Unbelievable obstacles Asafa Powell and Fraser faced on the road to success and their need for speed

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this episode of the cut was filmed at the Men's Grooming Lounge now this is me in the future always want to prove a point now we're contemplating another Junction in life we live with our decisions it all come down to Choice it all come down to choice I made use of my opportunity now I'm where I want to be we are back in the cut and this Edition I call it the Need for Speed Edition we are here with the Caribbean's most successful rally cross driver FR mcconell respect me and world renowned boy you need no introduction bio you know and Wikipedia you know it take it year by year it's like a whole novel read you know it's not like sticky yeah yeah no no man you just know you guys you know um apprciate it uh I like to start by setting the stage um for who you are today by going back to the early days the the the the the growing up growing up days what was growing up like for frza mcel growing up for me was I grew up in bwalk I still live in bwalk So Country I guess yeah um older sister and also older brother the wash belly um you know two very supportive parents went to school in town all my life basically until I went overseas so you know it was two of my aunties so nine grandkids all going to town in the morning leaving out at 5:30 you know Lop up I have my my vomit bucket cuz you know can't travel without fail I going before I reach town the driver Drive I don't get it I don't get it y me have a friend still just like that too you know whenever I'm in the car this man love racing but whenever I'm in my car this man so so all right so when did um the the driving start for for frza when when you start by riding bikes How It Go for you so always you know aspired to be like my bigger brother you know he's four and a half years older than me saw big age Gap so you know you look up on how trying to catch up to what he's doing yeah um but both my siblings did horse riding um you know both of them represented Jamaica riding overseas with a question and so on um and my first horse lesson I said yo no way okay yeah pull go right in might turn left I try holding back for stop him and he must speed up I I can't I can't do this yeah so you know all the hang me down like the the boot the helmet the horse even um you know I I never took an answer a love riding bike uh took it up you know as a hobby they had these races out at K man where you could you know mot across but you know started to take it a bit more serious and then once the jump started get it bigger the bike started getting faster the the accidents are bigger yeah so Mom and Daddy say no way you know no more two wheels if you're going and continue this race you have to be four wheels which is where transition into the go carton oh so what age was this I stopped riding bike around 12 okay and yeah I picked up gokart around the same time around 12 so that's that's pretty early that's usually the time when most professional drivers pick up goart or is it is nor yeah four or five years no but I noticed that there's like a trend now for young kids taking up go-karting I guess you are probably one of The Inspirations for some of these kids too well a whole of people I mean go-kart is it teaches you the fundamentals for all types of racing etiquette on the racetrack um how to carry speed you know lines momentum all those kind of things it it that's the basic Grassroots for all racing is go-kart in my mind yeah yeah yeah and you you won't you won't find a world champion that didn't start with gokart yeah is yeah it's like a you have to go through that right a passage okay I get you so Safa growing up what was your um schooling you know household what did that look like like me start by saying from 2004 [Laughter] first4 cut [Laughter] Wicked well smooth you know you know funny enough um everything this man just say mhm I'm going to repeat this same thing the only difference is that R bike make one cat you know we we we pretty much grew up 5 minutes apart because I grew up in umon yeah in yeah so I'm from um a family of six boys boy straight boy boy alone I'm the last one episode you see it Festival of speed it's like you know I grew up in church you know all I knew was um church and school and yard you know play around in the in at home so you know from very humble beginnings and went to Orton primary mhm and um then went to Charlie Mount High School um that's where I really picked up track and field but you know before I even moved to Kingston I didn't know anything about no outside life all I knew was leave my yard yeah go school come home go Church go Church all four five times a week wow bro let me let me explain something it B not so bad if your father is a pastor mother but when your father and your mother is a minister yeah man both parents are ministers you know Bible study right yeah man yeah man right true so my first party was when I moved to to broke out yeah yeah man you know so you know like I said on the beginnings um you know my entire family kind of spoiled me because I was the last one you know so I never really get to see as much as everybody else you know because it kind of sheltered me my brothers yeah Brothers my parents everybody sheltered me you know um I didn't start running until High School pretty much so I start I'm a late bloomer m ask you about that too so what about in the bloodline was there man my brother my brother that's why I say we have a lot of things in common my eldest brother I always wanted to be like him um he is um I think 10 10 years older than 10 years old old yeah I've always looked up to him you know always wanted to be like him I don't know if it's because him leave Jamaica and go forign early you know Jamaica and love Yeah man um from s Diego High School got scholarship to go to um university W in the states and actually go Olympics World Championship all them things so yeah man so I've always just wanted to be like him but never really understood um what he did until I went to high school so so what about your parents them have athletic so say my I mean my father kind of prove a little thing cuz like we used to race on the road you know you know the brother six boys everybody want to prove who is faster than or whatever you know my father always say faster than everybody else so we always racing on the road I mean I would come last all the time cuz I'm the youngest one but you know my father my father was pretty decent yeah man pretty decent my mother also say she was but I've never seen I've never seen [Music] it even like said Champs your first couple Champs you never did have come first no sir the first time I got Champs I got Champs I run I didn't even make it out of the first round didn't even make it out of the first round then the next year yeah man didn't make it of the first round and man man get R Wicked Man get R wicked wicked wicked yeah man and then the next year you know I went back I went to GC FAS on my own mm and I did a little training with the guys over GC fer you know say yo y run Wicked Man tell them say we train you see went back to Champ next year I was the only athlete from Charlie mon High School really only one I went to I went in my um the physical education teacher Mrs frza big up Mrs frza and um my brother you know so we of us was in the car we went to Champs and the first day I was a favorite to win the finals yeah yeah man so how the finals you go the finals we get DQ still ex yeah man yeah man but it turned out you know for the best cuz um maybe if I had won the finals I would get more scholarship than I could even you know imagine right all of this Jamaica take over probably would have never happened yeah you know what I mean remember I was the first person who stayed in Jamaica you know TR and successful everybody deed sayama right so sticker inin right there so so Fraser you know you are a aspiring driver at the time did you have to go through the vernam field and the do Raceway circuit or did you skip that level what did you do what was the route to becoming Pro level so I did a lot of do growing up yeah yeah man um davidg you know with like Place R you time yeah I was like 15 16 yeah um in my slow slow bad um SL slow to him but you know um I started racing with the moodies at DOA um Peter you know God versus Soul P he taught me a lot philosophy was always you know do more with yes they they know how to build a fast car they know how to do that but they're going to give me something that I need to challenge myself to win with yeah yeah yeah so you know don't put in the power steering don't make the engine as fast you know leave a standard care box don't don't make it easy for the car to go fast so you know always trying to extract the maximum D the maximum of what the car can do right so that to increase your skill so I did a lot of circuit racing there and I did also rally and I was a fan of rally cross I watched it on YouTube I did all that which is for those watching don't know is a mixture between tarmac and gravel on one track M right so you know I know how to drive on tarm I know how to drive on gravel I was at school in Canada at the time and there was a race like four hours train ride so me and my brother jump on the train go watch him and I'm watching this race and I'm like I can't beat these guys you know I know if I get in a one of these guys I can do well mhm so contact a bunch of race um racing teams two anded one saying no one saying sure come we have a a fun package that you can do dirtfish I race with them for a very long time actually okay dirtfish have a rally school and they also had a racing division at the time and part of their package for you know the fun part was you can drive the race car so I'm going there with one intention in my mind I'm going there for audition there mind there say you know this guy's coming to drive car and fun get there now driving on their their test track that their current drivers were doing at the time and I brought the track record in the first half day M and then I saw the instructors like kind of talking to each other Qui and then them come back and then say all right we're going to change up this session and you know U we still have the talent let's see how we can get you on our team for the next upcoming race so that that's kind of how it all started was with dfish okay come more time I watch I'm watching you race and my my my guy jump all the jump jump there how much how much feet that that the biggest one I did in Utah is 130 ft 130 ft suspending the air for how many seconds we're going fast so probably like 2 seconds no but if you don't go into that jump with the right speed you have a problem a big issue that yeah a big that's a big problem lot of times straight yeah sideway you take a him one of the circuit I mean we trust him so roller coaster but really know aast car man too so not on roller coaster yeah man the car definitely all right so go back to to to your story now SAA um Steven Francis right so I know Steven Francis from his days at wias when I used to train Cricket him used to train the the to come by Place remember link time there so Sten Fran one thing we know about him is a is a big vice man must shout and bar after you yeah man yeah man L what did he see in you as the the the the the athlete that never really realized the talent but the potential was there what did see it it's just the rawness you know um see the raw talent you know in me and um this is something that he could build build on you know because when I ran a Champs I didn't have like I said I didn't have a coach I didn't have no training I was just running you know based off just the jeans you know just not natural Talent so he saw you where at CH yeah man at CHS and just come say yo and they they actually no they didn't approach me at Champs they came to my school after Champs like a week after Champs they came to my school Charlie M no but you did run and come first me win the eats and the semi-finals and then the finals for start oh so see the tent from heat okay so then say yo we can polish this diamond yeah man look like come out for scout athletes you know so right I was the first one so that means to take you from nothing to something yeah man work your right yeah man like that work all right so watch then so I have a question though so like when you when you watch back a video of you back in the day at Champs I would say you're one of the most like technically sound form Runners you watch us like that look how for run but when you watch that old video you look at it and be like yo J farmed it off farmed it off yeah yeah man um it's like it it it's good to really look where you're coming from you know because um yeah when I look back at all them things and lean back and I do some something say Yeah man so that's why I always have to really you know tell Ste FR is thanks and really really appreciate you know all that he has [Music] [Music] done poell gets a great start so does Chambers defish left a little bit it's a power in the lead at the moment it's sing away from the rest of the field keep an eye on the CL it's a power it's quick it's N Point 77 equals the world record in game SAA you start to run now and you're running very good what made you think that yo the world record on my SES I never me St yeah man is him cuz um leaving from Charlie Mount um going to Utch I didn't really have a plan like I wasn't I wasn't like saying that oh might be fastest man in the world like make some money from this or whatever I I had no idea what track and field you know had to offer to me I thought it just make Olympics and you know and stuff like that so I didn't know you know anything you now and you know started training was just joking around and you know hiding cuz I thought you know just opportunity to get get to Kingston Andy and get girls you know and him he he brought me in his office um one day and him show me some videos I remember it was a video of I think Maurice Green and you know some other guys running from back in the day and um say you know you can break the world record and laugh said what you talk about man world record where were you at this point I was I was I was I was I was still a teenager still a teenager just ra out of high school you know but you know and it it it kind of weird to me I don't know if I was um I was a profet or something but in high school I had no intention of really running and running track or nothing like that I I was actually um trying to play football you in high school and I remember at the end the school the end of the school year um everybody you know sit down and we're supposed to write in the yearbook what we want to do become or whatever whatever and I wrote in the book I want to be famous um broke broke world record yeah yeah the year book never that's after St before way before that school before high school and I wasn't even running you see from WR it down affir it way look yeah meete like like yourself so are you breaking the record in training now like is is is fr saying s look on the clock make you get like that and no we we and that's that's the weirdest thing I never used to do anything for him to in my in my eyes I never used to do anything for him to think 976 yeah man check but the man is a genius if you look at him you would never know that he's he's he so brilliant you know what I mean cuz him don't look like him used to run track like used to track no exactly R coach Mill did run hey look at there's something about Jamaica and coaches that just Master technique and strategy and it's crazy it's genius you really have to you know to Mr Francis and Mr Mills you know they they were the first to really you know step up enough and take the risk you know the reality of it you know sa is that you broke the world record you're around 977 I want you to take me to the moment that happened the setting the stage what was going through your mind like how were you feeling in this moment when you look on the clock and see say a year world record all right so all right so leading up to this world record um 2005 you know I remember the race before i r the fastest I've ever ran um in rain and cold I run 9.83 or 9.81 something like that and it was raining and freezing cold yeah and the year before that was the 2004 Olympics in Athens so went back at the same track um that the Olympic was on the night before I remember me and Michael fra in the dining room eating food and say yo look how much free ice cream so you know I mean we're young young youth you know ice cream we eat ice cream up ice cream but at least don't follow this it's not it's not a recipe but it's just the moment you know we always go back through the the moment it before I scam and wake up the next day and we G on the track and you know it was two rounds you know we ran the first round we felt great you know came back around and there was no pep talk like the coach just coach didn't say anything to me me and Michael just talking and just running jokes as usual we had no you know thoughts of breaking any records or no we just enjoy enjoy I think that's the best wayct yeah went back out there ran the work across the Finish Line look the clock wait it for CH wait this must change this real this no real you know I mean even when it change and everybody jump up and look no man CH yeah man you know real when Jamaica never brid like see Jamaica P rway see everybody on the run people Lift Me Up Cate say yeah man man life moment that that was the moment my life Chang that's crazy that's crazy I still feel like that that world record like I mean come on how many you know want to ask youself how much of this felt like a spiritual um answering of prayers I mean you have two ministers for parents who have been praying for abundance for their children all these years how much of it felt like this is God in the midst of this yeah man all all of it all of it for me you know because before I even ran the the the world record I always repeat to myself I can do all things through Christ who strengthened me and just just before the start on your mark I repeated that I can do all things CHR and I just make one big jump the year and warm up myself and that was it so you know I I really owe everything to God always all of it is just is is is for me gosh poers tell [Music] you so that's why they took a long time during that break they were getting make sure this whole track is perfect look how tight Fraser tactics unbelievable went up high weighted lifted on the go back now to to your um speed addiction um so you start racing now you start going good them realize say Talent is there you start representing on the circuit now and start making a name for yourself to be honest with you I never fully understood the format of rally cross cuz it's very complicated you know you have holy different race that take you to this and qualify and semi-final final yeah so there's four qualifiers I win every qualifier I start on Poll for seminal I win the semi-final go to the final I I would have been like 18 17 18 so I get to the start line now of the final and I'm on poll I'm like yo how I reach up here so I guess they never like the the new new guy on the Block doing all of that so first Corner Blum out yeah and up finish the race fourth Rec recover you know put then put me in the wall so I end up recover and come forth but you ever see that scene in Cool Runnings when them them walk outside with the Bob SL on the Jamaica flag and drop it down everybody look on them like yo that's what it felt like it's a it's a Scandinavian dominated sport you know a fish out of water you understand so get on like yo what Jamaica don't know about Relic what is he doing there yeah after that firstent know that when see the flag now have to watch that type of racing now obviously every man just for is there real etiquette there or is just cont a contact so nobody can't say boy touch me no at the highest I mean it's a it's a it's a contact sport so you know you can expect um you know people to get into the side door or or the occasional bump and all this thing but you know at highest level every kind everyone kind of knows what's tolerated so you know if if I open up the corner a little bit and there's a space and and you're right there and you slide in and and it's fair right you know all good but any anyone that crosses the the you know Unwritten rule of you know that's a dirty move yeah they're going they can expect that that's all up to the judges though to decide it's a dirty move yeah they get involved as well but you know the drivers kind of control it with it thems so you know if if I bad drive you I going to expect a dirty move you always you always seem to be very level um in the post race even though I know probably you know that is a bad drive that wasn't penalized that get you ever feel like because you're a Jamaican punching above your weight class in scandin in a Scandinavian dominated sport that you are treated less fairly not not now not now maybe in the first year bit but now respect yeah man put some respect yeah yeah so you know it's the judges are fair you know sometime if you get a call going against you you're going to be like yo can to call that you know every race car driver thinks that they're right nobody going admit to being like all right I did hit him too hard or something okay okay what have you ever been accused of being the bully time yeah some manuver see yo take it because as you say it's it's it's for the course yeah you know the precedent is set so early on in the weekend that if somebody start to go hard everybody and it it's just kind of like a ketchup thing until the judg is step in and say whoo whoo yeah to calm down this is this is too much so has has there ever been like you you anybody have bad blood that way are is is is nothing but love and respect um you know I guess it's Unspoken You Don't Even you don't have you have go you want no man it's it's cool but I'm a I'm a person that kind of deal with things in real time so if if if me and you race or or whoever race and is a bad race I know you bad drive me I come up to you immediately okay and then squash right yeah yeah yeah and squash right there cuz any don't let that go got Bubble Up and Bo up on M yeah man have with it yeah you know we Jamaica it yeah yeah yeah and then half track good with everybody right but there are so many different variables in in in that sport right there is the gravel the Sun the rain the snow the Sleep ice yeah the the the the the the tires so many different things changing to make this race be what it is I I know a lot of it is skill I know a lot of it is skill but how much of it is do the raw investment in the vehicle the car well that's the beauty about Nitro and extreme I racing two series they're both electric they're all equal cars so they all come yeah they all come from one manufactur they make noise man make not nice noise like like Bang Bang everybody there's no handicap there's no only you can change your suspension settings the toughest thing that's why the racing so close Ah that's why the racing so close and you been doing really good we did um I was at the homecoming party when he came third the first year the first year and then you came second just the other day yeah so you know next year that is it up the letter so I expect say first place next year I me that's the plan you know that's the that's the reason I'm there I'm there to compete I'm there to win I'm sure everybody go there for win so yeah man speaking of going out there to win you guys both have had to deal with losing publicly right and in this day and age everybody is a specialist and an expert in your field you get ridiculed you get you get judge all these things how have you managed to deal with that throughout your career for me for me you know um when I go there I really go there to compete for for for me pretty much you know I mean I come first you know what I mean so you know whenever I go out there you know if I run and I don't perform the way I want I want I wanted to you know um I have to sit down and you know think about what I did wrong what I could have done better you know what I mean whatever else anybody else say come long after you know I have to make sure I sit down and I you know pencil out everything and you know see what I can change what I can improve on to make sure the next time I go there you know I can do a lot better because you can't control what people say you know what I mean and at the end of the day everybody a coach you know I mean no none of them have no experience in coaching them have no experienc in what it feels like to be out there you know they will never be out there you know what I mean but everybody have something negative to say and sometime the negative you know comments kind of push you you know a bit further Elevate you and you know I mean give you some you know confidence and make you want to try hard to so it's like you know it's just how you you take yeah how you make it worthy how you take it I mean cuz if people always say things and if you take it and back it up inside and take it in a negative way you know I mean mash up man you have you have to know to use it to elevate I I feel very similar to to the whole criticism as he does you know I'm I'm my harshest critic by far same if if I drive a bad r i but also not afraid to ask questions or admit that I did something wrong and and realizing myself that okay I made a mistake there you know why did I make that mistake how can I fix that how can I make sure that don't happen again my biggest thing is don't make the same mistake twice MH right you can make a mistake fine yeah don't make it happen again and certain mistakes can make in a your world too because it can be the difference between life and death like it's such an extreme sport that you're engaging um how do you prepare for the different tracks um is it that you get a time a chance to rehearse going through the jumps like how do you know I have to hit this jump at at at 120 140 how has that worked out like the whole specs you know my prep especially because we have such little time in the car before it's race time I do a lot of U visualization so you know people close my eyes and start Drive the track if if it didn't know me know say yeah yeah a when I when I visualize I I I hear everything that that the car would be making I see everything uh you can you can even smell things you know and you put yourself through all of these different scenarios so that when it does happen it's not a surprise right right okay things coming at you fast yeah we start with you know five cars lined up side by side so you know so many different things going to happen in that first Corner yeah and I focus a lot on that there is the first Corner because you know 70% of the race is determined there right so you know and a lot of the time if you plan for ABC Z will happen so so you get the track on a on a paper print out do you you get a chance for for drive the truck we get to walk the truck so we get we get what so the first time you're making this 7ot J jump is is game time no no no so we get a map and then then we walk it and then we have uh two practice sessions which is four laps each okay so I mean not the most time but better than nothing um they do calculations with with the jumps to be like okay this wide this angle jump the car is this heavy you need that much speed to get over so the engineer can give you ballpark mhm so like okay you need to get it between 110 and 120 don't go 100 don't go 130 so you know can I get it in the middle there so we you it's look you don't realize you know M what the Tre of us do is is is is quite similar you know I mean I run him drive you you sing your artist at the same in in every aspect you know is the same just me do probably more physical than you know same like when you go a stage show you have to go go practice mic check sound check all the make sure tune properly go there practice make sure say start so it's like we do different things but becoming a professional [Music] so you also enjoy um driving a lot um you you race as well yeah man you race as well do you not like yeah so you where what level you looking to take it are you more um managing uh the younger youths or are you all right so so for me all right so I mean grew up around car well car always brought down still but up you know work on car that's how learn cuz the car BR down you know I mean so I was the only child you know my father never leave me anywhere him go so that's why I got the love for cars and um you know coming to Kingston my first car I bought um 2003 I bought my first car and I say this slow want to go a little faster you know so you know I start modifying the car then I start to meet the more I modify the car the more people I meet you know in the in the racing very helpful Community exactly you know what I mean start me meet people you I start to go to vernam field you know go to do i' never really raced at do but it's something that I would love to do actually bought a car from you know Peter to to race at DOA and end up sell a car oh you know he was building a car for DOA I bought it from him to to to build it to rest at DOA I end up selling it because you know I was too busy doing and field you know go vernam field I race a vernam field all the time you know love love the drag racing thing you know so it's something it's something in blood speeding blood yeah I know I know I know so all right as a athlete right cuz we all know that Athletics more than most jobs retirement is more inevitable because you know there going to come a age where you can't you're not Optimum anymore you can't really run to a competitive level against these younger youths coming up were you more looking forward to a retirement day or were you dreading that retirement um I would say I'm more dreading was more dreading the the day um to come yeah man because um something where you love yes and that's what you knew from high school Tru and feel Tru and feel me know you know this is how this is my job yeah you know it's my job and you know like you said you you don't even know when the day will come cuz a lot of athletes you know come out bright bright Talent bright future but future end like two year you know yeah burn out they get injured and can't come back you know um atlet you find atlet always get injured and you know cut their their time in the sport and I was fortunate enough to go almost 20 years 20 years but you know what I mean but but having said that when I I look at your bi mhm every three par paragraphs is another injury yeah man how much was injury a part of taking from the the greatness that I would say it injuries take away a lot a lot you know and you know I always go back and say if I could change anything I would change a lot of the decisions that I made you know I make certain decisions that could have make pass that really cost me you know you a lot like skiing a meet here exactly you know what I mean so injuries injuries is our worst enemy injuries our worst worst enemy at least worst enemy that's that's the only thing we can stop with you know injuries you know so that that has played you know a major role in my career you know over over years but I can't never be ungrateful you know I mean no man no you do the dirt man you do the dirt proper proper way man and and even the grind injury I have a grind injury and that thing never something your grind your grind never stop moving [Laughter] never no but no but I can I can tell you about the grind G and from I was a young youth had that and sometime it right something when I knew that you I was like I think so speaking of injuries what is a injury that can hurt you no because no because big man we play ball all the time you know so we know have to take time but [Laughter] take with we take time with Golden Boy you know so we want to you see me but you've always been the All or Nothing type of guy a lot of the time before I got to ball I'm like yo I probably shouldn't go know it you know the man still a cardio is still a fit I mean my my my Fitness training very seriously um so you know football is like a half day kind of fun where I get to also burn and exercise but um yeah it it come with a risk every time you step on the field you know anytime you do something out of the ordinary prep is a risk but you know you have to enjoy your what kind of training you normally have to do like what what what you have to always like improve on like I do a lot of core um you know a lot of balance work so you know I'll do I'll do weighted workouts but not heavy so a lot of balance a lot of coordination kind of things like that you have to you have to do like that's form one okay okay okay I do like I do like high intensity um training you know the longest I'll do is 45 minute you know my races are only 10 minute long but I'll do I'll do five or six of them per day so it's not as lot of time you yeah man all out you know we this heart monitor thing I we when I drive it go up to 160 170 know you're moving a lot the g4ce is man I go do the go thing man Place body body sore up man all yeah so sa um you remember say a fellow YouTube YouTuber very YouTu like we how have you been enjoying that um week people don't know the work and the effort that goes into putting out multiple YouTube videos per week to see you um with your family and the PO what's the process like by the way you you you edit yeah I I edit I edit you yeah man I edit you know because um I actually you know have a friend who you know I want to edit my videos but it it would take weeks man yeah know you can't trust people for exactly so it's like you know based on the schedule you know that have you have to step up and say yo if we want drop one or two video a week have to edit it you know what it want to be like yeah exactly family yeah and and I like I like when the videos just just raw you know like yeah autic people want Au yeah I mean know that's what they watch it know I mean so you know it's it's hard it's hard man hard you know it's sometime a video for 20 minutes they say 20 minutes you know they don't know how much going into that yeah no it's true yeah sometime you have to go some place you know want to go know yeah yeah you have to like you know just to make content you know so it's it's it's very it's very um difficult very time consuming and you know um it's very challenging to even come up with like a simple thing as a thumbnail like my house it's like yo me response for that still so me have to bust my brain every thumbnail is a crucial thing people know just the thumbnail thumbnail is the decid so once you have good content you need to pull people in there are thousands millions of videos that they can choose from why are they going to click your video you have to pull them people watch why click on this it have to be something something you know I mean I'm new to that world still I a couple Vlogs here and there actually the first two Vlogs I did was all me recording all me editing but you know the like I said the time that it take and also the focus that it took away from me to to drive I can't I can't that person that video on the same day okay now we get into the detail of a race you know you have your data card and when you go and plug that in with the engineer the track could be 1 km long and the lap takeing 40 seconds to do but when you go through with the engineer and analyze one lap you'll be sitting down there for 10 minutes for one lap yeah yeah and then you say all right go back to that same Corner two races before and you look and it's so detailed of what you study because you know the margins are very thiny now I mean 100 m one10 is you know massive you know even down to the 100 to be like what know all about drive phas and then very very very technical te technical so with the Vlog I found that took away a lot of my time to right to focus on the race yeah time consuming man I kind of put that one thing I can take away from it it um it has you know helped me a lot to like you know to like open up in certain ways and you know what I mean just you know Express you know talk cuz I was I was a very quiet person you know I mean I mean in my group you know I'm the clown but you know like to open up to everybody and stuff like that you know bring people in your home and stuff like that you know it it it help as it good at good and it's like Thy yeah man in sense they have the trolls you know on it yeah yeah but we not watch that watch that delete block keep it moving so all right so family let me ask you about family cuz Fe family conversation longer than years you have you have kids yet no no no um engage no right nothing FOC focus on your Need for Speed so family for you now um I know you have is it four kids yes four kids um you have two wonderful kids um Assaf and and amik with with with your Lov hi hello inseparable yeah for sure for sure sure Alicia is but she coming like man yo even the accent you can't really our friends say yo you sound Jamaican tell you and you have been spending time in in Ghana as well what are some of the similarities cultural similarities with with well you know first first let me say you know yeah man I have to Big up my wife and stuff and um you know thanks to her and you know my my family and stuff you know it it was it was a easier decision for me to retire from the sports you know so I get to spend a lot more time you know with the family you know and you know get to focus on me you know um and the family you know so you know me going to Ghana for me was was really a a shock because you know I landed in Ghana and I tell her if you if you just close your eyee like this and open your eye and just driving in Ghana you swear you place in Jamaica really you swear you Jamaica pull stop Jamaica listen but but it it it's very similar you know what I mean if they if they don't open the mouth and speak and hear the accent you don't know that you're not in Jamaica so for me that was that was a shock to know that I can just fit in this place it's just like Jamaica mean you know I would love for every Jamaican who can you know go to Ghana or yeah just to go and experience it yeah yeah so so um what about you where where is the most exotic where is the destination that you go go drive where you say yo that place normal I actually RAC in South Africa once and it was it was wicked it was proper yeah yeah yeah yeah wow that must have been crazy tough yeah you have um a support system where travel with you you have Uncle aunties people like your family are really invested in in oh big time I don't have no P or nothing um or or you family from my own but you know my family my parents my sisters uncles aunts is a very big part of of you know what what I am you know um very tight family and my biggest support system you know when when things going good they're there they're there to celebrate with me when things going bad you know they're there to you know make things better um you know you have a hectic thing you sign up th000 autograph take a 100 picture come back home and it's just back to normal so that's that's the best thing for me um you know keep me grounded of course um but yeah I couldn't ask for a better parent we basically done the reason you know when when and L the reason even but you have been one of Jamaica's greatest um athletic ambassadors was there a a dark time where you can say boy that was my worst moment of my career and you know you know just a time where you wish none of this was happening MH I mean yeah man um I've had I've had a few of those honestly and they felt pretty much the same you know I remember my my first time 2007 World Championship games um there was no way in on goder I was supposed to lose the race and um you know things happened before and all that stuff and it caused me to to to lose the race and you know I was trust me I I I I tell myself some things man and I have to really you know yeah it yeah man and and then 2008 you know Olympic Games you know the finals I didn't you know run like you know I was supposed to you know and um I was very I was very you know tough on myself you know I think those were my darkest moments and I had to kind of pull myself out of the dark that's where family come they actually had to flew my my brother and my father to the games Beijing after the games because I was I was yeah man I was in a state man yeah yeah yeah when you give you everything it don't come yeah devastating man but but there have been so many highs to bounce back on and to to kind of you know exactly think about in those moments it's just like you know just one of them thing there life right we go through the ups and we go through the downs I take the good or the bad that's just one thing that is Con the thing is you know when you when you when you do something something like when when you driving and you drive your best you know and you still get being I mean you can't you can't really be you did your best you know the things you can't control what the other anybody else do you know on the track eight people are nine people on the track you can control them other lanes Ian you have to focus on what you doing so if them run and everybody else break our record and you break a record as well you can't you can't be upset cuz you did your best at that time but if you know that you're supposed to do this and everybody do whatever and you stress you out man stress man gentlemen this conversation has been great the the Need for Speed Edition and it live up to it live up to expectation for sure give thanks I'll be watching you on YouTube so I would be keeping up even if we not talk every day the phone I be keeping up with you and of course we looking forward to a big season um third second so it only up after you know say me you know say it's a long story I should say it's a short story I don't think going back to any Glory might but yeah man give thanks J definitely [Music]
Channel: Meet The Mitchells
Views: 76,153
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tami chynn, tamichynn, tami chin, tamichin, tamichinmitchell, tami chin mitchell, waynemarshall, wayne marshall, familyvlog, family vlog, jamaican family, jamaican families, blended family, blended families, big families, big family, meetthemitchells, Meet The Mitchells, Jamaica, Motherhood, MomOfBoys, Mom of boys, husband and wife, married, raising kids, familyvlogs, family vlogs, vlogs, jamaican marriage, jamaican couple, newborn, birth vlog
Id: kL9yMDWahMA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 12sec (3252 seconds)
Published: Tue May 14 2024
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