Unboxing 50 Summer Cosmetic Cases

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Just to clarify, pretty much everything except like maybe 5-7 items and the unusuals -
I am giving away in my discord.

Typically 5-10 cosmetics each week till I run out lol here's the link btw if you need it: https://discord.gg/JWCSz2z

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/BigJoeySlapNuts πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 22 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
yo what's up you guys it's big joey and welcome to the summer 2020 cosmetic case drop this has been eight months in the making eight months since we've ever had a cosmetic drop since literally christmas and so i gotta say i'm pretty excited about this one this case i've actually looked at them this case has got some pretty legit combos and i actually like most of the unusual effects that have come out for this as well and so i'm pretty excited for this one i'm pretty excited for this one and uh so again just like last time this is how this goes basically i'm gonna unbox 50 different one of these cases and at the end of it if i get some unusuals if i get some some cosmetics that i want to keep i'll keep those but the rest i'm going to give all of these away whatever the rest is that i don't want i'll give it all away in my discord called the house of plagues if you guys haven't already joined yet i will have the link in the comment section below pinned and uh yeah i'm pretty excited about this one um there's not too many things i like in this but for sure i'm gonna be looking for the hypno eyes i'm gonna be looking for the firefighter which is like some street fighter hair for the pyro and i'll be looking for the medics uh i-visor thing uh i don't even remember what that's called but it's pretty cool oh yeah and maybe the mama cave the uh communist chicken all right so anyways without further ado you guys let's go ahead and start up case number one i almost just press cancel right off the bat good start good start let's hope that gabe and i get some some good stuff here you know i don't even i'm not even going to front i don't even know if we can count on gaben anymore i don't even know if he's listening we'll uh we'll count on jill how's that come on jill he's still he still watches tf2 vids right right all right we already got a strange on the second unboxing the strange bizarre bubble i got i'm guessing that's for soldier yeah i think that's for soldier just like a little bobble head that sits on his head huh interesting so as you oh that's awesome i should wear that for my medic because i'm like i only have like 30 hours of medic that's what my medic looks like 24 7. um so what i was going to say is as you guys know if you've been watching some of my on what fourth unboxing i already got the street fighter hair amazing ah if it wasn't for unusuals i would say we could just we could just stop right there no so what i was gonna say though is if you guys have been watching some of my unboxings um i'm about i'm about mama kev i can't finish it i'm just i can't finish what i'm saying because i'm getting all the stuff i want already okay before i open this this is what i was gonna say if you guys have been watching my unboxings i'm like two for three right now right i'm two for three when it comes to getting unusuals sometimes i get lucky sometimes i get really unlucky so we'll see what happens with this one um i'm i have a feeling i might get something just because this is like a brand new case but we'll see i mean the last the halloween one i did last time didn't go over so well so you know fingers crossed here and the soda specs i'm not too crazy about those ones but so far i pretty much like just about everything i've gotten here all right case number eight uh yeah sometimes i've gotten like two unusuals in one nice another strange i've gotten like two unusuals in one unboxing uh one time i just got one really expensive one and then like all the rest just got flat nothing flat nothing oh the sophisticated smoker and i got another item what's in this one oh okay a backpack expander actually i could really use that i could really use that i like this one this one kind of like reminds me of like a detective and i believe it's not just for the soldier i think it's for demo heavy actually that might be all class might be all class finally finally i can hold all my piss one jar is simply not enough thank you valve finally answering all the letters i've sent you wow and team spirit that's sick for an unboxing getting team spirit paint that's an expensive paint i'm not mad at that especially because i might use that for some of the street fighter here the head of defense wow so not only can the engineer have a mini sentry on his shoulder he can now have it on his head too engineer is just getting a little too obsessed with the the mini sentries what if all those could actually work like that he could shoot off of his head his shoulder and oh that's a sick one for soldier the breach and bomb what if he could shoot it like not only the mini center he lays down but also the one off his head and also the one off his shoulder just three sentries all at once that'd be sick i didn't even know that this was a new hat i thought that this was like already out so wow the spy officially has a spy crab hat it's finally official guys it only took till 2020 the meme will not die the poolside polo i it's a cosmetic i guess i don't know i'm not i'm not huge on that one not sold on that one yet uh the california cap that's a dupe that's a duke all right so it took 15 took 15 unboxings but we've got our first dupe let's hope that's not the first of many to come i'm really holding out for the unusual as soon as i say that that's the that's the second dupe but at least i can finally finally hold all my urine one jar was simply not enough strange count transfer tool okay okay i'm happy about that actually i'm gonna use that for my thomas love maybe california that's that's the that's the third one of those okay okay valve okay i'm really counting on you jill i'm really counting on you to come through man come on i had to open into my 401k to afford these boxes man but i just couldn't miss out come on man my life savings is on the line here no not really name tag okay i'll take a name tag i'll take a name tag i'm thinking we're gonna go through these first two rows no unusual oh i'll actually take that tools of the torus i'm not sure exactly is that suntan lotion i think that's sundown lotion all right i mean i think the scout could use a tan if anything but whatever teach their own i think we're gonna go through the first two rows no unusual and maybe maybe it'll happen on the last three somewhere in those last three i got another strange count and another beat up a bit of cosmetic yeah what are you trying to say tf2 all right look i'm a decent medic for 30 hours i'm decent i'm not the best but i'm decent i'm no nursey but you know i get by strange crab they shop oh you know what if it's a strange i'll take it especially right now these are probably gonna sell great that being said though maybe i'll keep some strangers maybe i'll sell i don't know depends on what it is buy sell i'm sorry i meant giveaway discard okay i'll have some instructions set up in my discord this time so it's not so hectic like it usually gets usually when we do these giveaways it's it's a flood for the first couple days so but uh yeah i'm guessing there'll be like probably probably like 35 to 40 of these will be up for grabs that wow wow yo i want to make them maybe i could make like the mask combo with that that's sick that is snazzy for spy wow it's one of the highest tier cosmetics you can get out of this box not bad not bad at all what are you trying to say man what is this is this supposed to be for all the medics that pocket me huh or is it supposed to be for me what are you trying to say are you trying to say i don't take care of my medics you're trying to say i can't take care of people look just because i focused on the other class of the combo more so just because i've got exponentially more hours in the heavy than i do the medic valve just taking shots at me right now a tour of duty ticket you know what if we ever do get an actual another major update instead of just an update like this which is just kind of a cause i got a strange one i got a strange chicken mop oh sweet uh yeah if they ever do make like another major update i hope that it's in something to do with tour of duty with uh nvm sorry wow especially because i got two of these now but um yeah i feel like that would reinvigorate this game wow nice and there's enough three things in one jeez calm down calm down box number 29 28 okay i see we got in here wow that was actually uh one of the other ones i just really wanted was the flatliner i didn't know the name of it but yeah i definitely wanted that for medic i i didn't i didn't want a fourth self care i wanted a flatliner we could stop there with the medic cosmetics i mean unless it's unusual unless it's unusual you can give me whatever you want the bird's eye viewer i don't even i'm not even sure what class that's for maybe that's for sniper sniper maybe i don't know i don't know i think it'd been cool if uh sniper had gotten some more cosmetics in this one i think the sniper didn't get much but um you know you know giving the sniper finally some more jars that's a cool touch but what what i didn't even know i could get that in this unboxing what oh that's sick i got to see what that's for um i hope i have that i hope i have that uh that taunt oh man i gotta see what that's for i mean technically that counts right technically that counts i i got an unusual right i mean i was hoping for a hat but we'll see we'll see got three mama caves wow wow i gotta see what that's about okay okay still hold them out for the unusual hat fingers crossed for the unusual if i got this with an unusual effect that would be the illest that would be dope it's probably not gonna happen that's such a cool hat i'd have to really look out for that but that would be sick okay i'm just going to pretend i didn't see that and just we're moving on we are moving on to box number 35 here another gift depault so i can gift to pull some of those self cares out of my backpack you might want to stalk some more of those up there box number 36 we got another fire fighter oh man i was so hoping for the unusual like anytime i see that now i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm gonna hope so bad it's got the purple text above it the crab de chapoo with i'm sure i'm butchering that i'm trying to sound like i know french but i do not box number 38 we're getting down to the the last boxes of row four man it's not looking good it's not looking i mean i did i did technically getting unusual i technically got one so i can't really be mad but let's see what we got see we got end of row four going into row five and unusual no okay last row guys last row fingers crossed here we go here we go last ten last ten box number 41 we've got another another bird another bird with a camera probably stole it from somebody 42 come on box 42 train it is not the time it is not the time this is cursed the the hype train in the background you're hearing right now that is just to ensure that i'm not gonna get this unusual strange part scouts killed actually you know what that would be amazing to put on my thomas love i i think that might be put on there okay okay oh really train really at the very end of this video of course the hype train comes by next item oh so close so close man come on come on come on jill come on other remaining mysterious valve developer please please give me something here come on the strange sophisticated smoker okay okay i got a strange one okay what else we got our fifth torque dude wow i can do a full tour after this you know what maybe maybe this is maybe this is the blessing i'm getting i'm getting so many tour of duty tickets that maybe i'll do another tour a six tour five tour six tours and i'll get a golden i'll get an aussie pan maybe it's a sign i'm meant to go back and play mvm you know i'll take a second one of those those are actually sick that'll go towards the uh giveaway for sure because i only wanted one of those i want one flatliner i want one street fighter and i want one of those breaching bombs those are sick uh you know what i'll give away like probably like three of those mbm tickets too i don't need that many mvm tickets we are on like what the last four the last five now bizarre bobble i don't need any more of those last three last three i don't think i've ever done it on the last three so this might be it guys this might be it it's the tourist a decal final two what do we got what do we got what do we got the sophisticated smoker and for the final and the last case of the 50 we've got oh come on oh come on no come on oh come on what what unusual taught luxury lounge unusual fire with what else okay okay you know oh and a strange breaching bomb holy you know what i'll take that i'll take that okay so you know what i didn't get any unusual hats but i did get two unusual the fires uh somewhere at 50 and somewhere around 30 something i want to say so you know what i'll count that as a win i'll count that as my luck is three and three guys i'm gonna keep maybe four to five of these and maybe like two tickets and then the rest is all up for grabs and of course my unusual fire but the rest is all up for grabs i'm going to say that this is probably going to be something like 30 a high 30 to a low 40 uh cosmetic giveaway so guys again i will put my discord link in the bottom thank you for watching this new video and until next time later
Channel: Big Joey
Views: 186,326
Rating: 4.9460177 out of 5
Keywords: tf2 update, tf2, team fortress 2, team fortress 2 update, tf2 unboxing, team fortress 2 unboxing, tf2 summer 2020 cosmetics, tf2 2020 cosmetics, tf2 2020 update, tf2 summer update, big joey, big joey slap nuts, tf2 big joey, tf2 reddit, tf2 hats, team fortress 2 hats, tf2 unusuals, tf2 summer 2020 unusuals, tf2 2020 unusuals, tf2 medic, tf2 heavy, tf2 spy, tf2 scout, tf2 sniper, tf2 demo, tf2 soldier, tf2 giveaway, tf2 cosmetic giveaway
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 26sec (866 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 22 2020
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