the leap must be accurate these cats must also learn to hook the prey with their claws and stay locked on bringing the bird to their mouth in one fluid movement then they have to administer the killing bite aside from dugu all the cats seem to have mastered the accurately as for the rest well they say practice makes perfect bold can't resist confronting Dougal again this is no longer a game bold is a year old time for a wild kitten to leave his parents far behind Google's instinct is to chase him away if they're not separated soon Dougal may kill his son a clock is ticking for this family most pilot training is completed before dark but each pilot has to complete a certain number of night flying hours the pilots need those caracals more than ever now is this progress at last wild callicles will knock sleeping birds from their perches it helps of course if the bird is asleep training is all about making mistakes and trying again his chance aware he's been rumbled or are these well-fed caracals simply quitting too easily it's a real dilemma for the wildlife team should they cost them or throw them to the wild a civic would normally outwit a jackal but two jackals change the odds considerable error always watch your tail it's worth taking note of this dogfight because caracals and jackals are old enemies luckily our caracals are protected by the fence as the drama moves away into the African night they are still not ready to follow [Music] our family needs more time but the seasons push on relentlessly always ahead of the game the cheetah brothers are among the first to realize that something unpleasant is on its way as the clouds pile higher and the winds begin to rise a mixture of high and low technology sends a warning to the ground crews but no one can warn the chemicals how to react to this challenge bull cats hate rain but English drizzle is a piece of cake and compared to the short sharp shock butts heading towards them for those that survived these first summer rains the reward is a season of Plenty even the birds appear plumper [Music] as usual our caracals have been spotted out in the open their position broadcast to the world everyone can relax [Music] scattered by the rains the kittens make contact with each other they will pass the storm tests but Nature has thrown them a new challenge they are no longer perfectly camouflaged the dickens also need to work at their tactics caracals are opportunistic feeders and besides birds they should learn to catch small mammals including ground squirrels incense to may feature in their diet [Music] generally though the kittens youthful curiosity has given them a huge advantage over their parents after each challenge they've emerged several points ahead of the adults tree-climbing no exception Duggal can no longer rely on his son is to bring down food for him the tension between father and son has reached crisis point one more encounter could be fatal Dougal is finally forced to take the lead bold is still way ahead of the race and the closest to his freedom one more leap and he could easily clear the fence his instinct is to follow the rock monitor lizzard and put several miles between him and his father it's time to let the kittens find out what lies on the other side of the fence but at all good training schools they save the toughest challenge to the last [Music] it's like the contact r126 this month for the only places they may practice every day but nothing can prepare a pilot for real combat it's not basic head after lapacho a through 6:17 it's the same with the caracals it would be hard for us to send them into the world without known that they can keep themselves alive by tacking live prey there's only one way to be sure the wildlife team released some guinea fowl into the enclosure Dougal is tempted to show them [Music] failed [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's not war it's emergency training but it doesn't make takeoff any less petrus for the pilot [Music] the scramble scramble scramble everyone it went both ways delete it by hitting zero nine zero six thousand I got guinea fowl is crossing the runway right to this that Pakistan intersection sent out safe dirty [Music] differ birdstrikes of high-altitude a pilot may have enough speed to glide until he regains control a takeoff speed he has no chance and no renew ver ability he's too close to the ground all the pilot can do is take evasive action it's up to the caracal they get one last chance [Music] this time it is bowing to aligns his sights [Music] [Music] no one talked though this perfectly executed barrel roll is pure instinct [Music] bold has passed this test with flying colors but the family were in this as a team can-do will win his bid for freedom [Music] the result is the same the answer is a resounding yes [Applause] as Dougal and bold carry off their prizes the wildlife team has to decide whether the skills of all five cats are good enough to make pass grade it's graduation day at last and they've all earned their wings including Duke the wildlife team always suspected that freedom might be tougher on the adults hence the radio collars the kittens will have no link back to base but Dougal and Florence will be in radio contact that's a male signal the most got a strongest signal coming through cosine in that corner let's check on him for the loss they need to be Philip and fear have avoided any physical contact with these caracals yet they've watched them for over five weeks it's not an easy break [Applause] these raw recruits have done this training school proud but their guardians are forced to back off and watch this passing out parade from a distance [Music] wild caracals never move far in daylight and our family keeps Phillip and Theo waiting waiting until their time always the Maverick both is the first to cross the final divide between security and freedom shy is ready to follow but suddenly the night seems full of new surprises last of the kittens is chance he follows his sister but soon these kittens will have to stop relying on each other wild caracals are solitary and now they have the entire base and five thousand acres of wild bush to choose from the kittens must break this final bond and go their separate ways so must doogal and florence wild males and females only come together to mate but eight years together is a long time the good news is that none of the caracals appear intimidated by this new world even the adults seem to have a new spring in their step things could still get complicated but it's looking good so far [Music] a week of torrential rain prevents the world life team from finding the teracles on the first greyish day they're out again still searching let's see if we can find any signal from you but no self-respecting wild caracal gives his position away that easily field researchers rarely if ever spot wild caracals they have to work from tracks droppings and the remains of kills if the kittens return successfully to the wild that's the way it'll be from now on I think it's one of those kittens because of the tracks we found that day that's difficult to say all of these maybe a day or two with all the rain we had but when it comes to hide and seek the wildlife team does have a hugely unfair advantage over Florence so little is known about wild caracals that by tracking our family theo and philip may add to our understanding of these elusive cats a few months later there's a real emergency at the base training is suspended the tar is working at full capacity the torrential summer rains have caused widespread flooding in neighboring person be more than 2 million people are stranded and the waters are still rising buuut sprite has become a center for relief operations and transport planes carrying emergency aid arrived at the park 24 American aid begins to arrive and the United States Air Force requests the use of hoots prayed for its operation or HQ this one galaxy transporter can carry enough food water and shelter for 30,000 people [Music] these transport planes can pull so carry personnel doctors aid workers and crude fully loaded all these cargo planes need maximum power they're extremely vulnerable to bird strike and takeoff [Music] a bird this size can shut down an engine and bring down the plane [Music] you opti us tonight for my night the seven-string one eight seven degrees at 1/2 months [Music] of all our caracals he had the furthest to travel he's earned his freedom but more than that he's up there with the best of the best [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Real Wild
Views: 523,627
Rating: 4.6770568 out of 5
Keywords: nature documentary, full documentary, documentary movie, cute animals, baby animals, animals attack, big cats, wildlife documentary, english, hd, discovery channel, national geographic, natgeo wild, Nature documentaries - topic, Animals - topic, planet earth, david attenborough, caracal, lynx, big cat, leopard, tiger, puma, caracal documentary, big cat documentary
Id: 0wDeh4IJito
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 16sec (3016 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 18 2017
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