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are you familiar welcome back to my youtube channel okay if you know how happy i am oh good if you are not old yet you know this is because [Music] [Music] my finally this is my microwave if you're an oda you know guys i've always tried to improvise for microwave um i said this one out of my queen for do that microwave this one finally after many years i have my microphone so if i can check on my um channel you see a video where i actually said um how to microwave without actually one food without my query like i have lots of recipes on that not be safe but now if you guys understand i'm very very happy i am brought down a lot of the fact that um well that will not stop me from making microwave recipes um without microwave recipes as that so this is my microwave oven i got it for tac-tac-tac um i have like it was not always a microwave can you see the side can you see this can you see this glass okay i got the glass okay i got ac i got so many appliances i got it directly phone on the store go on so i made a complete video so if you want to check the price and i got free delivery i got gifts this is the way i was never cheating not being say kenny i never played a video but and the autobiography that you can watch the video before this one to see the price i got it where i went to bed where i almost got scammed everything before you watch this one i can watch this one you bought all the details you need let's go them so now let's unbox this the sun and the high speeds [Music] [Music] okay [Music] oh is oh [Applause] oh [Music] big deal [Music] [Music] oh [Music] you have to be careful there's a gas inside lagas glassy [Music] stream [Music] [Music] but when i'm thinking about how to how to fix it now look at this now okay greg is he he be this one will be done maybe i think it's [Music] [Music] so before i actually use it of course i have to clean it to remove the factory smell from it so i just put on clothes inside soaked with water [Music] b [Music] looking for glasses [Music] so what's this one no more washing so dude [Music] [Music] me see that i actually want to test it without without skin like that you this for the first no okay the first and timer if you plug it when you plug it there's actually no sign that is on and when you move this one i said this is the best is the lowest microwave but it's only 15. like it does not have more functions [Music] this is all good cool so i'll just leave it open for breeze to blow inside before i do my before i actually use it it's actually just simple and busy does it both sitting you have to be kind i'm just a lovely strength just [Music] [Music] just [Music] is ours so after covering it i don't know this is but g foreign [Music] is actually moving [Music] you [Music] i don't depend on your food actually notice that thing is not totally closed so one reason why you should actually cover your food when you're doing my queries because of spew so there's no spell oh we finally have my coin oh finally we finally hold microwave [Music] this one is taking time [Music] that's why plastic plastic is like my easy way this thing [Music] it's because of the kind of food that i'm wearing [Music] [Music] once [Music] this is not supposed to be moving i think this thing's for defuso [Music] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] is is another thing is make sure there is face at the back of your microwave what is it do fast no say they use me i will use my hand off you i just wanted to do that queen so that's not digest [Music] [Music] the smoke is not coming out these are borders what's the i just want to give [Music] [Music] my spoons so this one is to control a medium distance with time [Music] i don't know itself itself i don't didn't want to feel that yes or you have to solve yourself do so i said so [Music] is [Music] so guys make sure you stay subscribed on this youtube channel where my head is balanced enough my life is actually nice so boy warm your food make sure you actually post more water and listen to just make it enough it's not sticky or anything i don't know so guys stay tuned i'm making a video how much is um i sense consumes on your electric prepaid method because i have to switch off every appliances then use it the commentary guys i'm telling you um save those you can use your microwave i bet they say we should not use plastic but i came across a plastic will plastic western plastic that you can actually use i'm making that video i'll make and tell you about juice and dr michael if just stay tuned on this channel because a whole lot he's about to hit you blah blah blah okay of microwave um we got so that it says you know as i tell you guys even for your gas or anything make sure to always clean it immediately immediately so that's the smell or whatever [Music] i think it's immediately leave it open like this so that's what i do with my gastro like my oven rather so leave it open so that the smell the aroma every time i escape so family if you like this video please give me a thumbs up subscribe to my youtube channel and i'll see my backpack thanks for watching so family let me know if you want me to try and in fact that is why i got this message because i have so many microwave recipes um this one so many things you can cook with your microwave i said don't worry stay tuned even more so say because but the thing is i have to always carry this thing and put it inside the shed because this place is the only working space i have inside this kitchen so this is it so after this let's see i've never finished challenging the house i just slipped it's degrees so that's how i put it at this time because i might have to be using this one often so it's easy for me to carry and having to shift this one sheets downward shifts others you know you know you got me so that i've seen my venus video uh-huh you know
Views: 14,553
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hisense microwave oven, how to use microwave, how to use microwave oven, how to use a microwave, how to use hisense microwave oven, hisense microwave, microwave oven, how to use microwave oven for the first time 99 (1.1%), how to use a microwave oven, how to operate microwave oven, microwave oven how to use, microwave, microwave oven uses and functions, microwave unboxing, how to operate a microwave, hisense oven how to use, how to operate microwave, hisense h20moms4hg
Id: VXA3RzLerjc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 55sec (1495 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 13 2022
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