Unboxing a Mystery Closeout Pallet! What did we find? Check out all the cool stuff!

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hey everybody Heather from looked on Pickin here 2500 is what I spent on this palette uh we're hoping to find a more Harry Potter Night Before Christmas stuff and I'm hoping more plushies because you guys love them on the last fire sale so we're gonna go ahead and get this unboxed this is from one of our closeout companies we actually did get another palette I think it's right here um from that same company so we love them so much would just keep reordering and it's always different stuff so we love it all right let's unbox it [Music] all right we've got this top one but I'm just going to go ahead and cut this down as Heather's cutting that down there so this particular close-up company that we buy from there's a lot of hey would you like some plushies would you like some toys and there's all random they don't they show me a few pictures but not all not everything so it's really fun for us there's a lot more surprises so it's a surprise for you but it's a surprise for us too yes it was a lot of fun and it's it's been selling well it's working out pretty good for us we we do get a good price on it because they kind of know where we like to sell right so I think a lot of it's coming from Walgreens CVS um we've found some coal stuff in it but uh really good good stuff okay that Buck's got somebody bit it I was hungry yesterday you're hungry that's great Heather you're welcome it's for you guys that's For Your Entertainment absolutely terrifying now Paul's afraid he's gonna get bit please don't bite me all right all I want for Christmas Hogwarts it's Harry Potter Advent calendar a little late well it's socks 12 days of socks calendar 12 days oh I think we're past the 12 minutes that's okay but it's still a bunch of socks look at all the socks yeah it'll still sell I might try to put some of those out in the store real quick yeah pile of extra padding here oh these are those Harry Potter are these different yeah 13 inch electronic sleeves so you can use it for tablets um anything you want to do extra padding with Chromebooks a lot of the kids use Chromebooks and I have to bring them back and forth to school so that's a nice yep handy thing blankets yeah oh look at that here we go that's awesome yeah this yeah that was pretty they were 24.99 sometimes we're doing somewhere between 15 and 20 on these yeah because usually even when I look them up they're they're going for more than 24.99 yes which is crazy I don't know this time of the year or you can't get that blanket anymore um all right that down we'll open this I'm just gonna open it and let the left hand of Paul that sounds that sounds almost prophetic the left hand of Palms um figure out what's inside there we go so I can turn this off all right probably okay looks like some kind of lotion um soap and Glory stuff it's been selling really well for us clean on me yeah body wash it's a large bottle of body wash we'll have to put this in another baggie just to make sure it doesn't speak on people's stuff now I see different Lids are they just different color body wash just hydrating body wash what's this say right so you just say the same thing I think hydrating yeah they're both hydrating so I guess it doesn't matter the lid yeah all right neat oh I guess there's a box on top hey loosen hitch in the head that's true we've been hitting here before it would have been a whole different unboxing there's us sitting in the emergency room concussion foreign how'd this happen man I was uh beat up by a small little box and it won more lotions yeah okay cool smoothies jar oh smoothie store is different than what that was yeah okay so we have a couple different kinds I like having this table right next to that it's nice oh look at that look at that cherries you could like wear it no Heather you shouldn't sorry all right then we have carrots a carrot corn it's corn all right you want to start singing a song Don't You all right then we have is that ice cream ice cream happy little ice cream that is awesome Heather oh hey we have more of characters Among Us awesome this is Patrick Star oh people coming in keep looking through those I think we'll go talk to them let's see what else we got in here my throat kind of goes out voice goes out my throat doesn't go out my throat stays in my body SpongeBob he'll sell among us this is the Grinch isn't it well we gotta sell him fast not too shabby what do we got here this is I have no idea it's a unicorn mermaid blue Diamond thing Patrick so he was 6.99 so the highest we'll go was 4.99 or five bucks so might go lower depending on what the Market's showing and then this looks like a little monkey it's easy from something wild alive I don't know is that a cartoon or is that just this particular oh it's Eddie Eddie is a chimpanzee I am super smart I use tools to perform tasks like eating I just don't ask just don't ask me to do math great what else do we have in here looks like this Mandalorian guy cute Utopia Boba Fett nice and one of these guys boy this guy huh that's a different kind of material it's like he's hard but if you squeeze him he kind of goes in and then now that's neat oh well that's be why squeeze me they are squeeze animals there's all kinds of things I'm learning and we have a koala what's his name what do you think the koala's name is the koala's name is everybody put in the comments section below what you believe his name will be here's the koala man I'm gonna go Bert the same as Amelia the koala birthday is April 10th I sleep around 20 hours a day do not wake me up please koalas leather sleep all right and this box right here you've seen uh we already have these unhooked on picking these are the dog houses and I think we have a bunch of dog houses on this palette so it sold a few of these already kind of a clever Design This is a travel one because this all breaks down you can put that up there like if you're going on uh to visit Grandma for Christmas or out traveling somewhere they're nice to be able to have from what people have been telling me Heather is back great who is it someone from church oh great yeah so she's like we're gonna be a while so all right so you showed them these yep one of these out sure it's the doghouse right there yeah it's a cute dog on there too it's uh only up to 10 pounds for the dog so I think that's a that's considered uh what small to medium dog I believe so you have boxes of pump boxes Heather crosses upon boxes I guess you could always open it I can go through it and then uh you can keep checking out there if you need to I think I'm good with customers coming in um so you wanna did you tell them about shipping that you're all caught up on shipping I was completely caught up on shipping as of five o'clock there was nothing for me to ship and then this is the video we dropped the video and this morning I have 47 packages to ship two-player laser tag you remember playing this in college yes I feel like we should get this for me and you we should just go around shooting each other shooting each other that'd be sweet we could do that church yeah we could but it's only two people um look we needed more of these These are selling actually really good in the store yeah because people are looking for that if you're going to a white elephant gift exchange sometimes people call it dirty Santa where you steal the gifts um and so people have been bringing this that'd be good that'd be a good idea actually is that all that's in there looks like it fantastic all right I'll open another one let you look at it that'll be easy just to replenish online too oh my goodness that one's kind of like heavy only do not hurt yourself please what do we have here let's see guys oh I see more Harry Potter stuff these are more of those uh 12 Days of Christmas socks that's a really nice box kind of don't don't want to ruin the Box I can't imagine what these would go for at the Universal Studio Park um for men sock size nine to ten for women's sock size uh nine to ten and a half neat I didn't know you needed a sock size what else do we have here we've got what is this it's a wood it's a Harry Potter like this it's just decorative block sign neat just uh was that the Hogwarts uh uh emblem for the fancy stool they went to got a bunch of the wooden signs and I thought there was supposed to be three things in here Heather so I got the 12 days for Christmas deal right there what do we have here guys oh okay it's another wooden deal welcome to Hogwarts clever we can probably put some of these out in the store today and then we'll put these online I'm trying desperately to put stuff online my head there's a man in the store so it does take us a little longer than we want to but we're trying and trying to keep up with all the shipping it's a real blessing you guys are buying from us but I want to make sure you get it before Christmas you know so and I think the I'm asking the post office and the UPS guy wants the last day uh to ship so that people get their gifts for Christmas and I'm gonna guess they're gonna say either Tuesday or Wednesday's shipping and Wednesday might be tight because a lot of the shipping is three days but I talked to my UPS guy and he says they're already a little bit delayed from that so I'll see where they're at now at least in our area neat stuff uh Harry Potter stuff's been selling very well online and it's been selling very well um in the store and we do have other Harry Potter stuff and that is where we're at right now all right let's do this those are great just one of whatever that's their little code that little yellow sticker that you see there [Music] we're gonna look at it together guys whoa what in the world is this we have got let's see if we can flip it around with one hand look at that Crayola dough mega pack my word that's big oh that's cool we'll definitely puts a few of those in the store oh yeah pretty large box it'd be fun nice fun kit there and yeah we do speaking of that did you get the box guy all taken care of yes so we have boxes on order because you want to show the top of our Shelf we're slim pickings Slim Pickens on the boxes yeah I know you're looking at me going there's boxes everywhere and we have been reusing them reusing a lot nice to for the for fire sales we usually use our already pre-made boxes because it's easy at a glance to know which box yep exactly we do reuse quite a few especially when we're packing our regular online quarters so you'll probably see your stuff come in one of these boxes you could they're nice boxes too and if you get one in one of these boxes houses you'll have to read the the tags to make sure we're not reduplicating a ton we know what that is fantastic fantastic we are looks like Minecraft this one has which one Minecraft box is just how you but never mind sorry so I watch the kids play Minecraft too much I can't play I just watch the kids and it's fun yep they can build stuff so quick this has five different kinds of kinds of I've tried to play with the kids before in Minecraft they just laugh at me why are you building so slow that yeah yep they think I'm slow all right let's see what do we have here we have a book nice ABC's Disney baby book it was 6.99 we'll probably put it like 4.99 depends on what we paid for it but we probably have a little bit of room at the 4.99 price on that there but a nice little book there be a nice one there so we have several oh look at this we got some fortnite Monopoly oh my word back in the day when we were almost exclusively Amazon resellers and we were flippers when this game came out fortnite Monopoly when it first came out I could go to Walmart buy it brand new off the shelf and sell it for like well I think I was buying it for 14.99 or 16.99 and we were selling on Amazon for 49.99 and that was going great until the bottom dropped out to the bottom drop it off uh Walmart started selling on Amazon for the exact same price yes this is the more dog houses yep more dog houses looks like we got a couple different kinds of that or maybe this is a different game nope fortnite another fortnite Monopoly 27 new characters so that might be kind of nifty got a bunch of those who knows what we paid for them now I'm curious to see like 12 something then I thought it was like 14.99 or 16.99 at Walmart back then but I don't know what we pay for them today we oh yeah let's see here and then we have a ballerina Tiana almost looks like no it just says rainbow dreams soft ballerina doll ages 3 plus kind of looks like Tiana the Princess though to me the dress color the green dress yeah zeros we got more Play-Doh in the bottom more Play-Doh in the bottom yep that big kit there again I think that's everything that we've seen yeah out of that box okay pull down some little boxes here this is the Smoothie star body wash okay and this is the clean on me okay seen all that stuff super heavy or not really not really really okay maybe there's toys or something and what do we got in here oh electronic key Finders somebody just came into the store we got electronic key finders probably a whole bunch of these guys The Sharper Image stuff uh that we've gotten from this wholesaler or those close-up companies been going really well for us and it's really nice stuff people have really really enjoyed it oh my what do we got here then we have a I'm not sure what this is oh there we go it is a pop-up windshield umbrella probably to keep your car from getting too hot in there Maybe huh that is clever clever the way that's designed and then we've got this is sharper images jumper cables always handy to have 12 piece roadside Auto emergency kit so you have the jumper cables you've got gloves looks like a raincoat uh tire gauge a few other things thrown in there can be handy this is one of those little lights so he has these putting it on there and Shining down where he's working not bad we've got what is this sounds soothing sound Soother just so it helps you go to sleep those little white noise we always sleep with fans on for that reason this one has ocean Forest Rain relaxed calm and white noise relax is just some guy Whispering softly relax have you ever noticed anybody that Whispers to you relax stresses you out this is a heated mug it's nice not bad probably this probably go like 10 bucks on something like this a lot of times you'll find these at like coals and whatnot see if it says super image it doesn't say what it was made for sometimes they'll tell you what it was made for that got a ton of these guys Heather more of those soothing deals what is this here is that one of those key finder no oh projection alarm clock that's clever project Stars up on your wall neat look at all the different things it can project and I think that's all that's in there and then I will leave we found some s'more makers see that there looks like we've got two s'more makers there it's upside down but still we can look at it boom it's more maker all right and then I've got this other box doesn't have to do a great job she's doing two things at one time she's doing an unboxing running a store three things attracting me okay so you it's not hard to attract fall I'm only attracted to Heather it is sanctioned by the Lord God Almighty I like it a lot [Music] what we got in here this is great stuff awesome some nice little squirt guns now this was thrown in there of course because now is not the time to buy a squirt gun we have a whole section in the store now in our retail store of like uh little squirt guns and stuff and believe it or not people still will occasionally Buy one or two of these items so and as it gets warmer people go nuts on it right around the time you start seeing Easter baskets you'll see a lot of this stuff start to go but look at this necklace activity five charms this will sell all day all day long and then more of the Play-Doh kits nice a little bit different kit there we've got a bubble one still usually not the time for bubbles you know you may get something for Christmas for Bubbles And depending on where you live like uh around Christmas day they're forecasting it's going to be maybe 10 degrees on Christmas day so probably not bubbles of course you could blow bubbles and watch them explode in midair that actually might be kind of fun um let's see what else do we have here squirt guns Plus work guns then we have Winnie the Pooh look at that that was 6.99 so we'll probably go like 4.99 on it nice nice little baby toy there and then we've got dots oddly satisfying what is oh you build your own slime kit and then you can put little charms in it there you go all this kind of stuff sells so quick for us and what is this here set of stickers no rock art design your own Little Rock but it's all Disney style that's neat that's what it comes with stencils stickers the rocks that's right we sell a box of rocks then we have bathtub projector projector why is it a projector oh it lights up well it's fun airplane my goodness it's just cram packed full of stuff we've got headbands am I magical yes you are and we've got oh we sold these on a fire cell while back neat huh little pop-up tent that now you're the Batmobile and Heather if you could help me I'm can't get to the very bottom of the box did you do this one already here yeah that one over there I did or not the box I did but the little item on top of it can we get did you see these there's some kind of jungle animal thing we didn't get to see playwright lights and sound look at that kid I think we got it says try me look look at that it's hiding in the bottom it's a baby it was looks like CVS yeah yep oh I try these things did you get to see this nope Love Diana it's a wooden doll with doll clothes and stuff almost like do you remember playing with paper dolls well you didn't play with paper dolls sorry I never played with paper dolls but you with paper else this reminds me of this but just a wooden version so Paul I'm glad you did you played with Legos I did play with GI Joes so this is cool because we actually sell the extra loom bands we do get glow in the dark ones you get multi-colored ones they even come with the clips to make the bracelets all that stuff so yeah seeing everything else right I think so all right awesome now they just told me Hey listen we've got a bunch of toys would you like some I I think I got to see like one or two pictures of it and the rest they're like hey they didn't want to they didn't want to spend time taking the pictures it was a blind buy yep Blind by I like the Blind by idea but um because often they only have one or two of an item like on this they add two of this they had three they had six they had four five two three one four one so like that would take forever to take a picture because they're basically then would be listing the items so that's that's our job oh that one's open okay Heather's telling me to get going I'm slacking on what she told me to do Tooney terrors Beetlejuice Beetlejuice don't say it again don't say it again or he'll appear tuning pairs then we have what Pennywise what is this from um it I think it's a kid the creepy clown from It creepy clowns terrifying young children with clowns oh look more dog houses more dog houses that's great box Z strings original Rainbow rope cord okay you can do little tricks and stuff with rope clever somebody made a billion dollars on this idea all right we've had this before this will be easy to post it's the wobble pen Heather oh awesome we've done the wobble pen before we've sold it before hair chalk color your hair there you go with hair chalk My Little Pony and a whole bunch of other stuff in here Heather okay okay one more oh one more new thing you betcha one more new oh here we go so we have the dog house upside down dog houses and then we also have the elevated pet bed for pets up to 20 pounds so the the dog house is only up to 10 pounds but the pet bed is up to 20 pounds neat awesome just wanted to double check I got a couple of very familiar customers they've been in here before so yep we have a regulars I've got people that come in don't buy a whole lot but they come in and they just they just Chit Chat Chit Chat meet other people talk with them toast it's a good time Barbie toaster Hello Kitty Hello Kitty tears Regan Reagan I don't know what that one is what's the Pepsi humongous lip balms those are lip balms that's awesome those are massive those are cool that'll probably be on fire shifts I think like these are lip balms too humongous lip balms let me guess lip balms anything that we only have like onesies twosies we'll put on the fire sale he's a Mr Potato Head pirate oh wait it's a regular one regular mashed potato we have a rock star potato I could eat a baked potato right now they sell baked potatoes why have you not ordered me a big fan for well I just thought of it just now oh my word all right I need multiple baked potatoes oh look at this it's a light up sword otherwise known as a knockoff yeah a lightsaber it's not a lightsaber it's a light up sword we have Hershey ones Hershey is that Hershey Hershey Jolly Rancher sweets Hershey as it says Jolly Ranchers cool and we have Mr Potato Heads yeah awesome Heather see if we can get it all back in not organized but that's okay we're just gonna throw it all on the fire sale or put it in the store that'll be fun yep we're gonna try to post some of these things of course guys we also have uh the auction Saturday at noon noon tomorrow we're doing our second auction you guys seem to enjoy that so it is not super fast pace it's a lot more of a slower pace so people seem to enjoy that last one took five and a half hours it did take five and a half hours the faster internet gives you time to look at the people think about it how much do you want to spend on it I'll let you guys look at that yep I don't think we'll probably go five and a half hours this time but um the store is open till three so we'll at least go three hours or until I run out of stuff but as you can see I'm never gonna get into this stuff ever in my life oh Lord what do we have here we have these fill wood cocoa melon which I know my my uh our youth pastors kids love cocoa melon he has three girls and a boy boy is very young so we call him I call him uh Pastor baby for fun because he's named after his father Coco melon more cocoa melon apparently it's popular several people messages said Coco melon stuff which it will sell quick it's uh it's one of those things you know as you get older in your kids like my kids don't watch cartoons anymore you know so you you lose track of what is the cool cartoon of the of the kids and we've got Transformers Starscream he's been around forever haven't they fortnite characters clever got like three of that guy there now the only thing about buying from closeout companies let's say these three are worth a lot for whatever reason and we have three and we say hey I'd like more of those they don't have any more you know but that's the nature of what we do look at their Transformers that's a pretty large Transformer actually good size there he was 9.99 so he'll be under that so it'll be a nice sized toy for not a whole lot of money what is this uh like a bouncy ball um almost looks like an exercise ball but kids get to ride have fun and then another Transformer this is Bumblebee Bumblebee Transformer and this is like some kind of remote control wheel Oh no just another Transformer Transformer Mars con converters it's like a maybe sort of a knockoff Transformer we have a few things in the bottom here we got down here if I can get it out of there okay another one of those bouncy balls with Spiderman and then we have Frozen and I drop it Frozen too what were these going for 9.99 so they'll be under that again that'd be a nice cool gift to get so awesome awesome awesome awesome I think it's everything that was in that box and so what are we left with we've got three six six boxes on the bottom there three there so we've got nine boxes left on this particular palette Heather will be back momentarily and looks to me like these are all going to be some level of toys as you can see uh it seems like the ones that have a whole bunch of these little yellow tags have toys in them for us so not too shabby right no customers so we can get lots of unboxing done with that popped up didn't it what is it the pet bed somebody was asking me for these this one's small enough to ship yeah you know what's um just FYI and a hint um my girls had a window bench and I put a I bought a giant pet bed for the pillow on the window bench so just an idea so we got a couple of them in here oh people have been asking me for these there's a these coin jars smart body scale you got in your hand yeah coin jars I think that's it that's in here yeah we got four corn jars another pet bed those two scales yeah okay great cool all right let's grab another one of these running out of boxes guys what are we gonna do I think we should just other unboxings in other weeks we never run out of boxes no that's true all right what's in there no way oh Heather gets her gremlin it's a Mogwai so you just want to keep that Heather so cute Heather may keep him dancing Gizmo flushed out hold on how's he dance I want to know where you push him to dance I can't figure it out pan Maybe I don't know dancing Gizmo plush down remove I don't know how he dances but he has clearly a a battery pack one day we will figure it out but he has the little tab in there so I don't want to pull that out because then his battery will go dead so but he dances he dances so cute he's a dancer that probably isn't for sale all right what else do we have here we've got a paper Crayola canvas set there's a unicorn there walkie-talkies always go well for us nice talking and you walkie I would fall down I actually I'm currently doing two things yeah you are you're doing like three things little dolls it's a um firefighter Little Darlings and then look here's the police officer the nurse you've got the nurse a bunch of walkie-talkies different kind of license walkie-talkies Frozen Toy Story 4 looks like trolls volleyball volleyball hit it kick it color it in the ultimate indoor play ball okay okay boy it's super light that's probably why you can play it inside yeah it's probably like a lightweight dodgeball type thing we looked at this as a canvas yep Safari track oh that's a big one look at the back oh look at that Dino track they could actually drives around kind of reminds me the Jurassic Park Vehicles yes that's cool it's a nice kit here's a oh we've done these activity cubes are sold down before yeah those sold well for us so this is what they look like beautiful Heather all right we're running out of boxes seven boxes left seven [Music] Monday uh yeah a lot of these one-offs yep uh we'll probably have on the fire sale so it'll be a busy one make sure you have your contact info to me you can send it to hooked on Picken h-o-o-k-e-d -o-n-p-i-c-k-i-n I had to figure out where I was at uh at gmail.com so send that to me um it's also down in the link in the description I need your name your mailing address if you have a YouTube name please include that so um that way you'll be all set good to go also you've also been sent your invoice for every fire sale purchase you've made um or fire sale in yeah so make sure you get that paid before Monday too um make sure you get it paid if you're gonna participate in the auction as well yes because you have to have that don't forget auction is tomorrow at noon Central Standard Time extreme Thunder flyer well that is a nice nice feeling frisbee got a blue one and a pink one the neon lightning reminds me of Frisco or uh disc golf all kinds of stuff some of the stuff I think you've seen before you've seen the lightsaber thing before My Little Pony little Nerf gun it's a little robot my first little bot beautiful awesome then uh Disney Princess Sparkle art scene so you paint the white parts cool [Music] football excited hey look at Lego Lego friends it's a waterfall oh well that's kind of cool looking at it and a monster truck Lego monster truck City construction Lego City Construction it's always nice to get Legos more Legos here LEGO's Friends same same set or Legos there it's Lego nice little sets here yeah I used to love Legos back in the day the kids love Legos we got frozen goggles these look like these bubbles bubbles Paw Patrol bubbles keep pulling them out there you got baby shark slime goop very important to have thank you heather I am not his father I had to finish the phrase good job all right oh a little like rubber Marvel character DC Marvel DC I don't know Spider-Man and Venom all right Barbie puzzle 1000 pieces remember these things we always had some form of these in the nursery always at the church [Applause] beautiful are you satisfied are you are you so I'm mesmerized okay here is just a classic Lego set here's a clip and carry Studio Art Studio a wooden ice cream truck I love these hey can we just send you a bunch of toys amazing I think they're good stuff and we usually get them at a decent price so Barbie set oh hey help him learn their numbers but then it has the lyrics it's Melissa Doug too so it's good stuff so oh what is this so it you can put different there's different shapes on them so this is three and underneath it it has a big fish so it's got neat yeah see the number nine has flowers the number four has little like hats I think so Trouble game Star Wars trouble clever we got die cast cars we've got Hans from Frozen so we did sell that from Die Hard no no no sorry that's Kristoff not Hans Hans is the bad guy I think Frozen two swim ring sets we got OMG LOL surprise Sketchbook what are these the cat Twitter Pete Pete the Cat don't beat the Cat Pete the Cat Pete the Cat Pete the Cat who's enunciate it's always good all right or it gets really weird [Music] there's a lot of stuff in here there's a lot of stuff in these boxes oh here we go look at this puzzle that's a pug look at the bug Frenchy clever selfie Creator we've sold this before what do we have here yep you sold some of these on Last by our sale random remote control spider terrify some people some peoples I should be awesome my friend that'd be great look at this she probably disowned me as a friend gym art kit nice these are like those Diamond dot deals oh yeah it's people love this yep neat yeah you've seen that one should just replenish that online those are the puzzles I think we've seen these puzzles I've not seen the Superman puzzle but the bet the Batman puzzle that's Batman we actually had online and I think we're out so we can replenish this eventually they got a lenticular cover and then here's Superman looking Superman dudes ripped there he is yes I do in my mind in my mind give it a squish squish nope it's not a try me about the good ball ball toy about to get a ball Beth get ball basketball sounds like you're stuttering hey they can all be winners right you know and when they're not they end up in liquidation and we'll sell them somebody will buy it what have we got down here some kind of wand Frozen sisters snow scepter it's like a snow globe with the girls shake it up look at that there they are staring into your soul okay there move on let's creepy ball that's creepy I think we've seen about everything in this box this is a poopsie surprise poopsie poopsie surprise I found poop in the bottom of the Box oh we solid always good good toys they'll go well so let's see now we're down to she's got one two and three on the palette we have five boxes left is all five boxes left the customer asking her a question then she'll come back and open up another box these have gone very well for us you guys have been loving them on the fire sales anything that we put online usually sells pretty quickly for us if you want to see all of our toys I think I have over a hundred different kinds of toys on hooked on picking.com and then kitchen and home is our next uh biggest category I think there's like 115 different things for the kitchen and home and then we have health and beauty um just a few shoes that we've put online so far but uh all kinds of other things clothing jewelry uh Christmas we added a Christmas category and a bunch of other stuff and don't forget that Saturday is the is the auction a lot of fun stuff in the auction give you a sneak peek of a couple of the items check this out dad just brought this to me look at that that's brass man there's a brass elephant really cool definitely got H2 because it's got the green felt on it and it has a a brother or sister depending on how you look at it we did we were good here that is awesome that's good what have we got oh my goodness see how all these kinds of things in here got one four one two one two three a whole bunch of just single items but you know what it's perfect for our fire sales not exactly perfect for like an auction I don't think that would be the way to go but really good for the fire sales push pop stress Busters however I love doing these things got a couple of these guys what do we got here some cool craft paint stick neat another one of the push pop deals several of these alphabet jewelry neat there's a metal 10 Spider-Man sidewalk chalk and tin box nice box really like one of these days this is going to be like a collectible and then we have what we have here we have Avengers or Spider-Man what is this here fgteen I don't know what in the world it is this somebody knows what it is probably a season three so it's some kind of cartoon or thing that I don't know about probably worth thousands of dollars and a nail set nail art and cash register always handy teacher youngster how to start reselling from an early age toy cash register foreign set or just Pony playset is that looks cool look at this the Thunder Tumbler that is sweet looking remote control neat cool spinning car control car down here get it here for you nope kind of a robot robot racer clever clever toys Barbie Match Game Barbie Match Game this we already have online if we if we don't have it sold out already on the go breakfast deal and this one I think we have online too the jumbo puzzle you designed your own puzzle paint your own puzzle color your own puzzle and more of that little baby coffee set awesome awesome stuff there's no way I'm gonna be able to load this back but good try here Heather is such a hard-working lady he's out there doing a great job we've been just getting absolutely decimated with people coming in and wanting to buy stuff which is amazing it's hard to get our videos in by doing that so we're trying to divide and conquer a little bit check this stuff out another Fortnight character it's a technique and then we've got NFL matching game great stuff look at the GI Joe man does this take me back this character looks maybe a little bit bigger than the GI Joe's I used to play with but very cool Scarlett poly pocket look at that that's a nice kit for probably pocket it was a year or two the girls were in the Polly Pocket very neat it's like a wooden wagon probably Melissa and Doug yep Wilson Doug kind of your classic wooden wagon with uh classic wooden blocks I know people that pay money just for the wooden blocks they do all kinds of crafts and stuff I think we've seen these before kind of shaped as a rocket wooden stacking ring playwright My Little Pony we've sold this on a fire cell before and yeah great stuff great stuff now the only thing you know we only have like one or two of something so I know that can be hard sometimes on a fire cell winning the item but but it's a great deal great deal for people a little fortnite Nerf gun neat with something Spider-Man down there got some kids at church that just love Spider-Man there it is what is this here the wumbler Rumblers blow them up in battle it's kind of like a punching bag thing kind of like that I think there's some fake snowballs we've sold those before shark teeth Unearthed Chris Heather she is back look at her all right we're done with this box yeah that box we're done with shark teeth on Earth that's cool two shark teeth inside real shark teeth huh that's clever yeah it's like a fossil dig box but still still neat though because we have the dinosaur fossil dig boxes we do awesome I think we're good there did you get the get them to the bottom of this box I don't think so oh wow definitely see that Duplo Tonka you was definitely oh yeah but it's the Duplo size yep it was hiding underneath nice yep we've got those great toys yeah loving it nothing super expensive I think occasionally we'll find something that might be twenty dollars but most are like somewhere between five and ten we're gonna try to put a lot of these I would say fire sale yeah because they're just onesies and twosies but but still it makes for fun fire sales we're able to put some stuff in the retail space and if we have a bunch of something like those doghouses we have a bunch of we'll put that on on hooked on picking for sure or fortnite guys here it's a dude with a shark hammer drift and we've got Hoosier llama llama red pajama read that book to my son many many times a bunch of these fortnite characters they were 12.99 at CVS don't know what we paid for them we'll have to see and we have a bunch of different kinds of this tomato goodness because it's supposed to be Pizza he's got a pizza on his chest though [Music] there we go all the boxes now are on the table yeah yes you can show this here we go there's the pallet completely empty oh fortnite characters that's good because I have two more pallets coming I don't know where we're gonna fight them but one will go in that spot one you'll find a way we will find a way what is this thing here it's a drum set we have a drum set a panda and a hippo and an alligator it's a music set because that's a like a blow trumpet type of thing nice DIY puzzle neat stuff Minnie Mouse big old puzzle and Spidey Amazing Friends puzzle oh it's big look how big those pieces they are huge only 46 pieces in the puzzle and we've got fortnite yep or DIY or the longer fortnite characters yeah this guy is hilarious I love him anyway oh look it's a pink panda all right awesome so we got that one done I'm sure they all have names yeah we're just now but we're old we don't know the names nor do we care yes playwright Nerf shooters pop pixicaid create and play your own video games oh that would be cool snap a photo play and share oh that's cool it's like basically teaching your kid how to be a programmer another one another one of those great upper set and then if it's any door yep yep the ball hoop thanks all right nice the last box folks here we go oh it's done a good job narrating for you hasn't he all right thousand piece puzzle all right oh wow wait is it right come on why why Pluto's on a planet anymore it's considered a moon who's the jerk that said Pluto's not a planet somebody got too smart we need to find him on a plane all right so there's the puzzle and we got some food you can make some chicken nuggets fries fast food kind of place that here is that's a huge set that is activity tote nice interactive bath station suction cup it to the wall it hangs this is the hanger for the little whale it looks like a crab it's got a little spinny thing here neat that's super fun Star Wars Journal that's how you have to say it no no baby Yoda said oh man sorry I do all my own she does she's one yes all right wooden clock very good the hands are in there and it shows the little seconds on the inside Circle all right I got hovering ball shooting game that's cool looking oh so it blows air randomly and then you have to try to shoot it that actually is really cool all right and some activity cubes oh what's this guy record rubber ducky you're the one oh so you're right bath floaty three pieces nice all right that is it you're gonna have an awesome fire sale on Monday we have the auction tomorrow at noon Central Standard time I know we normally start at 12 30 we're gonna try to start at noon because we'll have the store open early so we'll have jewelry some antiques that he showed you already and uh maybe a few other fun things yep make sure you come and join us it'll probably be longer than an hour um not five and a half hours like last time but we definitely are gonna have fun with it um and you guys all did awesome bidding on the jewelry and understanding exactly how to do all that stuff so thanks so much for joining us and um we will try to post as much as we can of these items on hooked on Pickens so check the toy section because I believe that's all we unboxed was toys um no more Nightmare Before Christmas so I we must yeah on the first palette well that was good yeah so that worked out um and then um I think that's it yeah so thanks so much for joining us and remember in the end Jesus wins [Music] you guys are true blessing in my life thank you so much for helping me put this content out there to everyone if you'd like to join these great people please consider supporting me through my patreon page check the link below hey thanks for watching I hope you learned something if you'd like to watch more of my videos just click on them here and if you'd like to learn more about the reseller World subscribe to my channel and check out my other videos thanks
Channel: Hooked on Pickin' Amazon FBA Seller
Views: 70,366
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: surprise, toys, kohls, lots, bulq, bulq.com, bulk, church, manitoumi, fire, sale, flash, ASD, Marketweek, market, week, reveal, mystery, box, delivery, auction, finds, Hookedonpickin.com, unboxing videos, Bulq.com, ebay, sales, selling, Jesus, amazon, pallet, unboxing, reselling, reseller, profits, liquidation, wholesale, Amazon seller, How to, Hooked on Pickin’, Hooked on Picking, pallets, liquidator, seller, fulfilled, new, unbox, Bulq, uninspected, returns, appliances, closeout, Christmas, closeouts, harry, potter, nightmare, before
Id: _1a-Rq9QalM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 33sec (3753 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 16 2022
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