Unboxing New Art Supplies

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hi guys welcome back to my channel today we're going to be um unboxing some of the new art supplies um that just arrived from amazon and i'm so excited because i have been using stone age materials for a while now so when i decided to start getting serious about my channel i went ahead and went on a art haul so i'm gonna be showing you guys um the things i got today um the first on the list i've been dying to get these these are the jelly roll pens i have been dying to get these simply because i've had such a hard time doing highlights in my videos and actually making it look realistic because i've always had to use um an eraser and sometimes when i go too hard on the eraser i can't quite get the same effect the way these can you know give that highlight effect or that really white highlight that you need it to be i'm sorry i don't really have a very nice aesthetic way of opening these that are pleasing oh my gosh yellow pencils jelly roll those um classic um right on dark papers add highlights well i don't really have a dark paper we're just gonna i i don't really i've never used these before so it'll be fun to um test these out like a little see how well it just i want to see if it goes like over the black all right okay oh gosh okay does it okay oh okay so i guess you gotta kinda like build up that's not bad actually i'm pretty impressed because the other pen that i had absolutely would not um work on colored pencil it isn't as white as i thought it was going to be but maybe you need to let it dry it's still pretty decent maybe you would just need to leave the area white but i wanted to see what it would do on a very dark background which is not bad i'm going to do a little cute eye i think it's more for dotting you look out see how better how much better that looks right there if you've dot it again i'm not sure if that helps any better i don't know if it dries like i said i've never used this before so it's pretty nice okay so what do you guys think just tell me in the comments because i've never used it before so i don't even know if this is the correct way to use it but i think for this to be like black that is pretty good and i colored that pretty solid so this gets a solid a for me okay so all these next yeah so i have these it says smudge free latex free um no paper tears and no ghosting so if there's no ghosting then it's a pretty good eraser and we're gonna test it out okay that was slightly more aesthetic than the last opening i did um let's see this opened up for you come on now all right well we got more to open oh i love new products okay so we have [Music] this one right here just different shapes oh the texture is very smooth it's nice this is nice and it's got oh that's so cute it's got the little indentions for you to put your fingers when you erase that is good for accuracy and user friendly if i do say so myself and it says sketch plan how cute wait what is the company called it's a company called sketch plan it's made in china all right so those are nice if y'all want me to open these i am going to test them i don't even want to use them like probably just going to speed this up i am literally refraining um from using my teeth right now because i'm just kinda okay why is this taking so long this is a nice sharp edge for accuracy like i said the um the material is very smooth i like that using for a while and we're gonna just the shape oh i don't know i don't know about the ghost thing it says no ghosting i went pretty hard at the top there [Music] they're okay it's okay i mean it's an eraser what are you gonna do so i'm pretty sure if this one does this all of them are pretty much the same as far as the um no ghosting i wouldn't say that because if that's what ghosting is that's the only thing i understand if there is a different definition for ghosting just let me know just just to me it will be the little bit of stuff that leaves behind once you erase it so um maybe it's just for a light sketch i don't know but these are still cool so i'm still gonna use these obviously i spent my money on them so next we have albert castell i don't you guys i have never um really splurged on art supplies even with me being an artist so if i'm pronouncing something wrong just let me know um i think this is the darkest this is 8b um bobber castle kerf pogba castell i don't know um so somebody knows how to pronounce it just let me know see i think it's just pencils i don't know if it has the erasers not let me see nothing in there all right wait a minute struggle.com okay jesus christ okay okay there we go let's see how dark this gets we'll just go over my oh oh yeah this is about as black as this um color pencil over here that is look at this guys that is nice it actually looks um darker um in person because i don't because you guys kind of have the reflection from the light and it really oh wow i love it right next i have a double ball stylist i actually got inspired to buy this um by another artist on youtube i forget but he is amazing and he was actually using this um for like texture like when you draw like fur like on an animal or something like a dog or along for a dog or cat and you have these or anything you want to use like the texture for you actually like you know score down on the paper is that the correct way to use score i don't know but you just if not you just like scratch this on the paper and make texture on the paper and then you draw over it and you should be able to like see the texture so i'm gonna like attempt i've never used this before so let's do like some like swirlies swirly curlys y'all see my swirly curlies so i'm like really making okay so you see that dents on the paper and i'm gonna go over it with one of my older graphite pencils um so i don't know if that's this is not sharp enough oh wow is this called again how cute is that oh my goodness you guys it works i wonder if i bear down harder do you guys see that you see that are you seeing what i'm seeing i think you are so that does that wow isn't that nice or maybe i'll just do um a whole video on just like negative space just using these two what do you think oh that'd be so cool very cool uh drawing and testing out okay wow that is nice guys look at that just some swirly curlies on there okay cool okay so that is what you get using i haven't forgot which end i use i think i use the smallest and yeah i use the small stand so if you have a bigger point right here to um make your indentions on the paper and then draw so let's see what we got here we have a mechanical pencil set i was so excited to get these this is gonna be magical oh man isn't let's just take a minute to appreciate and just just gawk over the packaging let's just i mean look at this just man wait i gotta do that again let's get a full 360 of the box turn it around okay the mozart mechanic didn't read the back and the art is beautiful on the packaging too okay maybe i should like take it out first the mozart mechanical pencil the mozart mechanical pencil set provides the essentials for your everyday writing drawing and sketching needs and with its stylish case you can easily take your pencils with you on the go so we're going to be keeping this case okay you're going to leave them in the case but we are going to take them out to look at them um i really don't want to take them out i really don't so you have the point the smallest which is the 0.3 um you got the 0.5 uh um i don't know i think i can draw with either one to be honest any of them um but if i'm doing something really detailed i will go with the 0.3 i don't know if these are i don't even and you guys that is so nice and they give you the lid and it already has lid in it okay it already has the lid in here isn't that nice most art supplies and they look so snazzy and then you also have your erasers here um nice these little small erasers like the little zero erasers so it's got the 0.3 on there okay see i didn't see that you guys probably saw that before i did oh yeah that's definitely small can you guys even see that so you do have to use like baby pressure see i i just broke it off so you have to be careful definitely just put it all the way down if you don't need that much lead just one one click will probably be enough to go ahead and draw with the 0.3 these are really nice i really like these i really like these maybe i should put the lid down and then thought i did oh you gotta like stick it in there okay cool so that that these are those and that that are these these are that i don't know what i'm saying so that was for these these are really nice you guys oh so satisfying i will be drawing with these probably in every video now unless i am using these so pencil gang gang next i have the ultimate kneaded erasers this is not new for me um maybe the faber castell is maybe maybe these are more superior than the one i already have but the one i have was getting kind of funky so i bought me some more um kneaded eraser is like the best thing i already have one open so i'm not going to open these um but you have to kind of like take it out of the package and it's square when you take it out but then you know you get this so you gotta kind of before you use it really stretch it out so if you don't have a needed eraser you're not a real artist no i'm just playing but i think every artist should own one of these like it's just so versatile it's probably the most versatile eraser you have in your arsenal for being your art arsenal yes so yeah if you don't have this get it so i'm just gonna stick this right here with this next yeah so these are zero erase mono zero erasers okay what is this i didn't okay let's see what we got oh okay um what is that okay i got two different ones so this is the little small baby ones let me take these out i swirl when using my teeth but okay here we go okay so i won't use my teeth so you got this one okay so you pop the little top off jesus what is the problem here so these are the erasers right here these are definitely zero erasers so i guess you will call these like mechanical zero erasers i think yeah and they've got like what japanese on them i don't know you guys tell me the japanese or chinese looks like japanese but it might not be maybe it's chinese i don't know does it say made in china made in japan i was right ding ding ding i went oh okay so that's for the little um a little smaller one oh my gosh let's upside down baby okay and these are a bit chunkier little chunky little chunky of course these are made in japan these look like those little and then these are the chonky ones okay these are cute so let's put these back in here oh wait let's put them back back get back in get back in your prison get back in there okay closed dish okay and it's funny is this the first time you guys are hearing my voice no if you watch my grinch video oh no you would know i really don't want to clean this up oh my gosh no so i'm gonna go ahead and open both of these okay so they're not cheap hey these are extra i don't know why i showed you these first i have to edit that but i'm not going to leave it as is because i'm being lazy decision so you pump it so cool oh my gosh you pump it like a lip pencil yeah they're lead zero erasers nice i don't know i may be using these more than the other ones isn't this lovely they're just so nice looking finally i have some nice art supplies and i really wanted to share with you guys so here we go look at this one oh wait so it works just like a light pencil except where you have erasers and for the people that are digital artists well lucky you okay if you still do traditional art then here you go this review is for you too yes it's for youtube so i really like those those are nice and last but not least for the people that use colored pencils and traditional pencils all the time i need a drum roll please this is an electric pencil sharpener i have never owned one of these in my life ever and i'm not lying to you um by f max i don't know if i'm saying that right features are 4 6 to 12 millimeter pencils um number two pencils i don't know what knit i don't know what that is fast sharpen and auto stop stainless steel helical blade did i say that right i hope so broken lead ejection wonderful i need that i'm tired of these handheld sharpness i need this in my life color options gray black blue what is that what is that for the pack uh okay let's go ahead and open that warning children should use the product under the guidance of adults due to sharp edges in the product got that for people who want to use this for the kids okay so it first starts out with let's take everything out first so you got your charger right here and we have the big bulky eraser erasers you got the user manual which who needs that you just kind of plug stuff up and figure it out right oh why would you put that oh feels cheap so you can go all the way to sharp and then i guess if you want a dull go dull but why would you want that you know why would you do that to yourself so that is where your finger no so you got that i kind of want to try it out now i kind of want to plug it up and do it and see what it does so let's do it i'm just kind of doing this let's see okay what do we got go ahead and plug it up oh and let's sharpen something first that i don't care about so i got this halloween pencil over here so let's try this out put it right here whoa oh it's eating my yo oh this sharpener is the truth look here these shavings i didn't even have to put it in that long to be honest i started eating my pencil pretty fast so watch out for that i think it literally sharpened this in like two seconds and this wasn't even it didn't have anything on it guys it was bald okay wow i'm scared to kind of sharpen anything else but yo like this okay i have matt i see you i see you i kind of want to sharpen that grinch color pencil that i kind of grind it down if y'all watch my um how-to video with the grinch you'll know i grinded that colored pencil down so bad and i don't even know if it's super sharp or we can just resharpen one of these prisma i think it says not to use wax colored pencils or it'll get clogged these aren't that bad though ah let's try it oh my god but guys be careful okay that's really that's a really nice sharp but it literally you you can see it physically eating your colored pencil like you can physically see it get shorter so be careful with that um but yeah this thing is nice if you want something sharp but don't bear down on your colored pencils too much because it will eat it away because i don't even think i've used this color yet so but come on this is very nice okay f map if that's how you say it you got my attention you got an a plus all right guys so that was it for this video if you like this video please give it a thumbs up if you guys have any art supplies that you think would benefit please let me know down in the comments and i'll see if i can snatch it up with my home money like i said this channel is too small to be sponsored right now so none of these are sponsored these are all my honest opinions of my unboxing and my reviews of all these products i don't know why i still have this color pencil in my hand but yeah we'll just put that back and i'll see you in my next video where i will be drawing something so i don't know what but i'll be drawing something so stay tuned i love you all goodbye [Music] seriously get this
Channel: LiLaCreations
Views: 643
Rating: 4.8888888 out of 5
Keywords: Art, color pencils, art haul, Sketching, sketchbook, eraser, pencil sharpener, how to draw, unboxing supplies, unboxing, drawing tutorial, sketch, coloring, Blending colors, Pencil shading, graphite pencil
Id: SqbjwTmGFmQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 57sec (1617 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 26 2020
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