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I’m so tired of this whole overly dramatic “omg this thing is so ancient” reaction bits we’re always seeing on YouTube. This is like Teens React material. Yeah, no shit, computers were not as advanced thirty years ago. Here’s a fucking horse plow...omgz where’s motor?? stupid expression

👍︎︎ 154 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Dec 09 2019 🗫︎ replies

I can't take Bill Nye seriously ever since that bizarre show he did with the 'sex junk' song

👍︎︎ 33 👤︎︎ u/NomBok 📅︎︎ Dec 09 2019 🗫︎ replies
👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/flywithme666 📅︎︎ Dec 09 2019 🗫︎ replies

I started a 3-month free trial just for this show. This was a really good retrospective of this legendary product. His other episodes are definitely worth a watch too.

👍︎︎ 34 👤︎︎ u/jgreg728 📅︎︎ Dec 09 2019 🗫︎ replies

i watched the GameBoy episode and after seeing them take a blowtorch to it, i knew this show isn't for me.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/martinkem 📅︎︎ Dec 11 2019 🗫︎ replies
( indistinct chatter ) Let's, uh, see what people think about you. - Oh, my God. - Whoa, look at this guy. - What is this? - What year was this? - ( computer beeps ) - Oh. ( computer beeping ) I feel like I'm in a hospital. Honestly, though, these would be cute coasters. This is definitely a computer. - Yes. Right. - 100% computer. I've never-- is this Apple? - This is the Apple I? - Is this is the first Mac? It is, in fact, the first Mac. - Oh, ( bleep ). - The original from 1984. - Wow. - I wasn't even born yet. Same, same. <i> ( music playing )</i> <i> I'm Marques Brownlee and I review dope new tech.</i> <i> But on this show, I'm rewinding the clock</i> <i> to discover the tech of the past</i> <i> that changed our lives forever.</i> <i> This is "Retro Tech: Macintosh."</i> Hey, what's up, guys? MKBHD here, And today we're going to be talking about the 1984 Mac. <i> The original.</i> <i> So this came out nine years before I was born,</i> so by the time I was actually using computers, this thing would have been gathering dust in my parents' basement. This wasn't the first ever personal computer, but this was the one that changed the way we think about what computers are and what they can do. It's so easy to think of Apple as this massive company, because they are one now. But it wasn't always that way, and this is one of the computers that helped define what they've become today. So, uh, let's take a closer look in the box. <i> ( music playing )</i> So, we got your user guide. Oh, look at that. That's how you should be using your Mac. Just kick back. Apple stickers. These are probably worth a lot. Also, the plastic has an Apple logo on it. Even the plastic is Apple plastic. It's special. And there are two floppy disks-- "A Guided Tour of Macintosh" and your system disk. Don't lose that. Something about tech at this time is always this color for some reason. I don't know why, but that's where we're at. Ah, this is the keyboard. Guess what color. 1980s brown. All right, so I'm fully ready for the Mac at this point. That's convenient, actually. There's a handle right at the top. We can just pick up the whole Mac just like that. Just like-- just like a bowling ball, basically. That's about the weight of a good bowling ball, too. You know, tech demos these days are always trying to show you what you can do with it. This was a very effective demo. Oh, yeah. Come with me. I have my computer with me. Of course, you need to plug it into the wall and everything, but I like that handle. So what do you say we, uh, get this thing turned on? ( beeps ) ( whirring ) ( buzzing ) It's making noises for sure. All right. Screen is functional. Mouse is functional. It's just giving me a question mark. Oh, I need the system disk, don't I? Even in all this space, there's no internal memory. There's no way for it to know how to start up without this. This is the important piece right here. This is the OS. This is the system. That's still super-satisfying. Would you look at that? "Welcome to Macintosh." Let's get into it. <i> ( music playing )</i> <i> The OG Macintosh is something I know very little about.</i> <i> In fact, I didn't even own a Mac until 2010.</i> <i> But I always see that '84 Mac</i> <i> referenced as one of the most important computers</i> <i> of all time, which seems like a pretty big deal.</i> <i> So what is it about the original 1984 Mac</i> <i> that changed the game and made way</i> <i> for everything else that followed?</i> - Ken, thanks for doing this. - Yeah, my pleasure. - Great to meet you. - You, too. All right. I'm gonna start, actually, by having you check underneath your seat. - Is it something-- - There's something there for you. - Oh. - Oh, look at that! And there it is, the original Macintosh keyboard. Just the sound of it reminds me of being a kid. ( clacking ) I like a nice loud keyboard. It makes me feel like I'm doing something. I'm working hard over here! This is great. This is so great. Did the average person in the '60s or '70s even really know what a computer was? The average person had no idea what a computer was. Announcer:<i> The strange world of the computers.</i> <i> Devised by engineers...</i> Pre-Apple, the computer industry <i> was really found in just a handful of places--</i> <i> the military, scientific institutes.</i> Humphrey:<i> It was something that companies did</i> <i> to crunch massive amounts of data.</i> The original computers, they were very cinematic in a way. <i> They took up an entire room.</i> <i>They had the giant reel-to-reel tape machines on them.</i> <i> They whirred and clicked and made cool noises.</i> ( imitating whirring ) <i>You had guys in white lab coats</i> <i> who were the only ones who were allowed to use them.</i> <i> They didn't even have screens.</i> Humphrey:<i> So at that time,</i> <i> IBM was the biggest computer company in the world.</i> Segall:<i> IBM-- International Business Machines.</i> You couldn't have a more cold and inhuman name. Ackerman:<i> They'd been around making, you know, calculators</i> <i> and other things for decades.</i> <i> They eventually started making computers,</i> but they had no concept of the home computer. <i> How are you gonna take an idea like the computer,</i> <i> this big room-size intimidating machine,</i> <i> and make it a mainstream thing?</i> Well, the answer is the microprocessor. <i> Pioneered in the early '70s, it basically said</i> <i> we can take the brain of the computer</i> <i> and shrink it down to micro-size.</i> Humphrey:<i> So that really allows for smaller, faster,</i> <i> and much cheaper hardware.</i> <i> And I think Steve Jobs was such a visionary</i> that he saw where that could go. <i> Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak,</i> Ronald Wayne, they were computer hobbyists in a club. Panitz:<i> In its early days, Apple was a couple of guys in a garage</i> just kicking around ideas and putting together some, frankly, pretty janky-looking prototypes. Humphrey:<i> The Apple I was their first computer,</i> <i> and it literally was just a circuit board.</i> Panitz:<i> The Apple I looks like a bad woodshop class in high school.</i> And companies like HP go, "Listen, nobody's ever gonna want that. <i> Computers are for work. They're for science.</i> <i> They're not for people in their homes."</i> <i> Steve Jobs knew they were wrong.</i> And from there, he just changed the entire game. Marques:<i> There were many personal computers</i> <i> that predated the 1984 Macintosh,</i> <i> but what was it that made the Mac so unique</i> <i> in comparison to all the rest?</i> <i> Since I've got a lot</i> <i> of computer history to catch up on,</i> <i> I asked fellow YouTube creator iJustine,</i> <i> who's pretty much an Apple guru,</i> <i> to help me out with this.</i> <i> She's reviewed just about every Apple product</i> <i> of the last decade, and has been a devoted fan</i> <i> of the brand since she was a kid.</i> <i> Today, we're at one of the biggest tech warehouses in Brooklyn</i> <i> so she can show me what happened in personal computing</i> <i> between the Apple II and the 1984 Mac.</i> <i> ( music playing )</i> - I can't believe this is a real place. - Record players. ( gasps ) - Oh, this is-- this is-- - This-- this should have my name on it. This is Justine's aisle right here. - No way! - I remember my fourth grade teacher had one of these. - You could play, like, cards on it if you were good. - Yeah. I was a few years above that. - But... - And the mice. <i> They've got just about every piece</i> <i> of retro tech imaginable here,</i> <i> so what better place to check out some of these computers</i> <i> that predated the original Mac?</i> This looks like all of my latest eBay searches. It's incredible. I know you as a connoisseur of all things Apple, but there's a bunch of other stuff that may have even competed with the Mac here. Yes. Starting up here, this is the Apple II. So this was around 1977. This was kind of Apple's first introduction... - Marques:<i> The Apple-II. </i> -<i> ...into creating the personal computer.</i> Now, I might need a little help, because I can't reach it, - but there's an on button. - Is this it? - Yeah, that's it. - ( whirring ) - Whoa. - So, obviously, it's probably seen some better days. - Sure. I'll give it credit for turning on. - It's there. But, you know, I mean, back then this was obviously something that was revolutionary until this over here-- the RadioShack Tandy. And it's crazy, because this outsold the 1977 Mac <i> because this was $600.</i> Marques:<i> If you pop-quizzed me and said,</i> "Did RadioShack ever make a computer and did it outsell Apple's computer at that time?", I would have laughed. Well, it's unfortunately true. Marques: It's also the only thing here that's sort of a space gray color. - Yeah. - I'm a fan of this color. We can turn this one on as well. - Really? - There we go. I wanted to turn it like it was a knob, - like a TV or something. - Like a TV. The power button on this and the power button on this are already immensely better than any computer I have now. - Yeah. - The power buttons on today's computers? - They don't live up to these. - Then we come down here, and this is where things kind of get crazy. So this is the first introduction to a personal computer by IBM. <i> This came out around 1981.</i> IBM was the computer company at that time, so they're huge. Marques: It's got a much more monolithic look. And IBM was kind of late to get into the, sort of, personal computer... - Right. - ...because they were mostly focused on business. This wasn't something they thought was going to be a success. And this is kind of what started the huge conflict with Mac versus PC. - This is it? There's notably no mouse. - Yeah. And what's crazy is this is the only way that you were able to communicate with your computer-- command lines. - You had to know what to type to make it work. - Yeah. It's cool, but it's not very fun. - Right. - Then next, this is the Compaq-Portable 286, <i> and what's nuts about this</i> <i> is this was meant to be taken places.</i> There's these little notches right here, so this keyboard actually folds up into this. And there's a luggage handle on the back. Just go take a little look. Just go look. If you're going to call it portable, you need a handle. Portable? Um, I'd put that in air quotes for sure. It's like a suitcase. So, the personal computer from the mega-goliath IBM sets, like, waves for the industry. And then the copycats, they're trying to do things like be a little cheaper or a little more portable or have their little gimmick that sells them over IBM. - This was the start of the clones, so-- - The clone wars. The clone wars. I mean, it definitely happened, and that was in sort of this time frame before the 1984 Mac. - That leads us to this. - The Mac. - It's so beautiful. - It's notably smaller -<i> than the other two by a lot. </i> -<i> And it's so insane,</i> because everything was stored on these disks. So if you wanted to boot the system, you'd have to use the floppy disk. And then if you wanted to play a game, you'd have to take that out, put another disk in. And then if it's like, "Oh, hold on a second. I need something back from this system memory," - you'd have to swap 'em out. - Yeah. So it was such a process because it is loading everything into the RAM, and you obviously don't have a lot of it to work with. - Not a ton of storage. - And I always will remember, I think I was probably in college whenever Apple was like, "We are not gonna have a floppy drive in our computers." We're like, "No, what do you mean? We need that." Apple is kind of known for killing off ports they don't think we need anymore. - Headphone jack? - Headphone jack. -<i> Don't need it. </i> -<i> Don't really need that anymore.</i> -<i> FireWire I think they killed off. </i> -<i> CD drive.</i> Marques:<i> CD drive, they were early to get rid of that.</i> -<i> Full size USB. </i> -<i> Yep, all of it.</i> But, yeah, floppy drive's another one. Justine: This was one of the first computers with a mouse. There are no arrow keys on this keyboard. - Oh, right. - That was to force the user to learn to use the mouse. And I thought that was something that's really interesting, because even though you do use a mouse, I think those arrow keys are pretty helpful. This may be the first instance of Apple killing off something - and then bringing it back later. - Yes, yes. - Okay, fair. - So we gotta turn it on. Okay, here we go. I'm gonna give this to you. Yeah. Oh, there it is. - It's saying "no disk." - Oh, gosh. Okay, hold on. I gotta come around. I gotta see this. - "Welcome to Macintosh." - Look at this. Looking at this next to the last two computers, I mean, green text on a black screen, mouse, UI-- - This 1984 Mac really did change everything. - Right. It's what made graphical user interface popular. Marques: Dragging something to a trash can is such an obvious mental visual to have. - Yeah. - But that's one of the first times they do that. Yeah. I mean, this is essentially the same setup that we currently have now. - It's a Mac OS. - More or less, yeah. I mean, you still have that Apple menu up there. Look at this! Oh, man, I'm freaking out. This is so great. Do you want to try typing on it? - ( keyboard clacking ) - The sound you get, too, is, like, kind of unique. ( clacking ) - Yeah, it's good. - It's so great. - They don't make 'em like they used to. - They don't. Marques:<i> Now that I've seen</i> <i> some of the Macintosh's competitors firsthand,</i> <i> I want to know how did Apple take on its biggest threat,</i> <i> computer giant IBM?</i> Back then, Apple was still the little David company versus the Goliath. Newscaster:<i> Industry analysts predicted that Apple,</i> <i> like many other smaller companies,</i> <i> would be forced out of business.</i> I think Steve Jobs enjoyed being the underdog. I think Apple is the only thing standing between them and total industry dominance. Humphrey:<i> So Steve Jobs and the rest of their crew,</i> <i> they knew they were going to have to come up</i> <i> with something spectacular to put a dent in the universe.</i> I was the Creative Director of Apple for, like, 17 years altogether. There were a number of things about working with Steve. First thing was he was smart. And I mean, like, really smart. <i> But what really set him apart</i> <i> was the marketing side of him.</i> <i> I've worked with many big companies.</i> <i> I've never met a CEO who had that passion</i> <i> and talent for marketing.</i> He knew that every product had to tell a story. Humphrey:<i> So Apple created a commercial.</i> <i> It was in, I think, the third quarter of the Super Bowl,</i> so you had all of the eyeballs of America on this thing. <i> They got Ridley Scott of all people to direct this commercial.</i> Ackerman:<i> It was a takeoff on George Orwell's "1984."</i> Humphrey:<i> There was Big Brother out there watching you,</i> and they sort of likened IBM to Big Brother. Ackerman:<i> And this woman comes in running in slow motion,</i> <i> swinging the hammer, throws it against the screen and shatters it...</i> ( explosion ) ...freeing you from the IBM, the International Business Machine's slog. Announcer:<i> On January 24th,</i> <i> Apple Computer will introduce Macintosh.</i> <i> And you'll see why 1984 won't be like "1984."</i> Good evening. Marques:<i> Soon after that commercial aired...</i> I'm Steve Jobs from Apple Computer. We're very glad to be here tonight. <i> ...Steve Jobs took the stage,</i> <i> ready to unveil his latest creation</i> <i> to an excited crowd of onlookers.</i> Panitz:<i> The anticipation of what was gonna come out,</i> it was like Halloween wrapped into Christmas wrapped into my birthday. The original unveiling of the first Macintosh was once of those Steve moments. What I'd like to do now is show you the Macintosh in person. Segall:<i> He was a master showman.</i> ( cheering ) <i> It was all so human.</i> Having the computer introduce itself <i> was Steve's big moment to say, "We're different."</i> Marques:<i> The 1984 Mac was different than everything else at the time,</i> <i> but it was still limited compared to what we have now.</i> <i> There wasn't much internal storage on the Mac,</i> <i> but it left room for third party developers</i> <i> to create a multitude of software.</i> <i>So I've invited a special guest to test some of it out.</i> 128k, people. And K stands for... kilobyte? - Yes. - Okay. Okay. - Jeez. - Got it. Kids today. Marques:<i> Back when I was in elementary school,</i> <i> the science teacher would roll the TV into the classroom,</i> <i> and we'd get lessons from Bill Nye the Science Guy.</i> So, computers count with binary bits. <i> So who better to help me learn about the 1984 Mac</i> <i> other than Bill Nye himself?</i> So, Bill, I'll play a little game that I call "Dope Or Nope." "Dope or Nope." Nope, nope, nope. So, the original Mac came with original software, but then, of course, several came out since then. We're gonna go through some of those pieces of software and the first one's called "Earth Plot." - "Earth Plot." - Okay, we pick a latitude and longitude, and it's gonna kind of Google Earth-style just make a map. So, do you have a favorite latitude and longitude? Well, Los Angeles is at-- uh, may I click? - Do I just do this? What happened? - I think it's just a slider. - Oh, yeah, yeah. - You knew to hold the mouse down - and then release on the menu item? - Yeah, yeah. - When did that change? - I don't know, man. - Okay. - That was deep within me. - Yeah, you just knew. - Whoa. - Muscle memory. - Yeah, it's muscle memory. - Huh. - You see that? It's plotting North America. - So you can probably zoom back in. - But how gorgeous. Look at that. This is-- this is dope. - And it's taking more time. - Yeah. - This is so dope. - I'm gonna give the loading time a nope. - But the final result? - I'm saying this is dope. You can be critical of the time, but this is 35 years ago. Yeah. So, you know, they did their best, people. - But look at that, man. - There it is. - That is dope. - The full Earth. This is definitely dope. - This is so dope. - I'm gonna quit and open the next thing. - Cool, yeah. Earth's plotted out. - Plotted it. - All right, this is "Asteroid." - Yeah, "Asteroids," plural. - Oh, there you go. "Asteroids." - Yeah. So you click it, and then here come the asteroids, and you gotta, you know, break 'em apart so things don't go wrong. - How do I move? - The world's gonna end, dude! Come on. I didn't move at all. Wait, I don't know how to move my, uh... - There you go. You got it to rotate. - Z and X, okay. - Z and X are my rotation. - ( beeps ) - Oh, you got yourself blasted. - The physics of this are fascinating. - Okay. I think I can-- oh, oh, oh, oh! - There you go. It's just eating us alive. There you go. - I'm gonna spin you around and get this one right here. - I'm spinning around. How about that move? How about that move? Get some of that. Get some of that, asteroid. With practice, it wouldn't take two people. - Take me down there. Yes. - There it is. - 2,080? Oh, killing it. - 2,080 for just one thing. Killing it. I think "Asteroids" is dope, right off the bat. I think it's dope. I think it's so dope. - I got no problem with "Asteroids." - I'm doping up. - That was awesome. - So here's the floppy. So what I have to do to start the next one is I have to get rid of this floppy and start the next one? - Cha-chunk it. - I have to cha-chunk it? Do you know how to get back to the main screen from here? Well, you gotta eject and it's not ejecting. Now, what we would have to do, and I'm not saying-- see this hole? - Mm-hmm. - You would take a bent paper clip, push it in that hole, and it would eject, but that seems like a catastrophic move, doesn't it? Yeah, there's gotta be a way. So does anybody have a paper clip? <i> ( music playing )</i> So, teach a man to fish-- gently push it in this hole. - Gently. - ( clicks ) - Oh, I had to go-- okay, all right, all right. - There you go. But still, that was a catastrophic failure. I think we want to cycle the power off. - Off. - And then let that CRT, that cathode ray tube shut itself down. Let the electronics drain. - Drain, man. - ( Marques chuckles ) - ( beeps ) - Three, two. - Look how happy he or she is. - That is adorable. It's adorbs. Totally adorbs. Marques: Okay, the last one is "Mac Surgeon." All right, "Mac Surgeon." What do you want? Body parts? And here we go. "Mr. Thomas Jones, a 65-year-old-man with a history of heart problems, came in with problems of lower back pain. You thought he felt a pulsating mass in the abdomen. You ordered X-rays of the abdomen. They showed nothing." - I think we gotta order an ultrasonic. - That's the spine? - We're learning as we go. - Please insert the disk "Others." - This was how we rolled, man. - Oh, my goodness. It was not the good old days. It was the old days. - Let's operate. - Let's operate. Sure. - He's got a tear. - Let's make an incision. - Where? Right about here? - Yeah, right up the center. - Oh. There you go. - There it goes. Went around the belly button. Pressure's now a hundred-- then what are we doing? Marques: How realistic is-- are we sewing this back up? I guess so. I'm really not sure what we're doing. Ooh, this one. This is a needle and thread. Okay. His blood pressure's dropping. - He'll be fine. - Well, okay. You may be right. - Marques: What? - He's bleeding like crazy, man. - Uh, maybe he's not doing so good. - ( flatline ) "I'm sorry, doctor. The patient's heart has stopped." You say that like that's a big deal. - Um, we could play again? - Well... - But it's quite troubling. - So where are you at on this one? - I think this has potential for dope. - On the nope or dope scale? But I'd have to spend a lot more time. This seems like one that has a bit of a higher learning curve. Yes. Higher learning curve. - Yeah. I'm gonna give this a nope. - Yes! So, I appreciate you helping out with the Dope Or Nope segment. I'm learning a lot about the original Mac. - This has been a lot of fun. Appreciate it. - Let's change the world. Marques:<i> Steve Jobs knew that in order</i> <i> to differentiate the Macintosh from its competitors,</i> <i> he'd need to get it on the radar</i> <i> of both the tech crowd and the "it" crowd.</i> Humphrey:<i> Steve Jobs really did a great job</i> of getting Macintosh into the hands of influencers. <i> He gifted it to John Lennon's son Sean.</i> <i> And then Andy Warhol got his hands on one,</i> <i> and actually ended up using it in one of his art installations.</i> <i> Steve Jobs created that buzz</i> <i> because if the cool people like it,</i> then, of course, everybody's gonna like it. Ackerman:<i> The Macintosh really conquered the popular conception</i> <i> of what a computer should be.</i> <i> And they said, "We're gonna make sure</i> <i> you have the software tools that you need most</i> <i> so you're gonna buy our machine."</i> <i> Here's MacWrite. Here's MacPaint.</i> When MacPaint came out, it allowed creatives <i> to make what they do orders of magnitude easier.</i> <i> So you really only need your own creativity,</i> <i> and it's absolutely a straight line to Photoshop.</i> It all started with MacPaint. <i> ( music playing )</i> Marques:<i> Some artists, like Pinot Ichwandardi,</i> <i> are still using MacPaint today.</i> <i> Many of his works have gone viral,</i> <i> like his animation of Donald Glover's "This is America."</i> <i> ( music playing )</i> Wow. It's the Brooklyn Bridge, but represented with a super, super detailed, like, individual pixels. Yeah... Marques: Whoa. Yeah. Wow, that's crazy. Why continue to use this computer versus all the crazy modern stuff we have available now? I'm a terrible artist. We'll try it, we'll try it. <i> ( music playing )</i> Everything they do is gonna be new to people at this time. - Yeah. - So everything they do is sort of revolutionary in a way. Let me put the finishing touches on this. I mean, I drew a whole tree, and you can-- can you tell it's a tree? I appreciate how generous you're being about my drawing. - ( laughing ) - I sent you a video not too long ago... - Mm-hmm. - ...with a little bit of movement in it. This is that video. And you had some time to make an animated version of it, - which I'm super excited to possibly see. - Yeah. Marques: And it would kind of be the first animation software anyone could get their hands on... - Yeah. - far as personal hobbyist animation. Yeah, yeah. Look at that. That's so good. - ( laughter ) - Yeah. Wait, I gotta look back at the video now. Yeah. The amount of pixels being held next to each other. Yeah, thank you. <i> ( music playing )</i> <i> Even if the 1984 Mac wasn't your childhood computer,</i> <i> we've all been impacted by Apple's innovation</i> <i> over the last three decades.</i> The legacy of the Macintosh is the fact that <i> Steve Jobs was able to put a computer in all of our homes.</i> Bill Nye:<i> They literally flipped the chart at Apple.</i> <i> "We're gonna make the user the main person here."</i> - It's just a cool idea. - It changed the computer from being an industrial tool <i> to something that is like a pair of eyeglasses.</i> <i> Something that's useful, but very personal,</i> <i> and you make that choice based on how you feel</i> it reflects you outward as well as inward. Panitz:<i> The Macintosh computer</i> <i> not only changed the way we use computers,</i> but also has pigeonholed the computer industry <i> into just doing what they do.</i> It was the human technology company, <i> and it was about pushing the human race forward,</i> <i> and Steve did an amazingly good job</i> of pushing the human race forward. Marques:<i> Computers are everywhere,</i> and while we kind of have <i> this whole new generation growing up</i> <i> who only really know computing</i> <i> as touching and swiping on a screen,</i> there is a gigantic chunk of humanity <i> that knows computers as a mouse,</i> a keyboard, a screen, and an OS. <i> And that is thanks in major part to the 1984 Mac</i> <i> and the vision behind it. It's pretty incredible.</i> Thanks for watching. Catch you guys on the next one. Peace.
Channel: Marques Brownlee
Views: 15,538,650
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Marques Brownlee, MKBHD, Vox, Tech, Retro, Retro Tech, Techy, Walkman, Mac, Macintosh, Sega Genesis, Camcorder, Dynatac, Cellphone, Polaroid, Sony, JVC, The Gregory Brothers, Uravgconsumer, Bill Nye, iJustine, Sega, Video Games, Hannibal Burress, Mortal Combat, Mari Takahashi, Smosh Games, Jake Baldino, Gameranx, Casey Neistat, Motorola, Austin Evans, Sara Dietschy, Karlie Kloss, Peter McKinnon
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 5sec (1565 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 02 2019
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