Unboxing a SEALED iMac G3 with MKBHD!

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Wow. Dude did ZERO research on it. So many factual inaccuracies in the first five minutes of that video, I couldn't keep watching.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 55 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/charonpdx πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 11 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Not a Biondi Blue first gen, it's a slot load late 99, early 2000 or something. It think it's official color was blueberry.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 19 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Theo_Belk πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 11 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I actually like Snazzy

But goddamn, did i cringe watching this.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 16 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/w0rtrod πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 11 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

This was slightly painful to watch... if you're going to produce a revenue-generating video, some basic research prior to filming would be advised.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 21 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Brake_L8 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 11 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Makes you wonder how these Youtubers get on knowing so little information.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/macnerd93 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 11 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Nothing like vintage apple for the nostalgia.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 11 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Unbelievable how many inaccuracies there are in this video. Next time have someone that knows what they’re talking about run the show.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 12 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

The Bondi blue iMac is from 1997. It was the 1st generation. It had a tray CD-Rom drive and IR port on the front.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/willywalloo πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 11 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Lol I didn’t know Snazzy Labs is still trying to be relevant. His videos really took a downfall after his mission trip.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 11 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
last week I was in New York City and I had the opportunity to hang out with an old pal marques Brownlee may have heard of him and we had the opportunity to unbox the first iMac for the first time ever this video is sponsored by raft power 60 one watt USB CPD charger thanks to cutting-edge gallium nitride technology it's half the size of Apple's charger and with my special coupon code less than half the price with the link below to get yours today how did you even get this this so this came from a friend in the tech world who bought a bunch of them for his older company and never used them so he had just had them sitting in a box since like I guess the 90s technically I'm not sure exactly when this one came out asked me if I wanted one I said yes outside the the iBook that also I unbox with Justine oh yeah came from the same guy so this is where those came from I'll link that below if you haven't seen it it's a good video yeah so the bottom of the box on this has 11 of 99 and this is the first time it's been opened so this fun fact this was actually my first computer this is breaking the seal on a computer that has not seen the last day for a very long time it still looks pretty new okay so this is cool I feel bad that we're doing this I don't feel that anymore this is very exciting okay styrofoam something I was noting sometimes like to put the Apple logo on the styrofoam they didn't do it for this one of course they did Jobs ISM Jobs had returned to Apple by this point the original one was released in 1998 that's alright so here's the machine itself that's a pretty small computer yeah I mean the box is huge big but now we have this is in fact the blue what was the name you have a name of it BOM Bondi bloom Bondi bloop bondi bondi blue one guys this is the Bondi blues australia iMac i remember having one of these i want to say it was like fifth grade in like the corner of a classroom the teacher had a computer this was the teachers computer and so we could either go online for like the first time as a human on one of these or like play Tetris or something like that this is this is that this is the beginning of computing for me that's pretty awesome basically the same for me I had grown up with max my whole life but this was the first Mac that was kind of mine my dad eventually upgraded to the titanium iMac g3 and I got this one as kind of a hand-me-down okay and so I played backyard sports Freddie fish became a Sam dude you put it back here basketball yeah of course I skinned the best was I backyard baseball though there was one kid named Pablo Pablo Sanchez you he was the friggin best I don't know why everyone knows Pablo Sanchez but he's the fastest dude right right okay so accessories this is sealed stole this is brand new it says important your use of materials that's not a great sticker placement your use of materials on the clothes media is subject to any terms presented for acceptance during the installation hey look at that Apple EULA in full force they'd always just been those guys okay we agree that never make a hackintosh with the included software fine look at that it's called blueberry according to the box so this is not is this the blonde eye blue I mean it looks almost like it is this might also not because there's all these colors on the box and this might be one of the trees that's another blue interesting whatever okay so this is the blueberry no I don't know what's right anymore keyboard this was not actually it's seen better days this whole yellowed yeah it's fine so spoiler alert I've been doing some retro tech shooting okay a series that we're doing right and during this shooting process I've been just sort of intrigued at how tech yellows over time how white plastic a lot of companies use white plastic will have a yellow over time this cable and it's you know she's been sitting in a box for a while I assume it was not this yellow when it was I would have to think I'd assume was suppose to be clear saying this this yellow like more than anything that's all that well though the plastic yeah just a rubber that's gone bad that is AB 90s looking keyboard if I have every single one booth they really leaned into the transparent look with a few in the key caps for transparent keeping everything even just slightly translucent here that's a move all right pretty pretty well look at this Marcus that's the mouse this is the infamous hakufu that's stuck something that actually happened witness not aged I think what this happened so when I unbox the g3 laptop with Justine it was either the chart I think it was also the mouse there's a fluid that keeps the ball moving around oh you're like a little grease that's and that sort of just falls out after a while I guess so yeah not ideal like we're gonna get a little sticky here it may still work which would be sweet wow that's sticky yeah look at that power cable what is going on see now that is cool oh whoa look how moist I think it's really sticky okay this old mouse is super feel that or you probably don't because I you know this was always kind of a little rubbery I think it's the rubber that's degraded over time interesting because just the soft touch plastic but that's completely gone this mouse is an abomination yeah having to flip your mouse upside down to charge it by the Lightning port is bad it's pretty bad I'm not making excuses yeah but this is bad it was so bad in fact that they later announced an accessory there was a piece of snap-on plastic that you would snap onto the sides and it would make the mouse like a normal organ Amish yeah which still wasn't good because this was rounded right so like slightly turn over time it was just really bad but you have your roller mouse here obviously pre optical day so you've got your trackball down at the bottom but uh I mean it still looks like I think you've got a nice transparent plastic it just I wonder if it was considered futuristic at the time to do transparent everything kind of the way you might see in a movie in a movie you might see like a like a smartphone kind of looks super futuristic well there's a list and you can sort of see through it and maybe that's kind of what they're leaning into at the beginning of the iMac days and then this power cable is actually sort of transparent also it still looks cool wires and the plugs are transparent and very sticky is the qubit so sticky the cables not just the ends each rubber it's the rubber yeah something huh well Apple you guys better do a better job you're going out of business I can't fault them too much for their product sitting in a box for twenty years and not holding up was only been honing yours though I mean not the design to use for typical electronics products also came with an Ethernet cable welcome to the unit no dude that's not even me either now look at that no no no they keep we're already a that's for a modem this is for a modem yeah I think there's a built-in modem so that was this thing yep right there well so that is yeah how to turn it on there's a little handle that's pretty simple that's nice yeah it's got the handle on the top okay you put the kickstand down you plug it in plug in the mouse keyboard you turn it on well that's tricky how would have I ever figured that out by myself simple enough for me user manual that's gonna leave that gotta install this look at this though the og y apples Apple stickers and they are huge a registered trademark as a part of the sticker do they don't do that anymore no they just have it a sticker and you know what also really doesn't hold up well over time stickers yeah I mean it's okay it works pretty good good enough for the I'm gonna rock it although the stickers themselves are kind of sticky yeah what isn't make sure you purchase AppleCare service and support and whoa look at this proof of purchase coupons for your operating system oh I don't know why you would need these o to get Mac OS updates and other special offers from Apple Computer they weren't called Apple by then right don't need these coupons okay cool so let's unveil it pull the plastic off see it would you like to do the on one of you have to manager all right being a seal I feel like you got this sort of unfold yeah that's Victor's 52 and then it's Marquez makes this look like it weighs nothing this is a 50 pound computer it's vacuum seal it is pretty heavy whoa dude that was like taking a really big screen protector I was really really satisfying what helped perfect that plastic is I'm gonna go out on a limb and say this is the most recently unboxed iMac g3 in the world yeah I don't have any doubts about that maybe even this week yeah this month maybe who knows thing that looks hot I don't even want to touch it you can see the the CRT cathode ray tube in the back here it's very translucent we gotta get some some Beauty shots of this because you can see straight into the machines yeah all the the board's the cooling the CRT there's like a big massive heatsink right thanks you know what for but cool so this ran an iMac g3 processor this was a PowerPC processor prior to apples moved to Intel which may not be their last processor or architecture may check out the video we made on Apple's potential move to harm if you haven't seen it ready io is pretty slim they they ended up adding a lot more ports in the future but it looks like we've got it what do we have here we have two USBs which okay that's got to be USB 1.1 right did older yes probably yeah not USB 2 now we've got a built-in modem we've got an Ethernet cable for network connections and then we've got a microphone jack and a headphone jack and then our power and reset buttons on the side and that's it on the front of the device we have the two built-in speakers the power button the slot loading disk drive which was very high-tech for the time slot Larry yeah and our two more headphone jacks you know Apple's latest phones and iPads don't have any headphone jacks but this had three three headphone jacks so I feel like that more than makes up for it wait just two in the front oh wow two in the front probably cuz this was used a lot on education right you want to share headphones to kids listening to the same program at once well playing along right sense and then okay maybe that's a line level but still yeah one of these is a mic and one of these is a headphone jack so it's three headphone jacks it's my bad it's pretty good I could go for that they say should power this thing up if we can get it to power on I'd be pretty pumped I would be disappointed if it I don't know what sort of how these things a again we got the laptop to turn on hard drives might be problem harddrive CRT screen you don't generally want to live hard to us for 20 years nourished we'll see how it goes all right let's do it - you plug in yep and then you plug the mouse into the keyboard here cuz the cables not long enough to reach the back keyboard with an extra USB that should that's still alive today that feature right there no USB the keyboards with USB ports oh yeah nice yeah you may have been I don't know it is the first because I'll probably get destroyed in the comment section but I feel like they were oh yeah it's right okay it's also just a standard power cable so if we need a longer one weekend he is one of those this is a CRT so I'm ready for the lights to dim in the studio how's that run down the oppressive yeah hey she wants your computer yeah that's your video I want you to do okay all right here we go it's gonna make a sound for sure I thought you were gonna get electrocuted for a second it sure sounded cool that way maybe turn it on yeah no no it's cuz it was yours turning on that's so good okay let's see that's a really uh makes it - that's a loan it display I'll tell you that much it's asking for a no system drive probably I would I hear no spinning hard drive at all so I bet the hard drives dead but let's crack this open and see if we can boot off the CD more than one CD course I got a whole book of them CDs dude I like software install iMac software restore version 9.0 Mac OS 9 not macros term it came with Quicken deluxe 2000 it came with kid picks deluxe it don't it's not a good name we're keeping that yes great Adobe page mill who's Adobe they're going nowhere taupey page mill I don't know what a dhobi page millas does that make me younger oh dude this looks like a web browser no page no sounds like a web browser yeah and there's like a little browser window back there back forward reload you should put a little annotation to see what adobe page mill is yeah go and figure it out but then we should just pretend like we know worlds but they don't which is encyclopedia this one is just too for your encyclopedia not and deluxe a nonetheless that probably has photos hi Anna okay so let's stick this in all right listen to this this ship's don't work in theory yeah I'm gonna still work so at least once seared spinning up we're gonna power the Machine off and then we're gonna power it on and hold down the C key cuz that's how you get into the software install menu yeah it's no longer one that is useful now we would use command R but you know back then we only had to use one button now it's 2 2 X there is no hard drive clicking at all which makes me think it's just like completely ok you know what the song when you like turn the key in your car and you hear it like kind of coughing a little bit and you're like this isn't gonna be good that's the computer version of that it's the optical drive spinning up and then maybe not so not so much and just like a 20 year old car 20 year old computers can probably be a little unpredictable there's a mouse tough oh let's plug the mouse in and see if we at least move the mouse on this okay this thing is so sticky it is disgusting okay plugs inside of the keyboard here yeah well when you pay twelve hundred ninety-nine dollars which is what this thing cost when it was new mm-hmm you can expect quality Wow oh there goes look at that welcome to macros night it's just booting off the CD now which is why it's taking so long CDs aren't known for their speed taking it especially early CDs is probably a 2x or 4x reader it sounds so bad but maybe that's just how CDs sound Oh Izzie I don't know if this is always the way CD signer if they sounded better over time or if this is just this is the way it was we need to let the viewers know like we we use CDs we're not we're not that young here's the thing it's been a while but it's been a very long time I got my MRI results back on a CD recently and I didn't have any place to go read the CDs so it's American healthcare flip in a while starting up oh wow it's me it's working it's really working yeah would this get warm because this is your fence stay bent they were known for getting a little bit hot PowerPC chips in general ran pretty warm probably not the greatest idea with the CD inside but that's alright they ran pretty warm but hey look at that oh yeah the kickstand you gotta get that out hey yes so much better yes your yin-yang looked like another five degrees worth of tilt yeah it sounds like a printer is what it sounds like but you're in wearing Mac OS 9 yeah dude okay let's go to about this Mac oh it doesn't say about this Mac it says about this computer okay we're running Mac OS 9 we have 64 gigs Meg's that's a lot of RAM 64 X 6 4 megabytes megabytes of built-in memory we have a 6 gigabyte hard drive which is not listed under the storage mediums because I believe it is dead now that we've powered it on for the first time in 20 years we should probably not go messing around yeah the CRT I must we ground it which I mean I don't generally mind dying I just don't want to embarrass myself in front of marques as I'm dying so someone would be there to help me I guess yeah I'd be here give me my results back on a CD though I think this is a success as far as getting it to boot this far and actually moving the mouse yeah this video is sponsored by raft powers shockingly tiny 61 watt USB sea wall charger yeah how can this little tiny thing put out the same wattage as this behemoth a gallium nitride baby rather than silicon which is used in all the charges you're familiar with new gallium nitride chargers have a significantly higher bandgap which means that it can conduct higher voltages quicker current and also in a smaller footprint this raft power 61 watt USBC charger is reliable safe small and inexpensive I've charged my macbook my iPad my iPhone and other USB PD devices without it's skipping a beat at MSRP it's already a shockingly good value compared to the data tech found in Apple Chargers but snazzy labs viewers can save 30 percent by purchasing through Amazon and using my special coupon code okay well our tech man yeah beginning of computers for me like I said like the little bit of nostalgia that comes back is like I remember I don't know if they're built in or if my teacher had the apps installed later or what the deal was that school probably bought them but yeah I remember these being in like the little back of the classroom where you could just go hang out and compute things yeah this is one of the first like bacon products I guess you could say that Apple released before I guess after Steve Jobs has returned to Apple they had this the iBook g3 which was famously the first consumer notebook really that went mainstream with Wi-Fi yeah it was pretty good and yeah that didn't mean they were out of the woods there was some sketch of years ahead they almost went bankrupt in 1998 and 2001 but then a little thing came around called the iPod really pretty okay for them I hear yeah so and then the iPhone and then the iPad yeah they're doing fine by everything else I want this video to be over this is a fun unboxing well right yes thank you so much let me steal your computer yeah and I will leave leave all this crap to you to clean it I'll just start editing videos on this yeah I'll take the I'll take the iMac Pro we'll just swap them up it's a trade there probably is a final cuts one final cut one point now I'm trying it Oh All Right see you later Stace now see folks
Channel: Snazzy Labs
Views: 614,647
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mkbhd, marques browlee, tech, collab, quinn nelson, snazzyq, snazzy labs, ibook, g3, apple, retro tech, retro, vintage, ibook unboxing, tim cook, steve jobs, macbook pro, macbook, old tech, unboxing, unbox
Id: jPktPBG4oMM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 56sec (1316 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 11 2019
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