Unbelievable Solar Boat! --The Shark Slicer--

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i thought he was a homeless pirate until he says the panels cost $10k and he has a house.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Sludgem27 📅︎︎ Mar 28 2017 đź—«︎ replies
I've kind of been waiting until I got the paint job finished and you know clean things up a little bit to do this but I've been driving this boat for like I don't know almost a year I've gone over a thousand miles in it it's taking me through storms and disasters I've camped out in it for a week at a time so this is my awesome solar boat it's super utilitarian I use it for all my construction purposes it's got like planks here like a big walkway so I can just drive right up to docks and wheel things on and off so nice I will while I'm up here at the front you show you the main steering shaft so this runs the whole length of the boat and it steers my nice big steering wheel here rope wraps around and that gets pulled which pulls on this pulley up here this string back here which goes to both sides I'll just show you on one side because the same on both sides goes through a pulley here do another pulley down there through a pulley over there through a pulley there and back to there it's easy to raise and lower the motors has an electric motor and I've mounted on an old broken outboard now I can turn my steering wheel and that turns this is just a straight shaft and it's got I think it's a three to one gear reduction boss Oh couple more things before we go for a spin in here is that's my bedroom basically oh and I've got a an inverter because you know it's an electric boat there's lots of electricity so with an inverter I have some plugs yeah so here's the inside of my pontoon yes plenty of space to sleep if you were if there was another person sleeping in here you want to be like pretty comfortable with that person six solar panels are connected through this Franken switch control the speed with this thing a lot of stuff for free on this boat so you know I don't worry about things like you know a noisy motor or some charge controller that the display doesn't work on we're let's go for a spin this is just driving on one more let me turn in with you rule 1 run away nobody goes anywhere near that back section getting cotton I'll put a cover on their event [Music] bow is named the shark slicer because it's got super sharp front edges here look at that slicing through the water I've never actually hit a shark [Music] I also got built-in toilets so when a kid needs to go pick aboard hey go do your business and when you're done you can even you know turbo clean the undercarriage so to speak [Music] I can go this speed pretty much all day when the sun's out it's kind of nice not having to worry about gas I didn't show you my anchor yet yeah you can't have a boat without the anchor anyway I made this anchor out of fiberglass and filled it with concrete so it would be heavy so it's not as heavy as a steel one would be at this sucks but it works really well so the whole boat cost about $10,000 but half of that is solar panels and batteries which you know it's kind of a lot for a power source just for my boat but it's also the backup power source for my house I usually have an extension cord running from here into the house so and then you know also bring wood logs up here and plug an electric chainsaw into the power here and use it you know the power system gets used for a lot of things this is definitely worth the $5,000 and I think I estimated the amount of fiberglass in this to be about $2,500 worth of fiberglass actually maybe a little bit less than that around there though and I built it all myself so there's no no labor costs oh yeah I have have all kinds of videos on when I built this like a lot very very detailed if you ever want to know anything about how any part of this was made this is a light I could take this off and it's got a whole bunch of lying here so I can take it anywhere in the boat other pontoon over here also has you know a big internal section if I never drive another car I won't be too upset about it actually I think my license already expired in all honesty I don't know why anyone is driving around with gasoline when we've got this technology full storage pliers so ready for some zombies man
Channel: J Mantzel
Views: 827,271
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jaimie, Mantzel, solar, boat
Id: V7flR0O-coU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 11sec (431 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 07 2017
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