Unboxing the Smithey Skillet - Cast Iron Skillet Review

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how you looking to buy some cast iron well you're in luck because we're doing a review smithy cast iron we're going to talk about its design its performance and can it stand the heat so stick around you're going to enjoy this [Music] Hey thank you all for stopping by my name is Kent Rollins and welcome to our channel we do a lot of outdoor cooking grilling we cook in cast iron dutch ovens but we are really blessed today folks I am here with the most beautiful woman in the world the greatest producer ever let's give her a round of applause for Shannon the greatest producer on YouTube ever settle down settle down we previously did kind of a series on different cast iron reviews for different companies but we got a lot of questions from folks asking about smithy cast iron smithy contacted us and said hey we want to send you a skillet and we'd like just an honest review like we've done before so we appreciate smithy once we did very much thank you if you are interested in any of those other reviews I'll link that below oh I also want to mention if you guys stick around to the end of this we're also going to just do a little recap on some of the other companies and as we've been cooking in their skillets what we think a little bonus at the end so without further ado let's get right into it Joe okay this is their 10-inch right yep whoa whoa whoa nice let's read this we have built your smithy to become an heirloom use it frequently rekindle the lost traditions of cast iron let it play a small part in setting the table for warm meals and pleasant memories with friends and family pass it on wow that is a great lookie here we have one of them I'm not going to burn your hand protectors Oh like a chainmail yeah scrubber which you know I'm not used one of these so that's good what are we go oh we got one more we've got more goodies in here at the bachelor it's a spatula but it's really good for dipping in here and fry and stuff out of there just you didn't hear you get that grease no I do like the packaging because it's in there securely it's not gonna like shuffle around oh well there here's one thing I noticed right off the bat heavy heavy well it weighed 5 pounds and 10 ounces does clock-in is our heaviest skillet that we have reviewed but you did kind of look into that and you know the reason they have a heavier skillet with a thicker wall is heat retention you can get this skillet hot on a medium heat and sear a steak and let it hold that heat that is one thing about the thicker walls in this it's much thicker than some of the other ones so and I think it's deeper to would you say this was 2 inches deep two inches deep what is the nine inch is a 10 inch skillet but nine inches cooking space gotcha I'm a big big person on handles especially with my smaller hand the handle does actually feel good and it helps it does help offset some of that weight I feel like sure I can tell it weighs more but when you get a hold of it it's it's pretty well even you sort it does yeah it's it's balanced well let me talk about something that's really important to me in cast iron skillets Jenko for that is pour spouts what do I make a lot of times gravy and I love to be able to just take it and pour it right there Oni pour spouts both sides it didn't take away from the thickness of the wall in me they just beveled this out here it's got the smithy iron where USA made and they're almost in South Carolina and they do have a heat ring just like some of the old-fashioned stuff does so many years ago heat rings were put on old skillets well because you were cooking directly on a heat source like an old cast iron wood stove and you were sitting right down there on it now with that heat ring it's going to give you a little buffer a little air space to let that be able to not get so hot I love a skillet with a heat ring do you Jimmy it makes a great big difference because when you cook and we're a lot of times on old birthday and y'all have seen no Bertha she's just flat hi lady and hot so that does give you a little bit of a buffer there now does this matter does the heat ring matter like it's there cooking on a electric or glass top or anything no no it doesn't it and one other thing I really like about this yeah because a lot of skillets got it but it's a beveled handle sort of rolls down some of the other handles are a slot solid cut yeah this one and I didn't even realize that until you said it that's why it feels better in my hand it rolls here yeah and around you can hang this here yep but also look at these holes they put on the other side you can hang it here too also but it's still good that's a great way to store your or you feel it to hang it now this is a preseason yes grace seasoned satin finished when you take your hand across there as they would say in my part of the country that's smoother than a baby's butt be the the Polish you can see the Polish in the rings yeah but it's not beveled in there like that's just a visual deal I would go to town with this and right here and just go ahead and go breakfast okay what's our cost on this this is a hundred and sixty dollars okay so and this is on this is on the higher end it's not the highest price skillet but it's definitely on the higher end yeah you know it depends on what you're after but a lot of you I know we're already gonna say well that's too high but you have to remember what we started out right at the first sign this will outlast you it's sad but it's true it'll be here when you're gone if you take care of it you can hand this down from one generation to the next can you buy something else for 160 dollars and do that I don't think so oh let me measure the handle so the thing I like about it there's two I do like the weight because I mean yes the weight is gonna mean it's gonna hold heat it makes you feel confident in it but also the smooth finish yeah I love me some pour spouts right I like it now if I changed it just a little I'd lengthen the handle just a tad for my big old hands cuz I'm up here yeah like you show that yeah you know I'm Way up here when I grab a hold it takes a little leverage away from me when I have to grab it out there this thing would do a great job searing in the oven anywhere in the world but from the oven from the skillet to the table that thing is going to hold you some heat yeah but I would like to get it on some heat and see what happens well folks it's morning the rooster crowed and the beagle and Shan are ready for their breakfast we brought this Oh smithy in the house let's get it warmed up and start cooking something in here there is no seasoning there is nothing just like it came to me so we're gonna lay some bacon in there because bacon is notoriously known to stick we'll see if it comes loose in a minute that is the first sign that I'm looking for is it'll slide in that skillet well let's see what's happening there is no sticking whatsoever which is a good sign and that helped me he's looking good well it is done folks there is no sticking no word take this right here would against metal never metal against metal sometimes when you cook bacon you know it can really leave a residue and stick but that thing cleans up so easy and so slick let me wipe this out test number one is done they pass let's see if we can scramble egg in there and get it all out I will tell you is thick walled as it is it takes a little longer to heat than maybe some of the thin walled stuff but it does hold that heat really well I'm thinking we could have just turned that plum off and scrambled them eggs with the residual heat techo berries there ain't no old in here there ain't nothing I wiped that bacon grease out so that is a pretty sound it is the reason I like to start out with a scrambled egg in a new skillet or something like that is if you ever had a skillet that sticks and you scrambled eggs use you lose half your eggs before you ever get another because it just sticks to everything here and look how that thing is turning loose really good let's chop it up well this whole thing is pretty hot I should have let it cool it off a little and it probably wouldn't have hurt if I'd have put just a tad bit of oil in there or left some of that bacon grease but you can see most of its turning loose here ain't losing a whole lot of egg that is a plus passed the test on both occasions it did now I'm gonna clean this up here in just second and we're gonna do something we've never done we're gonna heat two skillets and we're do a little heat retention test and see what lasts the longest I have an old Griswold skillet that's been in the family a long time and we got that smithy I want you to see the difference in the thickness of the walls you can see this one is a lot thicker than this old Griswold I want to see what it does after you heat it so long how fast does it cool off let's check the temperature first on this one right here with our calibrated what-you-call-it gun we are at eighty six point seven degrees we're gonna let this heat for three minutes so what do we do stop start the watch we'll check it at three minutes when we turn it off to see actually how hot it is center and side walls and then we're gonna let it cool to a minute three minutes and five minutes and then run the same test on the smithy because I want to see what them thicker walls do for retention so let's look at the timing and the temperatures on this little test that we did I'm gonna shoot up this infographic so we we started both skillets at about 86 degrees the Griswold started after the 3-minute heat it got to 401 degrees the smithy however after three minutes only got to 242 not surprising since it has that thick wall so it's gonna take longer for that thicker cast-iron to heat up but what we did find interesting is after we turned it off and we checked the heat after one minute Griswold hit 365 which was down 36 degrees however the smithy went to 261 it bumped up 19 degrees after three minutes they Griswold went down 74 degrees Smith he was only down 39 degrees and finally after we let it set for 5 minutes the Griswold hit 229 that was down 62 degrees and smithy only went down 27 degrees that thick wall is that way for a purpose that's what they designed it for it would be a great skillet to Sears a piece of meat oh my gosh that thing will hold some heat knowing all of this is there a specific type of person or cooker that you would suggest this particular skill to first of all I did I I would suggest this if you're a camper and outdoorsman and you're cooking over a fire this thing is going to serve you well because it's going to stand up the durability is going to be forever but also it's going to hold that heat but if you're a person who really likes to sear a piece of meat maybe in a skillet and finish it in an oven this is your fellow sure you can do that with any cast iron you have to remember you don't have to let this heat a little longer to get it to that temperature before you stick it in that oven is this a type of skillet that you wouldn't recommend to a certain type of cooker well if somebody thinks iron is heavy already to begin with yes this is this is probably gonna be a little heavy overall it performed great to me I really loved the finish that it had on it when it came smithy hey I'll cook in your skillet I promise you that just make sure you get you a good piece of cast iron make sure you use it make sure you take care of it a lot of folks are going to tell you you don't need to re seasoned after every trip I do that's why my stuff has a good glossy black finish and it's always like slick there's a bugs but any of the information we talked about products we use will definitely link below as well as more information on Smithee so check those links out below we think the Smithee folks so much I really like your iron I do I think all these companies that are making quality made cast iron in the United States of America because that's the only place we're going to get it and we appreciate y'all for doing that god bless you each and every one hit that subscribe button see you down the trail folks so folks this is the bonus that we've been promising you yes it is we get a lot of questions on how has that iron holding up that y'all had the field the butter Pat the Stargazer well folks I'm telling you it is held up very well they've all accepted seasoning really well the field I think better than anybody the seasonings just building and holding a little better yeah it's more uniform it's it's never gonna happen all at once we get a lot of questions like my my seasoning is splotchy it's kind of rubbing off that's okay that's gonna build in we have noticed the Stargazer builds seasoning a little more splotchy field is a little more even butter Pat is kind of in the middle yeah they all work well yeah now this thing you know this one with the handle the Stargazer I tend to use a little more maybe in the oven laughs making cornbread stuff like that just because it's easier to grab ahold of in there for a while you know it's got that longer handle have noticed to this longer handle as we've mentioned does make a difference depending on what you're cooking I've used this and I don't need to use a potholder obviously the longer if it's something you're cooking for a long time it will get hot but that is a big difference yes it is and it's and its really got a lot of good leverage here to it with that you know what oh I do love your spot well it still pours pretty good but it always wants to drip down the edge a little too after it's over now butter Pat got one on both ends they have row but they have rolled there's a little it's still pours pretty good but it gets here any of them there's a difference in price range as we've said you know so it's kind of at this point when you get a quality us-made skillet at that point it's just kind of personal preference you know like what what kind of style designs do you like what are you gonna be cooking a lot in like we said with smithy there can be more meat and searing that would be great I'd say the field is just an Oreo to skillet the Stargazer would be if you like a longer handle you want some of that that heat to dissipate before getting your handle I've camping yeah like on the open fire this would be a great skillet butter Pat this is just like a classic I would say on the higher end skillet if you are a cast iron aficionado big word sham big word quality craftsmanship by people who have put their heart and soul in and that's what it's about folks support American products buy American products and when you buy these you know they're going to be good right
Channel: Cowboy Kent Rollins
Views: 290,906
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to buy cast iron, cast iron, cast iron skillet care, cast iron skillet cooking, how to cook in cast iron, smithey cast iron review, smithey cast iron skillet, unboxing, cast iron cooking, cast iron cookware, kent rollins, campfire cooking, outdoor cooking
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 41sec (941 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 08 2018
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