Uncharted 4 Final Boss and Ending + Epilogue 1080p HD

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holy [ __ ] Charline oh crap Sam [Music] [Music] who look at that there's your treasure god damn was it worth it Sam [Music] S hey Nate where is Sam oh he's right there Sam Relax He's Alive this idiot nearly got us all killed I'm getting him out of here no you're not ra you can have the treasure all right just let me save my brother after everything he's done how Noble of you but no we stay here any longer and we're all dead is that what you want it's not what I said what do you think naen good to see you up and about be AER and relieve Nate there of his gun hand it over you really think you can trust him huh not your concern now why are you trying to instigate Nate naine and I are our partners I don't screw over my partners get over there you and your brother though right from the start you took advantage of my generosity you tried to cut me out and it's high time you learn what are you doing now you give me your gun naen I won't ask you again you are being being profoundly stupid right now look over there stop screwing me out Jesus I said look okay it's a couple of skeletons so what I don't know as much about history as you boys but I've got a pretty good idea who those two are well Enlighten us it's avering too they killed each other good for them what's the point everyone obsessed with this treasure gets what they deserve so what you're just leaving us here to die oh I'm just leaving whether you die or not I don't really care naen wait so long Rafe naen nen you open this goddamn door right now Rafe she's gone come on give me a hand we'll all get out of here oh that won't work come on help me with Sam and I'll help you open the door no I'm not going to be able to enjoy one of these coins knowing that you and your worthless brother are still sucking here hey just just calm down you can practice your fencing when we get outside Nate just shut up seriously Rafe this is insane even for you you want to hear in saying Nathan Drake raced a madman and his entire Army to the steps of shambal Jesus Nathan Drake found the lost city in the middle of the rubali Desert god damn it come on we can get out of here together Nathan Drake discovered the Fable Eldorado come on ra stop Nathan Drake is a legend you know I I shot the man who told me that look I get it you don't like me very much you know for all your greatness Nate you have nothing you are nothing and I warned you to get out of my [Music] way I have sacrificed everything to find Avery and I'm not going to let a couple of stupid thieves a scile con man and a washed up journalist take that away from me you care about that parade of losers so much I'm going to make sure they join you Ard [ __ ] that's the spirit you know how to sori yeah stick you with the sharp end right oh this should be [Music] [Music] fun this might hurt a little get off [Music] come on Legend come on [Music] Nate come on [Music] [Music] now that's the Nathan Drake I hear so much much about all right all right we're done here I'm taking my brother and we're leaving you want to stay in burn with the ship you'd be my guest you got me you know what Nate underneath all the bravado you're just a sad little boy with delusions of grandeur who by the way can't fence for [ __ ] so long Nathan Drake [Music] Nathan you don't know when to give up that's don't hand it to me I had everything handed to me on a godamn silver platter I earned this all of it you want to treasure ra it's all [Music] yours holy [ __ ] hey come on let's get you out of here try it's too heavy let's try again it's no use try again it's no use come on take this damn it listen to me listen to me all I ever wanted to do was find this treasure with you we did it we did it brother okay it's all right there going to be another way Nathan you got to go there's going to be some I've got to go this thp there is no other way come on Nathan I got to know you made it out all right Nathan the whole place is about to blow up that's it that's it the hell you don't distressful God damn it let's get your head down do it now come on you are one crazy son of a [ __ ] she just want to know one come [Music] on that's our way out Nathan come on you going [Music] I with [Music] you [Music] crap D don't stop don't stop come [Music] on holy [ __ ] oh Nate Nate hey come on I got you are you okay okay hey suly I got him where are you we're right [Music] here [Music] [Music] [Music] so you got everything yeah think so yeah feel free to sell anything I left behind F sure I can't give you a left home after the last few days I think I'd like a plane with drink service and reclining seats plus uh she and I have a lot to talk about yeah you do and no more late night phone calls about one last time promise thanks s take care kid don't be a stranger next time you're in town beers are on me I'll hold you do that and then the bunny escapes anyway and it leaves little bunny surprises all over the headmaster's bed hey hey hey hey what are you telling her just about your little magic face oh I hate you what was your stage name go on tell her Nate the great it's not funny it makes sense in his defense he was actually you were pretty good uh-huh hey look Sam it has been an experience getting to meet you with the handshake well bring it in for the real thing syst you take care of this n scull all right yeah I will I'll join you in a sec yeah I like her God help her she sure seems to love you I know right listen the offer still stands I appreciate it but I'm good I know but if you feel like you're imposing you're not we talked that it's not about that it's a little bit of that okay but I just kind of thought that after we found Avery's treasure I'd be satisfied instead I've uh kind of left with this strange feeling of emptiness yeah yeah well you know it's thrilling as the next adventure might be in the end I always left with that same feeling sometimes s you just got to choose what you're going to keep and what you're going to let go well I guess I'm just not there yet and besides you know you got a few ancient cities on me I can't let that slide so I left a couple out there well thank you oh that's it's all right yeah uh Sam we' come far we sure I have a little brother come here listen you don't do anything I wouldn't do all right get out of here [Music] BOS got a light yeah so Victor what's next for you hm well before I got dragged into this I was working on a business deal of sorts of sorts H dangerous with these people yeah it's up there well I just so happen to know a certain someone recently out of prison who might be perfect for this kind of work o I don't know is he trustworthy more or less how's this portuguesea what's that me how long before your husband gets on that'll do come on you got any more of those cigars don't push your [Music] luck hey good morning indeed it is indeed it is all right I'll bite what's going on land a big contract or something oh even better I'm on the verge of selling Jameson Marine no kidding yeah wow well hey I guess I guess congratulations are in order huh oh not yet but I'm confident it'll go through they drove a hard bargain but in the end I think we came to uh mutually beneficial agreement that's that's great yeah are you going to stay on no no no no I think I'd like to just relax hang with the family go fishing every chance I get good for you so who's the sap who's going to buy this place oh uh you are what no come on seriously oh yeah seriously wait Jameson hey wait wait up man hey morning guys what are you doing here just thought I'd take you know one fin look already gave your husband the keys okay perfect is this for real Nate all you need to know is that you'd be making a very wise investment do the right thing here call me when you're through you got it hi hi you you're buying Jameson Marine we are buying Jameson Marine huh okay how why well heard this rumor about a salvage job off the coast of Malaysia and I thought it'd be right up our alley no honey look we barely got out of libertalia alive yeah hey taking an illegal job you know what that leads to who said it was illegal look this came in this morning is this legit yeah some of my old contacts out there they work their magic with the Malaysian permit office it was great I didn't even have to bribe anyone well that's good because I don't know how we could possibly even afford to do this here hold out your hand what hold out your hand come on holy crap where did you get this it was in my jacket pocket along with a bunch more a bunch Sam he's a sneaky one of course most of them are going to have to go into our Venture here gear along with all the new camera gear camera gear yeah you know I figured as we're pulling all the cargo up from the dive we could hire you know a small crew we could film the whole thing and resurrect my old show what happened to just living a normal life I think in our attempt to lead a normal life we may have over steered look when I was on that island I missed the adventure I missed us and so now we have a chance to do what we love but from here on out we are going to operate on a strictly legal basis all right and I will be doing all of the shooting with my really expensive gamer wow you've really thought all this through haven't you more or less but listen just say the word and I will call the whole thing off what oh no no no no no uh I don't want to be that guy who ruins Jameson's early retirement like that that'd be cruel right it's not going to be easy you know nothing worthwhile is so what do you say Nathan Drake sure why not as long as I don't have to do any paperwork well I can't do it I'm going to have my hands full with the camera well I'm going to have my hands full with all the diving okay fine we'll take turns yeah or I could play for it seriously no listen I have been practicing I'm getting good my hand eye is way better than it used to be really I cannot do that to you again are you afraid to play me I am so not on a scale to 10 how scared are you to play like at 3 yeah well Jack that up till like 11: all right because I'm coming for you oh yeah yeah oh my that's fine you're [Music] on [Music] [Music] where are they [Music] old school Mom Dad anyone yoohoo I think they abandoned us here we go hey off she goes perfect day now all we need is the rest of our boat crew anyone no nothing okay the food's all here and not here either okay I guess I'll just wait then so goofy H he left his keys he left his keys there's no way it's just no way who I knew it what is [Music] this a Spanish Deon but from [Music] where kind of creepy kind of [Music] [Music] cool [Music] hello wow oh my [Music] [Music] God whoa Henry Avery the gun sway Heist wait did you go looking for Avery's [Music] treasure oh way is that [Music] Dad sick parvis Magna greatness from Small Beginnings [Music] huh what's [Music] this what the hell oh [ __ ] crap yeah catch hey there you are hey been looking for you what are you doing in here uh looking for you guys come on we loaded up the boat it's ready cool I'll catch up with you guys in a sec why uh I just need to um uh what's up Cassie okay don't be mad [Music] hey I said don't be mad keys so what did you see nothing really well just that photo of you two and suly with a bunch of Spanish looking treasure and a shotgun yeah this is bound to happen sometime maybe we should just tell her she's not ready for it ready for what all that crazy [ __ ] in there language yeah language sorry but you guys are literally keeping skeletons in your closet or at least a silver skull of some kind you know I don't think I'm ready for this really Nate it's time to have the talk yeah it's totally time wait which talk are we talking about here she's just a kid she's older than you and Sam when you started all of that that is different and you know okay look if you guys were into some shady stuff it's totally cool but I think I'm old enough to know about it right old enough how old are you again funny Mom all right well let's see um for me it started when this guy called me up with a scoop on a massive historical find sounded like a complete fraud yeah handsome fraud I hadn't even met him yet she knew she knew so this fraud says if you fund the trip then I'll give you the coffin of Sir Francis Drake and for the record I totally delivered yeah you delivered us into the hands of Indonesian Pirates Y come on you know I had nothing to do with that okay guys time out you're saying that you were attacked by Pirates after you found the coffin of Sir Francis Drake is that right yeah pretty much it man [ __ ] language crap better all right so keep going you know what the Sun is up boat's ready wind is just right you want to continue the story I say we do it on the water come on wait what what Francis Drake look like was it gross actually he wasn't in there yeah just his journal with a map to El Dorado the city of gold that's the legend turns out it was just a statue a curs statue no way seriously yeah seriously but I'll get back to [Music] [Music] that [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Gamer's Little Playground
Views: 1,052,338
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: machinima, uncharted 4 epilogue, uncharted 4 final boss, uncharted 4 all boss fights, uncharted 4 ending, uncharted 4 secret ending, uncharted 4 full ending, uncharted 4 full boss fight
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 31sec (2071 seconds)
Published: Mon May 09 2016
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